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图书馆知识女性职业生涯发展现状影响因素及策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
图书馆知识女性是高校人力资源中的重要组成部分。但与图书馆男性相比较,其职业生涯发展在业务素质、科研能力、职务职称方面都存在较大差距。究其原因,传统观念、生理和心理因素、图书馆职业性质影响了图书馆知识女性的职业发展。图书馆知识女性只有采取有效的策略突破自身局限,才能谋求职业生涯的最大发展。  相似文献   

美国著名黑人女性作家艾丽斯·沃克因生活中与父亲的疏离而致使其不断思考女儿与父亲的关系,形成浓重的父亲情结.在探索中沃克最终了解到父亲之所以变的粗暴、虚伪的原因,认识到这一切不能仪仪归罪于父亲,社会上的种族偏见和性别歧视也难脱其咎,她终于通过书写实现了与父亲的和解.  相似文献   

A comparison of salary scales of trained men shows rather clearly at the present time that (1) The pay scale of endowed and state universities and agricultural colleges is approximately like that of the commissioned officers of the army and the navy, but lacks the advantage of the retiring pension of three fourths pay. This pension often relieves the military and naval officer of the necessity of saving for old age. The saving required of the academic man to give him an equivalent retiring fund is not practicable at the present salary scale. (2) It shows that the academic salary scale is appreciably lower than that of the professional and scientific services of the national government at Washington. The retiring allowance of the government employee, though small, and in part contributed by the employee himself, gives him a distinct advantage. (3) The salaries of all groups above mentioned are very much lower than those paid in manufacturing enterprises to positions above the wage-earners. In order to make a concrete comparison, I will enumerate the positions that on the average command salaries of $3,000, $6,000 and $9,000 respectively in these different lines of work.  相似文献   

Macklis RM 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》2002,295(5560):1647-1648
Although Marie Curie is known primarily for her discovery of radium, her true gift to science was her realization that radioactivity is an intrinsic atomic property of matter rather than the result of chemical processes. She was one of the few Nobel laureates to win the prize twice (physics and chemistry). During her career and as one of the first prominent women scientists, she became increasingly aware of the need for funding for research and of the scientific freedom that money can bring. By nature shy and reserved, Marie's fame, as both a scientist and as an exemplar of a liberated professional woman of the roaring twenties, grew to superstar proportions.  相似文献   

It can now be definitely recognized that the soil microbiologist is in a position to make important contributions not only to our knowledge of soil processes and plant growth, but also to microbiology, especially microbial physiology, and to the utilization of microorganisms for various industrial, public health and other processes. The soil microbiologist is able to contribute in many ways to man's capacity to survive, by learning to control the activities of injurious microorganisms and by favoring the processes brought about by the beneficial organisms. The reason why the broader concept "microbiology" rather than the narrower term "bacteriology" has been used throughout this discussion is that the soil microbiologist has often to pay as much attention to the fungi as to the bacteria, and occasionally also to the protozoa, the algae and even the nematodes and other worms, inhabiting the soil in large numbers. Only a recognition of all these lower forms of life and their many interrelationships can help to elucidate this complex and important science.  相似文献   

Replacements for corporate farm managers are increasingly hard to find. At the same time, there is a large pool of potential managers that has been hardly tapped into: young female professionals. Focusing on the supply side of the labor market for farm managers, we investigate how gender-specific life aspirations impact occupational intention. To explain gender-specific occupational intention, we operationalize two conceptual frameworks: (1) a behavioral economic conceptualization that focuses on the material and non-material cost and benefits associated with occupational choice (e.g., income, social reputation, inner contentment), and (2) a psychological conceptualization based on the theory of planned behavior. Our analysis of survey data among agricultural students shows that participating women are less inclined to pursue a farm manager position than participating men for two main reasons: first, they expect less internal benefits (in terms of inner contentment and enjoyment of carrying out the day-to-day tasks) from such a position. Second, they believe to be less suited to meet the professional requirements (i.e., they have lower self-efficacy evaluations).  相似文献   

Psychological and social barriers to women in science   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Commitment and creativity in science are not merely a function of an individual's competence or excellence, but are a product of the social environment as well. Acceptance and recognition from significant other people (one's peers and other professionals), and opportunities for stimulating and challenging interaction are essential for developing a strong occupational or professional identiy, and for creating the inner sense of role competence which can lead to greater commitment and productivity in professional work. Unfortunately women, especially those who have experienced interrupted or discontinuous careers, find such opportunities and acceptance difficult to obtain.  相似文献   

针对高校部分大学生学习倦怠和学业困难的问题,以问卷调查方式对大学生学业倦怠群体进行调查,研究大学生学业倦怠成因及帮学机制。结果显示,大学生学业倦怠的主要因素依次为专业思想不稳固、学习目标不明确、学习动力不足、学习方法不当、负面情绪体验较多等。应建立以学校、学生、家庭多层面入手,名家引导、任课教师关注、朋辈互助及心理咨询师疏导等多形式协同的帮学机制,从而消除大学生学业倦怠行为,提高学业水平,促进大学生健康成长。  相似文献   

食品安全从生命伦理意义上提倡的是对生命的尊重和呵护,目前许多较突出的食品安全问题背后隐藏着严重的职业道德缺失。分析了食品安全事件中食品行业职业道德丧失的原因,马克思主义教育与食品人才职业道德培养的关系,并提出如何运用马克思主义理论体系加强食品专业人才职业道德的培养。  相似文献   

