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Phenol oxidase, peroxidase and organic matter dynamics of soil   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Extracellular enzymes mediate the degradation, transformation and mineralization of soil organic matter. The activity of cellulases, phosphatases and other hydrolases has received extensive study and in many cases stoichiometric relationships and responses to disturbances are well established. In contrast, phenol oxidase and peroxidase activities, which are often uncorrelated with hydrolase activities, have been measured in only a small subset of soil enzyme studies. These enzymes are expressed for a variety of purposes including ontogeny, defense and the acquisition of carbon and nitrogen. Through excretion or lysis, these enzymes enter the environment where their aggegrate activity mediates key ecosystem functions of lignin degradation, humification, carbon mineralization and dissolved organic carbon export. Phenol oxidases and peroxidases are less stable in the environment than extracellular hydrolases, especially when associated with organic particles. Activities are also affected, positively and negatively, by interaction with mineral surfaces. High spatiotemporal variation obscures their relationships with environmental variables and ecological process. Across ecosystems, phenol oxidase and peroxidase activities generally increase with soil pH, a finding not predicted from the pH optima of purified enzymes. Activities associated with plant litter and particulate organic matter often correlate with decomposition rates and potential activities generally increase with the lignin and secondary compound content of the material. At the ecosystem scale, nitrogen amendment alters the expression of phenol oxidase and peroxidase enzymes more broadly than culture studies imply and these responses correlate with positive and negative changes in litter decomposition rates and soil organic matter content. At the global scale, N amendment of basidiomycete-dominated soils of temperate and boreal forest ecoystems often leads to losses of oxidative enzyme activity, while activities in grassland soils dominated by glomeromycota and ascomycetes show little net response. Land use that leads to loss of soil organic matter tends to increase oxidative activities. Across ecosystems, soil organic matter content is not correlated with mean potential phenol oxidase and peroxidase activities. A multiple regression model that includes soil pH, mean annual temperature, mean annual precipitation and potential phenol oxidase activity accounts for 37% of the variation in soil organic matter (SOM) content across ecosystems (n = 63); a similar model for peroxidase activity describes 32% of SOM variance (n = 43). Analysis of residual variation suggest that suites of interacting factors create both positive and negative feedbacks on soil organic matter storage. Soils with high oxygen availability, pH and mineral activity tend to be substrate limited: high in situ oxidative activities limit soil organic matter accumulation. Soils with opposing characteristics are activity limited: low in situ oxidative activities promote soil organic matter storage.  相似文献   

Leaf litters from beech (Fagus orientalis Lipsky.) and oak (Quercus robur L.), and needle litters from fir (Abies nordmanniana Spach.) and pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) trees were collected from north-facing site and south-facing site and at three slope positions (top, middle and bottom) on each aspect that varied in soil chemical characteristics (soil pH, cation exchange capacity and base saturation). The litters were analysed for initial total carbon, nitrogen, acid detergent fibre, lignin and cellulose concentrations. Nitrogen, acid detergent fibre and lignin concentrations and carbon:nitrogen and lignin:nitrogen ratios varied significantly within and between species according to soil chemical characteristics on aspects and slope positions. Litter decomposition was studied in the field using the litterbag technique. The litters were placed on two aspects and at three slopes on each aspect in October 2001, and were sampled every 6-month for 2 years. The main effects of aspect, species and slope position on decomposition rates were all statistically significant. Oak leaf litter showed highest decomposition rates, followed by pine, fir and beech litter, and the litters placed on north-facing site decomposed faster than those on the south-facing site. The litters placed at the top slope position decomposed slower than at those at either the bottom or middle positions. Initial lignin concentrations explained most of the variation in decomposition rates between species, and within species for the aspects and the slope positions, but the explained variance showed differences between aspects and slope positions. This result illustrates the important point that litter quality may define the potential rates of microbial decomposition but these are significantly influenced by the biotic and abiotic environment in which decomposition takes place.  相似文献   

