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Computed tomography (CT) is a valuable imaging procedure but one that requires significant technical support. Although scanners are available for veterinary use, their successful installation requires in-depth facility planning. Maintenance costs for these highly complex systems are high and may greatly exceed acquisition costs. Equipment to move anesthetized horses and support them during scanning is also expensive. Transport and scan table equipment suitable for equine CT studies are described. Clinical scan protocols used for CT of the equine skull and extremities are detailed. Precise positioning is essential for interpretable scans. Significant training in anatomy and CT physics is required for the veterinary computed tomographer.  相似文献   

Computed tomography (CT) was performed on an eleven-year-old dog four days after an acute onset of seizures and neurologic deficits. A ring-enhancing, intra-axial lesion associated with edema, falcial deviation and non-uniform ventricular compression was identified in the left frontal lobe. An area of ill-defined hyperdensity, compatible with hemorrhage, was noted on corresponding CT images prior to contrast enhancement. At post-mortem examination, a focal, hemorrhagic infarct, characterized by liquif ication necrosis, marked gliosis and neovascularization, was found. The etiology of the infarction could not be identified. The CT findings, however, were similar to those seen in humans with cerebral infarction due to embolic occlusion and subsequent hemorrhage. These findings and the pathophysi-ologic mechanisms behind them are discussed.  相似文献   

A necrotizing meningoencephalitis of Yorkshire terriers has recently been reported in 6 dogs in Switzerland, 1 dog in Japan and 1 dog in the United States. The purpose of this report is to describe the computed tomographic (CT) findings in 3 dogs with this disease, and to correlate the CT abnormalities with the clinical and pathologic findings in each case. Three Yorkshire Terriers between 2 and 10 years old were evaluated. Physical and neurologic examinations, complete blood count (CBC), serum biochemistry profile, cerebrospinal fluid analysis, and CT scan were performed on all 3 dogs. Brainstem auditory evoked responses (BAER) were evaluated for 2 dogs. Two dogs were euthanized at the owners' request and necropsies were performed. Neurologic examination findings were consistent with a multifocal/diffuse encephalitis involving the cerebrum and brainstem in all 3 dogs. Complete blood count and biochemistry profiles were normal. Elevated protein concentration and a mononuclear pleocytosis were demonstrated in 2 of 3 dogs on cerebrospinal fluid evaluation. Multifocal, extensive areas of decreased opacity throughout the cerebral hemispheres, asymmetric ventriculomegaly, and lack of contrast enhancement were appreciated on CT images of all three dogs. No mass effect was seen. These findings correlated well with pathologic findings at necropsy, which included multiple malacic cavitations within the brain, representing areas of locally extensive necrosis. CT abnormalities in combination with signalment, clinical findings and cerebrospinal fluid analysis should facilitate a presumptive diagnosis of Yorkshire Terrier necrotizing meningoencephalitis.  相似文献   

Computed tomography (CT) is commonly used in veterinary practice to evaluate dogs with suspected brain disease, however contrast resolution limitations and artifacts may reduce visualization of clinically important anatomic features. The purpose of this study was to develop an optimized CT protocol for evaluating the canine brain. The head of a 5‐year‐old Springer Spaniel with no neurological signs was imaged immediately following euthanasia using a 4‐slice CT scanner and 282 protocols. Each protocol used a fixed tube voltage of 120 kVp and 10 cm display field of view. Other acquisition and reconstruction parameters were varied. For each protocol, four selected images of the brain were reconstructed, anonymized and saved in DICOM format. Three board‐certified veterinary radiologists independently reviewed each of the four images for each protocol and recorded a numerical quality score for each image. The protocol yielding the lowest total numerical score was defined as the optimal protocol. There was overall agreement that the optimal protocol was the one with the following parameters: sequential mode, 300 mAs, 1 mm slice thickness, 1 s tube rotation time, medium image reconstruction algorithm and applied beam hardening correction. Sequential imaging provided optimal image resolution. The thin‐sliced images provided a small blur due to partial volume artifacts. A high tube current resulted in a relatively low noise level. Use of a medium frequency image reconstruction algorithm provided optimal contrast resolution for brain tissue. Use of a proprietary beam hardening correction filter (Posterior Fossa Optimization) markedly reduced beam‐hardening artifact.  相似文献   

