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Summary A field experiment in concrete-based plots was conducted to estimate the contribution of N derived from air (Ndfa) or biological N2 fixation in Sesbania rostrata and S. cannabina (syn. S. aculeata), using various references, by the 15N dilution method. The two Sesbania species as N2-fixing reference plants and four aquatic weed species as non-N2-fixing references were grown for 65 days after sowing in two consecutive crops, in the dry and the wet seasons, under flooded conditions. Soil previously labeled with 15N at 0.26 atom % 15N excess in mineralizable N was further labeled by ammonium sulfate with 3 and 6 atom % 15N excess. The results showed that 15N enrichment of soil NH 4 + -N dropped exponentially in the first crop to half the original level in 50 days while in the second crop, it declined gradually to half the level in 130 days. The decline in 15N enrichment, in both N2-fixing and non-fixing species, was also steeper in the first crop than in the second crop. Variations in 15N enrichment among non-fixing species were smaller in the second crop. The ratio of the uptake of soil N to that of fertilizer N in N2-fixing and non-fixing species was estimated by the technique of varying the 15N level. In the second crop, this ratio in non-fixing species was higher than that in N2-fixing species. Comparable estimates of % Ndfa were obtained by using 15N enrichment of various non-fixing species. There was also good agreement between the estimates obtained by using 15N enrichment of non-fixing species and those by using soil NH 4 + -N, particularly in the second crop. By 25 days after sowing, the first crop of both Sesbania spp. had obtained 50% of total N from the atmosphere and the second crop had obtained 75%. The contribution from air increased with the age of the plant and ranged from 70% to 95% in 45–55 days. S. rostrata fixed substantially higher amounts of N2 due to its higher biomass production compared with S. cannabina. Mathematical considerations in applying the 15N dilution method are discussed with reference to these results.  相似文献   

Summary Biological N2 fixation was estimated in a field experiment following the addition of NH4Cl or KNO3 to unconfined microplots (1.5 m2) at 2.5 g N m-2 (10 atom% 15N). A model of total N and 15N accumulation in lupins and decreasing 15N enrichment in the KCl-extractable soil-N pool (0–0.15 m depth) was used to estimate the proportion of N in lupins derived from biological N2 fixation. Estimates of N2 fixation derived from the model were compared with 15N isotope-dilution estimates obtained using canola, annual ryegrass, and wheat as nonfixing reference plants. Biomass, total N accumulation, or 15N enrichment in the lupin and reference crops did not differ whether NH inf4 sup+ or NO inf3 sup- was added as the labelled inorganic-N source. The decrease in soil 15N enrichment was described by first-order kinetics, whereas total N and 15N accumulation in the lupins were described by logistical equations. Using these equations, the uptake of soil N by lupins was estimated and was then used to calculate fixed N2. Estimates of N2 fixation derived from the model increased from 0 at 50 days after sowing to a maximum of 0.79 at 190 days after sowing. Those based on the 15N enrichment of the NO inf3 sup- pool were 10% higher than those based on the mineral-N pool. 15N isotope-dilution estimates of N2 fixation ranged from 0.37 to 0.55 at 68 days after sowing and from 0.71 to 0.77 at 190 days after sowing. Reference plant-derived values of N2 fixation were all higher than modelled estimates during the early states of growth, but were similar to modelled estimates at physiological maturity. The use of the model to estimate N2 derived from the atmosphere has the intrinsic advantage that the need for a non-fixing reference plant is avoided.  相似文献   

