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磷是作物营养三要素之一。磷肥在所有化肥中利用率是最低的,目前的利用率仅为10%~25%。为了提高磷肥的利用率,必须从土壤性状、作物特眭、轮作制度、磷肥品种以及施用技术等方面加以综合考虑。 相似文献
为解决水稻生产中磷肥适宜用量及提高水稻产量效益问题,以江苏水稻‘9108’为试验材料,采用不同磷肥用量方法对水稻产量、经济效益、磷肥利用率及土壤养分含量进行研究。结果表明:施磷 37.5 kg/hm 2水稻产量最高,达到了11781.15 kg/hm 2。磷肥用量在37.5 kg/hm 2的基础上增施磷肥水稻磷肥利用率、磷肥生理利用率、磷肥农学利用率和磷肥偏生产力呈现下降趋势,施磷37.5 kg/hm 2磷肥效率均最高。增施磷肥降低了土壤pH、有机质和碱解氮含量,增加了土壤有效磷、速效钾含量。水稻经济效益随施磷量的增加而增加,施磷量超过37.5 kg/hm 2经济效益下降。综合上述结论拟推荐兴化水稻生产中磷肥适用量为37.5 kg/hm 2。 相似文献
以杂交水稻品种科优21作试验材料,在福泉市中等肥力田块开展种磷肥对产量及肥料利用率影响试验。结果表明,施用促释磷肥水稻产量和肥料利用率最高,施用新华磷肥的产量和肥料利用率均居第2位,施用普钙的产量和肥料利用率均居第三,其中产量分别比空白对照高6.4%、2.83%和2.27%,肥料利用率分别为9.18%、4%、3.29%。 相似文献
本试验在连续3年定位试验的基础上,设计4个施磷(P2 O5)处理:玉米季(0,120,240,480 kg·hm-2)、小麦季(0,75,150,300 kg·hm-2),探究不同施磷量对玉米-小麦轮作体系籽粒产量、氮磷吸收量、磷肥利用率及土壤磷素盈亏的影响.结果表明,与ck相比,各施磷处理作物籽粒产量、生物量均增加,... 相似文献
通过不同磷素水平土壤的田间肥效试验,研究了棕壤土花生施磷效果,确定出土壤中有效磷的适宜值及适宜的N/P和P/K比值,研究出根据土壤养分和空白产量水平进行定量施肥的技术。 相似文献
研究表明,氮60%,磷、钾肥全作基肥,氮肥30%作穗肥,氮肥10%作粒肥的处理能较好地满足水稻生长发育对营养的需求,改善水稻的经济性状,提高水稻产量和氮,磷,钾肥的利用率,产量达717.4kg/667m^2,氮,磷,钾肥利用率分别为51.4%,42.2%,73.9%。比氮20%,磷,钾肥全作基肥,氮肥80%作蘖肥的处理增产10.13%,氮,磷,钾肥利用率分别提高12.1,9.9,17.4个百分点(绝对差);比磷肥作基肥,氮肥作分蘖肥的处理增产31.87%,氮,磷肥利用率分别提高21.2,20.6个百分点(绝对差),比不施化肥处理增高64.54%。 相似文献
明确磷素吸收利用特性,是磷素高效利用及作物高产的基础。本研究通过2年田间磷肥梯度定位试验,研究不同磷肥供应(0、37.5、75、150和300kghm^–2,分别用P0、P1、P2、P3和P4表示)对甜玉米产量、不同器官生物量和磷素累积与分配、磷素转运特征和磷肥利用效率的影响。结果表明,磷肥供应均显著提高2018年和2019年甜玉米的鲜穗产量,但不同磷肥供应处理(P1~P4)之间的产量差异不显著,磷肥供应显著提高甜玉米拔节期、吐丝期和鲜食期植株的生物量及磷素累积量,其中籽粒磷素累积量约占植株磷素累积量的42%。磷肥供应下花后磷同化对甜玉米穗部磷素累积量的贡献率达到57.3%~93.0%;而1kg磷素生产鲜穗量、磷素生理效率、农学效率、回收利用率和偏生产力均随着磷肥供应量增加而明显下降。综合考虑产量与磷肥利用效率,在本试验条件下,37.5 kg hm^–2磷肥供应可满足甜玉米高产和磷肥高效利用的需求。 相似文献
在不同缺磷土壤上进行定位试验,研究磷肥效应和土壤磷素的供应状况。试验在红黄泥和河沙泥两种土壤上进行,包括不施肥(CK)、氮钾肥(NK)、氮磷钾肥(NPK)、氮磷钾肥加稻草还田(NPK+RS)4个处理。结果表明,施磷能够提高水稻的产量,平均增产率表现为严重缺磷土壤高于中度缺磷土壤、早稻高于晚稻、磷肥与稻草配合施用高于单施磷肥处理;中度缺磷和严重缺磷土壤上施用磷肥能够显著的提高作物产量,尤其在早稻上效果更明显;中度缺磷土壤上施用磷肥早稻平均增产6.3 %,晚稻平均增产6.1%;在严重缺磷土壤上施用磷肥,早稻平均增产达到17.9 %,晚稻平均增产达到10.5 %;磷肥与稻草配合施用的水稻产量提高幅度略高于施用磷肥处理;土壤连续施用磷肥和磷肥与稻草配合施用能够提高土壤有效磷含量,且磷肥与稻草配合施用效果最佳。中度缺磷土壤磷肥与稻草配合施用处理连续两年试验后,土壤有效磷平均上升50.4%,严重缺磷土壤连续两年磷肥与稻草配合施用处理连续两年试验后,土壤有效磷平均上升91.4%。在中度和严重缺磷土壤上施用磷肥或磷肥与稻草配合施用有利于提高水稻产量、磷素吸收量和土壤的供磷能力。 相似文献
田间试验研究了两种磷肥不同用量对土壤磷素、棉花全生育期磷素的有效性以及棉花产量的影响。结果表明:增施磷肥能增加棉田土壤速效磷、全磷含量、磷素活化系数以及棉花产量,土壤速效磷和磷素活化系数平均比对照处理增加302%和180%。同时,也能增加棉花对磷素的吸收和干物质的积累。但过量施用磷肥并不能显著增加棉花产量、吸磷量和干物质积累量。棉花对磷素的吸收和干物质积累以施磷量150kg.hm-2最优。两种磷肥比较显示,重过磷酸钙对棉田速效磷含量和磷素活化系数的贡献高于磷酸二铵,分别比磷酸二铵高244%和325%。 相似文献
为了给作物持续高产下科学施用磷肥提供依据,采用1978年以来土壤有效磷变化的大数据分析、不同时段磷肥定位试验、大面积磷肥产量效应试验等方法分析了冬小麦-夏玉米轮作区土壤有效磷变化、土壤和肥料磷的产量效应。结果表明,冬小麦-夏玉米轮作区土壤有效磷含量平均为22.43 mg/kg,表现为太行山山麓平原﹥冲积平原。1996—1999年,太行山山麓平原、冲积平原区供试土壤有效磷含量分别为15.09,11.90 mg/kg,冬小麦P 2O 5用量180 kg/hm 2时土壤供磷能力:冬小麦分别为83.9%,75.8%,夏玉米分别为83.3%,89.7%。冬小麦秸秆还田下,土壤磷收支表观平衡分别为盈余52.8%,55.4%。2010—2012年,太行山山麓平原土壤有效磷27.22 mg/kg,冬小麦、夏玉米P 2O 5用量分别为108,60 kg/hm 2时土壤供磷能力:冬小麦为84.6%,夏玉米为90.1%。小麦秸秆不还田下,土壤磷收支表观平衡:冬小麦盈余6.7%,夏玉米亏缺4... 相似文献