Leaf litters from beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) and oak (Quercus robur L.) trees were collected from mixed, deciduous woodlands growing on three soil types that varied in mineral nutrient concentrations and N mineralisation potential. Litter quality, including %N, %Mn, %P, acid detergent fibre, cellulose, Klason lignin, phenylpropanoid constituents of lignin, hexose and pentose sugar (mainly from hemicelluloses) varied within species according to soil type. However, oak and beech showed the opposite responses to soil nutrient status for most of these variables. The litters were incubated in the laboratory for 12 months (at 18 °C and constant moisture) on beds of forest floor material from two soils of contrasting high nutrient material (HNM) or low nutrient material (LNM) nutrient status to investigate litter quality and substrate interactions. At 4, 8 and 12 months there were significant differences in mass losses from oak and beech litters from all sites, and for each litter type exposed to the HNM and LMN soils. At 12 months mean mass losses were higher for HNM treatment (38.7% oak, 27.8% beech) than for the LNM treatment (30.6% oak, 25.5% beech). However, the beech and oak litters from the different sites consistently responded in opposite ways on the same soil treatment reflecting site-related effects on litter quality. Initial concentration of Klason lignin was the best predictor for mass losses from litter species and litter types. Intra-specific variation in rates of litter decomposition of beech and oak litters from different sites, and differences in their interactions with the two forest floor materials, illustrate the complexities of proximate controls on decomposition that are often masked in system-level studies.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of the terrestrial isopod Armadillidium vulgare on organic matter decomposition and stabilization in a long-term (65-week) laboratory experiment. We quantified the microbial activity in leaf litter (Acer pseudoplatanus) which did not come into contact with isopods, in A. vulgare feces produced from the same litter, and in unconsumed leftover of this litter. Freshly fallen leaf litter and up to 3 day old feces and leftover of litter were used. All materials were air dried immediately after collection and rewetted 1 day before use. Simultaneously, we measured how microbial activity in litter and feces are affected by fluctuations in humidity and temperature and by the addition of easily decomposed substances (starch and glucose).Microbial respiration was lower in feces than in litter or unconsumed leaf fragments. At the same time, moisture and temperature fluctuations and addition of glucose or starch increased respiration much more in litter than in feces. The results indicate that the processing of litter by A. vulgare reduces microbial respiration and reduces the sensitivity of microbial respiration to environmental fluctuations. 13C NMR spectra from feces indicated preferential loss of polysaccharide-carbon and accumulation of lignin with some modification to the aromatic-carbon. TMAH-Py-GC MS showed that lignin content was higher in feces than in litter and that lignin quality differed between the two substrates. Guaiacyl units were depleted in the feces, which indicated breakdown of guaiacyl associated with gut passage. As a conclusion, the results suggest that this common isopod greatly affects leaf litter decomposition. Decomposition of isopod feces in a long-term experiment is lower than litter decomposition which may support stabilization of organic matter in soil. This is caused mainly due to higher content of aromatic carbon in feces, which may cause its considerable resistance to bacterial degradation.  相似文献   

Climate warming is projected to increase the frequency and severity of wildfires in boreal forests, and increased wildfire activity may alter the large soil carbon (C) stocks in boreal forests. Changes in boreal soil C stocks that result from increased wildfire activity will be regulated in part by the response of microbial decomposition to fire, but post-fire changes in microbial decomposition are poorly understood. Here, we investigate the response of microbial decomposition to a boreal forest fire in interior Alaska and test the mechanisms that control post-fire changes in microbial decomposition. We used a reciprocal transplant between a recently burned boreal forest stand and a late successional boreal forest stand to test how post-fire changes in abiotic conditions, soil organic matter (SOM) composition, and soil microbial communities influence microbial decomposition. We found that SOM decomposing at the burned site lost 30.9% less mass over two years than SOM decomposing at the unburned site, indicating that post-fire changes in abiotic conditions suppress microbial decomposition. Our results suggest that moisture availability is one abiotic factor that constrains microbial decomposition in recently burned forests. In addition, we observed that burned SOM decomposed more slowly than unburned SOM, but the exact nature of SOM changes in the recently burned stand are unclear. Finally, we found no evidence that post-fire changes in soil microbial community composition significantly affect decomposition. Taken together, our study has demonstrated that boreal forest fires can suppress microbial decomposition due to post-fire changes in abiotic factors and the composition of SOM. Models that predict the consequences of increased wildfires for C storage in boreal forests may increase their predictive power by incorporating the observed negative response of microbial decomposition to boreal wildfires.  相似文献   