Summary A pot experiment in the greenhouse was conducted to compare the contribution of N derived from the atmosphere or from biological N2 fixation by Sesbania rostrata inoculated with Azorhizobium caulinodans, applied either to roots or to roots and stems (single or multiple stem inoculation). Two subsequent crops were grown for 50 days under flooded conditions. N derived from air was estimated by 15N dilution using 15N enrichment of soil NH inf4 sup+ -N and of Echinochloa crusgalli as the non-N2-fixing reference datum and compared with estimates obtained by the N-difference method. The first crop was grown to stabilize the 15N into the soil organic N fraction. The 15N enrichment of soil NH inf4 sup+ -N in the second crop declined slowly. The extractability ratio (15N enrichment of extractable soil N to 15N enrichment of total soil N) decreased from 4.8 to 4.1 50 days after planting. The enrichment of soil NH inf4 sup+ -N was comparable to that of E. crus-galli, resulting in similar estimates of N derived from air when either soil NH inf4 sup+ -N or enrichment of E. crus-galli was used as a non-fixing reference. The N-difference method did not always provide reliable estimates of N derived from air; percentages ranged from 75 to more than 80 by 50 days after planting in both crops and did not differ among treatments. The study demonstrates the potential of using 15N enrichment of soil NH inf4 sup+ -N as a non-N2-fixing reference for reliable BNF estimates of crops in lowland puddled soil.  相似文献   

Summary Root and stem nodulation, nitrogen fixation (acetylene-reducing activity), growth and N accumulation bySesbania rostrata as affected by season and inoculation were studied in a pot experiment. The effects ofS. rostrata as a green manure on succeeding wet-season and dry-season rice yields and total N balance were also studied.S. rostrata grown during the wet season showed better growth, nodulation, and greater acetylene-reducing activity than that grown during the dry season. Inoculation withAzorhizobium caulinodans ORS 571 StrSpc® (resistant to streptomycin and spectinomycin) on the stem alone or on both root and stem significantly increased N2 fixation by the plants. Soil and seed inoculation yielded active root nodules under flooded conditions. Plants that were not inoculated on the stem did not develop stem nodules. The nitrogenase activity of the root nodules was greater than that of the stem nodules in about 50-day-oldS. rostrata. S. rostrata incorporation, irrespective of inoculation, significantly increased the grain yield and N uptake of the succeeding wet season and dry season rice crops. The inoculated treatments produced a significantly greater N gain (873 mg N pot–1) than the noinoculation (712 mg N pot–1) treatment. About 80% of the N gained was transferred to the succeeding rice crops and about 20% remained in the soil. The soil N in the flooded fallow-rice treatment significantly declined (–140 mg N pot–1) but significantly increased in bothS. rostrata-rice treatments (159 and 151 mg N pot–1 in uninoculated and inoculated treatments respectively). The N-balance data gave extrapolated values of N2 fixed per hectare at about 303 kg N ha–1 per two crops forS. rostrata (uninoculated)-rice and 383 forS. rostrata (inoculated)-rice.  相似文献   

Summary Using 15N, the fate of N applied to wetland rice either as Azolla or urea was studied in a field at the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI). In bigger plots nearby, yield response and N uptake were also determined with unlabelled N sources. Azolla microphylla was labelled by repeated application of labelled ammonium sulfate. Labelled and unlabelled N were used alternately in applications of Azolla or urea 0 and 42 days after transplanting, in order to determine the effect of the time of application on the availability of Azolla N. The quantities of Azolla N incorporated were 23% more than those of urea N (30 kg N ha–1) in the isotope plots or 7% less in the yield response plots. Grain yield and total N uptake by the rice plants in the yield-response plots were higher in the urea-treated plots than in the Azolla-treated plots, but the physiological effect of Azolla N (grain yield response/increase in N uptake) was higher than that of rea. The labelled N balance was studied after the first and second crops of rice. Losses of labelled N after the first crop were higher from urea (30%–32%) than from Azolla (0%–11 %). Losses in N applied as a side dressing 42 days after transplanting were less than those of N applied basally. No further losses of 15N occurred after the first crop. The recovery of Azolla 15N in the first crop of rice was 39% from the basal application and 63% from the side dressing. The recovery of urea 15N was 27% from the basal application and 48% from the side dressing. Recoveries of residual N from both Azolla and urea during the second rice crop were similar. Laboratory incubation of the Azolla used and the changes in labelled exchangeable N in the soil showed that at least 65% of Azolla N (4.7% N content) was mineralized within 10 days.  相似文献   

