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The ethanol and methanol extracts of Arbutus unedo leaves were screened for antioxidant activity. The antioxidant activity was determined by an improved assay based on the decolorization of the radical monocation of [2,2'-azinobis-(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid)] (ABTS). The ethanol and methanol extract of A. unedo leaves displayed potent antioxidant activity.  相似文献   

B Kiv?ak  T Mert 《Fitoterapia》2001,72(6):656-661
A quantitative determination of alpha-tocopherol in Arbutus unedo leaves was established by TLC-densitometry and colorimetry. Data obtained by TLC-densitometry were compared with those obtained by colorimetry. Also, the alpha-tocopherol content in leaves collected at different times of the year was studied comparatively. The highest amount of alpha-tocopherol was found in the March collection.  相似文献   

With the aid of an example of ICRAF's tree improvement research programme for the highlands of Eastern and Central Africa, a logical approach to selection and breeding of multipurpose trees and shrubs in agroforestry context is proposed. Criteria for selection of high priority species are proposed. Some species of high potential for agroforestry development in Sub Sahara Africa are proposed. The necessary sequential research steps are discussed.  相似文献   



In the Mediterranean area, different post-fire management strategies are used for coppices of resprouting species to promote a more regular forest structure, enhance plant growth, and reduce fire risk. However, the effects of these management treatments on forest-associated fauna are unknown, which in turn could be limiting their beneficial effects.


The aim of this work was to determine whether forest management of a recently burned area dominated by a vigorous resprouting tree species (Arbutus unedo L.) affects ant communities.


Ant communities, sampled using pitfall traps, were examined from unmanaged and selective thinning coppices of A. unedo. Ants are here used as bioindicators of ecosystem health and surrogates for other animal groups.


Very limited effects of these post-fire management strategies on the structure and composition of ant communities were found. The lack of effects could be due to the reported small changes in physical conditions among treatments; or either, the most sensitive ant species to these post-fire management treatments might be the same ones affected by fire and, consequently, the ant species that would potentially be affected most were no longer in the study area.


The lack of any significant effects caused by these post-fire management practices on the associated fauna of A. unedo coppices points out the suitability of these treatments in these circumstances.  相似文献   

The effects of Cassia siamea, Albizia lebbek, Acacia auriculiformis, and Azadirachta indica on soil fertility have been studied on five-year-old fallows on Ferric Acrisols in Central Togo. Litter quality and soil fertility under the four species were significantly different. Topsoil pH increases significantly with increasing litter Ca levels. Cassia siamea and Azadirachta indica were superior in enriching the sandy-loamy topsoils with Calcium and in increasing soil pH. Under Acacia, which had the highest biomass production, litter accumulation appeared to be responsible for the low mineral soil Ca and P values. In addition, topsoil pH under Acacia was lower than under grass or bush fallow or the other species. Slow litter mineralization of Acacia auriculiformis was probably caused by the thick, leathery consistence and high tannin content of its litter. Due to its high biomass production supporting soil acidification pure Acacia auriculiformis stands seemed to be less favourable for improving soil fertility on planted fallows but more suited for firewood plantations and topsoil protection. The foliage as well as the litter and topsoil under Albizia showed narrow C/N- and C/P-ratios resulting in easily mineralizable organic matter. All tree species tested were superior to natural grass/herb fallow in building up surface soil fertility. However, differences with natural bush fallow were not significant.
Résumé Au bout de cinq ans des differences fortement significative ont été trouvées quant aux caractères de la litière et de la fertilité des jachères arborées avec Cassia siamea, Albizia lebbek, Acacia auriculiformis et Azadirachta indica, respectivement. ll y a une corrélation positive entre le pH de l'horizon superficiel et la teneur en Ca dans la litière: l'enrichissement du sol sable-limoneux en Ca et le pH sont plus élevés sous Cassia siamea et Azadirachta indica que sous les autres espèces. Acacia se caractérise par la plus grande production en biomasse, donc une accumulation importante de litière sur le sol, ce qui entraîne les plus faibles teneurs en P et Ca dans l'horizon de surface. En plus, il semble qu'elle fait diminuer le pH parce que les valeurs trouvées sont inférieures à celles des parcelles témoin ou des autres espèces. La mineralisation retardée de la litière de Acacia auriculiformis depend probablement de la consistence des feuilles et du content élevé de tannine. Acacia est par consequent moins favorable à des jachères plantées mais plutôt efficace quant à la production du bois de feu et la protection du sol contre l'érosion. Vu les petits rapport C/N et C/P dans les feuilles, la litière et dans l'horizon superficiel d'Albizia, on peut supposer que sa matière organique soit plus facilement décomposable. Toutes les espèces d'arbre étudiées sont plus capables de lever la fertilité des sols que les herbes des parcelles témoin. La comparaison avec une jachère spontanée d'arbustes ne fait pas apparâitre d'effets significatifs.

