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The relationships among strains of Pseudomonas syringae pv. glycinea (Psg) and Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola (Psp) isolated from kudzu ( Pueraria lobata) and bean ( Phaseolus vulgaris) were investigated. All strains tested showed a close phenotypic similarity, with the exception of the utilization of inositol and mannitol as well as the production of toxins. On this basis the strains could be divided into three groups. Group 1 consists of all strains of pathovar glycinea, group 2 includes all Psp strains isolated from kudzu, and all Psp strains isolated from bean belong to group 3. This grouping was also reflected in the genetic fingerprints using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with primers that anneal to dispersed repetitive bacterial sequences (rep-PCR). The rep-PCR generated fingerprints were unique for each of the three groups. The strains of group 2, Psp strains isolated from kudzu, possess certain characteristics of group 1 (ethylene production) and group 2 (phaseolotoxin production). The Psp strains from kudzu can be clearly differentiated from Psp strains isolated from bean. They utilize mannitol, produce ethylene, and are strongly pathogenic to kudzu, bean, and soybean. The results obtained show that the Psp strains from kudzu should be separated from the pathovar phaseolicola and should represent their own pathovar.  相似文献   

上海地区大豆细菌性疫病发生危害与防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大豆细菌性疫病又称大豆细菌性斑点病[Pseu-domonas syringaepv.glycinea(Coerper)Young,Dye&Wilkie],是我国和世界大豆产区主要病害,导致大豆产量损失和品质下降。据报道,在适宜发病条件下此病可使大豆减产18%~22%,一般减产20%左右,最高达50%以上。近年来,随着上海地区菜用大豆种植面积的不断扩大,发生了大豆细菌性疫病。为防治该病进行了田间流行调查和发生特点观测。1病害发生情况2002~2004年,对上海郊区的大豆种植地进行了调查,根据大豆细菌性疫病危害程度进行病级标准划分。0级:无症;1级:复叶上有1~5个病斑;2级:复叶上有6~10个病斑;3…  相似文献   

Twenty-eight strains of Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae isolated in 1984, 1987 and 1988 from kiwifruit orchards in Japan were tested for their resistance to copper sulfate. All strains isolated in 1984 were copper sensitive with a minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of cupric sulfate of 0.75 mM. However, some strains isolated in 1987 and 1988 were resistant, with the MIC ranging from 2.25 to 3.0 mM. All copper-resistant strains contained at least one of two plasmids, pPaCul (about 70.5 kb) or pPaCu2 (about 280 kb), or both. In a copper-resistant strain Pa429, the location of the copper-resistance gene(s) was examined by insertional inactivation with Tn5. The MIC of copper sulfate in the copper-sensitive mutant obtained by Tn5 tagging decreased from 2.75 to 0.75 mM. The 14.5 kb BamHI fragment, designated pPaCuB14, containing the same locus mutagenized with Tn5 was cloned from pPaCu1. However, pPaCuB14 did not confer copper resistance in the transformant of copper-sensitive strain Pa21R, suggesting that this clone did not contain a full set of copper-resistance gene(s). Then a cosmid library of pPaCu1 was constructed and six cosmid clones hybridized with pPaCuB14 were selected. One of the six cosmids, designated pPaCuC1, conferred a near wild-type level of copper resistance in the transformant of the copper-sensitive strain. pPaCuC1 had a homologous region that hybridized with all of the PCR-amplifled fragments of copA, copB, copR, and copS genes of P. syringae pv. tomato. DNA sequence analysis of the homologous region revealed the existence of four open reading frames (ORF A, B, R and S) oriented in the same direction. The predicted amino acid sequences of ORF A, B, R and S had 80, 70, 97 and 95% identity with CopA, B, R and S of P. syringae pv. tomato, respectively. Received 5 July 2001/ Accepted in revised form 27 September 2001  相似文献   

通过选择性培养基的筛选,利用菜豆萎蔫毒素基因序列扩增引物和菜豆萎蔫毒素基因缺失菌株独有的ORF6序列的扩增引物,采用双重PCR技术实现了菜豆晕疫病菌的快速检测。  相似文献   

