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海水中总有机碳(TOC)对牙鲆铜、铅、镉吸收的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
该文研究了海水中Cu、Pb、Cd浓度分别为0.5 mg/L时,总有机碳(TOC)浓度、种类对牙鲆(Paralichthys olivaceus)内脏、肌肉、鳃组织Cu、Pb、Cd蓄积的影响。结果表明:当海水TOC种类相同时,随TOC浓度升高,牙鲆内脏、肌肉、鳃组织Cu、Pb、Cd蓄积量均明显下降;当海水TOC浓度相同时,孔石莼分泌物比牙鲆分泌物更能降低牙鲆各组织Cu、Pb、Cd蓄积量。研究表明:孔石莼、牙鲆分泌物均能降低Cu、Pb、Cd的生物有效性;TOC浓度、种类变化对牙鲆各组织Cu、Pb、Cd蓄积分配均无影响,重金属含量大小顺序均为:内脏>鳃>肌肉。内脏团、肌肉中3种重金属蓄积量大小顺序为Cu>Pb>Cd;鳃中3种重金属蓄积量顺序为Pb>Cu>Cd。  相似文献   

Reclamation of disturbed soils is done with the primary objective of restoring the land for agronomic or forestry land use. Reclamation followed by sustainable management can restore the depleted soil organic carbon (SOC) stock over time. This study was designed to assess SOC stocks of reclaimed and undisturbed minesoils under different cropping systems in Dover Township, Tuscarawas County, Ohio (40°32·33′ N and 81°33·86′ W). Prior to reclamation, the soil was classified as Bethesda Soil Series (loamy‐skeletal, mixed, acid, mesic Typic Udorthent). The reclaimed and unmined sites were located side by side and were under forage (fescue—Festuca arundinacea Schreb. and alfa grass—Stipa tenacissima L.), and corn (Zea mays L.)—soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) rotation. All fields were chisel plowed annually except unmined forage, and fertilized only when planted to corn. The manure was mostly applied on unmined fields planted to corn, and reclaimed fields planted to forage and corn. The variability in soil properties (i.e., soil bulk density, pH and soil organic carbon stock) ranged from moderate to low across all land uses in both reclaimed and unmined fields for 0–10 and 10–20 cm depths. The soil nitrogen stock ranged from low to moderate for unmined fields and moderate to high in some reclaimed fields. Soil pH was always less than 6·7 in both reclaimed and unmined fields. The mean soil bulk density was consistently lower in unmined (1·27 mg m−3 and 1·22 mg m−3) than reclaimed fields (1·39 mg m−3 and 1·34 mg m−3) planted to forage and corn, respectively. The SOC and total nitrogen (TN) concentrations were higher for reclaimed forage (33·30 g kg−1; 3·23 g kg−1) and cornfields (21·22 g kg−1; 3·66 g kg−1) than unmined forage (17·47 g kg−1; 1·98 g kg−1) and cornfield (17·70 g kg−1; 2·76 g kg−1). The SOC stocks in unmined soils did not differ among forage, corn or soybean fields but did so in reclaimed soils for 0–10 cm depth. The SOC stock for reclaimed forage (39·6 mg ha−1 for 0–10 cm and 28·6 mg ha−1 for 10–20 cm depths) and cornfields (28·3 mg ha−1; 32·2 mg ha−1) were higher than that for the unmined forage (22·7 mg ha−1; 17·6 mg ha−1) and corn (21·5 mg ha−1; 26·8 mg ha−1) fields for both depths. These results showed that the manure application increased SOC stocks in soil. Overall this study showed that if the reclamation is done properly, there is a large potential for SOC sequestration in reclaimed soils. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

