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Large mounds amended with plant residues are a common cultivation method for sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas) in the western parts of the Papua New Guinea highlands, with a suggested benefit of elevated root zone temperature (RZT) from decomposition. This study aimed to evaluate whether RZT affects the formation and growth of sweetpotato storage roots. Experiments evaluated the effects of a constant elevated RZT on the Beauregard cultivar and of a short‐term increase in RZT on the Beauregard and Northern Star cultivars. Plants were grown in 18‐L pots divided into a control compartment (constant RZT at 20°C) and a treated compartment (RZT at 30, 40 or 50°C). Constant elevated RZT was maintained until harvest, while short‐term increase in RZT occurred in weeks 2 and 3 only. Constant elevated RZT did not affect the total number of storage roots, but RZT of 30°C and above reduced the dry‐biomass of storage roots. The short‐term increase in RZT did not alter the total number or dry‐biomass of storage roots in Beauregard, while both of these attributes were reduced at RZT of 40°C or above in Northern Star. Elevated RZT inhibited dry‐biomass accumulation of storage root, with a more pronounced impact at constant elevated RZT. These results demonstrate that any benefits of the mound culture on sweetpotato yield production do not arise through the influence of temperature elevation.  相似文献   

Summary Data from segregating generations of reciprocal crosses between an early and late emerging cultivar of C. baccatum var. pendulum suggested partial dominance for slow emergence at low temperatures, with additive and dominance gene action responsible for the expression of this trait.Received for publication 17 July 1979. Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station Journal Article No. 9081.  相似文献   

Larger particle volume is beneficial for many aspects of maize starch processing, and may improve the performance of some starch attributes. Of the numerous endosperm carbohydrate mutants, the soft starch (h) mutant appears to have the greatest influence on starch particle volume. The objective of this study was to determine the gene dosage effect upon starch particle volume at the h locus. Two inbreds, B37 and Oh43, were studied in 1992 and 1993, and their hybrid B37 × Oh43 was studied in 1993. Appropriate crosses were made to establish four endosperm genotypes ++/+, ++/h, hh/+ and hh/h. Starch was extracted from mature kernels collected for each endosperm genotype and analysed for particle volume. The source of variation attributable to fitting two straight regression lines on number of h alleles was highly significant (P < 0.01) in all experiments, resulting in a horizontal‐line relationship among the three normal genotypes (++/+,++/h and hh/+) at 14.452 μm33 and a regression line of slope 1.622 μm3 passing from hh+ to hh/h. There is no dosage effect of starch particle volume at the h locus; complete recessiveness of the h allele for starch particle volume is the same as the visual phenotypic observation of soft starch.  相似文献   

Gas loss is serious in current coal core method, and freezing core technology will become a new direction for gas content determination in the future, so it is the key to study gas desorption characteristics in low temperature environment (below 0℃). Therefore, in this paper, a self-made high/low temperature gas adsorption/desorption device is used to test gas desorption laws in low temperatures (-10, -20 and -30 ℃). The tested results show that the effect of temperature on gas desorption is very obvious. When temperature decreases, gas adsorption quantity increases; while gas desorption quantity decreases as temperature decreases. Lowering temperature suppresses gas desorption. And the lower the temperature is, the more obvious the gas desorption inhibitory effect is. Increasing gas pressure weakens gas desorption inhibitory effect in low temperature environment.  相似文献   

甘薯茎基部腐烂病调查及病原鉴定   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
2012年以来浙江省台州市及其周边市县甘薯产区发生了大面积的甘薯茎基部腐烂病,导致当地甘薯种植面积大幅度下滑。为明确浙江省甘薯茎基部腐烂病的发生情况、病原组成及种类,本团队于2015年至2018年对浙江省11个县市区进行了田间调查并采集127份病样分离鉴定病原菌,结果表明浙江省甘薯茎基部腐烂病主要存在4种主要症状,根据病菌的致病性、形态特征、ITS和16S rDNA序列分析鉴定,主要鉴定到达旦提狄克氏菌(Dickeya dadantii)、齐整小核菌(Sclerotium rolfsii)、拟轮枝镰孢菌(Fusarium verticillioides )、腐皮镰刀菌(F. solani)、尖镰刀菌(F. oxysporum)、甘薯间座壳菌(Diaporthe batatas)、毁坏性拟茎点霉(Phomopsis destruens)和爪哇镰孢(F. javanicumS)等8种致病病菌,各地区病原菌组成分布均有所不同,采集的样品普遍为多种致病菌复合侵染危害。  相似文献   