Nanoparticles can be used as the building blocks for materials such as supracrystals or ionic liquids. However, they lack the ability to bond along specific directions as atoms and molecules do. We report a simple method to place target molecules specifically at two diametrically opposed positions in the molecular coating of metal nanoparticles. The approach is based on the functionalization of the polar singularities that must form when a curved surface is coated with ordered monolayers, such as a phase-separated mixture of ligands. The molecules placed at these polar defects have been used as chemical handles to form nanoparticle chains that in turn can generate self-standing films.  相似文献   

Gender differences in choosing to enter competitions are one source of unequal labor market outcomes concerning wages and promotions. Given that studying the effects of policy interventions to support women is difficult with field data because of measurement problems and potential lack of control, we evaluated, in a set of controlled laboratory experiments, four interventions: quotas, where one of two winners of a competition must be female; two variants of preferential treatment, where a fixed increment is added to women's performance; and repetition of the competition, where a second competition takes place if no woman is among the winners. Compared with no intervention, all interventions encourage women to enter competitions more often, and performance is at least equally good, both during and after the competition.  相似文献   

通过分析高校图书馆人事管理中的职位晋升现象, 发现传统的以晋升为手段的激励模式、职位与收入的直接联系、缺乏岗位胜任模型等因素导致图书馆在职位晋升中存在彼得原理陷阱, 并会导致人力资源配置不合理的状况。提出通过引导馆员做好自身职业规划、完善薪酬制度, 创造多轨道晋升机会, 建立岗位胜任模型, 健全馆员培训体系, 以工作激励优化晋升等方式使图书馆在人事管理中避免落入彼得原理的陷阱。  相似文献   

论现代高校图书馆专业人才队伍的建设   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文论述了高校图书馆专业人员的思想素质、文化素质和专业素质的基本要求以及专业人员队伍的学历、职称和专业结构特点,提出了高校图书馆专业人员队伍建设的思路和具体措施。指出高校图书馆的硬件设施和人才队伍的建设同时并举是彻底改变高校图书馆人才结构不合理状况的根本措施。  相似文献   

纵观工资分配制度改革经历的三个时期,木文就工资分配领域存在的问题,作了深层次的研究和思考,认为深化工资分配改革,必须完善分配结构和分配方式,培育新型收入分配机制,真正体现效率优先,发挥激励职能,最大限度调动各种生产要素积极性,建立与其他改革相配套的工资分配制度。  相似文献   

安徽省养老服务行业发展迅速,但是在养老服务人才的发展中还存在着一些问题,如总量缺口、年龄结构不合理、学历较低、专业化程度较低等。建议通过以下措施促进安徽省养老服务人才发展:构建分阶段递进的订单式人才培养模式,加强养老服务人才的培养;调动志愿者的力量,弥补养老服务人才供给的不足;改进薪酬,增加养老服务人才工作的积极性;实行养老服务人才分类培训,提升养老服务人才专业化水平。  相似文献   

郭浩 《农业考古》2022,(1):89-98
秦汉"大男大女模式"最初并不是专门用来征发赋役的,它是最基本的人身控制模式。直到汉初,"大男大女模式"与赋役制度仍不是直接对应。随着户赋演变为口赋以及杂税的弹性扩张,赋税征缴逐渐向"大男大女模式"靠拢;秦汉"傅籍模式"是朝廷每年八月对男子进行的系统工作,与女性无涉,其目的是统计男子服兵役、更役等常规徭戍的人数。汉代徭役的制度弹性导致服役对象由傅籍男性扩展到大男群体,甚至大女群体,呈现出"大男大女模式"与"傅籍模式"的纠缠不清,形成了汉代赋役身份的外在错位。  相似文献   

残疾儿童康复机构是开展残疾儿童康复工作的主体,也是践行习近平总书记“加强残疾康复服务”的重要依托力量之一。X省H市的调查资料显示,残疾儿童康复机构发展取得了较大的成就,但仍存在性质不准确、室外场地受限、资金支持不够、安全隐患等问题,面临专业人员缺乏、师资队伍稳定性低、人员晋升空间小、培训不够系统、课程设置缺乏标准等发展困境。国家、社会、政府、机构、残疾儿童家长等应共同努力,消减残疾儿童康复机构存在的问题,力争让残疾儿童康复机构在保障“人人享有康复服务”方面发挥更大作用。  相似文献   

浅谈新疆农村沼气产业化发展的障碍及对策   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
对沼气技术在生态农业建设中的作用及意义进行了浅释,分析了目前限制新疆农村沼气产业化发展的障碍因素,主要表现在认识不够、技术力量薄弱、建设资金短缺;指出只有采取提高认识、加强机构建设、实施物业化管理、拓宽融资渠道等措施,才能实现农村沼气的产业化发展。  相似文献   

About 80 percent of women trained in science or engineering are in the labor force, but many are employed outside of their fields. Most who withdraw from the labor force do so temporarily, and about half do not take a career break even when they have small children. Factors affecting labor force participation are student status, highest degree level, parental status and age of children, and field of degree. Employment opportunities are restricted in some fields, and women have higher unemployment rates and lower earnings than men. Some policy changes would improve opportunities for women, and better data are needed to monitor their participation in science and technology.  相似文献   

African women farmers have an urgent need for adequate agricultural extension information. Training extension agents in gender related issues should have high priority, considering that the majority of farmers are women and have different roles, resources, constraints, and responsibilities from men. This paper examines the extent to which these issues are incorporated into the curriculum of the two Malawian institutions of agricultural education that train extensionists. It also considers the degree to which they are recruiting women officers into fields other than home economics. Administrators and lecturers at both institutions express a desire to integrate gender matters into the curriculum and to recruit more females into agricultural extension; yet both fall far short in meeting these goals. The conclusion provides recommendations on how African institutions of higher learning that train extension personnel might better accomplish these goals and suggests that African MOAs need to employ more women in agricultural research, extension, training, and policy-making positions.  相似文献   

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