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为了明确和掌握我国黄河流域和长江流域棉区主要植棉地区棉田恶性杂草牛筋草对草甘膦的抗药性水平,利用整株测定法评价了8个省48个采样点牛筋草的抗性水平。结果表明:不同棉田牛筋草对草甘膦存在不同程度的抗药性,其中湖北汉川牛筋草种群的抗性最高,相比于河南安阳敏感对照种群,其抗性指数达14.4;其次为江西湖口和河北枣强牛筋草种群。  相似文献   

Analysis of 36 genotypes of finger millet ( Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaertn) with varying seed colors revealed a wide range of protein and calcium contents. White seeded genotypes had higher protein contents, while brown seeded types had a wide range of values. The brown seeded genotype GE 2500 had the highest protein content. Although protein content had significant negative association with calcium content, white seeded types had moderate levels of calcium. The genotypic coefficients of variability were moderate and high for protein and calcium, respectively. High heritability coupled with high genetic advance indicated their governance by additive gene action. A negative significant correlation was observed between protein content and grain yield. Mahalanobis D 2 analysis grouped the 36 genotypes into eight clusters. Clustering pattern failed to indicate any relationship between genetic diversity and geographic diversity. Based on genetic diversity and performance, the genotypes MS 1168, MS 174 and CO 13 were found to be suitable for use as parents in a hybridization program for improving yield; the genotypes MS 1168, MS 174 and MS 2869 for protein and Malawi 1915 and CO 11 for calcium. Protein and calcium contents contributed less to genetic divergence.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to verify the effects of methanol (MeOH) and hydroalcoholic (HA) extracts and their respective partition phases obtained from white mangrove (Laguncularia racemosa (L.) C.F. Gaertn.) leaves on human thrombin activity. Among the extracts and phases tested, only the ethyl acetate and butanolic partitions significantly inhibited human thrombin activity and the coagulation of plasma in the presence of this enzyme. Chromatographic analyses of the thrombin samples incubated with these phases revealed that different compounds were able to interact with thrombin. The butanolic phase of the MeOH extract had the most potent inhibitory effects, reducing enzymatic activity and thrombin-induced plasma coagulation. Two glycosylated flavonoids in this partition were identified as the most potent inhibitors of human thrombin activity, namely quercetin-3-O-arabinoside (QAra) and quercetin-3-O-rhamnoside (Qn). Chromatographic analyses of thrombin samples incubated with these flavonoids demonstrated the chemical modification of this enzyme, suggesting that the MeOH extract contained other compounds that both induced structural changes in thrombin and diminished its activity. In this article, we show that despite the near absence of the medical use of mangrove compounds, this plant contains natural compounds with potential therapeutic applications.  相似文献   

Sapindus mukorossi Gaertn. (Sapindaceae) is commercially an important plant much valued for its fruits commonly known as soap nut as well as for the seed oil used as a feed-stock for biodiesel production. Molecular polymorphism, determined, using three single primer amplification reaction (SPAR) methods (RAPD, DAMD and ISSR) is used to assess the genetic variability in 69 accessions of S. mukorossi Gaertn., encompassing different geographical regions in India. Cumulative band data generated using the three SPAR methods resulted in 82.49% polymorphism across all genotypes of S. mukorossi Gaertn. UPGMA tree showed two major clusters that were in accordance with the geographical diversity. The intra-population genetic diversity (0.16), Shannon information index (0.24) and polymorphic loci (45.62%) were highest in AS population, while the corresponding lowest values were recorded in HP population. The inter-population average distance ranged from 0.05 (GA and HP) to 0.26 (AP and HP). Based on these distances, the UPGMA tree for the populations was computed, which showed the presence of two major clusters. Cluster I contained all the populations from Himachal Pradesh (HP) and Uttarakhand (GA and KU) and cluster II grouped the populations from North Eastern region (AS, AP, MG). The present study showed that SPAR methods are informative and useful to unravel the diversity among different populations of the soap nut plants and is a prelude for further utilization of promising and genetically divergent materials in the breeding programmes.  相似文献   

