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Five years of data were collected on 124 Brangus-type cows to evaluate weaning calves at 8.5 or 10.5 mo of age and winter supplementation of the brood cow with 2.25 kg of molasses daily. Cows with calves weaned at 10.5 mg of age gained 14 kg less weight (P less than .01) during the late nursing period than did cows from which calves were earlier weaned. Age of calf at weaning had no effect on cow reproduction, but calves weaned at 10.5 mo were 2 to 3 d younger (P less than .06) and 5.3 kg lighter (P less than .05) at 8.5 mo of age. During the last 2 mo of nursing, calves weaned at 10.5 mo of age gained 37.2 kg and had a 31.9-kg heavier weaning weight than calves weaned at 8.5 mo of age. Molasses supplementation resulted in differences (P less than .01) in cow weight changes. Cows fed molasses had calving percentages 5 to 7 units higher (P less than .30) than cows not fed molasses. Feeding cows molasses for 145 d throughout the calving and breeding season increased calf weaning weight 7.7 (P less than .02) and 11.2 (P less than .03) kg, respectively, at 8.5 and 10.5 mo of age over the nonsupplemented controls. 相似文献
MacNeil MD 《Journal of animal science》2005,83(4):794-802
The phenotypic ratio of a calf's weaning weight to its dam's weight is thought to be an indicator of efficiency of the cow. Thus, the objectives of this research were to 1) estimate genetic parameters for the ratio of 200-d calf weight to mature-equivalent cow weight at weaning, its components, and other growth traits; and 2) evaluate responses to selection based on the ratio. Phenotypes evaluated were the ratio (100 kg/ kg; n = 4,184), birth weight (kg; n = 5,083), 200-d weight (kg; n = 4,902), 365-d weight (kg; n = 4,626), and mature-equivalent cow weight at weaning (kg; n = 4,375). In 1989, a randomly selected and mated control line and a line selected for greater values of the ratio were established. Average generation intervals were 3.39 +/- 0.05 and 3.90 +/- 0.08 yr in the ratio selected line and control line, respectively. The ratio selection line (n = 895) accumulated approximately 4.7 SD more selection differential than the control line (n = 912) over 2.5 generations. Data were analyzed with a multiple-trait Gibbs sampler for animal models to make Bayesian inferences. Heritability estimates (posterior mean +/- SD) for direct effects were 0.20 +/- 0.03, 0.46 +/- 0.04, 0.48 +/- 0.03, 0.58 +/- 0.04, and 0.76 +/- 0.02 for ratio, birth weight, 200-d weight, 365-d weight, and cow weight, respectively. Estimates for heritability of maternal effects were 0.58 +/- 0.05, 0.10 +/- 0.02, 0.13 +/- 0.02, and 0.10 +/- 0.02 for ratio, birth weight, 200-d weight, 365-d weight, respectively. Significant response to selection was limited to maternal effects: 1.32 +/- 0.38 ratio units per generation. As the ratio was a trait of the calf, estimated maternal genetic effects on the ratio contained both genetic effects due to dams that environmentally affected progeny performance and direct effects on the reciprocal of cow weight. In the control line, genetic trends in direct and maternal 200-d weight were -1.28 +/- 0.91 and 0.62 +/- 0.92 kg/generation, respectively, and the genetic trend in direct effects on cow weight was -5.72 +/- 2.80 kg/ generation. In the selection line, genetic trends in direct and maternal 200-d weight were 1.43 +/- 0.79 and 2.90 +/- 0.80 kg/generation and the genetic trend in cow weight was -2.79 +/- 2.43 kg/generation. Significant correlated responses were observed in direct effects on birth weight and maternal effects on 365-d weight. Results contraindicate use of the ratio of calf weaning weight to cow weight as a selection criterion. 相似文献
