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Geagea  Huber  & Sache 《Plant pathology》1999,48(4):472-482
The dispersal of spores from lesions of brown ( Puccinia recondita f.sp. tritici ) or yellow ( P. striiformis ) rusts of wheat by impacting drops was studied. Using a generator of uniform-size drops, drops of 2.5, 3.4, 4.2 and 4.9 mm in diameter were released from rest at heights of 5, 50 and 100 cm above horizontal and primary leaves uniformly covered with sporulating lesions. Dry-dispersal and rain-splash occurred simultaneously in response to drop impaction. A coloration technique allowed separate counting of dry-dispersed and rain-splashed spores caught on slides. More spores were rain-splashed than dry-dispersed. Neither removal mechanism affected in-vitro germination of spores, which was higher in brown than in yellow rust. For both rusts, the number of both dry-dispersed and rain-splashed spores, as well as their travel distance, increased with drop diameter and fall height. The fall speed of incident drops in relation to diameter and fall height was obtained by solving numerically the equation of vertical drop motion. The number of spores removed by a given impacting drop was found to be a power function of the calculated kinetic energy of the impacting drop. Based on this experimental relationship, a simulation study showed the relevance of rain type in the removal of spores.  相似文献   

红树植物提取物对3种植物病原真菌孢子的抑制活性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用孢子萌发法测定了16种红树植物甲醇提取物对甘蔗凤梨病菌、西瓜枯萎病菌和柑橘疮痂病菌孢子萌发的抑制活性。结果表明,苦郎树和苦槛蓝对3种病菌孢子的萌发有明显的抑制作用,提取物浓度为10 g/L时,抑制率达77.29%以上。桐花树、海漆、榄李和银叶树对甘蔗凤梨病菌孢子萌发有明显的抑制作用,但对其余2种病菌孢子的抑制活性低。其余植物提取物对3种病菌孢子的抑制活性低。榄李和桐花树对甘蔗凤梨病菌孢子的毒力高,EC50分别为0.3852 g/L和0.5714 g/L。  相似文献   

Bradburne  Majer  Magrath  Werner  Lewis  & Mithen 《Plant pathology》1999,48(4):550-558
Oilseed rape cultivars possess inadequate levels of resistance to light leaf spot disease, caused by the ascomycete Pyrenopeziza brassicae Sutton & Rawlinson. High levels of resistance to this disease were found within wild accessions of Brassica oleracea and B. rapa . This resistance was introgressed into agronomically acceptable winter oilseed rape breeding lines. Seedling resistance was determined by two genes. One of these, derived from B. rapa and positioned on linkage group N1, resulted in no apparent symptoms following infection, while the other, derived from B. oleracea and positioned on N16, resulted in black necrotic flecks and a reduced amount of sporulation compared with standard cultivars. Several agronomically acceptable double haploid lines were developed which expressed very high levels of adult plant resistance.  相似文献   

Fundamental to the development of models to predict the spread of cucurbit downy mildew is the ability to determine the escape of Pseudoperonospora cubensis sporangia from infected fields. Aerial concentrations of sporangia, C (sporangia m?3), were monitored using Rotorod samplers deployed at 0·5 to 3·0 m above a naturally infected cucumber canopy in two sites in central and eastern North Carolina in 2011, where disease severity ranged from 1 to 40%. Standing crop of sporangia was assessed each morning at 07·00 h EDT and ranged from 320 to 16 170 sporangia m?2. Disease severity and height above the canopy significantly (< 0·0001) affected C with mean concentration (Cm) being high at moderate disease. Values of Cm decreased rapidly with canopy height and at a height of 2·0 m, Cm was only 7% of values measured at 0·5 m when disease was moderate. Daily total flux (FD) was dependent on disease severity and ranged from 5·9 to 2242·3 sporangia m?2. The fraction of available sporangia that escaped the canopy increased from 0·028 to 0·171 as average wind speed above the canopy for periods of high C increased from 1·7 to 3·6 m s?1. Variations of Cm and FD with increasing disease were well described (< 0·0001) by a log‐normal model with 15% as the threshold above which Cm and FD decreased as disease severity increased. These results indicate that disease severity should be used to adjust sporangia escape in spore transport simulation models that are used to predict the risk of spread of cucurbit downy mildew.  相似文献   

