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《EPPO Bulletin》1980,10(1):41-46

大麦黄花叶病的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
 大麦黄花叶病的病状是黄色花叶,有时叶片生短坏死条斑,植株矮缩。寄主仅大麦属(Hordeum spp.)8种。小麦属(Triticum spp.)17种,山羊草属(Aeoilops spp.)11种,黑麦(Secale cereal)和燕麦(Arena sativa)等40种禾本科植物不感染。  相似文献   

在我国首次得到小麦黄矮病毒粒体最清晰的电子显微镜照片。应用崩溃酶酶介感病组织,能够获得较高的病毒量。提纯一次的投入毒源材料量可以比原来减少10~20倍,而在电子显微镜下则能见到较多的病毒粒体。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Barley yellow dwarf virus strain PAV (BYDV-PAV) RNA and the 17-kDa protein were localized in BYDV-PAV-infected oat cells using in situ hybridization and in situ immunolocalization assays, respectively. The in situ hybridization assay showed labeling of filamentous material in the nucleus, cytoplasm, and virus-induced vesicles with both sense and antisense nucleic acid probes, suggesting that the filamentous material found in BYDV-PAV-infected cells contains viral RNA. BYDV-PAV negative-strand RNA was detected before virus particles were observed, which indicates that RNA replication is initiated before synthesis of viral coat protein in the cytoplasm. The 17-kDa protein was associated with filamentous material in the cytoplasm, nucleus, and virus-induced vesicles. The labeling densities observed using antibodies against the 17-kDa protein were similar in the nucleus and cytoplasm. No labeling of the 17-kDa protein was observed in plasmodesmata, but filaments in the nuclear pores occasionally were labeled. Since BYDV-PAV RNA and 17-kDa protein colocalized within infected cells, it is possible that single-stranded viral RNA is always associated with the 17-kDa protein in vivo. The 17-kDa protein may be required for viral nucleic acid filaments to traverse the nuclear membrane or other membrane systems.  相似文献   

玉米粗缩病和水稻黑条矮缩病的发生及防治对策   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文根据玉米粗缩病和水稻黑条矮缩病近几年来的发生特点和为害情况 ,具体阐述这两种病害的发病症状、发生规律、病原生物学、发生影响因素、合理的防治措施 ,为今后更好地识别和防治这两种病害提供了理论基础  相似文献   

Populations of two aphid species from different geographic regions of Morocco were tested for their ability to transmit five barley yellow dwarf virus-PAV (BYDV-PAV) type isolates using Clintland 64 oat as the test plant. Transmission efficiencies were determined for 10 sub-populations of Rhopalosiphum padi and 12 sub-populations of Sitobion avenae. After a short acquisition access period (AAP) of 4h, all populations transmitted the virus but with different efficiencies. R. padi (Rp-S) and S. avenae (Sa-S) collected in the Settat region were the most efficient vectors, with transmission rates of 38% and 27%, respectively. R. padi (Rp-C) collected at Chaouen and S. avenae (Sa-B) at Berkane, were poor transmitters with respective vectoring abilities of 20% and 16%. These four sub-populations were chosen to study the acquisition of BYDV-PAV and the retention of virus within aphids in more detail. The transmission after two AAPs of 4h and 48h were compared. Starved aphids given a 4h AAP had significantly higher transmission efficiencies than non-starved aphids. However, after a 48h AAP, no difference was observed in the transmission between starved and non-starved aphids. Intraspecific variability was also detected by means of serial transfers of individual aphids after the given AAP. Following the first day of serial transfers, no differences were observed in transmission efficiency and virus titers for sub-populations within each species acquiring the virus during 48h, but there was significant variation when the virus was acquired in 4h. The levels of PAV antigen retained by aphids fed on healthy plants declined rapidly during the first day after acquisition, but remained fairly constant during the next 5–7 days depending on the length of the AAP. Virus antigen could be detected by ELISA in Rp-S and Sa-S for up to 11 days of serial transfer, but it was shown that aphids could retain and transmit BYDV-PAV for at least 3 weeks.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Barley yellow dwarf viruses (BYDVs) are the most serious and widespread viruses of oats, barley, and wheat worldwide. Natural resistance is inadequate. Toward overcoming this limitation, we engineered virus-derived transgenic resistance in oat. Oat plants were transformed with the 5' half of the BYDV strain PAV genome, which includes the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase gene. In experiments on T2- and T3-generation plants descended from the same transformation event, all BYDV-inoculated plants containing the transgene showed disease symptoms initially, but recovered, flowered, and produced seed. In contrast, all but one of the BYDV-PAV-inoculated nontransgenic segregants died before reaching 25 cm in height. Although all of the recovered transgenic plants looked similar, the amount of virus and viral RNA ranged from substantial to undetectable levels. Thus, the transgene may act either by restricting virus accumulation or by a novel transgenic tolerance phenomenon. This work demonstrates a strategy for genetically stable transgenic resistance to BYDVs that should apply to all hosts of the virus.  相似文献   

