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The arctic flora is thought to have originated during the late Tertiary, approximately 3 million years ago. Plant migration routes during colonization of the Arctic are currently unknown, and uncertainty remains over where arctic plants survived Pleistocene glaciations. A phylogenetic analysis of chloroplast DNA variation in the purple saxifrage (Saxifraga oppositifolia) indicates that this plant first occurred in the Arctic in western Beringia before it migrated east and west to achieve a circumpolar distribution. The geographical distribution of chloroplast DNA variation in the species supports the hypothesis that, during Pleistocene glaciations, some plant refugia were located in the Arctic as well as at more southern latitudes.  相似文献   

为合理利用丛枝菌根(Arbuscular Mycorrhiza,AM)真菌促进喀斯特退化土地植被恢复,采用形态学方法研究了土壤类型(石灰土和黄壤)和宿主植物种类(紫弹树(Celtis biondii Pamp)、红锥(Castanopsis hystrix)和单性木兰(Kmeria septentrionalis Dandy))对AM真菌群落结构的影响。研究共分离鉴定了2属14种AM真菌,其中幼套球囊霉(Glomus etunicatum)是石灰土和黄壤共有的优势种,石灰土特有的AM真菌包括地球囊霉(G.geosporum)、白色球囊霉(G.albidum)、双型球囊霉(G.ambisporum)、象牙白球囊霉(G.eburneum)和细凹无梗囊霉(G.scrobiculata),而波状无梗囊霉(A.undulata)是黄壤特有的AM真菌。土壤类型对AM真菌孢子密度,Shannon多样性指数以及侵染率具有显著影响;宿主植物种类与AM真菌Shannon多样性指数呈显著相关。石灰土紫弹树和单性木兰根际土AM真菌孢子丰度显著高于黄壤相同植物的,而红锥无显著差异;石灰土紫弹树和红锥的AM真菌物种丰富度及Shannon多样性指数均高于黄壤同种植物的。土壤类型对AM真菌孢子密度、物种丰富度、Shannon多样性指数和侵染率均有显著影响,对均匀度指数也有显著影响;植物种类对Shannon多样性指数有显著影响,且AM真菌物种丰富度、Shannon多样性指数和侵染率受土壤类型与植物种类交互作用的显著影响;土壤p H和全钾含量对AM真菌群落影响显著。因此,利用AM真菌促进喀斯特植物定植生长与植被恢复过程中,应该考虑喀斯特土壤AM真菌具有区域特异性和物种偏好性。  相似文献   

为探讨不同丛枝菌根真菌(Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi,AMF)生长特性与功能(植物生长和养分吸收)的相关性。采用分室根箱装置,以玉米(Zea mays L.)和紫花苜蓿(Medicago sativa L.)为宿主植物,选取7种AMF:摩西斗管囊霉Funneliformis mosseae、变形球囊霉Glomus versiforme、根内根孢囊霉Rhizophagus intraradices、幼套近明球囊霉Claroideoglomus etunicatum、近明球囊霉C.claroideum、细凹无梗囊霉Acaulospora scrobiculata、黏屑多样孢囊霉Diversispora spurca,以不接种为对照进行温室盆栽试验,测定菌根侵染率、根外菌丝密度、植物地上部生物量、磷/锌吸收量、植物根系AMF gDNA丰度以及玉米根系ZmPht1;6的相对表达量。结果表明:接种F.mosseae、R.intraradices、G.versiforme、C.etunicatum的玉米和紫花苜蓿根系侵染率及根外菌丝密度较高,对植株生长和磷、锌吸收均表现为正效应;C.claroideum、A.scrobiculata、D.spurca根系侵染率和根外菌丝密度较低,C.claroideum对紫花苜蓿生长和磷吸收表现为促进效应,而对玉米表现出抑制效应,后两者对植株生长和磷、锌吸收无显著效应或抑制作用;AMF的生长指标(菌根侵染率和根外菌丝密度)与菌根生长效应以及磷、锌吸收效应之间均具有较高的正相关性,根系AMF总侵染率对玉米菌根生长效应、磷/锌吸收效应变异的解释量分别为79.0%,77.6%和74.1%;菌丝侵染率对紫花苜蓿菌根生长效应、磷/锌吸收效应变异的解释量分别为76.5%,72.6%和74.0%;此外,仅紫花苜蓿根系AMF gDNA丰度与根系总侵染率显著正相关,玉米根系ZmPht1;6基因的相对表达量与菌根磷吸收效应显著正相关。综上,AMF的侵染指标显著影响植物生长和养分吸收效应,AMF gDNA丰度可作为表示AMF生长的指标,但因植物而异,玉米根系ZmPht1;6的相对表达量在一定程度上可反映AMF吸磷能力。  相似文献   

