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Glomerulonephritis (GN) is a leading cause of chronic renal failure in dogs. However, little is known about the efficacy of available treatment options for GN in this species. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of cyclosporine (Cy) administration on the outcome of naturally occurring GN in dogs. Thirteen dogs from 4 institutions were included in the study. Randomization of dogs into placeboversus Cy-treated groups was stratified according to initial morphological diagnosis and contributing institution. Seven and 6 dogs were assigned to be given placebo or Cy, respectively. The initial Cy dose of 10 mg/kg every 24 hours was adjusted to maintain 24-hour trough, whole blood Cy concentrations between 250 and 400 ng/mL. There were no statistically significant differences between placebo-and Cy-treated groups with respect to serum total protein, albumin, urea nitrogen and creatinine, and plasma protein concentrations; platelet count; urine protein-creatinine ratio; endogenous creatinine clearance; 24-hour urine protein concentrations; or 24-hour urine protein—endogenous creatinine clearance ratio. However, PCV was significantly lower in the Cy-treated group. Decreased appetite, diarrhea, vomiting, weight loss, involuntary shaking, and thrombocytopenia were noted in both treatment groups; however, clinical signs in Cy-treated dogs subjectively were more severe. One Cy-treated dog developed gingival hyperplasia. After entry into the study, the median survival times for placebo-and Cy-treated dogs were 16 and 11 months, respectively. Considering the expense and the frequency of adverse effects related to Cy administration, the use of Cy in the treatment of dogs with GN does not seem warranted.  相似文献   

鸡肿瘤坏死因子的诱生及活性检测   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对鸡静脉注射卡介苗 (BCG)和脂多糖 (L PS) ,应用 L92 9细胞检测鸡体外周血清、脾细胞和外周血白细胞肿瘤坏死因子 (TNF)活性 ,表明外周血清 TNF活性最高 ,其次是脾细胞 ,而外周血白细胞 TNF活性最低。本研究也表明在正常鸡的外周血液中有少量的 TNF  相似文献   



Minocycline has been used in the treatment of Ehrlichia canis infection in dogs as an alternative to doxycycline, the recommended treatment. However, efficacy of this alternative therapy is unknown.


To assess the efficacy of minocycline in the treatment of natural occurring E. canis infection in dogs.


Ten privately owned dogs of mixed breed positive for E. canis by blood PCR.


Prospective, randomized clinical study. Dogs positive for E. canis by PCR were housed in a kennel environment and randomly allocated to receive doxycycline 10 mg/kg bodyweight PO once daily (“gold standard” control group) or minocycline (extralabel) 10 mg/kg bodyweight PO twice daily (treatment test group) for 28 days. Blood, analyzed by PCR to determine the presence or absence of E. canisDNA, was collected weekly during treatment starting on the first day of treatment and including through day 35, 7 days after the last treatment.


In both groups, one dog tested negative after 7 days of treatment. For the doxycycline group, the latest time to a negative PCR test was after 3 weeks of treatment. For the minocycline group, the latest time was on day 28 of treatment. All dogs tested negative 7 days after the end of treatment.

Conclusion and Clinical Importance

Minocycline can be an effective alternative to doxycycline for clearing E. canis from the blood in nonacute infections.  相似文献   

Clinical, hematologic, and immunologic findings for 14 dogs with Ehrlichia canis monoclonal gammopathy were studied retrospectively. Epistaxis, anemia, thrombocytopenia, hypoalbuminemia, hypergammaglobulinemia, and proteinuria were documented in the majority of these dogs. The serum protein electrophoresis pattern was characterized by a distinct narrow-base monoclonal spike, by a broad-base monoclonal spike, or by a monoclonal spike superimposed on a polyclonal gammopathy. The monoclonal spike disappeared following tetracycline treatment for ehrlichiosis. The long-term prognosis following treatment was generally good. The diagnostic features of monoclonal gammopathy due to myeloma were compared with those of E. canis monoclonal gammopathy. Owing to numerous similarities in clinical, hematologic, and immunologic findings, we conclude that an E. canis antibody titer should be determined in all dogs in which a diagnosis of benign monoclonal gammopathy is contemplated or definitive evidence of myeloma, leukemia, or macroglobulinemia is lacking.  相似文献   



Survival times and tumor responses associated with malignant neoplasia of the lower urinary tract are poor despite the vast array of current treatments. Therefore, the evaluation of alternative treatments, such as intraarterial administration of chemotherapy (IAC) should be considered.


