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The upstream migration of European eels, Anguilla anguilla (L.), was studied during 1991–1993 in the Rivers Severn and Avon using traps mounted on weir or sluice barriers. Only pigmented elvers and juvenile eels were trapped at the tidal limits, catches being equivalent to about 0.8% of the commercial glass eel catch in the lower estuary. First catches were made as temperatures rose above 10–11 °C. Pigmentation-stage analyses and body size data indicated that estuarine migration was slow and that natural mortality was probably very high. Relatively more eels were trapped in the Severn compared with the Avon, but in both rivers the number of immigrants decreased rapidly upstream of the tidal limits, whilst the average size and age increased. The number and severity of weir and sluice barriers to be surmounted exerted a greater effect than distance alone. Recapture rates of marked eels were low (1–2%), implying variable migratory tendencies and/or high mortality. Mean migration rate in the non-tidal rivers was 0.64 ± 0.6 km day–1 and some eels were not recaptured until one or two years after release. Speed of migration increased with temperatures above 15–16 °C. Relationships between migration dynamics, barriers and the scarcity of upriver stocks of eels and distorted population structures in the two rivers are discussed. Recommendations are made for the provision of passes and/or stocking to enhance migration and recruitment.  相似文献   

Estimates of growth and mortality of the catfish, Hemisynodontis membranaceus (Geoffroy St. Hilaire), in Lake Volta were obtained from length composition data compiled in 1995 and 1996. The von Bertalanffy growth function (VBGF) estimates were: L =44.5 cm standard length; K= 0.62 year−1; and t 0=−0.23 years. Natural mortality rate, M , was 1.20 year−1. Total mortality rate, Z , was computed as 4.39 year−1 and the exploitation ratio ( E = F / Z ) was 0.72. Although the fish is estimated to have longevity of about 5 years, those exploited are normally less than 2 years of age, which is indicative of growth over-fishing. In order to arrest over-exploitation of the species, there is a need to establish 'lake reserves'. In addition, the fisheries management should be devolved from the state to the local level to compel fishermen to take greater responsibility for the sustainability and conservation of the fisheries.  相似文献   

Abstract  – To study the behaviour of silver eels ( Anguilla anguilla L.) during their downstream migration, particularly near a hydroelectric power dam, we tagged nine eels with ultrasonic transmitters and tracked their paths in the River Mosel, Germany. The onset of migration coincided with the first flood event that followed the full moon but was independent of daytime, because migration and turbine passage occurred during both day and night. During migration eels swam actively downstream with a velocity of 0.3–1.2 m · s−1. When migrating eels arrived at the dam, they either passed through the turbines immediately or stayed upstream of the powerhouse for up to 8 days, showing a characteristic circling behaviour. Circling eels repeatedly approached the trashrack, sprinted upstream, and finally passed through the turbines with the next high water discharge. These observations are discussed with regard to the design of appropriate downstream passage facilities.  相似文献   

Abstract– The size, density and production rate of eel were determined at 16 contrasting sites of 4 streams along the course of a Cantabrian river over the years 1990–1993. In addition, the diel cycles of feeding activity were determined monthly in another tributary over the year 1991–1992. Eels in the Esva were small, short-lived and mostly males (>99%). The seasonal patterns of eel density, feeding activity and condition were tightly fitted with each other, size-independent and regulated mainly by water temperature. Mean eel size increased with distance from the river mouth, but at each site, it remained similar between seasons and years. In contrast, density decreased upstream and showed marked seasonal and annual fluctuations. For all the sites, the number of eels increased in spring and summer and peaked by late autumn, coincident with higher water temperature and lower discharge. Mortality and migration rates were correlated with eel numbers for each stream, suggesting a densitydependent regulation. Production rates were correlated with distance from the river mouth, which explained only 10.2% of the variation, but they were also correlated with the initial and mean numbers, suggesting that site-specific factors acting upon density also influence production. Average production for the first year was 158.6 kgha–1. year–1 (range 56.5–378.0) but decreased to 104.2 and 89.7 in the next 2 years. The reduction in the numbers of eels rather than the later reduction in mean size was responsible for this decrease. Monthly water temperature, distance from the river mouth and the initial number and size of eels for each site explain most of the variation observed in the population parameters along the course of the Esva River.  相似文献   