 Enhanced UV radiation did not show any effect on the decomposition of a mixed litter of the dune grassland plant species Calamagrostis epigeios and Carex arenaria. Also, leaching of nutrients from lysimeters filled with dune grassland soils was not affected by enhanced UV radiation. Negative UV effects on the fungal biomass in the first part of the experiment were later reversed into positive ones. Clear effects of both UV-A and UV-B were found on Collembola, both on total number of individuals and on the number of species. The decreased number of species under UV radiation could have been due to a decrease in UV-sensitive species. The role of pigmentation is discussed. Received: 6 July 1999  相似文献   

In a sustainable agriculture farming systems experiment, soils managed under organic farming practices had greater microbial abundance and activity, and higher numbers of bacterial-feeding nematodes during crop growth, than those managed under conventional farming practices. We tested rates of organic matter decomposition in the two soils and monitored the abundance and activity of soil biota during the decomposition process. Differences in soil biology between soils from organic and conventional farming systems did not persist when soils were amended with organic matter and maintained under similar conditions. Microbial communities in soil from the conventional system were sufficient and active enough to respond to organic inputs. There were minimal differences in the ability of the microbial communities of the two soils to decompose organic residues. However, when soils were removed from the field at different times, cover crop decomposition rates were more consistent in the organic soils, suggesting a greater abundance and diversity of the microbial community in those soils. Microbial activity was most suppressed when field soils were dry but responded to organic matter amendment very rapidly when favorable moisture contents were restored. The pattern of microbial activity in both organic and conventional soils following organic matter incorporation consisted of a 100 h activity phase and then a gradual decline to a relatively constant stasis phase.  相似文献   

Controversial conclusions from different studies suggest that the decomposition of old soil organic matter (SOM) is either more, less, or equally temperature sensitive compared to the younger SOM. Based on chemical kinetic theory, the decomposition of more recalcitrant materials should be more temperature sensitive, unless environmental factors limit decomposition. Here, we show results for boreal upland forest soils supporting this hypothesis. We detected differences in the temperature sensitivity 1) between soil layers varying in their decomposition stage and SOM quality, and 2) inside the layers during a 495 day laboratory incubation. Temperature sensitivity increased with increasing soil depth and decreasing SOM quality. In the organic layers, temperature sensitivity of decomposition increased during the early part of a 495 day laboratory incubation, after respiration rate and SOM quality had notably decreased. This indicates that decomposition of recalcitrant compounds was more temperature sensitive than that of the labile ones. Our results imply that Q10 values for total heterotrophic soil respiration determined from short-term laboratory incubations can either underestimate or overestimate the temperature sensitivity of SOM decomposition, depending on soil layer, initial labile carbon content and temperature range used for the measurements. Using Q10 values that ignore these factors in global climate models provides erroneous estimates on the effects of climate change on soil carbon storage.  相似文献   

We examined the influence of elevated UV-B radiation on the extractability of carbohydrates from leaf litter of Quercus robur. Saplings were exposed to a 30% elevation above the ambient level of erythemally weighted UV-B (280-315 nm) radiation for eight months at an outdoor facility. UV-B radiation was applied under arrays of fluorescent lamps filtered with cellulose diacetate, which transmitted both UV-B and UV-A (315-400 nm) radiation. Saplings were also exposed to elevated UV-A radiation under arrays of polyester-filtered lamps and to ambient radiation under arrays of non-energised lamps. Abscised leaves were collected, ground and sequentially treated with seven solvents in order to fractionate extractable carbohydrates based on the way in which they are held in the cell wall. Elevated UV-B radiation reduced the extractability of carbohydrates from cell walls of Q. robur. Sodium phosphate buffer at pH 7 extracted 10% less total carbohydrate from leaf material exposed during growth to elevated UV-B radiation under cellulose diacetate-filtered lamps than from leaf material grown under polyester-filtered and non-energised lamps. The cumulative amount of carbohydrate released by sequential extraction with phosphate buffer, CDTA, urea and sodium carbonate was between 5.1% and 7.8% lower from leaf material grown under cellulose diacetate-filtered lamps relative to that from leaves grown under non-energised lamps. Abscised leaves were also digested with Driselase, an enzyme mixture extracted from a basidiomycete fungus. No effects of elevated UV radiation were recorded on the amount of carbohydrate released by Driselase digestion. Regression analyses, using data from a previous field decomposition study, suggested that reduced availability of carbohydrates enhanced the colonisation of Q. robur litter by basidiomycete fungi, which then accelerated the decomposition rate of the litter in soil. We recommend that future studies into the effects of UV-B radiation on plant litter decomposition measure not only the concentrations of chemical constituents of litter, but also determine the availability of litter carbon sources to soil microbes, using methods similar to those used here.  相似文献   