To describe a technique for superselective catheterization for IAC and to evaluate initial tumor response by ultrasonography after both IAC and intravenous administration of chemotherapy (IVC).


Client‐owned dogs with lower urinary tract neoplasia treated with either IVC (n = 15) or IAC (n = 11).


Retrospective study. An arterial approach via the carotid or femoral artery was utilized to obtain superselective access and administer chemotherapy in the IAC cases. Medical record review was performed, data were recorded, and recorded variables were evaluated statistically.


Intraarterial chemotherapy was successfully administered in all cases. There was a significantly greater decrease in longest unidimensional measurement in the IAC group as compared to the IVC group (P = .013). The IAC group was also significantly more likely to have a tumor response as assessed by modified RECIST guidelines (P = .049). Dogs in the IAC group were significantly less likely to develop anemia (P = .001), lethargy (P = .010) and anorexia (P = .024).

Conclusion and Clinical Importance

This study demonstrated the feasibility and efficacy of performing IAC for lower urinary tract neoplasia. Further investigation is necessary as the follow‐up time was short and the impact on long‐term outcome and survival was not determined.  相似文献   



Quantitative contrast‐enhanced ultrasonography (CEUS) can detect pancreatic perfusion changes in experimentally induced canine pancreatitis. However, its usefulness in detecting perfusion changes in naturally occurring pancreatitis is unclear.


To determine the feasibility of using CEUS to detect pancreatic and duodenal perfusion changes in naturally occurring canine pancreatitis.


Twenty‐three client‐owned dogs with pancreatitis, 12 healthy control dogs.


Dogs diagnosed with pancreatitis were prospectively included. CEUS of the pancreas and duodenum were performed. Time‐intensity curves were created from regions of interest in the pancreas and duodenum. Five perfusion parameters were obtained for statistical analyses: time to initial up‐slope, peak time (Tp), time to wash‐out (TTW), peak intensity (PI), and area under the curve (AUC).


For the pancreas, Tp of the pancreatitis group was prolonged when compared to controls (62 ± 11 seconds versus 39 ± 13 seconds; < .001). TTW also was prolonged but not significantly (268 ± 69 seconds versus 228 ± 47 seconds; = .47). PI and AUC were increased when compared to controls (95 ± 15 versus 78 ± 13 MPV; = .009 and 14,900 ± 3,400 versus 11,000 ± 2,800 MPV*s; = .013, respectively). For the duodenum, PI and AUC were significantly increased in the pancreatitis group when compared to controls.

Conclusions and Clinical Importance

Contrast‐enhanced ultrasonography can detect pancreatic perfusion changes in naturally occurring canine pancreatitis characterized by delayed peak with prolonged hyperechoic enhancement of the pancreas on CEUS. Additionally, duodenal perfusion changes secondary to pancreatitis were observed.  相似文献   

