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为了研究鸮形目鸟类放射状羽毛构成的特殊面盘的微观形态,利用其面部羽毛微观形态进行物种鉴定,试验采用扫描电镜观察褐林鸮、长耳鸮、雕鸮、斑头鸺鹠、黄腿渔鸮、草鸮和红角鸮7种鸮形目鸟类面部羽毛的显微结构,同时测量鸮形目面部羽毛羽枝间距,利用单因素方差分析对测量数据进行研究。结果表明:鸮形目7种鸟类面部羽毛在显微形态上存在较大差异,除了褐林鸮与长耳鸮、黄腿渔鸮与斑头鸺鹠的面部羽毛羽枝间距差异不显著外(P0.05),其他不同物种间面部羽毛羽枝间距差异极显著(P0.01),可以用于区分鸮形目鸟类的不同物种。  相似文献   

我国科学家发现了一种世界上迄今为止最原始的反鸟,这种命名为“原羽鸟”的鸟类具有一种我们前所未知的羽毛类型,为科学家对鸟类羽毛的早期演化研究提供了非常重要的依据。羽毛一直被认为是鸟类所特有的结构,它把鸟类从所有其它脊椎动物区分开来。但是人们对鸟类羽毛的起源问题知之甚少,在该问题的一个基本认识就是“鸟类羽毛与爬行动物的鳞片同源”或“羽毛起源于爬行动物的鳞片”。近年来在我国热河生物群发现的带“毛”的恐龙化石,使鸟类的羽毛起源问题成为国际古生物学研究的一个热点。  相似文献   

利用线粒体DNA细胞色素c氧化酶亚基Ⅰ基因(COⅠ)和16S核糖体RNA(16S rRNA)基因鉴定某公安机关查获的1件鸟类残体所属物种。结果表明:鸟类残体样本的COⅠ、 16S rRNA基因片段与白枕鹤(Antigone vipio)对应的序列相似度均不低于98.98%,遗传距离分别为0.001~0.007和0。基于这2个基因片段构建系统发育树,显示鸟类残体样本与白枕鹤均聚为一支,鉴定该鸟类残体属白枕鹤所有。得到的COⅠ和16S rRNA基因片段可作为鉴定鹤科(Gruidae)鸟类的分子标记。  相似文献   

鹦鹉是雌雄单态的鸟类之一,从外观上难以直接对它们的性别做出判断。鹦鹉以其靓丽的羽毛以及能够模仿人类语言等特点,被大多数人欣赏和爱护,因而经常被人们作为宠物饲养。鹦鹉性别鉴定,尤其是幼鸟时期的性别鉴定意义重大,是开展鹦鹉育种、濒危鹦鹉物种保护工作以及进化研究的基础。总结了目前鹦鹉性别鉴定的常用技术与方法,在立足于雌雄鸟类自身激素分泌不同的基础之上,为鹦鹉性别鉴定方法提出了新的构想,旨在为鹦鹉性别鉴定以及育种工作提供新的思路。  相似文献   

新华社北京10月10日电(记者吴晶晶)热河鸟是一种原始性仅次于始祖鸟的鸟类,是恐龙向鸟类演化的一种重要过渡类型。科学家最新研究发现,热河鸟具有奇特的“双尾羽”构造,此前从未在其他鸟类或带羽毛的恐龙中发现过,对于研究早期鸟类飞行和鸟类羽毛的早期演化过程十分关键。  相似文献   

为了预防和控制鸟撞事件频繁发生,保证飞行安全,作者采用了样线法对咸阳国际机场及周边的鸟类进行了为期1a的调查。结果表明,咸阳及周边地区共有鸟类152种,其中留鸟57种,占总数的37.5%;夏候鸟23种,占总数的15.1%;冬候鸟30种,占总数的19.7%;旅鸟42种,占总数的27.7%。优势种较少,种类包括麻雀、家燕和灰椋鸟,其中燕科鸟类撞机事件的发生率最高。本文就燕科鸟类撞机事件发生规律加以分析并进一步根据具体情况从生态学角度提出了鸟撞灾害生态防治的对策。  相似文献   

