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Biofertilizers, liquid cattle manure obtained from anaerobic processes, have emerged as an important component of the integrated nutrient supply system. Thus, an experiment was carried out from May 2002 to February 2004 to evaluate the fruit quality and macronutrient foliar contents of biofertilized yellow passion plants in Brazil. The experimental design was in randomized blocks with treatments distributed in a factorial arrangement (2?×?5) referring to two biofertilizers [one simple and another enriched with macro- and micronutrients] and five doses of each biofertilizer (0.0, 0.6, 1.2, 1.8, and 2.4 L plant?1). Fruit quality and nutritional status of yellow passion fruit are affected by biofertilizer doses applied. Fruit length, width, pulp percentage, skin diameter, mass, soluble solids, and titratable acidity were improved with biofertilizer application. Simple biofertilizer promotes optimum supplies of potassium, calcium, and sulfur, while enriched biofertilizer promotes optimum supplies of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and calcium.  相似文献   

A phosphorylated cross‐linked type 4 resistant wheat starch (RS4) containing 85.5% total dietary fiber (TDF) replaced 5–20% of the whole corn flour in an extruded ring‐shaped ready‐to‐eat breakfast cereal formulation. TDF content of the dry ingredient blend increased by roughly 3.6% for every 5% of added RS4. TDF loss during extrusion processing increased as RS4 level increased; however, a high percentage (78–89%) of the TDF content was retained in the final product. Product density increased as level of RS4 increased, but no effect on the specific mechanical energy was observed. X‐ray microtomography showed that RS4 addition did not affect internal air‐cell wall thickness, air‐cell size, or porosity. Moreover, addition of 5 or 10% RS4 did not affect expansion, physical appearance, initial crispness, or bowl life of the cereal rings. High levels of RS4 (15 and 20%) decreased cereal ring diameter but increased initial (dry) product crispness and extended bowl life. In general, RS4 addition level did not affect moisture content or moisture uptake of cereal rings during soaking in milk. Furthermore, moisture content and moisture uptake did not appear to influence the crispness of milk‐soaked cereal rings.  相似文献   

含钾有机废弃物糠醛渣改土培肥效应研究   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12  
在河西走廊的盐化潮土上设置了糠醛渣的改土培肥田间试验,结果表明:甜菜施用糠醛渣与施用化肥比较,土壤容重、全盐、pH分别降低0.21g cm-3、0.36g kg-1、0.37;总孔度、自然含水量、贮水量、团粒结构、有机质、速效N、P、K、CEC分别增加7.93%、79.90g kg-1、131.95m3 hm-3、4.75%、0.61g kg-1、12.96mg kg-1、1.24mg kg-1、6.78mg kg-1、1.89cmol kg-1。施肥成本降低90元hm-2,施肥利润增加1716元hm-2。且施用糠醛渣能提高土壤中磷的活性和磷的利用率。  相似文献   

试验探讨不同类型复合肥对龙眼秋梢及果实品质的影响,结果表明:①活力素复混肥料对秋梢及夏延秋梢的质量,表现良好的效应,与进口复合肥比较无显著的差异,可以取代进口复合肥,减少外汇支出;②活力素复混肥料对提高龙眼果实品质有极显著的作用,可作为龙眼施肥的主要肥料;③在较低用量的活力素复合肥料的基础上,增施神力钾王,能显著地提高龙眼果实的单果重。  相似文献   


Poor flavor in tomato fruit is a serious consumer concern. It could be said that tomato flavor has declined as variety selection and tomato production has placed emphasis on yield, fruit size, firmness, disease resistance, and processing performance and not on aspects of organoleptic fruit quality. Consumers frequently associate recent varieties with a lack of flavor, although such an association has not been proven. We have reviewed the scarce available literature on the influence of recent genetic improvement on quality attributes of tomato. As a case study, we have analyzed several parameters related to fruit quality in some traditional Spanish cultivars and commercial F1 hybrids of tomato. Organic acids and sugars were determined by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Sodium (Na), potassium (P), and phosphorus (K) were analyzed by atomic absorption spectroscopy. Levels of respiration and ethylene production were measured, and fruit firmness was determined using a texture analyzer. All determinations were performed at two maturity stages, representing two frequent consumption stages. Differences between traditional cultivars and hybrids were found for respiration rates, ethylene production, P and K fruit contents. We also found important differences between “old” and “modern” cultivars for their organic acids profile. All cultivars showed similar levels of malic and succinic acids, but the modern hybrids showed a ~75% higher content of citric acid. This could be due to the F1 hybrids carrying chromosomal segments recently introgressed from wild Lycopersicon species. The influence of recent genetic improvement on quality attributes of tomato fruit is discussed.  相似文献   