To find out gene dose effect of each of the three homoeologous Wx genes and their interaction on the production of granule-bound starch synthase (GBSS I) and amylose biosynthesis in the endosperm, Chinese Spring and its near-isogenic waxy types were crossed reciprocally and, obtained a plant population with varying doses of each Wx gene. The amount of GBSSI was increased linearly with increasing gene dose of either of Wxloci. In each of the three Wx loci, the change in amylose content was linear up to 3 doses, with a more potent capacity ofWx-B1a at any dose. Higher level of amylose production was observed in the reciprocal F1 grains than the expected effect of dose/s of each gene or additive effect of different allelic combination by artificially blend starches which have amylose produced by equivalent number ofWx alleles to that of relevant F1 cross. When Wx-B1a and Wx-A1a were combined, increase in amylase content was not in proportion to increase in gene dosage. The enhanced amylase synthesis was shown by 2-gene and 3-geneinteraction, indicating that not only type of the three Wx genes and its dose but the interaction among them have significant roles in determining the amylose content. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Sweetpotato is a crucial crop to guarantee food security in sub-Saharan Africa, and drought events are considered one of the most critical factors affecting sweetpotato productivity in this region. In this study, airborne imagery based on reflectance (NDVI, CIred-edge) and canopy temperature minus air temperature (dT) indices was used to characterize sweetpotato genotypes under drought treatments in Mozambique. Two field experiments established in rainy/hot (Trial A) and dry/cool (Trial B) seasons were assessed. In Trial A, 24 genotypes were subjected to early- (ESD), mid- (MSD) and late-season (LSD) drought stress treatments and compared against a control. In Trial B, 120 genotypes were subjected to LSD only. The percentage of reduction in vine weight (PRVW) under drought was related primarily to temporal variation of NDVI and CI, regardless of drought treatment and seasons. dT in relation to control (dTAmp) was associated with PRVW in ESD-Trial A and LSD-Trial B, whereas under LSD-Trial A, dTAmp was related to total fresh storage root weight (TRW). During the rainy/hot season, higher TRW reduction was promoted under ESD; however, under LSD, it was possible to identify productive genotypes able to withstand drought stress, highlighting their relevance for drought-tolerance selection purposes.  相似文献   

不同甘薯品种抗旱性评价及耐旱指标筛选   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在人工控水条件下,以15个甘薯品种为试验材料,设置干旱胁迫和正常灌水2个处理,研究了干旱胁迫条件下不同甘薯品种产量和农艺性状差异。根据产量抗旱系数法分级,抗旱品种(抗旱系数≥0.6)为济薯21、济薯25、济徐23、济薯15、烟薯25;中等抗旱品种(0.4≤抗旱系数0.6)为徐薯18、济薯26、北京553、济紫薯2号、济薯18;不抗旱品种(抗旱系数0.4)为郑薯20、济紫薯3号、济薯22、济紫薯1号、凌紫。干旱胁迫导致甘薯的叶片数、蔓长、叶面积系数和生物量下降,品种间降幅不同,抗旱性强的品种降幅小,抗旱性弱的品种降幅大。这些农艺性状指标与甘薯品种的抗旱性呈显著正相关,可作为甘薯品种抗旱性鉴定的指标。徐薯18可作为甘薯品种抗旱性鉴定的标准品种。  相似文献   

