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A biochemical study of the main durum wheat milling fractions (bran, embryo, and semolina) showed that peroxidases (POD) were present in multiple forms in the kernel and appeared to be tissue specific: one form for the embryo, one for the endosperm, one for the subaleuronic layer, and one for the outer layers. Large varietal differences were found regarding both the composition and the POD activity. POD activity, detected by diaminobenzidine, was found mainly in the cell wall of the subaleurone layer and inside some specific, differentiated cells of the embryo. Immuno‐localization with antibodies of durum wheat POD showed the presence of POD in several layers of the pericarp (epidermis) and the seed coat (testa), in the embryo, and also in the endosperm. In this latter tissue, the staining intensity decreased gradually from the outer layers toward the center of the kernel. The localization of POD in durum wheat kernel suggests specific functions for different forms.  相似文献   

The carotenoid concentration of durum wheat is a criterion for the assessment of semolina quality, and it is of particular importance in determining the color of pasta. Thus, the development of a rapid screening method for kernel and semolina color has facilitated increasing the yellow color in durum wheat cultivars. However, the distribution of the pigment might vary within the ear of the wheat. The micromethod for the determination of yellow pigment concentration (YPC) of single wheat kernels now allows the discovery of whether this variation is the same for cultivars with different carotenoid concentrations. All of the cultivars investigated showed similar trends in the arrangements of the kernels within the ears, with the central positions of the ears being the most stable for YPC. Indeed, the best combination of higher YPC and larger kernel size is seen for the basal‐central region of the ear, which can be used for the selection during wheat‐breeding programs of cultivars with a more intense yellow color.  相似文献   

The effects of ferulic acid and transglutaminase (TG) on the properties of wheat flour dough and bread were investigated. Ferulic acid and TG were blended with hard wheat flour at levels of 250 and 2,000 ppm of flour weight, respectively. The addition of ferulic acid reduced the mixing time and mixing tolerance. The addition of TG did not obviously affect the mixing properties. Significant effects of ferulic acid plus TG on the rested dough texture were observed for overmixed dough. The maximum resistance (Rmax) of the dough was significantly reduced with the addition of ferulic acid but increased with the addition of TG. The addition of TG with ferulic acid restored the Rmax reduced by ferulic acid alone. The proportion of SDS‐soluble high molecular weight proteins in the dough increased with the addition of ferulic acid and decreased with TG, when assessed with size‐exclusion HPLC fractionation. Although the addition of TG improved the handling properties of the dough made sticky with added ferulic acid, it did not improve the quality of the bread with added ferulic acid as measured by loaf volume and firmness.  相似文献   

Transglutaminase (TGase) can improve the functional characteristics of proteins by introducing covalent bonds inter‐ or intrachains. Temperature and pH interfere with the protein structure and the catalytic activity of enzymes. Because these three factors can act synergistically, TGase, citrate buffer, and temperature were evaluated for their effects on the rheological and chemical changes in low‐protein wheat flour dough. Dough strength, measured by microextension test, significantly increased with increasing levels of TGase (8 U/g of protein), with changes in pH of the citrate buffer (pH 6.5), and by the effect of interaction between these factors. The same trend was observed in the size‐exclusion HPLC measurements, indicating that these two parameters have the effect of increasing gluten protein aggregation. Temperature had a significant effect on dough extension, measured by microextension test. The changes in secondary structure of gluten protein were investigated by FTIR second‐derivative spectra (amide I region, 1,600–1,700 cm−1) and showed an increase in β‐sheet structures initiated by TGase, citrate buffer pH, and their interaction.  相似文献   

