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Objective To compare serum and skin surface IgA concentrations from atopic and normal dogs.
Procedure IgA concentrations in sera and skin washings of 20 clinically normal dogs that had no history of pruritus or skin disease were compared to those obtained in 20 dogs with a diagnosis of atopy determined by history, clinical examination and positive intradermal skin test.
Results There was no significant difference in the mean serum IgA concentration in normal dogs (252 ± 187 mg/L) versus atopic animals (314 ± 327). When skin washings from all sites in both groups were compared, atopic dogs had significantly greater concentrations of IgA in their skin washings than normal dogs as evaluated by an enzyme-linked immunoassay (P < 0.001). However, there was no significant difference between the individual sites of the skin washings of atopic and normal dogs.
Conclusion IgA concentrations of skin washings in atopic dogs were greater than in normal dogs. Further investigations need to determine if the greater concentrations were caused by nonspecific inflammation or by secretion of allergen-specific IgA onto the skin surface.  相似文献   

Abstract The effects of ketoconazole on intradermal skin test results and on leukotriene C4 (LTC4) concentration in the skin of atopic dogs were evaluated in a pilot study. Twelve atopic dogs without a detectable Malassezia dermatitis were selected. All dogs had positive immedíate reaction to intradermal injection of house dust mite (HDM) at 25 PNU mL-1. Six dogs received a control sugar tablet and six dogs received ketoconazole at 5 mg kg-1 PO b.i.d. for 3 weeks. On days 0 and 21, intradermal injections of saline, lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and house dust mite (HDM) were performed and biopsies of the injection sites were taken at 90 min postinjection to measure the concentration of LTC4 in the skin. Intradermal skin test results were not affected by ketoconazole therapy. Ketoconazole significantly decreased the concentration of LTC4 that could be elicited by the intradermal injection of saline and LPS. Ketoconazole also decreased the HDM-induced LTC4 but differences between the prevalues and postvalues were not statistically significant. The mean decrease of LTC4 concentration in the ketoconazole group was 37% for the saline injection, 42% for the LPS injection and 26% for HDM injection. In the control group no significant changes in the LTC4 concentrations were found over the 3-week time of the study. This pilot study showed that ketoconazole has anti-inflammatory properties and suggests that this drug may be effective in decreasing the skin concentrations of LTC4 in atopic dogs. Résumé— Les effets de kétoconazole sur les résultats des tests intradermiques et la concentration en leucotriène C4 (LTC4) dans la peau de chiens atopiques ont étéévalués dans une étude en double aveugle. Douze chiens atopiques sans dermite à Malassezia ont été selectionnés. Tous les chiens ont des tests intradermiques positifs aux acariens de la poussière de maison à 25 PNU mL-1à 20 minutes. Six chiens ont reçu des comprimés de sucre, six autres ont reçu du kétoconazole à 5 mg kg-1, 2 fois par jour par voie orale pendant 3 semaines. Aux jours 0 et 21, des injections intradermiques de liposaccharides (LPS), d'eau salée et d'aeariens de la poussière de maison sont réalisées et des biopsies des points d'injections sont effectuées 90 minutes après l'injection afin de mesurer la concentration en LTC4 dans la peau. Les résultats des tests intradermiques ne sont pas modifies par la thérapeutique au kétoconazole. Par contre, le kétoconazole diminue significativement la concentration en LTC4 induit par les injections intradermiques de LPS et d'eau salee. Le kétoconazole diminue également le LTC4 induit par les acariens de la poussière de maison, mais il n'existe pas de différence significative entre les valeurs avant et après. La diminution moyenne de LTC4 dans le groupe traité au kétoconazole est de 37% pour l'injection intradermique d'eau salée, de 42% pour l'injection intradermique de LPS et de 26% pour l'injection intradermique d'acariens de la poussière de maison. Dans le groupe de contrôle, aucune différence significative dans les concentrations en LTC4 n'est observée durant les 3 semaines de l'étude. Cette étude démontre que le kétoconazole a des propriétés antiinflammatoires et suggèrent qu'il peut être efficace dans la diminution des concentrations en LTC4 chez les chiens atopiques. [Marsella R, Kunkle, GA, Vaughn, DM, Macdonald, J. Double-blind