Preliminary calculations showed that recovery of fiber before fermentation in the dry grind ethanol facilities known as the Quick Fiber process increases fermenter capacity and reduces ethanol production cost by as much as 4 ¢/gal. The objective of the current research was to evaluate the effect of mash temperature, dry solids, and residual germ on fiber yield and purity when using the quick fiber process. Fiber was recovered by flotation and skimming, while maintaining a specified temperature, dry solids, and residual germ in the mash. Varying temperature and dry solids in the mash resulted in a statistically significant effect on the fiber yield, neutral detergent fiber (NDF) content, and weight of NDF/100 g of dry corn. Varying residual germ in the mash resulted in statistically significant differences for NDF through dilution and the weight of NDF/100 g of dry corn. The highest fiber yield was 10.9% at 45°C, 23% dry solids, and 15% residual germ; the highest NDF was 50.9% at 30°C, 21% dry solids, and 0% residual germ. The highest weight of NDF/100 g of dry corn was observed at 45°C, 23% dry solids, and 0% residual germ.  相似文献   

低分子量有机酸对不同合成磷源的释磷效应   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
采用化学浸提方法,研究了5种低分子量有机酸(草酸、柠檬酸、酒石酸、苹果酸、乙酸)对不同合成磷源的释磷效应。结果表明:供试有机酸(低浓度乙酸除外)均能促进不同合成磷源(DCP、OCP、FA、Fe-P、A l-P)中磷素的释放;其释磷效果与有机酸的种类和浓度有关,强弱顺序依次为柠檬酸、草酸、酒石酸、苹果酸、乙酸,有机酸浓度越高其释磷效果越好;有机酸与氟磷灰石(FA)反应后,溶液pH值升高。低浓度条件下pH值变化较大,而高浓度条件下pH值变化较小。  相似文献   

3种有机酸对伴矿景天修复效率及土壤微生物数量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
伴矿景天(Sedumplumbizincicola)是一种Cd和Zn的超积累植物,常用于Cd污染土壤的植物修复。有机酸能够提高土壤重金属的有效性,促进植物对重金属的积累,对重金属污染土壤的植物修复效率具有强化作用,并对土壤微生物数量有重要影响。以河潮土和红黄泥为供试土壤,探讨了乙二胺四乙酸(EDTA)、柠檬酸、草酸对伴矿景天修复效率和土壤微生物数量的影响。结果表明,有机酸能显著提高土壤有效态Cd含量,柠檬酸处理的效果最好,河潮土和红黄泥中有效态Cd含量较单种伴矿景天分别增加72.73%,12.99%(P<0.05);伴矿景天地上部Cd含量在河潮土和红黄泥中以EDTA处理最高,在河潮土和红黄泥中分别比单种伴矿景天增加99.24%和33.32%;与单种伴矿景天相比,添加有机酸处理河潮土和红黄泥中伴矿景天修复效率显著提高。添加有机酸比单种伴矿景天显著增加土壤中微生物数量,其中柠檬酸处理河潮土中细菌和真菌数量分别增加34.38%和68.42%(P<0.05),草酸处理红黄泥中放线菌数量增加150.00%。研究结果可为重金属污染土壤的植物强化修复提供理论支撑。  相似文献   

基于环境变量的中国土壤有机碳空间分布特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究中国土壤有机碳(Soil Organic Carbon,SOC)的空间分布特征对SOC储量估算以及农业生产管理具有重要意义。以全国第二次土壤普查2473个土壤典型剖面的表层(A层)SOC含量为研究对象,探寻地形、气候和植被等环境因素对SOC空间异质性分布的影响;以普通克里格法为对照,利用地理加权回归、地理加权回归克里格、多元线性回归和回归克里格模型建立SOC空间预测模型;并分别绘制了中国SOC的空间分布预测图。结果表明:(1)SOC含量与年均降水量、年均温、归一化植被指数、高程以及地形粗糙指数呈极显著相关关系;(2)平均绝对估计误差、均方根误差、平均相对误差和皮尔逊相关系数等模型验证指标表明地理加权回归的预测精度优于其他模型,可以更好地绘制SOC在大尺度上的空间分布特征;(3)较高SOC含量主要分布在研究区东北部、西南部以及东南部,而西北部SOC含量普遍偏低。本文以期从大尺度上探讨土壤属性与环境变量之间的相关关系,为全国土壤属性的空间制图提供一定的解决方案和思路。  相似文献   

有机无机肥配施对梨园土壤肥力及果实品质的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
[目的]探究有机无机肥配施对梨园土壤肥力及果实品质的影响,为改良土壤、促进果树生长、提高果实品质及果园经济效益等提供科学依据.[方法]以6年生库尔勒香梨为试验材料,共设置7个处理,分别为不施肥、100%化肥、25%有机肥+75%化肥、50%有机肥+50%化肥、75%有机肥+25%化肥、100%有机肥、矿源黄腐酸钾.测定...  相似文献   

