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The ultrasonic (B-mode) detection of canine pregnancies was first achieved 21 to 23 days after the calculated luteinising hormone peak when daily examinations were made in six bitches. In 51 pregnant bitches examined for the first time between 20 and 35 days, one bitch was incorrectly diagnosed as non-pregnant 24 days after the calculated luteinising hormone peak. In only 31-8 per cent of pregnancies was conceptal number accurately determined. The greatest tendency was to underestimate the number of conceptuses.  相似文献   

Different sonographic criteria have been developed to estimate canine fetal age, including fetal mensuration and assessment of fetal organ development. This retrospective study assessed the accuracy of gestational age and litter size predictions in 76 bitches using one of two techniques. The first method used the differential features of fetal organ development that occur in early and mid pregnancy, based on published tables for beagles. The second method used biparietal head and trunk diameters to predict gestational age based on tables published for late gestational Labrador Retrievers. The accuracy of the two methods was compared and the effect of maternal body weight and litter size evaluated. Litter size and maternal body weight did not affect the accuracy of gestational age prediction. Using a combination of both methods, the overall accuracy of predicting parturition date within 65 +/- 1 day and +/- 2 days was 70.8% and 86.1%, respectively. The correct litter size was predicted in 65% of cases, and in 89.5% of cases for +/- 1 pup. Pearson's correlation between actual litter size and predicted litter size was high (R = 0.957, P < 0.001). The organ development method of predicting gestational age was more accurate than late gestational fetal mensuration (P = 0.019). The optimum time for sonographic estimation of fetal age and litter size is early and mid pregnancy.  相似文献   

A total of 135 bitches suspected of being pregnant were examined with a real-time ultrasound equipment. 58 bitches were not pregnant. In pregnancy diagnosis ultrasound produced an overall accuracy of 99.3%, sensitivity 98.7%, and specificity 100.0%. Estimation of the litter size was fairly reliable in small litters of 1–3 puppies.  相似文献   

Use of transrectal B-mode ultrasound imaging in bovine pregnancy diagnosis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A 3 MHz ultrasonic transducer was used to make pregnancy diagnoses in 320 milk and beef cows and heifers, on average 41 days after the last insemination. The ultrasound diagnostic findings were systematically confirmed by rectal palpation. Signs of pregnancy were detected as early as the 25th day after insemination. Discounting 16 doubtful results, the accuracy of positive diagnosis (94 per cent) was better than negative diagnosis (89.7 per cent). Ultrasound scanning could be used for the study of embryo mortality or for the determination of fetal age.  相似文献   

A real time B-mode ultrasound scanner with a 7.5 MHz rectal linear transducer was used in two trials to detect whether dairy cows, less than 25 days after insemination at standing oestrus, were pregnant. In the first trial 17 cows were inseminated on the same day, and their reproductive tracts were examined 14, 15, 16 or 17 days after insemination. All the cows were diagnosed accurately as either pregnant or not pregnant. In the second trial 22 cows were inseminated on the day of observed oestrus while 14 were observed at oestrus but not inseminated. The animals were kept as a mixed group and an experienced operator scanned the uterus of each cow on one occasion, without knowing either the dates of observed oestrus or which cows had been inseminated. The rate of correct diagnosis was only 33 per cent in cows up to 16 days after oestrus, but increased markedly after 17 days and was 100 per cent by day 20.  相似文献   

Diagnoses of pregnancy were made on 110 Hereford cross Friesian and 69 blue grey (white shorthorn cross Galloway) cows between 92 and 202 days after last service using a real-time ultrasonic scanning instrument with a 3.5 MHz rectal transducer. Of the 174 cows which subsequently calved, one was wrongly diagnosed as non-pregnant. Of the five cows which did not subsequently calve two were diagnosed as pregnant and may in fact have been pregnant at the time of scanning. The overall level of accuracy of pregnancy diagnosis was 98.3 per cent. In further trials with 16 Hereford cross Friesian and 16 blue grey cows scanned at regular intervals between 20 and 140 days of gestation, pregnancy was diagnosed with confidence from 30 days, and relationships were established whereby gestational age could be estimated from measurements of certain uterine and fetal dimensions. Crown-rump length provided the most precise estimate of gestational age (residual sd +/- 4.5 days) and uterine diameter the least (+/- 12.6 days) with head length and the diameters of trunk, head and nose being intermediate (+/- 6.9 to 8.7 days).  相似文献   