Field studies were conducted over three years at two locations in Saskatchewan, Canada, to determine the effect of nitrogen fertilizer on protein quantity and protein strength in 10 cultivars of durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L. var. durum) representing a range of gluten strength. Increasing nitrogen fertilizer resulted in increased protein content in all cultivars across environments. Cultivars were clearly differentiated on the basis of gluten strength using a gluten index (GI), SDS sedimentation (SDSS), alveograph indices of overpressure (P) and deformation energy (W), mixograph energy to peak (ETP), and mixograph bandwidth energy (BWE) at all fertilizer levels. Variable cultivar response to nitrogen fertilizer was observed only for protein content, GI, and alveograph W. The nature of the cultivar‐by‐fertilizer interaction for GI suggested that the conventional strength cultivars would benefit more from nitrogen fertilizer than the extra‐strong types, which showed no change or slight decreases in GI with nitrogen fertilizer despite an increase in total gluten. SDSS increased with nitrogen fertilizer, following similar trends as protein. Gluten strength rankings of the cultivars by SDSS were maintained with increased fertilizer. Fertilizer had little effect on alveograph P, mixograph ETP, and mixograph BWE. Overall, GI values were more stable across increasing levels of nitrogen fertilizer and resultant increased protein content compared with SDSS, mixograph development time, and alveograph W and L, suggesting it is a good test for estimating intrinsic gluten strength for cultivars with a wide range of protein content.  相似文献   

The structure of the aleurone layer was considered for many years as a potential factor influencing wheat milling efficiency. Eight durum wheat samples of different milling values, including distinct cultivars and harvesting conditions, were employed to investigate the structural characteristics of the aleurone layer through image analysis of kernel sections. Particular attention was paid to tissue thickness and structural irregularity of its interface with the starchy endosperm. Wheat cultivar, agricultural conditions, and location of measurement within the grain had an influence similar to both thickness and irregularity of the aleurone layer. Conversely, grain weight and morphology showed no effect on these parameters. Statistical investigation demonstrated no correlation between structural characteristics and wheat milling behavior. However, the negative correlation between the extraction rate of semolina and starch content in the bran fraction, which was used as an indicator of the endosperm‐aleurone dissociation extent, demonstrated the relevance of the tissue adhesion on milling efficiency.  相似文献   

Worldwide, nearly 20 times more common wheat (Triticum aestivum) is produced than durum wheat (T. turgidum subsp. durum). Durum wheat is predominately milled into coarse semolina owing to the extreme hardness of the kernels. Semolina, lacking the versatility of traditional flour, is used primarily in the production of pasta. The puroindoline genes, responsible for kernel softness in wheat, have been introduced into durum via homoeologous recombination. The objective of this study was to determine what impact the introgression of the puroindoline genes, and subsequent expression of the soft kernel phenotype, had on the milling properties and flour characteristics of durum wheat. Three grain lots of Soft Svevo and one of Soft Alzada, two soft‐kernel back‐cross derived durum varieties, were milled into flour on the modified Quadrumat Senior laboratory mill at 13, 14, and 16% temper levels. Samples of Svevo (a durum wheat and recurrent parent of Soft Svevo), Xerpha (a soft white winter wheat), and Expresso (a hard red spring wheat) were included as comparisons. Soft Svevo and Soft Alzada exhibited dramatically lower single‐kernel characterization system kernel hardness than the other samples. Soft Svevo and Soft Alzada had high break flour yields, similar to the common wheat samples, especially the soft hexaploid wheat, and markedly greater than the durum samples. Overall, Soft Svevo and Soft Alzada exhibited milling properties and flour quality comparable, if not superior, to those of common wheat.  相似文献   

In this work gliadin proteins were used to analyse the genetic variability in a sample of the durum wheat Spanish collection conserved at the CRF-INIA. In total 38 different alleles were identified at the loci Gli-A1, Gli-A3, Gli-B5, Gli-B1, Gli-A2 and Gli-B2. All the gliadin loci were polymorphic, possessed large genetic diversity and small and large differentiation within and between varieties, respectively. The Gli-A2 and Gli-B2 loci were the most polymorphic, the most fixed within varieties and the most useful to distinguish among varieties. Alternatively, Gli-B1 locus presented the least genetic variability out of the four main loci Gli-A1, Gli-B1, Gli-A2 and Gli-B2. The Gli-B1 alleles coding for the gliadin γ-45, associated with good quality, had an accumulated frequency of 69.7%, showing that the Spanish germplasm could be a good source for breeding quality. The Spanish landraces studied showed new gliadin alleles not catalogued so far. These new alleles might be associated with specific Spanish environment factors. The large number of new alleles identified also indicates that durum wheat Spanish germplasm is rather unique.  相似文献   

