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Since the 1950s, recycled poultry bedding has been used as an economical feedstuff for beef cattle. It has been extensively studied at several experiment stations around the world with regard to its safety and nutritional aspects. It will continue to be closely scrutinized as the public increases its awareness of agricultural issues. As this study was being prepared, the news media was "spotlighting" bovine spongiform encephalopathy. Currently, in the United States there is a ban on incorporation of mammalian-derived protein feeds into ruminant diets. This has led to a requirement of beef cattle producers signing affidavits indicating that they had met this obligation. Some poultry companies use ruminant meat and bone meal in broiler diets when least-cost formulation indicates that it is economically desirable. This then poses the question of whether feeding RPB to beef cattle should be permitted if the birds had been fed ruminant meat and bone meal. It also raises the question of whether cattle grazing pastures fertilized with RPB are exposed to ruminant meat and bone meal. Because of the importance of pasture fertilization as a waste disposal solution for the poultry industry, it seems that the issue will be quickly resolved by omitting the ruminant meat and bone meal from poultry diets should concerns increase. Use of RPB, like many byproduct feeds, requires a higher level of management expertise than traditional feeds. Despite the potential problems discussed in this study, an informed beef cattle producer can gain a financially competitive edge by using RPB. A simple processing method, deep-stacking under polyethylene sheeting, can produce a safe product that will provide a complete diet when blended with an energy source and supplemented with some long-stem fiber. The diets can be used for both brood cows and stocker calves for extended periods of time, and the practice of feeding RPB is safe for both cattle and consumers [45]. Economic parameters will influence the future use of RPB; however, the general public's perception and acceptance will ultimately determine its long-term use.  相似文献   

This review reveals that relative to Bos taurus cattle, cattle varying in Bos indicus inheritance, especially cattle that are > 1/2 Bos indicus inheritance, lack carcass tenderness. Because consumers are willing to pay for more tender beef, it seems imperative that the commercial beef cattle industry should refrain from producing cattle that are > 1/2 Bos indicus inheritance. Because of their Superior preweaning maternal performance, F1Bos indicus ♂ × Bos taurus 9 females and their resulting contemporary F1steer mates will continue to be produced by the commercial beef cattle industry in the Southeast and Golf Coast areas of the U.S. Further, as progeny testing for tenderness is expensive, it is suggested that the F1Bos indicus ♂ x Bos taurus 9 steers be identified by the commercial beef cattle industry so that the packing/ retail industries can utilize existing postmortem technology (electrical stimulation, blade tenderization, extended aging, calcium chloride injections) to partially alleviate the lack of tenderness expressed by carcasses resulting from these cattle.  相似文献   

Peanut by-products supply substantial quantities of feedstuffs to beef cattle grown in the same region where peanuts are produced. Included in the list of products fed to cattle are peanuts and peanut meal, peanut skins, peanut hulls, peanut hay, and silages. Residual peanut hay is by far the most widely used peanut by-product fed to beef cattle, and if it is properly harvested with minimal leaf shatter, it is comparable to good-quality grass hays in nutrient content. Peanut skins are often included in small quantities in cattle and pet foods, supplying both protein and energy. High tannin content of peanut skins can cause severe performance depressions in beef cattle if peanut skins are included at levels higher than 10% of the diet, unless diets contain relatively high CP (above 15% CP), or additional N sources are added such as ammonia or urea. Because dairy cattle diets are often above 16% CP in the total dietary DM, peanut skins may increase milk production when added at levels up to 16% of the dry matter. Peanut hulls are effectively used as a roughage source at levels up to 20% of beef finishing diets, for bedding in dairy cattle loafing sheds (if tested and found to contain low aflatoxin levels), and in a variety of manufactured products. Peanut hulls are economically priced because of their quantity, their inherent high fiber, and low CP content, and they should not be fed as a primary feedstuffs for beef cattle. Peanut by-products are generally priced below other by-products, and they can be incorporated into a variety of supplements and diets for cow herds, growing-finishing cattle, and dairy cattle.  相似文献   

The development of a beef industry, heavily dependent on corn utilization, began to occur in the 1940s. Begun as a means to add value to the grain while improving consumer acceptance of beef, corn has become an integral part of beef production. Developments in the 21st century including unprecedented cattle prices, changes in beef demand, bovine spongiform encephalopathy, surge in energy costs, pricing differentiation of cattle prices based on quality, and industry consolidation have dramatically changed the price of corn and cost of beef production. The future of the beef industry will be dependent on our ability to continue producing high-quality beef for a global market through effective use of genetics, new technologies, and economic management strategies.  相似文献   