The strawberry tree (Arbutus unedo L.) is an underutilized, drought tolerant, fire resistant species with a south western distribution in Europe, and with ecological and putative socio-economical impact in Portugal and Mediterranean countries. Our aim was to develop an appropriate set of molecular markers to enable genetic diversity to be assessed and to fingerprint Arbutus unedo genotypes for breeding and conservation purposes in Portugal. Twenty-seven trees from a broad geographic range were screened with 20 random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD primers) and 11 microsatellite markers (SSR). The RAPDs generated 124 bands, 57.3% of which were polymorphic, with an expected heterozygosity of 27%. We cross-amplified 11 SSR primers developed for Vaccinium spp., and 5 were found to be polymorphic in A. unedo, with 75% of expected heterozygosity, a number of alleles of 11.6, a null allele frequency of 7.6% and a polymorphic information content of 71%. Although the SSRs were more polymorphic and informative than the RAPDs, both markers displayed high genetic variability with the gathered data. No geographic pattern was observed in the genetic variation distribution based on both marker systems, and the lack of correlation between genetic and geographical matrices was confirmed by Mantel tests. Likely, no correlation was found between pairwise SSR and RAPD band-sharing matrices. These results and their implications on A. unedo breeding and conservation programs are discussed.  相似文献   

Ten multipurpose tree species were planted both in monoculture and intercropped withArachis hypogea (groundnut) in a randomized complete block with three replications. The vigrou, biomass, nutrient content, and coppicing percentage of the trees were evaluated. Intercropping with groundnuts during the establishment phase did not affect subsequent growth and development of the species.Acacia mangium, Acacia auriculiformis, Cassia siamea, Calliandra calothyrsus andParaserianthes falcataria established well, when compared toGliricidia sepium, Leucaena leucocephala, Dialum guineense, Dubocia macrocarpa andMilicia excelsa. A. mangium, A. auriculiformis, C. calothyrsus, C. siamea andP. falcataria produced the highest leaf (4 to 20 t ha–1) and wood (12 to 37 t ha–1) biomass yield (primary growth) at one to three years after planting. Coppicing percentage ofA. mangium A. auriculiformis andP. falcataria were relatively low (35 to 50%).C. calothyrsus andC. siamea showed the highest coppicing percentage (95 to 100%) and produced the greatest coppice biomass (9 to 13 t ha–1). Total nitrogen and organic matter percentage of soils from under the stands of these two species were also significantly higher than that of the rest. The two species may thus be considered for use in agroforestry technologies for soil improvement on acid soils, which are typical of the moist tropics.  相似文献   

The potential forage value and appropriate length of study on intake and relative palatability ranking of 40 multipurpose tree species (MPTs) were determined using 24 sheep blocked on live weight and age. As the MPTs had different dry matter contents, intakes were also expressed as a ratio of quantity offered (Ai/Di). Using daily Eragrostis tef straw offer (TD) and intake (T), relative palatability indices were calculated as Ri = (Ai/Di)/(Ti/TDi). There was a significant (P < 0.0001) decrease in correlation of intake measured in day 1 and subsequent days (r = 0.88, 0.81 and 0.79 for days 2–4, days 5–8 and days 9–12, respectively). A similar trend was observed on corresponding palatability indices. Individual animal preference and blocking did not affect intake and palatability indices significantly (P > 0.05), however significant (P < 0.0001) tree species differences were observed. Results on linear regression, correlation coefficients, palatability ranking and standard errors of means (adjusted palatability indices) indicate that, if palatability is done to predict long-term intake of MPTs, at least 5 days are appropriate in palatability assessment for sheep. Using mean palatability index (days 2–12), the MPTs were grouped into four clusters. The MPTs such as Leucaena leucocephala and Sesbania sesban which are known to have good nutritive value had high palatability. In the same classification group, there were less known species such as Acacia venosa, A. persiciflora, A. melanoxylon, A. hockii, A. polycantha, Tamarindus indica, Chamaecytisus palmensis, Tipuana tipu, Indigofera arrecta and Atriplex nummularia. Flemingia macrophylla, Erythrina abyssinica, Acacia salicina, Acacia coriacea, Albizia schimperiana, Ceratonia siliqua, Casuarina glauca and Erythrina burana had poor palatability. These species seem to have little forage value for animals with short-term adaptation periods. Gliricida sepium and Calliandra calothyrsus although currently being used by farmers had a medium palatability ranking.  相似文献   

