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Acid invertase plays an important role in plants by hydrolyzing sucrose. Compounds exhibiting cytokinin activity were examined for their effects on acid invertase activity at three tuberization stages of potato,Solanum tuberosum L. Single nodal segments from the cultivar Atlantic were cultured on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium with 6% sucrose and maintained under a 16-hr photoperiod. Media were supplemented with either 2 mg kinetin/1, 0.1 mg thidiazuron/1,1.0 mg AC243, 654/1 (a benzyl nitroguanidine), or 0.1 mg AC239, 604/1 (a phenyl nitroguanidine). Basal acid invertase activity was measured in stolon segments at three morphologically distinct tuberization stages: (1) “hook,” (2) “swelling,” and (3) “initiation.” The onset of tuber initiation was significantly advanced by kinetin and thidiazuron compared to controls. Stolons elongated during the hook and swelling stages until tubers were initiated. Basal acid invertase activity in stolons cultured on control medium significantly increased from hook stage to swelling stage and then decreased slightly when tubers were initiated. At the hook stage, highest basal acid invertase activity occurred when the segments were treated with kinetin and thidiazuron. Kinetin and thidiazuron induced basal acid invertase activity significantly decreased following the hook stage to tuber initiation. Basal acid invertase activity were significantly lower in stolons treated with nitroguanidines than the control activity following the hook stage of development. During the swelling and tuber initiation stages, nitroguanidines-treated segments showed reduction in basal acid invertase activity similar to segments treated with kinetin and thidiazuron treatments. Tuber initiation was preceded by a stimulation of basal acid invertase activity followed by a decrease prior to tuber initiation. Kinetin and thidiazuron stimulated enzyme activity early in the growth of stolons which may have resulted in faster stolon growth and in earlier tuber initiation. The two nitroguanidines, although able to mimic many cytokinin effects in bioassays, did not seem to act in the same way as kinetin.  相似文献   

Changes in potato starch quality during growth   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary Potato starch quality parameters (amylose concentration, glucose-6-phosphate content and granule size) were analyzed in relation to the harvesting date and tuber size of four cultivars. A significant increase in the glucose-6-phosphate content and granule size of starch was observed during tuber growth, whereas the amylose concentration was constant. Granule size increased markedly, whereas glucose-6-phosphate content showed slightly increasing values with increasing tuber size. Amylose concentration showed no correlation with tuber size. We conclude that the changes in the granule size, glucose-6-phosphate and amylose content of potato starch during growth are independent of each other.  相似文献   

Summary Potato tubers stored in a farm store from April to October (monthly average temperature between 24.7 and 36.2°C) accumulated considerable quantities of total sugars. Sucrose was the main component though in the variety Kufri Chandramukhi reducing sugars accumulated in amounts equal to sucrose.  相似文献   

Summary The activities of lipolytic acyl-hydrolases (LAH) and lipoxygenases (LOX) were compared in stored tubers of potato cultivars resistant (Acresta, Eba, Pentland Envoy) and susceptible (Kastor, Pana, Tasso) to post-wounding autolysis. In most cultivars, LAH activities had reached a maximum by the end of December but in cv. Kastor activity continued to increase throughout the storage period. LOX activities increased during most of the storage period except in cv. Tasso. The level of the fatty acid hydroperoxides, assumed from determinations of the malonaldehyde level, also increased during storage. This work was supported by Project CPBP financed by the Polish Academy of Science.  相似文献   

Changes in ascorbic acid levels were followed in apical and basal portions of Russet Burbank and Kennebec tubers during growth and development. Influence of nitrogen fertilization during growth and short-term storage on ascorbic acid level of the tuber was also studied. Changes in ascorbic acid content during growth showed two distinct phases, the first phase being characterized by an increase in ascorbic acid content with growth and development of the tuber, followed by a second phase which showed a decrease in ascorbic acid content with increasing maturity. The shift from the first phase to the second phase occurred earlier for Kennebec than for Russet Burbank. Increased nitrogen fertilization resulted in a delay of this shift from the first to the second phase. The apical portion of the tuber consistently showed higher ascorbic acid content than the basal portion. Kennebec tubers were higher in vitamin C content than tubers of Russet Burbank cultivar. High nitrogen fertilization resulted in less ascorbic acid content during growth. Storage of tubers for four weeks at 5.5°C also resulted in a marked decrease in ascorbic acid content of tubers. Nitrogen fertilizer rate during growth had no influence on the decrease in ascorbic acid content of tubers in storage.  相似文献   