Large‐scale habitat use and movements of yellow American eels (Anguilla rostrata) from the St. Lawrence River were examined using acoustic telemetry from early summer to late fall in 2010 and 2011. Sixty‐seven eels were tagged, and their passage or presence was recorded using fixed acoustic arrays covering a 400 km distance along the St. Lawrence River and Estuary. Sixty‐four per cent of the 67 tagged eels were detected. Most eels were detected at only one array; the closest to their release location and at several occasions during the tracking period, suggesting a high proportion of freshwater residency in the upstream part of the St. Lawrence River. Downstream movements towards the brackish estuary (63–418 km distance) were demonstrated for 16.4% of the eels, particularly for those caught at the most downstream site that is close to the brackish estuary. Our results strongly suggest a lower activity of freshwater resident yellow eels during summer, a behaviour that may be related to day length, which defines time available for their nocturnal foraging. Indeed, yellow eels were detected primarily at night; no effect of moon phase was revealed. Movements in the vicinity of arrays (up to 116 km in the fluvial estuary) were suggested and smaller‐scale movements within Lac St. Louis were demonstrated, highlighting a yellow‐eel home range far more extensive than previously reported in smaller systems. Evidence for within‐season homing and site fidelity is also reported.  相似文献   

Abstract  Changes in the abundance of European eel, Anguilla anguilla L., in the River Frémur, France, were examined over an 8-year period. Natural connectivity of the river was disturbed by three high dams that inhibited eel upstream migration and reduced recruitment by elvers and yellow eels. After eel passes were installed, fish became more abundant upstream (mean density 0.5 eel m−2). Moreover, except in the more upstream areas, no decline in eel numbers and biomass was found, in contrast to the general decline of eel throughout its distribution range. It was concluded that eel passes are important to conserve and/or to recover eel stocks.  相似文献   

Abstract –  The downstream migration of European silver eels in the River Frémur was examined to determine the potential effects of the numerous migration barriers that exist on waterways in western France. The Frémur has a 14 m high dam which creates a 3 × 106 m3 water supply reservoir, 6 km from tidal limit. Based on 8-year records (1996–2004) of migrant silver eels captured in a Wolf trap located about 1 km below the dam, the influence of this dam on the migration was examined. These records indicate that 91% of silver eels were captured when the dam was overtopped (i.e. when the water reservoir was full). The timings of the overflow periods varied greatly between years mainly because they are function of the duration of the filling period which in turn is dependent on the level of summer water abstraction and annual hydrological conditions. Consequently, migration periods occurred at variable dates (between November and April) which is late in comparison with nonobstructed European river systems (generally between August and December). During overflow periods the migration of silver eels increased markedly during rain events (increasing river flow). This indicates that flow flushes, are essential so that settled silver eels can orientate themselves and pass over the dam. The hypothesis of a 'dam effect' that could stop temporarily or permanently some of silver eels in the reservoir is discussed. Finally, the influence of the migration delays on the condition of silver eels is considered.  相似文献   

The Upper Salmon Hydroelectric Project in central Newfoundland, Canada, constructed in the early 1980s, affected the hydrology of the West Salmon River, a major spawning and juvenile rearing river for landlocked Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., and brook trout, Salvelinus fontinalis (Mitchill). A controlled flow release strategy, based on Tennant's Montana method, was developed to protect this habitat and prescribed a release of 40% of the mean annual flow (MAF) (2.6 m3 s–1) between 1 June and 30 November and 20% of the MAF (1.3 m3 s–1) from 1 December to 31 May. Studies were conducted to assess the impact of river regulation including: (1) a post-impoundment evaluation of the anticipated geomorphic and sedimentary characteristics; (2) monitoring of juvenile fish populations under regulation; and (3) a retrospective IFIM (instream flow incremental methodology) assessment. Studies provided evidence of the initial stages of river aggradation. Biological monitoring found no apparent effects of sediment deposition on spawning and egg incubation. However, densities of older age classes (parr, 1+ and greater) declined under regulation, possibly related to poor overwintering conditions under the lower winter flow. IFIM study results supported these observations and indicated that the prescribed flow regimen provided habitat conditions that would benefit salmon fry more than older age classes. This retrospective assessment suggested that future proposals for flow regulation in Newfoundland should consider the need for more dynamic flow management as well as to provide overwintering habitat for resident fish. Habitat–hydraulic models are preferred to standard setting approaches owing to more detailed analysis of habitat trade-offs as related to flow regulation.  相似文献   