In agricultural soils, the formation of soil organic matter largely depends on the carbon (C) input by crop residues and rhizodeposition, which is thus of decisive importance for the management and prediction of soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks in cropland and grassland. However, there is a remarkable lack of reliable, crop-specific C input data. We used a plant C allocation approach to estimate the C input of major crops and grassland into agricultural soils of Bavaria in southeast Germany. Historic and recent plant C allocation coefficients were estimated and C inputs were calculated for a 60-year period (1951–2010) using long-term agricultural statistics. The spatial distribution of C inputs within Bavaria was derived from county-specific statistical data. The results revealed increases of the C input by 107–139% for cereals, 173–188% for root, forage and leguminous crops and 34% for grassland in the last 60 years. This increase was related to linear yield increases until 1995 despite significant changes of plant C allocation. However, from 1995 onwards, crop yields and related C inputs stagnated, which allowed a robust estimation of recent crop-specific C input values. A total C input of 3.8–6.7 t ha −1 yr −1 was estimated for cereals, 5.2–6.3 t ha −1 yr −1 for root, forage and leguminous crops and 2.4 t ha −1 yr −1 for grassland. These amounts were partly higher compared to estimations in the literature. A generally high spatial variability of C inputs was detected within Bavaria with differences of up to 40% between adjacent counties. The results of this study could be used to optimize the C input of crop rotations and thus promote the formation of soil organic matter and C sequestration in agricultural soils on the basis of a soil carbon model. Moreover, recent estimations of C inputs could be used to model the future development of agricultural SOC stocks. A further stagnation of crop yields and the related C input under an ongoing temperature increase bears the risk of a future decrease of SOC stocks in cropland soils of Bavaria. 相似文献
为了研究柠檬酸在土壤形成、物质循环等过程中所起的重要作用,笔者综述了国内外近些年来柠檬酸与土壤磷素相互作用的一些研究进展。主要内容包括:(1)柠檬酸的分泌及其分泌机理;(2)缺磷促进分泌柠檬酸分泌状况;(3)柠檬酸对土壤磷吸附的影响;(4)柠檬酸对土壤磷解吸的影响;(5)人工添加柠檬酸减少磷肥投入的效果。在实际生产中柠檬酸对土壤磷素及磷肥的作用研究有待于加强。 相似文献
应用3 2 P研究“合作 88”马铃薯对磷素营养的吸收和分布规律 ,结果显示 :马铃薯对磷素营养的吸收率随植株的生长而增加。吸收率与栽培生长时间呈显著正相关。磷素主要分布为茎 >根 >叶 ,随生育期茎中含量相对增加 ,而叶中含量相对减少 ,根的不变。 相似文献
在我国不同地区的20种土壤类型农田土壤上进行的大量田间试验和土壤测试证明,我国农田土壤氮素肥力较低,无氮区作物相对产量平均为69.0%,其中氮素肥力“低” 的占65%,“中”的占35%,没有氮素肥力“高”的土壤类型.土壤磷素肥力中等,无磷区作物相对产量平均为86.4%.其中磷素肥力“高” 的占32%,“中”的占59%,“低” 的占9%.土壤钾素肥力中上,无钾区作物相对产量平均为93.7%,其中钾素肥力“高” 的占41%.“中” 的占56%,“低”的占3%.根据土壤测试和作物相对产量,对全国20种类型农田土壤拟定了土壤养份丰缺指标. 相似文献
良好的根系构型能够促进作物高效获取土壤养分。基于磷肥施用深度的根层调控技术可以优化夏玉米根系的时空分布并促进其与土壤水分、养分供应的空间匹配性,为通过玉米根系挖潜实现节肥增效提供理论与技术支撑。本试验以不施磷肥处理为对照(CK),设置距离地表-5 cm (P5)、-10 cm (P10)、-15 cm (P15)和-20 cm (P20)深度施用磷肥处理,分析各处理对夏玉米根系分布、植株生长及产量形成、氮素吸收、积累与转运的影响。结果表明,磷肥适当深施显著促进夏玉米根系生长,根干重、根长密度、根系表面积和根体积均显著增加,整体表现为P15>P10>P20>P5>CK。随着磷肥施用深度的增加,深层玉米根系显著增加。P15和P20处理根干重所占比重,在20~40cm土层分别为12.3%和12.1%;在40~60 cm土层分别为6.7%和6.9%。根系分布深度的增加促进了对土壤氮素的吸收,深施磷肥处理各土层中尤其是20cm以下土层土壤氮素含量显著降低。根系分布的优化同时促进了植株氮素积累与转运, P15处理较P5处理氮素吸收效率、氮积累量、转运量及氮肥偏生产力2年平均... 相似文献