单锌指蛋白超家族Dof (DNA binding with one finger)转录因子广泛参与植物的各种生命活动。以甘薯泰中6号基因组为参照挖掘得到46个甘薯Dof基因,每个家族成员均具有C2C2-Dof锌指结构,按照其在染色体上的位置,命名为IbDof1~IbDof46。该基因家族可分为4个亚家族(A~D),且不同亚族的基因结构和基序的分布差异显著。基序1和基序2存在于所有亚家族中;基序5和基序9只存在于亚家族A中;基序6、基序7、基序8和基序10只存在亚家族D中。IbDof的进化极为保守,共有12对染色体复制事件和5对串联重复序列事件(IbDof2/IbDof3、IbDof12/IbDof13、IbDof9/IbDof10、IbDof28/IbDof29和IbDof32/IbDof33),分歧时间平均是3552万年前和186万年前,Ka/Ks比值范围从0.07(IbDof12/IbDof13)到0.68(IbDof6/IbDof25),且与甘薯野生近缘种Ipomoeatrifida同一染色体上的Dof同源基因对有38对。组织特异性分析表明, IbDof各亚族在各个组织器官中表达...  相似文献   

Influences of allelic variations in starch synthesis-related genes (SSRGs) on rice grain quality were examined. A total of 187 nonglutinous Korean rice varieties, consisting of 170 Japonica and 17 Tongil-type varieties, were grown in the field and in two greenhouse conditions. The percentages of head rice and chalky grains, amylose content, alkali digestion value, and rapid visco-analysis characteristics were evaluated in the three different environments. Among the 10 previously reported SSRG markers used in this study, seven were polymorphic, and four of those showed subspecies-specific allele distributions. Six out of the seven polymorphic SSRG markers were significantly associated with at least one grain quality trait (R2 > 0.1) across the three different environments. However, the association level and significance were markedly lower when the analysis was repeated using only the 170 Japonica varieties. Similarly, the significant associations between SSRG allelic variations and changes in grain quality traits under increased temperature were largely attributable to the biased allele frequency between the two subpopulations. Our results suggest that within Korean Japonica varieties, these 10 major SSRG loci have been highly fixed during breeding history and variations in grain quality traits might be influenced by other genetic factors.  相似文献   

Summary Fruit acidity as such appears to be gouverned by a single major gene, low acidity being a recessive character. The additional genetic variation is explainable by the additive gene action model. This mode of inheritance causes the pH distribution of seedlings in progenies to shift with a higher mid-parent pH towards more low-acid cum sweet (pH 3.8) and fewer high-acid cum sour (pH 2.9) seedlings or vice versa with a lower midparent pH. As a result, in crosses between heterozygotes (Mama) the total proportion of undesirable seedlings -low plus high-acid ones-, remains similar, irrespective of the mid-parent pH. This proportion constituted about one third of the seedlings. A same proportion, but of mainly sour plants, was found in crosses between relatively acid homozygotes (Mama) or between these and similar heterozygotes. It was less than one quarter if the heterozygous partner was medium-acid and a few percentages only when both the homozygous and heterozygous partner were medium-acid. Choosing parents in the absence of information, chances are that the very large majority of the medium-acid types are heterozygotes, that among the relatively acid ones one in two is homozygous and that the odds to find homozygotes among the sour types are probably best. Attention was drawn to the importance of a high sugar content — which is quantitatively inherited — in parents with a relatively low pH to increase the chances of selecting seedlings with a good sugar/acid ratio.  相似文献   

CAF1 (CCR4-associated factor 1) gene plays an important role in plant development and disease resistance. In this study, the IbCAF1 gene of sweetpotato was cloned according to the EST sequence. The ORF of IbCAF1 was 846 bp, encoding 281 amino acids, with a molecular weight of 32.13 kD and an isoelectric point of 4.83. The results of amino acid sequence alignment and phylogenetic tree analysis showed that IbCAF1 had higher homology with ItlCAF1, a homologous protein of Ipomoea triloba (2x), and the homology was 96.8%. IbCAF1 gene was induced and expressed by NaCl, PEG, ABA, and H2O2. The IbCAF1 gene was transferred into tobacco by Agrobacterium tumefaciens mediated transformation. The overexpression of IbCAF1 gene significantly improved the salt and drought tolerance of transgenic tobacco plants. After 200 mmol L -1NaCl and 10% PEG-6000 treatments, the transgenic tobacco plants showed significant upregulation of the genes involved in ROS scavenging system and proline biosynthesis related genes, significant increase of SOD activity, POD activity and proline content and significant decrease of H2O2 and malondialdehyde contents. These results demonstrate that the IbCAF1 gene could improve salt and drought tolerance in transgenic tobacco. This study will lay a foundation on salt and drought tolerance gene engineering of IbCAF1 gene in sweetpotato for the following research.  相似文献   