The Arctic Research and Policy Act of 1984 was designed to advance arctic research in the national interest. Some of the research fields that require attention are weather and climate; national defense; renewable and nonrenewable resources; transportation; communications and spacedisturbance effects; environmental protection; health, culture, and socioeconomics; and international cooperation. A research framework recommended by the Arctic Research Commission includes, in order of priority, integrated investigations to understand: (i) the Arctic Ocean (including the marginal seas, sea ice, and seabed) and how the ocean and atmosphere operate as coupled components of the arctic system; (ii) the coupled atmosphere and land components and how their interaction governs the terrestrial environment; and (iii) the high-latitude upper atmosphere and its extension into the magnetosphere with emphasis on predicting and mitigating effects on communications and defense systems. A separate recommendation is for high priority research to resolve the major health, behavioral, and cultural problems related to the arctic environment. Recommendations are also made concerning support services and management.  相似文献   

该文报道了贺兰山习见的苔藓植物计14科、22属、29种.  相似文献   

Roots of decapitated sunflower plants absorbed iron from the ferric chelate of ethylenediamine di(o-hydroxyphenylacetic acid), leaving most of the acid in the nutrient solution. The chelating capacity of the nutrient solution increased as iron was absorbed by the plants. Most of the absorbed iron was found in the plant exudate.  相似文献   

为了保证现代远程教学中教师现场授课的语音、数据、图像等媒体数据,通过网络平滑稳定传送到远端教室或学生桌面系统,针对流媒体技术的两项关键技术——流式技术协议和该技术所要求的高速缓存的实现原理,我们给出了具体参照和数学描述。  相似文献   

Anisotropic (direction-dependent) long-distance dispersal (LDD) by wind has been invoked to explain the strong floristic affinities shared among landmasses in the Southern Hemisphere. Its contribution has not yet been systematically tested because of the previous lack of global data on winds. We used global winds coverage from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration SeaWinds scatterometer to test whether floristic similarities of Southern Hemisphere moss, liverwort, lichen, and pteridophyte floras conform better with (i) the anisotropic LDD hypothesis, which predicts that connection by "wind highways" increases floristic similarities, or (ii) a direction-independent LDD hypothesis, which predicts that floristic similarities among sites increase with geographic proximity. We found a stronger correlation of floristic similarities with wind connectivity than with geographic proximities, which supports the idea that wind is a dispersal vehicle for many organisms in the Southern Hemisphere.  相似文献   

麦蚜分布广、食性杂、繁殖力强,是世界性的农业害虫。在此,从麦蚜的田间网捕、传毒能力、飞行磨测试以及分子遗传学研究等七方面介绍了麦蚜迁飞行为的主要研究进展,讨论了麦蚜迁飞的生态意义,可能的蚜源基地及需要进一步研究的问题。  相似文献   

Intramolecular long-distance electron transfer (EI) has been actively studied in recent years in order to test existing theories in a quantitative way and to provide the necessary constants for predicting ET rates from simple structural parameters. Theoretical predictions of an "inverted region," where increasing the driving force of the reaction will decrease its rate, have begun to be experimentally confirmed. A predicted nonlinear dependence of ET rates on the polarity of the solvent has also been confirmed. This work has implications for the design of efficient photochemical charge-separation devices. Other studies have been directed toward determining the distance dependence of ET reactions. Model studies on different series of compounds give similar distance dependences. When different stereochemical structures are compared, it becomes apparent that geometrical factors must be taken into account. Finally, the mechanism of coupling between donor and acceptor in weakly interacting systems has become of major importance. The theoretical and experimental evidence favors a model in which coupling is provided by the interaction with the orbitals of the intervening molecular fragments, although more experimental evidence is needed.  相似文献   