Organic-N fertilizers in the form of flood-tolerant, leguminous, stem-nodulating Sesbania rostrata and Aeschynomene afraspera may be useful alternatives to resource-poor rice farmers if applied as green manure. Therefore, the accumulation of N by these green manure species and their effect on the performance and yield of wetland rice (IR 64) was examined at four different sites in Luzon, Philippines. Soils deficient in N, P, and K were selected and compared with the fertile Maahas clay of the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) at Los Baños. The green manure plants were grown under flooded conditions for 49 days in the wet season of 1987, chopped, and then ploughed in before transplanting rice seedlings. In a second experiment, the effect of S. rostrata green manure was studied under rainfed conditions. All green manure treatments were compared to an urea treatment (60 kg N ha–1) and an untreated control. Both legumes developed well, even on the marginally productive soils. S. rostrata accumulated up to 190 kg N ha–1 and A. afraspera even accumulated 196 kg N ha–1 in the shoots. In all treatments, green manure increased grain yield significantly (P=0.05) over the untreated control, by 1.3–1.7 Mg ha–1. The yields were comparable to those obtained with 60 kg N ha–1 of urea fertilizer. S. rostrata caused the highest grain yield, of 6.5 Mg ha–1 on the Maahas clay soil of IRRI. The apparent release of exchangeable NH 4 + -N in the soils after green manuring and the rice grain yield response showed that both green manure species may provide sufficient available N throughout the development of IR 64 in the wet season. In the rainfed marginal soil site, green manure with S. rostrata produced even higher rice grain yields than urea. Green manure therefore seems particularly attractive for poor farmers on marginally productive soils, at least as a temporary strategy to improve yield and yield sustainability.  相似文献   

 Pot experiments were carried out to evaluate the response of rice to Sesbania rostrata green manure N as compared to urea fertilizer N under flooded conditions. After growing S. rostrata for 21 days with a 15N-labelled N source, the labelled Sesbania was applied to wetland rice as a green manure and the uptake of 15N from this substrate was compared to that from labelled urea. Rice was cultivated twice in the same pots. The rice was grown for a period of 49 days in each case, separated by a period of 21 days when the soil was allowed to dry. The 15N content of the soil and shoots and roots of rice was determined and 15N balances established. The total N content of the shoots and roots of rice was determined by a non-tracer method. The percentage recovery of 15N from shoot material which was derived from urea N was more than twice that from S. rostrata. The recovery of 15N from the pots receiving both green manure and urea was low, and not significantly different from that recovered from the green manure treatment. As much as 64.5–73.5% and 40.1–41% of the 15N remained in the soil which had received green manure or urea, respectively. The overall recoveries of 15N varied between 86.5% and 94.4%. At the second harvest, the oven-dry weight of shoots was significantly (P<0.05) higher in green-manure treated pots, but the total N content did not differ significantly. Labelled N remaining in the soil after amendment with the green manure was much more available to the rice crop than that remaining after the addition of urea-N. The total recovery of labelled N (shoots plus roots) amounted to 65.5% and 74%, respectively of the residual labelled N in the two S. rostrata treatments (i.e. 19.55 mg 15N pot–1 and 39.10 mg 15N pot–1) and 23.2% and 23.2% of the residual labelled N in the two urea treatments (i.e. 19.55 mg 15N pot and 39.10 mg 15N pot–1), respectively. Received: 8 December 1997  相似文献   