水分状况对红壤水稻土中有机物料碳分解和分布的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以室内模拟的方法研究了好气、淹水和干湿交替3种水分条件下有机物料碳在红壤水稻土中分解和分布的差异。试验结果表明,干湿交替条件下有机物料的分解速率最高,好气条件下次之,淹水条件下较低。好气和淹水条件下添加物料促进土壤原有有机碳的矿化,产生正激发效应,而干湿交替条件显著抑制了土壤原有有机碳的矿化,呈负激发效应,随着培养时间的延长激发效应减弱。干湿交替条件下添加有机物料处理的土壤胡敏酸(Humic acid,HA)色调系数和E4/E6比值显著低于淹水和好气条件,淹水培养使土壤胡敏酸的结构简单化,干湿交替使胡敏酸芳构化和腐殖化程度增加,结构复杂化。有机物料碳在土壤腐殖质组分中的分配比例显示,干湿交替和好气条件促进了胡敏酸的形成,提高了土壤原有富里酸(Fulvic acid,FA)组分的转化和胡敏酸组分的分解;淹水条件下物料碳在富里酸组分中分布比例较高,且抑制了土壤原有胡敏酸组分的分解。有机物料碳在0.053 mm粒级团聚体中分布比例较大,干湿交替和淹水条件下更为明显。  相似文献   


Effects of soil freeze-thaw cycles on soil microbial biomass were examined using 8 soil samples collected from various locations, including 4 arable land sites and 2 forest sites in temperate regions and 2 arable land sites in tropical regions. The amounts of soil microbial biomass C and N, determined by the chloroform fumigation and extraction method, significantly decreased by 6 to 40% following four successive soil freeze-thaw cycles (- 13 and 4°C at 12 h-intervals) compared with the unfrozen control (kept at 4°C during the same period of time as that of the freeze-thaw cycles). In other words, it was suggested that 60 to 94% of the soil microorganisms might survive following the successive freeze-thaw cycles. Canonical correlation analysis revealed a significantly positive correlation between the rate of microbial survival and organic matter content of soil (r = 0.948*). Correlation analysis showed that the microbial survival rate was also positively correlated with the pore-space whose size ranged from 9.5 to 6.0 μm (capillary-equivalent-diameter; r = 0.995**), pH(KCI) values (r = 0.925**), EC values (r = 0.855*), and pH (H2O) values (r = 0.778*), respectively. These results suggested that the soil physicochemical properties regulating the amount of unfrozen water in soil may affect the rate of microbial survival following the soil freeze-thaw cycles. The potential of organic matter decomposition of the soils was examined to estimate the effects of the soil freeze-thaw cycles on the soil processes associated with the soil microbial communities. The soil freeze-thaw cycles led to significant 6% increase in chitin decomposition and 7% decrease in rice straw decomposition (p < 0.05), suggesting that the partial sterilization associated with the soil freeze-thaw cycles might disturb the soil microbial functions.  相似文献   

To clarify how litter decomposition processes affect soil dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and soil dissolved nitrogen (DN) dynamics, we conducted a field experiment on leaf litter and collected DOC and DN from the underlying soil in a tropical rainforest in Xishuangbanna, southwest China. Principal components analysis (PCA) showed the first PCA axis (corresponding to degraded litter quantity and quality) explained 61.3% and 71.2% of variation in DOC and DN concentrations, respectively. Stepwise linear regression analysis indicated that litter carbon mass controlled DOC and hemicellulose mass controlled DN concentrations. Litter decomposition was the predominant factor controlling surface-soil DOC and DN dynamics in this tropical rainforest.  相似文献   

