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胡景江 《饲料广角》2010,(17):49-50
<正>对饲料企业来说,一个自身就能够源源不断地产生人才的机制,要比老板具有敏锐的发掘能力更为重要。而要建立一个好的人才机制,就必须清楚如何建立人才体系和需要达到的目标。但在饲料企业中,这些概念都是很模糊的,非常有必要花大气力对它进行"量化"。  相似文献   

<正> 曾经在上海流传着毛主席怎样使猫吃辣椒的故事。一天,毛主席向刘少奇和周恩来提了一个问题:"你们怎样才能使猫吃辣椒?" 刘少奇首先说:"那还不容易,你让人抓住猫,把辣椒塞进猫嘴里,然后用筷子捅下去。"对于这种解决方法,毛主席摆了摆手说:"每件事应当自觉自愿的。" 周恩来回答说:"我首先让猫饿三天,然后,把辣椒裹在一片肉里,如果猫非常饿的话,它会囫囵吞枣般地全吞下去。"毛主席不赞成这种手法。那么,毛主席的策略是什么呢?毛主席笑着说:"这很容易,你可以把  相似文献   

张玉明 《北方牧业》2006,(12):29-29
<正> 其实,人力资源的精髓只有5个字:选、用、育、晋、留。选才:一大半是对内的,第一是挖自己的潜能,第二是挖企业内部的人才,第三才是引进外部的人才。选才是选人才,合适你的就是最好的,而不是选天才与全才(你可能很难碰到,即使你碰到了,也未必用得了,用得起)。用才:就是授权,授多大的权,取决于你要让他承担多大的责任。控制,更重要的是他工作的态度,而不是他工作的进程与结果。一定用敢于用讲实话、讲真话的人,鼓励员工正确表达自己的真实思考。育才:是降低人才流失率的最有效手段。晋才:晋级体制的存在就是要在员工能力与对公司贡献积累的变化中,及时准确地给予其合理的认可与鼓励。  相似文献   

颛锡良 《北方牧业》2004,(11):29-29
河北正龙药业有限公司是由石家庄三元药业有限公司、黑龙江省海伦市正龙动物药业有限公司和河北省牧工商动物饲料兽药有限公司三家合资筹建的.是专业从事兽药研发、生产与经营的高新技术企业。  相似文献   

如今,“猎头”对我们来说已经不再是新名词,并已成为企业获得空降兵的最佳途径。它是根据企业的需要,直接与目标人物接触,换言之,是用人单位要什么,它去挑什么。猎头公司的兴起,表现出的是企业界对于人才的渴求。随着市场经济的发展,越来越多的企业主意识到,人才才是企业发展的原动力,而人才呢?人才都到哪里去了?惠  相似文献   

马悦春 《饲料广角》2005,(22):45-46
民企最初创业时,由于没实力缺少吸引力,外聘人才难,所以使用了一些亲情较近的人力资源。在最初那些拼命打江山的岁月里,大家枪口一致对外,的确体现了子弟兵和江东父老的战斗力。但随着时间地推移,十来个人七八条枪的游击队,也变成了动辄注册资金上百万、上千万、上亿的企业了。  相似文献   

湖南正虹饲料股份有限公司是由原湖南正虹饲料厂改制组建的股份制企业,于1997年3月在深市挂牌上市,成为饲料行业中最早上市的一家公司,被新闻界和证券界誉为“中国饲料第一股”。公司运作三年来,总资产已达11.14亿元,比1996年的2.11亿元增加9.03亿元,增长428%。股东权益达7.83亿元,比1996年的1.091亿元增加6.739亿元,增长618%。公司主要从事“正虹牌”猪、鸡、鸭、鱼系列饲料的开发、研制、生产和销售,兼营饲料上下游业务。在目前饲料市场竞  相似文献   