Summary In trials with potato tubers infected with tobacco rattle virus (TRV), symptoms of spraing in cvs Bellona, King Edward, Maris Bard, Matilda, Sv 82146 and Sv 82149 increased during storage when the tubers were cut. Storage of intact tubers at a constant temperature of 9°C or at fluctuating temperatures (2 weeks at 18°C, 2 weeks at 9°C and 2 weeks at 18°C) did not increase the frequency of symptoms.  相似文献   

Summary Low temperature sweetening is a major problem to chip and crisp manufacturers as it results in the production of unacceptably dark fry products. Cryo-electron microscopy was used to examine the changes which occur to the surface morphology of starch granules from tubers of cultivars Record and Brodick stored at 4°C and 10°C. At harvest, the surface of the starch granules was smooth but during storage the surface of the granules became progressívely more pitted. The feasibility of using this technique to determine whether increased starch breakdown occurs at low storage temperatures is discussed. Deceased.  相似文献   

Summary Several pathogenesis-related proteins, which are produced in plants submitted to stress, have been identified as chitinases. We have previously described that a potato basic chitinase strongly inhibited the activity of an aspartic protease isolated from the same source. In this work, we have tested the activity of two potato chitinases as protease inhibitors. A basic chitinase (ChiB) inhibited trypsin, chymotrypsin, subtilisin, proteinase K and a serine protease ofFusarium sp. An acidic one (ChiA) did not show inhibitory activity. The kinetics of trypsin inhibition by ChiB revealed different patterns of inhibition with azocasein and BAPNA. Metal ions affected differentially both activities, suggesting that ChiB is a bifunctional protein. These results and those reported by other authors suggest a new physiological role for pathogenesis-related proteins. However, results presented in this paper suggest that the protease inhibitor activity is not a general characteristic of potato chitinases.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution patterns of dry matter, starch, reducing sugars and total nitrogen were studied in the varietyBintje, stored at 10 C with and without sprout inhibitor. The cortex contained more dry matter and starch, though less reducing sugars and total nitrogen than the medulla. The highest dry matter (starch) content was in the cortical layer of the middle part of the tuber. In the medullary region the lowest total nitrogen was towards the rose end. During storage the differences in carbohydrate contents between cortex and medulla increase. Storage appears to results in a small accumulation of sugars which was somewhat higher in the sprouting tubers not treated with inhibitor. There was no evidence of an influence of the sprout inhibitor (IPC, CIPC) on the distribution pattern.
Zusammenfassung Die vorliegende Ver?ffentlichung befasst sich mit Untersuchungen über die Verteilung und die Ver?nderungen von Inhaltsstoffen, wie Trockensubstanz, St?rke, reduzierende Zucker und Gesamtstickstoff in morphologisch verschiedenen Teilen der Kartoffelknolle (SorteBintje) w?hrend der Aufbewahrung bei 10 C. Ein Teil der Knollen wurde zu Beginn der Lagerung mit einem Gemisch von IPC und CIPC behandelt. In Tabelle 1 sind die verwendeten Zeichen erkl?rt. Es wurden getrennte Analysen vom Kronenende, vom mittleren Teil und vom Nabelende vorgenommen, wobei diese Partien noch in Markgewebe (Medulla) und Rindengewebe (Cortex) unterteilt worden sind (Abb. 1). Von jedem Muster wurden w?hrend der Aufbewahrungszeit vom November 1964 bis April 1965 monatliche Analysen durchgeführt. In Tabelle 2 und 3 sind die Ergebnisse zusammengefasst. Tabelle 4 zeigt die Ergebnisse einer Varianzanalyse für die Gehalte und auch für die Gehaltsdifferenzen zwischen Cortex und Medulla. Tabelle 5 zeigt, welche Gehaltsdifferenzen in der Knolle signifikant sind, w?hrend Tabelle 6 den Einfluss der Zeit auf die Differenz zwischen Cortex und Medulla illustriert. Bezüglich der Verteilung der genannten Inhaltsstoffe l?sst sich folgendes beobachten. Trockensubstanz- und St?rkegehalt sind im Rindengewebe h?her als im Markgewebe. Das Rindengewebe im mittleren Teil der Knolle weist einen H?chstgehalt für diese Stoffgruppe auf. Der Gehalt an reduzierenden Zuckern ist im Markgewebe h?her als im Rindengewebe. W?hrend der Aufbewahrung bei 10 C zeigt sich für Trockensubstanz (St?rke) und Zuckergehalt eine zunehmende Divergenz zwischen Mark und Rinde. Auch der Abbau von Kohlehydraten ist im Markgewebe ausgepr?gter als im Rindengewebe. Der Gesamtstickstoffgehalt ist im Markgewebe h?her als im Rindengewebe. Im Markgewebe l?sst sich der niedrigste Gehalt am Kronenende feststellen. Der Einfluss der Aufbewahrungszeit kennzeichnet sich im allgemeinen durch eine geringe Anh?ufung von Zuckern, welche, im Vergleich zu den behandelten Knollen, in den unbehandelten Knollen etwas h?her ist. Da die Wasserverluste bei keimenden Knollen h?her sind, zeigt der anfangs abnehmende Trockensubstanzgehalt am Ende der Aufbewahrungsperiode wieder eine Zunahme. Es war in diesem Falle nicht m?glich, diese Unregelm?ssigkeit zu korrigieren, da die Analysen nicht zur Erhaltung von absoluten Werten vorgenommen worden sind. Es konnte kein Einfluss der Keimhemmungsmittel auf die Verteilung der Inhaltsstoffe in den Knollen nachgewiesen werden. M?glicherweise k?nnte ein solcher bei einer l?ngeren Aufbewahrungszeit unter h?heren Temperaturbedingungen noch eintreten. Die Ergebnisse k?nnen bei der Verarbeitung von Kartoffeln praktische Bedeutung haben, da beim Schneiden der Knollen mit dieser Verteilung zu rechnen ist.

