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赵亚龙  曹蕾  王艳茹 《河北渔业》2003,(4):18-18,46
<正> 众所周知,鱼类是生活在水中的变温脊椎动物,由于它们生活环境的特殊性,使得鱼类具备一些与其他动物不同的细胞,这些细胞是鱼类一些生理活动的基础。 1 茂氏细胞(Mauthner cell) 茂氏细胞是硬骨鱼类延脑内一对大神经元,细胞体有许多突触小体。大多数属于第8对脑神经(听神经),听神经收集外界环境声波振动刺激迅速传到鱼的尾部肌肉产生快速运动,出现惊吓  相似文献   

赵峰  杨刚  张涛  王妤  庄平 《海洋渔业》2016,(1):35-41
为了探讨中华鲟幼鱼进入长江口半咸水环境后,渗透压适应调节过程中鳃上皮泌氯细胞的适应性变化,将幼鱼在淡水(盐度0)和半咸水(盐度15)两种条件下驯养60 d,利用光镜和扫描电镜技术对比分析鳃上皮泌氯细胞的形态、分布与数量特征。结果表明:幼鱼鳃上皮泌氯细胞主要集中分布于鳃小片基部和鳃小片之间的鳃丝上,细胞略呈椭圆形。半咸水条件下,幼鱼鳃丝上皮泌氯细胞数量和大小显著增加,鳃小片上皮泌氯细胞数量则未发生改变,但细胞大小显著增加;而鳃丝和鳃小片上皮泌氯细胞的形态在淡水和半咸水中均未发生显著变化。扫描电镜观察发现,鳃丝上皮泌氯细胞顶膜开口的形态分为3种类型:Ⅰ型,突起型;Ⅱ型,凹陷型;Ⅲ型,深洞型。淡水条件下,顶膜开口形态多为Ⅰ型和Ⅱ型,未发现Ⅲ型存在;而半咸水条件下,顶膜开口形态以Ⅲ型为主,Ⅰ型与Ⅱ型也有少量分布。  相似文献   

文章采用显微技术研究了盐度骤降(20盐度组投入5盐度组)、盐度骤升(20盐度组投入35盐度组)胁迫下,金钱鱼(Scatophagus argus)幼鱼鳃线粒体丰富细胞(Mitochondria-rich cells,MRCs)形态结构的变化.结果显示,低盐胁迫3 h MRCs长径[(9.517±1.390)μm]和短径...  相似文献   

盐度影响海水硬骨鱼类渗透压调节机理的研究与展望   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
盐度是硬骨鱼类生存环境中一个十分重要的生态因子,对于鱼类的存活、受精卵的发育以及仔鱼、幼鱼、成鱼的健康生长都是极为重要的。为了探索盐度的影响机理,本文对国内外的研究概况以及与海水硬骨鱼类渗透压调节相关的细胞、调节酶、调节激素、离子转运通道进行了详细的论述,并提出今后的研究方向和展望。  相似文献   

通过光镜、扫描电镜及透射电镜技术,研究了怒江裂腹鱼(Schizothorax nukiangensis)鳃的组织结构和超微结构。结果表明,怒江裂腹鱼鳃基本结构与其他硬骨鱼相似,均由鳃耙、鳃弓、鳃丝以及鳃小片构成,且各部分具有不同的组织结构和细胞类型。扁平上皮细胞覆盖于整个鳃表面,其表面的纹路主要有3种类型,在鳃上不同的部位具有不同的结构和功能。线粒体密集细胞主要分布于鳃小片基部,仅有一种细胞类型,顶端膜内凹呈浅滩型,细胞内具有大量圆形的线粒体。怒江裂腹鱼鳃内扁平上皮细胞和线粒体密集细胞的形态结构与其在急流中游泳和摄食活动等生活习性相适应。本研究结果丰富了怒江裂腹鱼的基础生物学资料,并为阐明鱼类鳃的结构特征与其生活习性之间的关系提供参考。  相似文献   

