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Cutaneous neoplasia in 340 cats.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A total of 340 cases of cutaneous neoplasia were diagnosed in 340 of 3,564 cats that were examined by biopsy or necropsy during a 41-month period from January 1, 1986 through May 31, 1989. Eighteen types of tumor occurred, but four types comprised 77% of the cases. These were basal cell tumor, 89 cases (26%, mean age 10.3); mast cell tumor, 72 cases (21%, mean age 8.6); squamous cell carcinoma, 52 cases (15%, mean age 11.6); and fibrosarcoma, 50 cases (15%, mean age 10.2). For each of these four types of tumors, peak number of cases occurred in cats older than 10 years. Mast cell tumor was the only tumor diagnosed in cats younger than 1 year. The head was the most common site for basal cell tumors, mast cell tumors, and squamous cell carcinomas. The legs were the most common location of fibrosarcomas. Siamese cats had approximately three times as many mast cell tumors as statistically expected, but only one-fourth as many squamous cell carcinomas. Breed predilection for other skin tumors was not apparent. Sex predilection was not detected for any skin tumor.  相似文献   

Forty-nine cutaneous plasmacytomas in 46 dogs were studied. Tumors occurred at solitary sites in middle-aged to old dogs (mean age, 9.7 years) and most commonly involved the skin of the digits, lips, and ears. Initial diagnosis was made on the basis of light microscopic morphologic findings. Tumors were graded according to the extent of cellular differentiation and immunoreactivity to a panel of immunohistochemical markers (cytokeratins, canine IgG F[ab]2, neurofilament, neuron-specific enolase, S-100 protein, and vimentin). Immunoreactivity was limited to antibodies directed at canine IgG F(ab)2 and vimentin. Vimentin immunoreactivity was usually greater than that of canine IgG F(ab)2, but there was no correlation between immunoreactivity and histologic grade of the tumors. Thirty-six of 39 dogs (92.3%) followed (mean follow-up, 13 months) were cured by surgical excision. The results of this study indicate that canine cutaneous plasmacytomas are benign neoplasms that should be included in the differential diagnosis of cutaneous round cell tumors in dogs.  相似文献   

A 9-year-old Labrador Retriever was diagnosed with ganglioradiculitis (sensory neuronopathy). This idiopathic disease of mature dogs is characterized by a profound loss of sensory nerve function due to mononuclear inflammatory infiltration of peripheral ganglia and spinal nerve roots, with destruction of sensory neurons. Immunohistochemistry demonstrates that the infiltrating cells are primarily T lymphocytes and that immunoglobulins are not present on the cell membranes of affected neurons. The pathogenesis of ganglioradiculitis remains unclear, but the evidence points to a cell-mediated immune mechanism.  相似文献   

Thirteen uterine tumors were diagnosed in 13 cats and accounted for 0.29% of all feline neoplasms received during a 9.6-year period. Age at diagnosis ranged from 3 to 16 years; median 9 years. Six were Domestic Shorthair cats, and 7 were purebred cats of 5 different breeds. Eight adenocarcinomas and 1 mixed Müllerian tumor (adenosarcoma) comprised the endometrial tumors. Myometrial tumors included 3 leiomyomas and 1 leiomyosarcoma. One of the adenocarcinomas developed in the uterine stump of an ovariohysterectomized cat; the other cats were sexually intact. Concurrent mammary adenocarcinoma was diagnosed in 1 cat with uterine adenocarcinoma and in another with uterine leiomyoma. Tumors were discovered during elective ovariohysterectomy in 2 cats, but at least 3 others had experienced reproductive problems (infertility or pyometra). Five cats presented for abdominal or pelvic masses. Endometrial adenocarcinomas were positive immunohistochemically for cytokeratins and negative for smooth muscle actin (SMA): 1 of 6 cats was positive for vimentin and 4 of 8 were positive for estrogen receptor-alpha (ER alpha). Adenosarcoma stromal cells were positive for vimentin and ER alpha but negative for cytokeratins and SMA. Smooth muscle tumors were positive for vimentin and SMA and negative for cytokeratins. Leiomyomas, but not the leiomyosarcomas, were positive for ER alpha. Adenocarcinomas in 4 cats had metastasized by the time of ovariohysterectomy. Two other cats were euthanized 5 months after ovariohysterectomy; at least one of these cats had developed an abdominal mass that was not examined histologically. Only 2 cats with endometrial adenocarcinoma had disease-free intervals longer than 5 months after surgery. Metastasis was not detected in any mesenchymal tumor; however, these cats were either euthanized on discovery of the tumor or the tumor was first detected at necropsy.  相似文献   