pilot study in the effects of kétoconazole on intradermal skin test and leukotriene C4 concentration in the skin of atopic dogs. (Etude en double aveugle sur les effets du kétoconazole sur les tests intradermiques et la concentration en leucotriène C4 dans la peau de chiens atopiques.) Veterinary Dermatology 1997; 8 : 3–10.] Resumen Se evaluaron en un estudio piloto los efectos del ketoconazol sobre los resultados del test intradérmico cutáneo y sobre las concentraciones de leucotrieno C4 (LTC4) en la piel de perros atópicos. Se seleccionaron doce perros atópicos sin Dermatitis por Malassezia detectable. Todos los perros mostraban respuesta positiva inmedíata a la inyección del ácaro del polvo doméstico (HDM) a 25 PNU mL-1. Seis perros recibieron una tableta control de azúcar y seis recibieron ketoconazol a dosis de 5 mg kg-1 PO BID durante 3 semanas. En los días 0 y 21 se realizaron inyecciones intradérmicas de suero salino, lipopolisacárido (LPS) y ácaro del polvo doméstico, y se tomaron biopsias de las zonas inyectadas a los 90 minutos postinyección para cuantificar la concentración de LTC4 en la piel. Los resultados de los tests intradérmicos no se afectaron por la terapia con ketoconazol. El ketoconazol disminuyó significativamente la concentración de LTC4 que pudo haber provocado la inyección intradérmica de suero salino y LPS. El ketoconazol también disminuyó el LTC4 inducido por el HDM pero las diferencias entre los valores previos y posteriores no fueron estadisticamente significativos. La disminución en la concentración medía de LTC4 en el grupo de ketoconazol fue del 37% para la inyección de suero salino, 42% para la de LPS y 26% para la de HDM. En el grupo control no se encontraron alteraciones significativas en las concentraciones de LTC4 durante las 3 semanas que duró el estudio. Este estudio piloto mostró que el ketoconazol posee propiedades antiinflamatorias y sugiere que este fármaco puede ser efectivo en disminuir las concentraciones cutáneas de LTC4 en perros atópicos. [Marsella R, Kunkle, GA, Vaughn, DM, Macdonald, J. Double-blind pilot study in the effects of ketoconazole on intradermal skin test and leukotriene C4 concentration in the skin of atopic dogs. (Estudio doble ciego sobre los efectos del ketoconazol en los tests intradérmicos cutaneos y en la concentración de leucotrieno C4 en la piel de perros atópicos.) Veterinary Dermatology 1997; 8 : 3–10.] Zusammenfasung In einer Pilotstudie wurden die Wirkung von Ketoconazol auf Ergebnisse des intrakutanen Hauttests und der Leukotrien C4 (LTC4)-Konzentration in der Haut atopischer Hunde bewertet. Zwölf atopische Hunde ohne feststellbare Malassezia Dermatitis wurden ausgewählt. Alle Hunde hatten eine positive Sofortreaktion zu Hausstaubmilbenextrakt von 25 PNU mL-1. Sechs Hunde erhielten eine Zuckertablette als Kontrolle und sechs Hunde erhielten Ketoconazol in einer Dosis von 5 mg kg-1 oral zweimal täglich für drei Wochen. An den Tagen 0 und 21 wurden intrakutane Injektionen von physiologischer Kochsalzlösung, Lipopolysaccharid (LPS) und Hausstaubmilbenextrakt durchgeführt und 90 Minuten danach Biopsien an den Injektionsstellen entnommen, um die Konzentration von LTC4 in der Haut zu messen. Ketoconazoltherapie hatte keinen Einfluss auf die Ergebnisse des Intrakutantests. Ketoconazol verminderte die LTC4 Konzentration in den intrakutanen Injektionsstellen von physiologischer Kochsalzlösung und LPS. Die Konzentrationen des von Hausstaubmilbenextrakt-induzierten LTC4 waren ebenfalls vermindert, die Unterschiede zwischen den Werten vor und nach der Injektion waren jedoch nicht statistisch significan. Die durchschnittliche Verminderung der LTC4 Konzentration in der Ketoconazol-Gruppe betrug 37% für die Injektion mit Kochsalzlösung, 42% für die Injektion mit LPS und 26% für die Injektion mit Hausstaubmilbenextrakt. In der Kontrollgrupe wurden während der dreiwöchigen Studie keine signifikanten Veränderungen in der LTC4 Konzentration festgestellt. Diese Pilotstudie zeigt die entzündungshemmende Wirkung von Ketoconazol und deutet darauf hin, daß dieses Medikament geeignet sein könnte, die Hautkonzentration von LTC4 in atopischen Hunden zu verringern. [Marsella R, Kunkle, GA, Vaughn, DM, Macdonald, J. Double-blind pilot study in the effects of ketoconazole on intradermal skin test and leukotriene C4 concentration in the skin of atopic dogs. (Doppelblind-Pilotstudie über die Wirkung von Ketoconazol auf den intrakutanen Hauttest und die Konzentration von Leukotrien C4 in der Haut atopischer Hunde.) Veterinary Dermatology 1997; 8 : 3–10.]  相似文献   