马氏珠母贝精子的超低温保存   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
王梅芳 《水产学报》2006,30(3):316-322
采用光镜和透射电镜方法,研究了不同盐度驯化下施氏鲟幼鱼鳃中泌氯细胞的分布和结构特征。结果显示,在淡水中,施氏鲟幼鱼鳃中的泌氯细胞数量较少,且主要分布在近鳃小片基部,胞体与核均较大而明显,胞内含大量线粒体;泌氯细胞中有网管和囊管,但网管欠发达,囊管分布面积小,细胞表面有顶隐窝。表现为典型的淡水型泌氯细胞(freshwater-type chloride cells)特征。与淡水组相比,盐度10组鳃泌氯细胞的分布和结构变化均不明显,仅数量略有增加,胞体变大。幼鱼在盐度25海水中驯化65d,鳃丝和鳃小片上泌氯细胞数量明显增加,泌氯细胞集中分布在鳃小片基部;超微结构显示,细胞内线粒体数量明显增加,胞质中网管颇为发达,囊管丰富,顶隐窝扩大,表面有微绒毛,表现为α-型(α-subtype)泌氯细胞特征。泌氯细胞具有分泌体内过多Na^+、Cl-以及调节体液渗透平衡的功能,其数量和结构变化与幼鱼所处的高渗环境相适应。  相似文献   

甲基汞对鲤鱼鳃组织及氯细胞的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
水体中甲基汞(CH3ClHg)浓度(μg/L)分别为1、5、10、25、50、100、200和1、2.5、5、10、20、40、50染毒鲤鱼种24h和一周。鱼鳃石蜡切片观察结果:50μg/L染毒24h和20μg/L染毒1周鱼,鳃丝组织末见异常变化;100μg/L染毒24h和40μg/L染毒1周鱼,鳃丝出现轻微混乱且向上卷曲;200μg/L染毒24h和80μg/L染毒1周鱼,外表皮层从基膜脱落,鳃丝严重卷曲。鳃氯细胞的结构变化:100μg/L汞染毒24h40μg/L染毒1周鱼,氯细胞的细胞膜质分散,偶尔可见肿胀线粒体和空泡膜管系统;暴露于甲基汞200μg/L中24h和80μg/L1周鱼的氯细胞损伤明显:细胞质内空泡大量出现且无规律,膜管系统空泡增加,线粒体多数变成肿胀或已崩溃解体。  相似文献   

鱼类诺卡氏菌病是一种慢性系统性肉芽肿疾病,鱼诺卡氏菌是其主要病原。鱼诺卡氏菌全基因组生物信息学分析,发现了一个可能靶向定位于宿主细胞线粒体的分泌蛋白——动力蛋白调节蛋白robl/LC7。为了对鱼诺卡氏菌robl/LC7的亚细胞定位和功能进行初步研究,实验对鱼诺卡氏菌robl/LC7进行了基因克隆、真核表达重组质粒构建、分泌蛋白鉴定、亚细胞定位、过表达和凋亡检测。结果显示,成功克隆了鱼诺卡氏菌robl/LC7基因并构建了其真核表达质粒p EGFP-robl/LC7和pc DNA-robl/LC7;鱼诺卡氏菌分泌蛋白质谱鉴定证实robl/LC7为分泌蛋白;亚细胞定位研究显示robl/LC7-GFP融合蛋白呈全细胞分布,不与线粒体共定位;凋亡检测发现robl/LC7过表达能诱导FHM细胞凋亡。研究表明,鱼诺卡氏菌robl/LC7是一个不与线粒体共定位的分泌蛋白,其可能通过参与细胞凋亡调控,协助鱼诺卡氏菌在宿主体内生存和免疫逃避,并在鱼诺卡氏菌的致病过程中具有重要作用。  相似文献   