Abstract –  We studied the migratory behaviour of armado, Pterodoras granulosus , in the Paraná River Basin of Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina, during 1997–2005. This species invaded the Upper Paraná River after upstream dispersal was facilitated when Itaipu Reservoir inundated a natural barrier. Fish were tagged ( N  = 8051) in the mainstems of the Yacyreta and Itaipu reservoirs, bays of major tributaries, the Paraná River floodplain above Itaipu Reservoir, and below dams. In all, 420 fish were recaptured of which 61% moved away from the release area. Fish moved a maximum of 215 km (mean 42), and at a maximum rate of 9.4 km·day−1 (mean 0.6). Of the 256 armados that moved away from the release site, 145 moved upstream towards unimpounded stretches of the Paraná River and 111 moved downstream into the reservoir and bays of its tributaries (maximum 150 km). Based on the observed migratory movements, we suspect that most of the reproductive output originates in tributaries to the reservoirs. The ability of this species to expand its range presents a conundrum by pitting fishery management interests against conservation needs. Maintenance of the important armado fisheries depends on the ability of the species to migrate freely to use spawning and nursery areas in reservoir tributaries and floodplains. However, its ability to migrate long distances can allow this non-native species the opportunity to invade most of the Upper Paraná River.  相似文献   

Abstract– Historical and contemporary fish collections were used to examine the influence of agricultural land use on fish communities in the central Chattahoochee River, USA. In-stream habitat data were also collected to examine the relationship between agricultural land use and stream habitat structure. We found a significant positive relationship between agricultural land use and in-stream sediment ( r 2=0.43, P =0.01). Stream depth heterogeneity decreased significantly with increased sediment ( r 2=0.39, P =0.02). Mainstream reaches draining agricultural lands had significantly lower levels of fish diversity than forested reaches ( r 2=0.47, P < 0.01). Agriculture also explained significant variation in mainstream species abundances but was not a significant predictor of species diversity or species abundances in headwater reaches. Most pool species that use coarse substrates decreased in relative abundance with increasing agriculture in the watershed. Our results suggest that mainstream environments and their associated communities are more susceptible than headwater reaches to the effects of agriculture. This finding has important consequences for conservation, since mainstream reaches are reported to function as species refugia during pulse disturbance events (e. g., floods, droughts).  相似文献   

Abstract – Production of cannibalistic Arctic char ( Salvelinus alpinus (L.)) and their prey conspecifics were estimated in an allopatric population, situated in an alpine ultraoligotrophic lake in central Norway. Estimates of population abundance were obtained by mark recapture and successive removal experiments. Assuming stable age distribution, we estimated mean yearly biomass (±95% CL) of char in sampled size groups vulnerable to predation (60 to 150 mm) to 7.93 (5.11–14.30) kg · ha−1. Similarly, mean yearly biomass (±95% CL) of cannibalistic char (> 250 mm) was estimated to 0.62 (0.50–1.06) kg · ha−1. Annual production (±95% CL) of char in length groups 60 to 150 mm was estimated to be 4.31 (2.74–8.03) kg · ha−1 · year−1, and production (±95% CL) of cannibalistic char to 0.19 (0.15–0.33) kg · ha−1 · year−1. Depending on the food conversion factor (set to vary from 0.1 to 0.4), the cannibalistic char removed from 10% to 40% of the production of char in sampled size-classes vulnerable to predation yearly. The overall ecological efficiency in energy transfer between the prey and predator population was 4.4%.  相似文献   