A dog with aspiration pneumonia was examined by computed tomography (CT) with 8-mm continuous scans of the chest. The results demonstrated that CT is a useful procedure for evaluating pneumonia, although high cost prevents its routine use. A normal littermate was examined, and normal structures of the chest and chest wall were compared.  相似文献   

Increasingly severe degrees of pneumothorax were produced in 6 adult anesthetized bloodhounds. Computed tomography (CT) of the thorax was performed on each dog to evaluate the effects of pneumo thorax on thoracic and on pulmonary cross-sectional area (TA and PA). Arterial PO2 (PaO2) and PCO2 (PaCO2), heart rate (HR), and mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) were determined and related to the severity of pneumothorax. Volumes of air equal to 1, 1.5 and 2 times functional residual capacity of the lung produced approximately 33%, 40%, and 50% reductions in pulmonary area respectively. These amounts of atelectasis correspond to a radiographically "moderate" degree of pneumothorax. As severity of pneumothorax increased, thoracic area consistently increased, PaO2 consistently decreased, and PaCO2 consistently increased, with all being statistically significant relationships (p<0.0001); but HR and MAP were variable and showed no statistical correlation to the degree of pneumothorax (p>0.2).  相似文献   

Spinal tumoral calcinosis is reported in a Berner sennenhund puppy. The condition was manifested clinically as a non-ambulatory tetraparesis associated with neck pain. On survey radiographs there was a focal calcified mass at the atlantoaxial articulation. Computed tomography and computed tomographic myelography gave additional information on the extent of the mass and on the degree of spinal cord compression. The mass was removed surgically and the dog made a complete recovery.  相似文献   

Radiographic examination proved incapable of determining the extent and severity of chronic sinusitis in a goat. Computed tomography was subsequently used to clearly define the nature and extent of the lesion.  相似文献   

The purpose of this project was to establish a procedure and reference values for glomerular filtration rate (GFR) using contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CT) in eight healthy dogs. A single section of the kidney was scanned sequentially after bolus injection (3 ml/s) of iohexol (300 mg/kg). Time-attenuation curves were constructed and the GFR per volume of kidney was calculated using Patlak graphical analysis software. The GFR was then converted from contrast clearance per unit volume (ml/min/ml) to contrast clearance per body weight (ml/min/kg). Individual kidney and global GFR were calculated using both CT and nuclear scintigraphy. Global GFR for each dog was also determined by plasma iohexol clearance. Contrast-enhanced CT underestimated the global GFR compared with the other two methods. The average global GFR was 2.57 +/- 0.33 ml/ min/kg using functional CT and 4.06 +/- 0.37 ml/min/kg using plasma iohexol clearance. There was significant (P < 0.05) interobserver variability of CT GFR of the right kidney and total GFR. There was decreased interobserver variability for the left kidney. There was no difference in the intraobserver variability for CT-determined individual kidney and global GFR. There was no difference between the motion corrected and nonmotion corrected values for individual and global CT GFR. Nuclear scintigraphy produced a slightly higher coefficient of variation than contrast-enhanced CT, 2.9% and 1.0%, respectively. It is hypothesized that altered renal blood flow, hematocrit of the small vessels, and nephrotoxicity play a role in the underestimation of GFR by contrast-enhanced CT.  相似文献   

