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对血粉、鱼粉、豆粕、大豆、菜籽饼、玉米及麦麸等7种鸡常用饲料进行可消化氨基酸测定,以血粉的表观可消化总氨基酸含量最高,但其蛋氨酸含量较低,依次为鱼粉、豆粕、大豆、菜籽饼、麦麸和玉米。扣除试难内源氨基酸的干扰,7种饲料的真可消化氨基酸含量较其表观可消化氨基酸含量有所提高,提高的百分点依次为2.60、1.34、1.33、1.19、1.16、0.356和0.53。  相似文献   

关于可消化氨基酸测定方法的研究,已经将近40年。直到80年代才逐步趋向采用小肠末端的测定方法。在1988年第5届国际蛋白质营养和代谢研讨会上更成为研讨的中心内容。长期以来,营养学者希望把氨基酸消化率资料整理出来,作为配制日粮的依据。但因方法各异,耗费较大,只有零星的材料发表,难以利用。1989年,法国罗纳普朗克动物营养公司(AEC 公司)出版了《利用可消化氨基酸配制饲料》一书。这是由一批经验丰富的科学家同时开展对猪鸡的研究工作,共耗用了6年多时间完成的。该书是世界上第一次正式出版的比较完整的关于饲料中的氨基酸消  相似文献   

家禽可消化氨基酸平衡饲料配方的设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

本文就可消化氨基酸体系应用于家禽日粮中存在的技术问题和理论问题进行了分析,并对国内外的相关研究进行了综述。  相似文献   

一、可消化氨基酸配方的理论基础蛋白质原料是饲料原料中最贵重的物质之一,蛋白质的开销是饲料成本中最重要的部分。如何节约蛋白资源,利用可消化氨基酸平衡理论进行饲料日粮配方的设计是行之有效的方法。配合饲料中可消化氨基酸的含量及其平衡程度是影响饲料品质和效益的一个重要因素。准确地测定饲料中可消化氨基酸含量及动物可消化氨基酸的需要量是配制可消化氨基酸平衡日粮的技术关键。动物可消化氨基酸的需要量是源于理想蛋白质的概念。所谓理想蛋白质就是能够被特定动物完全  相似文献   

多年来,营养学家根据化学饲料分析确定动物的营养需要,而没有考虑原料的真消化值。但是,根据消化配制鸡日粮可以提高生产性能。  相似文献   

肉仔鸡生长对蛋白质的需要实质上是对氨基酸的需要,但是不同饲料原料中氨基酸的消化率存在差异(计成等,1984),因此用总氨基酸需要量为标准来配制肉鸡日粮往往不准确,而用可消化氨基酸更能反映肉仔鸡的实际需要量。从80年代开始,各国科学家都对肉仔鸡可消化氨基酸的需要量作了大量研究,并取得了可喜成果,现将世界各国在这方面的研究进展综述如下。1 可消化氨基酸的概念及测定方法可消化氨基酸是指能通过肠壁被吸收的氨基酸。氨基酸的消化率分为表观消化率和真消化率,表观消化率扣除内源性的影响就得到真消化率。从理论上讲…  相似文献   

加速可消化氨基酸在日粮配制中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
加速可消化氨基酸在日粮配制中的应用王仁振李艳华随着氨基酸营养研究的进展,饲料可消化氨基酸的测定及畜禽可消化氨基酸需要量的研究,为更准确设计畜禽饲料配方提供了依据。时下,以可消化氨基酸为指标设计饲料配方已成为氨基酸研究的热点和发展趋势,但这项技术几乎没...  相似文献   