Summary A pot experiment was conducted to compare the yields from five commercially cultivated varieties (Bas-198, Bas-370, Bas-Pak, Bas-385, and IR-6) of rice (Oryza sativa L.) and to establish the relative significance of soil N and fertilizer N (15N-labelled ammonium sulphate) in affecting crop performance. Another aim was to study the interaction of fertilizer N and soil N as influenced by different rice varieties. Among the five varieties tested, Bas-Pak gave the maximum dry matter and N yield. The N-use efficiency (percentage of applied N taken up by the plants) of different varieties ranged between 33.7 and 43.7%, Bas-Pak being the most efficient. Significant losses of fertilizer N occurred from the soil-plant system. The maximum N loss (52.1% of applied N) was observed with IR-6 and the minimum loss (39.2%) with Bas-Pak. A substantial increase in the uptake of soil N following the application of fertilizer and an interaction between the two N sources were observed with all varieties except Bas-385. The interaction was attributed to greater root proliferation following the application of fertilizer. It was concluded that a varietey with greater potential to use soil N is likely to give a better yield and that, of the two N sources, the availability of soil N was more important in determining the yield performance of different varieties of rice.  相似文献   

This study was performed to clarify whether areal variation exists in the relationship between natural 15N abundances (δ15N values) of rice (Oryza sativa L.) and soil without an applied nitrogen (N) source, and to explore possible reasons for any areal variation. We investigated the relationships between δ15N values of rice and those of unamended soil with no applied N source in two locations; Daisen and Ogata, in Akita Prefecture, Japan. The δ15N values of rice in Daisen were higher than those in Ogata from 2007 to 2009, irrespective of the cropping year. Results demonstrated areal variation in the relationship between δ15N values of rice and those of unamended soil. The variation might be attributed to variation in the δ15N of natural N input and to ammonia nitrification and subsequent denitrification. When the relationship between δ15N values of rice and those of unamended soil is used to discriminate between organic and conventional rice, the areal variation of the relationship in the target area should be taken into account, from the point of the δ15N value of natural N input and N transformation in the soil.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of salts on the balance of fertilizer N applied as 15N-labelled ammonium sulphate and its interaction with native soil N was studied in a pot experiment using rice (Oryza sativa L.) as a test crop. The rice crop used 26%–40% of the applied N, the level of applied N and salts showing no significant bearing on the uptake of fertilizer N. Losses of fertilizer N ranged between 54% and 68% and only 5%–8% of the N was immobilized in soil organic matter. Neither the salts nor the rate of N application had any significant effect on fertilizer N immobilization. The effective use of fertilizer N (fertilizer N in grain/fertilizer N in whole plant) was, however, better in the non-saline soil. The uptake of unlabelled N (N mineralized from soil organic matter and that originating from biological N2 fixation in thes rhizosphere) was inhibited in the presence of the salts. However, in fertilized soil, the uptake of unlabelled N was significantly enhanced, leading to increased A values [(1-% Ndff/% Ndff)x N fertilizer applied, where Ndff is N derived from fertilizer], an index of interaction with the added N. This added N interaction increased with increasing levels of added N. Since the extra unlabelled N taken up by fertilized plants was greater than the fertilizer N immobilized, and the root biomass increased with increasing levels of added N, a greater part of the added N interaction was considered to be real, any contribution by an apparent N interaction (pool substitution or isotopic displacement) to the total calculated N interaction being fairly small. Under saline conditions, for the same level of fertilizer N addition, the added N interaction was lower, and this was attributed to a lower level of microbial activity, including mineralization of native soil N, rootdriven immobilization of applied N, and N2 fixation.  相似文献   