Seven adenocarcinomas of apocrine sweat glands among the 67cutaneous tumours of cats were evaluated between 1980 and 2005. Histopathologically, three tumours were solid, tubular, tubular‐ductal, tubular‐cystic and papillar‐cystic types were also diagnosed each one. Cuboidal and squamous epithelial cells surrounding the cystic lumina and their papillar extensions into the cyst lumens were evident in almost all tumour types. Besides, fibrovascular stroma which surrounding neoplastic foci showed proliferation and stromal invasion. Immunohistochemical features of these tumours were examined with pan‐cytokeratin, vimentin and carcinoembryonic antigen.  相似文献   

In April 1996, an outbreak of toxic polyneuropathy in cats occurred in the Netherlands. All cats had been fed one of two brands of dry cat food from one manufacturer. Chemical analyses of these foods, stomach contents, and liver and kidney of affected cats revealed contamination with the ionophor salinomycin. Epidemiologic and clinical data were collected from 823 cats, or about 1% of the cats at risk. In 21 affected cats, postmortem examination was performed. The affected cats had acute onset of lameness and paralysis of the hindlimbs followed by the forelimbs. Clinical and pathologic examination indicated a distal polyneuropathy involving both the sensory and motor nerves.  相似文献   

Immunohistochemical staining was performed on seven canine and 10 feline soft tissue tumours histologically diagnosed as malignant fibrous histiocytomas (MFHs) or MFH-like tumours, and eight other histologically specified tumours (non-MFH). This was done to determine if commercially available antibodies that are used routinely in human diagnostic pathology for MFHs would express the same immunohistochemical patterns in canine and feline MFHs and MFH-like tumours. The antibodies were directed against human alpha 1-anti-trypsin (AT), human alpha 1-anti-chymotrypsin (ACT), human lysozyme, bovine S-100 protein and human desmin. AT did not show any immunoreactivity in the tissues investigated. Except for one MFH, all canine MFHs and other soft tissue tumours with a 'histiocytic' character stained for lysozyme and not for S-100. Six out of seven canine MFHs and MFH-like tumours stained positive for desmin as did most non-MFH sarcomas. Most of the canine and feline MFHs and MFH-like tumours were positive for ACT. These findings for ACT staining in canine and feline MFHs and MFH-like tumours are in agreement with the findings in human MFHs. The immunohistochemical results of canine MFHs and MFH-like tumours were different from those in cats. Feline MFHs differed from canine MFHs for both lysozyme and desmin staining.  相似文献   

A retrospective study was done of 47 neoplasms of the hepatic and biliary systems from 47 cats brought to The Animal Medical Center over a period of 10 years (1980 to 1989). Histologic examination of specimens taken at necropsy revealed that 87% (41/47) of the hepatic neoplasms were epithelial and 13% (6/47) were nonepithelial. Of the epithelial tumors, 25/47 (53%) were of intrahepatic bile duct origin, 9/47 (19%) were of hepatocellular origin, 5/47 (11%) involved the extrahepatic bile ducts, and 2/47 (4%) were adenocarcinomas of the gall bladder. Of the nonepithelial neoplasms, hemangiosarcomas were more common, 5/47 (11%), than leiomyosarcomas, 1/47 (2%). Multiple liver lobes were involved in 21/34 (62%) of the epithelial and all six of the nonepithelial intrahepatic neoplasms. Most of the bile duct adenocarcinomas (6/9) were predominantly characterized by acinar structures with mucin production, diffuse necrosis, and little desmoplasia. The hepatocellular carcinomas were characterized by three patterns-trabecular (five tumors), pseudoglandular pattern (two tumors), and anaplastic (one tumor). The hepatic carcinoid was characterized by various-sized groups of acinar and rosettelike structures, some with lumens, separated by thin fibrovascular stroma. The extrahepatic bile duct adenocarcinomas (4/4) were acinopapillary with moderate desmosplasia, whereas the adenocarcinomas of the gall bladder had elongated tubular structures lined by anaplastic cells and a severe desmoplastic reaction. The neuroendocrine carcinoma of the extrahepatic bile duct, the hemangiosarcomas, and the leiomyosarcoma had morphologic features characteristic of these neoplasms. Two of the 16 (13%) bile duct adenomas had anaplastic and precancerous changes. Residual benign components were seen in 10/15 (67%) of the biliary adenocarcinomas, 4/9 (44%) of the intrahepatic bile duct adenocarcinomas, and all of the extrahepatic bile duct adenocarcinomas and gall bladder adenocarcinomas. Results of immunohistochemical studies of the biliary neoplasms were similar to those described in studies of biliary neoplasms in human beings. Results of this study revealed that the frequency of different types of hepatic neoplasms in cats varied from that seen in dogs and human beings, but the morphologic features were comparable.  相似文献   