Purpose To determine axial lens thickness, anterior chamber depth and axial globe length in canine eyes with normal lenses and in eyes with immature, mature, congenital, posterior polar and diabetic cataract. Methods B‐mode ultrasonography was performed in 50 normal dogs and, as a prephacoemulsification screening procedure, in 100 dogs with cataract. Axial B‐mode ultrasonograms were used to determine lens thickness, anterior chamber depth and globe diameter. Statistical comparisons between groups were made by analysis of variance and multivariate analysis, with a significance level of P < 0.05. Results Axial globe lengths were not statistically significantly different between groups apart from the smaller globes in younger dogs with congenital cataract. Axial lens thickness in diabetics (8.4 ± 0.9 mm) was statistically significantly different from the lens thickness in normal eyes (6.7 ± 1.0 mm), eyes with immature cataract (6.4 ± 0.8 mm) and eyes with mature cataract (7.4 ± 0.9 mm) although these groups, while varying in thickness, were not statistically significantly different from each other. Anterior chamber depth was statistically significantly reduced in eyes with diabetic cataract (2.9 ± 0.1 mm) from that in normal eyes (3.8 ± 0.1 mm), eyes with immature cataract (3.5 ± 0.1 mm) and eyes with mature cataract (3.2 ± 0.6 mm) although these groups, while varying in chamber depth, were not statistically significantly different from each other. Conclusions Lenses with diabetic cataracts were significantly increased in axial thickness compared to lenses in other eyes, although lenses with mature cataracts showed a trend towards increased axial thickness and immature cataracts demonstrated a trend towards reduced thickness. While previous studies on cataract pathobiology have suggested a reduction in lens thickness in immature cataract through lens protein loss and an increase in thickness in mature cataracts through intumescence, this study is the first to document these changes in the canine lens.  相似文献   

The reproductive tracts of 22 Friesian dairy cows were examined from seven to 35 days after insemination using a real time B-mode ultrasound scanner with a 7.5 MHz transducer. The earliest detection of pregnancy was at nine days when a vesicle was imaged within the lumen of the uterine horn. The early conceptus was seen at day 13 within the vesicle and these structures were followed ultrasonically until day 35. There was a sudden enlargement of the vesicle at day 19 and a heart beat was detected in the embryo at day 22. The allantois was imaged at day 23 and the amnion by day 29. The embryonic outline was clearly defined by day 33 when the body cavities could be discerned. This ability to determine pregnancy at an early stage should prove to be a useful technique in investigating the problems associated with early embryonic death in cattle.  相似文献   

Experiments were undertaken to determine whether the conceptus renders a corpus luteum resistant to the luteolytic action of prostaglandin F2 alpha (PGF2 alpha), and modulates release of this prostaglandin by the uterus of early pregnant ewes. Prostaglandin F2 alpha was luteolytic when administered to indomethacin-treated ewes on d 10 and 11 of the estrous cycle. The same PGF2 alpha treatment was not luteolytic when applied on d 19 and 20 of pregnancy in ewes treated with indomethacin. Pulsatile release of PGF2 alpha (measured by 15-keto-13,14-dihydro PGF2 alpha-PGF2 alpha plasma level, PGFM) was observed between d 14 and 16 of the cycle but not during the same period of pregnancy. Ablation of the conceptus on d 17 resulted in progressive restoration of PGFM surges and subsequent luteolysis. Estradiol-17 beta (E2-17 beta) administration on d 12 of the cycle induced earlier PGFM surges and luteal regression. The same E2-17 beta treatment administered on d 14, 19 and 33 of pregnancy failed to induced PGFM pulses and luteolysis. In the absence of the conceptus (surgical ablation), E2-17 beta treatment was luteolytic (PGFM surges) on d 17 but not on d 33. We conclude that the conceptus controls the amount and pattern of PGF2 alpha released by the uterus, as well as the sensitivity of the uterus to E2-17 beta as early as d 14 of pregnancy. Simultaneously, an embryonic protective effect takes place at the luteal level.  相似文献   

Objective   To determine bovine fetal characteristics significantly associated with increasing gestational age as measured via transcutaneous ultrasonography over the right flank.
Methods   The length of gestation at date of pregnancy diagnosis via transcutaneous and transrectal ultrasonography was determined for 224 dairy cattle by estimation from subsequent calving dates. A separate dataset was created for each measurable fetal characteristic (i.e. thoracic diameter, abdominal diameter, umbilical diameter, placentome length and placentome height) and risk factors significantly associated with gestational age at pregnancy diagnosis within each dataset, including the fetal characteristic, were identified.
Results   Abdominal diameter was the most frequently observed fetal characteristic and thoracic diameter was the least. Gestational age at pregnancy diagnosis (d) was significantly associated with fetal thoracic diameter (P < 0.01), abdominal diameter (P < 0.01) and umbilical diameter (P = 0.02) when measured via transcutaneous ultrasound. Within each model, sire breed, dam breed, dam age and/or calf sex were also significantly associated with gestational age. Gestational age at pregnancy diagnosis was not significantly associated with either placentome height or length (P > 0.05).
Conclusion   Fetal thoracic diameter, abdominal diameter and umbilical diameter were found to be significantly associated with gestational age between approximate days 73 to 190 of gestation. Transcutaneous ultrasonography may prove a useful method of estimating gestational age in the absence of accurate breeding records.  相似文献   