研究大型露天煤矿典型植被恢复模式下土壤碳、氮组分特征,为深入理解露天煤矿高压实复垦土壤碳、氮固持过程及复垦土壤成土过程提供依据。以黄土区典型露天煤矿-平朔露天煤矿的复垦24a的刺槐-油松混交林(RP)、刺槐纯林(RM)、白杆-青杆-沙棘混交林(PPH)、沙棘纯林(HM)4种典型植被恢复模式样地及未复垦样地(UR)、原地貌样地(UD)为研究对象,采集0~20 cm表层土壤样品,分析土壤碳、氮组分特征。结果表明:1)经过24a演替,复垦土壤理化性质得到明显提高,但各样地间土壤理化性质明显显著。2)同UR样地相比,RP、RM和PPH样地的土壤有机碳含量分别提高594.03%、158.66%、99.25%;RP和PPH样地的微生物生物量碳则分别提高174.68%、209.34%;RP和HM样地的水溶性碳分别提高110.13%、82.99%;RP、RM样地的易氧化碳含量则分别为UR样地的35.55倍和7倍。3) 与UR样地相比,RP、RM、PPH、HM样地的土壤全氮含量分别提高413.24%、250.00%、100%和82.35%;RP、PPH、HM样地的水溶性氮含量分别提高206.33%、153.02%、99.95%;PPH样地的微生物生物量氮含量提高368.07%。4)复垦土壤碳、氮组分之间呈现正相关关系,但与全钾呈现显著负相关(P<0.05)。上述结果表明,土地复垦显著提高了土壤碳、氮组分含量,尤以刺槐-油松混交林效果较好,但复垦24a后,矿区土壤可能存在钾限制的现象。  相似文献   

In no-tillage systems (NTS), cover crops are recommended to increase the productivity of agricultural systems. Furthermore, a greater diversity of cover crops in NTS favours an increase in soil carbon (C) stocks. However, there are scarce published data on the relationship between the chemical composition of cover crops and the accumulation of labile and stable fractions of SOM. We evaluated the relationship between the chemical composition of cover crops and SOM fractions, C stocks and maize yield. Hemicellulose, cellulose and lignin contents were determined for Urochloa ruziziensis, Canavalia brasiliensis, Cajanus cajan and Sorghum bicolor, cultivated in the off-season of maize. Canavalia brasiliensis had high N (20.96 g kg−1) and hemicellulose (185.67 g kg−1) contents, lower lignin content (39.50 g kg−1) and high dry matter yield (3,251 kg ha−1). All these characteristics resulted in a better SOM quality. Urochloa ruziziensis, with higher hemicellulose and lower lignin contents, and low lignin/N ratio, was associated with accumulation of TOC (19.95 and 18.33 g kg−1 in 0- to 10-cm and 10- to 20-cm layers, respectively) and mineral-associated organic C (on average, 16.68 g kg−1) in the soil. Cover plants with N:lignin ratio lower than 2.0 are fundamental for soil C sequestration. In conclusion, it is recommended the adoption of Urochloa ruziziensis and Canavalia brasiliensis as cover plants improve maize production, soil organic matter quality and C sequestration in the Cerrado region.  相似文献   


The content of soil organic carbon (SOC) and total nitrogen (Ntot) was studied in a long-term field experiment with a three-field crop rotation (potato – spring wheat – spring barley) set up on arable sandy loam Stagnic Albeluvisol at Eerika, Tartu, Estonia. The studied factors were: (A) organic fertilizers with three treatments: (i) without organic fertilizer, (ii) farmyard manure (60 t ha?1) used in every third year, and (iii) different organic (alternative) fertilizers (beet leaves + straw; pure beet leaves; slurry + straw; cereal straw) and (B) mineral nitrogen fertilizer with the rates: N-0; N-40; N-80; N-120 and N-160 kg ha?1. The study years were 1993, 1996 and 1999. The average content of SOC (1.03%) was significantly influenced by the use of organic fertilizers. Only Ntot (mean value 0.110%) was influenced also by fertilization with mineral nitrogen. The C/N ratio (mean value 9.5) reflected changes in the content of SOC and Ntot  相似文献   