In a survey of the major stonefruit nurseries in Victoria during winter 1978 and 1979, Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae , the causal organism of bacterial canker, was found to be present on most of the stonefruit material in all nurseries but was detected most frequently on apricot.
The epiphytic populations of P.s. pv. syringae on leaves, buds and shoots of apricot and cherry were assessed periodically between 1979 and 1983 by determining the proportion of trees bearing the bacterium or by counting numbers of bacteria. Populations consistently reached peak levels during spring and late autumn, with highest levels in spring. Populations were lowest during mid- to late summer. High proportions of tree contamination and high populations coincided with periods when maximum temperatures ranged from 19° to 25°C, and when rainfall was moderately high. The significance of these findings in the light of information from other studies on the seasonal variability of host susceptibility, and in relation to chemical control, is discussed.
There was no evidence of occurrence of P.s. pv. morsprunorum in Victoria.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Strains of Pseudomonas syringae (78 strains and 43 pathovars) and other strains (79) of plant and insect origin were examined for the presence of the ethylene-forming enzyme gene (efe) by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay. The sequence of the efe gene of P. syringae pv. phaseolicola PK2 was used to design two primer sets for amplification of the gene. In addition to P.syringae pv. phaseolicola (the "kudzu strain") and P.syringae pv. glycinea, which were efficient ethylene producers, several strains of P.syringae pvs. sesami and cannabina generated PCR products of the predicted size. A DNA probe of the efe gene, isolated from strain PK2, hybridized to these PCR products, indicating homology to the P.syringae pv. phaseolicola efe gene. PCR restriction fragment length polymorphism analyses suggested that these four pathovars harbor a similar efe gene. Furthermore, the probe hybridized to an indigenous plasmid of P.syringae pv. cannabina, suggesting that the efe gene could be located on a plasmid in this pathovar, but did not hybridize to plas-mids of P.syringae pv. sesami strains. P.syringae pvs. sesami and cannabina strains produced ethylene in King's medium B at levels similar to those of P.syringae pvs. phaseolicola and glycinea. Thus, two new ethylene-producing bacteria were detected by the PCR assay.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae (Psa) is responsible for bacterial canker of kiwifruit. Biovar 3 of Psa (Psa3) has been causing widespread damage to yellow‐ and green‐fleshed kiwifruit (Actinidia spp.) cultivars in all the major kiwifruit‐producing countries in the world. In some areas, including New Zealand, P. syringae pv. actinidifoliorum (Pfm), another bacterial pathogen of kiwifruit, was initially classified as a low virulence biovar of Psa. Ability to rapidly distinguish between these pathovars is vital to the management of bacterial canker. Whole genome sequencing (WGS) data were used to develop PCR assays to specifically detect Psa3 and Pfm from field‐collected material without the need to culture bacteria. Genomic data from 36 strains of Psa, Pfm or related isolates enabled identification of areas of genomic variation suitable for primer design. The developed assays were tested on 147 non‐target bacterial species including strains likely to be found in kiwifruit orchards. A number of assays did not proceed because although they were able to discriminate between the different Psa biovars and Pfm, they also produced amplicons from other unrelated bacteria. This could have resulted in false positives from environmental samples, and demonstrates the care that is required when applying assays devised for pure cultures to field‐collected samples. The strategy described here for developing assays for distinguishing strains of closely related pathogens could be applied to other diseases with characteristics similar to Psa.  相似文献   

Polyclonal antibodies were produced against sonicated and heat-killed cells of Pseudomonas syringae pv. pisi strain UQM551 and Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae strain L, and their specificities were compared. Evidence is presented that the serological specificity between these two pathovars lies in surface antigens. Of the surface antigens purified and tested, only flagella and lipopolysaccharide from the cell wall showed no cross-reactivity with heterologous antisera. Antisera to glutaraldehyde-fixed flagella of the two strains showed a high level of specificity. At a species or genus level, antisera prepared from heat-killed cells of P. syringae distinguished this species from all other bacterial species and genera tested, including strains of Pseudomonas fluorescens, Escherichia coli, Agrobacterium and Rhizobium.  相似文献   