鸟类的躯体为适应空中飞翔,略近梭状,前方尖形,全身羽毛都生向后方,体表特别光滑;飞翔时两翅为桨,尾为舵,两脚缩起或者伸在尾下,身体重心在翅膀下面,所以十分稳定。外部形态鸟的身体表面密被羽毛。羽毛在鸟体上有一定的分布区。羽毛着生的部分叫羽区,没有羽毛的部分叫裸区。羽毛这种着生方式,有利于剧烈的飞翔运动,腹部的裸区,还与孵卵有密切关系,如孵卵期间的雌鸟,腹羽脱落为孵卵斑。鸟类全身所被羽毛可分为正羽、绒羽和纤羽三种。  相似文献   

正研究人员发现鸟类制造红色色素机制。在鸟类的世界里,红色具有特殊意义。许多物种的喙、羽毛或裸露的皮肤上有红色,以吸引伴侣或阻止对手。一般而言,颜色越红越好。近日,两个研究小组分别鉴定出一种酶编码基因,能帮助一些鸟儿将食物中的黄色色素变为红色。该研究成果发表于《当代生物学》。"为了制造红色羽毛,鸟类将黄色色素(类胡萝卜素)转换成红色颜料,然后将这些颜料沉积Miguel Carneiro  相似文献   

鸟类年龄鉴定对环志工作有重要意义,若能正确地鉴定捕捉后放环鸟的年令,可探讨幼鸟和成鸟迁徙季节或路线的不同,幼鸟和成鸟的比例,寿命和生命表等规律,会使鸟类环志研究更深入一步。  相似文献   

刚地弓形虫(Toxoplasma gondii)是一种可寄生于包括鸟类在内的多种宿主、引起人兽共患弓形虫病的原虫.本文就鸟弓形虫病的发现、临床症状、血清学诊断、鸟弓形虫病人工感染模型的建立进行了概述,特别是对近年来基于PCR技术而发展起来的分子生物学技术在其基因型鉴定上的应用作了介绍.表明鸟类自然感染弓形虫病在世界范围内呈流行趋势,值得我们重视.  相似文献   

Isolation of genomic DNA from feathers.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The use of feathers in veterinary clinical practice simplifies the sampling of avian genomic DNA, especially when blood extraction is difficult because of the age or the size of the bird. A rapid and accurate protocol was used to isolate high-quality genomic DNA from feathers. The technique includes a lysis step of the feather quill, which differs in temperature and time of incubation depending on the feather size. Purification of genomic DNA is performed with phenol: chloroform: isoamyl alcohol extraction and ethanol precipitation. This protocol consistently provided significant amounts of high-quality genomic DNA from more than 800 birds belonging to 120 different species. Genomic DNA isolated with this method was used for Southern blotting and also in several polymerase chain reaction systems devoted to sex determination and paternity testing.  相似文献   

1. Poaching of peacocks, the national bird of India, is illegal. People kill this beautiful pheasant bird for tail feathers and mix the meat with chicken or turkey. Differentiation of the meat of these species is essential in order to address the ambiguity about the origin of the sample. 2. The present study was carried out to investigate the use of polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) of mitochondrial 12S rRNA gene for identification of these species. 3. Peacock mitochondrial 12S rRNA partial gene was amplified using universal primers, cloned and characterised. It was found to be 446 nucleotides long. 4. Sequence analysis revealed 86.8 and 84.1% similarity with reported turkey and chicken sequences, respectively. Sequence and phylogenetic analysis showed that the peacock is much closer to the turkey than the chicken. 5. PCR-RFLP of 446 bp amplicon using commonly available restriction enzymes AluI and Sau3AI produced a differential pattern for identifying these poultry species unambiguously.  相似文献   


Four species of Kiwi are recognized, one in the North Island and three in the South Island. The North Island species is referred to simply as the North Island Kiwi (Apteryx mantelli).The feathers are black about the shaft and fade into reddish brown. The “coat” of the bird is harsh to the touch. Its southern equivalent is known as the South Island Kiwi (Apteryx australis) and is slightly larger and rather greyer than the North Island bird. The feathers are soft. A little smaller than the North Island Kiwi is the Large Grey or Large Spotted Kiwi (Apteryx haasti),whilst the smallest of this group is the Little Grey or Little Spotted Kiwi (Apteryx oweni).  相似文献   

