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Lignin plays an important role in increasing the mechanical intensity of culm and improving lodging resistance of culm. In this study, three common buckwheat, Youqiao2 (lodging‐tolerant cultivar; YQ2), Ningqiao1 (middle lodging‐tolerant cultivar; NQ1) and Ukraine daliqiao (lodging‐susceptible cultivar; UD), were used to investigate the effects of spraying exogenous hormones uniconazole (S‐3307) or gibberellic acid (GA3) on lignin metabolism and its relation to lodging resistance in the three common buckwheat cultivars. Results showed that application of S‐3307 significantly increased lignin content and its related enzymes activities of phenylalanine ammonia‐lyase (PAL), 4‐hydroxy cinnamoyl CoA ligase (4CL), cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase (CAD) and peroxidase (POD). The major genes involved in lignin synthesis, PAL, CCR (cinnamyl CoA reductase), C4H (cinnamate4‐hydroxylase), 4CL and CCoAOMT (caffeoyl CoA O‐methyltransferase), were all upregulated expression, and COMT (catechol‐O‐methyltransferase) was downregulated. What is more, application of S‐3307 significantly improved the resistance of common buckwheat stem to lodging and increased yield. Whereas, spraying with GA3 caused opposite effect on those characteristics. These results suggested that application of exogenous S‐3307 or GA3 significantly changed the risk of lodging occurred by regulating the lignin metabolism in culms of common buckwheat.  相似文献   

茎秆特性和木质素合成与青稞抗倒伏关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
倒伏是影响青稞品质和产量的主要因子之一,开展抗倒伏机制研究对抗倒伏品种选育意义重大。以青稞品种昆仑14号、昆仑16号和藏2972为抗倒伏材料,门源亮蓝、北青6号和化隆红青稞为倒伏材料,通过茎秆特性、茎秆中纤维素和木质素含量及其合成相关酶活性的研究,探讨茎秆特性与木质素合成同青稞抗倒性之间的关系。结果表明,相比于倒伏品种,抗倒伏品种的茎较短,茎秆中酪氨酸解氨酶(TAL)、苯丙氨酸转氨酶(PAL)、肉桂醇脱氢酶(CAD)和4-香豆酸:CoA连接酶(4CL)活性升高,使茎秆内积累较多的木质素,增大了茎秆抗折力,进而增强青稞抗倒伏能力。  相似文献   

为明确近年我国各甘蔗育种单位育成的新品种及各蔗区主栽品种对甘蔗褐锈病的抗性,筛选抗褐锈病优良新品种供生产上推广应用,本研究结合全国甘蔗新品种联合区域试验,选择甘蔗褐锈病高发的云南临沧、云南普洱、云南玉溪和广西宜州蔗区,在田间自然发病下,对我国近年来选育的60个新品种和34个主栽品种进行抗性评价,并对抗褐锈病基因Bru1进行分子检测。结果表明,94个新品种及主栽品种中,66个表现高抗到中抗,占70.21%;28个表现为感病到高感,占29.79%。分子检测结果显示,共54个抗病新品种及主栽品种含有抗褐锈病基因Bru1,频率为57.45%。目前大面积种植的桂糖29号、桂糖44号、德蔗03-83、柳城03-1137、粤糖60号、桂糖46号等主栽品种高度感病,而粤甘48号、福农09-2201、桂糖08-120、柳城09-15、中蔗1号、云蔗08-1609、云瑞10-187、中糖1201等31个新品种抗病性强。建议多雨湿润褐锈病高发蔗区,应加大淘汰感病主栽品种和推广应用抗病新品种力度,以期达到品种合理布局,从根本上控制褐锈病暴发流行,为甘蔗产业高质量发展提供安全保障。  相似文献   