采用组织块分离法从采后发病芒果果肉中分离病原菌,通过形态学观察、r DNA-ITS序列和系统发育树分析对其进行鉴定,并初步研究其生物学特性。结果表明:从发病芒果中分离到的病菌T0408鉴定为Colletotrichum asianum Prihastuti,L.CaiK.D.Hyde。该菌菌丝生长的适宜温度为20~30℃、适宜pH值为5~8;环境湿度在75%~98%范围内,湿度越大,菌丝生长速度越快,在3 000 lx日光灯的光照强度下连续光照有利于菌丝的生长和产孢;孢子萌发的适宜温度为25~30℃、适宜pH值为6~8,环境湿度为75%~98%,湿度越大、在3 000 lx日光灯的光照强度下连续光照有利于孢子的萌发。  相似文献   

The exploitation of neglected niger accessions plays a crucial role in future breeding programs aimed to enhance the quality. Present study evaluated the genetic variation in nutritional and nutraceutical compositions of 30indigenous niger accessions originating from Eastern Ghats of India, and compare them with three improved varieties of the locality. The proximate compositions(g/100 g) showed significant variations, with moisture ranging from 1.36 g to 4.95 g, ash from 1.06 g to 5.45 g, fat f...  相似文献   

Finger millet is a promising source of micronutrients and protein besides energy and can contribute to the alleviation of iron (Fe), zinc (Zn) and protein malnutrition affecting women and preschool children in African and south-east Asian countries. The most cost effective approach for mitigating micronutrient and protein malnutrition is to introduce staple crop cultivars selected and/or bred for Fe, Zn and protein dense grain. Breeding finger millet for enhanced grain nutrients is still in its infancy. Analysis, detection and exploitation of the existing variability among the germplasm accessions are the initial steps in breeding micronutrient and protein-dense finger millet cultivars. Evaluation of finger millet core collection for grain nutrients and agronomic traits revealed a substantial genetic variability for grain Fe, Zn, calcium (Ca) and protein contents. The accessions rich in nutrient contents were identified and their agronomic diversity assessed. The accessions rich in Zn content have significantly higher grain yield potential than those rich in Fe and protein content. Grain nutrient-specific accessions and those contrasting for nutrient contents were identified for use in the strategic research and cultivar development in finger millet.  相似文献   

采用顶空固相微萃取-气相色谱-质谱联用法(HS-SPME-GC-MS)测定芒果香气成分,分析HS-SPME的平衡时间、萃取温度、萃取时间及解吸时间对香气成分分析结果(包括总峰数目、总峰面积)的影响,得到最佳萃取条件,并通过谱库比对鉴定芒果香气成分的组成及相对含量。旨在明确HS-SPME-GC-MS测定芒果果实香气成分的最佳萃取条件及海南省芒果主产区主栽品种贵妃、台农果实的香气成分组成及差异,为芒果香气品质判断及种质资源评价提供依据。结果表明:(1)HS-SPME最佳萃取条件为平衡时间10 min,萃取温度45 ℃,萃取时间60 min,解吸时间5 min。(2)海南省芒果主产区主栽品种贵妃、台农共鉴定出102种匹配度大于70%的挥发性香气化合物,2个品种的香气成分主要由萜烯类构成,贵妃萜烯类占香气成分总含量的74.70%,台农萜烯类占香气成分总含量的86.79%,另外还有少量的醇、醛、酮、酯、羧酸类。(3)贵妃、台农共有的挥发性香气化合物有α-异松油烯、3-蒈烯、柠檬烯、3-己烯-1-醇、2-己烯醛、γ-己内酯、异佛尔酮、棕榈酸等15种。因此,α-异松油烯、3-蒈烯为海南省芒果主产区主栽品种贵妃、台农的主要特征香气成分,且台农的主要特征香气成分相对含量明显高于贵妃。  相似文献   

