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Lily symptomless virus (LSV) was purified by clarification with chloroform, precipitation with polyethylene glycol and NaCl, and differential centrifugation. The influence of the source material and some buffers on virus yields were determined.Antisera were prepared against intact and pyrrolidine degraded LSV. It was concluded that intact and degraded LSV have very few antigenic determinants in common or none at all. The sensitivities of the micro-precipitin test and the single immunodiffusion drop test were about the same, but lower than that of electron microscopy.In the testing of lilies for LSV the most reliable results in leaves were obtained during the period from two weeks after flowering until close to the end of the growing season, and in leaves growing at a level about one-fourth of the distance from the top of the stem. In contrast to secondary infections, primary infections were detected more successfully in stored bulbs than in leaves taken from plants in the preceding growing season.In the testing of tulips, LSV was detected better in flowers than in leaves. Detection of primary infections was almost impossible. Except for those with a pink flower, experimentally infected tulips remained symptomless.Samenvatting Het symptoomloos lelievirus (LSV) were gezuiverd door klaring met chloroform, precipitatie met polyethyleenglycol en NaCl en differentieel centrifugeren. Het effect van het uitgangsmateriaal en enkele buffers op de virusopbrengst werd nagegaan.Antisera werden bereid tegen intact en met pyrrolidine afgebroken LSV. Geconcludeerd were dat intact en afgebroken LSV geen of slechts enkele antigene determinanten gemeenschappelijk hebben.De gevoeligheid van de microprecipitatietoets en de enkele immuno-diffusiedruppeltoets is ongeveer gelijk. Met het elektronenmicroscoop kunnen echter lagere virusconcentraties worden aangetoond.Het toetsen van lelies op LSV gaf de betrouwbaarste resultaten met bladeren die op ongeveer driekwart hoogte van de stengel groeien en in de periode tussen 2 weken na de bloei en vrijwel het einde van het groeiseizoen worden geplukt. Primaire infecties konden, in tegenstelling tot secundaire infecties, beter worden vastgesteld aan bolmateriaal tijdens de bewaring dan aan bladeren in het voorafgaande groeiseizoen.Bij het toetsen van tulpen werd het LSV met grotere zekerheid vastgesteld in bloemen dan in bladeren. Het vaststellen van primaire infecties was bijna niet mogelijk. Na infectie van tulpen met LSV vertoonden alleen die met een rose bloemkleur symptomen.  相似文献   

湖南省食用百合生长期鳞茎腐烂病的病原鉴定   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
 龙牙百合为湖南省邵阳市的特色经济作物之一,随着栽培面积不断扩大,其病害发生日趋严重,尤其在田间生长后期鳞茎易出现褐变、腐烂、植株枯死等症状,严重影响百合生长,已成为遏制龙牙百合生产的重要因素之一。  相似文献   

Several pathovars of Pseudomonas syringae produce the phytotoxin coronatine (COR)in vitro, and the availability of purified toxin has facilitated development of immunological detection methods. A modified, indirect competitive ELISA using the COR-specific monoclonal antibody 11B8 was developed to detect COR in various host plants infected by P. syringae. The estimated detection limit for COR was 50 pg per well, and COR could be reliably quantified from 5 to 40 ng ml−1. The subcellular localization of COR within infected tomato tissue was investigated using the COR-specific antibody MAb 8H3G2. Immunofluorescence microscopy and immunogold labelling showed that COR was present inside tomato cells and was associated with chloroplasts and particles of proteinase inhibitor I. Localization studies indicated that COR is mobile in infected plant tissue and can be detected in healthy tissue adjacent to the bacterial lesions.  相似文献   