植被重建下露天煤矿排土场边坡土壤碳储量变化   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
植被重建是治理排土场边坡水土流失最直接也是最有效的生物措施,研究不同植被重建模式下土壤有机碳(SOC)和全氮(TN)含量的空间分布规律是筛选适宜排土场边坡生长的植被模式的重要条件。选取内蒙古黑岱沟露天煤矿治理15年的排土场边坡中4种植被重建模式(自然恢复地、草地、灌木林、乔木林),采集270个土壤剖面(0~100 cm)样品,研究不同重建模式下SOC储量的变化。结果表明:(1)植被重建模式显著影响剖面SOC、TN含量及分布(p0.05),0~10 cm和10~20 cm SOC、TN均呈草地灌木乔木自然恢复地,20 cm以下各土层SOC、TN虽然也表现相似的特征,但差异随土层深度增加越来越小。(2)剖面SOC密度和储量表现为原地貌区治理排土场新建排土场。经15年植被重建后,排土场边坡表现出巨大的固碳能力,1 m深度的林地和草地碳储量分别增加了5.38、11.85 t hm-2,但仅原地貌水平的1/2和3/5。(3)林地和草地的固碳速率分别为35.87、79.01 g m-2a-1,草地的固碳速率是林地的2.2倍,从土壤固碳及水土流失防治的角度考虑,建议矿区排土场边坡植被重建优先选择草地,其次灌木。  相似文献   

为研究有机酸添加后煤矸石碎屑组成及其速效养分变化,以淮南潘集矿区为研究区域,选取矿区内多处煤矸石山上大块煤矸石人工破碎后作为供试材料,向其中添加10 mmol/L低分子量有机酸和腐殖酸水溶液,恒温培养120 d,在不同培养阶段取出部分样品测定煤矸石碎屑颗粒组成、EC、pH和速效养分等指标。结果表明,有机酸的添加总体上促进了煤矸石碎屑颗粒的细化。其中,黏粒平均增幅达81.90%,极细砂增幅在42%以上,粉粒和极粗砂粒含量平均下降幅度分别为21.05%、62.34%。有机酸添加有助于煤矸石碎屑颗粒基质结构向好的方向发展,并且以柠檬酸和腐殖酸效果最好。培养后的各处理pH值、电导率、速效养分对有机酸种类和培养时间的响应存在显著差异。有机酸添加后,酒石酸、草酸和腐殖酸处理pH均上升较大,平均pH值分别为7.69、7.75和7.71,显著大于对照处理(P<0.05),达到微碱性水平。除苹果酸处理外,其他处理的pH随培养时间的变化表现“N”型特征。电导率的变化与pH值变化正好相反,以苹果酸处理上升最大,比培养前增幅达146.78%;有机酸添加极大促进了煤矸石碎屑碱解氮(AN)和速效磷(AP)的释放,前者以苹果酸效果较好(释放量最大为CK的1.56倍和培养前的13.03倍),后者以柠檬酸效果较好(释放量最大为培养前的2.56倍和CK的3.39倍)。随着培养时间延长,碱解氮和速效磷释放量均逐渐增加;水分浸润和有机酸溶液添加均在前期表现一定抑制煤矸石碎屑颗粒速效钾(AK)释放的作用,后期逐渐表现一定促进释放的作用,但各有机酸处理之间差异不显著。有机酸对煤矸石山生态修复肯有一定积极作用。  相似文献   

矿区土地复垦中,由于机械碾压导致复垦土壤呈现高压实状态,复垦土壤的有机质则因机械扰动而矿化。探究复垦土壤团聚体与有机质恢复机理,可为深入理解露天煤矿高压实复垦土壤质量演替规律提供依据。以平朔露天煤矿典型植被恢复模式--刺槐纯林不同复垦年限(0、3、12、14、17、25、28、32 a)土壤及周边未扰动土壤(CK)为研究对象,采集0~20 cm表层土壤样品,分析土壤水稳性团聚体(>2 000 μm、>250~2 000 μm、53~250 μm、<53 μm)及团聚体碳(C)、氮(N)以及13C和15N同位素特征。结果表明:1)土地复垦中机械碾压破坏了土壤水稳性团聚体结构与稳定性,但随着复垦时间增加,32 a样地>250~2 000 μm团聚体的比例较0 a提高737.02%,而53~250 μm团聚体比例则降低19.25%;团聚体稳定性随着复垦时间而增加,表现为32 a样地土壤团聚体平均重量直径(Mean Weight Diameter,MWD)较0 a提高133%。2)各粒径团聚体C、N及C/N均随着复垦时间增加而增加,>2 000和>250~2 000 μm团聚体C和N在土壤总C和N中占主导地位。>2 000和>250~2 000 μm团聚体C/N整体上高于53~250 μm团聚体。3)各样地土壤δ13C变化范围为?15.14‰~?26.40‰;δ15N的变化范围为1.13‰~10.87‰。>2 000、>250~2 000和<53 μm团聚体的δ13C值及>2 000 μm团聚体的δ15N值随复垦年限增加呈现降低趋势。与>2000 μm和>250~2 000 μm团聚体相比,53~250和<53 μm团聚体中13C显著富集(P<0.05),这表明复垦土壤熟化过程中,土壤C从大粒径团聚体向小粒径周转。4)>2 000与>250~2 000 μm团聚体中,新C占土壤总C的比例为>80%,且各样地间差异不显著(P>0.05),而在<53 μm团聚体中,新C的比例在复垦14~17 a间显著增加,此后则变化不显著。上述结果表明,土地复垦中机械碾压增加了小粒径团聚体的比例,降低了团聚体稳定性,而随着复垦时间增加,植被恢复促进了土壤团聚体结构、稳定性及C、N的恢复。  相似文献   