Abdominal computed tomography (CT) studies of 19 dogs with no history or clinical signs of gastrointestinal disease, and two dogs with a histological diagnosis of gastrointestinal neoplasia were examined retrospectively. Gastrointestinal segments were evaluated subjectively for conspicuity, contrast enhancement, and wall layering after contrast medium administration. In dogs without gastrointestinal disease, there were 62.8% of gastrointestinal segments (serosa to serosa) and 77.7% of gastrointestinal walls (serosa to mucosa) visualized. Wall layering on postcontrast images was seen in 21.8% of gastrointestinal segments. There was significant association between gastrointestinal diameter and wall thickness. There was significant association between weight and gastrointestinal wall thickness in the following regions: gastric fundus, gastric body, gastric pylorus, gastric pyloric antrum, duodenal cranial flexure, jejunum and ascending colon, and between patient weight and gastrointestinal diameter in cranial duodenal flexure, descending duodenum, transverse duodenum, ascending duodenum, and jejunum. Measurements acquired from CT studies correlated well with previously published normal reference ranges for radiographic and ultrasonographic studies. Gastrointestinal neoplasia, diagnosed in two dogs, had a gastrointestinal wall thickness greater than the range of the dogs without gastrointestinal disease. Computed tomography offers identification of the gastrointestinal tract segments in dogs, allows for evaluation of gastrointestinal diameter and aids in investigation of gastrointestinal wall thickness.  相似文献   

Five spontaneous extracranial canine neoplasms studied by a computed tomography whole body scanner are presented: an undifferentiated sarcoma of the scapula, a mast cell sarcoma of the hip, a mast cell sarcoma of the neck, a fibrosarcoma of the neck, and a malignant melanoma of the gingiva. Computed tomography enables accurate detection and definition of tumor size and extent and is, therefore, an aid to diagnostic evaluation, therapy, and prognosis.  相似文献   

Cholesterinic granulomas are tumor-like masses in the choroid plexuses of horses. This report describes the computed tomographic findings in four horses with cholesterinic granulomas, including the clinical and the pathologic features. All four horses had bilateral cholesterinic granulomas in the lateral ventricles. Computed tomographic images clearly delineated the masses, the opacity of the granulomas, and the enhancement pattern after intravenous bolus injection of contrast medium; these factors varied considerably. Additional CT findings were symmetric or asymmetric widening of the lateral ventricles.  相似文献   

A retrospective study of 22 animals with histologically confirmed, primary inflammatory brain disease was undertaken to determine the value of computed tomography in such patients. The histologic diagnosis was confirmed at necropsy in 18 patients and by surgical biopsy in four. All affected animals had neurologic deficits; the most common presenting complaint was seizures. Abnormalities were identified on computed tomography images in 21 of the 22 patients. The abnormalities included ventricular changes, falcial deviation, edema, focal changes in parenchymal opacity, focal contrast enhancement, periventricular contrast enhancement, and a ring-like pattern of contrast enhancement. Many lesion types identified in this study, such as falcial deviation, changes in parenchymal opacity, and ring-pattern enhancement, have previously been associated with neoplasia. The abnormalities correlated well with the lesion localization predicted by neurologic examination and confirmed by surgery or necropsy. Although computed tomography findings were often judged to be compatible with inflammatory disease, they did not predict the type of pathologic process. The findings suggest that computed tomography is valuable in the evaluation of animals with primary inflammatory brain disorders, but differentiation of neoplasia from non-neoplastic diseases is not always possible.  相似文献   

A 7-month-old La Mancha doe was presented with a right head tilt and ventral strabismus while circling to the left. History and physical examination led to a tentative diagnosis of a cerebral abscess. Computed tomography revealed a large, complex mass with ring enhancement in the left cerebral hemisphere, supporting the diagnosis. Postmortem examination confirmed the cerebral abscess. Bacterial cultures yielded heavy growth of Actinomyces pyogenes.  相似文献   

Computed tomographic (CT) studies of 80 dogs with chronic nasal disease (nasal neoplasia (n = 19), nasal aspergillosis (n = 46), nonspecific rhinitis (n = 11), and foreign body rhinitis (n = 4)) were reviewed retrospectively by two independent observers. Each observer filled out a custom-designed list to record his or her interpretation of the CT signs and selected a diagnosis. Accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV), and negative predictive value (NPV) were calculated for the diagnosis of each disease. The agreement between observers was evaluated. The CT signs corresponded to those previously described in the literature. CT had an accuracy greater than 90% for each observer in all disease processes. The sensitivity, specificity, PPV, and NPV were greater than 80% in all dogs with the exception of the PPV of foreign body rhinitis (80% for observer A and 44% for observer B). There was a substantial, to almost perfect, agreement between the two observers regarding the CT signs and diagnosis. This study indicates a high accuracy of CT for diagnosis of dogs with chronic nasal disease. The differentiation between nasal aspergillosis restricted to the nasal passages and foreign body rhinitis may be difficult when the foreign body is not visible.  相似文献   