张新建 《北方牧业》2010,(14):31-31
<正>祖父用纸给我做过一条长龙。长龙腹腔的空隙仅仅只能容纳几只蝗虫,投放进去,它们都在里面死了,无一幸免!祖父说:"蝗虫性子太躁,除了挣扎,它们没想过用嘴巴去  相似文献   

当今社会发展很快 ,竞争激烈 ,生活压力大。因此 ,年轻的妈妈大多泌乳少 ,有的甚至没有乳汁 ,常以牛乳和奶粉代替 ,致使婴儿健康发生问题。特别是一些家庭中用牛奶喂养婴幼儿时 ,往往加入白糖而不知加入蜂蜜 ,对婴幼儿的生长发育更是不利。其实 ,早在 2 4 0 0年前 ,希腊人就有用蜂蜜哺育幼儿 ,以促进幼儿生长发育 ,增强抗病力等的详细记载 ,现代营养学研究和实践表明 ,婴幼儿吃蜂蜜比吃白糖好 ,蜂蜜对婴幼儿特别是早产儿和营养不良幼儿的生长发育有良好的功效。意大利波罗那大学临床儿科的普罗斯佩里博士的临床实验显示 ,给 4 2名早产儿以及…  相似文献   

传统的人事工作我们称之为“事务型人力资源管理”。这种人事管理停留在招聘、工资与人事档案管理等事务及简单的培训工作上,对企业战略贡献小。我们东方赢管理咨询机构曾做过一项调查,处于事务型人力资源管理状态的企业,其明星员工(即独立工作能力强、与企业文化契合且业绩突出的员工)只占全体员工  相似文献   

Two dogs were presented to North Carolina State University Veterinary Teaching Hospital following blunt trauma to the head delivered by a horse kick. On presentation, both dogs had resolving clinical signs directly related to the head trauma, but both also had compromise to their upper airway as a result of indirect injury to the soft tissues of the neck, visible on plain radiographs. One dog made a full recovery following a period of assisted ventilation. The other dog was euthanized at the request of the owner. These injuries illustrate the importance of evaluating the cervical spine and soft tissues of the neck following blunt trauma to the head.  相似文献   

A 5-year-old Thoroughbred gelding with recent history of head trauma presented with multiple facial swellings, bilateral mucopurulent nasal discharge, neck pain, inappetence and depression. On computed tomographic examination, lesions within the pituitary fossa and structures adjacent to the right guttural pouch were identified. Soft tissue swelling was seen in the dorsal aspect of the right guttural pouch surrounding several cranial nerves, with fluid-like material in the dependent portions of the right guttural pouch. A CSF sample revealed mild mixed pleocytosis and increased protein concentration. The horse had concurrent periapical disease of the 209-cheek tooth and mild left sinusitis. The horse's demeanour deteriorated requiring euthanasia. Post-mortem examination revealed a pituitary gland abscess.  相似文献   

草食畜牧业是我国畜牧业今后发展的重点 ,宜昌市委、市政府已把草食畜牧业列为“十五”期间重点发展的六大农业特色产业之一。为了尽快落实市委、市政府有关政策精神 ,笔者结合我区实际 ,就加快我区草食畜牧业发展作一粗浅探讨。1 夷陵区发展草食畜牧业的现实意义改革开放以来 ,宜昌市夷陵区 (原宜昌县 )畜牧业得到了持续、健康、快速发展。2 0 0 0年 ,全区生猪育肥出栏突破 50万头大关 ,达到了 51万头 ,是 1 978年的 3 2倍 ,其中优质瘦肉型猪已占到总出栏量的 1 6% ;家禽出笼达到 2 84万只 ,是 1 978年的 59倍 ;山羊饲养量达到 4 2万只 ,…  相似文献   