AFLP analysis was used to examine the genetic structure of the mycoparasite Sphaerellopsis filum on willow rust Melampsora larici-epitea using two sets of samples of a willow clone in a short-rotation coppice planting. The first set was collected from a plot (short strip) in 1998, 1999 and 2000 and the second from another plot (long strip) in 2000. In all, 228 S. filum isolates were typed, 139 AFLP loci scored and 54 AFLP genotypes identified. In the short strip, genotypes sampled in 1998 were no longer detected in subsequent years and genotype diversity fluctuated (0·25–0·68) over the years, indicating that migration had a major impact on the genotype structure. Two distinct groups (average Nei and Li's similarity coefficient between the groups = 0·047) were identified. The group B genotypes were sampled only in 2000. Within the groups, the average similarities were > 0·96. Both the index of association test and the parsimony tree length permutation test suggest that there was a significant clonality in group A while recombination cannot be ruled out in group B. Localized clusters of AFLP genotypes were detected using the software SaTScan that is based on the spatial scan statistic. Possible mechanisms involved in the spread of S. filum in willow coppice plantations are discussed.  相似文献   

The use of herbicides on railway tracks is known to present a risk to groundwater, but little is known of the mechanisms influencing leaching through the coarse material used to construct railway embankments. Therefore, in the present study, four different models based on the convection-dispersion equation (CDE) were compared with previously reported field data on the leaching of imazapyr. In particular, the significance of non-equilibrium processes was investigated by comparing different CDE formulations accounting for preferential finger flow, particle-facilitated transport and kinetic sorption. The traditional CDE assuming 'local equilibrium' based on 24 h batch sorption data gave poor results (model efficiency - 1.1). It strongly underestimated leaching of imazapyr in the first 4 months following application, thus confirming the importance of non-equilibrium transport processes. Accounting for short-term sorption kinetics made little difference, giving similar results to the 'local equilibrium' CDE simulation. A simulation accounting for particle-facilitated transport could accurately match this accelerated transport, and also gave the best overall fit to the data (model efficiency 0.76). However, not even this model could match the long-term retention of imazapyr residues observed close to the soil surface more than 1 year after application, and it also underestimated the time of breakthrough to groundwater. This strongly suggests that a long-term retention/sorption process not included in any of the models tested (i.e. sorption hysteresis or bound residues) acted to retard leaching. The formation of 'protected' residues was also indicated by a much slower degradation of imazapyr more than 1 year after application. Industry.  相似文献   

Sonchus arvensis is a problematic perennial weed species causing problems in many crops. Control measures often rely on soil tillage or mowing; both methods are used to exhaust the root system. This approach fails during periods of restrictions in sprouting capacity or shoot regrowth. The aim of this study was to develop a simulation model for prediction of shoot sprouting capacity in underground buds of S. arvensis. We hypothesised restricted regrowth to be induced as a function of photoperiod and temperature sum and released as a function of cold temperature sum. The model was parameterised and calibrated against observations of shoot regrowth from an experiment on intact roots of S. arvensis. Subsequently, it was validated against observations of regrowth from another experiment on intact roots and sprouting from fragmented roots from a third experiment. Restriction in regrowth was attributed to reduction in the photoperiod, observed when the day length decreased below a threshold of 16.5 h, but also to a daily mean temperature below 16.8°C. Resumed regrowth occurred in late autumn at a daily mean temperature threshold of 4.7°C. The pattern of changes over time in shoot regrowth from an intact root system was well predicted by the model. The temporal change in sprouting capacity from buds on fragmented roots followed the same pattern, but with a quantitative difference between the model prediction and the observed sprouting capacity. We conclude that the model can be used to predict the pattern over time of sprouting capacity in intact roots of S. arvensis.  相似文献   

A summary version of a model for the SO2 flux into leaves and effects of SO2 on the rate of photosynthesis (Kropff, 1989) was used to analyse experimental data on the effects of SO2 on the rate of photosynthesis with standard statistical techniques. Values for the two key parameters of the model, a sensitivity parameter relating intracellular S(IV) concentration (SO2, bisulphite and sulphite) to photosynthetic reduction, and a time coefficient for S(IV) oxidation, were estimated from data on photosynthesis during fumigation and subsequent recovery period, by combined non-linear regression of both equations.The pattern of rapid photosynthetic reduction by SO2 and rapid recovery following fumigation was accurately described with the model for several data sets. Parameter estimates agree very well with experimentally determined values. It is concluded that differences in photosynthetic sensitivity of plants are mainly due to differences in the time coefficient for sulphite oxidation. Variation in leaf thickness may also have contributed to the differences in sensitivity. This approach can be used to parameterize the model for short-term effects of SO2 on leaf photosynthesis for specific species and environmental conditions from easily obtained data.Samenvatting Een model voor de flux van SO2 in het blad, het metabolisme van SO2 in het blad en de effecten van SO2-metabolieten op de fotosynthese (Kropff, 1989) is gebruikt om gegevens over het effect van SO2 op de fotosynthese tijdens en na een begassingsperiode te analyseren met standaard statistische technieken. De waarde voor de parameter die de relatie tussen S(IV) en fotosynthese karakteriseert en de waarde van de tijdconstante voor de S(IV)-oxidatie werden voor verschillende data-sets over het verloop van de fotosynthese tijdens en na begassing met SO2 geschat.De snelle reductie van de fotosynthese na de start van de begassing, het stabiliseren na 1 uur en het snelle herstel na de begassing werden zeer goed met het model beschreven voor de data-sets. De waarden voor de parameters bleken vergelijkbaar met gegevens uit biochemische analyses. Verschillen in gevoeligheid tussen planten voor SO2 blijken met name te berusten op verschillen in de snelheid waarmee S(IV) wordt geoxideerd. Variatie in bladdikte kan daarnaast van belang zijn geweest. De benadering kan worden gebruikt om inzicht te krijgen in biochemische karakteristieken die de effecten van SO2 bepalen, met behulp van relatief eenvoudig te verkrijgen data-sets.  相似文献   

