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Infectious pancreatic necrosis (IPN) is a disease of salmonid fishes. It has been reported in many countries throughout the world (MGonigle 1940, Wood et al. 1955, Besse & Kinkelin 1965, Vestergård Jørgensen & Bregnballe 1969, Sano 1971, Ball et al 1971, Ljungberg & Vestergård Jørgensen 1972, Schlotfeldt et al. 1975). Outbreaks of the disease can cause serious losses in populations of hatchery reared salmonids, the mortality rate varying between 10 and 90 % (Vestergård Jørgensen & Kehlet 1971). There are at least four different serotypes of the virus distinguished by neutralization tests (Wolf et al. 1968). Twenty-five isolates of IPN virus in Denmark proved to represent only two serotypes (Sp and Ab) (Vestergård Jørgensen & Kehlet). The present paper reports the first isolation of IPN virus from the stock at a fish farm in Norway.  相似文献   

The clinical and pathological picture of the BVD/MD complex is most protean, and the majority of cases run a subclinical course (Bruner & Gillespie 1966). The disease complex has been recorded in many countries and on all continents (Mills et ah 1965). In Scandinavia a BVD/MD-like disease, the “Umeå disease”, was described by Nystedt in northern Sweden in 1960 and later proved to be a mixed infection of bovine parainfluenza virus type 3 and BVD/MD virus (Dinter & Bakos 1961). In 1961 the Umea syndrome was reported in Denmark by Borgen & Dinter and in Finland by Rislakki. In Norway the picture of the BVD/MD complex has been known for many years although no isolation of the virus has yet been described*. The isolation and identification of the virus from an atypical case of BVD/MD in a heifer is described in the following.  相似文献   

The sampling method used is of great importance for the estimation of the microbial activity and biochemical status in ruminal fluid (Stöber & Tiefenbach 1958, Keindorf 1974, Behravesh 1984). Several methods have been used for sampling of ruminal fluid in non-fistulated animals (Sørensen & Schambye 1955, Perk 1958, Schultz & Hiepe 1958, Keindorf & Link 1971). However, the conventional methods of collecting ruminal fluid either by stomach tube (Thygesen probe with a filter ad modum Sørensen & Schambye (1955)), or through a puncture low in the left flank, do not produce representative samples comparable in quality or quantity to samples collected directly through a rumen fistula. The puncture methods usually produce a very small volume of material, and they often leave the cow with an inflammatory reaction in the flank. Many research workers have demonstrated contamination with saliva in samples drawn through a peroral stomach tube, resulting inter alia in a higher pH value than in samples collected through fistula (Dirksen 1970, Behravesh 1984). Since changes in the fermentative reactions of high-yielding cows are receiving much research emphasis today, it has been our aim to construct an instrument suitable for collecting single or continuous samples for diagnostic as well as research purposes, which are comparable in quality and quantity to samples obtained through a rumen fistula. The idea of making the naso-ruminal sampler was inspired by the construction of the COMET Naso-Reticular Instrument (Hekmati et al. 1985).  相似文献   

Schäffer (1900) and Butkewitch (1903) seem to have been the first to focus attention on the proteolytic activity of micro-fungi. The occurrence and properties of proteolytic enzymes from various fungus species were subsequently studied by several authors. Literature in this field was reviewed by e.g. Ito (1950), Gorbach & Koch (1955), Koch & Dedic (1957), Hagihara (1960), Davies (1963) and Roper & Fennell (1965).In connection with investigation of the proteolytic activity of several fungus species, a gelatin hydrolyzing effect of Aspergillus fumigatus (AF) was reported to be exerted by living organisms in pure culture (Jensen 1931), extracted mycelial material (Maxwell 1950, Dingle & Solomons 1952), and by fluid culture medium in which AF was cultured (Dion 1950a, b, Dingle & Solomons). Ay res & Tobie (1943) demonstrated moderate casein hydrolyzing activity in extracted mycelial material from 4 AF strains, and Amatayakul (1955) observed low fibrinolytic activity in 1 strain.Proteolytic activity measured by breakdown of gelatin and casein was demonstrated by Jonsson & Martin (1964) in culture medium in which AF had been cultured. Three activity optima were observed at pH values around 3, 6.5 and 10. A subsequent study indicated that the activity in neutral and alkaline environment was caused by the same enzyme (Martin & Jönsson 1965).By means of electrophoretic separation combined with reactions for enzyme characterization, Tran Van Ky et al. (1966) demonstrated proteolytic activity in mycelial extracts of 21-day AF cultures. A casein precipitating enzyme (CP enzyme) was demonstrated by Sandvik (1967) in the fluid phase of frozen and thawed skimmilk agar cultures from e.g. AF.In addition to haemolysin and toxin (Rutqvist 1965, 1968, Rutqvist & Persson 1966), mycelial filtrates of AF have proved to contain a proteolytic enzyme. An account is given in the following of a study of this enzyme with respect to (1) casein precipitating ability, (2) casein and gelatin hydrolyzing effect, and (3) relation to toxin and haemolysin.  相似文献   