Conditions were established for inducing pear blossom blast caused by Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae on both attached and detached shoots. The incidence of blossom blast was proportional to the logarithm of the P.s. pv. syringae population under optimal temperature, moisture, and bloom developmental stage. Highest incidence of blossom infection followed occurrence of a major exotherm (an increase in temperature caused by the heat of fusion from ice formation within blossom tissue) in the presence of P. s. pv. syringae. The exotherm was detected inside ovary tissue at temperatures ranging from –1.8 to –3.5 C. Wetness duration following the thawing process was less important than wetness during and immediately after the freeze event. Blossoms inoculated, then air-dried or removed from low-temperature treatment prior to occurrence of an exotherm, had a low incidence of infection, The full bloom stage of blossom development was more susceptible to blossom blast than either the open cluster or tight cluster stages of development.  相似文献   

Molecular sequencing (rpoB) and standard pathological and microbiological methods identified Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae (Pss) as the causal agent of bacterial inflorescence rot of grapevines (Vitis vinifera) in three vineyards in Tumbarumba, NSW, Australia in 2006 and 2007. Pss strains from shrivelled berries and necrotic inflorescences of diseased grapevines were used to inoculate leaves and inflorescences of potted cv. Semillon grapevines. Pss caused disease symptoms similar to those experienced in the field, including angular leaf lesions, longitudinal lesions in shoot tissues and rotting of inflorescences from before flowering until shortly after fruit set. High humidity promoted symptom severity. The necrotic bunch stem and leaf lesions were susceptible to the development of Botrytis cinerea infections. Cryo‐scanning electron microscopy (cryoSEM) indicated that Pss entered leaves and inflorescence tissues via distorted, open, raised stomata surrounded by folds of tissue that appeared as ‘star‐shaped’ callose‐rich complexes when viewed by UV light microscopy. In necrotic tissues, cryoSEM revealed Pss within petiole parenchyma cells and air‐filled rachis xylem vessels. This is the first report of inflorescence and hence fruit loss caused by Pss in grapevines. The disease is described as ‘bacterial inflorescence rot’ and regarded as one that expands the previously reported pathology of grapevines caused by P. syringae. This study also indicated that infection by Pss might promote destructive B. cinerea infections when the fungus is already present but latent, although further experimentation is needed to prove such an interaction.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that flagellin of Pseudomonas syringae pv. tabaci is an elicitor that induces a hypersensitive reaction (HR) in nonhost tomato cells. Flagellin is the major HR elicitor produced by this pathogen, as shown by the inability of a flagellin-defective mutant, ΔfliC, to induce HR. Also, a ΔfliD mutant that secretes large amounts of monomer flagellins induces a strong HR in tomato. In this study, the possible involvement of an Hrp type III secretion system (TTSS) in flagellin-induced HR was investigated using flagella-defective mutants or Hrp TTSS-defective mutants. The hrcC gene encodes HrcC protein, which is required for Hrp pilus formation in the outer membrane. An hrcC mutation, introduced into the wild-type, ΔfliC, and ΔfliD mutants of P. syringae pv. tabaci did not affect swimming motility or flagellin secretion, whereas all ΔhrcC, ΔfliC, and ΔfliD mutants lost the ability to cause disease on host tobacco leaves. However, the ΔhrcC mutant and the ΔfliDhrcC double mutant were still able to induce HR cell death, expression of one of the defense-related genes hsr203J, and the generation of hydrogen peroxide in nonhost tomato cells. Thus, flagellin is required for both pathogenicity in host tobacco and HR in nonhost tomato. On the other hand, hrp TTSS is necessary for pathogenicity on host tobacco but is not indispensable to induce HR in nonhost tomato. These results clearly show that flagellin-induced HR is hrp-independent in tomato.The nucleotide sequence data reported are available in the DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank databases under the accession number AB049570  相似文献   