选择长江三角洲地区一处长期受到有机农药污染的浅层含水层,采集水样,采用不依赖于培养的16SrDNA序列分析方法,对该污染地下水中的微生物群落特征进行了分析和鉴定。结果表明,这种分析方法完全可行,该有机污染含水层具有较好的微生物多样性,且可能有一种未经鉴定的新菌种。  相似文献   

《Cereal Chemistry》2017,94(1):2-10
Processing of pulses (peas, beans, lentils, chickpeas, and faba beans) is necessary to reduce or eliminate the antinutrient compounds. Conventional processing including soaking, dehulling, boiling, and pressure cooking as well as germination and fermentation reduce the levels of phytate, protease inhibitors, phenolics, condensed tannins, lectins, and saponins. Recent research has investigated how innovative processes such as extrusion, microwave heating, micronization, and irradiation affect the antinutrient content. Germination tends to be most effective at reducing phytate levels, regardless of pulse type. Mixed results on the effectiveness of extrusion, microwave heating, and micronization have been reported. More work is needed to understand how processing of consumer‐ready foods containing pulse ingredients affects levels of antinutrient compounds.  相似文献   

水溶性有机高分子对红壤磷吸附特征的影响   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
本试验采用连续振荡法,初步研究了水溶性有机高分子材料聚乙烯醇、聚丙烯酰胺和聚乙二醇对磷在红壤中吸附过程的影响,并对该过程拟合出方程。结果表明:在聚乙烯醇、聚丙烯酰胺和聚乙二醇作用下土壤磷吸附动力学以幂函数方程为最优方程,且方程参数与单施磷酸二氢钙的处理方程参数有显著差异性。有机高分子能显著提高磷在红壤中的吸附和土壤pH,但材料之间的土壤吸附量无差异显著性,需进一步研究。  相似文献   

杉木人工林土壤系统有机碳相关变量的通径分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王丹  王兵  戴伟  李萍 《土壤通报》2011,(4):822-827
为了评价土壤性质对土壤有机碳含量的影响,运用通径分析方法研究了江西大岗山杉木人工林下土壤有机碳含量与土壤性质的关系。结果表明:在杉木人工林的整个发育过程中,土壤有机碳含量和土壤各性质表现出明显的规律性变化;土壤性质通过直接作用和间接作用共同影响着土壤有机碳的含量和分解转化方向,但不同土壤性质的影响机理不同。在土壤系统中,碱解氮量、细菌数量和真菌数量以及它们的共同作用决定了土壤有机碳含量的大部分变异,是影响土壤有机碳含量变化的主导因素,有效磷含量和放线菌数量由于直接正效应和间接负效应相抵,因而对土壤有机碳含量的决定程度较小,总孔隙度和速效钾含量对有机碳含量虽也表现出一定的直接效应影响,但影响程度较低;和简单相关或多元回归分析方法相比,通径分析能更加客观和全面地评价土壤性质对土壤有机碳含量的影响作用。  相似文献   

为探究油菜素甾醇对萝卜芽菜生物活性物质的影响,用表油菜素内酯及其类似物高芸薹素单独或者与氯化钠共同处理萝卜芽菜,测定并分析其芥子油苷、花青素、维生素C和总多酚的含量以及抗氧化能力的变化。结果表明,20 nmol·L~(-1)表油菜素内酯单独处理时,芥子油苷含量显著降低,但与40mmol·L~(-1)氯化钠共处理时,芥子油苷含量显著上升;20 nmol·L~(-1)高芸薹素单独处理或者与40 mmol·L~(-1)氯化钠共处理则对芥子油苷含量无显著影响。此外,表油菜素内酯和高芸薹素单独处理或者分别与氯化钠共处理均能显著提高花青素和维生素C的含量,但对总多酚含量和抗氧化能力均无显著影响。综上,表油菜素内酯与氯化钠共处理是提高萝卜芽菜中芥子油苷、花青素以及维生素C等主要生物活性物质的有效手段,这为通过化学调控的方法改良萝卜芽菜的品质提供了理论依据和技术支撑。  相似文献   

This study addresses the research of the removal of a textile dye from aqueous solutions by using aluminum ions as coagulant-flocculant. A simulated textile wastewater was prepared from Remazol Red RB textile dye. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of temperature, pH, and concentrations of the cationic surfactant and electrolyte concentration on the settling velocity ofthe simulated textile wastewater. While investigating these factors, levels of variables were determined by considering the characteristicsof traditional textile wastewater like pH, temperature, and dye concentration. Although traditional coagulation-flocculation processesmake use of different aluminium salts as coagulant-flocculent, in this study, Al ions dissolved in pH and temperature of traditional textilewastewater were used. Furthermore, sludge volume index values (SVI) were determined and conductivity measurements carried out. The resultsshowed that, in the working range of these variables, the spectroscopic color measurement revealed 100% decolorization yieldof wastewater. In conclusion, researchers found that the optimum settling velocity conditions were as follows: low temperature (273K),surfactant concentration of 0.10 g L-1, electrolyte concentration of 0.10 g L-1, dye concentration of 0.025 g L-1 and a pH of 10.05. Finally, by conducting experiments twice under the obtained optimum values, mean settling velocity was 0.014 m min-1 and the mean sludge volume index 140 mL g-1.  相似文献   