A greenhouse experiment was conducted with three doses of boron (0, 1, and 10 mg B kg?1 in the form of boric acid (H3BO3). Durum wheat (Triticum durum L. cv: Çakmak-79) and bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv: Gerek-79) cultivars were used as plant material. B toxicity symptoms strongly appeared in durum wheat compared to bread wheat. Applications of B at 1.0 mg B kg?1 stimulated and increased the dry weights of both the cultivars, while high level B application (i.e., 10 mg B kg?1) depressed and decreased the dry weights significantly. B concentration and uptake in the leaf tip were increased with an increase in B application, whereas calcium (Ca) concentration and uptake were decreased in both the cultivars. It was observed that a substantial amount of B was accumulated in the plant cell wall. As similar to leaf tips, B concentrations in the cell wall also increased with B application, whereas Ca concentration was decreased.  相似文献   

Six wheat cultivars covering a range of quality parameters were mixed to various proportions of their optimum work input using mechanical dough development (MDD) mixers. Mixing and baking characteristics were determined and each dough was subsampled. The proteins were extracted for analysis by reversed-phase HPLC. Considerable protein mobilization appeared to occur during the MDD process, but the changes appeared to be cultivar-specific and did not indicate how mixing or baking behavior could be predicted. Protein content in extracted fractions was lowest for the weakest, poorest quality wheat but failed to consistently rank the stronger samples. Acetic acid insoluble protein level decreased with mixing as did extractable high molecular weight glutenin subunits. Gliadin protein level initially decreased with mixing before rising sharply with overmixing, while low molecular weight glutenin subunits displayed the reverse pattern. The rate of change of the extractability of the protein fractions with work input was greatest for the weakest samples and least for the stronger samples. However, when the protein quantity in the extractable fractions was plotted against relative work input, the rate of change of protein extractability did not appear to vary significantly between cultivars of different strengths.  相似文献   

The enzyme transglutaminase (TG) is known to have beneficial effects on breadmaking. However, only limited information is available on the structural changes of gluten proteins caused by TG treatment. The effect of TG has, therefore, been systematically studied by means of model peptides, suspensions of wheat flours and doughs. The treatment of synthetic peptides mimicking amino acid sequences of HMW subunits of glutenin with TG results in isopeptide bonds between glutamine and lysine residues. To study the effect on gluten proteins, different amounts of TG (0 to 900 mg enzyme protein per kg) were dissolved in a buffer and added to wheat flour. The flour suspensions were incubated and centrifuged and the residues were successively extracted with water, a salt solution, 60% aqueous ethanol (gliadin fraction) and SDS solution including a reducing agent (glutenin fraction). The characterization of the fractions by amino acid analysis, SDS‐PAGE, gel permeation HPLC and reversed‐phase HPLC has indicated that the quantity of extractable gliadins decreases by increasing TG amounts. Among gliadins, the ω5‐type was affected to the greatest extent by the reduction of extractability, followed by the ω1,2‐, α‐ and γ‐types. The oligomeric portion of the gliadin fractions (HMW gliadin) was strongly reduced when flour was treated with 450 and 900 mg TG per kg of flour, respectively. In the first instance, the quantity of the glutenin fractions increased by the treatment of flour with 90 and 450 mg TG per kg of flour, and significantly decreased by the treatment of flour with 900 mg TG per kg of flour. Parallel to an increase in TG concentration, the amounts of glutenin‐bound ω‐gliadins and HMW subunits were strongly reduced, whereas the LMW subunits reached a maximal amount after treatment with 450 mg TG per kg of flour. The insoluble residue was almost free of protein when flour was treated with lower amounts of TG. Higher amounts led to a great increase of protein in the residues. The effects of TG on doughs were similar to those of flour suspensions, but less strongly pronounced probably due to the lower water content of the dough system. Sequence analysis of peptides from a thermolytic digest of the insoluble residue revealed that HMW subunits of glutenin and α‐gliadins were predominantly involved in cross‐links formed by TG treatment.  相似文献   

Isoelectric protein concentrates (IPC) were prepared from one buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum) and five Amaranthus genotypes. Their effect on the mixing properties of a wheat flour was studied. Mixograph and dynamic oscillatory measurements showed significant increases in dough strength with the addition of 2 and 4% IPC, correlated to the water-insoluble fraction level of the IPC. The same IPCs were used at 2% level to supplement a wheat flour in making Chinese dry noodles. Measurable changes in both the raw and cooked noodle color were observed, and the change caused by addition of buckwheat IPC was substantial. Some of the IPCs caused an increase in cooking loss and only one caused an increase in weight, while increase in volume of the cooked noodles was not significantly affected. The changes in the rheological properties of cooked noodles due to addition of IPCs were measured. Overall, their effects were favorable, but the changes were statistically significant in only a few cases. The substantial dough-strengthening effect of the IPCs was hence not effectively translated into improved cooked noodle quality, and possible reasons for this are discussed.  相似文献   