Gaffkaemia is a bacterial disease which causes periodic, lethal epizootics in holding facilities for live American (Homarus americanus) and European (Homarus vulgaris) lobsters (Snieszko & Taylor 1947, Roskam 1957). Gaffkaemia, with the causative agent Aerococcus viridans, has been diagnosed in many countries in Europe and elsewhere. Roskam (1957, 1958) reported the disease in lobsters imported to the Netherlands from Norway. In Norway, however, the disease has never before been reported, though an experiment has shown that gaffkaemia could be induced in lobsters from a Norwegian area with injections of the A.T.C.C. type strain no. 10400 of the causative agent (Møllerud 1971).  相似文献   

Satisfactory conception rates of deep frozen boar spermatozoa were obtained, with insemination by way of the cervix, after thawing the deep frozen spermatozoa in boar seminal plasma, both in preliminary trials (Crabo & Einarsson 1971, Crabo et al. 1972 b) and in a large field trial (Einarsson et al. 1972). Fertility with pellet frozen boar spermatozoa, thawed without dilution, was reported by Graham et al. (1971 a, b) and Pursel & Johnson (1971).  相似文献   

Counterimmunoelectrophoresis as a test method for making the diagnosis of plasmacytosis in mink demands the specific virus antigen. The method for preparation of the antigen according to Cho & Ingram (1972 a, b) with minor modifications is described in details, and results obtained at 62 antigen preparations are presented. In addition an ultrafiltration method is outlined which may be useful as a replacement for ultracentrifugation procedures used in the technique described by Cho & Ingram (1974).  相似文献   

Considerable evidence for the existence of a direct genetic control of the immune response has been presented during recent years. Experimental work with rodents are the main basis for this evidence. The first study on genetic variations in the antibody response was carried out by Gorer & Schütze (1938). Later Cinader (1960) published detailed considerations about the specificity and inheritance of the antibody response. In mice it has been demonstrated that a few dominant immune response (Ir) genes determine the ability to produce antibodies against certain specific antigens (McDevitt & Tyan 1968). The magnitude of the response is probably under the influence of polygenes, which are not associated with Ir genes. This theory is supported by selection for high and low antibody production in mice (Biozzi et al. 1972).  相似文献   

The leukocyte migration test for in vitro studies of delayed type hypersensitivity has recently been reviewed (Søborg & Ben-dixen 1967; Bendixen & Søborg 1969). Søborg & Bendixen applied the test to circulating leukocytes in man and thereby widely increased the potentialities of this test. They obtained high leukocyte yields with only moderate erythrocyte admixture by harvesting the supernatant plasma after sedimentation of the erythrocytes for 60 min. at 37°C in the normal gravitational field (1 × g)- Their procedure was unsuitable for the present investigation because bovine erythrocytes sediment so slowly. Sedimentation after clumping at the interphase of aqueous solutions of polymers, dextran and methylcellulose, in combination with metrizoic acid (Böyum 1968) was tried without success because the vast majority of the leukocytes sedimented together with the erythrocytes. Separation of leukocytes from erythrocytes could not be achieved by differential centrifugation.  相似文献   

Streptococcus suis is an important pig pathogen which is associated with respiratory problems, meningitis and less fre-quently with a variety of other conditions(Hommez et al. 1986). S. suis type 1 causes disease mainly in 1–2 week old pigs while serotype 2 is found commoaily in 2–22 week old pigs, S. suis type 2 is a zoonosis. It can cause meningitis and septicaemia in man (Christensen & Kronvall 1985). Several other serotypes of S. suis have also been identified on the basis of the capsular poly-saccharide (Perch et al. 1983, Hommez et al. 1986). We present a case where we isolated S. suis types 1 and 2 from the brain and lungs respectively of the same diseased suckling piglet. This i/s the first reported case of S. suis types 1 and 2 in Finland.  相似文献   