水稻黑条矮缩病和玉米粗缩病都是病毒病害。“两病”的重要感病期平均为营养生长至生殖生长的过渡期,危害盛期也都在生殖生长旺期。受害作物感病愈早,危害愈重。“两病”都能致受害作物矮化,生长畸形,阻碍正常生长,严重影响产量和品质。  相似文献   

Twelve monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) were obtained by immunizing mice with a French isolate (F1) of wheat yellow mosaic virus (WYMV). Three of these (3D12, 2C1, 6C3) belong to the IgM class and the nine others to the IgG class (3D8, 3H1, 2B8, 1F2, 3C10, 4F12, 3H9, 1G5, 54). In antigen-coated plate (ACP) ELISA and indirect double antibody sandwich (IDAS) ELISA, all MAbs recognize the WYMV (F1) both in the form of purified particles and in wheat leaf extract. The analysis of numerous French isolates of WYMV shows a variable reactivity with MAbs 3D8, 3H1, 2B8, 3C10, 3H9 and 1G5 in IDAS — and ACP-ELISA. The Japanese isolate of WYMV and United States isolates of wheat spindle streak mosaic virus (WSSMV) were detected in IDAS- and ACP-ELISA by ten of the MAbs tested showing that the wheat bymoviruses originating from the three locations share a high epitopic homology. French isolates of barley yellow mosaic virus (BaYMV; pathotypes 1 and 2) were only detected in ACP-ELISA with MAbs 6C3, 3D8, 3H1 and 2B8 whereas the two Japanese strains (I-1, II-1) of MaYMV were recognized with these and also with that of 3C10. In IDAS-ELISA, the two Japanese strains were clearly detected by MAbs, 6C3, 3D8, 3H1, 1F2, 3C10 and 1G5 and the British and Belgian (pathotype 2) isolates only by that of 6C3. Only the Japanese strain of BaYMV, 1-1 could be detected with MAb 3H9 in this ELISA system.  相似文献   

新疆植物特有种的地理分布规律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
程芸  袁磊 《干旱区研究》2011,28(5):854-859
通过对新疆82个区划单位的植物特有种现状进行统计分析,结果表明:新疆植物特有种约271种,隶属38科119属。受气候影响,植物特有种的区域分布水热条件较优越的山地丘陵区显著多于荒漠平原区;天山、阿尔泰山、昆仑山及帕米尔高原的山谷为新疆植物特有种的集中分布区;塔里木盆地及吐鲁番—哈密盆地平原区因自然环境条件严酷,特有种分...  相似文献   