Fifty-six healthy dogs with no known history of atopic disease to indoor allergens were skin tested with 6 different dilutions of an aqueous house dust mite extract. A concentration of 31.25 PNU/ml was found to be the maximum, nonirritating concentration. Thirty-two percent of the research dogs used had to be excluded because they failed to show reactions to any test dilution.  相似文献   

Although canine atopic dermatitis (cAD) is common, few models are available. The aim of this study was to evaluate high-IgE beagles epicutaneously sensitized to house dust mite (HDM) as a possible model for cAD. Six high-IgE beagles were environmentally challenged with HDM using various doses and protocols. Similar challenge protocols were used in positive and negative control dogs: three dogs with naturally occurring cAD and positive intradermal skin test (IDT) to HDM and three normal dogs without history of skin disease and negative IDT to HDM. All high-IgE beagles and all atopic dogs developed severe cutaneous lesions and pruritus after challenge. Lesions were erythematous papules and macules in contact areas such as face, ears, ventral abdomen, groin, axillae and feet. They were first visible after 6 h and increased in severity over time. No normal dog developed pruritus or lesions. Biopsies of representative lesions in the high-IgE beagles were taken for histopathology and immunohistochemistry. There was superficial perivascular dermatitis with mononuclear infiltrates and spongiosis. Lymphocytes and eosinophils accumulated in small epidermal micro-abscesses with hyperplasia of epidermal IgE-bearing dendritic cells. These findings suggest that this colony of high-IgE beagles develops a dermatitis that clinically, histopathologically and immunologically resembles the naturally occurring canine disease. It is also concluded that this modality of challenge is not irritating to normal dogs but induces flare-ups in hypersensitive atopic dogs.  相似文献   