Volunteer oilseed rape (OSR, Brassica napus L.) causes various agronomic problems in crop rotations and can contribute to gene dispersal by pollen and by seed admixture. A 4-year field experiment (2008–2011) was set up in south-west Germany to investigate the performance of volunteers derived from two OSR cultivars with different levels of seed dormancy. Volunteers of a high-dormancy (HD) and a low-dormancy (LD) OSR cultivar were deliberately generated by spreading 10,000 seeds m −2 on a field in August 2008 and 2009. Four different crops were grown on that area in the first year following the seed rain: winter wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.), winter turnip rape ( Brassica rapa L.), spring barley ( Hordeum vulgare L.) and field pea ( Pisum sativum L.). In the second year, maize ( Zea mays L.) was sown uniformly across all plots. Numbers of OSR seedlings emerging in early autumn shortly after seed rain were not connected with the size of the soil seed bank in early spring of the following year. The seeds of the HD-cultivar formed a much greater soil seed bank (up to 14% of the initially spread seed number) compared with the LD-cultivar (up to 1.3%) in the soil layer of 0 to 30 cm in early spring 2009 and 2010). Across all crops, considerably more volunteers of the HD-cultivar than of the LD-cultivar were present at several survey dates in the first year following seed rain. The highest number of volunteers originated from the HD-cultivar with up to 11 volunteers m −2 in winter turnip rape compared with a maximum of 0.48 plants m −2 in the other crops. Cultivar-specific differences in volunteer density were observed as well in maize two years after OSR seed rain. Flowering and seed setting volunteers were only present in 2010 and the flowering time was crucially overlapping with that of sown winter OSR. The reproductive ability (seeds produced m −2) of the LD-volunteers was five times lower in winter turnip rape than of the HD-volunteer; a similar trend was observed for the OSR volunteers in the other host crops.Strategies to definitely reduce unwanted effects of OSR volunteers, such as gene flow, should include the use of LD-cultivars with a low potential to form a soil seed bank, particularly if selective herbicides are not available, for instance in broad-leaved crops, or if the volunteers are herbicide-tolerant. 相似文献
揭示长期施用有机肥及配施氮肥对非石灰性潮土氮素矿化特性的影响,探索其与作物产量间的关系。以始于_1978年的莱阳长期定位施肥试验为基础,采用田间原位-离子交换树脂法(ISC-IERB)研究了长期定位施肥对土壤氮素矿化特性的影响,并对其与产量进行了相关分析。结果表明:长期施用有机肥及其配施氮肥可显著提高非石灰性潮土全氮、矿质氮、净氮矿化量、冬小麦或夏玉米吸氮量和产量,且在同一有机肥(氮肥)水平下,均随氮肥(有机肥)投入量的增加呈增加趋势,其中高量有机肥配施高量氮肥(M_2N_2)处理的增加幅度最高,冬小麦、夏玉米产量分别为6 803,_1_1 935 kg/hm_2;长期施肥使夏玉米季土壤氮净矿化量、净氮矿化率明显大于冬小麦季,施肥处理(M_1、M_1N_1、M_1N_2、M_2、M_2N_1、M_2N_2)的增幅分别为7.1%-2.7%,16.2%-76.0%;相关分析表明,冬小麦-夏玉米产量与当季冬小麦、夏玉米播前土壤全氮、矿质氮含量、氮净矿化量均存在极显著相关性,但与氮素表观淋失量相关不显著。研究表明,施用有机肥、氮肥是提高土壤供氮潜力、作物产量的有效手段,作物与季节是影响土壤氮素矿化的重要因素。 相似文献
