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Yang CH  Ho GD 《Phytopathology》1998,88(4):330-334
ABSTRACT Tomato bacterial wilt caused by Ralstonia solanacearum is a model system for studying plant-bacterial interactions, because it is genetically one of the best characterized plant diseases. We demonstrate here that four different strains of R. solanacearum, two from radishes (Rd4 and Rd15) and two from tomato (Ps21 and Ps95), can infect 27 different ecotypes of Arabidopsis thaliana, causing different responses. All ecotypes tested were highly susceptible to strain Rd15, which caused symptoms similar to those observed in tomato plants. For example, leaf drooping and discoloration developed just 3 days after inoculation, and plants completely wilted within 1 week. Strains Rd4 and Ps95 were less infectious than Rd15. With these two strains, a variety of disease responses were observed among different ecotypes at 2 weeks after inoculation; both susceptible and resistant ecotypes of A. thaliana were identified. Ps21 was the least infectious of the four strains and caused almost no symptoms in any of the ecotypes of Arabidopsis tested. Direct bacterial isolation and plant skeleton hybridization analysis from infected plants indicated that bacterial colonization was correlated with the severity of symptoms. Growth of bacteria was limited to the infection site in resistant plants, whereas the bacteria spread throughout susceptible plants by 1 week after inoculation.  相似文献   

无致病力青枯菌株对番茄青枯病的防治效果   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
用紫外诱变法获得的青枯无致病力菌株ATm0 4 4和Asp0 6 1对致病菌没有直接的抑制作用 ;处理番茄后对青枯病产生抗性 ;两菌株可在番茄体内定殖并繁殖 ,移栽浸根是最佳的处理方法。盆栽试验结果表明 ,番茄经ATm0 4 4和Asp0 6 1处理后 ,分别较对照推迟 9和 7d发病 ,2 0d后的防效达 56 .7%和 53.4 %。田间小区试验结果表明 ,经ATm0 4 4和Asp0 6 1菌悬液浸根处理番茄 ,1 5d后对青枯病的防治效果分别为 53.8%和 37.7%。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT To characterize host genes required for a compatible interaction, we identified a novel recessive Arabidopsis thaliana mutant, nws1 (no wilt symptoms), that failed to develop wilt symptoms in response to virulent strains of the phytopathogenic bacterium, Ralstonia solanacearum. The absence of wilting in nws1 plants was not correlated with a cell death phenotype or a constitutive expression of salicylic acid-, jasmonic acid- or ethylene-associated genes. In addition, this mutation, which conferred a symptomless phenotype in response to all the R. solanacearum strains tested, was highly specific to this pathogen, because nws1 responses to other plant pathogens, including oomycetes, nematodes, viruses, and other bacteria, were identical to those of wild-type Col-5 plants. Finally, the lack of disease development was shown to be different than RRS1-R-mediated resistance. The identification of mutants such as nws1, that are unable to develop disease, should lead to the isolation of target host factors required for pathogen growth or fitness, or of factors modified by the invading microorganism to avoid or inactivate plant defense mechanisms, and should bring a better understanding of bacterial wilt diseases.  相似文献   

两株植物根际促生菌对番茄青枯病的生物防治效果评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了Erwinia persicinus RA2和Bacillus pumilus WP8浸种和拌土处理对番茄青枯病的实际防治效果,及其对番茄根际微生物群落的影响。结果显示,两株菌都具有防治番茄青枯病的作用,并能不同程度地促进番茄幼苗生长。主要体现在显著提高番茄幼苗健株率,病原菌处理的健株率最低,仅为22.4%,而RA2和WP8浸种处理分别达68.9%和62.8%;促进幼苗地上部增高、增粗和根部生长,如WP8浸种处理的茎叶干重和根干重分别达到4.87 mg·株^-1和35.69 mg·株^-1,分别比病原菌对照提高110.82%和205.83%。浸种处理的促进效应明显优于拌土处理;还能在一定程度上提高土壤水稳性团聚体(〉0.25 mm)比例,WP8浸种处理尤为明显,分别比空白对照和病原菌对照提高269.91%和156.88%。DGGE指纹图谱表明根际微生物群落受番茄种植的影响最大,其次是青枯病菌,而受这两种菌施用的影响最小。  相似文献   

三株拮抗细菌对烟青枯病的抑制效果   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
烟草青枯病 (Ralstoniasolanacearum)是湖南烟草的一种重要病害。根据调查 ,发病面积380 0hm2 ,一般发病率 1 0 %~ 2 0 % ,重达 80 %~ 90 % ,损失极为严重。烟草青枯病是一种难防治的土传病害 ,国内外都在研究生物防治方法[1~ 6] ,并取得一定的效果 ,但大多还停留在大田小区试验 ,未能大面积推广。我们 1 995年在 2 3个烟区 ,6 2块烟地根际与根表土壤中分离筛选了一批拮抗细菌 ,进行了室内抑菌测定、温室初筛和培养发酵条件研究[7,8] ,本文报道该研究筛选的 3个拮抗菌湘 1 2、湘 2 3和 2 轻 9的进一步试验结果…  相似文献   