<正>许多种鱼类具有发电器官,用以攻击敌害或者 猎取食物。但是,某些鱼不但具有发电器官,而且 还具有能够接受外界微弱电流的器官,被称为电感 受器(electroreceplor)。这些鱼类用电感受器检测自 身产生的电流来进行定位,或检测由其他鱼类产生 的电信号,来确定外界物体的位置。这种功能对于 生活在深海中的鱼类具有重要的作用。  相似文献   

象山港生态系统结构与功能的Ecopath模型评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了解象山港生态系统在环境和捕捞等多重因素胁迫下的结构和功能现状,实现象山港基于生态系统的渔业管理和生态承载力评价,本研究根据2011~2014年在象山港开展的渔业资源和生态环境定点调查数据,利用Ecopath with Ecosim 6.4软件构建了象山港生态系统的Ecopath模型,并通过模型系统分析了象山港生态系统食物网结构、能量流动和系统功能的总体特征。模型包含了浮游植物、大型海藻、浮游动物、游泳动物等25个功能组,大体涵盖了象山港生态系统能量流动的整个过程。研究结果表明,象山港生态系统表达能流路径的食物链主要有两条,分别为牧食食物链和碎屑食物链,其中以牧食食物链为主要能流通道。系统中各功能组的营养级在1.00~3.62级。系统总能流为2 210 t·km-2·a-1,主要分布在Ⅰ~Ⅳ营养级上。流量中来自碎屑的比例为38%,初级生产者是系统能量的主要来源。营养级Ⅰ和Ⅱ的利用效率较低,大量初级生产力和次级生产力未能流入更高的营养层次。系统的总能量转换效率为3.8%;总初级生产量/总呼吸量(TPP/TR)为1.52;系统连接指数(CI)为0.342;系统杂食性指数(SOI)为0.182。生态系统总体特征反映了象山港生态系统的营养关系较简单,食物网复杂程度低;系统成熟度和稳定性偏低,抵抗外界干扰的能力较弱。  相似文献   

The involvement of the freshwater fish gill chloride cells (CCs) in trans-branchial calcium uptake (JinCa2+) was investigated. This was accomplished by assessing the interspecific relationships between the apical surface area of CCs exposed to the external environment and JinCa2+. Three species of freshwater teleosts, the rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), the American eel (Anguilla rostrata) and the brown bullhead catfish (Ictalurus nebulosus), were used. Chronic (ten-day) treatment with cortisol in each species was used as a tool to evoke variations in both JinCa2+ and gill CC morphology in order to assess intraspecific relationships between CC surface area and JinCa2+. The results of quantitative morphometry, based on analysis of scanning electron micrographs, demonstrated that catfish possessed the lowest fractional area of exposed CC (CCFA) on the gill filament epithelium (12,744 ± 2248 m2/mm2) and was followed, in increasing order, by American eel (21,355 ± 981 m2/mm2) and rainbow trout (149,928 ± 26,545 m2/mm2). With the exception of catfish, chronic treatment with cortisol caused significant increases in CCFA owing to proliferation of CCs and/or enlargement of individual CCs (eel only). The rates of JinCa2+ closely reflected the CC fractional area in each species. The results of correlation analysis revealed significant correlations between CC fractional area and JinCa2+ in trout and eel. Owing to the absence of an effect of cortisol treatment, there was no significant correlation in catfish because of insufficient variation in CC fractional area in this species. CC fractional area was significantly correlated with JinCa2+ among the three species examined. These results suggest that CC is involved in calcium uptake in freshwater teleosts and that both intra- and interspecific differences in the rates of calcium uptake can be accounted for by variability in the surface area of exposed CCs on the gill epithelia.  相似文献   