Several studies on the phytomanagement of mixed-metal-contaminated land were carried out over a period of 10 years in an agricultural soil at Carpiano (Milan, Italy) and in pyrite waste at Torviscosa (Udine, Italy), in order to investigate the practicability of using various field crops for this purpose. Here we demonstrate that seed germination and initial growth are never critical steps under high levels of Cd or Cr, whereas poor plant productivity limits metal removal rates from contaminated waste. Phytoextraction alone was rarely an efficient remediation technology and, if the process was not chemically assisted, only Zn and Mn were accumulated above-ground in considerable amounts. A maximum of 8 kg ha −1 of metals with rapeseed and only 0.33 kg ha −1 with fodder radish were removed from soil. Cultivation of metal-contaminated land did provide some limited opportunity for natural biofortification of crops with Zn and Cu, with no apparent risk of toxic metals in the seeds of only a few crops. Improvements in tissue metal rates achieved with auxins, humic acids or chelators were largely detrimental to biomass yield. We conclude that the efficient use of crop species in phytoremediation requires the achievement of high productivity by appropriate agricultural management involving tillage, fertilisation and perhaps also capping or dilution with clean soil. The considerable metal stock in roots suggests exploring the effectiveness of long-term stabilisation, particularly in non-tillage systems. 相似文献
From all plant nutrients N fertilizer rates deserve highest attention as too high rates may result in nitrate leaching, volatilisation of N 2O (greenhouse gas) and affect the farmers’ profit. Too low rates will also depress the profit. The problem is accentuated by the fact that crops not only feed from soil inorganic but also from organic soil N. Most soil N tests do not consider the available organic soil N. The Electro-Ultra-Filtration (EUF) method applied by us takes into account the EUF extractable inorganic and organic soil N for calculating the N fertilizer rate. This method developed at the Liebig University Giessen is called Giessen model (sampling in autumn out of the upper soil layer, 0–30 cm). We compared it with the standard soil N test the “Nmin method” recommended by German officials which method does not consider the available organic soil N (sampling in spring out of three or two soil layers, depending on soil depth). The investigation was carried out on farmers’ fields on five different sites with winter cereals (wheat, barley) in 1989/1990, 1990/1991 and 1991/1992. Recommended fertilizer application rates differed somewhat for both methods. Of the 23 cases, significantly higher grain yields were obtained five times by Nmin and four times by EUF; otherwise grain