Abstract   The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of benzyl benzoate, an acaricide for the control of house dust mites, in 60 house dust mite-sensitive dogs. All dogs showed positive reactions on intradermal skin testing for house dust mites ( Dermatophagoides farinae , Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus ) alone, or house dust mites with storage mites ( Acarus siro , Tyrophagus putrescentiae , Glycophagus domesticus ). House dust samples from the owners' houses were collected and sent to the clinic, where the authors performed a test (Acarex® test) to semiquantify the amount of guanine, a house dust mite product. Treatment with benzyl benzoate was repeated until the house dust samples were negative for house dust mite guanine. After treatment, 29 out of 60 house dust mite-sensitive dogs (48%) showed no skin lesions or pruritus. Moderate results were achieved in 22 dogs (36%), with reduced pruritus and minimal skin lesions, but still requiring medication. In 13 dogs, this involved regular treatment (3–4 times a year) with antibiotics and antiyeast medication, and in eight dogs, immunotherapy was used. One dog was controlled with essential fatty acids as monotherapy and one dog was controlled with immunotherapy and essential fatty acids. In the remaining nine dogs (15%), the pruritus remained the same, and these dogs were controlled with oral corticosteroids. These results indicate that house dust mite elimination is a useful tool in the management of house dust mite-sensitive dogs.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To quantitate the density of Dermatophagoides farinae and D pteronyssinus and concentrations of house dust mite (HDM) allergens (Der f 1, Der p 1, and Group 2 allergens) in the indoor microenvironment of dogs. Sample Population-50 homes in Columbus, Ohio. PROCEDURES: n each home, samples of dust were collected from 3 locations in which dogs spent most time. Whenever possible, the species of mites collected was identified. Mite density (mites/g of dust) was assessed, and allergen concentrations were assayed by standardized ELISAs. Relative humidity and temperature in each home were monitored during a 5-day period. Characteristics of homes and sample sources were evaluated. RESULTS: Dust samples from all 50 homes contained > or = 1 HDM allergen; Der f 1 and Der p 1 were detected in 100 and 74% of homes, respectively. Fifteen homes had HDMs; compared with D pteronyssinus, D farinae was found more commonly (14/15 homes) and at a higher density. Basements, homes without central air-conditioning, and dog beds that were > or = 1 year old had high HDM allergen concentrations. Homes with > or = 2 microg of Der f 1 or Group 2 allergens/g of dust or > or = 100 mites/g of dust were significantly more likely to have a maximum relative humidity > or = 75%. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results indicate the presence of HDMs and HDM allergens in the specific microenvironment of dogs in homes. Factors associated with high levels of exposure were identified, which may be associated with increased risk for sensitization and development of atopic diseases.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To quantitate the density of Dermatophagoides farinae and D pteronyssinus and concentrations of house dust mite (HDM) allergens (Der f 1, Der p 1, and Group 2 allergens) in the indoor microenvironment of dogs. SAMPLE POPULATION: 50 homes in Columbus, Ohio. PROCEDURES: In each home, samples of dust were collected from 3 locations in which dogs spent most time. Whenever possible, the species of mites collected was identified. Mite density (mites/g of dust) was assessed, and allergen concentrations were assayed by standardized ELISAs. Relative humidity and temperature in each home were monitored during a 5-day period. Characteristics of homes and sample sources were evaluated. RESULTS: Dust samples from all 50 homes contained > or = 1 HDM allergen; Der f 1 and Der p 1 were detected in 100 and 74% of homes, respectively. Fifteen homes had HDMs; compared with D pteronyssinus, D farinae was found more commonly (14/15 homes) and at a higher density. Basements, homes without central air-conditioning, and dog beds that were > or = 1 year old had high HDM allergen concentrations. Homes with > or = 2 microg of Der f 1 or Group 2 allergens/g of dust or > or = 100 mites/g of dust were significantly more likely to have a maximum relative humidity > or = 75%. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results indicated the presence of HDMs and HDM allergens in the specific microenvironment of dogs in homes. Factors associated with high levels of exposure were identified, which may be associated with increased risk for sensitization and development of atopic diseases.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the potential cell-mediated immune response of atopic dogs to the yeast Malassezia pachydermatis and to correlate it with the type-1 hypersensitivity (humoral) response of the same population of dogs. ANIMALS: 16 clinically normal dogs, 15 atopic dogs with Malassezia dermatitis, 5 atopic dogs with Malassezia otitis, and 7 atopic control (ie, without Malassezia dermatitis or otitis) dogs. PROCEDURE: A crude extract of M pachydermatis was extracted for use as an intradermal allergy testing reagent and for stimulation of isolated peripheral blood mononuclear cells in vitro. Flow cytometry was also used to assess cell surface antigenic determinants (CD3, CD4, CD8, CD14, CD21, CD45RA, surface immunoglobulin) on peripheral blood mononuclear cells. RESULTS: Atopic dogs with cytologic evidence of Malassezia dermatitis had an increased lymphocyte blastogenic response to crude M pachydermatis extract, compared with clinically normal dogs and dogs with Malassezia otitis. Atopic control dogs did not differ significantly in their responses from atopic dogs with Malassezia dermatitis or otitis. A significant correlation was not found between the lymphocyte blastogenic response and the type-1 hypersensitivity response to M pachydermatis within any of the groups. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Cell-mediated and humoral reactivities to M pachydermatis contribute to the pathogenesis of atopic dermatitis in dogs but are not directly correlated. Modification of the dysregulated immune response toward M pachydermatis may assist in the reduction of pathologic changes associated with an atopic dermatitis phenotype in dogs.  相似文献   

Dust mites (DM) are the most common offending aeroallergens in atopic dogs. The aim of this study was to compare the DM load of households with atopic dogs (Group A, n  = 8) that had positive intradermal test reactions to Dermatophagoides farinae , D. pteronyssinus, Acarus siro, Lepidoglyphus destructor and/or Tyrophagus putrescentiae to the DM load of households with nonatopic dogs (Group B, n  = 4) and of nonpet households (Group C,  n  = 8). Group A dogs presented with perennial pruritus, were free of pathogenic mites and fleas, did not respond to an elimination diet, and fulfilled the diagnostic criteria of atopic dermatitis. All Group B dogs tested intradermally negative and had no dermatological problems. Dust samples were vacuum collected in a standardized fashion from the human (all groups) and dog mattresses (Groups A and B) or from the couch (Group C) four times, once for each season of the year. The presence of DM was assessed with a commercial test (Acarex test) and stereoscopically. At least one DM was found in all Group A houses. The DM load was not significantly different between the seasons or the three animal groups. The sensitivity of the Acarex test was significantly lower than that of stereoscopic examination ( P  < 0.001). In conclusion, the environmental DM load was similar between atopic and nonatopic dogs, the presence of dogs in a household didn't increase DM numbers, and stereoscopy was more sensitive than the Acarex test for the detection of DM.
Funding: Self-funded.  相似文献   