Proton pumps in the fish gill and kidney   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The proton pump or vacuolar type H+-ATPase is an oligomeric protein responsible for electrogenic H+ secretion in a variety of acid-secreting epithelia. Recently, the proton pump was identified in both the gill and kidney of freshwater-adapted rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Using immunocytochemistry, H+-ATPase has been localized in the pavement cells and chloride cells of the lamellar epithelium. During periods of internal acidosis, there is a marked increase in the expression of the branchial proton pump as identified by Western analysis, immunocytochemistry and in situ hybridization. This augmented expression of proton pumps occurs concomitantly with a marked increase in branchial acid excretion and Na+ uptake. Immunocytochemical studies suggest that the pavement cell, rather than the chloride cell, is the predominant site of acid excretion during periods of acidosis. These findings are consistent with the notion that in freshwater teleosts, Na+ uptake and H+ excretion are linked via the coupling of the electrogenic proton pump to apical membrane Na+ channels. This mechanism may be controlled by hormones including cortisol and/or growth hormone. The fish kidney plays an important role in regulating acidosis via the re-absorption of filtered HCO3 -. Recently, we have demonstrated using Western analysis and immunocytochemistry, the presence of proton pump in rainbow trout kidney and observed increased H+-ATPase expression during respiratory acidosis. These new findings suggest a role for the renal proton pump in acid-base regulation.  相似文献   

在鱼类养殖生产中,鳃部疾病是危害最严重鱼病之一。因而,对鱼类鳃病的诊断是否准确,是否及时地对症下药,直接关系着养殖效益。笔者根据多年诊治鱼病的实践,对鱼类由寄生虫和细菌引起的鳃病的诊治作一小结。 一、两种鳃病的共同特征 由寄生虫和细菌引起的鳃病的发病部位均在鱼类的鳃丝上,并且鳃丝均会出现缺损、糜烂、充血、水肿等症状,病鱼吃食量明显下降,身体逐渐消瘦,多漂浮在水面或无规律地沉浮。特别是放养的鱼类还没有长至商品鱼规格,在初夏会频繁出现浮头现象,开动增氧机后鱼仍不下水。 二、两种鳃病的区别 (一)由寄生虫…  相似文献   

Infectious gill diseases of marine salmonid fish present a significant challenge in salmon-farming regions. Infectious syndromes or disease conditions affecting marine-farmed salmonids include amoebic gill disease (AGD), proliferative gill inflammation (PGI) and tenacibaculosis. Pathogens involved include parasites, such as Neoparamoeba perurans, bacteria, such as Piscichlamydia salmonis and Tenacibaculum maritimum, and viruses, such as the Atlantic salmon paramyxovirus (ASPV). The present level of understanding of these is reviewed with regard to risk factors, potential impacting factors, methods of best practice to mitigate infectious gill disease, as well as knowledge gaps and avenues for future research.  相似文献   

鱼生活在水中,靠鳃吸入水中的溶解氧,水中存在的病原体很容易感染到鳃上,鳃的发病率很高,当鱼鳃患病影响鱼类的正常呼吸,鱼体会通过自身调节提高呼吸运动节律来弥补病鳃气体交换的不足,当鳃的气体的交换量(即呼出二氧化碳,吸收水中氧气)降低到不能维持最低生命活动需要时,鱼类就会发生窒息死亡,因此有"养鱼先养水,治病先治鳃"之说.防治鱼类鳃器官的常见病多发病十分重要.鱼类鳃病,按其致病病原体可分为细菌性鳃病、真菌性烂鳃病(又称鳃霉病)、寄生虫性鳃病三大类,其中寄生虫又分为原虫、蠕虫、甲壳动物及软体动物等.  相似文献   