Quantitative information about the amount and stability of organic carbon (OC) in different soil organic‐matter (OM) fractions and in specific organic compounds and compound‐classes is needed to improve our understanding of organic‐matter sequestration in soils. In the present paper, we summarize and integrate results performed on two different arable soils with continuous maize cropping (a) Stagnic Luvisol with maize cropping for 24 y, b) Luvic Phaeozem with maize cropping for 39 y) to identify (1) the storage of OC in different soil organic‐matter fractions, (2) the function of these fractions with respect to soil‐OC stabilization, (3) the importance and partitioning of fossil‐C deposits, and (4) the rates of soil‐OC stabilization as assessed by compound‐specific isotope analyses. The fractionation procedures included particle‐size fractionation, density fractionation, aggregate fractionation, acid hydrolysis, different oxidation procedures, isolation of extractable lipids and phospholipid fatty acids, pyrolysis, and the determination of black C. Stability of OC was determined by 13C and 14C analyses. The main inputs of OC were plant litter (both sites) and deposition of fossil C likely from coal combustion and lignite dust (only Phaeozem).  相似文献   

利用在全国采集的1400个典型农田剖面数据(其中在此研究区域有53个剖面),系统分析了不同土地利用方式下三江平原东北部土壤有机C和全N的分布规律。三江平原东北部典型农田0~20cm土壤有机C和全N的平均含量是22.7g/kg和1.84g/kg,20~100cm平均含量为13.0g/kg和1.08g/kg,不同土壤类型和种植作物下土壤有机C和全N分布没有显著性差异(p0.05)。与第二次土壤普查时三江平原东北部典型剖面土壤有机C和全N数据进行比较发现,0~20cm有机C和全N含量呈现下降趋势,而20~100cm呈现增加趋势。  相似文献   

The usefulness and limitations of near‐infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) for the assessment of several soil characteristics are still not sufficiently explored. The objective of this study was to evaluate the ability of visible and near‐infrared reflectance (VIS‐NIR) spectroscopy to predict the composition of organic matter in soils and litter. Reflectance spectra of the VIS‐NIR region (400–2500 nm) were recorded for 56 soil and litter samples from agricultural and forest sites. Spectra were used to predict general and biological characteristics of the samples as well as the C composition which was measured by 13C‐CPMAS‐NMR spectroscopy. A modified partial least‐square method and cross‐validation were used to develop equations for the different constituents over the whole spectrum (1st to 3rd derivation). Near‐infrared spectroscopy predicted well the C : N ratios, the percentages of O‐alkyl C and alkyl C, the ratio of alkyl C to O‐alkyl C, and the sum of phenolic oxidation products: the ratios of standard deviation of the laboratory results to standard error of cross‐validation (RSC) were greater than 2, the regression coefficients (a) of a linear regression (measured against predicted values) ranged from 0.9 to 1.1, and the correlation coefficients (r) were greater than 0.9. Satisfactorily (0.8 ≤ a ≤ 1.2, r ≥ 0.8, and 1.4 ≤ RSC ≤ 2.0) assessed were the contents of C, N, and production of DOC, the percentages of carbonyl C and aromatic C and the ratio of alkyl C to aromatic C. However, the N‐mineralization rate and the microbial biomass were predicted unsatisfactorily (RSC < 1.4). The good and satisfactory predictions reported above indicate a marked usefulness of NIRS in the assessment of biological and chemical characteristics of soils and litter.  相似文献   