本研究以Epichloё属内生真菌侵染(E+)和未被侵染(E-)的醉马草(Achnatherum inebrians)生物碱提取液为材料,测定其对麦角菌(Clavieps purpurea)、德氏霉(Drechslera erythrospila)、燕麦镰孢(Fusarium avenaceum)、根腐离蠕孢(Bipolaris sorokiniana)、新月弯孢(Curvularia lunata)、半裸镰孢(Fusarium semitectum)、腐皮镰孢(Fusarium solani)和细交链孢(Alternaria alternata)8种植物病原真菌菌落生长和孢子萌发的抑制率,明确醉马草生物碱提取液的抑菌活性。高效液相色谱(HPLC)检测结果发现,E+醉马草提取液中含有麦角新碱和麦角酰胺两种生物碱,其浓度分别为26.178和369.074 mg·kg-1,而E-醉马草提取液中不含这两种生物碱。不同浓度的E+和E-醉马草提取液对供试植物病原真菌的菌落繁殖和孢子萌发均具有不同程度的抑制作用,E+对真菌菌落生长的抑制率要大于E-,其中对腐皮镰孢菌落生长和孢子萌发的抑制率最大,分别达到63%和57%。生物碱提取液浓度与供试真菌孢子萌发抑制率呈显著正相关(P0.05)。内生真菌的侵染提高了醉马草提取液的抑菌活性,共生体中含有生物碱成分,具体的抑菌机制和机理有待后续研究。  相似文献   

Turning is commonly used as a diagnostic aid in equine lameness examinations. Forces experienced on the circle differ from those in a straight line, necessitating an inward lean of the body and asymmetric head/pelvic excursion, which are important parameters for lameness investigations. To better understand gait adaptations to lungeing in normal horses, the effect of turn direction on body lean in trot and in canter warrants further investigation. In this study, it was hypothesised that, on average and independent of gait, the observed body lean angle would be consistent with the ratio between gravitational and centripetal acceleration, but with variations for individual horses showing differences between reins. Twenty horses were fitted with a global positioning system (GPS)-aided inertial measurement unit quantifying body lean angle, speed and circle radius in trot and canter in both directions. The difference between predicted (from speed and circle radius) and observed body lean (Δobs,pred) was compared between horses, directions and gaits using a generalised linear model. The mean speed and circle radius were 3.3 m/s and 4.9 m in trot and 4.5 m/s and 5.7 m in canter. Mean Δobs,pred was ?1.1° (range ?7.6° to 5.4°) in trot and ?0.8° (range ?7.6° to 8.3°) in canter and was significantly different between horses (P < 0.0001) and directions (P < 0.0001), but not between gaits (P = 0.14). Interactions between horse and direction (P < 0.0001) and horse and gait (P = 0.011) were also significant. Horses leaned marginally less into the circle than predicted. However, this study provides additional evidence for horse specific adaptations, showing significant differences between horses and turn directions but not between gaits.  相似文献   

It has become accepted that the horse cannot see directly in front when the nose is lowered and must therefore rely on the rider. We tested the hypothesis that this conclusion would be correct only if the horse did not adjust the eyeball horizontal axis to changes of the head position. The results of the present study suggest that it is unlikely that horses have limited vision in relation to their head position when driven by the rider, and that the horse maintains the optimal horizontal eyeball position regardless of head position relative to the ground.  相似文献   

Horses are elite athletes when compared with other mammalian species. In the latter, performance is limited by cardiovascular or musculoskeletal performance whereas in athletic horses it is the respiratory system that appears to be rate limiting and virtually all horses exercising at high intensities become hypoxaemic and hypercapnoeic. This is due to both diffusion limitation and a level of ventilation inadequate for the metabolic level that enables horses to exercise at these intensities. In conjunction with these blood gas changes, total pulmonary resistance increases and the work of breathing rises exponentially and airflow eventually plateaus despite increases in inspiratory and expiratory intrapleural pressures. Horses breathe at comparatively high frequencies when galloping due to the tight 1:1 coupling of strides to breathing. Whether this effects gas exchange and, if so, to what extent, has not been fully elucidated.  相似文献   

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