李肖霞  齐志涛  迟爽  乔帼 《水产学报》2023,47(4):049401-049401
鳃为鱼类重要的呼吸器官,是鱼类进行离子交换、酸碱调节和含氮废物排泄的重要结构基础,也是鱼类重要的外周黏膜免疫器官之一,在抵御病原微生物侵染过程中发挥重要的免疫屏障作用。当前,硬骨鱼类鳃黏膜免疫反应是研究热点之一。本文首先对硬骨鱼类鳃的结构和特点进行分析,之后综述了抗菌肽、干扰素、白细胞介素、Toll样受体、补体等先天性免疫相关分子以及T细胞受体和免疫球蛋白等适应性免疫相关分子在硬骨鱼类鳃黏膜中的表达规律、分子功能,最后探讨了化学因素(重金属、杀虫剂等)、生物因素(细菌、病毒、真菌、和寄生虫等)以及营养物质和疫苗等对硬骨鱼类鳃黏膜结构的影响,以期为深入研究鳃在鱼类黏膜免疫反应中的角色和应答机制提供指导,为硬骨鱼类病原性疾病的免疫防控策略的制定提供理论基础。  相似文献   

The activity of the enzyme Na+,K+-ATPase and morphological changes of gill chloride cells in grouper, Epinephelus coioides larvae and juveniles were determined 6–48 h after abrupt transfer from ambient rearing conditions (30–32 ppt, 26.5–30 °C) to different salinity (8, 18, 32, 40 ppt) and temperature (25, 30 °C) combinations. Na+,K+-ATPase activity in day 20 larvae did not change at salinities 8–32 ppt. Activity decreased significantly (P <0.01) after exposure to 40 ppt at 25–30 °C, which was accompanied by an increase (P <0.05) in density and fractional area of chloride cells. Enzyme activity in 40 ppt did not reach a stable level and larvae failed to recover from an osmotic imbalance that produced a low survival at 25 °C and death of all larvae at 30 °C. Enzyme activity and chloride cell morphology in day 40 groupers did not change in 8–40 ppt at 25 °C and 8–32 ppt at 30 °C. A significant decrease and a subsequent increase in Na+,K+-ATPase activity in 40 ppt at 30 °C was associated with the increase in chloride cell density resulting in an increased fractional area but a decreased cell size. Enzyme activity and chloride cells of day 60 grouper were unaffected by abrupt transfer to test salinities and temperatures. These results demonstrate that grouper larvae and juveniles are efficient osmoregulators over a wide range of salinities. Salinity adaptation showed an ontogenetic shift as the larvae grew and reached the juvenile stage. This development of tolerance limits may reflect their response to actual conditions existing in the natural environment.  相似文献   

鱼类催乳素及其在渗透压调节中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
溶解于水中的各种盐类,主要通过水的渗透压影响鱼类的生活,它关系到鱼类的分布、洄游、生长、发育和繁殖等很多生命活动。随着全球气候不断恶化的影响,水域盐碱化面积在我国北方地区不断扩大,许多不耐盐碱的淡水生物逐渐消失,少数喜盐或耐盐碱种类也因水域盐碱含量的升高面临考验。如何提高鱼类的耐盐碱特性,增加盐碱水域养殖鱼类品种已成为鱼类育种研究的工作重点。针对催乳素在鱼类耐盐碱生理生化过程中发挥的重要作用,本文对鱼类催乳素基因的结构,催乳素的分布、功能及其在渗透压调节中的作用等研究进展进行了概述。  相似文献   

溶解于水中的各种盐类,主要通过水的渗透压影响鱼类的生活,它关系到鱼类的分布、洄游、生长、发育和繁殖等很多生命活动。随着全球气候不断恶化的影响,水域盐碱化面积在我国北方地区不断扩大,许多不耐盐碱的淡水生物逐渐消失,少数喜盐或耐盐碱种类也因水域盐碱含量的升高面临考验。如何提高鱼类的耐盐碱特性,增加盐碱水域养殖鱼类品种已成为鱼类育种研究的工作重点。针对催乳素在鱼类耐盐碱生理生化过程中发挥的重要作用,本文对鱼类催乳素基因的结构,催乳素的分布、功能及其在渗透压调节中的作用等研究进展进行了概述。  相似文献   

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