Skin reactivity to intradermal injections (0.1, 0.5 and 1 nm ) of substance P (SP) was evaluated in 20 clinically normal dogs and 20 dogs with atopic dermatitis (AD). Saline and histamine were used as negative and positive controls, respectively. Wheal diameters were measured. Reactions were evaluated for erythema and induration and a subjective score, on a scale from 0 to 4+, was given. Evaluations were performed at 3, 5, 10, 15 and 30 min after the injections. Wheal diameters for histamine and SP injections were significantly smaller in dogs with AD compared with clinically normal dogs. In both groups, reactions to the various concentrations of SP were not significantly different from each other and were always smaller than histamine reactions. Erythema was not seen with SP injections. In addition, subjective scores for SP injections were significantly lower in dogs with AD compared with controls. The results of this study are similar to those reported in human medicine, where a role for SP in AD is proposed and desensitization of receptors to both SP and histamine is hypothesized. Further studies are needed to investigate the role of SP in the pathogenesis of canine AD.  相似文献   

During the last decade, oral cyclosporin (CsA) has proven to be effective, in randomized controlled trials, for the treatment of atopic dermatitis (AD) in human patients. The purpose of this blinded randomized controlled trial was to test the hypothesis that CsA was successful in reducing the gravity of clinical signs of AD in dogs. Thirty dogs with nonseasonal AD were randomly allocated to receive an oral solution of either NEORAL CsA (5 mg kg-1) or prednisolone (0.5 mg kg-1) once daily for 6 weeks. Before, and 3 and 6 weeks after therapy, skin lesions were graded by clinicians using the Canine AD Extent and Severity Index (CADESI). Pruritus was assessed by the owners using a visual analog scale (PVAS). In both groups, CADESI and PVAS values were significantly lower at 6 weeks post treatment than before the initiation of therapy (Friedman test, P < 0.0004). The percentage reductions in CADESI and PVAS values from baseline were not statistically different between groups (Mann-Whitney test, P > 0.3). In this experiment, the tolerability and safety of oral CsA and prednisolone appeared similar. One-fifth of dogs given oral CsA occasionally developed diarrhoea or soft stools. One dog that was given CsA developed a generalized papillomatous skin eruption during the second half of the trial. Our study provides randomized controlled trial evidence that CsA reduces the severity of clinical signs in dogs with nonseasonal AD. Moreover, the anti-allergic efficacy of CsA appears comparable with that of prednisolone. We propose that oral CsA should be considered as a valuable alternative to glucocorticoid therapy in dogs with AD.  相似文献   

Background: High prevalence of methicillin resistance among clinical isolates of Staphylococcus pseudintermedius obtained from dogs was reported in Seoul metropolitan area, South Korea. However, no information on genetic lineage and clonal spread is currently available.

Objective: The aim is to identify the genetic diversity of methicillin-resistant or -susceptible S. pseudintermedius (MRSP and MSSP, respectively) from healthy dogs.

Animals and methods: From 119 healthy dogs, 29 isolates consisting of 20 MRSP and 9 MSSP were collected from June 2013 to February 2014. Phenotypic features, antibiogram, multilocus sequence type (MLST), Staphylococcal cassette chromosome mec (SCCmec) type and spa gene type were analyzed.

Results: MLST showed 24 sequence types (STs), including 20 new STs that were genetically distinct from the previous STs in other geographic areas. SCCmec typing revealed that all isolates had SCCmec type V, a predominant type in North America. spa gene typing was successful in only 13 isolates (10 MRSP and 3 MSSP) and revealed two known types (t02 and t06), as well as one novel type (t73).