长期施肥棕壤团聚体分布及其碳氮含量变化   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
【目的】探究玉米-玉米-大豆轮作体系不同施肥处理对土壤团聚体分布及其有机碳、全氮的影响,以期深入了解施肥对土壤培肥、改善土壤结构的机制。【方法】选取不施肥(CK),化肥(NPK),低量有机肥(M1),低量有机肥与化肥配施(M1NPK),高量有机肥(M2),高量有机肥与化肥配施(M2NPK)6个处理。采集棕壤37年长期定位试验微区不同施肥处理的0-20 cm和20-40 cm土样,分析其水稳性团聚体( 1 mm、1~0.5 mm、0.5~0.25 mm、0.25~0.053 mm及 0.053 mm)分布及其有机碳、全氮分配特征。【结果】棕壤长期施肥对团聚体分布及其碳氮的影响0-20 cm大于20-40 cm,随土层深度的增加,有机碳(SOC)、全氮(TN)含量减少。各处理团聚体及碳、氮在团聚体中的分配主要在黏粉粒中(40%以上)。与CK相比,NPK处理显著提高了黏粉粒的含量,降低大团聚体与微团聚体含量,显著增加黏粉粒储碳比例;M1、M2处理显著增加 1 mm团聚体数量及其SOC含量,显著增加 0.25 mm各粒级团聚体的储碳比例,且M2处理显著高于M1处理;M1NPK、M2NPK处理也显著增加 1 mm团聚体数量及其SOC含量,M1NPK与M2NPK处理在NPK处理的基础上依次增加0.5~0.25 mm(M1NPK)、1~0.5 mm及 1 mm团聚体的储碳比例,M2NPK处理 0.25 mm团聚体储碳比例最高,土壤团聚体全氮的变化趋势与有机碳类似。【结论】棕壤连续有机无机配合施用可显著增加土壤大团聚体数量、SOC、TN含量及其储碳、氮比例,是提高土壤质量、改善土壤结构的有效施肥措施。  相似文献   

基于中国农业科学院国家红壤肥力长期试验平台,研究长期不同施肥、休闲和轮作措施下旱地红壤剖面(0~100 cm)土体及不同层次(20 cm/层)有机碳(SOC)和全氮(TN)储量的变化特征。结果表明,与试验初始相比,24年不施肥(CK处理)0~100 cm各层有机碳储量均有不同程度降低,但全氮储量在40~100 cm各土层表现出累积趋势。24年施化肥(N、NP、PK、NPK)和化肥配施秸秆处理(NPKS)明显增加40~100 cm有机碳和全氮储量,0~40 cm各层碳储量有所耗竭而氮储量无明显影响。24年有机无机配施(NPKM)明显增加表层0~20和40~100 cm的有机碳和全氮储量。休闲(Fallow)和轮作(NPKMR)措施大幅度提高0~100 cm各层有机碳和全氮储量,但两处理间无显著差异。对于0~100 cm整个土体而言,休闲和轮作处理大幅度增加了土壤剖面的有机碳和全氮储量,其中有机碳储量比初始分别提高64%和93%,全氮储量比初始分别提高71%和82%。不同措施下0~100 cm各层有机碳与全氮储量及其变化量间均存在显著线性相关关系(P0.01),但不同管理措施显著改变了碳氮储量间的相关关系,但储量变化量间的相互关系无统计学上的显著差异。休闲或豆科轮作措施能显著提升红壤剖面碳、氮库容,是红壤肥力恢复和培肥较优管理措施。  相似文献   