Various modifications of the tissue-blot immunoassay (TBIA) for the detection of barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV, luteovirus) were compared. Similar results were obtained by using three different labelled molecules; goat anti-rabbit antibodies conjugated to alkaline phosphatase, protein A conjugated with alkaline phosphatase and goat anti-rabbit antibodies conjugated with colloidal gold. Blocking the nitrocellulose membrane with polyvinyl alcohol for 1 min was effective and allowed the procedure to be shortened by one hour. TBIA was sensitive enough to detect BYDV in old dry tissue wich had been soaked in water for 1 h.BYDV was monitored by TBIA in wheat, oat and barley after inoculation at heading, flowering and grain filling growth stages. The later the inoculation date, the greater the chance of detecting the virus in stem bases rather than in the upper part of the stem. The later the inoculation the less virus moved, from the inoculated tiller to other tillers of the same plant.  相似文献   

Using ELISA to determine whether cowpea mild mottle virus (CMMV) was present in soybean and groundnut seeds, the virus was not detected in 4144 seeds harvested from seven CMMV-infected soybean genotypes and in 214 seeds collected from CMMV-infected groundnut plants (cv. Gajah). These results, together with those of other researchers, suggest that, under the conditions tested, CMMV is not transmitted by seed. This in contrast to what is generally accepted and published in reviews.  相似文献   

大田旱作条件下,研究了氮磷钾不同施肥配比对兰州百合产量、品质和养分吸收的影响。结果表明,PK和NK处理比对照CK增产3.2%和7.0%,NP处理比对照CK减产2.6%,化肥种类对兰州百合产量的影响顺序为钾肥>氮肥>磷肥。NPK处理较对照CK增产36.1%(P<0.05)。兰州百合为喜钾作物,适量施用钾肥可以提高其产量、总糖和粗淀粉含量。  相似文献   

Prospects of durability of resistance in lily to basal rot have been evaluated by testing the virulence and aggressiveness of 31 isolates ofFusarium oxysporum f. sp.lilii towards a number of different resistance sources inLilium spp. Isolates differed strongly in aggressiveness as did species and cultivars ofLilium spp. in resistance. Significant interactions were observed between isolates of the pathogen and genotypes ofLilium spp., but the magnitude was very small compared to the main effects. The interactions were mainly due to a small group of isolates with low aggressiveness. It is argued that the interactions might be based on minor genes. No major break down of the resistance was found. For practical purposes it will be sufficient to use highly aggressive isolates in screening tests.  相似文献   

为建立可靠、灵敏且高效的地被菊中菊花B病毒(Chrysanthemum virus B,CVB)的检测方法,利用特异性CVB基因引物,通过RT-PCR技术进行了特异性、重复性和灵敏度测试,最终利用优化的RT-PCR体系对地被菊植株感染CVB病毒情况进行了检测。结果显示,以染病地被菊植株的总RNA为模板扩增出的特异性片段编码211个氨基酸,与基因数据库中其它来源的CVB基因外壳蛋白同源性为96%~99%,可确定为菊花B病毒外壳蛋白基因;重复性和灵敏度检测中均获得了清晰的目标条带,且1 ng的总RNA即可扩增出特异性片段;对7个地被菊品种共32个植株的检测中,CVB的检出率为56.2%,检测的准确率为68.75%。表明建立的地被菊CVB基因的RT-PCR检测体系可有效用于地被菊植株感染病毒情况的鉴定。  相似文献   

为明确引起甘肃省兰州百合主产区百合枯萎病的致病镰孢菌种类,对从百合主产区枯萎病罹病植株上分离纯化的4株镰孢菌株进行形态学鉴定、分子生物学鉴定以及致病性测定,同时利用电子显微镜对尖孢镰孢菌Fusarium oxysporum侵入百合鳞片后的细胞超微结构进行观察。结果表明:4株镰孢菌菌株经鉴定分别为尖孢镰孢菌、茄病镰孢菌F. solani、三线镰孢菌F. tricinctum和燕麦镰孢菌F. avenaceum。4株镰孢菌菌株的致病力由强到弱的顺序依次是尖孢镰孢菌、燕麦镰孢菌、茄病镰孢菌、三线镰孢菌;尖孢镰孢菌侵入后,鳞片细胞壁、细胞质膜和细胞核结构被破坏,细胞核附近出现大量线粒体,细胞中淀粉粒数量减少。表明尖孢镰孢菌是兰州百合枯萎病防治的重点防控对象。  相似文献   