Anesthesia and tube restraint methods are often required for computed tomography (CT) of snakes due to their natural tendency to curl up. However, these restraint methods may cause animal stress. The aim of this study was to determine whether the CT appearance of the lungs differs for ball pythons in a curled position vs. tube restraint. Whole body CT was performed on ten clinically healthy ball pythons, first in curled and then in straight positions restrained in a tube. Curved multiplanar reformatted (MPR) lung images from curled position scans were compared with standard MPR lung images from straight position scans. Lung attenuation and thickness were measured at three locations for each scan. Time for positioning and scanning was 12 ± 5 min shorter for curled snakes compared to tube restraint. Lung parenchyma thickness and attenuation declined from cranial to caudal on both straight and curled position images. Mean lung parenchyma thickness was greater in curled images at locations 1 (P = 0.048) and 3 (P = 0.044). Mean lung parenchyma thickness decreased between location 1 and 2 by 86–87% (straight: curled) and between location 1 and 3 by 51‐50% (straight: curled). Mean lung attenuation at location 1 was significantly greater on curled position images than tube restraint images (P = 0.043). Findings indicated that CT evaluation of the lungs is feasible for ball pythons positioned in curled recumbency if curved MPR is available. However, lung parenchyma thickness and attenuation in some locations may vary from those acquired using tube restraint.  相似文献   

This study was performed to characterize pulmonary embolism with computed tomography pulmonary angiography in experimental pulmonary embolism and heartworm infected dogs. In the experimental group, there were pulmonary changes after pulmonary embolism induction as follows: hypoattenuating round filling defects in pulmonary arteries, arterial dilations with straight and abrupt cut‐off appearances in the pulmonary embolism regions, pulmonary infarctions, a cavity formation and spontaneous pneumothorax, and emboli migration. In the heartworm‐infected group, three out of eight dogs developed pulmonary embolism, especially in the right caudal arteries. Arterial dilations with typical tortuosity were also identified, mainly in the right caudal arteries in five dogs. Computed tomography pulmonary angiography can be an important imaging modality in the diagnosis of pulmonary embolism and the evaluation of pulmonary arterial and parenchymal changes in dogs.  相似文献   

the purpose of the study was to characterize the renal lesions of hereditary renal cystadenocarcinomas in the German shepherd dog using computed tomography (CT), Fourteen dogs with renal cystadenocarcinomas and nodular dermatofibrosis, and two unaffected dogs were studied. There were nine dogs with spontaneous disease and seven dogs from a test mating. The characteristic renal CT findings of renal cystadenocarcinomas were bilateral multiple cysts and tumor masses of various sizes. The earliest change were detected between 4 and 5 years of age and the smallest cysts measured 2-3 mm in diameter. Abdominal CT examination gives a wide field view and excellent anatomic images of the kidneys. It is easy to differentiate between cysts and solid tumors. CT examination is useful for the early detection of renal cystadenocarcinomas and for screening suspected carrier dogs before breeding.  相似文献   

Computed tomography (CT) excretory urography was performed in five adult female dogs after intravenous injection of a bolus of four different doses of water-soluble iodinated contrast medium (100, 200, 400, and 800 mg1/kg). CT images centered over the urinary bladder were performed before injection and 1,3,5,7,9,11,15,20,25,30,40,50, and 60 minutes after injection. Opacification of both ureters was evaluated by measuring maximum CT number of individual ureters at each time. Time opacification curves were generated for each dose. Best opacification of the ureters was obtained with 400 and 800 mgl/kg, with a constant peak at 3 minutes and durable opacification for 1 hour. Insufficient opacification was obtained with lower dose of 100 and 200 mgI/kg.  相似文献   

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