Résumé La présente publication relate les recherches sur la répartition et l'évolution des composants tels que substance sèche, amidon, sucres réducteurs et matière azotée totale dans les différentes parties morphologiques du tubercule (var.Bintje) au cours de la conservation à 10 C. Une partie des tubercules ont été traités au commencement de la conservation avec un mélange de IPC et CIPC. Tableau 1 donne la signification des symboles utilisés. On a exécuté des analyses séparées de l'extrémité de la couronne, de la section moyenne et du bout du hile, lesquelles parties ont en outre été partagées en tissu médullaire et tissu cortical (Fig. 1). Une analyse de contr?le était faite chaque mois sur chaque échantillon pendant la conservation de novembre 1964 à avril 1965. Les résultats sont rassemblés dans les Tableaux 2 et 3. Tableau 4 donne les résultats d'une analyse de la variance des teneurs et des différences de teneurs entre l'écorce et la moelle. Tableau 5 montre les différences de teneurs dans le tubercule qui sont significatives, tandis que le Tableau 6 illustre l'effet du temps sur les différences entre l'écorce et la moelle. On peut faire les observations suivantes au sujet de la répartition des composants sus-nommés. La matière sèche et la teneur en amidon sont plus élevées dans le tissu cortical que dans le tissu médullaire. Le tissu cortical de la partie médiane du tubercule montre la teneur la plus élevée des substances de ce groupe. La teneur en sucres réducteurs est plus élevée dans le tissu médullaire que dans le cortex. Pendant la conservation à 10 C, se révèle une divergence croissante entre la moelle et le cortex pour la matière sèche et la teneur en sucres. La dégénérescence des hydrates de carbone est également plus marquéc dans la moelle que dans le cortex. La teneur en matière azotéc totale est plus haute dans le tissu médullaire que dans le tissu cortical, tandis que dans la moelle la teneur la plus basse appara?t à la couronne. L'influence de la durée de conservation se caractérise d'une manière générale par une accumulation de sucres, laquelle est quelque peu plus haute dans les tubercules non traités que dans les tubercules traités. Comme les pertes d'eau sont plus élevées chez les tubercules en germination, la teneur en matières sèches, décroissante au commencement, montre de nouveau une augmentation à la fin de la période de conservation. Il n'a pas été possible de supprimer cette cause d'erreur car les analyses n'ont pas visé à des déterminations de valeurs absolues. On n'a décelé aucune influence des inhibiteurs de germination sur la répartition des composants du tubercule. Mais il est possible que cette influence se serait marquée par une période de conservation plus longue sous des conditions plus élevées de température. Ces résultats peuvent avoir une signification pratique pour l'industrie de la transformation des pommes de terre, puisque le sectionnement des tubercules met l'industriel devant cette répartition des composants.