The future of beef cattle production in tropical regions is uncertain because of land tenure concerns, threatening the survival of extensive management programmes in these areas of the world. The need to intensify production systems will inevitably lead to changes in the management of replacement animals in existing herds. The present review underlines the main constraints, which in the past could be resolved by the sheer numbers of animals present in beef cattle operations, with replacements reliant only on finding enough heifers to substitute the adult females destined for culling. This scenario is rapidly changing as beef cattle units in tropical regions subdivide to share out the land between as many farmers as possible. Consequently, issues such as the efforts needed to manage the pregnant cow, particularly her nutritional status and its effect on the new‐born calf, the future replacement heifer growing in the presence of the dam, weaning management and procedures required before a heifer can be introduced into a breeding programme, need to be adequately and efficiently addressed by farmers in tropical regions.  相似文献   

肉牛业是畜牧业的重要组成部分,而良种产业化是肉牛产业发展的关键。20世纪人工授精、胚胎移植、发情控制等繁育技术的出现及常规育种技术的应用,使肉牛遗传改良取得了巨大进展,但越来越不能满足现代肉牛业发展的需求。进入21世纪,随着现代生物技术的迅速发展,肉牛育种已从传统表型和表型值育种朝着分子水平方向发展;以配子与胚胎工程、基因工程为主体的高新繁育技术将逐渐成为肉牛繁育的主要手段;体外胚胎生产、胚胎移植商业化应用将会进一步提高,实现产业化;动物克隆、转基因动物生产经不断发展与完善,将成为肉牛育种方面最具潜力的方法。论文就肉牛育种与繁育技术的发展趋势作一简要论述,旨在为肉牛生产提供理论依据与参考。  相似文献   

肉牛具有生长周期短、产肉效率高、经济效益高、市场需求大的特征。近年,随消费者的物质生活水平显著提升,对牛肉制品的需求量不断增加,直接促进肉牛养殖产业的发展。肉牛养殖场养殖效益的好坏,受到新生犊牛饲养管理、早期断奶管理、疾病防治等各方面因素影响,做好犊牛养殖管理,能有效减少疫病的发生,避免由于传染性疾病危害造成严重经济损失,保证养殖户的经济效益,为广大消费者提供优质安全的牛肉制品。  相似文献   

肉牛是人类重要的畜产品来源之一,其肉质鲜美,营养丰富,深受消费者的喜爱。近年来,随着我国经济的飞速发展和人民生活水平的提高,牛肉作为一种高质量的蛋白质来源,可以为消费者提供非常理想的饮食体验,导致国内高品质牛肉需求量正在日益增长,肉牛养殖成为了农牧业的重要支柱产业之一。而犊牛的培育将直接影响到肉牛养殖业的健康发展,因而保证犊牛的健康,提高犊牛的成活率和生长效率对推进肉牛产业发展具有重大意义。本文针对犊牛的消化生理特点,总结了犊牛的饲养要点和管理方法,旨在为犊牛的高效养殖提供参考。  相似文献   

近年来,我国的食品安全屡屡出现问题,严重破坏了市场的正常运转和竞争秩序,而且还影响到了百姓对牛肉食品消费的信心,牛口蹄疫、疯牛病、瘦肉精中毒等事件的爆发,使牛肉质量安全成为全世界消费者普遍关注的问题之一。牛肉作为广大消费者的主流畜产品,如何保障其安全和质量,是摆在各级政府、肉牛企业和科研机构面前的重要课题。所以,建立我国牛肉全程质量安全追溯体系,不仅可以满足消费者对安全优质牛肉追溯性的需求,同时也将大大提高我国畜牧业生产的现代化水平和畜产品的国际竞争力。  相似文献   

This paper addresses food safety in beef cattle production, with particular emphasis on factors that affect the prevalence of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in beef cattle and on control methods that have been investigated. Product recalls and foodborne diseases due to this organism continue to occur even though control measures have been under investigation for over 20 years. Most meatborne outbreaks are due to improper food handling practices and consumption of undercooked meat. However, the majority of pathogenic bacteria that can spread at slaughter by cross-contamination can be traced back to the farm rather than originating from the slaughter plant. This would ideally require the adoption of rigorous on-farm intervention strategies to mitigate risks at the farm level. On-farm strategies to control and reduce E. coli O157:H7 at the farm level will reduce the risk of carcass contamination at slaughter and processing facilities although they will not eliminate E. coli O157:H7. The most successful strategy for reducing the risk of contamination of beef and beef products will involve the implementation of both pre- and post-harvest measures.  相似文献   