Basal shoots produced by Arbutus unedo L. after cutting at ground level vary in size and growth rate, and are classified accordingly as dominant or suppressed. The suppressed shoots eventually cease growth and die. In this study, we investigated the role of light and water in the competition among shoots of A. unedo. Dominant and suppressed shoots of A. unedo showed similar leaf water potentials and tissue water relations over the year, suggesting that water status is not responsible for the lack of flushing in suppressed shoots. Although suppressed shoots did not flush under low light, they showed many characteristics of shade-tolerant plants. Leaves of suppressed shoots had lower leaf conductance and light-saturated photosynthetic rate, and higher specific leaf area than leaves of dominant shoots. We conclude that light was the main resource determining competition among shoots and the death of suppressed shoots.  相似文献   

Arbutoid mycorrhizae were synthesized between adult se-lected clones of Arbutus unedo L. and Pisolithus arhizus. Two micro-propagated clones were tested:AL1, in vitro and C1 (acclimatized plants) in nu...  相似文献   

Observations on the growth performance, rooting behaviour and distribution of fine roots of five tree species viz., Bauhinia purpurea, Grewia optiva, Eucalyptus tereticornis, Leucaena leucocephala and Ougeinia oojeinensis (Family: Papilionaceae) are being presented here. Roots were exposed at the time of planting, 6 months, 16 months, and 28 months after planting. Total root weight and root volume were highest in Eucalyptus tereticornis and lowest in Bauhinia purpurea. Major part of the root system confined within 90–120 cm soil depth in case of Bauhinia purpurea, Grewia optiva and Leucaena leucocephala but Eucalyptus tereticornis and Ougeinia oojeinensis strike their roots to deeper depths. Bauhinia purpurea had its roots evenly distributed down to 120 cm. In general, the vertical distribution of fine roots (< 2 mm in diameter) of the five species indicate that more the depth, fewer the number of roots. The observations on soil binding capacity, indicated that Ougeinia oojeinensis had the maximum and Eucalyptus tereticornis had the minimum binding value. Due to leaf shading and other litter fall significant increase of nutrient components in soils under the tree canopies has been observed. The study indicates that bulk of the roots of the five tree species are found near the surface, but observation on soil moisture and nutrient content does not indicate variation under the tree canopies and in open, hence there may not be root competition in initial years of plantation.Authorised for publication by the Institute as contribution No.3311/239/89.  相似文献   

评价了10个多功能树种--阿江榄江树(Terminalia arjuna)、印楝(Azadirechta indica)、牧豆树(Prosopis juliflora)、水黄皮(Pongarnia pin-nata)、木麻黄(Casuarina equisetifolia)、角豆树(Prosopis alba )、阿拉伯金合欢(Acacia nilotica)、细叶桉(Eucalyptus tereticornis)、牛蹄豆(Pithecellobium dulce)、铁刀木(Cassia siamea )等10年间的生物量和生物能产量,这些树种采用单种栽培的农作方式种植于印度北部恒河平原苏打土壤。该地区土壤紧密、盐碱化、透水性差、营养匮乏。10个树种中,细叶桉植株最高,牧豆树和木麻黄次之。阿拉伯金合欢林分基面积为3.04m2·hm-2,植株胸径优于其他树种,牧豆树和木麻黄植株胸径次之。10年间,牧豆树和Acacia nilotica分别产出生物量56.50和50.75 Mg·hm-2,而阿拉伯金合欢、水黄皮和角豆树生物量产出量较小。牧豆树的营养需求和净生物量产出均最大,而且叶片中营养元素(N,P,K,Ca和Mg)含量较高。然而,树种间木质成分差异较小。以每吨木材营养元素产出量计算,氮素在阿拉伯金合欢中产出量最低,磷和钾分别在阿江榄仁树和牛蹄豆中产出最低,钙和镁在牧豆树中产出最低。牧豆树生物质能产量最高1267.75 GJ·hm-2,阿拉伯金合欢次之1206 GJ·hm-2,印楝最低(520.66GJ·hm-2)。图2表7参31。  相似文献   