Lymphocytic-Plasmacytic Enteritis in 24 Dogs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Lymphocytic-plasmacytic enteritis (LPE) was diagnosed by intestinal biopsy in 24 dogs with chronic small intestinal diarrhea. Vomiting, weight loss, and reduced appetite were frequent. Breed predispositions were not documented, although four patients were German Shepherd dogs. Hypoproteinemia, hypoalbuminemia, and hypoglobulinemia were common and most likely a result of protein-losing enteropathy. Other biochemical abnormalities were uncommon. Intestinal malabsorption was common. Neutrophilia (sometimes with increased band neutrophils), monocytosis, lymphopenia, and eosinopenia were the most consistent hematologic abnormalities. The severity of the lymphocytic-plasmacytic infiltration was not significantly different (P greater than 0.05) between regions of small intestine. However, the severity of cellular infiltration often varied among different regions of small intestine in the same dog. Changes in villous architecture and lacteal dilation were common. Intestinal nematode infestation was diagnosed in five dogs, and pancreatic exocrine insufficiency was diagnosed in one dog. In the remaining 18 dogs, besides LPE, no other associated or concurrent intestinal disease was diagnosed.  相似文献   

Hepatic necrosis in association with trimethoprim-sulfonamide (TMS) combination therapy was diagnosed in 4 dogs based on history, clinical presentation, and examination of histopathologic specimens collected postmortem. Duration of TMS therapy prior to onset of clinical signs ranged from 4 to 30 days. The dose of TMS ranged from 18 mg/kg to 53 mg/kg bid. Despite supportive medical therapy, all dogs died or were euthanized due to hepatic failure. This report highlights the potential for hepatotoxicity during TMS therapy. Duration of therapy, type of TMS combination, and dose did not appear related to the development of toxicity. The low number of dogs affected suggests an idiosyncratic drug reaction.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to characterize naturally occurring scrapie in the Southdown breed of sheep. Experimental subjects included 4 Southdown ewes admitted to the University of Missouri, College of Veterinary Medicine Large Animal Clinic. All 4 sheep had signs compatible with clinical scrapie. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) cell counts ranged from a low of 1 nucleated cell/microL to high of 4 cells/microL with a median of 3 cells/microL. Cerebrospinal protein concentrations ranged from 26 to 78 mg/dL with a median of 53 mg/dL. Immunoassay of the CSF for the 14-3-3 protein yielded positive results in 3 of the 4 sheep. Sequencing of the prion protein (PrP) gene revealed that all 4 sheep were homozygous for glutamine at codon 171 and, hence, were of the QQ genotype. Histopathologic examination of brain stem tissue sections revealed intracytoplasmic neuronal vacuolation and mild spongiform changes in the gray matter neuropil in all 4 ewes. The diagnosis of scrapie was confirmed by immunohistochemical staining for the abnormal PrP Our results suggest that the genetics of scrapie susceptibility are probably similar in Suffolk and Southdown sheep. Positive immunoassay results for the 14-3-3 protein were observed in 3 of the 4 sheep.  相似文献   

Histoplasmosis naturally occurring in laboratory guinea pigs is described in its clinical, necropsy, histological and mycological aspects.

The animals if adult show a chronic disease with progressive emaciation and lameness of the hind legs. The young below three months of age died in 2 to 4 weeks presenting ruffled fur, great dorsal curvature and sometimes closed eyelids and catarrhal conjunctivitis.

At necropsy the principal lesions were ulcerative gastritis, hemorrhagic and catarrhal enteritis, enlarged spleen and mesenteric lymph nodes. Sometimes the liver, lungs, mediastinal lymph nodes and other organs showed lesions.

Histological and mycological demonstration of the fungus completed the diagnosis and the surviving animals were burned and sanitation measures instituted.

Histological evidence of histoplasmosis in a cow's lung from the area from which the grass was obtained for the feeding of the guinea pigs suggests an epidemiological link. Efforts will be made to isolate and demonstrate H. capsulatum in wild animals on the same area.