为了阐明蓖麻三磷酸甘油脱氢酶基因(glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, RcGPDH)在蓖麻油累积过程中的作用,本研究根据已报道的蓖麻种子表达序列标签(Expressed Sequence Tags,EST)设计引物,通过RACE(rapid-amplification of cDNA ends)方法克隆蓖麻RcGPDH基因的全长并对其序列进行分析,构建了该基因的酵母表达载体PYES2.1/V5-His-TOPO-RcGPDH,以载体PYES2.1/V5-His/lacZ质粒DNA为对照,转化酵母野生型菌株BY4742,运用分光光度法测定转基因酵母的生长曲线,通过香草醛法测定稳定生长期的转基因酵母的油脂含量。结果表明,转基因菌株比转空载体对照菌株生长慢,两者均在培养18h后进入平台期;两个菌株的油脂含量没有明显的差别,表明RcGPDH基因对酵母油脂的累积没有起到积极的作用,在蓖麻种子中可能还存在另一个GPDH同源基因参与TAG的合成。  相似文献   

The majority of off-type plants in indica hybrid rice were CMS and its maintainer lines.  相似文献   

抗多菌灵的芒果炭疽病菌的杀菌剂筛选及其交互抗性测定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为筛选抗多菌灵的芒果炭疽病菌的杀菌剂,采用生长速率法测定23种杀菌剂对8株抗、感多菌灵的芒果炭疽病菌(Colletotrichum gtoeosporioides Penz.)的室内毒力.通过EC50值、EC90值及杀菌剂间的交互抗性测定等综合分析表明:对芒果炭疽病菌毒力最强的杀菌剂是咪鲜胺,其平均EC50值和EC90值分别为0.04、0.21μg/mL;苯醚甲环唑、丙环唑、吡唑醚菌酯、氟硅唑、氟硅唑·恶唑菌酮、戊唑醇、腈菌唑和多抗霉素对芒果炭疽病菌的毒力也较强,与多菌灵不存在交互抗性,这9种杀菌剂均可作为防治芒果炭疽病的首选杀菌剂.另外,三唑酮、异菌脲、三环唑和代森锰锌也有较好的抑菌效果,可用于芒果炭疽病的防治.通过交互抗性分析,在苯并咪唑类杀菌剂之间,苯并眯唑类杀菌剂与烯唑醇,嘧菌酯、醚菌酯与腈菌唑·醚菌酯,嘧菌酯、醚菌酯与三唑酮,苯醚甲环唑与氟硅唑·恶唑菌酮之间存在交互抗性;而百菌清与嘧菌酯、醚菌酯和腈菌唑·醚菌酯,恶霉灵与嘧菌酯、醚菌酯、腈菌唑·醚菌酯和三唑酮之间存在负交互抗性.  相似文献   

将印度梨形孢(Piriformospora indica,Pi)真菌接种芝麻幼苗根部,分别在大田及温室条件下研究供试真菌对芝麻生长和抗旱性的效应。大田试验主要调查产量性状,温室试验在芝麻初花期进行15d的持续干旱处理,测定株高等形态性状、过氧化氢酶活性等生理指标。结果表明,接种及未接种Pi真菌的芝麻植株在干旱处理前后叶长、叶宽差异达到极显著水平,株高、全展叶片数、基部茎粗、叶绿素含量、根颈粗差异达到显著水平;在人工干旱胁迫条件下,接种Pi真菌后芝麻植株能维持较高的过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性和较高含量的脯氨酸(Pro),降低丙二醛(MDA)含量,从而减轻干旱胁迫伤害。在千粒重及单株籽粒重两个产量性状上,大田和温室接种的芝麻与未接种的差异均达到显著水平。接种Pi真菌不仅能促进芝麻的生长,而且在干旱条件下,使得芝麻表现出较强的抗旱性,显著提高芝麻产量。  相似文献   