Summary Leptochloa fusca (L.) Kunth (kallar grass) has previously been found to exhibit high rates of nitrogen fixation. A series of experiments to determine the level of biological nitrogen fixation using 15N isotopic dilution were carried out in nutrient solution and saline soil. In the nutrient solution, E. coli inoculated plants were taken as non-nitrogen-fixing control. It was observed that nearly 60%–80% of the plant N was derived from atmospheric fixation. Estimations based on the N difference method gave much lower values (18%–35%). In experiments with saline soil which was initially sterilized with chloroform fumigation, a mixed culture of N2-fixing rhizospheric isolates from kallar grass roots was inoculated and planted to kallar grass. Uninoculated treatments were regarded as controls. The soil was previously labelled with 15N by adding cellulose and (15NH4)2SO4. The results of these studies showed fixation values of 6%–32% when estimated by 15N dilution, whereas by the N difference method 54% of the plant N was estimated to be derived from fixation. This discrepancy is due to the increase in root proliferation due to inoculation, which results in greater uptake of soil N. The distribution of 15N in different fractions of the soil-N indicted isotopic dilution due to bacterial fixation of atmospheric N2.  相似文献   

Ashraf  M.  Mahmood  T.  Azam  F. 《Biology and Fertility of Soils》2003,38(4):257-260
Foliar uptake of 15NH3 applied at two growth stages (tillering and anthesis) and the subsequent 15N-labelled vegetative-N distribution in different plant components at maturity was investigated in three rice cultivars, IR-6, NIAB-6 and Bas-385. Rice plants absorbed 22–30% and 18–24% of the 15NH3 applied at tillering and anthesis stages, respectively. Of the total 15NH3 absorbed at tillering stage, IR-6 and Bas-385 showed higher recovery (71%) in different plant components at maturity as compared to NIAB-6 (48% recovery). At maturity, percent recovery of the 15NH3 absorbed at anthesis stage was almost comparable in different cultivars, but it was lower (46–55%) than that absorbed at the tillering stage. Recovery of the absorbed 15NH3-N in the soil was negligible and ranged from 0.3–1%. At maturity, the cultivars IR-6 and Bas-385 showed a higher loss (45–53%) of 15NH3 absorbed at anthesis than at the tillering stage (29% loss), whereas for NIAB-6, the corresponding figures were comparable for the two growth stages (tillering, 51% loss; anthesis, 49% loss). Results indicated a variable potential of the tested rice cultivars for foliar uptake of atmospheric 15NH3 and distribution of 15N-labelled vegetative-N in different plant components.  相似文献   

Effect of different 15N labeled sources on the estimation of N2 fixation was investigated. The combination of 15N labeled ammonium sulfate, 15N labeled plant material, and 15N labeled ammonium sulfate with unlabeled plant material, was examined in pot experiments. Two cultivars of soybean (Glycine max) and one of mungbean (Vigna radiata) were used. No significant difference was observed among the treatments for the estimation of N2 fixation. This was due to the homogeneity and stability of the 15N abundance in soil which resulted in a similar N uptake from the soil by the N2 fixing and reference crops. The plant yield, total N uptake and amount of N2 fixed were higher in the Yellow Soil than in the Andosol. The amount of N2 fixed was strongly influenced by the plant growth and consequently it affected the plant yield. The slow decomposition of plant material in the Andosol resulted in a low yield in both the N2 fixing and reference crops. Thus, the artificial decrease of the available N content in soil, by application of plant material, did not stimulate N, fixation but suppressed plant growth and N2 fixation.  相似文献   