Objective  Pathologic intraocular neovascularization is a key component of many canine ophthalmic diseases such as uveitis, retinal detachment, intraocular neoplasms, and corneal perforation. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the structure of pre-iridal fibrovascular membranes (PIFMs) associated with several different disease processes and to identify specific factors associated with their development in the canine eye.
Procedure  This study examined 36 enucleated canine eyes with the diagnosis of PIFM and one of the following: lens-induced uveitis, retinal detachment, iridociliary adenoma, corneal perforation, severe hyphema, or vitreal gliovascular membranes (canine ocular gliovascular syndrome, COGS). Three histologic stains and six immunohistochemical stains were performed in all 36 PIFM eyes and four histologically normal eyes, including: hematoxylin and eosin, alcian blue periodic acid schiff (PAS), Masson's trichrome, platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule-1 (CD31), smooth muscle actin, vimentin, laminin, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2).
Results  Pre-iridal fibrovascular membrane extracellular matrix staining was consistent with collagen and mucins in all cases and positive for laminin in most cases. All PIFMs contained CD31-positive vessels and predominantly lymphoplasmacytic inflammation. Both PIFM vessels and spindle cells were positive for laminin, vimentin, smooth muscle actin, VEGF, and COX-2. Secondary intraocular pathology and immunohistochemical staining of other intraocular structures are also reported.
Conclusions  Pre-iridal fibrovascular membrane morphology and immunohistochemical characteristics were similar across six canine disease processes, suggesting analogous pathophysiologic mechanisms. COX-2 and VEGF were identified using immunohistochemistry and may play a role in PIFM development.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to analyse retrospectively a feline population with intracranial neoplastic diseases, to document seizure patterns in these animals and to determine whether partial seizures were more frequently associated with structural brain lesions then generalised seizures. In addition, a comparison was made within the population with intracranial neoplasia between two groups of cats: one with and one without seizures. Special emphasis was given to the evaluation of tumour type, localisation and size of the lesion and its correlation with seizure prevalence. Sixty-one cats with histopathological diagnosis of intracranial tumour were identified. Fourteen cats (23%; group A) had a history of seizure(s). Forty-seven cats (77%; group B) had no history of seizure(s). Generalised tonic-clonic seizures were seen in eight cats (57%) and were the most common seizure pattern in our cats with intracranial neoplasia. Clusters of seizures were observed in six cats. Status epilepticus was observed in one patient. The mean age of the cats was 7.9 years within group A (median 8.5) and 9.3 years (median 10) within group B. The cats with lymphoma within both groups were significantly younger than cats with meningioma. In both groups meningioma and lymphoma were confirmed to be the most frequent tumour type, followed by glial cell tumours. The prevalence of the seizures in patients with glial cell tumours was 26.7%, 26.3% in patients with lymphomas and 15% in cases with meningiomas. In 33 cases (54.1%) the tumours were localised in the forebrain, 15 tumours (24.6%) were in the brainstem, four (6.6%) in the cerebellum and nine tumours (14.7%) had multifocal localisation. Parietal lobe and basal ganglia mostly affected group A. In group B tumours were most frequently located in the parietal and frontal lobes as well as in the diencephalon. A positive association was documented between the localisation of a tumour in the forebrain and seizure occurrence.  相似文献   