Many research studies have shown the importance of seaweed extract (SWE) in alleviating stress damage to plants. In this study, we examined the effect of liquid SWEs made from brown seaweed, Fucus spiralis, on germination, growth, antioxidant enzymes and some biochemical attributes of durum wheat under different levels of NaCl concentrations. Application of SWE at different concentrations (5, 10, 25, and 50%) significantly enhanced seed germination and growth parameters under salt stress, especially with 25% of seaweed liquid extract. Results show that the activity of antioxidant enzymes increased with increasing the algal extract concentration to 50%. Therefore, algal treatment is proved to be an effective technique to improve the growth of wheat seedlings under salt stress conditions. This study provides important information on the identification and utilization of seaweed resources for agriculture and it is the first study to report on the uses of this macroalgae as biostimulants in agriculture.

Abbreviations TG: total germination (%); SL: shoot length (cm); SFW: seedling fresh weight (g); SDW: seedling dry weight (g); TC: total carotenoids (mg/g.FW); TSP: total soluble proteins (mg/g.FW); SSC: soluble sugars content (mg/g.FW); TPC: (µg equivalent AG/mg DW); CAT: catalase (U mg?1 protein); SOD: superoxide dismutase (U mg?1 protein); APX: ascorbate peroxydase (U mg?1 protein).  相似文献   

Arabinoxylans (AX) are the main nonstarch polysaccharides found in wheat flour. Structural changes of AX in refrigerated dough are linked to deleterious effects on refrigerated dough quality during storage. The purpose of this research was to evaluate the effect of cultivar and growing environment on dough syruping during refrigerated storage in relation to apparent xylanase activity and AX chemistry in hard red spring (HRS) wheat. Eight HRS cultivars that were grown at six locations over two years in North Dakota were evaluated for dough syruping during 15 days of refrigerated storage. When compared with genotypic effect, growing environment had a greater impact on apparent xylanase activity and dough syruping; they were found to have significant associations by log‐linear regression analysis. Specifically, wheat samples produced in a dry environment had lower apparent xylanase activity and degree of dough syruping than those from a wet environment. Some HRS cultivars were identified to be consistently lower in apparent xylanase activity and dough syruping across all growing environments, indicating that those cultivars had more stability over growing environment than other cultivars. These results indicate that certain cultivars that are grown in relatively dry environments in North Dakota are more suitable for use in refrigerated dough formulations.  相似文献   

Durum wheat gluten strength is important in determining extrusion properties and pasta cooking quality. Durum wheats varying in strength were tested using an alveograph and a 2-g micro-mixograph, both widely accepted techniques for determination of physical dough properties. Doughs from the 2-g micro-mixograph were characterized by dynamic oscillatory and large deformation creep tests using a controlled stress rheometer. Mechanical properties obtained from both testing regimes were strongly correlated with many of the parameters provided by the alveograph and micro-mixograph. Maximum strain attained after 5 min creep ranged from <5% for the strongest least extensible cultivar to >25% for the weakest cultivar, with a coefficient of variation among replicates of <10%. Storage modulus (G′) at 2 Hz ranged from ≈7,000 Pa for the weakest cultivar to >16,000 Pa for the strongest, least extensible cultivars, with a coefficient of variation of <6%. Tan δ (G″/G′) values were ≈0.4 for the strongest versus >0.5 for the weakest cultivars, indicating the larger contribution of the elastic component in the strong cultivars. The rheometer allows discrimination of durum wheat cultivars of varying gluten strength while requiring less sample than traditional physical dough testing techniques.  相似文献   