【目的】在陆地生态系统中, 土壤全氮和有机碳是重要的生态因子。本研究基于土壤调查获得大量土壤剖面的空间和属性信息,研究河北的土壤有机碳和全氮的空间分布特征,为河北的土壤养分监测和管理提供科学依据,同时也为其他类似地区土壤采样提供参考,减少采样成本。【方法】运用传统统计学和地统计学分析方法,以变异函数为工具,初步分析了河北土壤全氮和有机碳的空间变异特征,并应用普通克立格法和回归克里格法进行插值, 得出全氮和有机碳含量的分布格局。【结果】研究区土壤有机碳和全氮的平均值分别为15.25 g/kg和1.23 g/kg,变异系数分别为0.73和0.63,属于中等强度变异。经对数转换后,土壤有机碳和全氮均符合正态分布。选择球状模型作为土壤有机碳和全氮的半方差函数理论模型,土壤有机碳和全氮的块金值/基台值的比值分别为1.8%和1.2%,有机碳和全氮的块金系数均小于25%,表明有机碳和全氮具有强烈的空间相关性。有机碳和全氮空间变异的尺度范围不同,分别为50.400 km和59.200 km。研究区的有机碳总体空间分布规律是有机碳在北部较高、南部较低,呈自北向南递减趋势,土壤全氮与有机碳的空间分布趋势相似,但有机碳的空间变异特征较全氮明显,这种空间分布格局主要受环境因子、 土壤质地、 土壤类型以及土地利用类型等的影响,其中环境因子中的气温和海拔对有机碳和全氮的影响较大。通过比较普通克里格和回归克里格的预测结果,回归克里格能较好地反映东南部有机碳和全氮较低地区的局部变异外,对于西北部的山区也能更好地反映碳、 氮与地形及气候等因素的关系。【结论】河北土壤有机碳和全氮的空间变异和分布特征较为类似,受地形地貌、 气候等因素的影响。通过比较普通克里格法和回归克里格法的空间预测结果,回归克里格法可以消除环境因子的影响,从而得到更准确的空间预测结果,因此建议使用回归克里格法进行预测,以期获得一个更为准确的土壤有机碳和全氮的空间预测结果。  相似文献   

Bioenergy is becoming an important option in Global Change mitigation policy world‐wide. In agriculture, cultivation of energy crops for biodiesel, biogas, or bioethanol production received considerable attention in the past decades. Beyond this, the cultivation of Miscanthus, used as solid fuel for combustion, may lead to an increase in soil organic matter content compared to other agricultural land use, since C‐sequestration potential in soils of Miscanthus crops is high due to, e.g., high amounts of harvest residues. This may indirectly contribute to a reduction of atmospheric CO2 concentration. The objective of the present work was to investigate the development of soil organic carbon and Miscanthus‐derived C contents, as well as to estimate carbon stocks in soils cultivated with Miscanthus using 13C‐natural‐abundance technique. The investigations were carried out in relation to soil depth up to 150 cm in a sequence of 2, 5, and 16 y of cultivation relative to a reference soil cultivated with cereals. Amounts of total organic C (TOC) and Miscanthus‐derived C (Miscanthus‐C) increased with increasing duration of cultivation. For example, TOC increased from 12.8 to 21.3 g C kg–1 after 16 y of cultivation at the depth of 0–15 cm, whereby the portion of Miscanthus‐C reached 5.8 g C kg–1. Also within deeper soil layers down to 60 cm depth a significant enhancement of Miscanthus‐C was detectable even though TOC contents were not significantly enhanced. At soil depth below 60 cm, no significant differences between treatments were found for Miscanthus‐C. Within 16 y of continuous commercial farming, Miscanthus stands accumulated a total of 17.7 Mg C ha–1 derived from Miscanthus residues (C4‐C), which is equivalent to 1.1 Mg C4‐C ha–1 y–1. The annual surplus might function as CO2 credit within a greenhouse‐gas balance. Moreover, the beneficial properties of Miscanthus cultivation combined with a low requirement on fertilization may justify the status of Miscanthus as a sustainable low‐input bioenergy crop.  相似文献   