复合酶在畜禽生产中的研究与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
复合酶作为安全高效的饲料添加剂,既能改善饲料消化率和畜禽生产性能,又可提高我国地方饲料资源的利用程度和利用效率,有利于保护生态环境,当前在畜禽生产中正大面积推广应用。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate diet formulation based on digestible amino acids (DAA), the formulation of low protein diets supplemented with synthetic amino acids, and L-Thr supplementation to increase the Thr:Lys ratio from 67:100 to 70:100. Two experiments were carried out with Hubbard male broilers from 3 to 6 wk of age. In experiment 1, corn-soybean meal diets containing 20% CP were used. In experiment 2, 20% CP diets were formulated with corn, soybean meal, wheat bran, feather meal, and meat meal. In both experiments, body weight gain and economic evaluations were better for broilers fed diets formulated on DAA. Carcass yields and carcass composition were not significantly affected by formulation procedures. In experiment 2, birds fed diets based on DAA had improved feed efficiency compared with those fed total amino acids (TAA). In experiment 1, a reduction of CP from 20 to 18.2% did not affect broiler performance. It did, however, result in fatter carcasses, lower percentages of breast meat, and lower economic evaluation. In both experiments, performance and economic evaluation were not affected by the Thr:Lys ratio. In experiment 1, however, abdominal fat and carcass fatness were reduced, and, in both experiments, carcass protein level was higher with a Thr:Lys ratio of 70:100 than with 67:100 ratio (P < 0.05).  相似文献   

花生饼、粕鸡猪氨基酸真消化率的测定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本试验采用猪回直肠吻合法及“TME”改良法,分别测定了猪鸡对花生饼、粕的氨基酸真消化率(TDAA) 。结果表明:鸡的花生饼、粕TDAA 值相近。其中Lys 的TDAA 分别为86 .2 % 和88 .8 % ,为最低者:Arg 的TDAA 分别为96 .2 % 和97 .1 % ,为最高者。花生饼、粕猪TDAA 中Lys 、Met、Thr 较低,分别为84 .4 % 和81 .9 % ;84 .9 % 和84 .1 % ;84 .3 % 和82 .3 % 。精氨酸TDAA 最高,分别为97 .0 % 和96 .4 % 。  相似文献   

采食是动物消化吸收的首要环节,也是其生长发育的前提.饲粮营养水平不当和比例失衡不仅会影响采食量,也会影响动物的生产性能和免疫机能,还可能导致各种异嗜行为的出现.已知饲粮的氨基酸水平对采食的影响尤为重要.本文重点就亮氨酸、色氨酸、组氨酸和谷氨酸等对畜禽采食的影响,以及其通过中枢和外周途径的作用机制等研究进展做简要综述.  相似文献   

畜禽内源氨基酸代谢及测定方法学研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
内源氨基酸的排泄量是计算饲料真可消化率以及析因法估计动物蛋白质、氨基酸需要量的重要参数。本文综述了近年来内源氨基酸代谢以及测定方法学的国内外研究进展,特别是我国科技工作者在准确测定动物内源氨基酸代谢方面的研究成果。  相似文献   

饲料是家禽所需能量和蛋白质的物质基础,饲粮中碳水化合物、蛋白质和脂肪在体内经生物氧化供能,而家禽所需的蛋白质实际上是饲料中的各种氨基酸。准确测定家禽饲料原料有效能和可利用氨基酸是确定家禽营养需要量及优化饲粮配方的关键。在家禽营养研究中,科学合理的评定体系及方法对准确测定饲料原料有效能和可利用氨基酸至关重要。然而,家禽饲料原料营养价值评定受诸多因素影响,如动物因素、评定体系及方法、饲料及原料因素、饲料加工工艺和饲料添加剂等。为此,本文就家禽饲料原料有效能和氨基酸消化率评定体系及影响因素进行综述,且就近3年来本课题组开展的有关肉仔鸡饲料原料营养价值评价工作进行了介绍。  相似文献   

Recent advances in swine protein nutrition are characterized by the development of functional amino acids (AA) in regulating fetal and postnatal survival, growth and development. These AA include arginine, glutamine, glutamate, proline, leucine, cysteine and tryptophan. Due to limited knowledge on AA nutrition, pork producers have traditionally paid little attention to supplementing the arginine family of AA to swine diets. Results of recent studies indicate that functional AA serve important regulatory functions in nutrient metabolism, protein turnover, and immune function, therefore enhancing efficiency of feed utilization by pigs. The underlying mechanisms include activation of nitric oxide, mammalian target of rapamycin, gaseous signaling, and AMP-activated protein kinase pathways, as well as anti-oxidative function. Dietary supplementation with arginine, glutamine, proline or leucine to weanling piglets enhances their growth performance. Arginine or glutamine is also effective in increasing milk production by lactating sows. Furthermore, supplementing arginine to the diet of pregnant gilts between days 30 and 114 of gestation increases the number of live-born piglets and litter birth-weight. Availability of feed-grade functional AA holds great promise for improving animal health and nutrient utilization in pig production worldwide. Additionally, feedstuffs of animal origin [e.g., blood meal (ring dried), feather meal (hydrolyzed), meat and bone meal, porcine protein meal, and poultry by-product meal (both feed- and petfood-grades)] are excellent and cost-effective sources of both essential and functional AA for formulating balanced swine diets. New knowledge on AA nutrition provides a much needed scientific basis for revising the next edition of swine nutrient requirements.  相似文献   