Summary We studied the genetic basis of isoflavone content inheritance in soybean seeds. The progenitors BARC-8 (low isoflavone content), IAC-100 (high isoflavone content), the F1 and F2 populations derived from reciprocal crosses, and backcross populations were analyzed for isoflavone content and composition. Six isoflavones were detected: daidzin (DZ), genistin (GT), glycitin (GC), malonyldaidzin (MDZ), malonylgenistin (MGT) and malonylglycitin (MGC). DZ, GT, MDZ and MGT contents were influenced by the cytoplasm and the nuclear genes of the maternal parent. For this reason, a genetic model was considered that included the cytoplasmic effect and epistasis between nuclear and cytoplasmic genes. Except for GT, the additive effect was the most important one. For GT content the cytoplasmic effect was the most important. Except for MDZ, the epistatic effects were significant for all the isoflavone forms. Our data indicate that genetic improvement for these traits should explore the additive genetic variances in superior lines or the cytoplasmic effect and the epistatic interactions between cytoplasmic and nuclear genes to obtain the largest selection gains.  相似文献   

小麦籽粒A-型和B-型淀粉粒的理化特性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以小麦面粉中分离纯化出的A-、B-型淀粉粒为材料,研究其形态及理化特性。淀粉粒扫描电镜形态观察显示,小麦全淀粉中A-、B-型淀粉粒形态差异显著,分离出的A-、B-型淀粉粒无混杂。分离纯化出的A-型和B-型淀粉粒粒径范围分别为4.45~44.46 μm和0.47~11.16 μm,单位质量数量分别为1.23×1010 g-1和6.70×1010 g-1,直链淀粉含量分别为27.70%和22.62%。B-型淀粉粒的膨胀势较大,但糊化值明显小于A-型淀粉粒。重组淀粉中B-型淀粉粒的重量比例小于30%时对淀粉糊化特性影响很大,超过30%后,淀粉粒粒级分布对糊化特性的影响变小。  相似文献   

马铃薯淀粉的研究及在工业中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了马铃薯的生产概况、马铃薯淀粉的特性及其在各行业中的应用,展望了我国马铃薯淀粉行业的发展前景。  相似文献   

Starch properties are major determinants of grain quality and food characteristics in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Control of starch properties will lead to the development of rice cultivars with desirable characteristics. We performed quantitative trait locus analysis and detected a putative region on chromosome 2 associated with phenotypic variation of starch properties in two glutinous rice varieties developed in the Hokkaido region of Japan: ‘Kitayukimochi’, which has a low pasting temperature and creates soft rice cakes, and ‘Shirokumamochi’, which has a high pasting temperature and creates hard rice cakes. Starch branching enzyme IIb (SbeIIb) was identified as a candidate gene within the region. Sequence analysis of SbeIIb in parental lines identified two single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) with non-synonymous mutations in the coding region of the ‘Shirokumamochi’ genotype (SbeIIbsr). We genotyped over 100 rice cultivars, including 28 rice varieties in the Honshu region of Japan, using the CAPS marker, which was designed using one of the SNPs. However, SbeIIbsr was not found in rice cultivars in Honshu. Distribution analysis indicated that SbeIIbsr was introduced to the rice breeding population in Hokkaido from the American variety ‘Cody’ via the Hokkaido cultivar ‘Kitaake’. As a result, SbeIIbsr was distributed only in progenies of ‘Kitaake’.  相似文献   