A 26 years old agroforestry plantation consisting of four multipurpose tree species (MPTs) (Michelia oblonga Wall, Parkia roxburghii G. Don, Alnus nepalensis D. Don, and Pinus kesiya Royle ex-Gordon) maintained at ICAR Research Complex, Umiam, Meghalaya, India were compared with a control plot (without tree plantation) for soil fertility status and CO2 efflux. The presence of trees improved all the physico-chemical and microbial biomass parameters studied in this experiment. Relative to control, soils under MPTs showed significant increases of 17 % soil organic carbon, 26 % available nitrogen (AN), 28 % phosphorus (AP), 50 % potassium (AK), 65 % mean weight diameter (MWD) of aggregates, 21 % moisture and 34 % soil microbial biomass carbon (MBC) while reducing the mean bulk density (7 %). However, these parameters significantly differed among the tree species i.e., soils under A. nepalensis and M. oblonga had higher values of these attributes except bulk density, than under other species. Irrespective of treatments, the values of all these attributes were higher in surface soils while bulk density was highest in subsurface (60–75 cm). Cumulative CO2 efflux under MPTs was significantly higher (15 %) and ranged from 1.71 g 100 g?1 (M. oblonga) to 2.01 g 100 g?1 (A. nepalensis) compared to control at 150 days of incubation. In all the treatments, increment in temperature increased the oxidation of soil organic matter, thereby increased the cumulative CO2 efflux from soils. Of the tree species, with increment in temperature, A. nepalensis recorded more CO2 efflux (2.50 g 100 g?1) than other MPTs but the per cent increase was more in control plot. P. kesiya and A. nepalensis recorded highest activation energy (59.1 and 39 kJ mol?1, respectively). Net organic carbon sequestered in soil was highest under A. nepalensis (25.7 g kg?1) followed by M. oblonga (19.3 g kg?1), whereas control showed the lowest values. Amount of net carbon stored in the soil had significant and positive correlation with MBC (r = 0.706**), MWD (r = 0.636*), and AN (r = 0.825**).  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the potential of nine multipurpose tree species for afforestation of degraded land in the Khorezm region, Central Asia, particularly their suitability for biodrainage i.e., lowering the elevated groundwater table through the transpirative capacity of plantations. For this purpose water use (WU), water use efficiency (WUE) and tree physiological factors influencing transpiration were assessed during two consecutive years. Mean daily leaf transpiration differed significantly among the species and ranged during the seasons from 4.5–5.2 mmol m−2 s−1 for Prunus armeniaca L. to 4.5–10 mmol −2 s−1 for Elaeagnus angustifolia L. WU differences were triggered by species physiological features such as capability of water uptake by roots. Transpiration rates and the length of fine roots correlated highly (r = 0.7). Correlations of leaf transpiration rates with leaf area were weaker (r = 0.6). No correlations were found between salt content in plants and water uptake under conditions of slight-to-moderate rootzone soil salinity. Values of WUE per root and shoot DM were similar averaging, respectively, 0.2 and 0.3 g DM g−1 water for two-year-old trees, and decreased with age. In addition to WU characteristics, also salinity tolerance, growth rate and the ability to produce fodder and fuelwood must be considered during species selection. Regarding these features, the N-fixing E. angustifolia ranked the highest, combining high WU, fast growth and production of nutritious feed. Examined Populus spp. and Ulmus pumila L. ranked lower but still represented potential candidates for biodrainage purposes. Typical fruit species in the region such as P. armeniaca and Morus alba, showed low biodrainage potential.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the current status of studies on Jatropha curcas in China. Jatropha curcas has been grown in China for more than 300 years. It is mainly distributed in the southwest from the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau to the hot and dry Three-River Valley with hot monsoon climate and the southeast in the provinces of Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan and Taiwan along the coast. The regions where it occurs have annual rainfall >500 mm and average annual temperature greater than 19°C. It occurs on a wide range of soil regimes in these regions. In China the jatropha usually blossoms and bears fruits only once a year, but there are also instances of two or more flowerings per year. In some small but high yielding pilot areas, dry fruit output is reported to be 9,000–12,000 kg per ha, whereas in large plantings the output averages only about 1,800 kg per ha. In order to contribute to sustainable production of jatropha, further studies focused on different ecotypes, improvement of seed quality, plantation techniques, flowering and fruiting characteristics, and harvest and post-harvest handling of seeds are required. More research on biomedicinal potential of various parts of the plant and more information on the actual and potential markets is needed to realize the full potential of jatropha.  相似文献   