Acidosis in feedlot cattle.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mortality from digestive diseases in feedlot cattle is second only to that from respiratory diseases. Acidosis is a major digestive disorder and is likely to continue because of ongoing attempts to improve the efficiency of beef production by feeding more grain and less roughage. Subacute acidosis is the most prevalent form of acidosis in feedlots but is difficult to diagnose because of the absence of overt clinical signs. Control of acidosis is achieved largely by sound nutritional management. No single strategy or solution exists; however, an effective management strategy should factor in dietary formulation, a consistent feeding program, prudent bunk management, use of nonstarch by-products, and feed additives to minimize pen-to-pen and animal-to-animal variations in feed intake.  相似文献   

随着近年来规模化肉牛养殖的兴起,内蒙古作为我国和世界重要的高品质牛肉输出基地,其肉牛产量持续增加,但由于运输环节福利理念的欠缺以及操作不规范,肉牛在运输后出现了瘀伤、血斑、DFD肉、胴体重量减轻、运输应激等问题,导致部分牛肉色泽不佳、风味劣化、肉品等级降低,严重影响着牛肉的营养和安全性、肉牛产业以及农牧民的经济效益。因此,肉牛运输过程中的动物福利日益成为生产者和消费者关注的热点。综述了内蒙古肉牛运输中的动物福利问题及国内外研究现状,并提出了改善肉牛运输中动物福利的措施,以期为改善肉牛运输福利提高牛肉品质提供借鉴。  相似文献   

[目的]为研究与集成配套张掖金牛绿色饲养技术.[方法]综合运用肉牛饲养学、动物疫病流行病学、动物环境卫生与畜舍建筑学、肉牛营养学、动物饲料加工学、动物传染病学等学科理论及有关生产绿色畜产品的法规、规范和标准,从张掖金牛产地环境、生产环境、牛舍设计和建筑、张掖金牛绿色饲草料科学配制等14个关键环节进行了研究.[结果]集成了11个有关绿色畜产品肉牛生产的单项技术及1项原则和1项规定,组装配套成为张掖金牛绿色饲养技术.[结论]张掖金牛绿色饲养技术顺应当今消费者追求绿色食品的潮流,示范推广前景广阔.  相似文献   

棉酚中毒是由于长期、过量饲喂含游离棉酚超标的棉副产品,引起的以出血性胃肠炎、血红蛋白尿以及雄性生殖毒性和母畜流产为主要特征的中毒病。新疆是我国的棉花主产区,棉花加工过程中产生了大量的棉籽饼、棉籽粕、棉壳等副产品,这些副产品是优质的动物饲料来源,具有产量多、来源广、价格便宜、适口性好的特点,广泛应用于肉牛和肉羊的育肥。本文通过对育肥牛棉酚中毒的诊断与治疗,重点阐述棉酚中毒的发病机理、治疗手段与预防措施,以期为棉酚中毒的预防治疗及有效脱毒合理饲喂提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

规模化、集约化肉牛养殖方式在一定程度上可以降低生产成本,是提高生产效益的有效途径。然而,集中式、拴系式、高密度的生产方式下,常常导致肉牛的动物福利得不到有效保障,会对肉牛的生长和健康产生不利影响。改善肉牛动物福利可提高生产性能和养殖效益,实现绿色健康可持续发展。文章介绍了动物福利的概念、肉牛在饲养管理中的福利标准要求,以及在肉牛养殖过程中动物福利的重要意义,同时对我国肉牛生产福利的研究发展进行了展望,以期为生产实际提供指导和参考。  相似文献   