Conclusion: Our cumulative data indicate the presence of various populations of S. pseudintermedius in clinically normal dogs in Seoul metropolitan area.  相似文献   

Interleukin-12 (IL-12) plays a pivotal role in regulating cellular immune responses involving autoimmunity, infectious disease, and cancer. Human recombinant (hr) IL-12 is being evaluated for therapy of human cancer. We investigated the potential of hrIL-12 to activate canine peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) using proliferation and cytotoxicity as readouts. Human rIL-12 caused increased proliferation of PBMC, and enhanced lysis of allogeneic canine tumor targets mediated by PBMC from normal dogs in vitro. In addition, antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) mediated by canine PBMC was enhanced by hrIL-12. These results indicate that hrIL-12 is recognized by canine immune cells, triggering a number of immune responses in canine PBMC, that may be important for immunotherapy of canine cancer. Information from this investigation provides impetus for evaluation of the effects of hrIL-12 on PBMC from tumor-bearing dogs and should be helpful in the development of hrIL-12 as an immune cell activator in vivo in the dog.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To use an amplified ELISA technique to document the presence and quantify the concentration of the house dust mite allergen, Der f 1, in skin and coat dust samples collected from dogs. ANIMALS: 29 pet dogs of various breeds. PROCEDURE: Dogs were weighed, and body surface area in square meters was determined. Skin and coat dust samples were obtained by vacuuming dogs. Collected dust was analyzed by use of standard and amplified ELISA techniques. RESULTS: By use of the standard ELISA technique, Der f 1 was detected in skin and coat dust samples from 6 of 29 (21%) dogs. Mean concentration of Der f 1 in the 6 samples with positive assay results was 16.16 ng/mL (range, 5.61 to 31.24 ng/mL). Samples with negative assay results were retested for dust mite allergen by use of an amplified ELISA technique; an additional 14 dogs had positive assay results. Mean concentration of allergen was 0.36 ng/mL (range, 0.19 to 2.20 ng/mL). Combining both techniques, 20 of 29 (69%) dogs had positive assay results for Der f 1. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results of our study indicate that house dust mite allergens are present on the skin and in the coat of dogs, and this source of allergen may act as a reservoir for allergen exposure in hypersensitive dogs. Use of an amplified ELISA technique to determine environmental concentrations of house dust mite allergens in homes and on dogs will help to identify the relationship between immunologic findings and environmental exposures in dogs with atopic dermatitis.  相似文献   

In canine and human atopic patients, the intracutaneous injection of offending allergens is followed by the development of both immediate and late-phase reactions. The present study was performed to expand on the characterization and dynamics of inflammatory cell subsets during IgE-mediated late-phase reactions in canine skin. Three normal dogs and three Dermatophagoides farinae -allergic dogs were selected for this experiment. All dogs were challenged intradermally with mite allergen, purified anticanine IgE antibodies (positive control) or phosphate-buffered saline (negative control). Skin biopsies were obtained before and 6, 12 and 24 h post-injection. Sections were stained with metachromatic and eosinophil-specific histological stains. Additionally, we used an immunohistochemical method with antibodies specific for canine leukocyte antigens. This study confirmed the occurrence of a late-phase reaction in atopic skin following allergen challenge, and in normal and atopic canine skin after intradermal injection of IgE-specific antibodies. Whereas early emigrating dermal cells were composed chiefly of neutrophil and activated eosinophil granulocytes, there was an influx of αβ T-lymphocytes and dermal dendritic cells in later stages of the late-phase reactions. Because IgE-mediated late-phase reactions resemble spontaneous atopic canine skin lesions, both at macroscopic and microscopic levels, we propose the use of similar challenges to study the anti-inflammatory effects of anti-allergic drugs in a pre-clinical setting.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare an ELISA measuring serum allergen-specific IgE with intradermal skin testing in canine atopic dermatitis. PROCEDURE: Eighty-four dogs with the clinical diagnosis of atopic dermatitis underwent intradermal skin testing and serum testing for allergen-specific IgE. Tests were performed in a blinded fashion. Positive reactions were compared and the sensitivity and specificity of the serum test (using intradermal skin test as the standard) were determined overall and for individual allergen groups (grass pollens, weed pollens, tree pollens, house dust mites and fleas). RESULTS: The sensitivity of the ELISA overall was 90.4%. Evaluating the individual allergen groups, the sensitivity for dust mite hypersensitivity was 95.1%, for fleas 85.4%, for tree pollens 84.3%, for grass pollens 95.1% and for weed pollens 96.4%. The specificity was 91.6% overall, for dust mites 96.3%, for fleas 92.7%, for tree pollens 95.2%, for grass pollens 94% and for weed pollens 80.7%. CONCLUSION: The evaluated ELISA seemed reliable for the diagnosis of atopy in practice and can be recommended as a screening test prior to intradermal skin testing or for use in dogs when immunotherapy is not a therapeutic option.  相似文献   