Records of Jersey-sired (Jx), Santa Gertrudis-sired (Sx), Charolais-sired (Cx) and straightbred Hereford (H) cows were examined to determine culling rates, birth dates, weaning weights and average daily gains of their first, second and third calves. Culling categories were defined on the basis of number of calves weaned before removal from the herd. Calf performance data were analyzed by cow breed group and cow culling category. A second-degree polynomial model fit the data of all breeds, and accounted for a greater proportion of variation in percentage culled than did the linear model (P less than .05). Total percentage culled through the study were 71, 67, 54 and 53 for the H, Sx, Cx and Jx cows, respectively. Culling rates in the H and Sx cows tended to be higher at earlier ages than in the Cx and Jx cows. Cow-culling category was a significant source of variation only on birth date of first calves. Cows culled after one calf had calves that were born later than cows in the other two categories (P less than .05). Birth date, weaning weight and average daily gain of first calves varied with cow breed in that Jx cows had calves that were born earlier, gained faster and weaned heavier than first calves from the other breed groups (P less than .05). First calves from Sx and Cx cows gained faster (P less than .05) than calves from H cows.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS) 相似文献
Lake SL Scholljegerdes EJ Atkinson RL Nayigihugu V Paisley SI Rule DC Moss GE Robinson TJ Hess BW 《Journal of animal science》2005,83(12):2908-2917
Three-year-old Angus x Gelbvieh beef cows nutritionally managed to achieve a BCS of 4 +/- 0.07 (479.3 +/- 36.3 kg of BW) or 6 +/- 0.07 (579.6 +/- 53.1 kg of BW) at parturition were used in a 2-yr experiment (n = 36/yr) to determine the effects of prepartum energy balance and postpartum lipid supplementation on cow and calf performance. Beginning 3 d postpartum, cows within each BCS were assigned randomly to be fed hay and a low-fat control supplement or supplements with either high-linoleate cracked safflower seeds or high-oleate cracked safflower seeds until d 60 of lactation. Diets were formulated to be isonitrogenous and isocaloric, and safflower seed supplements were provided to achieve 5% of DMI as fat. Ultrasonic 12th rib fat and LM area were lower (P < 0.001) for cows in BCS 4 compared with BCS 6 cows throughout the study. Cows in BCS 4 at parturition maintained (P = 0.02) condition over the course of the study, whereas cows in BCS 6 lost condition. No differences (P = 0.44 to 0.71) were detected for milk yield, milk energy, milk fat percentage, or milk lactose percentage because of BCS; however, milk protein percentage was less (P = 0.03) for BCS 4 cows. First-service conception rates did not differ (P = 0.22) because of BCS at parturition, but overall pregnancy rate was greater (P = 0.02) in BCS 6 cows. No differences (P = 0.48 to 0.83) were detected in calf birth weight or ADG because of BCS at parturition. Dietary lipid supplementation did not influence (P = 0.23 to 0.96) cow BW change, BCS change, 12th rib fat, LM area, milk yield, milk energy, milk fat percentage, milk lactose percentage, first service conception, overall pregnancy rates, or calf performance. Although cows in BCS of 4 at parturition seemed capable of maintaining BCS during lactation, the overall decrease in pregnancy rate indicates cows should be managed to achieve a BCS >4 before parturition to improve reproductive success. 相似文献
Morbidity effects on productivity and profitability of stocker cattle grazing in the Southern Plains 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Pinchak WE Tolleson DR McCloy M Hunt LJ Gill RJ Ansley RJ Bevers SJ 《Journal of animal science》2004,82(9):2773-2779