Pistachio crops in Iran are grown in soil with low soil organic matter. Therefore, a field experiment was conducted at Izadyaran Company, Sirjan, Iran to study the effects of municipal solid waste compost (MSWC), cow manure, and methods of humic acid application (soil and foliar) on growth parameters and nutrients concentration of pistachio seedlings in a complete randomized design with six replications for two years (2011–2013). Results showed that cow manure decreased the leakage percent and maximum leaf number and leaf surface area were obtained in MSWC with foliar application of humic acid and cow manure without humic acid, respectively. The highest chlorophyll b and carotenoid were observed in the second year with cow manure treatment whereas foliar application of humic acid increased total chlorophyll. Calcium (Ca) and iron (Fe) decreased in the second year. At the first year Cow manure application increased phosphorus (P) and manganese (Mn) but in the second year increased magnesium (Mg) concentration. MSWC at the first year increased copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn) concentration. Cow manure and foliar application of humic acid increased the Nitrogen (N) concentration in the first year. These results may have implications for pistachio production in arid and semi-arid soils.  相似文献   

外源有机碳对黑土有机碳及颗粒有机碳的影响   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
为了阐释外源有机碳在土壤有机碳运转中的作用机制,以黑土为供试材料,进行了5年的室外培养试验,并结合室内全土及颗粒组分单独矿化培养试验,研究了不同外源有机碳对黑土有机碳(SOC)、颗粒有机碳(POC)含量及其矿化特征的影响。试验包括单施化肥、牛粪配施化肥、鸡粪配施化肥、秸秆配施化肥和树叶配施化肥5个处理。结果表明:(1)单施化肥黑土SOC的损失主要来源于POC的损失,外源有机碳有利于SOC和POC的累积,与对照相比,禽畜粪便处理的SOC和POC平均增加幅度分别为16.6%和27.8%,植物残体处理的SOC和POC平均增加幅度分别为27.0%和46.4%;(2)一级动力学方程能较好地描述SOC和POC的矿化动态(R~20.9),且POC比SOC易矿化,POC的60d累积矿化量是SOC的3倍以上;(3)禽畜粪便处理和植物残体处理的POC平均矿化率分别为31.5%和29.8%,禽畜粪便处理的POC更易矿化;(4)外源有机碳有效降低了黑土有机碳的矿化,尤其是牛粪,其SOC矿化率为1.9%,比对照低了3.4%,其POC矿化率为24.8%,比对照低17.4%;(5)外源有机碳在黑土中的碳累积能力表现为树叶秸秆牛粪鸡粪。  相似文献   

通过温室盆栽试验和土壤培养试验,研究镉污染土壤和模拟镉污染土壤中加入草炭、活性碳和风化煤3种物料对土壤镉赋存形态和生物有效性的影响,探讨其作为重金属镉污染土壤修复剂的可行性。研究结果表明:3种有机碳物料均降低了土壤pH值,镉污染土壤加入不同惰性有机碳修复剂后,土壤中醋酸铵提取态Cd含量和DTPA提取态Cd含量变化不明显。在模拟Cd污染土壤上则不同,加入不同惰性有机碳修复剂后土壤中醋酸铵提取态Cd含量和DTPA提取态Cd含量均明显降低,降低幅度以风化煤最高,且随加入时间延长降低幅度增加。土壤中加入风化煤和草炭可显著增加土壤中轻组有机质含量,风化煤对土壤中镉有较强富集作用。两种土壤镉赋存形态均为酸提取态〉可还原态〉可氧化态,镉污染土壤加入有机物料后酸提取态镉含量无显著性变化,可还原态镉草炭和活性碳处理显著降低,草炭处理可氧化态镉也显著降低,模拟镉污染土壤加入有机物料后,酸提取态镉风化煤处理显著性降低,可还原态镉活性碳处理显著提高,可氧化态镉无显著性变化。在镉污染土壤上,3种有机碳物料对玉米生长没有显著影响,但增加了玉米体内镉含量;风化煤处理显著降低了白菜生物量,增加了白菜体内镉含量。模拟镉污染土壤上3种有机碳物料对白菜和玉米的生长和体内镉含量均没有显著影响。  相似文献   

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