The maturation of the US beef and pork markets and increasing consumer demands for convenience, safety, and nutrition suggests that the beef and pork industries must focus on product development and promotion. New marketing arrangements are developing that help coordinate production with consumer demands. The relative high levels of incomes in the United States are likely to increase the demands for branded products rather than increase total per capita consumption. Foreign markets represent the greatest opportunity for increased demand for commodity beef and pork products. Increasing incomes in developing countries will likely allow consumers to increase consumption of animal-source proteins. Real prices of beef and pork have declined substantially because of sagging domestic demand and increasing farm-level production technologies. Increasing US beef and pork exports have obviated some of the price declines. Pork attained a net export position from a quantity perspective in 1995. The United States continues to be a net importer of beef on a quantity basis but is close to becoming a net exporter in terms of value. By-products continue to play a critical role in determining the red meat trade balance and producer prices. The United States, however, must continue to become cost, price, and quality competitive with other suppliers and must secure additional market access if it is to sustain recent trade trends. Several trade tensions remain in the red meat industry. For example, mandated COOL will undoubtedly have domestic and international effects on the beef and pork sectors. Domestically, uncertainty regarding consumer demand responses or quality perceptions regarding product origin, as well as added processor-retailer costs will be nontrivial. How these factors balance out in terms of benefits versus costs to the industry is uncertain. From an international perspective, some beef and pork export suppliers to the United States could view required labeling as a trade restriction, which could ultimately impact future US red meat exports. Conversely, some countries may view such labeling requirements as an opportunity to brand high-quality products. The US lamb meat industry has experienced declining real prices, domestic production, and demand. The cessation of wool incentive payments, increased environmental regulations, and competition by imports have significantly affected the industry. Import suppliers have capitalized on product quality in this niche market. Trade restrictions initially imposed in 1999 by the US Government were ruled illegal by the WTO. The US Government responded by providing financial assistance to lamb producers. Product quality improvements and promotion aimed at the domestic market, however, will be critical factors in shaping the economic viability of the US lamb meat industry.  相似文献   

Based on information from USDA National Animal Health Reporting System early State pilot studies and more recent national studies, the cost of reproductive diseases and conditions was estimated for beef and dairy cattle. We estimate the total yearly cost of female infertility, abortions/stillbirths, dystocia, retained placentas, and metritis/pyometra to be $441 to $502 million for beef producers and $473 to $484 million for dairy producers with an aggregate national total of approximately $1 billion annually. This loss is over six times more costly than that resulting from respiratory diseases. Three-fourths of the cost for reproductive diseases and conditions can be attributed to female infertility and dystocia and the failure to produce a healthy calf that will survive the first 24 h of life. Aggregate national costs are roughly evenly divided between beef and dairy; per cow costs are more than three times greater for dairy cows ($52.60) than for beef cows ($14.00). Approximately equal national costs are attained because there are more than three times more beef cows than dairy cows. One factor contributing to the greater cost for dairy cows is lost milk production associated with dystocia and retained placentas. Lost milk production accounts for one-third of the costs associated with reproductive diseases and conditions in dairy cattle. We conclude from this review and our resulting estimates that focusing on developing strategies to increase the probability of conception, minimize dystocia, and produce a healthy calf that survives beyond the first 24 h of birth must continue to receive high priority in both dairy and beef cattle management and research.  相似文献   

本文通过对华亭市肉牛产业发展现状调查、对取得的成就、存在的问题进行阐述。提出了几点建议,对今后肉牛产业的发展具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

秦川牛肉用选育及其技术策略   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:10  
近几年来,我国肉牛生产发展很快,但生产水平较低,平均产肉率不高,其中一个重要原因是迄今我国还没有一个自己培育的专门化肉牛品种。要大力发展我国的肉牛生产,除了利用国外优秀的肉牛品种杂交改良我国地方黄牛外,还必须培育自己的肉牛品种。本文从社会经济发展,人民生活水平和市场变化入手,对秦川牛作了评价,回顾了它的选育历史,指出了现时期秦川牛肉用选育方向的紧迫性。在分析了秦川牛的优点及其与国外著名肉牛品种相比存在的缺点和不足的基础上,提出秦川牛选育的主要目标和采取的技术措施,包括选择和建立核心群、建立健全秦川牛的选育体系、建立选育协作组、开展联合育种、导入适当外血和利用分子生物学技术,加快秦川肉牛的分子育种等,以早日培育出秦川肉牛新品系,使所形成的秦川肉牛新品系,在秦川牛现有经济类型的基础上得到提升与改造,适应经济发展需要,促进肉牛产业化发展。这对农村产业结构优化、社会经济发展和农民致富将产生广泛而深远的影响。  相似文献   

Citrus pulp is classified as an energy concentrate by-product feed. Citrus by-products fed to beef cattle include citrus molasses, citrus meal, wet citrus pulp, dried citrus pulp, and pelleted citrus pulp; however, in current production systems, pulp (wet, dry, and pelleted) is the only by-product commonly used. Citrus pulp production in the United States is limited to specific subtropical regions, of which south central Florida remains the largest with additional production in California and Texas.  相似文献   

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