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  • 1. In certain lower mountainous regions of Germany multiple‐channel streams constitute the reference condition for stream restoration and conservation efforts. An increasing number of restoration projects re‐establish such stream sections, but their impact on macroinvertebrate communities remains vague and needs further elaboration.
  • 2. Seven pairs of single‐ and multiple‐channel sections of mountain rivers were compared in terms of hydromorphology and macroinvertebrate communities. The stream sections were characterized by 16 hydromorphological metrics at various scales, e.g. shore length, channel feature or substrate diversity, flow variability and substrate coverage. Macroinvertebrate data were obtained from 140 substrate‐specific samples, which were combined to form representative communities for each section. Community data were subject to similarity and cluster analyses. Thirty‐five metrics were calculated with the taxa lists, including number of taxa, abundance, feeding type, habitat and current preferences.
  • 3. Bray–Curtis similarity was very high (69–77%) between communities of single‐ and multiple‐channel sections. Biological metrics were correlated with hydromorphological parameters. Mean Spearman rank r was 0.59 (absolute values). The biological metrics percentage of the community preferring submerged vegetation, being grazers and scrapers or active filter feeders, percentage of epipotamal preference and the percentage of current preference (rheo‐ to limnophil and rheobiont) were significantly correlated with hydromorphological parameters.
  • 4. Differences between stream sections can be attributed to single taxa occurring only in either the single‐ or multiple‐channel sections. These exclusive taxa were mainly found on organic substrates such as living parts of terrestrial plants, large wood, coarse particulate organic matter (CPOM) and mud. Reasons for high similarity of macroinvertebrate communities from single‐ or multiple‐channel sections are discussed, including the influence of large‐scale catchment pressures, length of restored sections and lack of potential re‐colonizers.
Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Abstract – Effects of environmental or landscape factors on species composition, species richness and complexity of fish assemblages were examined using our collections of fish from 65 sites on streams in 13 drainages across the midwestern United States. Effects of environmental factors were examined at three scales: broad geographic factors included drainage, latitude, and longitude; local terrestrial factors included features of the riparian zone adjacent to the collecting site as well as local climate and land use; within-stream aquatic factors related to structure and hydrology of the stream reach sampled. Each assemblage property was examined for its relationship to factors at each scale separately, and then for relative importance of all factors found to be significant in the separate analyses. Assemblage composition (summarized as sample scores on two axes of a detrended correspondence analysis) varied significantly as a function of factors at all three scales when each scale was considered separately. With simultaneous consideration of all scales, however, only broad geographic factors (particularly latitude) and local terrestrial factors explained significant variation in assemblage composition. Species richness (the number of species we captured) was explained by longitude and within-stream aquatic factors both when considered separately and together. Assemblage complexity (quantified as slope of relative abundance versus rank abundance) was only related to within-stream aquatic factors. Assemblage composition and emergent assemblage properties (richness and complexity), therefore, were explained by factors acting at different scales. The total variation explained for assemblage composition was much greater than that explained for emergent assemblage properties, suggesting that assemblage composition may vary more as a function of environmental and landscape factors than do species richness and complexity. NOTE  相似文献   

  • 1. The Hawkesbury‐Nepean River provides potable water for 5 million people living in the Sydney basin, and water for agricultural and horticultural production that meets most of Sydney's daily needs for fresh food. Anecdotal evidence indicated that numbers of freshwater mussels have seriously declined in much of the river over recent decades.
  • 2. A field survey revealed the presence of populations of three species of mussels, Hyridella depressa, Hyridella australis and Velesunio ambiguus in the river. Higher density mussel populations were most common in catchment areas with little human modification to the channel bed or adjacent vegetation communities.
  • 3. Levels of disturbance of riparian vegetation and, to a lesser degree, land use, were identified as being strongly associated with the absence of mussels from some reaches.
  • 4. Catchment geomorphology was also shown to be relevant to the abundance, population structure and suite of mussel species present in different geomorphic reaches of the river. Absence of mussels was noted from areas where they had been recorded in previous studies. These results demonstrate that mussel species are under threat in the catchment.
  • 5. As filter feeders with the ability to remove excess nutrients and bioaccumulate toxic substances, freshwater mussels play an important role in natural remediation processes in freshwater systems.
  • 6. The decline in mussel populations in the Hawkesbury‐Nepean River highlights concerns for the overall health of the river system, and supports the need to identify the subsidiary impacts of physical habitat modification in developing both riverine and riparian management strategies.
Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study was carried out to study the impact of phased harvesting on the population structure, feed intake pattern and growth performance of Macrobrachium rosenbergii in polyculture with carps in a deepwater rice–fish system. There were two experimental conditions—rice–fish culture with phased harvesting (T1) and rice–fish culture without phased harvesting (T2)— and a control, which consisted of rice monoculture without fish (T3). In the T1 trial, 61% of the population had a mean body weight (MBW) <20 g 120 days after stocking (DAS), which fell significantly to 7.3% at 210 DAS. However, in the T2 trial, 62% of the population had a MBW <20 g at 120 DAS, which only fell to 23.7% at 210 DAS. Similarly, at 210 DAS, 12.5% of the population attained a MBW >80 g in the T1 trial, while none of the population reached a MBW >80 g in the T2 trial. The removal of fast-growing individuals in T1 improved the prospects of other smaller individuals to achieve their individual growth potential. This step also disrupted the continuation of the socially induced differential growth rates, resulting in a wide variation in size within the population over time. The matrix of dietary overlap(s) of cultured species revealed that the degree of food preference was more similar between Cyprinus carpio and M. rosenbergii (0.9), while it overlapped poorly between Catla catla and M. rosenbergii (0.42). This high similarity index between bottom dwellers is evidence of the strong possibility that these bottom dweller compete for food. Natural and supplemental feed together with phased harvesting boosted the production of freshwater prawns (550 kg ha−1) in the T1 trial, while a 11.3% reduction in production was recorded in the T2 trial.  相似文献   

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