The risk of between‐field spread of disease is typically omitted from crop disease warning systems, as it is difficult to know the number and location of inoculum sources and thus predict the abundance of inoculum arriving at healthy crops. This study explores the utility of a simple approach to predicting risk of between‐field spread, based on the estimated probability that inoculum will survive the transportation process. Using potato late blight as a case study, the effect of solar radiation on the viability of detached Phytophthora infestans sporangia was assessed. A model to estimate the probability of spore survival was derived using a binomial generalized linear mixed model (GLMM), and receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis and cross‐validation were used to evaluate the global performance of the model as a binary classifier for discriminating between viable and nonviable sporangia. The model yielded an area under the ROC curve of 0.92 (95% CI = 0.90–0.93), signifying an excellent classification algorithm. Inspection of the curve provided a number of suitable decision threshold (or cut‐off) probabilities for discriminating between viable and nonviable sporangia. The classifier was tested as a forecasting system for potato late blight outbreaks using 10 years of outbreak data from across Great Britain. There was a marked differentiation among the cut‐offs, but the best prediction outcome was an accuracy of 89% with an alert frequency of 1 in 7 days. This model can be easily modified or the methodology replicated for other pathosystems characterized by airborne inoculum.  相似文献   

中国草蛉科天敌昆虫及其生防应用研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赖艳  刘星月 《植物保护学报》2020,47(6):1169-1187
草蛉是一类重要的捕食性天敌昆虫,在蚜虫、介壳虫、粉虱、蓟马和螨类等农业害虫的生物防治中发挥着积极作用。虽然利用草蛉进行生物防治在我国已有近50年的历史,但针对不同农业生态系统及不同害虫物种,有关草蛉优势天敌物种的精准开发利用仍受到分类鉴定、生物学习性和捕食潜能等基础科学问题研究不足的制约。本文总结了草蛉科的基础生物学习性、地区优势物种与栖境选择、捕食潜能、草蛉与猎物及植物的互作关系和田间应用现状,提出了改善草蛉生防应用成效中的关键问题,对我国具有生防应用前景的草蛉种质资源发掘进行了评述,以期为推动我国草蛉天敌物种的发掘及其在生物防治中的应用提供参考。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Biocontrol agents may compete with pathogens for nutrients and space to delay or prevent decay of fruits after harvest. These mechanisms of biological control have been difficult to study because no method has been available to determine the significance of each of the components of competition. We developed a nondestructive method using tissue culture plates with cylinder inserts containing defusing membrane at one end to study competition for nutrients without competition for space. Other biocontrol mechanisms in which direct contact between an antagonist and a pathogen is not required also can be studied. The method was used to determine the competition between the yeastlike biocontrol agent, Aureobasidium pullulans, and Penicillium expansum for limited nutrients in apple juice during 24 h incubation, simulating a fruit wound. The antagonist depleted amino acids and inhibited germination of P. expansum conidia. Exposing these conidia to fresh apple juice increased conidial germination to the level comparable to that exhibited by conidia which were not exposed to the antagonist. Because the culture plate method was nondestructive, follow-up experiments in an agar diffusion test were conducted. Juice in which the antagonist grew did not inhibit germination of P. expansum conidia that were seeded on the plates. This corroborates findings from the culture plate method that inhibition of the conidia germination resulted from competition for nutrients. The new method can be coupled with existing techniques to improve understanding of antagonist-pathogen interaction for biological control of postharvest diseases.  相似文献   