1症状识别 各种病毒病的症状表现不同,发生的病毒病主要表现以下症状:  相似文献   

水稻瘤矮病(下称瘤矮病 )是云浮市近年多发性病毒性病害 ,自1995年起 ,市辖 5县 (市、区 ) 70余个镇均有发生 ,1998年、 1999年、2 0 0 0年发生4 5 3hm2 、 32 2 0hm2和 2 2 0 7hm2 、 4万hm2 (因前 3年不认识此病 ,未统计 )。由于对该病知之尚少 ,误以为是其他病虫害、缺素所致 ,甚至怀疑是种子的问题 ,后经华南农大的专家鉴定为瘤矮病并采取相应的防治措施。在实践中我们不断研究和改进方法 ,摸索出有效的防治和补救措施。1 症状瘤矮病的症状有明显的特征。(1)株型变化 :株植严重矮缩 ,仅为健株的1/ 3至 1/ 2 ,分蘖减少 ,抽穗迟 ,发病株…  相似文献   

Effect of Nitrogen Nutrition of the Host on Barley Powdery Mildew   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

六种土传病原真菌被木霉抑制作用机理的初步研究   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
70年代以来,关于木霉的拮抗作用及其机制有很多研究报道,同时温室和田间试验也从防治土传病原真菌进一步深入到叶面病原真菌研究,并且有商品化木霉制剂问世。我国在木霉研究和应用方面也有较大进展。本文通过比较木霉和土传病原真菌在单独和对峙培养中生长速度的差异...  相似文献   

This study investigated the distribution and characteristics of the Barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV) species BYDV‐PAS, which was recently separated from BYDV‐PAV, the most commonly studied BYDV species. Throughout 3 years of experimental monitoring of BYDV incidence, PAS was the most frequently occurring species infecting cereals and grasses in the Czech Republic. Furthermore, Rhopalosiphum maidis and Metopolophium dirhodum were recorded as BYDV‐PAS vectors, even though M. dirhodum does not usually transmit BYDV‐PAV. In field experiments with barley and wheat, where virus accumulation, symptoms and effect on the yield were tested, BYDV‐PAV was more severe than PAS. Infection with the BYDV‐PAV isolate resulted in greater expression of symptoms and also in a greater reduction in plant height and grain weight per spike than BYDV‐PAS. In a sensitive cultivar of barley (Graciosa), the amount of viral RNA of BYDV‐PAV was also significantly higher than that of BYDV‐PAS. In a tolerant line (Wbon‐123), however, no such differences were found. In conclusion, although BYDV‐PAS seems to be dominant in the Czech Republic, BYDV‐PAV has the potential to cause more significant crop losses in barley and wheat.  相似文献   

Molecular Variability of the Capsid Protein of the Prune Dwarf Virus   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Sequences of the capsid protein gene and the preceding intergenic region of eleven isolates of prune dwarf virus from central Europe were determined. The isolates were obtained from plum, cherry and peach trees. Comparison of all sequenced isolates (including two sequences published previously) revealed high (88%) conservation of the capsid protein gene. The highest degree of identity was observed in the C-terminal half, where only 13 amino acid substitutions could be observed in contrast to the N-terminal half with 22 substitutions. No reasonable correlation between amino acid substitutions and host species and/or geographic origin of the isolates was observed. Alignment with capsid protein genes of other ilarviruses revealed apple mosaic virus, elm mottle virus, lilac ring mottle virus and prunus necrotic ringspot virus as the most related to prune dwarf virus. Unlike the isolates of related prunus necrotic ringspot virus all the isolates of prune dwarf virus shared extensive conservation of the intergenic region. Portions of RNA3 were selected for design of universal primers for PCR detection.  相似文献   

To understand the distribution pattern and divergence of Rhizoctonia solani in a field over a 4-year period, R. solani AG1-IA isolates were collected from diseased tissues of several crops. Pairing tests between isolates to detect hyphal anastomosis and vegetatively compatible population (VCP) groupings were done on 2% water agar and potato dextrose agar. A single VCP of R. solani AG1-IA dominated a large upland crop field at the Institute of Plant Breeding, University of the Philippines at Los Ba?os. The VCP changed more slowly and at a lower frequency as compared to other reports. Received 27 September 1999/ Accepted in revised form 3 February 2000  相似文献   

 水稻病毒病抗性育种工作在国外已进行了十余年,取得了显著成效,但对病毒致病力的分化问题却研究得不多。  相似文献   

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