Adult common bullies, Gobiomorphus cotidianus McDowall, are small (total length =  30–120 mm), benthic fish commonly found in the littoral zones of New Zealand lakes where they are a major prey species for trout and eels. Differences in their relative abundance (CPUE) were determined between 21 shallow North Island lakes. Mean CPUE ranged from 2 to >  1000 fish net− 1 night− 1 and was inversely related to water transparency. The abundance of bullies was not reduced in lakes containing rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum), but was reduced in all lakes containing self-recruiting populations of eels, Anguilla spp. Mean densities of planktonic larval bullies in the limnetic zone were also inversely related to water transparency. Since low water transparency is related to increased trophic status for these lakes, the abundance of bullies is likely to be related to lake productivity, rather than turbidity.  相似文献   

Abstract. Two experiments were conducted in which glass eels, Anguilla anguilla L., were fed with six different diets. Two natural diets, cod roe and minced bovine spleen, and four artificial diets, an unflavoured trout fry crumble and three trout fry crumble diets with added feeding stimulants, were used. The feeding stimulants tested were cod roe extract, spleen extract and a mixture of synthetic L-amino acids. In the first experiment the glass eels were fed at a restricted feeding level and in the second experiment at an ad libitum feeding level. The intake of metabolizable energy (ME) was determined as the sum of retained energy and heat production. Metabolizability of the diets decreased with increasing feeding level and was 75-95% for cod roe, 35-50% for spleen and 40-60% for the artificial diets. Since utilization of ME for maintenance and growth was not affected by feeding level and diet, differences in growth rates could be explained by differences in ME intake. Group ME intake in turn was determined by the fraction of the fish which were actually eating. The uniform feeding response of the glass eels fed the natural diets resulted in the highest ad libitum ME intake (80-90 kJ/kg0.8/day) and growth rate (4-4-4-9g/kg0.8/day). Addition of feeding stimulants significantly increased the ad libitum ME intake of the artificial diets from 45 kJ/kg0.8/day to 50-60 kJ/kg0.8/day, which resulted in an increase in growth rate from 1·3 g/kg0.8/day to 24 g/kg0.8/day.  相似文献   

Abstract. Some effects of husbandry and feeding on growth of glass eels and elvers of the European eel. Anguilla anguilla L., were investigated. In the first 7 months after arrival the recorded mortality amounted to 34% of the initial population. due to escapes and possibly cannibalism the observed survival after 7 months was only 21% of the initial population.
Mean growth rate of the whole population was 7.1 g day−1 kg−0.8. Growth proved to be highly variable. Growth rate was clearly affected by feeding level but not by initial stocking density.
Maximum growth rate was approximately 8g day, 1 kg−0.8 with feed conversions of 1.7–2.0. An optimal feeding level of 7.5g day1 kg−0.8 resulted in feed conversions of 1.3–1.6.  相似文献   

The recreational catfish harvest was classified in 349 reservoirs larger than 200 ha distributed over 40 states of the contiguous USA. Harvesting occurred in 282 reservoirs, averaged 2.8 kg ha−1 year−1 and represented 15.6% of the total fish yield. The genus Ictalurus contributed most to catfish fisheries (mean = 2.0 kg ha−1), followed by Ameiurus (1.1 kg ha−1) and Pylodictis (0.4 kg ha−1). Five distinct clusters of reservoirs were identified, differing relative to geographical distribution, catfish harvests, angler favouritism towards catfish and physicochemical characteristics. Reservoir clusters across the northern USA had low harvests and essentially featured reservoirs in the upper periphery of the native range of catfish. Harvesting in reservoirs in the south-west of the country, where catfish have been introduced, was higher than in the north, yet yield remained low. Within their native range, three overlapping clusters included one with medium and another with high harvests, both types dominated by Ictalurus, and a cluster with very high harvest dominated by Ameiurus . Variability in harvests was attributed to zoogeography, reservoir physicochemical characteristics and fishing effort. Management of catfish fisheries of the three less-productive clusters may focus on enhancement through habitat manipulation and stocking; the two more productive clusters offer the greatest flexibility for management through regulation of harvest.  相似文献   