We evaluated the potential for using infective juveniles of the entomopathogenic nematode Steinernema feltiae to control the sweetpotato whitefly Bemisia tabaci B biotype on cucumber, hibiscus, and collard, under greenhouse conditions. The effects of four adjuvants (PVA, glycerol, Triton X-100, and horticultural spraying oil) on the efficiency of Steinernema feltiae in B. tabaci control were also assessed because they might increase nematode survival by reducing desiccation. The mortality of B. tabaci nymphs increased by 18, 18, and 20% on collard, hibiscus, and cucumber plants when S. feltiae concentration increased from 5000 to 15,000 infective juveniles/mL. When treated with S. feltiae (10000 infective juveniles/mL), second instar nymphs suffered greater mortality than the other instars of B. tabaci, regardless of host plant species. Mortality of B. tabaci nymphs was higher on hibiscus than on collard and cucumber plants. The use of adjuvants greatly increased infection of B. tabaci by S. feltiae. The combination of S. feltiae (10,000 infective juveniles/mL) and 1% horticultural spraying oil increased the mortality of second instar B. tabaci nymphs to 86% on collard and 90% on hibiscus, while the combination of S. feltiae and 0.1% Triton X-100 caused 83% mortality on collard and 89% on hibiscus. The potential for incorporating S. feltiae and the adjuvants in B. tabaci management is discussed.  相似文献   

Invasive species are one of the greatest economic and ecological threats to agriculture and natural areas in the US and the world. Among the available management tools, biological control provides one of the most economical and long‐term effective strategies for managing widespread and damaging invasive species populations of nearly all taxa. However, integrating biological control programs in a more complete integrated pest management approach that utilizes increased information and communication, post‐release monitoring, adaptive management practices, long‐term stewardship strategies, and new and innovative ecological and genetic technologies can greatly improve the effectiveness of biological control. In addition, expanding partnerships among relevant national, regional, and local agencies, as well as academic scientists and land managers, offers far greater opportunities for long‐term success in the suppression of established invasive species. In this paper we direct our recommendations to federal agencies that oversee, fund, conduct research, and develop classical biological control programs for invasive species. By incorporating these recommendations into adaptive management strategies, private and public land managers will have far greater opportunities for long‐term success in suppression of established invasive species. © 2016 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Holt  & Chancellor 《Plant pathology》1999,48(4):453-461
A dynamic cropping system was represented by a square lattice of fields in which crops were successively harvested and replanted. A spectrum of crop ages existed at any one time and the virus disease persisted by spread of inoculum between crops. Such a situation is typical of many areas of tropical irrigated rice cultivation in which rice tungro virus disease (RTVD) occurs. Using a mathematical model of the epidemiology of RTVD in the cropping system, the deployment of fields of a genotype expressing some resistance to the disease was investigated. Previous studies on the effect of genotype mixtures on disease progress within a single crop have shown that both the rate of disease increase and the rate of focus expansion were proportional to the logarithm of the fraction of susceptible plants in the mixture. Here, looking at long-term disease incidence in a dynamic cropping system, it was found that this same 'logarithmic rule' applied, provided that resistant crop deployment was spatially random. A relatively large proportion of fields had to be planted with resistant varieties in order to have sufficient area-wide impact on inoculum to reduce disease incidence in fields of susceptible varieties. In many rice cropping systems there are two growing seasons per year and the modelling indicated that the best strategy was to concentrate deployment of resistant varieties in the season of greatest disease spread. Attempts to minimize inoculum carry-over to the 'high spread' season by concentrating resistant varieties in the previous season had little effect over a range of simulated conditions. In considering recommendations for the management of RTVD, a conflict existed between the reduction of disease incidence strategically and in the individual fields of a newly deployed variety. To maximize area-wide strategic impact, small genotype units and random patterns were best, but to protect individual fields, large units and concentrated deployment were best.  相似文献   

Bark beetles, especially Dendroctonus species, are considered to be serious pests of the coniferous forests in North America. Bark beetle forest pests undergo population eruptions, causing region wide economic losses. In order to save forests, finding new and innovative environmentally friendly approaches in wood-boring insect pest management is more important than ever. Several biological control methods have been attempted over time to limit the damage and spreading of bark beetle epidemics. The use of entomopathogenic microorganisms against bark beetle populations is an attractive alternative tool for many biological control programmes in forestry. However, the effectiveness of these biological control agents is strongly affected by environmental factors, as well as by the susceptibility of the insect host. Bark beetle susceptibility to entomopathogens varies greatly between species. According to recent literature, bark beetles are engaged in symbiotic relationships with fungi and bacteria. These types of relationship are very complex and apparently involved in bark beetle defensive mechanisms against pathogens. The latest scientific discoveries in multipartite symbiosis have unravelled unexpected opportunities in bark beetle pest management, which are discussed in this article.  相似文献   

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