Effects of bovine respiratory disease (BRD) on stocker cattle systems are unknown under extensive rangeland environments. Three experiments were conducted to test the hypothesis that BRD-based morbidity is a major factor affecting the productivity and profitability of stocker cattle grazing Southern Plains rangelands. In Exp. 1 (658 male calves; average BW = 231 kg), 17% of the cattle were treated for BRD <8 d, 6% for 8 to 14 d, and 8% for >14 d. Morbid cattle had lower ADG than did healthy cattle (P < 0.10). Cattle requiring 14 d of pharmaceutical therapy gained less than cattle having <14 d therapy (P < 0.01). In Exp. 2, (279 steers and bulls; average BW = 216 kg), the ADG by steers (0.74 kg x animal(-1) x d(-1)) was greater (P < 0.05) than by bulls castrated after arrival (0.64 kg x animal(-1) x d(-1)). Castration after arrival led to a 13.5% loss in daily gain and a 10.3% loss in season-long gain. More (P < 0.05) bulls castrated after arrival (60%) were morbid compared with steers (28%). In Exp. 3, 633 heifers (average BW = 251 kg) were used to test the effects of morbidity on weight gain and reproduction. Heifers with lower initial weights exhibited increased (P < 0.05) morbidity. Heifers requiring two or more antibiotic treatments gained 0.03 kg/d less (P < 0.10) than did healthy heifers and had lower (P < 0.05) conception rates (66 vs. 81%). Conception rate in twice-treated heifers was 19% less than healthy heifers. Morbid heifers conceived 0.6 mo later (P < 0.05) than healthy heifers. Under the conditions of Exp. 1 and Exp. 2, morbidity decreased net returns 9.7 to 21.3% per animal. Adjusted gross returns per animal in Exp. 3 for replacement heifers were 3 to 7.8% less for morbid heifers. 相似文献
现代营养学研究表明营养与免疫有着密切联系。营养物质不但为动物维持正常的生长发育所必需,而且是维持免疫系统的功能使免疫活性得到充分表达的决定性因素。现代畜牧业除从品种、饲料、管理等方面作研究改进外,应用免疫技术提高动物生产性能、改善胴体品质、提高饲料转化效率, 相似文献
早期断奶对猪生产性能的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
通过综述早期断奶对仔猪的消化吸收和免疫抗病,对母猪的发情、受胎、产仔以及繁殖寿命的影响,提示在研究和应用早期断奶技术时,要充分遵循生物学规律,才能取得最大限度的经济效益。 相似文献
放牧对高寒草甸植物群落结构及生产力的影响 总被引:9,自引:9,他引:9
草地的退化是当前畜牧生产面临的一个主要问题,本试验选取青藏高原高寒草地自然群落中等放牧强度和不放牧2个梯度进行对比研究,探讨当前的普遍放牧强度对群落生产力、不同功能群产量分配和群落结构的影响。结果表明,3年中放牧使群落总体生产力下降,其中不同功能群所占比例也有所变化,禾草和莎草比例由平均76.6%下降到57.4%,杂草、豆科和毒草的比例上升;群落高度降低,平均最大高度由46.8cm 下降到22.4cm;物种多样性和多度增加,多样性由单位样方平均26.5种增加到30.9种,多度由单位样方215.7株增加到304.6株;总盖度并没有明显差异,禾草和莎草盖度减小,杂草盖度增加,群落结构由垂直分层为主演化为水平生态位分化为主。3年中放牧的影响没有显示出草地的进一步退化趋势。 相似文献
本研究旨在考察断乳及短期断乳后对产后母牦牛发情周期恢复及怀孕率的影响。18头初产母牦牛和24头经产母牦牛进行单纯的断乳后发现卵巢周期的恢复率分别达到55.56%和87.5%,怀孕率分别达到55.56%和66.67%;对照组仅为6.67%和0%。12头母牦牛在同期排卵处理方案的第7~9天中进行短期断乳,24头母牦牛作对照,发现短期断乳组人工授精的妊娠率分别为41.67%,高于对照组37.5%,但是二者在统计学上没有显著性差异。试验表明,产后母牦牛在发情配种期进行犊牛断乳,可以极大的提高产后母牦牛产后发情周期的恢复,提高其怀孕率。 相似文献
Effect of a single strategically timed dose of fenbendazole on cow and calf performance 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
A 168-day study was conducted to evaluate the effect of a strategically timed treatment with fenbendazole on anthelmintic efficacy and performance of beef cows and calves. Eight groups of 10 Angus cow/calf pairs were allotted on 7 May 1987 to eight similarly managed 4.86-ha pastures (bermudagrass/tall fescue) on the basis of cow age, and calf sex and weight. At that time, four groups of cows received a dose of fenbendazole (5 mg kg-1) with their calves receiving fenbendazole at the same dosage 28 days later. Treated calf average daily gain (ADG) was 0.04 kg greater (P less than 0.05) than control calves (0.82 vs. 0.78 kg) during the 168-day study. Treated cow ADG was 0.09 kg greater (P less than 0.05) than control cows (0.40 vs. 0.31 kg). Although there was a reduction (P less than 0.05) in fecal egg counts following treatment of the cows, the numbers of eggs generally were low compared with egg counts of calves. From Day 28 