Mast cell tumours (MCTs) are relatively common tumours of cats, and are the second most common cutaneous tumours in cats in the USA. While the primary splenic form of the disease is far less common, it is usually associated with more severe clinical signs. Signalment, clinical and survival characteristics of mast cell neoplasia were characterised in 41 cats. The most common tumour location was cutaneous/subcutaneous head and trunk. Stage 1a was the most common tumour stage at first diagnosis (n=20), followed by stage 4 (both stage 4a and stage 4b; n=10). Of 22 cats that underwent excisional biopsy, mast cell neoplasia recurred in four cats during the study period. Three of the 41 cats presented with simultaneous cutaneous and either splenic or lymph node tumours. A comparison between cats with only cutaneous tumours (n=30) and those with tumours involving the spleen or lymph nodes (n=11) showed longer survival times for the cutaneous-only group (P=0.031). Twelve of the 41 cats died of mast cell neoplasia during the study period. When a subgroup of cats with only cutaneous tumours (no lymph node or visceral involvement) were divided according to whether there were multiple (five or more) tumours (n=6) or a single tumour (n=19), cats with single tumours survived longer than those with multiple tumours (P=0.001). Solitary cutaneous feline MCTs without spread to the lymph nodes usually manifest as benign disease with a relatively protracted course. However, multiple cutaneous tumours, recurrent tumours and primary splenic disease should receive a guarded prognosis due to the relatively short median survival times associated with these forms of the disease.  相似文献   

Abstract   Clinical, morphological and immunohistochemical features of cutaneous lymphocytosis, an uncommon disease histologically resembling well-differentiated malignant lymphoma, were characterized in 23 cats. Clinical outcome was correlated with histomorphology and immunophenotype in an attempt to predict benign vs. malignant behaviour. The disease mainly affected older cats. Lesions were solitary in 61% of cats and often characterized by alopecia (73.9%), as well as erythema, scaling and ulceration. The lateral thorax was most commonly affected (43.5%). Pruritus was frequent (65.2%). Systemic signs included anorexia and weight loss. Morphologically, lesions were characterized by dermal infiltrations of well-differentiated CD3+ T-cells (100%) and aggregates of CD79+ B-cells (64.3%). Cutaneous lymphocytosis is slowly progressive and relatively benign, although in some cats systemic signs led to euthanasia. Four of 12 euthanized cats and one live cat also had lymphoid infiltrates in internal organs. Unfortunately, we were unable to predict clinical outcome by histological and immunohistochemical evaluations of skin lesions.  相似文献   

Hepatobiliary neuroendocrine carcinoma was diagnosed in 17 cats in a period of 10 years. Seven tumors were of intrahepatic origin, one of which was a composite containing components of epithelial and neuroendocrine carcinoma. Nine tumors were of extrahepatic origin, and one tumor was located in the gall-bladder. The cats were adult and geriatric, and the male : female ratio varied according to tumor group. Hepatomegaly, anorexia, weight loss, and vomiting were the most common clinical signs observed in the cats with hepatic neuroendocrine carcinoma. The cats with extrahepatic neuroendocrine carcinoma showed these signs plus icterus (5/9) and high concentrations of hepatic enzymes. Histologically, the hepatic neuroendocrine carcinomas had two patterns, one with acinar structures separated by vascular stroma lined by cuboidal or columnar cells and the other solid with groups of anaplastic cells separated by vascular stroma. The composite tumor consisted of both bile duct carcinoma and neuroendocrine carcinoma. The extrahepatic neuroendocrine carcinomas and the gallbladder neuroendocrine carcinoma were characterized by solid sheets or groups of round to oval cells with vascular or fibrovascular stroma. Immunohistochemical examination of 10 of the neuroendocrine carcinomas revealed that all 10 stained with neuron-specific enolase; one bile duct carcinoma and the gallbladder carcinoma stained with chromogranin; four of five bile duct carcinomas and the gall bladder carcinoma stained with synaptophysin; and one bile duct carcinoma stained with gastrin. One cat with hepatic carcinoma had duodenal ulcer; in this cat, ultrastructural studies showed neurosecretory granules leading to the diagnosis of Zollinger-Ellison syndrome. In four cats in which necropsy was permitted, carcinomatosis (4/4), lymph nodes (4/4), lungs (2/4), and intestines (1/4) were the metastatic sites. Fourteen of the 17 cats were euthanatized during or immediately after surgery.  相似文献   

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