Recent advances in swine protein nutrition are characterized by the development of functional amino acids(AA)in regulating fetal and postnatal survival,growth and development. These AA include arginine,glutamine,glutamate,proline,leucine, cysteine and tryptophan. Due to limited knowledge on AA nutrition,pork producers have traditionally paid little attention to supplementing the arginine family of AA to swine diets. Results of recent studies indicate that functional AA serve important regulatory functions in nutrient metabolism,protein turnover, and immune function,therefore enhancing efficiency of feed utilization by pigs. The underlying mechanisms include activation of nitric oxide,mammalian target of rapamycin,gaseous signaling,and AMP-activated protein kinase pathways, as well as anti-oxidative function. Dietary supplementation with arginine,glutamine, proline or leucine to weanling piglets enhances their growth performance. Arginine or glutamine is also effective in increasing milk production by lactating sows. Furthermore,supplementing arginine to the diet of pregnant gilts between days 30 and 114 of gestation increases the number of live-born piglets and litter birth-weight. Availability of feed-grade functional AA holds great promise for improving animal health and nutrient utilization in pig production worldwide. Additionally, feedstuffs of animal origin[e. g. , blood meal (ring dried),feather meal(hydrolyzed),meat and bone meal, porcine protein meal,and poultry by-product meal(both feed- and petfood-grades )]are excellent and cost-effective sources of both essential and functional AA for formulating balanced swine diets.New knowledge on AA nutrition provides a much needed scientific basis for revising the next edition of swine nutrient requirements.  相似文献   

Recent advances in swine protein nutrition are characterized by the development of functional a- mino acids (AA) in regulating fetal and postnatal survival, growth and development. These AA include arginine, glutamine, glutamate, proline, leucine, cyste- ine and tryptophan. Due to limited knowledge on AA nutrition, pork producers have traditionally paid little attention to supplementing the arginine family of AA to swine diets. Results of recent studies indicate that functional AA serve important regulatory functions in nutrient metabolism, protein turnover, and immune function, therefore enhancing efficiency of feed utili- zation by pigs. The underlying mechanisms include activation of nitric oxide, mammalian target of rapam- ycin, gaseous signaling, and AMP-activated protein ki- nase pathways, as well as anti-oxidative function. Di- etary supplementation with arginine, glutamine, pro- line or leucine to weanling piglets enhances theirgrowth performance. Arginine or glutamine is also ef- fective in increasing milk production by lactating sows. Furthermore, supplementing arginine to the diet of pregnant gilts between days 30 and 114 of gestation increases the number of live-born piglets and litter birth-weight. Availability of feed-grade functional AA holds great promise for improving animal health and nutrient utilization in pig production worldwide. Addi- tionally, feedstuffs of animal origin [ e. g. , blood meal ( ring dried ), feather meal ( hydrolyzed ), meat and bone meal, porcine protein meal, and poultry by-prod- uct meal (both feed- and petfood-grades) ] are excel- lent and cost-effective sources of both essential and functional AA for formulating balanced swine diets. New knowledge on AA nutrition provides a much needed scientific basis for revising the next edition of swine nutrient requirements.  相似文献   

大麦(Hordeum vulgare)属于禾本科植物,是我国用途最为广泛的谷物之一,广泛应用于酿造、食品、医药学等领域。大麦苗、大麦叶、大麦秸秆、大麦芽等均可作为畜禽饲料来源,具有较高的营养价值和饲用价值。将大麦开发为畜禽饲料产品,既可以缓解畜禽饲料来源不足的问题,又能够提高畜禽养殖业经济效益。介绍了大麦的营养价值,综述了其在畜禽饲料中的应用研究进展,以期为大麦在畜禽饲料领域的开发利用提供参考。  相似文献   

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