In late April 2015, the River Dee Trust informed Marine Scotland Science, Fish Health Inspectorate (FHI), that there had been observations of dead and moribund European eels on the River Dee. Later in May, the Spey Fishery Board also reported a number of moribund European eels in a rotary screw smolt trap on the River Spey. In total, 10 cases involving moribund eels were investigated in 2015 and one case in 2016. In addition, a health screen was conducted to investigate the potential presence of Flavobacterium psychrophilum in healthy eels and Atlantic salmon from the River Dee in 2015. Externally, the diseased eels demonstrated white patches in different locations of the body. In all cases, F. psychrophilum was detected by bacterial isolation and/or molecular methods. Three isolates were further characterized by whole‐genome sequencing (WGS) as belonging to sequence type 15 (ST15). Histological examination of diseased European eels revealed lesions at the level of the integument. The pathogen screen for F. psychrophilum in wild healthy fish tested negative by PCR. Further investigation is required to understand the pathogenicity of this bacterium on the health of eels and the potential impact on the wild salmonid population.  相似文献   

Abstract. Immunized hens are known to contain a high level of immunoglobulin Y (IgY) in their egg yolk. In this study, the present authors obtained anti- Edwardsiella tarda IgY (containing 20% specific IgY, agglutination titre, 1:128) from hens vaccinated by injection with formalin-killed bacterin. The IgY was stable against eel digestive factors, and therefore, was orally administered with viable E. tarda to the Japanese eels and the efficacy of protection against E. tarda infection was evaluated. Orally administered IgY at a dose of 400mg fish-1 cleared E. tarda inoculated simultaneously at 105–6 CFU fish-1 from the intestine within 24h. Moreover, orally administered IgY at doses of 200 and 400mg fish-1 inhibited the penetration of E. tarda inoculated simultaneously at 104–6 CFU fish-1 into the liver and kidney via the damaged intestine. The fish orally administered with IgY showed reduced mortality. These results suggest that egg yolk containing anti- E. tarda IgY is effective in preventing edwardsiellosis.  相似文献   

Abstract –  European eel Anguilla anguilla is in strong decline. We assessed the relative impact of fisheries and hydropower during the downstream migration of silver eel in the River Meuse in the Netherlands using radio-telemetry. For this, 16 fixed detection stations (Nedap Trail-System®) were used, each covering the entire river width, including all outlets to sea, and two covering the entrances of the two hydropower stations present. In September 2002, 150 silver eels were surgically implanted with Nedap-transponders and released at the catch site. Of these, 121 started to migrate downstream of which 37% successfully reached the North Sea. Hydropower mortality was at least 9% and assessed to be 16–26%. Fisheries mortality was at least 16% (reported recaptures) and estimated to be 22–26%. A clear difference was found in passage behaviour at hydropower stations, where 40% showed recurrence, in contrast to the river stations where this hardly occurred, indicating a hesitation to pass the turbines. Also a difference was found in diurnal pattern; 63% of the eels that passed through the turbines did so during the first 5 h of the night, whereas for the stations on free-flowing sections this was only 35%.  相似文献   

Abstract –  Knowledge of the movements and diel behaviour of the European catfish ( Silurus glanis ), the largest European freshwater fish, is limited to anecdotal information. In a preliminary telemetry study of European catfish, the spring diel movement patterns of five adult catfish were examined. After intraperitoneal insertion of the acoustic tags, the positions of the fish were recorded automatically in the Flix Reservoir (River Ebro, NE Spain). A marked nocturnal mobility pattern was observed throughout the study. During daytime, the catfish were consistently located in the littoral zone and spent extended periods of the day hidden in concealed habitats. Catfish movements were in a radial pattern, with upstream and downstream excursions followed by returns to a previously occupied location. Significant individual variations in movement pattern were observed among the tagged fish and within the 24 h cycle for each fish. Mean instantaneous swimming speed was 0.17 body lengths per second (BL·s−1) at night but 0.09 BL·s−1 during the daytime.  相似文献   

Abstract. During April 1989, approximately 45000 swim-up Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., fry were planted in the upper tributaries of the Lui Water, a tributary of the River Dee, north-east Scotland, at densities of between 2-6 and 3-3/m2. Adult salmon are normally excluded from this stream by a waterfall. In mid-August 1989. a 5-km length of stream was surveyed for juvenile salmon and it was estimated that about 230000+ salmon were present. It was estimated that 518% of the original planted fry survived from April to August 1989. A further survey in August 1990 showed that about 3400 1 + salmon remained. Of the 0 + salmon 14·5% survived from August 1989 to August 1990.  相似文献   

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