through Day 112 post-treatment, fecal egg counts of treated calves were lower (P less than 0.05) than those of control calves. However, fecal egg counts from treated calves increased post-treatment until there were no differences (P greater than 0.05) between treated and control calves at the end of the study. The pregnancy rate tended to be higher (P = 0.12) for treated cows (98%) than for untreated control cows (75%). The actual calving rate was higher (P = 0.03), for treated cows (90%) than for untreated control cows (68%). Results indicated that a strategic anthelmintic treatment can improve cow and calf performance, but that calves born in late winter or early spring may need more than one therapeutic dose during the nursing period on pasture. 相似文献
放牧和舍饲对辽宁绒山羊生产性能的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
随着草原资源日渐匮乏,放牧饲养绒山羊已成为绒山羊养殖业发展的限制因素;改变以往的放牧饲养绒山羊的方式,舍饲绒山羊是发展绒山羊的一条途径.为此,在辽宁省盖州市辽宁绒山羊原产地,以辽宁绒山羊成年羊为试验动物,研究了在放牧和舍饲2种饲养方式下对绒山羊的饲粮组成、营养摄取状况、绒的产量、净绒率、绒长、绒细度的影响.研究表明,在放牧与舍饲条件下饲养辽宁绒山羊,所采食的饲料种类有很大差异,放牧采食的饲料种类多而营养丰富;舍饲条件下饲料种类较单一.在舍饲条件下,辽宁绒山羊绒细度有变粗的趋势,绒长、产绒量有增加的趋势. 相似文献
Banta JP Lalman DL Owens FN Krehbiel CR Wettemann RP 《Journal of animal science》2011,89(11):3718-3727
Two experiments were conducted to determine the effects of sunflower seed supplements with varying fatty acid profiles on performance, reproduction, intake, and digestion in beef cattle. In Exp. 1, 127 multiparous spring-calving beef cows with free-choice access to bermudagrass hay were individually fed 1 of 3 supplements for an average of 83 d during mid to late gestation. Supplements (DM basis) included 1) 1.23 kg/d of a soybean hull-based supplement (control treatment); 2) 0.68 kg/d of linoleic sunflower seed plus 0.23 kg/d of the control supplement (linoleic treatment); and 3) 0.64 kg/d of mid-oleic sunflower seed plus 0.23 kg/d of the control supplement (oleic treatment). During the first 62 d of supplementation, the BW change was 11, 3, and -3 kg for cows fed the control, linoleic, and oleic supplements, respectively (P < 0.001). No difference in BW change was observed during the subsequent period (-65 kg, P = 0.83) or during the entire 303-d experiment (-31 kg, P = 0.49). During the first 62 d of supplementation, cows fed sunflower supplements tended (P = 0.08) to lose more body condition than cows fed the control diet, but BCS was not different (P > 0.22) for any subsequent measurement. At the beginning of the breeding season, the percentage of cows exhibiting luteal activity was greater for cows fed the control diet (43%; P = 0.02) than for cows fed either linoleic (20%) or oleic (16%) supplementation; however, first-service conception rate (67%; P = 0.22) and pregnancy rate at weaning (92%; P = 0.18) were not different among supplements. No differences were detected in calf birth (P = 0.46) or weaning BW (P = 0.74). In Exp. 2, 8 ruminally cannulated steers were used to determine the effects of sunflower seed supplementation on forage intake and digestion. Treatments (DM basis) included 1) no supplement; 2) a soybean hull-based supplement fed at 0.29% of BW/d; 3) whole linoleic sunflower seed fed at 0.16% of BW/d; and 4) whole high-oleic sunflower seed fed at 0.16% of BW/d. Hay intake was not influenced (P = 0.25) by supplement (1.51% of BW/d); however, DMI was greatest (P < 0.01) for steers fed the soybean hull-based supplement (1.93% of BW/d). Sunflower seed supplementation reduced (P < 0.01) NDF and ADF digestibility while increasing (P < 0.01) apparent CP and apparent lipid digestibility. In conclusion, whole sunflower seed supplementation resulted in reduced cow BW gain during mid to late gestation, but this reduction did not influence subsequent cow BW change, pregnancy rate, or calf performance. 相似文献