随着社会经济快速发展,土壤污染和退化问题日益突出。内生菌不仅在促进植物生长、适应逆境和维持植物健康等方面具有明显优势,而且能够有效降低植物体内有机污染物含量,是微生态领域研究的热点。利用功能内生菌研发相关产品与技术,对高效利用污染土壤生产安全农产品具有重要意义,为此本研究通过系列论文进行了总结论述。论文Ⅰ着重从内生菌的来源、定殖于植物体内的途径及影响因素、促生作用机制等方面进行综述,提出了当前内生菌-植物互作研究中存在的问题与今后重点研究的方向。后续的论文Ⅱ将重点论述内生菌降低作物体内有机污染物含量的机理。  相似文献   

Adherent bacterial colonization in the pathogenesis of osteomyelitis   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Direct scanning electron microscopy of material obtained during surgical debridement of osteomyelitic bone showed that the infecting bacteria grew in coherent microcolonies in an adherent biofilm so extensive it often obscured the infected bone surfaces. Transmission electron microscopy showed this biofilm to have a fibrous matrix, to contain some host cells, and to contain many bacteria around which matrix fibers were often concentrated. Many bacterial morphotypes were present in these biofilms, and each bacterium was surrounded by exopolysaccharide polymers, which are known to mediate formation of microcolonies and adhesion of bacteria to surfaces in natural ecosystems and in infections related biomaterials. The adherent mode of growth may reduce the susceptibility of these organisms to host clearance mechanisms and antibiotic therapy and thus may be a fundamental factor in acute and chronic osteomyelitis.  相似文献   

Dynamics of recent climate change in the Arctic   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The pattern of recent surface warming observed in the Arctic exhibits both polar amplification and a strong relation with trends in the Arctic Oscillation mode of atmospheric circulation. Paleoclimate analyses indicate that Arctic surface temperatures were higher during the 20th century than during the preceding few centuries and that polar amplification is a common feature of the past. Paleoclimate evidence for Holocene variations in the Arctic Oscillation is mixed. Current understanding of physical mechanisms controlling atmospheric dynamics suggests that anthropogenic influences could have forced the recent trend in the Arctic Oscillation, but simulations with global climate models do not agree. In most simulations, the trend in the Arctic Oscillation is much weaker than observed. In addition, the simulated warming tends to be largest in autumn over the Arctic Ocean, whereas observed warming appears to be largest in winter and spring over the continents.  相似文献   

玫瑰黄链霉菌抗药性标记及其定殖和促生作用研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
选用腐霉利、多菌灵、甲基托布津、利福平、青霉素、链霉素、泰乐菌素、重铬酸钾等8种常用抗生素或杀菌剂,通过抗药性标记试验,建立了玫瑰黄链霉菌(Stremptomyces roseoflavus)Men-myco-93-63的抗药性标记,确定了重铬酸钾(0.06g/L)/青霉素(0.2g/L)为适合检测该菌株的标记药剂及浓度。通过获得的抗药性标记,结合菌落形态观察和16SrDNA序列分析,研究了Men-myco-93-63在番茄根际土壤中的定殖动态和对植株生长的影响。结果表明,该生防菌在番茄根际土壤中能够定殖,接菌15d后定殖量达到最高,为5.6×105 cfu/g,之后下降,到30d后检测不到Men-myco-93-63菌株的存在。当使用Men-myco-93-63的固体发酵物与土壤以体积比1∶400混合时,对番茄苗期生长有促进作用。  相似文献   

Tritium measurements in the Arctic Ocean confirm a marked near-surface stratification. Sea water at 400 meters' depth, however, is less than 3 years old, suggesting a contribution to this water mass due to sinking along the continental shelf. The top ice layer on the Ward Hunt Island ice field is older than 25 years.  相似文献   

从长输油气管道完整性管理应用现状出发,分析了管道完整性管理信息化建设的现实需求,并结合管道完整性管理平台实施案例,阐述了完整性管理信息化建设的实施步骤、内容和效果。通过完整性管理信息化的实施,企业实现了20余项管理业务的信息化,统一业务表单70多张,规范业务流程40多项,减少了业务数据采集、录入的重复工作,实现了企业绩效的动态监控,构建了基于完整性平台的开放生态应用环境,较好地解决了实际管理中的问题,有力地推进了企业的精细化管理,确保了企业管理体系的落地和切实执行,有效地将完整性管理与日常业务流程进行整合,从而验证了油气管道企业建立完整性信息化平台的必要性。(图3,表1,参10)  相似文献   

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