Accurate individual identification is required to estimate survival rates in avian populations. For endangered species, non‐invasive methods of obtaining individual identification, such as using molted feathers as a source of DNA for microsatellite markers, are preferred because of less disturbance, easy sample preparation and high efficiency. With the availability of many avian genomes, a few pipelines isolating genome‐wide microsatellites have been published, but it is still a challenge to isolate microsatellites from the reference genome efficiently. Here, we have developed an integrated tool comprising a bioinformatic pipeline and experimental procedures for microsatellite isolation and validation based on the reference genome. We have identified over 95 000 microsatellite loci and established a system comprising 10 highly polymorphic markers (PIC value: 0.49–0.93, mean: 0.79) for an endangered species, saker falcon (Falco cherrug). These markers (except 1) were successfully amplified in 126 molted feathers, exhibiting high amplification success rates (83.9–99.7%), high quality index (0.90–0.97) and low allelic dropout rates (1–9.5%). To further assess the efficiency of this marker system in a population study, we identified individual sakers using these molted feathers (adult) and 146 plucked feathers (offspring). The use of parent and offspring samples enabled us to infer the genotype of missing samples (N = 28), and all adult genotypes were used to ascertain that breeding turnover is a useful proxy for survival estimation in sakers. Our study presents a cost‐effective tool for microsatellite isolation based on publicly available reference genomes and demonstrates the power of this tool in estimating key parameters of avian population dynamics.  相似文献   

Feather abnormalities and skin lesions caused by a papovavirus infection in budgerigars are described. Diseased one to 15 day old birds displayed a lack of nestling down feathers and filoplumes on the head and neck. Survivors older than 15 days exhibited retarded growth and temporary absence of feathers variable from bird to bird. Several birds between 15 and 25 days of age had flight feathers with total absence or marked sparseness of the vanes. After 25 days, feathers began to grow, although the tail and/or some flight feathers of some of the birds remained underdeveloped or absent for several weeks. Several of these affected birds were unable to fly and are called “runners”

Microscopic lesions in the feather follicles of the affected birds less than 15 days of age, were characterized by focal, multifocal or diffuse ballooning degeneration in the lateral and axial plate cells of the barb ridges with the presence of large basophilic or amphophilic intranuclear inclusions in the same cells. Focal areas of ballooning degeneration with intranuclear inclusions were also found in the epidermis. Clinical observations made on these birds are compared with those reported in the literature for French molt.


Recent discoveries of feathered dinosaurs from Early Cretaceous deposits in Liaoning, China, have not only lent strongest support for the dinosaurian hypothesis of bird origins, but have also provided much‐needed information about the origins of feathers and avian flight. Preliminary analysis of character evolution suggests that the major avian osteological characters were acquired during the early evolution of maniraptoran dinosaurs. The available evidence also suggests that the first feathers with a filamentous morphology probably evolved in basal coelurosaurs and pennaceous feathers (including those with aerodynamic features) were developed in non‐avian maniraptorans, indicating that feathers evolved before the origin of birds and their flight. An evolutionary model is proposed here to describe the major stages of feather evolution, a process characterized by a combination of both transformational and innovative modifications. This model is different from some recent developmental models, which suggest that feathers are evolutionary novelties without a homologous relationship to reptilian scales. Although non‐avian theropods are traditionally regarded as distinctly cursorial animals, recent discoveries suggest that the closest relatives of birds might be arboreal theropods. Many bird features, such as the furcula and pennaceous feathers, evolved in a terrestrial context, whereas others, such as some pedal modifications, may have evolved in an arboreal context. Consequently, arboreality may have also contributed to the origin of avian flight.  相似文献   