应用PCR方法快速检测黄瓜细菌性角斑病菌   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄瓜细菌性角斑病是黄瓜上的一种重要细菌病害,其病原为丁香假单胞菌黄瓜致病变种(Pseudomonas syringae pv.lachrymans),目前未见到该病害特异性PCR检测方法的报道。通过分析丁香假单胞菌(P.syringae)不同致病变种glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase 1(gap1)基因序列设计得到一对Psl特异性PCR引物。利用该引物对丁香假单胞菌不同致病变种、假单胞菌属其他种及其他属的共46株菌株进行了PCR扩增,结果表明,所有不同来源的12株黄瓜细菌性角斑病菌均得到179bp的目标片段,而所有其他参试菌株均无扩增条带,PCR检测的灵敏度为7.5×103cfu/mL。利用该方法可从接种后发病的黄瓜叶片总DNA中检测到特异条带,而健康叶片无条带。该引物的PCR检测方法可直接用于植株总DNA的检测,无需进行病原菌的分离培养,快速简便,适用于进出境检验检疫及种苗健康检测等。  相似文献   

All strains tested which are pathogenic to peas and which react with antiserum to Pseudomonas syringae pv. pisi contain two to four plasmids; non-pathogens contain none. Two plasmids from a pathogenic strain were transferred individually to a non-pathogenic recipient strain of Pseudomonas syringae: both plasmids converted the recipient to a pathogen on peas and from hypersensitivity negative to hypersensitivity positive on tobacco. Neither plasmid encoded homoserine catabolism.  相似文献   

Since 2008, bacterial canker of kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa and A. chinensis) caused by Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae (Psa) has resulted in severe economic losses worldwide. Four biovars of Psa can be distinguished based on their biochemical, pathogenicity and molecular characteristics. Using a range of biochemical, molecular and pathogenicity assays, strains collected in France since the beginning of the outbreak in 2010 were found to be genotypically and phenotypically diverse, and to belong to biovar 3 or biovar 4. This is the first time that strains of biovar 4 have been isolated outside New Zealand or Australia. A multilocus sequence analysis based on four housekeeping genes (gapA, gltA, gyrB and rpoD) was performed on 72 strains representative of the French outbreak. All the strains fell into two phylogenetic groups: one clonal corresponding to biovar 3, and the other corresponding to biovar 4. This second phylogenetic group was polymorphic and could be divided into four lineages. A clonal genealogy performed with a coalescent approach did not reveal any common ancestor for the 72 Psa strains. Strains of biovar 4 are substantially different from those of the other biovars: they are less aggressive and cause only leaf spots whereas Psa biovars 1, 2 and 3 also cause canker and shoot die‐back. Because of these pathogenic differences, which were supported by phenotypic, genetic and phylogenetic differences, it is proposed that Psa biovar 4 be renamed Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidifoliorum pv. nov. Strain CFBP 8039 is designated as the pathotype strain.  相似文献   

番茄细菌性斑点病菌无毒基因研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
番茄细菌性斑点病是影响番茄产量和品质的重要病害,Pseudomonas syringaepv.tomato(Pst)为其病原菌,其与番茄的互作系统是研究植物抗感病机理的典型模式系统。Pst存在2种无毒基因:avrPto和avrPtoB,它们编码的蛋白质均能与番茄抗性基因Pto编码的Ser-Thr蛋白激酶互作,符合Flor"基因对基因"学说。AvrPto和AvrPtoB在表达Pto的抗性植物中,与Pto互作,表现无毒功能,引发植物防御反应;而在缺失Pto的感病植物中,它们具有毒性,促进细菌的生长。本文综述了番茄细菌性斑点病菌无毒基因avrPto及avrPtoB的结构特点及其功能,这有助于了解病原物与植物的互作机制,对认识植物的感病性、抗病性以及植物防御反应都具有重要意义。  相似文献   

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