Summary Winter wheat grown on a clay soil was subjected to one of four treatments. The control was not irrigated; the drought treatment had screens to divert rainwater; the irrigation and irrigation/fertilization treatments were irrigated using a drip-tube system with liquid fertilizer (200 kg N ha-1 year-1) applied daily in the irrigation/fertilization treatment according to predicted plant uptake. All other treatments also received 200 kg N, but as a single application of bag fertilizer. Soil temperature was monitored. Soil moisture was measured using gravimetric samplings and a capacitance method. Litter bags with barley straw were buried at 10 cm depth in the spring and sampled repeatedly during the growing season. Decomposition rates were calculated assuming exponential decay and that water-soluble components were immediately decomposed or leached from the litter bags. Rates were highly dependent on soil moisture, and the constants ranged from 0.11% day-1 in the drought treatment to 0.55% day-1 in the irrigation/fertilization treatment. A simulation model with driving variables based on Q 10 temperature dependence and a log/linear relationship between soil water tension and activity was fitted to the data. The control and drought treatments showed high climate-corrected decomposition constants. The high values were attributed to low and erratic mass loss due to drought, and to low precision in the conversions from water content to tension in the dry range. The irrigated treatments showed good fits, and there was little or no difference in decomposition rates between the two irrigated treatments. The N dynamics of the straw differed considerably between treatments, and the ranking of plots in terms of net immobilization in the straw was control>irrigation/fertilization>irrigation>drought.  相似文献   

We studied the occurrence of nonadditive effects of litter mixtures on the decomposition (the deviation of decomposition rate of litter mixtures from the expected values based on the arithmetic means of individual litter types) of litters from three plant species (i.e., Stipa krylovii Roshev., Artemisia frigida Willd., and Allium bidentatum Fisch. ex Prokh. & Ikonn.-Gal.) endemic to the grassland ecosystems of Inner Mongolia, northern China and the possible role of initial litter N and P on such effects. We mixed litters of the same plant species that differed in N and P concentrations (four gradients for each species) in litterbags and measured mass losses of these paired mixtures after 30 and 80 days under field conditions. We found the occurrence of positive, nonadditive effects of litter mixtures and showed that the magnitude of the nonadditive effects were related to the relative difference in the initial litter N and P concentrations of the paired litters.  相似文献   

Biochar addition to soil has been generally associated with crop yield increases observed in some soils, and increased nutrient availability is one of the mechanisms proposed. Any impact of biochar on soil organisms can potentially translate to changes in nutrient availability and crop productivity, possibly explaining some of the beneficial and detrimental yield effects reported in literature. Therefore, the main aim of this study was to assess the medium-term impact of biochar addition on microbial and faunal activities in a temperate soil cropped to corn and the consequences for their main functions, litter decomposition and mineralization. Biochar was added to a corn field at rates of 0, 3, 12, 30 tons ha−1 three years prior to this study, in comparison to an annual application of 1 t ha−1.Biochar application increased microbial abundance, which nearly doubled at the highest addition rate, while mesofauna activity, and litter decomposition facilitated by mesofauna were not increased significantly but were positively influenced by biochar addition when these responses were modeled, and in the last case directly and positively associated to the higher microbial abundance. In addition, in short-term laboratory experiments after the addition of litter, biochar presence increased NO2 + NO3 mineralization, and decreased that of SO4 and Cl. However, those nutrient effects were not shown to be of concern at the field scale, where only some significant increases in SOC, pH, Cl and PO4 were observed.Therefore, no negative impacts in the soil biota activities and functions assessed were observed for the tested alkaline biochar after three years of the application, although this trend needs to be verified for other soil and biochar types.  相似文献   