Considerable losses in pepper production by Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) have been reported worldwide. In breeding programs, an assay for resistance that accurately estimates field occurrence of TSWV during pepper production is critical because the virus is vector transmitted. Here, we establish an assay system of TSWV-resistant Capsicum spp. using insect-mediated inoculation within an acrylic chamber in which environmental conditions such as temperature, light intensity, and nutrient supply are controlled. This chamber enables transmission of TSWV from viruliferous plants to plants used in the resistance assay with Frankliniella occidentalis safely, quickly, and precisely.  相似文献   

The aim of these studies is to develop a method for early detection ofRigidopoms lignosus (Basidiomycete, Polyporaceae), the causative agent of white root disease of rubber tree. Two polyclonal sera were produced against soluble mycelial proteins of twoR. lignosus isolates, one from Africa (FCI2), the other from Asia (FID2). The specificity of the antisera was tested using isoelectric focusing (IEF)/Western-blot and DAS-ELISA. The two sera recognized all 20R. lignosus isolates from various geographical origins. The banding patterns obtained by Western-blot enabled a distinction to be made between isolates from Africa and those from Asia. In DAS-ELISA and Western-blot analyses, strong cross reactions were observed withR. ulmarius. Only slight reactions were observed in Western-blot analysis toR. lineatus andP. noxius, both causative agents of root rot inHevea. These cross reactions were not observed under our DAS-ELISA analysis conditions. Finally, no cross reactions were obtained with 9 otherPolyporaceae orHevea root pathogen species. The sensitivity threshold of the DAS-ELISA method was 5 ng ml–1 ofR. lignosus protein. An initial approach to using the DAS-ELISA test for the detection ofR. lignosus in infected plants was carried out on artificially inoculated root samples. The DAS-ELISA protocol enabled detection ofR. lignosus in the root systems of diseased plants. Moreover, no cross reaction was observed with healthy plant extracts.  相似文献   

The mechanisms of suppression of fusarium wilt of carnation by two fluorescentPseudomonas strains were studied.Treatments of carnation roots withPseudomonas sp. WCS417r significantly reduced fusarium wilt caused byFusarium oxysporum f. sp.dianthi (Fod). Mutants of WCS417r defective in siderophore biosynthesis (sid) were less effective in disease suppression compared with their wild-type. Treatments of carnation roots withPseudomonas putida WCS358r tended to reduce fusarium wilt, whereas a sid mutant of WCS358 did not.Inhibition of conidial germination of Fod in vitro by purified siderophores (pseudobactins) of bothPseudomonas strains was based on competition for iron. The ferrated pseudobactins inhibited germination significantly less than the unferrated pseudobactins. Inhibition of mycelial growth of Fod by bothPseudomonas strains on agar plates was also based on competition for iron: with increasing iron content of the medium, inhibition of Fod by thePseudomonas strains decreased. The sid mutant of WCS358 did not inhibit Fod on agar plates, whereas the sid mutants of WCS417r still did. This suggests that inhibition of Fod by WCS358r in vitro was only based on siderophore-mediated competition for iron, whereas also a non-siderophore antifungal factor was involved in the inhibition of Fod by strain WCS417r.The ability of thePseudomonas strains to induce resistance against Fod in carnation grown in soil was studied by spatially separating the bacteria (on the roots) and the pathogen (in the stem). Both WCS417r and its sid mutant reduced disease incidence significantly in the moderately resistant carnation cultivar Pallas, WCS358r did not.It is concluded that the effective and consistent suppression of fusarium wilt of carnation by strain WCS417r involves multiple mechanisms: induced resistance, siderophore-mediated competition for iron and possibly antibiosis. The less effective suppression of fusarium wilt by WCS358r only depends on siderophore-mediated competition for iron.  相似文献   