Background: Spironolactone, an aldosterone antagonist, has been demonstrated to decrease mortality in human patients when added to other cardiac therapies. Hypothesis: Spironolactone in addition to conventional therapy increases survival compared with conventional therapy in dogs with naturally occurring myxomatous mitral valve disease (MMVD). Animals: Between February 2003 and March 2005, 221 dogs were recruited in Europe. Nine dogs were excluded from analysis, leaving 212 dogs with moderate to severe mitral regurgitation (MR) caused by MMVD (International Small Animal Cardiac Health Council classification classes II [n = 190] and III [n = 21]). Methods: Double‐blinded, field study conducted with dogs randomized to receive either spironolactone (2 mg/kg once a day) or placebo in addition to conventional therapy (angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor, plus furosemide and digoxin if needed). Primary endpoint was a composite of cardiac‐related death, euthanasia, or severe worsening of MR. Results: Primary endpoint reached by 11/102 dogs (10.8%) in the spironolactone group (6 deaths, 5 worsening) versus 28/110 (25.5%) in control group (14 deaths, 8 euthanasia, 6 worsening). Risk of reaching the composite endpoint significantly decreased by 55% (hazard ratio [HR] = 0.45; 95% confidence limits [CL], 0.22–0.90; log rank test, P= .017). Risk of cardiac‐ related death or euthanasia significantly reduced by 69% (HR = 0.31; 95% CL, 0.13–0.76; P= .0071). Number of dogs not completing the study for cardiac and other miscellaneous reasons similar in spironolactone (67/102) and control groups (66/110). Conclusion and Clinical Importance: Spironolactone added to conventional cardiac therapy decreases the risk of reaching the primary endpoint (ie, cardiac‐related death, euthanasia, or severe worsening) in dogs with moderate to severe MR caused by MMVD.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic and prognostic significance of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF) and interleukin-6 (IL-6) activities and endotoxin concentration in blood and peritoneal fluid of 155 adult horses with acute abdominal disease (colic). Samples also were obtained from 20 healthy adult horses. Blood and peritoneal fluid supernatant TNF and IL-6 activities and endotoxin concentration were significantly greater in horses with colic, compared with healthy horses. In horses with colic, the peritoneal fluid endotoxin concentration and TNF and IL-6 activities were significantly greater than those in blood. Within the colic group, peritoneal fluid IL-6 activity was the analyte that was most frequently increased. Blood and peritoneal fluid supernatant TNF and IL-6 activities were significantly greater when endotoxin was detected in the same sample. Blood and peritoneal fluid IL-6 activity was significantly greater in horses with inflammatory or strangulating lesions, compared with horses having nonstrangulating or noninflammatory lesions. Compared with all other data categories, diagnostic accuracy for nonsurvival was greatest (80%) when blood IL-6 activity exceeded 60 units/mL. The results of this study indicate that endotoxin was present in the peritoneal cavity of at least one third of horses with any acute disease of the abdomen. In horses presented for colic, blood or peritoneal fluid IL-6 activity was more useful than either TNF activity or endotoxin concentration for distinguishing lesion type. Although diagnostic accuracy for the prediction of nonsurvival was good for all of the analytes, negative values were more useful in the prediction of a favorable outcome than were abnormally increased values in the prediction of mortality.  相似文献   

Muscle potassium content and supplementation with potassium gluconate were evaluated in normokalemic cats with chronic renal failure (CRF). Affected cats received standard medical therapy for renal failure and either placebo (sodium gluconate! or potassium gluconate. At the beginning of the study and after 6 months of supplementation, glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and effective renal plasma flow (ERPF) were estimated using 3H-inulin and 14C-tetraethylammo-nium bromide (TEA) clearances. Muscle potassium content was determined in biopsy specimens using atomic absorption spectroscopy. Muscle biopsy samples obtained from cats with CRF before treatment had significantly lower muscle potassium content than did those from normal control cats. Over the 6-month period of supplementation, muscle potassium content increased both in cats with CRF that received potassium gluconate and in those that received placebo (sodium gluconate). Serum potassium concentration and fractional excretion of potassium remained relatively unchanged in both groups of cats throughout the treatment period. There were no significant differences in the percentage change in GFR and ERPF between treatment groups over the 6-month time period. Median values for pH, HCO3, and total CO2 at 6 months were higher than baseline in the potassium gluconate group but lower than baseline in the sodium gluconate group.  相似文献   

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