This study evaluated a new perspective in the diagnosis of dermatitis in dogs with signs suggestive of allergic skin disease. The results obtained with CMG IMMUNODOT tests using the technique of allergen-specific strip tests, as employed for human allergy diagnosis, were compared with those obtained by the intradermal skin test (IDST). Forty-eight cases completed the diagnostic evaluation, which included IDST, flea-control program, exclusion of sarcoptes and, for some cases, a 1- to 2-month stabilization period on a restricted protein source diet and testing the serum in the presence of allergen-specific IgE and total IgE. The most common disorders included house and storage dust mites, allergic dermatitis and flea-allergic dermatitis together with atopy. This was confirmed serologically. In the case of positive IDST to pollens, Aspergillus spp. and cat epithelium, CMG IMMUNODOT strip tests were negative. A total of 25% of cases were considered to be primarily associated with food hypersensitivity, but only 4% were confirmed serologically. This study emphasizes the value of CMG IMMUNODOT tests as a support in the diagnosis of dog allergy.  相似文献   

This study investigated intradermal test reactions to extracts of six species of mites in 150 dogs with atopic dermatitis. At least one positive reaction was seen in 120 animals (80%). Dermatophagoides farinae attracted the highest number of positive reactions (108 dogs, 90% of dogs and 72% of atopic dogs showing positive reactions). Positive reactions to other mites were not uncommon, with many dogs testing positive for Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (32% of dogs tested), Acarus siro (35%), Tyrophagus putrescentiae (30%), Glycyphagus domesticus (27%) and Lepidoglyphus destructor (23%). Sensitivity to D. farinae alone occurred commonly (57% of cases), but multiple sensitivities were seen frequently with the other mites. Cases of sensitivity to only one mite were also seen: D. pteronyssinus (five cases), T. putrescentiae (one case) and G. domesticus (one case). Further studies are needed to appreciate more clearly the precise role played by the different species of mite in canine atopic dermatitis.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate reactions to intradermal injections of Tyrophagus putrescentiae extract in healthy dogs and dogs with atopic dermatitis and to compare the prevalence of positive reactions in the two groups. Twenty-one healthy dogs and 26 atopic dogs were tested intradermally with T. putrescentiae extract at 1000, 500, 250, 125, 63, 32 and 16 PNU/mL. Reactions were evaluated objectively and subjectively. A Mann-Whitney test was used to determine differences in grade of reaction to storage mites between healthy dogs and dogs with atopic dermatitis. Positive reactions to storage mite extract were most common at 1000 PNU/mL with approximately one third of normal and atopic dogs showing a positive reaction to T. putrescentiae. There was no significant difference in the incidence of positive reactions between normal and atopic dogs for any of the Tyrophagus extract concentrations.  相似文献   

Plasma and skin concentrations of orbifloxacin (Orbax tablets, Schering-Plough Animal Health) were assessed in 14 clinically normal dogs and 14 dogs with pyoderma following oral administration of the drug at 7.5 mg/kg once daily for 5 to 7 days. Skin biopsies and whole blood samples were obtained before dosing and at the time of the expected maximum concentration in skin (3 hours after dosing) on the first and on the fifth to seventh day of dosing. Skin biopsies and plasma were analyzed for orbifloxacin concentrations by high-performance liquid chromatography. Dogs with pyoderma had significantly higher mean skin concentrations of orbifloxacin within 3 hours of administration (Day 0: 7.80 +/- 3.40 mcg/g, Days 4 to 6: 9.47 +/- 6.23 mcg/g) than did dogs with normal skin (Day 0: 3.85 +/- 1.08 mcg/g, Days 4 to 6: 5.43 +/- 1.02 mcg/g). After dosing on Day 0 and after five to seven daily treatments, dogs with pyoderma had significantly higher mean orbifloxacin skin:plasma ratios (1.40 and 1.44, respectively) than did clinically normal dogs (0.81 and 0.96, respectively). The accumulation of orbifloxacin in diseased skin may contribute to the efficacy of this compound for the treatment of bacterial skin infections.  相似文献   

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