Though several agents may be involved in the etiology of enzootic pneumonia of pigs, recent investigations seem to indicate that the great majority of cases are caused by a Mycoplasma species — called M. suipneumoniae in Britain (Goodwin et al 1965) and M. hyopneumoniae in the U.S.A. (Maré & Switzer 1965).  相似文献   

Until now 11 serotypes of Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae have been described (Nicolet 1971, Gunnarsson 1980, Nielsen 1982, Rosendal & Boyd 1982, Nielsen & O’Connor 1984, Nielsen 1985, Kamp 1986). Recently a hitherto unrecognized serotype was isolated from 9 Danish outbreaks of pleuropneumonia in pigs. The origin of the strains is given in Table 1. From 3 herds the unrecognized serotype was found in 2 to 3 pigs submitted for necropsy at different times. The present study describes the serological properties of the 13 isolated strains.  相似文献   

Plasmin is a serin protease with a broad substrate specificity which might cause disintegration of basal membranes, epithelium and surrounding matrix. Plasmin might also elicit degradation of tissue (Mullins & Rohrlich 1983).  相似文献   

The “Κ” strain of Mycoplasma bovigenitalium has proved to be pathogenic for the mammary gland of cows, for the genital tract of bulls, and for calves (Εrnø 1967, Blom & Εrnø 1967, Εrnø 1969). Antibodies can be demonstrated in the blood following infection of the mammary gland, and after intravenous and intraperitoneal inoculation of calves with or without clinical signs of infection.  相似文献   

There are few reports of trauma induced ruptured pancreas in the cat, but very little is known about the clinical signs and laboratory findings in these cases (Sutter & Olsson 1969, Lettow et al. 1986).  相似文献   

Gaffkemia, which has recently been reviewed by Stewart & Rabin (1970) and by Stewart (1975), is a fatal bacterial disease of the American and European lobster (Homarus americanus and Homarus vulgaris) (Snieszko & Taylor 1947). The causal agent, first classified as Gaffkya homari (Hitchner & Snieszko 1947), is now classified as Aerococcus viridans (Williams et aL 1953, Buchanan & Gibbons 1974).  相似文献   

In previous investigations on small mammals in Finland (Rislakki & al 1954, Rislakki & Salminen 1955, Salminen 1956), the Leptospira icterohaemorrhagiae-frequency in rats (Rattus norvegicus) was rather high (43.1 %). Leptospira-positive cases were also found in house mice (L. sejroe 23.3 %), harvest mice (L. hataviae 9.0 %), yellow necked field mice (L. poi 12.5 %), common voles (L. sejroe and L. bataviae together 12.1 %), field voles (L. sejroe and L. bataviae together 10.7 %) and in common shrews (L. poi 1.2 %). Specimens of other species sent in for investigation (Norway rat, common red backed vole, large tooth backed vole, northern red backed vole, root vole, water vole, wood lemming, Laxmann''s shrew, lesser shrew and water shrew) gave negative results.  相似文献   

The diagnosis of both bovine viral diarrhoea (BVD) and mucosal disease (MD) is usually made on the basis of characteristic clinical and pathological findings. The definitive etiological diagnosis by virus isolation is time consuming, expensive and elusive. Isolation of the virus in cell cultures is rather difficult since it has no characteristic cytopathic effect (CPE). Furthermore, many strains have no CPE at all. Due to these uncertainties, virus isolation trials are generally supported by additional tests (Radostits & Littlejohns 1988).  相似文献   

Bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV) caused a large epizootic of acute respiratory disease in Japan in 1968—69 (Inaba et al. 1970, Inaba et al. 1972). A much smaller outbreak occurred in Switzerland (Paccaud & Jacquier 1970). In Belgium the virus has been isolated from an outbreak of respiratory disease (Wellemans et al. 1970). BRSV has later been proved an important causal agent of respiratory disorders in the same country (Wellemans & Leiinen 1975). In England and USA the virus has caused and been isolated from outbreaks of acute respiratory disease in calves (Jacobs & Edington 1971, Rosenquist 1974, Smith et al. 1974). In Denmark BRSV has sporadically been isolated from pneumonic calf lungs (Bitsch et al. 1976).  相似文献   

Several observations of the occurrence of PCB in marine organisms have been published since Jensen (1966) proved the presence of these compounds as pollutants in the environment. In the last years the occurrence in terrestrial animals, especially birds have been reported a.o. by Prestt & Moore (1970).  相似文献   

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