yields did not differ significantly between both methods. Grain yield and crude protein concentration were increased by fertilizer N compared with the plots without N fertilizer. On the site Giessen, however, there were some cases in which the N fertilizer did not increase grain yield. The soil of the Giessen site was rich in interlayer NH 4+ which is not recovered by the EUF and Nmin method, but which obviously contributed to the N supply of the crop, and therefore the N rates were too high. Grain crude protein concentration were higher with Nmin for Wernborn and Bruchkobel sites because of higher N fertilizer rates. For the Giessen site in 1989/1990 the reverse was true. Nitrogen agronomic efficiency (AE) ranged from 0 to 35.6. Apparent N recovery (ANR) ranged from 0 to 111. The gross profit differed from −88 to 489 Euro/ha. Negative values (three cases out of 23) were found on the Giessen site where no yield increase was obtained by the N fertilizer because of interlayer NH 4+. This interpretation is supported by the finding that interlayer NH 4+ significantly decreased from autumn to spring. Apart from the results found in 1 year on the Giessen site, the gross profit calculation showed that a precise N fertilizer application based on soil analysis yields a high profitability of cereal production. 相似文献
To investigate the genetic variation of phosphate (P) uptake and P utilization efficiency, 24 high-yielding spring barley cultivars were grown in two pot experiments on a loess loam-sand mixture. In the first experiment, the plants grew until maturity under P stress (50% of the maximum yield), and in the second experiment, the plants grew until the stage of tillering (DC 25) at a low or at a high P supply. At maturity, the range between cultivars with the highest and the lowest values were 30% for total dm yield (grain and straw), 28% for grain yield, 24% for P uptake efficiency (P in grain and straw), 26% for P concentration in grains and 24% for P utilization efficiency quotient PEQ (g dm grain per mg P in shoots) (mean of all cultivars = 100%). Grain yield was correlated with P uptake per plant, r = 0.71***, and with PEQ, r = 0.60**. Between P uptake and PEQ, there was only a weak relationship (r = −0.14). Therefore, a combination of high uptake efficiency and high PEQ in a cultivar may be possible. At growth stage DC 25, the cultivars showed a significant variability in shoot biomass, P concentration, P removal, P influx, acitvity of acid phophatases (Pase) and root length. The ranking of the cultivars, however, was very different at the two P levels, but the root-length and the Pase activity were more influenced by genotype than by the P supply. As the relationships between grain yield, P removal, PEQ and the characters of the young plants cultivated under P stress were very weak (r < 0.43), selection for P efficiency at the stage of tillering cannot be recommended. 相似文献