Summary The accumulation of reducing sugars, sucrose and hexose phosphates in cv. Bintje and genotype KW77-2916 during storage at 2, 4, or 8°C was studied in relation to several catalytic activities. Bintje tubers accumulated sugars during storage at 2 or 4°C, whereas KW77-2916 showed reduced cold-sweetening at 2°C. The increase in glucose 6-phosphate and sucrose occurred concurrently and preceded the increase in reducing sugar concentration. Phosphorylase activity showed a strong interaction with temperature, storage duration and sugar accumulation in both genotypes. Invertase activity increased in Bintje concomitantly with the increase in reducing sugars, but this effect was less obvious in KW77-2916. The activities of other glycolytic and Krebs cycle enzymes showed no obvious correlation with sugar accumulation. It is suggested that the increase in phosphorylase activity acts as a triggering event in the sweetening of potato tubers during cold storage.  相似文献   

Summary Total losses during storage and reconditioning of several Polish varieties and strains in comparison with the American varietyKennebec are discussed. Several varieties or strains show such high losses that they are not acceptable for processing after storage. Susceptibility to loss is an attribute which must be taken into account when assessing varieties.  相似文献   

The objective was to investigate the effects of moisture conditions in storage at 21 C (± 3) on true potato seed (TPS) germination and seedling vigor. The influence of supplemental nitrogen (N) during seed production on these effects was also studied. One set of TPS was stored exposed to ambient humid (> 80% RH) air; the other was stored dry (sealed with silica gel). Germination tests were performed at 7, 11, and 14 months of seed storage. Seedling vigor tests were made at 14, 20, and 23 months. The rate of germination was mostly affected by the moisture conditions during storage. Seed stored dry germinated faster than TPS stored in humid ambient air. The rate of germination increased with time in storage and the percentage of germination was always high (≥ 95%) in dry seed produced with high N. Seedling vigor was mostly affected by N treatments during seed production. High-N seed had a much higher rate and percentage of emergence and seedling dry-weight levels than low-N seed, particularly when stored dry. Seedling vigor criteria decreased with time in storage in low-N seed; in high-N seed, the rate of emergence increased and the percentage of emergence was always high (≥ 95%). In conclusion, the TPS should be produced with high N and stored dry for sowing under unfavorable conditions.  相似文献   

Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) samples, cv. Desiree, were treated for sprout control and stored at 10 ± 1 C for 6 months. Those treated four times with HPP (hydrogen peroxide plus), applied with the “Tabor Atomizing System”, had a 0% rate of sprouting. Those treated with CIPC (chloro-isopropyl N-phenyl carbamate) also had no sprouting, while the nontreated control had 84%. A single treatment with HPP or CIPC resulted, after 6 months of storage at 10 ± 1, in sprouting rates of 61 and 58%, respectively, vs. 87% in the untreated control.  相似文献   

Processing potatoes, both sprout inhibited and untreated, were evaluated for respiration rate and chip color during storage under commercial conditions (12 C, approximately 95% relative humidity, in darkness) following three growing seasons. While absolute respiration rates varied depending upon growing season and treatment, all cultivars and treatments studied during the 1995, 1996, and 1997 storage seasons showed similar respiration profiles. The initial stage following curing and sprout inhibition treatment (if applied) showed essentially constant respiration rates for a period of time varying from two to 15 weeks, depending upon growing season, treatment and cultivar. This was followed by a stage that showed a linear increase in respiration rates. In some cases the respiration rates eventually stabilized, or decreased. There was an apparent correlation between respiration trends and chip color changes in most cases, though the statistical significance varied between cultivars and seasons. Qualitative analysis of the data showed that the point at which respiration rates began to increase coincided with the onset of the decline in chip color quality. These trends suggest that measurement of tuber respiration may provide a non-destructive andin situ method to predict changes in processing quality of stored potato tubers.  相似文献   

Summary Observations were made on dormancy and sprout growth of nine potato cultivars stored at 3–4°C, 7–8°C and 11–12°C, respectively. Tubers of the cultivar Vanderplank had a very long dormant period (232 days at 3–4°C) and showed little sprout growth at 180 days. The cultivar Koos Smit had a very short dormant period (92 days at 3–4°C) and developed considerable sprout growth at the higher temperatures. The reaction of tubers of Up-to-date and BP1 were approximately the same, and intermediate between those of Vanderplank and Koos Smit.  相似文献   