1. This study investigated whether feather damage due to feather pecking and bird behaviour were influenced by plumage colour in Oakham Blue laying hens (black, white, grey colour variants). The reflectance properties of feathers and spectral composition of light environments experienced by the hens were also examined. 2. Nine hundred and seventy-nine birds were inspected and scored for feather damage; 10.5 h of video recordings were examined to record feather pecking and bird behaviour. Feathers and light environments were measured using a USB-2000 spectrometer and DH-2000-CAL-DTH lamp. 3. Oakham Blue birds with white plumage had less feather damage due to feather pecking than black or grey birds. There was more severe feather pecking in the mornings than in the afternoon. White birds feather pecked severely more than black or grey birds, although there were no other behavioural differences between plumage colours. 4. White feathers reflected at a higher intensity than black or grey feathers. However, black and grey feather spectra were relatively flat and the contribution of UV wavelengths to plumage reflection was proportionally greater than that for white feathers. 5. Light intensity inside a poultry house was 100 x (UW/cm2/nm) less than on the range and there was low or no UV reflectance. Under the dim, artificial lights inside a poultry house, Oakham Blue hens with black and grey feathers may be less visible to conspecifics than white birds because their plumage reflects at a lower intensity. Furthermore, the lack of available UV light inside vs. outside and the higher contribution of UV reflectance to black and grey plumage may make black and grey birds appear more different inside the house than white birds. It is possible that this novel/unusual appearance may make black or grey Oakham Blue hens more susceptible to feather pecking.  相似文献   

Eight 1-yr-old common pintails (Anas acuta acuta) and one 2-yr-old white-faced whistling duck (Dendrocygna viduata) were presented for the persistence of primary flight feathers 1 yr after pinioning. The birds were housed outdoors in an open enclosure necessitating flight prevention. The birds were placed under general anesthesia, and a diode laser was used to ablate the primary feather follicles of the previously pinioned wing. Swelling was the most common side effect seen in seven out of nine treated birds. Other side effects included ulceration, hyperemia, edema, and serosanguinous discharge. All side effects were resolved by 12 wk postprocedure. Laser feather follicle ablation was successful in 28 of 40 (70%) of the treated common pintail feathers, and flight was not observed 7 mo following the procedure in any of these birds. Feather follicle ablation was successful in two of six (33%) of the treated white-faced whistling duck feathers, and the bird in question was observed flying 5 mo after the procedure. Primary feather follicle ablation with a diode laser was a successful method of flight prevention in common pintails but was not effective for a white-faced whistling duck.  相似文献   

Knowledge of what pest species are eating is important to determine their impact on stored food products and to plan management strategies accordingly. In this study, we investigated the food habits of 2 rodents, Rattus rattus (ship rat) and Mus musculus castaneus (house mouse) as well as an insectivore, Suncus murinus (shrew), present in human dwellings. Both a microhistological approach and a DNA barcoding approach were used in the present study. Following DNA extraction, amplification was performed using group‐specific primers targeting birds, plants and invertebrates. Resulting polymerase chain reaction products were sequenced and analyzed to identify the different prey species present in the gut contents. The findings from the application of both techniques were in agreement, but the detection of prey type with each technique was different. The DNA barcoding approach gave greater species‐level identification when compared to the microhistological method, especially for the invertebrate and avian prey. Overall, with both techniques, 23 prey taxa were identified in the gut contents of the 3 species, including 15 plants, 7 insects and a single bird species. We conclude that with a selection of suitable “barcode genes” and optimization of polymerase chain reaction protocols, DNA barcoding can provide more accurate and faster results. Prey detection from either technique alone can bias the dietary information. Hence, combining prey information of both microhistological analysis and DNA barcoding is recommended to study pest diet, especially if the pest is an omnivore or insectivore species.  相似文献   

褐马鸡是中国特有的国家Ⅰ级保护濒危鸟类,为了解决野生褐马鸡分子生物学研究中存在的取样局限性,采用非伤害性取样和非损伤性取样,对褐马鸡微量血液、皮、脚垫、指甲、羽毛、陈旧标本的皮以及粪便的DNA提取进行了初步研究。结果表明,从褐马鸡微量血液(10μL)中可以提取到浓度和纯度高的基因组DNA(41.85μg);从褐马鸡的皮、脚垫、指甲、羽毛中可以提取出基因组DNA并扩增出目标片断;陈旧标本的皮能够提取到基因组DNA。该研究将拓宽褐马鸡分子生物学研究的采样范围,并可以提高野外非损伤性取样在保护遗传学中的应用。  相似文献   

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