Ultrasound is the imaging test of choice for renal evaluation, because it provides information about the position, size, shape, internal architecture and hemodynamics of the kidneys without harming the patient. In chronic kidney disease, the main findings observed in B-mode ultrasound images are increased cortical echogenicity, loss of corticomedullary differentiation, reduced renal volume and irregular renal contour, and when these changes are associated, they are indicative of end-stage renal disease. However, the cause of kidney disease cannot be determined by ultrasonography, but must be confirmed by means of biopsy, although the presence of ultrasonographic changes indicative of the end-stage of the disease may contraindicate this procedure. The Doppler ultrasound test complements the ultrasonic B-mode examination and enables the assessment of renal perfusion based on a calculation of the hemodynamic indices, which are increased in cases of chronic kidney lesions, with higher values ??in the most severe cases. Thus, ultrasound examinations are not only useful in diagnostics but also play an important role in defining the prognosis of patients with chronic kidney disease.  相似文献   

Pairs of heifers were inoculated IV with infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus on postbreeding days (PBD) 7, 14, 21, or 28, and were euthanatized 13 to 15 days after inoculation. Reproductive tracts were examined for cytopathologic changes (light microscopy), virus (cell culture), and viral antigen (immunohistochemical evaluation). Heifers inoculated on PBD 7 or 14 had mild oophoritis characterized by foci of necrosis and mononuclear cell accumulations in the corpus luteum. Most of these heifers also had a few necrotic follicles in at least one ovary. Heifers inoculated on PBD 21 or 28 did not have corpus luteum lesions, but necrotic follicles were numerous in both ovaries. Viral antigen was observed in all ovarian lesions, and infectious virus was isolated from a few of the affected tissues. The uteri of all heifers inoculated on PBD 21 or 28 and 1 heifer inoculated on PBD 7 contained normal-appearing concepti. The uterus of the other PBD 7 heifer contained a degenerating conceptus that was infected with infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus, as determined by viral isolation, immunohistochemical evaluation, and electron microscopy. Heifers inoculated on PBD 14 were not pregnant at necropsy, but histologic evidence was found that the postbreeding estrous cycle had been longer than normal, indicating that early embryonic death had occurred.  相似文献   

During a study on 500 dogs in Ibadan, 136 (27.2%) were found to be anaemic. Fifty-two of these were associated purely with blood parasites, twenty-one with hookworm infection, while ten were associated with a mixture of blood parasitism and hookworm infection. Seventeen cases were associated with various conditions such as traumatic wounds, transmissible venereal tumour, nephritis, taeniasis, anal gland adenoma, idiopathic epistaxis and lice and fleas infestation. The cause of anaemia in thirty-six cases could not be diagnosed.
The blood parasites of definite aetiological significance were Babesia canis, B. gibsoni and Haemobartonella canis . The role of Eperythrozoon species and trypanosomes could not be readily assessed since they occurred concurrently with hookworm.  相似文献   

A study was undertaken to estimate gestational age, in terms of days from parturition, in medium and small size dogs by ultrasonographic examination. Serial ultrasonographic examinations were performed in four medium size pregnant bitches throughout two consecutive pregnancies and three small size pregnant bitches throughout one pregnancy, in order to determine the range of variation in the size of selected fetal structures throughout gestation. Formulae were derived to estimate the expected delivery date for both groups of bitches by measuring anatomical fetal structures, so that this method could be applied to a large number of different breeds. The determination of gestational age could be achieved with reasonable precision by selecting fetal structures. Prediction of parturition date was accurate to within one day by ultrasonographic measurement of the diameter of the gestational sac in early pregnancy and the biparietal diameter in late pregnancy in both small size breeds and medium size breeds.  相似文献   

In the present study the concentration of relaxin in peripheral blood plasma was assessed during canine pregnancy for its suitability as a pregnancy indicator, using a newly developed relaxin enzyme immunoassay. A significant relaxin increase was found in pregnancy at day 24 after ovulation. However, this relaxin increase did not correlate either with litter size or with body weight of the bitch. Induction of abortion with prostaglandin F2 alpha resulted in reduced peripheral relaxin levels, suggesting a damage of the placenta due to this medical intervention. Thus, the results confirm that relaxin, which is produced by the placenta, is a useful marker for early pregnancy diagnosis in the bitch. Relaxin measurement is recommended for detection of pregnancy either alone, or as supplement of ultrasonographic findings.  相似文献   

Influence of progesterone and pregnancy on canine fibrinogen values   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Progesterone alone or in combination with oestrogen was given to male dogs and nonoestrous bitches by intramuscular injection. Progesterone produced a marked increase in plasma fibrinogen values. The fibrinogen response appeared to be independent of oestrogen administration. No alteration in haematocrit values, platelet count, APTT and OSPT results or the activities of coagulation factors VII, VIII and IX was observed following hormone administration. It is suggested that increased plasma progesterone concentrations may be partly responsible for the two- to three-fold increase in fibrinogen which occurs during gestation in the bitch.  相似文献   

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