The effect of flour type and dough rheology on cookie development during baking was investigated using seven different soft winter wheat cultivars. Electrophoresis was used to determine the hydrolyzing effects of a commercial protease enzyme on gluten protein and to evaluate the relationships between protein composition and baking characteristics. The SDS‐PAGE technique differentiated flour cultivars based on the glutenin subunits pattern. Electrophoresis result showed that the protease degraded the glutenin subunits of flour gluten. Extensional viscosities of cookie dough at all three crosshead speeds were able to discriminate flour cultivar and correlated strongly and negatively to baking performance (P < 0.0001). The cookie doughs exhibited extensional strain hardening behavior and those values significantly correlated to baking characteristics. Of all rheological measurements calculated, dough consistency index exhibited the strongest correlation coefficient with baking parameters. The degradation effects of the protease enzyme resulted in more pronounced improvements on baking characteristics compared with dough rheological properties. Stepwise multiple regression showed that the dough consistency index, the presence or absence of the fourth (44 kDa) subunit in LMW‐GS and the fifth subunit (71 kDa) subunit in HMW‐GS were predominant parameters in predicting cookie baking properties.  相似文献   

The effect of transglutaminase (TG) on glutenin macropolymer (GMP) properties could help to understand changes in bread quality. The aim of the present study was to analyze modifications in GMP and dough properties caused by TG addition. Transglutaminase introduced cross‐links to gluten proteins, mainly high molecular weight glutenins. This effect modified the protein structure and markedly increased dough strength. These changes in the structure of glutenins increased SDS solubility and decreased GMP content and GMP storage modulus. However, TG increased GMP particle size, notably at higher doses. TG affected rheological characteristics of dough in that increasing TG doses decreased tan δ, and increased G'. In all the studies conducted, the TG increased GMP polymer size, but contrary to what was expected, this increase did not involve an increase in GMP content. These results confirmed the effect of TG on dough quality and the great differences found with different TG doses.  相似文献   

Economic losses due to suni‐bug (Eurygaster spp. and Aelia spp.) damage are important for the cereal industry in East European and Middle East countries. Samples of five durum wheat cultivars (Diyarbakir, Firat, Ege, Svevo, and Zenith) with zero, medium, and high levels of suni‐bug damage were used to determine the effects of suni‐bug damage on milling properties and semolina quality. As the damage level increased, semolina yields of all cultivars decreased significantly. The loss of semolina yield was greater than decreases in total yield of semolina plus flour, indicating that semolina yields were affected to a higher extent than were flour yields. The ash contents of the semolina samples increased significantly in all cultivars with increasing suni‐bug damage. The falling number values were not correlated with suni‐bug damage level and amylase activities of all samples were quite low. The pasting properties did not differ to a great extent depending on the suni‐bug damage level. Gluten quality of semolina samples substantially deteriorated as suni‐bug damage level increased, as determined by SDS‐sedimentation and mixograph analyses. It was concluded that suni‐bug damage would decrease profits of durum wheat millers substantially by affecting semolina yield and quality.  相似文献   

Cellulose nanofibers from durum wheat straw ( Triticum durum ) were produced and characterized to study their potential as reinforcement fibers in biocomposites. Cellulose was isolated from wheat straw by chemical treatment. Nanofibers were produced via an electrospinning method using trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) as the solvent. The nanofibers were 270 ± 97 nm in diameter. Analysis of the FT-IR spectra demonstrated that the chemical treatment of the wheat straw removed hemicellulose and lignin. XRD revealed that the crystallinity of the cellulose was reduced after electrospinning, but nanofibers remained highly crystalline. The glass transition temperature (T(g) value) of the fibers was 130 °C, higher than that of cellulose (122 °C), and the degradation temperature of the fibers was 236 °C. Residual TFA was not present in the nanofibers as assessed by the FT-IR technique.  相似文献   

Introgression was detected within wild emmer wheat population in Jordan during the year 2000. Wild emmer wheat was found to occur in non-disturbed habitat, very close to cultivated durum wheat in northern parts of Jordan, and it was found in cultivated durum wheat in southern parts of Jordan. Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) test was constructed to assess natural introgression occurrence within wild emmer wheat population. Associated durum wheat land races from the vicinity of durum wheat fields were also collected. Shannon Diversity Index for wild emmer wheat populations was 0.46 and for durum wheat landraces was 0.45. The percentage of polymorphic loci for wild emmer wheat populations was 92.6. The close genetic distance between certain wild emmer wheat populations and durum wheat landraces provided proofs that massive introgression has occurred.  相似文献   

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