The performance of Sesbania rostrata varies widely from site to site. This makes it difficult to predict the N yield and biomass of this plant in marginally productive soils, and to arouse the interest of farmers in green manure technology. Three consecutive pot experiments were conducted in a greenhouse at the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) to evaluate growth, nodulation, N2 fixation (C2H2 reduction assay and 15N dilution method), and N yield of 6-week-old S. rostrata on 13 physicochemically different wetland rice soils of the Philippines and on three artificial substrates. The performance of S. rostrata on the unfertilized controls was compared with two fertilizer treatments containing either P (100 mg P kg-1 dry soil) or P+K (100 mg P kg-1 and 200 mg K kg-1 dry soil). In the control soils and substrates, the N yield of S. rostrata varied between 20 and 470 mg N per pot, with the N rate from N2 fixation ranging between 0 and 95%. In three of the nutritionally poor soils even Mn toxicity symptoms apparently occurred with S. rostrata. P application alleviated these symptoms and increased the overall N yield considerably, mainly through increased biological N2 fixation. An additional increase in N yield was obtained by the PK treatment. Multiple regression analysis between soil characteristics and the N yield of S. rostrata showed that the original level of P (Olsen-extracted) and Mn in the soil accounted for 73% of the variance in biomass production by S. rostrata among the unfertilized soils and substrates.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted on paddy soils to ascertain N2 fixation, growth, and N supplying ability of some green-manure crops and grain legumes. In a 60-day pot trial, sunhemp (Crotalaria juncia) produced a significantly higher dry matter content and N yield than Sesbania sesban, S. rostrata, cowpeas (Vigna unguiculata), and blackgram (V. mungo), deriving 91% of its N content from the atmosphere. Dry matter production and N yield by the legumes were significantly correlated with the quantity of N2 fixed. In a lowland field study involving sunhemp, blackgram, cowpeas, and mungbean, the former produced the highest stover yield and the stover N content, accumulating 160–250 kg N ha-1 in 60 days, and showed great promise as a biofertilizer for rice. The grain legumes showed good adaptability to rice-based cropping systems and produced a seed yield of 1125–2080 kg ha-1, depending on the location, species, and cultivar. Significant inter- and intraspecific differences in the stover N content were evident among the grain legumes, with blackgram having the highest N (104–155 kg N ha-1). In a trial on sequential cropping, the groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) showed a significantly higher N2 fixation and residual N effect on the succeeding rice crop than cowpeas, blackgram, mungbeans (V. radiata), and pigeonpeas (Cajanus cajan). The growth and N yield of the rice crop were positively correlated with the quantity of N2 fixed by the preceding legume crop.  相似文献   

Summary A field trial was set up to examine the effect of green manuring, blue-green algae, and neem-cake-coated urea on a rice crop. Summer green manuring using Sesbania aculeata increased the crop yield. Inoculation of blue-green algae increased the rice grain yield when 60 kg N ha-1 was applied as prilled urea, but the increase in grain yield was greater when 60 kg N ha-1 was applied as neem-cake-coated urea. The results of the present study show that applications of green manure, neem-cake-coated urea, and blue-green algae are complementary and that the three treatments can be used together in the rice ecosystem. The green manure and the fertilizer treatments had no effect on the algal flora of the soil.  相似文献   

Summary N accumulation and natural 15N abundance in three legumes (groundnuts, cowpeas, and soybeans) and in two cereals (sorghum and maize) were investigated over two seasons in Alfisols with and without N fertilization. Using the N uptake and natural 15N abundance of non-nodulating plants as the indication of N derived from soil and fertilizer, the per cent N derived from atmospheric N2 was calculated for nodulated plants. In the first experiment, the groundnut genotype contained 85% atmosphere-derived N, but the percentage decreased with N application. Estimates of atmosphere-derived N by the N-difference and 15N-abundance techniques gave identical results. The percentages of atmosphere-derived N estimated by the two methods at different stages of groundnut growth were also similar. In the second experiment, atmosphere-derived N was estimated in plants grown with 0–200 kg ha-1 applied N. The estimated atmosphere-derived N ranged from 42% to 61% for groundnuts from 33% to 77% for cowpeas, and from 24% to 48% for soybeans, depending on the amount of N applied. Inoculation with a Bradyrhizobium strain increased the percentage of atmospherederived N in soybean plants grown without any fertilizer N. The natural 15N abundance of sorghum and maize was very close to that of the non-nodulating groundnut, suggesting that these cereals can be used as reference plants in the estimation of atmosphere-derived N by the natural 15N-abundance method.ICRISAT Journal Article No. 876  相似文献   