R. Font    B. Wittkop    A. G. Badani    M. Del  Río-Celestino  W. Friedt    W. Lühs  A. De  Haro-Bailón 《Plant Breeding》2005,124(4):410-412
Visible and near‐infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) calibrations for acid detergent fibre (ADF) in intact rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) were performed for two different sample volumes (10 ml, 500 seeds approximately; and 1 ml, 50 seeds approximately). The inclusion of brown and yellow‐seeded cultivars in this work has allowed the whole range of ADF currently described in the literature for this character to be covered. Chemometric techniques have been used for developing calibration equations for both procedures when measuring the two different seed sample volumes. On the basis of the coefficient of determination in the cross‐validation (R2cv) obtained for the 10 and 1 ml assays (0.80 and 0.73), and SECV/SEL ratios (2.30 and 2.57), respectively, both equations showed an accuracy sufficient for screening purposes in an ADF range from 6.80 to 13.46% dry wt, which is presented in this work.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess brown rust resistance of new sugarcane varieties bred in China and main cultivated varieties in sugarcane planting area, and screen the elite new brown rust resistant varieties for popularization and application in production. In total, 60 new varieties in the national regional test of new sugarcane varieties were tested in Kaiyuan and Lincang, and 34 main cultivated varieties were studied in Lincang, Puer, and Yuxi, Yunnan province, and Yizhou, Guangxi province, China, where the incidence of brown rust was particularly high. The resistance of these sugarcane varieties to brown rust was investigated under natural inoculation and molecular marker-assisted identification was used to detect the brown rust resistance gene Bru1. The results of field survey showed that 66 (70.21%) of the 94 new and main cultivated varieties were highly resistant to moderately resistant, and 28 (29.79%) were susceptible to highly susceptible. Molecular detection indicated that Bru1 gene was found among 54 (57.45%) of the 94 new and main cultivated varieties. Some main cultivated varieties that were currently planted across large areas such as Guitang 29, Guitang 44, Dezhe 03-83, Liucheng 03-1137, Yuetang 60, and Guitang 46 were highly susceptible to brown rust, and 31 new varieties such as Yuegan 48, Funong 09-2201, Guitang 08-120, Liucheng 09-15, Zhongzhe 1, Yunzhe 08-1609, Yunrui 10-187, and Zhongtang 1201 were resistant. Therefore, in the sugarcane planting areas with high incidence of brown rust and wet and rainy climates, more effort should be eliminated the main susceptible varieties and promoted the application of new resistant varieties. This will help to achieve a reasonable distribution of varieties, fundamentally control the outbreak of disease in sugarcane planting areas, and provide security for the high-quality development of sugarcane industry in China in the future.  相似文献   

Brown rust, caused by Puccinia melanocephala, is an important disease of sugarcane worldwide. Molecular markers for a major brown rust resistance gene, Bru1, were used to screen a total of 1,282 clones in the World Collection of Sugarcane and Related Grasses (WCSRG) to determine the distribution and frequency of the gene in Saccharum species and related genera. Bru1 was found across all species within the Saccharum complex, but the frequency varied among species. Bru1 was more prevalent in S. robustum clones (59.1%), whereas it occurred in low frequency and exhibited the highest level of variability as determined by the presence of one or both markers (18.8%) in clones of S. spontaneum. Bru1 frequency was highest in the two secondary cultivated species, S. barberi (79.3%) and S. sinense (71.8%). The frequency of Bru1 was 26.4% and 21.0% in S. officinarum and interspecific hybrid clones, respectively. Knowledge of the distribution and frequency of Bru1 in the WCSRG will complement efforts to characterize diversity in the Saccharum complex for the expected expanded use of marker‐assisted selection in the future.  相似文献   

Bru1 is currently the major gene conferring brown rust resistance in sugarcane, and diagnostic markers are available. A survey for the presence of this gene was conducted on 391 genotypes including Brazilian cultivars, clones and basic germplasm. The efficiency of these markers for identifying resistant cultivars and artificially inoculated basic germplasm was also evaluated. The Bru1 frequency among cultivars (73.5%) suggests this gene is the prevalent source of brown rust resistance in Brazilian sugarcane breeding programmes. Most of the cultivars known to be resistant were positive for Bru1, although other genes for resistance could be present in lines not having Bru1. Only 17.8% of the basic germplasm accessions were positive for the Bru1 gene, and a low correlation between Bru1 diagnostic markers and brown rust severity was observed for basic germplasm accessions. Overall, Bru1 diagnostic markers proved to be efficient identifying resistant cultivars and clones and have potential to be in screening brown rust resistance in Brazilian breeding programmes.  相似文献   