本文对工程菌 Hrp-菌株的固体剂型进行了初步研究。经载体、保护剂和抑菌剂的筛选,最终得出固体菌剂的制作方法。具体为将发酵菌液以5000 r/min离心10 min后弃上清,收集菌泥;将菌泥加至石蜡油中,振荡15~20 min使其在石蜡油中充分分散,制成菌悬液;再将此菌液按1:1比例与灭菌后的草炭混合均匀,制成固体菌剂;再向这种固体菌剂中加入杂菌抑制剂乳酸链球菌素(0.75 g/kg)和纳他霉素(0.075 g/kg),并混合均匀。制作的固体菌剂在pH值5.3左右、含水量35%、不抽真空及温度25℃的条件下保存6个月,存活率为44.4%,有效活菌量为1.12×1010 cfu/g。  相似文献   

A sudden wilt of bellflower (Campanula lactiflora) was observed in Japan in 1997. A bacterium that formed white fluidal and mucoid colonies resembling those of Ralstonia solanacearum was isolated from the infected plants. The bacterium was bacteriologically identified as biovar 3 of R. solanacearum. This is the first report of R. solanacearum affecting a plant species of the Campanulaceae family.  相似文献   

In July 2000, a bacterial wilt was found on China aster (Callistephus chinensis Nees) on Hokkaido, Japan. Bacteriological characteristics of the isolated bacteria were identical to Erwinia chrysanthemi. This is the first report on bacterial wilt of China aster caused by E. chrysanthemi. Received 4 June 2001/ Accepted in revised form 6 September 2001  相似文献   

防治青枯病工程菌Hrp-菌株的发酵培养基配方优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在摇瓶发酵条件下,采用全因子实验设计法和正交实验设计法对工程菌Hrp-菌株的培养基碳、氮源配方进行优化,确定了最适碳源为葡萄糖、细玉米面,最适氮源为硫酸铵、细豆饼粉;对这四个碳氮源因子的浓度进行L9(34)的正交试验,最终确定出该菌的最适发酵培养基碳、氮源配方为(g/L):葡萄糖8g、细玉米面5g、细豆饼粉35g、硫酸铵2g。优化后的培养基配方使摇瓶发酵液菌量从1.34×10^10cfu/ml提高至3.30×10^10cfu/ml。  相似文献   

A total of 252 wild Solanum accessions and one population of 49 introgression lines of LA716 were screened for resistance to a race 1/biovar 4/phylotype I strain Pss186 of Ralstonia solanacearum. Most wild tomato accessions were highly susceptible. However, five accessions of S. pennellii, i.e. LA1943, LA716, LA1656, LA1732 and TL01845 were resistant to strain Pss186. These accessions were then challenged against two other race 1/phylotpye I strains Pss4 and Pss190, which were more aggressive. All the five S. pennellii accessions were susceptible to Pss4, but displayed high to moderate resistance to Pss190 with a percentage of wilted plants ranging from 0% to 60%. Pss190 is an aggressive strain that made a resistant tomato line Hawaii 7996 susceptible. Thus, the results found in this study provide evidence of the presence of strain-specific resistance. LA3501, which has an introgression segment on chromosome 6, was found to be resistant to Pss186 among the screened introgression lines. This confirms the importance of resistance trait loci on chromosome 6 that have been identified by other studies. This is the first report of S. pennellii being resistant to bacterial wilt. These new resistant sources will provide breeders with more resources to breed for stable resistance to bacterial wilt of tomato.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT A construct containing a human lactoferrin cDNA was used to transform tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) using an Agrobacterium-mediated DNA-transfer system to express this human protein in transgenic plants. Transformants were analyzed by Southern, Northern, and Western blots to determine integration of the cDNA into the plant genome and lactoferrin gene expression levels. Most transgenic plants demonstrated significant delays of bacterial wilt symptoms when inoculated with the bacterial pathogen Ralstonia solanacearum. Quantification of the expressed lactoferrin protein by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in transgenic plants indicated a significant positive relationship between lactoferrin gene expression levels and levels of disease resistance. Incorporation of the lactoferrin gene into crop plants may enhance resistance to other phytopathogenic bacteria as well.  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection - Bacterial wilt incited by Ralstonia solanacearum has been found the most damaging and widespread diseases of tomato throughout the world and causes heavy...  相似文献   

茄青枯病菌引起的新病害-罗汉果青枯病   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
 罗汉果为葫芦科(Cucurbitaceae)罗汉果属[Siraitia grosvenorii(Swingle) C.Jeffrey]植物。罗汉果中含有0.8%~1.0%的罗汉果甜甙,其甜度为蔗糖的300倍,是肥胖症、高血压、高血脂、糖尿病等患者最理想的甜味剂与保健品。罗汉果甜贰远销美国、日本等国外市场,产品供不应求。  相似文献   

青枯菌无致病力菌株对烟草青枯病的控病作用初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从茄子、番茄、辣椒、烟草青枯病株中分离出116株无致病力青枯菌,室内平板喷雾法拈抗试验结果表明,有21株菌在NA培养基上可明显抑制青枯菌TbRs的生长;烟草MSK326品种温室盆栽控病试验表明,Tnljdl-3和Aujd8—2—1两株菌具有较好控病效果,20d后的相对防效分别为58.4%和97%。  相似文献   

A Method of Screening Strawberries for Resistance to Verticillium Wilt   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

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