喀斯特峰丛洼地土壤有机碳和氮素空间变异特征   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
本项试验在喀斯特典型峰丛洼地选择3个生态功能区,运用经典统计学和地统计学方法研究了土壤有机碳、全氮及碳氮比的空间变异特征。结果表明,随着生态系统由人工林(Ⅰ)次生林(Ⅱ) 原生林(Ⅲ)顺向演替,土壤有机碳、全氮和碳氮比平均值均呈现增加趋势,变异系数均在10.40%~80.94%之间,存在中等强度的变异性。人工林和原生林的土壤有机碳和全氮及人工林的碳氮比的块金值/基台值均<25%,具有强烈的空间相关性;原生林碳氮比和次生林的3个土壤性质指标的块金值/基台值在32.6%~41.7%之间,具有中等的空间相关性;人工林各指标的变程明显大于次生林和原始林。Kriging插值结果表明,3个区域内有机碳和全氮的空间分布均具有显著的相似性,碳氮比变化则较不规则;人工林和原生林土壤有机碳、全氮含量呈片状平缓变化分布,次生林土壤有机碳、全氮含量及碳氮比呈支离破碎的斑块状分布。高度异质性的小生境决定了土壤有机碳、全氮和碳氮比的空间结构和格局,而受重度人类活动干扰的人工林和未受干扰的原生林空间异质性较次生林降低。  相似文献   

Mid‐infrared spectroscopy (MIRS) is assumed to be superior to near‐infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) for the prediction of soil constituents, but its usefulness is still not sufficiently explored. The objective of this study was to evaluate the ability of MIRS to predict the chemical and biological properties of organic matter in soils and litter. Reflectance spectra of the mid‐infrared region including part of the near‐infrared region (7000–400 cm–1) were recorded for 56 soil and litter samples from agricultural and forest sites. Spectra were used to predict general and biological characteristics of the samples as well as the C composition which was measured by 13C CPMAS‐NMR spectroscopy. A partial least‐square method and cross‐validation were used to develop equations for the different constituents over selected spectra ranges after several mathematical treatments of the spectra. Mid‐infrared spectroscopy predicted well the C : N ratio: the modeling efficiency EF was 0.95, the regression coefficient (a) of a linear regression (measured against predicted values) was 1.0, and the correlation coefficient (r) was 0.98. Satisfactorily (EF ≥ 0.70, 0.8 ≤ a ≤ 1.2, r ≥ 0.80) assessed were the contents of C, N, and lignin, the production of dissolved organic carbon, and the contents of carbonyl C, aromatic C, O‐alkyl C, and alkyl C. However, the N mineralization rate, the microbial biomass and the alkyl–to–aromatic C ratio were predicted less satisfactorily (EF < 0.70). Limiting the sample set to mineral soils did generally not result in improved predictions. The good and satisfactory predictions reported above indicate a marked usefulness of MIRS in the assessment of chemical characteristics of soils and litter, but the accuracies of the MIRS predictions in the diffuse‐reflectance mode were generally not superior to those of NIRS.  相似文献   

以连续进行12年的保护性耕作长期定位试验为研究对象,探索了传统耕作(T)、传统耕作+秸秆还田(TS)、免耕不覆盖(NT)、免耕+秸秆覆盖(NTS)4种耕作措施对陇中黄土高原旱作农田豌豆-小麦双序列轮作系统的土壤团聚体中有机碳和全氮分布特征的影响。结果表明:各处理均以≥0.25 mm团聚体为优势团聚体,且≥0.25 mm团聚体含量随土层深度增加而增加,而其他粒径团聚体含量随土层深度的变化并无明显规律。较之T处理,TS、NT、NTS处理均可提升≥0.25 mm团聚体含量和平均重量直径,NTS处理提升效果最明显。TS、NT、NTS处理土壤有机碳和全氮含量均高于T处理,其中TS、NTS处理显著高于T处理,NTS处理高于TS处理;各处理土壤有机碳和全氮含量均随土层增加而减小。较之T处理,NT、TS、NTS处理可不同程度提高各粒径团聚体中有机碳和全氮含量,NTS处理的含量最高;各粒径团聚体中有机碳和全氮含量均随土层深度增加而减小;同时,团聚体中有机碳和全氮含量随粒径减小而增加。2~5 mm和0.25~2 mm和≥5 mm团聚体含量与相应粒径团聚体有机碳含量呈极显著正相关、极显著正相关和极显著负相关;0.25~2 mm和≥5 mm团聚体含量与相应级别团聚体全氮含量分别呈极显著正相关和显著负相关。T处理不同粒径团聚体有机碳和全氮贡献率按其大小排序均为(0.25 mm)(≥5 mm)(0.25~2 mm)(2~5 mm),其他3种耕作措施各粒径团聚体有机碳和全氮贡献率在各土层中的排序各有不同,并无明显规律。  相似文献   

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