In this study, the effects of nitrogen (N) rate (60, 120, 180 and 240 kg N ha?1 applied in three equal dressings at seeding and after the first and second cuttings) and stubble height (7, 14 and 21 cm) on the dry matter (DM) yield, crude protein (CP) content, and CP yield of a sorghum–sudangrass hybrid [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench × Sorghum sudanense (Piper) Stapf., cv. Pioneer 988] in the three‐cut system was investigated. The N rate had no significant effect in the first and third cuttings, but in the second cutting DM yields increased significantly with increase in N rate. The highest yield of 9.1 t ha?1 was obtained with 80 kg N ha?1 for the average of 2 years at the second cutting, but no significant difference was found among the 40, 60 and 80 kg N ha?1 rates. CP content and yield were not significantly affected by N rate at the first and third cuttings, but CP content and yield were significantly affected by application of N at the second cutting. Stubble height had a significant effect on CP content at the third cutting. However, it had no significant effect on CP content at the first and second cuttings. Stubble height had a significant effect on the CP yield at the first cutting, but no significant effect on CP yield at the second and third cuttings.  相似文献   

Brown planthopper (BPH) is the most damaging rice pest globally. Resistant varieties are the most effective and environmental strategy for protecting the rice crop from BPH. Functional markers (FMs) designed from polymorphic sites within gene sequences affecting phenotypic variation are highly efficient when used for marker assisted selection (MAS). Bph14 is the first and only cloned insect resistance gene so far in rice. Compared to the sequences of its non-effective alleles there are a number SNP differences. In this study, the method of allele-specific amplification (ASA) was adopted to design a simple, co-dominant, functional marker Bph14P/N for Bph14. Bph14P/N was combined with two specific dominant markers: one, named Bph14P, targets the promoter region of Bph14 and amplifies 566 bp fragments; and the other, Bph14N, targets the LRR region of bph14 and amplifies 345 bp fragments. Specificity and applicability of the functional marker system were verified in two breeding populations and a Chinese mini core collection of Oryza sativa. We recommend the use of this simple, low-cost marker system in routine genotyping for Bph14 in breeding populations.  相似文献   

The influence of temperature on the resistance to powdery mildew, caused by Blumeria graminis (DC.) E.O. Speer f. sp. tritici Em. Marchal, was evaluated on six wheat cultivars/lines, Axminster/8* Chancellor (Cc) (Pm1), Chul/8*Cc (Pm3b), Yuma/8*Cc (Pm4a), VPM1 (Pm4b), Kavkaz (Pm8), and Chancellor, at two temperatures of 25EC and 15EC with two isolates of powdery mildew. Resistance, based on the components of latency period, infection type, colony number per unit leaf area, per cent infected leaf area, and AUDPC, was much less effective at 15EC than at 25EC for VPM1 and Yuma/8*Cc, but no resistance shift was observed for Kavkaz and Axminster/8*Cc, indicating the difference of temperature-sensitivity among Pm genes or among the interactions of individual host genes with corresponding powdery mildew pathogen genes. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The blackleg fungus, Leptosphaeria maculans, interacts with canola (Brassica napus) in a gene‐for‐gene manner. These major resistance genes are well characterized in the seedling stage of development, but not in other plant organs. Cotyledons, leaves, pods and stems of plants of two cultivars of B. napus, each harbouring a different major resistance gene (Rlm1 and Rlm4), were inoculated with two individual L. maculans isolates with different alleles of the corresponding avirulence genes (AvrLm1, avrLm4 and avrLm1, AvrLm4), and the disease phenotype in terms of lesion development was determined. Major gene resistance was expressed in cotyledons, all leaves and during pod set, but not in the stems of the adult plant. This is the first time major gene resistance has been shown to be effective in B. napus pods.  相似文献   

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