For several reasons the conversion of mono-species into mixed-species forests is presently a major concern of forest management and policy in Central Europe. Although it is possible to show a clear trend in favour of mixed-species forests, private forest owners and some forest economists have often not favoured mixed forests, assuming that they are less profitable. The trend towards mixed forests seems mainly for ecological reasons, while sound economic analysis of mixed forests is still rare. Based on this background the objective of the study is to answer the following four questions: (1) Does the yield of mixed-species forests differ from that of pure forests? (2) Does the mixing of tree species influence the ecological stability of forests? (3) Is the economic value of a mixed forest less than that of a monoculture? (4) How do forest economic models integrate the findings on yield and ecological stability of mixed forests? To answer these questions a literature review was conducted on the possible impacts of mixed-species forests. In comparison to pure stands a greater yield is not necessarily given in mixed stands. Yet, mixed-species stands are better able to compensate disturbances than monocultures. Moreover, there is substantial evidence that mixed-species stands are more resistant against biotic and abiotic disturbances. Applying an extended forest economic model, it was possible to demonstrate that mixing large blocks of native broadleaf species into pure conifer forests may lead to a significant reduction of financial risk. From a risk-averse perspective the economic value of a mixed-species forest may thus be greater than that of a mono-species forest. Yet, it became clear that forest economists do not often integrate the research findings on yield and ecological stability of mixed stands in modelling, but rather apply simple bioeconomic modelling. Moreover, in the context of mixed forests economists also largely ignore even classical financial approaches, which consider risk and risk preferences. We concluded that forest economics has to close substantial research gaps. Firstly, the knowledge of how to integrate biophysical properties of mixed forests in bioeconomic modelling is still an open question. Secondly, forest economists have to adopt the modern approaches of financial theory and management science to value mixed forests.  相似文献   

A study was carried out to evaluate the growth parameters and nutritive qualities of Moringa oleifera, Millettia griffoniana and Pterocarpus santalinoides. The main objective of the study was to assess the potential of the MPTS in supplementing the feed of ruminant animals during the dry season when grasses are scarce and their quality generally fall short of animal requirements. Leaf samples were randomly collected from the trees for estimation of the proximate composition, neutral detergent fibre, acid detergent fibre and gas production using the in vitro technique. Samples were collected three times to represent seasonal variations as follows: November: Early Dry; February: Mid Dry and April: Late Dry seasons. Gas production was recorded at 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 48, 72 and 96 h of incubation. Mortality rate was less than 5%. M. oleifera recorded the best overall growth respectively followed by P. santalinoides and M. griffoniana. P. santalinoides and M. oleifera retained more leaves in the dry season than M. griffoniana. The dry matter (DM) and ether extract (EE) contents of the MPTS were significantly (P < 0.05) affected by seasons and plant species while there were significant (P < 0.05) species effects on the CP and ADF values. The gas production values and the fermentation parameters indicated the presence of potentially degradable nutrients in the MPTS, which underscores the importance of the tree species as sources of nutrient for ruminant animals during the dry season.  相似文献   

Soil frost heaving is the result of the formation of ice lenses in the soil caused by a segregation of the soil water. Ice lenses are growing from below and pushed upward. Seedlings heave when they are pushed out of the ground by the ice sheet formed at the surface of the soil. Frost heaving may greatly reduce growth and survival of forest tree seedlings particularly in regions where freezing and thawing are accompanied by high soil moisture. Resistance to frost heaving increases with size of seedling as the ability of a seedling to anchor itself increases. A few methods, such as fertilizing, choice of planting spots, sowing or planting at the proper time, shading, and use of mulches, appear to be effective in controlling frost heaving. Shade from natural plant cover can greatly reduce frost heaving.  相似文献   

Black locust(Robinia pseudoacacia L.) was the first North-American tree species imported to Europe at the beginning of the seventeenth century. It is commonly planted worldwide because of its adaptability to environmental stresses, its valuable wood, easy propagation, frequent and abundant seed production, excellent coppicing,high seedling survival, and relatively high wood yield. In Europe, Romania and Hungary have the most highly-developed black locust growing techniques and experiences.As a result of increasing interest in black locust in many countries, this review aims to provide a comprehensive overview of state-of-the-art site requirements, propagation, improvement and management(including growth and yield as well as use in energy plantations).  相似文献   

There is an urgent need to standardize the methods used to assess the growth of multipurpose trees. Most of the standard methods so far described have been developed specifically for use in multilocational trial networks. This paper was prepared for the F/FRED/ICRAF Workshop on MPTS Assessment Methods, held in Thailand in May 1991 to develop internationally-recognised standards for assessment methodology. It critically reviews the methods prescribed by different networks for height and diameter measurement, and for biomass estimation, giving researchers a range of methodological options to consider and re-emphasizing the need, all too often neglected, to define assessment methods clearly and unambiguously.  相似文献   

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