A study was carried out to compare the difference or N-yield method with the 15N natural abundance method for the estimation of the fractional contribution of biological N2 fixation in the different plant parts of nodulating and non-nodulating isolines of soybeans. The results indicated that the δ15N values of most plant parts of soybeans were significantly lower (p<0.05) in the nodulating than in the non-nodulating isoline. However, in the case of the root+nodule component, the δ15N value was higher in the nodulating than in the non-nodulating isoline possibly due to isotopic discrimination of 15N over 14N which may have occurred in the nodules. Inoculation of soybeans with the Bradyrhizobium japonicum strain CB 1809 increased significantly (p<0.05) the δ15N value of the root+nodule component implying that the effectiveness of the soybean-rhizobium symbiosis had increased by inoculation.

Percentage of plant N derived from atmospheric N2 fixation (%Ndfa) estimated by the 15N natural abundance method was highly correlated (r=0.762, p<0.01) with that by the difference or N-yield method and the differences between the two methods were not statistically significant. The agreement between the two methods was closer at maturity than at the early reproductive stage.

The %Ndfa obtained by the difference method ranged from 48.4 to 92.6% whereas the %Ndfa obtained by the 15N natural abundance method ranged from 43.2 to 92.4% in the different plant parts. Based on the 15N natural abundance method, approximately 15% of the N in pod, shoot, grain, and shell was derived from the soil but in the case of stover, this fraction was about 55%.  相似文献   

Summary The common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is generally regarded as a poor N2 fixer. This study assessed the sources of N (fertilizer, soil, and fixed N), N partitioning and mobilization, and soil N balance under field conditions in an indeterminate-type climbing bean (P. vulgaris L. cv. Cipro) at the vegetative, early pod-filling, and physiological maturity stages, using the A-value approach. This involved the application of 10 and 100 kg N ha-1 of 15N-labelled ammonium sulphate to the climbing bean and a reference crop, maize (Zea mays L.). At the late pod-filling stage (75 days after planting) the climbing bean had accumulated 119 kg N ha-1, 84% being derived from fixation, 16% from soil, and only 0.2% from the 15N fertilizer. N2 fixation was generally high at all stages of plant growth, but the maximum fixation (74% of the total N2 fixed) occurred during the interval between early (55 days after planting) and late podfilling. The N2 fixed between 55 and 75 days after planting bas a major source (88%) of the N demand of the developing pod, and only about 11% was contributed from the soil. There was essentially no mobilization of N from the shoots or roots for pod development. The cultivation of common bean cultivars that maintain a high N2-fixing capacity especially during pod filling, satisfying almost all the N needs of the developing pod and thus requiring little or no mobilization of N from the shoots for pod development, may lead to a net positive soil N balance.  相似文献   

Summary N accumulation, nodulation, and acetylene reduction activity were measured at frequent intervals during the growth of two chickpea genotypes, and N2 fixation was estimated by an isotope-dilution method, using safflower as a non-N2-fixing reference. Safflower was more efficient at N uptake than both the chickpea genotypes for at least the first 50 days and thus could not be used as an accurate reference control. We recommend that further work should employ non-nodulatiog genotypes of chickpea as reference plants and use slow-release forms of 15N fertilizer. Direct genotype comparison by isotope dilution estimated that genotype K 850 fixed 16–18 kg ha–1 more N than G 130, and this difference was supported by the greater nodule mass and acetylene reduction activity in the K 850 cultivar. Inoculation with an ineffective chickpea Rhizobium sp. led to 69% nodulation on cultivar K 850 but only 33% on G 130. While nodule weight, N uptake, and acetylene reduction activity decreased with inoculation in K 850, the isotope dilutions were similar for both inoculation treatments. The lack of a significant effect on N2 fixation was ascribed to the partial success of inoculant establishment.Published as Journal Article No. JA 692 of the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi Arid Tropics, Patancheru, A.P. 502324, India  相似文献   

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