我国玉米灰斑病菌遗传多样性的ISSR分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
为明确我国发生的玉米灰斑病菌地理差异及遗传结构,利用简单序列重复区间(ISSR)对玉米灰斑病菌遗传多样性进行了分析,并利用尾孢菌特异引物对分离自四川、云南、湖北、贵州等西南地区的16个玉米灰斑病菌菌株进行了分子鉴定。结果显示,通过ISSR标记筛选出10个扩增多态性好且稳定的通用引物,共扩增出81条DNA条带,均为多态性条带,扩增片段大小在200~2 000 bp之间,菌株遗传相似系数为0.19~1.00。在遗传相似系数为0.19时,供试菌株被聚为2大类群,来自西南地区和东北地区的菌株各自聚为一组,在DNA水平上表现出明显差异,认为是2类不同的致病类群。分子鉴定结果显示引起西南各地区玉米灰斑病的主要致病菌均为玉米尾孢菌Cercospora zeina。表明我国玉米灰斑病菌存在丰富的遗传多样性,ISSR标记可揭示出玉米灰斑病菌株间的亲缘关系及遗传差异性,可用于其遗传多样性研究。  相似文献   

A virus isolated from lettuce (Lactuca sativa), endive (Cichorium endivia), witloof chicory (C. intybus), and spinach (Spinacia oleracea), and from some weeds was shown to be beet western yellows virus (BWYV) by its host range, particle morphology and serology. It resembled previously described European isolates but differed from American strains in its inability to infectBeta vulgaris, Brassica pekinensis andRaphanus sativus. The most useful host for routine indexing wasCrambe abyssinica. Virus particles in purified preparations stained with uranyl acetate were isometric, ca. 27 nm in diameter. Purified virus reacted with antiserum to an American strain of BWYV in infectivity neutralization gel diffusion and serologically specific electron-microscopy tests.The field reaction to BWYV of cultivars of lettuce, otherLactuca species and someCichorium species was investigated and differences in symptom expression were observed. On the basis of observations during two seasons BWYV appeared to be widely distributed but seemed of minor economic importance to lettuce growing. It may be a potentially important pathogen of endive and chicory.Samenvatting Reeds gedurende enkele jaren trekt in Nederland een vergelingsziekte van sla (Fig. 1 en 2) de aandacht. In 1977 en 1978 werd de ziekte nader bestudeerd en ook waargenomen in andijvie, witlof (Fig. 3) en spinazie. Uit zieke planten van deze vier gewassen en uit de onkruiden herderstasje en kruiskruid, groeiend in de buurt van de zieke sla, kon doorMyzus persicae op persistente wijze een virus worden overgebracht. Het werd op grond van zijn waardplantenreeks (Tabel 1), deeltjesmorfologie (Fig. 4A) en serologie (Fig. 4B) herkend als het in de USA beschreven beet western yellows virus (BWYV).Het Nederlandse virus komt overeen met in andere landen gerapporteerde Europese isolaten van het virus, maar verschilt van Amerikaanse doordat het niet in staat is om biet, chinese kool en radijs te infecteren. Daarom is voor het virus door Bos en Ashby (1978) de Nederlandse naam slavergelingsvirus ingevoerd. De meest geschikte indicatorplant voor routinetoetsing isCramble abyssinica (Tabel 2). De reactie van herderstasje varieert al naar individu van nagenoeg letaal tot vrijwel symptoomloos (Fig. 5).In gedeeltelijk gezuiverde preparaten bleken de deeltjes bolvormig te zijn en ca. 27 nm in diameter (Fig. 4A). Zulke preparaten reageerden met antiserum tegen een Amerikaanse stam van het virus (BWYV) in toetsen die gebruik maken van infectieneutralisering, gel-diffusie en serologisch-speciefieke elektronenmikroskopie. Bij laatstgenoemde techniek werd een fraaie deeltjesklontering waargenomen (Fig. 4B), die ontbrak na incubatie van gezuiverd virus met een antiserum tegen het niet verwante kersebladrolvirus (Fig. 4C).Bij veldwaarneming in 1977 van 20 slarassen, waarbij tot 60% van de planten van één ras werden aangetast, bleken twee rassen niet of weinig vatbaar (Tabel 3). Bij inoculatie in de kas bleken ze echter volledig vatbaar. In 1978 werd een aantal soorten en rassen vanCichorium enLactuca blootgesteld aan natuurlijke en aan kunstmatige infectie. BehalveC. intybus Groenlof IVT waren allen vatbaar, ookL. sativa Gallega de Invierno,L. serriola enL. virosa.Het virus lijkt algemeen voor te komen. Meestal is de infectiegraad niet hoog. Vanwege de lange incubatieduur in sla is het virus in dat gewas bij de hier toegepaste teeltwijze waarschijnlijk van geringe betekenis. Het lijkt echter een potentieel belangrijk pathogeen voor andijvie en witlof.Guest research worker, Plant Diseases Division, DSIR, Private Bag, Christchurch, New Zealand, with financial assistance from the International Agricultural Centre, Wageningen, and Ministry of Education and Science, The Hague.  相似文献   