Summary The expression of antioxidant genes has been analyzed in a potato plant and during tuber dormancy. Manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD), cytosolic copper and zinc superoide dismutase (Cu/ZnSOD), catalase class II, cytosolic ascorbate peroxidase (APX) and glutathione peroxidase (GPX) are expressed at the RNA level in all the contexts analyzed. By contrast, the expression of the iron superoxide dismutase (FeSOD) and plastidic Cu/ZnSOD seems to be limited to green tissues, as shown by northern blots and native gels. A complex DAB-peroxidase isozyme pattern (using diaminobenzidine as substrate) has been observed in different developmental contexts analyzed, but hardly observed in tubers. During tuber dormancy, MnSOD and cytosolic Cu/ZnSOD activity was relatively constant in both Désirée and Bintje varieties while catalase activity decreases. Moreover, tuber dormancy breakage did not involve significant changes in the activity of these enzymes. On the basis of these results, the possible link between active oxygen species (AOS) metabolism and dormancy is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Immature tubers have a much higher content of sucrose than mature tubers. After harvest this sucrose is rapidly transformed to hexose, which often then remains at a high level during storage. Mature tubers may have a very variable content of sugar when harvested. During storage, apart from the sweetening which occurs at low temperatures, considerable sweetening occurs after more than 10–15 weeks at 10 C and even more markedly at 20 C. The magnitude of this sweetening shows considerable varietal differences, apparently correlated, in tubers which are allowed to sprout, with the vigour of sprout growth. It also occurs, however, if sprout growth is suppressed chemically.
Zusammenfassung Unreife Knollen haben einen viel h?heren Gehalt an Saccharose als reife Knollen. Dies steht mit der anf?nglichen, aber kleiner werdenden Divergenz zwischen Verlagerung und Umwandlung von Saccharose in Hexose-Phosphate und schliesslich in St?rke im Zusammenhang. In einem angeführten Beispiel enthielten Knollen der SorteMajestic, die am 16.7.63 geerntet wurden, 1,01g Saccharose je 100 g Frischgewicht, w?hrend Knollen des gleichen Bestandes, die am 30.9.63 reif geerntet wurden, nur 0,06 g/100g enthielten. Nach der Ernte wird dieser hohe Gehalt an Saccharose in den unreifen Knollen rasch in Hexose umgewandelt (abb. 1) die dann w?hrend der Lagerung oftmals einen hohen Stand beibeh?lt (abb. 2). Reife Knollen k?nnen bei der Ernte einen sehr unterschiedlichen Zuckergehalt aufweisen. In dertabelle sind Ergebnisse von Analysen, die nach einer Woche Lagerung bei 10 C gemacht wurden, aufgeführt. Abgeschen vom Süsswerden, das bei niedrigen Temperaturen vorkommt (abb. 3), tritt nach mehr als 10 bis 15 Wochen Lagerung bei 10 C betr?chtliches, und bei 20 C sogar noch ausgepr?gteres Süsswerden ein. Das Ausmass dieses Süsswerdens zeigt bedeutende sortenbedingte Unterschiede (abb. 4), die, sofern die Knollen austreiben, mit der St?rke des Keimwachstums (abb. 6) offensichtlich korreliert sind. Süsswerden kommt jedoch auch vor, wenn das Keimwachstum durch Keimverhinderungsmittel unterdrückt wird.

Résumé Les tubercules non m?rs ont une teneur en sucrose beaucoup plus élevée que les tubercules m?rs, en raison du déséquilibre initial, bien que décroissant, dans sa translation et sa transformation en phosphates hexose et finalement en amidon. Dans un exemple chiffré, des tuberculesMajestic récoltés le 16 juillet 1963 contenaient 1,01g de sucrose par 100g de poids frais (1,01g/100g), tandis que les tubercules de la même récolte arrachés m?rs le 30 septembre 1963 contenaient seulement 0,06g/100g. Après la récolte cette haute teneur de sucrose des tubercules non m?rs est rapidement transformée en hexose (fig. 1), lequel, alors, reste souvent à un niveau élevé pendant la conservation (fig. 2). Les tubercules m?rs peuvent avoir une teneur très variable en sucres au moment de la récolte. Letableau mentionne les résultats d’analyses effectuées après une semaine à 10 C. Durant la conservation, indépendamment de l’affadissement qui appara?t à basse température (fig. 3), un affadissement considérable se produit après une conservation à 10 C pendant au moins 10 à 15 semaines, et même, d’une manière plus marquée, à 20 C. L’importance de cet affadissement montre des différences variétales considérables (fig. 4) qui, apparemment, sont en corrélation, chez les tubercules qui sont mis en germination, avec la vigueur de croissance du germe (fig. 6). Ce phénomène apparait également quand le développement du germe est supprimé par voie chimique.

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