Larger particle volume is beneficial for many aspects of maize starch processing, and may improve the performance of some starch attributes. This study focused on the soft starch (h) locus to identify its potentially influential role in starch particle volume distribution. The objectives were to study the genetic expression of starch particle volume of the h locus in different genetic backgrounds and the gene action conditioning starch particle volume of other loci in both normal‐starch and h‐starch backgrounds. Forty‐five populations (five intra‐inbred F1s, 10 hybrid F1s 10 F2s, 10 BC1F1s to h/h parent, and 10 BC1 to h:h conversion of normal parent) were planted in 1993 at two locations and in 1995 at one location. Selfed heterozygotes (±/h) in all generations provided intra‐ear comparisons of normal and h starch, and F3 and BC1F2 generations provided inter‐ear comparisons. Significant differences were found between normal and h:h genotypes in all intra‐ear and inter‐ear comparisons. In all cases, general combining ability effects were highly significant, suggesting the presence of additive gene effects. Generation mean analysis of normal and h:h starch materials yielded similar results, indicating the predominance of additive and some dominance effects for other loci on starch particle volume. These results indicate the usefulness of the soft starch gene and additional genetic variation among inbreds in the improvement of starch particle volume for increased starch recovery in wet milling.  相似文献   

Starch structure and functionality have a significant impact on the utilization of cereal grains as food and feed. Starch viscosity characteristics are used to characterize rice cooking, processing and eating quality. In order to examine the genetics of viscosity characteristics, we developed molecular markers for five of the major enzymes involved in starch synthesis in the endosperm: granule bound starch synthase, soluble starch synthase, rice branching enzymes 1 and 3 and starch debranching enzyme. These markers were polymorphic in a cross between specialty rice varieties of diverging amylose content and viscosity characteristics. Our results indicate that the Waxy locus, encoding the gene for granule bound starch synthase, has a significant effect on peak viscosity, hot paste viscosity, cool paste viscosity, breakdown and setback viscosity. We estimate that the tightly linked (5–10 cm)locus for starch synthase may have a lesser, additive effect. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

A. G. Górny 《Plant Breeding》1999,118(6):511-516
Inheritance of the nitrogen and phosphorus utilization efficiencies (NUE and PUE, respectively) and that of the tolerance (T) to limited NP nutrition was investigated in spring barley crosses at the vegetative growth stages. Plants were grown in sand-vermiculite cultures under high and low NP nutrition. In a diallel set (Ps and F2s), both general combining ability (GCA) and specific combining ability (SCA) effects were significant for the variation in NUE and PUE, while the variation in T was mainly associated with GCA effects. The contribution of nonadditive genes for the utilization efficiencies was found to increase under nutrient shortages. Overdominance of genes was detected. The characters exhibited low heritabilities (0.10-0.42). Generation means analysis in two cross-combinations revealed significant effects of epistatic gene interactions. It was assumed that the involvement of both the dominance effects and epistatic interactions would not facilitate selection efforts to improve the characters in spring barley at its vegetative growth. Such selection should be performed among families of later generations. The genotype-nutrition interactions observed suggest that selection under diverse nutrition rates would be necessary for the more precise evaluation of barley efficiency under less favourable soil fertility.  相似文献   

棉花开放花蕾性状的遗传及其在杂优利用中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
棉花开放花蕾主要来源于种间杂交的后代。我国将这一性状称作雌雄异熟系或柱头外露,为便于学术交流,本文建议应与国际上的称法相一致,即开放花蕾。开放花蕾是两对隐性重叠基因所控制,陆地棉与海岛棉均为单节隐性基因纯合体,但基因型不同,各带有一对位点不同的隐性基因。开放花蕾在棉花杂种优势利用中具有应用潜力。尤其是带有低酚标志性状的开放花蕾系“E-81”,有助于提高制种效率。开放花蕾性状的雌、雄蕊发育进度,在减数分裂前是不同步约,但减数分裂后雌配子体的发育速度加快,最舌达到雌、雄配子体同步成熟。 当花柱外露长度达6~7mm时,柱头的生理活性强,是杂交制种中授粉的有利时期。开放花蕾的天然异交率最高为100%,最低为40%,平均达80.4%。  相似文献   

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