This paper presents preliminary results on attempts to extract and characterize the volatile secondary metabolites contained in needles of differentPinus species and to ascertain the role played by these substances on the behavior ofThaumetopoea pityocampa (Denis et Schiffermüller) females, which show a marked preference, during the oviposition period, for some indigenous and exotic species of host plants existing in mixed formation. Limonene is the most abundant monoterpene extracted fromP. pinea needles, the least favored species of pine processionary caterpillar (PPC) females, although it is present in only very low amounts in otherPinus species. An increase was observed in limonene production byP. pinea at the start of the flight period of the PPC adult, and subsequently at the beginning of the females’ oviposition period. Assays carried out in two pine stands in central Italy showed that limonene, emulsified with water and sprayed on foliage of four different pine species plants,P. sylvestris, P. nigra, P. pinaster andP. radiata, during the PPC oviposition period, provided a satisfactory degree of protection. In fact, the number of egg clusters collected from treated plants was often lower than the number of egg clusters collected from control plants and was comparable to the number of egg clusters laid onP. pinea plants. In particular (R)-(+)-limonene, although not produced in nature by pines, was the most effective deterrent. However, the effect of (S)-(-)-limonene, the enantiomer biosynthesized by pines, was also adequate.  相似文献   

Twenty tomato (Solanum lycopersicon) cultivars were screened for resistance against bacterial spot disease incited byXanthomonas axonopodis pv.vesicatoria under field conditions with and without pathogen infection. Screening was done by artificially inoculating aX. axonopodis pv.vesicatoria suspension to 4-week-old tomato seedlings and observing them for typical symptoms of the disease. Seedlings were categorized into highly resistant, resistant, susceptible and highly susceptible cultivars on the basis of disease incidence. Tomato cultivars were screened for defense-related enzymes, total phenols and lignin contents. The temporal patterns of all these enzymes were estimated with a moderately susceptible tomato cultivar. Native PAGE analysis of both peroxidase (POX) and polyphenol oxidase (PPO) was carried out for the time course of enzyme activities and also by selecting three different tomato cultivars, following infection with the pathogen. Based on the inducible amounts of these enzymes upon pathogen infection, the tomato cultivars were correlated with the disease incidence under field conditions. A significant (P≤0.05) correlation was observed between the degree of host resistance and the enzyme levels. In highly resistant tomato cultivars the enzyme levels, total phenols and lignin contents were increased in comparison with highly susceptible tomato cultivars. Isoform analysis of POX and PPO enzymes indicated a clear difference between resistant and susceptible tomato cultivars in the number of isoforms and also in the intensity of each isoform in the presence of pathogen infection. The possible regulation of defense-related enzymes in imparting host resistance is discussed. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting March 11, 2008.  相似文献   

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