The majority of off-type plants in indica hybrid rice were CMS and its maintainer lines.  相似文献   

Tiller angle,the inclination between the caulisand its tillers,is one of the important featuresof the plant type in cultivated rice.It has greatsignificance in high yield breeding of rice.Ifthe tiller angle is too small,the resistance todisease may be reduced.On the other hand, big tiller angle is undesirable for high yieldingIn the present study,a DH population con- structed via anther culture of F_1 hybrids ofjaponica/indica(ZYQ 8/JX 17)was used forQTL analysis of the tiller angle.The female  相似文献   

The essential trace mineral, selenium (Se), is of fundamental importance to human health. Tartary buckwheat is a pseudocereal variety rich in functional flavonoids. To investigate the characters of Se-enriched Tartary buckwheat in Shaanxi province, we studied effect of different processing methods on its nutrients and selenium distribution in Se-enriched buckwheat groat (Se-BG), milled flour (Se-BMF), extruded flake (Se-BEF) and roasted groat (Se-BRG). The highest total selenium content in Se-BG was 118.04 μg/kg. Se-BMF (110.55 μg/kg) and Se-BEF (98.55 μg/kg) showed less selenium loss while the most selenium loss was recorded in Se-BRG (66.63 μg/kg). Selenium and selenomethionine (SeMet) were mainly present in glutelin, followed by albumin. SeMet content followed the trends of Se-BG (76.21 μg/kg groat) > Se-BMF (75.24 μg/kg groat) > Se-BEF (64.76 μg/kg groat) > Se-BRG (21.21 μg/kg groat).This shows that processing also has a great influence on the distribution of selenium forms.  相似文献   

芒果(Mangnifera indica L.)是著名的热带水果,深受消费者的喜爱。我国是世界第二大芒果生产国,其中广西为全国最大的芒果产区。芒果是典型的呼吸跃变型水果,其果实在采摘后因乙烯大量释放容易软化腐烂,导致货架期短,影响产业的发展。乙烯响应转录因子(ethylene response factor, ERF)是乙烯信号通路中的关键基因,参与果实内源乙烯合成的信号转导。为了探究ERF在芒果果实采后成熟调控的作用机制,以‘台农1号’芒果为研究对象,依据前期完成的芒果转录组数据结果,筛选并克隆得到1个ERF基因(MiERF113),利用生物信息学方法分析MiERF113的基本理化特征、保守结构域、蛋白质结构、进化关系等;利用实时荧光定量PCR(qPCR)技术对MiERF113基因在芒果采后不同贮藏时期的特异性表达进行分析。结果表明:MiERF113基因的开放阅读框(ORF)长度为681 bp,编码227个氨基酸,预测蛋白质分子量为25.61 kDa,理论等电点(pI)为6.07,总平均亲水性为-0.883,有32个磷酸化位点,无跨膜螺旋结构,无信号肽。蛋白质结构域预测MiERF113蛋白仅含有1个保守的AP2结构域,且该结构域中第14和19位氨基酸分别为丙氨酸和天冬氨酸,符合ERF亚家族的典型结构特征。将芒果与拟南芥、猕猴桃、阿月浑子、苹果、柑橘和茶树的ERF氨基酸序列进行进化分析,发现MiERF113与阿月浑子ERF113的同源性较高,亲缘关系最近。利用qPCR检测MiERF113基因在芒果采后不同贮藏时间果皮和果肉部位的表达情况,结果显示,MiERF113基因在果皮和果肉中均有表达,且随着果实不断成熟其表达量在逐渐增加,在采后贮藏12 d时表达量达到最高。本研究为揭示MiERF113基因在芒果采后成熟过程中的调控作用提供理论依据。  相似文献   