Recent studies have concluded that the dynamics of soil structure are central to the understanding of soil organic matter (SOM) cycling and the ensuing soil‐water–nutrient relationships. Aggregate turnover directly controls the stabilization and physical protection of SOM. Therefore, quantifying aggregate dynamics will improve our ability to predict SOM behaviour as affected by ecosystem management and global change. We present an approach to directly quantify aggregate dynamics using rare‐earth oxides as tracers. A 6‐week laboratory incubation was set up to measure aggregate dynamics at different times. We made samples in which each different aggregate size‐fraction contained a different tracer. By following the redistribution of these tracers into the other aggregate size‐fractions, we could quantify all soil mass transfers between aggregate size‐fractions. A comparison with a control soil showed that the tracer did not affect soil respiration or the aggregation process itself. Tracer mixing homogeneity, recovery and immobility were tested and validated. While initially macroaggregate formation occurred rapidly, microaggregate formation occurred more slowly during the experiment. Subsequent aggregate stabilization was more pronounced for the newly formed microaggregates than for the newly formed macroaggregates. Calculated turnover times were smaller for macroaggregates than for microaggregates (i.e. 30 vs. 88 days). Further research is needed to investigate to what extent these results can be extrapolated to the field. Our results confirmed existing qualitative views and concepts on aggregate dynamics in a quantitative way and will be valuable in directly linking aggregate turnover to the stabilization and protection of SOM.  相似文献   

The effects of soil mesofauna and different farming systems on decomposition of clover (Trifolium repens) litter were investigated in a laboratory experiment. Microcosms were incubated for 16 weeks with fine and coarse litterbags in soils from three types of management systems: fallow, integrated farming and organic farming, the latter two cropped with wheat. The effects were studied by analysing litter mass loss, C and N content, DOC, nitrate and pH in soil leachate, and CO2 production, as well as mesofauna. Mesofauna significantly accelerated mass loss and C and N release from clover litter in all three soils. With mesofauna access, at the end of the experiment average clover mass loss was almost twice as high and clover C and N content were 60% lower than without mesofauna. Farming systems influenced the decomposition through affecting both element turnover and mesofauna. Although in the first weeks less N was leached from organic farming than from integrated farming soil, cumulative N leaching did not differ between these soils. However, more than 20% less N was leached from the fallow soil than from the field soils. CO2 production was highest in fallow soil. Here, mesofauna had no effect on this variable. In soil with integrated farming, mesofauna reduced cumulative CO2 production by 10% whereas in soil from organic farming it increased CO2 production by 20%. Our data suggest that differences in C and N turnover in different management systems are strongly mediated by soil mesofauna.  相似文献   

试验研究温度与土壤水分对有机碳分解速率的影响,结果表明:相同水分条件下,培育初期(1~20d)各处理CO2排放速率较高,相对值表现为35℃处理>25℃处理>15℃处理>5℃处理;随培育时间延长(>20d),CO2排放速率渐趋平稳。相同温度条件下,30%~90%田间持水量时培育初期(1~20d)各处理CO2排放速率初始值较高,之后降低,当趋于某一定值时,相对值大小随土壤水分含量增加而增加。相同温度与土壤水分条件下,CO2排放速率相对值大小随土壤有机碳含量增加而增加。  相似文献   

Herbivores can indirectly affect ecosystem productivity and processes such as nutrient cycling and decomposition by altering the quantity and quality of resource inputs into the decomposer subsystem. Here, we tested how browsing by red deer impacts on the decomposition of, and nutrient loss from, birch leaf litter (Betula pubescens), and tested whether effects of browsing on these measures were direct, via alteration of the quality of leaf litter, or indirect through long term impacts of deer browsing on soil biological properties. This was tested in a microcosm experiment using soil and litter taken from inside and outside three individual fenced exclosures located at Creag Meagaidh National Nature Reserve, Scotland. We found that litter of un-browsed trees decomposed faster than that from browsed trees, irrespective of whether soil was sourced from inside or outside exclosures. These findings suggest that effects of browsing on litter quality, rather than on soil biological properties, are the key determinant of enhanced decomposition in un-browsed areas of this ecosystem. Despite this, we found no consistent impact of browsing on litter C:N, a key indicator of litter quality; however, the rate of litter decomposition was linearly and negatively related to litter C:N when analysed across all the sites, indicating that this measure, in part, contributed to variation in rates of decomposition in this ecosystem. Our findings indicate that herbivores impact negatively on rates of decomposition in this ecosystem, ultimately retarding nutrient cycling rates, and that these effects are, in part, related to changes in litter quality.  相似文献   

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