以粤西1号为试材研究了芒果果实成熟阶段淀粉、葡萄糖、果糖和蔗糖的含量以及蔗糖代谢相关酶-酸性转化酶(AI)、中性转化酶(NI)、蔗糖合成酶(SS)和蔗糖磷酸合成酶(SPS)的活性变化.结果表明:采收前淀粉含量逐渐减少,采收后快速减少;葡萄糖含量采收后呈先增后减的趋势,果糖含量采收前缓慢增加,采收后开始迅速增加,蔗糖变化与果糖变化趋势一致,完熟时含量最多的糖为蔗糖(62.55 mg,g),果糖次之(44.45 mg/g),葡萄糖最少(2.87mg/g).AI、NI、SS、SPS在采收前活性差别不大,在后熟阶段,AI、SS、SPS活性显著增加,且SPS活性达到最高值.粤西1号糖代谢以积累蔗糖为主,2种酶SPS和SS起关键作用.  相似文献   

起源于非洲和地中海沿岸的油莎豆以适应性广、产油量高而成为我国的新型油料作物。为促进该物种的开发与利用,研究基于基因组和转录组数据对油莎豆及代表性单子叶植物的EPSPS基因进行系统鉴定。结果表明:与大多数植物类似,油莎豆仅含有1个EPSPS基因,其包含7个内含子,命名为CeEPSPS;RT-PCR分离到的CeEPSPS编码区序列为1584 bp,预测编码514个氨基酸,其N端的前70个残基为叶绿体信号肽,77~508位残基为高度保守的EPSP合酶结构域(PF00275);与EPSP合酶结构域相比,信号肽在不同植物中变异较大;CeEPSPS成熟蛋白的理论分子量为47.32 kDa,等电点为5.49,总平均疏水指数为0.069,脂肪族指数为93.76,不稳定系数为31.73,与其他物种相近,均属于稳定的疏水型酸性蛋白;进化分析支持油莎豆划归为禾本目莎草科。序列比对和基因组测序分析结果显示,56份油莎豆种质不存在已报道的草甘膦抗性变异。qRT-PCR分析结果显示,CeEPSPS主要在成熟叶片和块茎中表达,其表达水平显著高于芽、幼嫩叶片、衰老叶片和芽茎。此外,本研究还构建了CeEPSPS的植物过...  相似文献   

New indica and japonica hybrid rice cultivars,such as the Yongyou series,provide farmers with very high yield potential.However,information on their canopy light capture and solar radiation use efficiency in the late season is limited.Field experiments were performed to compare the radiation-use parameters of four rice types:indica rice(IR),inbred japonica rice(IJR),hybrid japonica rice(HJR),and hybrid indica/japonica rice(HIJR),from 2016 to 2018 during the late season in Hangzhou,China.The grain yield,aboveground biomass,intercepted solar radiation(SI),and radiation-use efficiency(RUE)of the HIJR were on average respectively 13.4%–53.4%,14.3%–30.6%,7.6%–21.4%,and 8.2%–14.9%higher than those of the HJR,IJR,and IR.The leaf area index(LAI)of the HIJR was 18.2%–57.0%greater than that of the IJR and HJR at four growth stages,resulting in respectively 17.8%–38.5%and 10.7%–42.8%greater canopy light interception rates(LIR)and amount of intercepted solar radiation during the vegetative stage.The prolonged grain-filling stage also led to respectively 33.9%–52.6%and 30.5%–51.4%increases in amounts of incident and intercepted radiation for the HIJR relative to the IR during grain filling.These results indicate that the SI superiority of the HIJR was caused by canopy closure as rapid as that of the IR during the vegetative stage(greater LAI and canopy LIR during the growing season)and a grain-filling stage as long as that of the HJR.For grain-filling stage,differences in leaf Pn between HIJR,IR,and IJR were not significant,suggesting that the greater RUE of the HIJR(12.7%–52.8%higher)than that of the other rice types resulted from improved canopy architecture after flowering(FL).Principal components analysis(PCA)revealed that the superiority of the HIJR in terms of solar radiation use resulted from the greater canopy light capture capability of IR and the prolonged growth period(especially during grain filling)of japonica rice in the late growing season.  相似文献   

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