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Chicks and chickens maintained under commercial conditions were vaccinated against Newcastle Disease via drinking water. Prior and after different times of vaccination blood samples were drawn from different numbers of birds and checked for HI antibodies. The modes of distribution of the antibody titers within the random sample were assayed. The following results were obtained:
1. 1. On the basis of the distribution of the serum titers can be concluded whether the antibody level within a flock is increasing or decreasing.
◦ —A right steep asymmetry can be observed up to 20 days post vaccination.
◦ —In the phase of maximal antibody levels an almost symmetric distribution of the titers is present.
◦ —In later times (more than three weeks p. vacc.) the distribution shows a left steep asymmetry (Poisson distribution).
2. 2. A poisson distribution is also observable during the elimination of maternal antibodies of chicks until complete elimination.
3. 3. The mode of distribution of the HI titers in sera of day-old chicks correlates with the mode of distribution of the dams. Therefore, conclusions are possible from the status of the chicks to the dams and reverse.
4. 4. Factors which interfere with the mode of distribution are:
◦ —Two or more peaks after vaccination of chickens. This indicates an uneven immune response within the flock.
◦ —Distributions with several peaks may also occur if flocks are composed of day-old chicks from parent flocks with different levels of antibody titers.


Des poulets et des poussins maintenus dans un élevage conventionnel furent vaccinés contre la maladie de Newcastle par un vaccin administré dans l'eau de boisson. Avant et à différents temps après vaccination, des échantillons de sang furent prélevés sur un certain nombre de poussins et les anticorps inhibants de l'hémagglutination furent recherchés. Les modes de la distribution des titres en anticorps pour les échantillons pris au hasard furent recherchés. Les résultats suivants furent obtenus:
1. 1. Sur la base de la distribution des titres sériques, on peut conclure si le taux en anticorps à l'intérieur d'une population a augmenté ou diminué.
◦ —Une courbe asymétrique avec un pic déplacé vers la droite peut être observée 20 jours après la vaccination.
◦ —La phase correspondant au taux maximal en anticorps présente une distribution presque normale.
◦ —Plus tard, (au-delà de 3 semaines après la vaccination), la distribution apparaît asymétrique avec un déplacement vers la gauche (distribution de Poisson).
2. 2. Une distribution de Poisson peut aussi être observée au moment de l'élimination des anticorps d'origine maternelle chez des poussins jusqu'à complète élimination.
3. 3. Le mode de distribution des titres en anticorps inhibant l'hémagglutination dans des sérums de poussins d'un jour correspond au mode de distribution observé chez les mères. Des conclusions peuvent donc être faites à partir de l'état immunologique des poussins vis-à-vis des mères et viceversa.
4. 4. Les facteurs qui peuvent intervenir dans le mode de distribution sont:
◦ —Deux pics ou plus après la vaccination des poussins. Ceci indique qu'il existe une réponse immunitaire inégale dans la population.
◦ —Des distributions avec plusieurs pics peuvent être également observées si les populations sont composées de poussins de un jour provenant de populations parentales ayant des taux différents de titres en anticorps.
Keywords: Newcastle disease; vaccination NDVMots-clé: Maladie de Newcastle; vaccination Newcastle  相似文献   

HVT-7, the standard vaccine against MD, was prepared from HVT strain FC126 grown in fibroblast cultures from SPF embryos. Ampoules of freeze dried material were prepared from a cell free suspension of virus in a solution of SPGA. The vaccine is stored at −20°C.The primary purpose of the standard vaccine was to control the variation encountered in the assay of virus content of HVT vaccines. The virus content of the standard vaccine was determined under a range of assay conditions, and the method in current use was shown to be satisfactory.A mean value for the virus content of the standard vaccine was determined using a constant assay method, by titrating 27 ampoules over a period of time. A further series of assays performed after one year's storage showed there to be no significant loss of titre.When several ampoules were titrated at the same time, some vial to vial variation was detected, but this was less than normal assay to assay variation.During routine determinations of the virus content of commercial HVT vaccines, an assay of the standard vaccine was carried out simultaneously to determine whether the assay conditions were acceptable. Assays where the value for the virus content of standard vaccine fell outside the expected range were considered invalid.The stability of the standard vaccine after reconstitution in SPGA was considered satisfactory: when reconstituted in phosphate-buffered saline, the rate of decrease in virus content was significantly greater. The vaccine could therefore be used as a control preparation in stability tests.Preliminary investigations showed that the behaviour of the standard vaccine in vivo was similar to that of satisfactory commercial vaccines, so that the preparation may also be of value in tests of vaccines for their ability to produce viraemia and confer protection.  相似文献   

A number of cat colonies in The Netherlands, in which upper respiratory tract disease (U.R.D.) was endemic, were examined for the presence of feline herpes virus (H) and feline calici virus (C) infections. In total 108 cats were examined. In 59% of the cases feline calici virus was isolated and feline herpes virus in 39% of the cases. Mixed infections were found in 26% of the cats. The virus isolates were all neutralised by anti-sera against attenuated strains of feline herpes virus and feline calici virus which are incorporated in a newly developed combined C-H vaccine against U.R.D. in cats. Intranasal application of this vaccine induced a distinct increase in resistance against experimental challenge with virulent C and H, as soon as 24 hours after vaccination.  相似文献   

Sera and organ extracts from ten different commercial stocks of layer chickens were examined for the presence of lymphoid leukosis (LL) viruses. Virus was recovered from 40.8% of the cockerels between three and six weeks of age. Their female hatch mates were examined at the age of 20 months. A mean of 11.3% of these laying hens was positive in the NP activation test. Lymphoid leukosis was successfully controlled in three inbred strains of White Leghorn chickens and in a commercial White Plymouth Rock line. All flocks were kept in a filtered air positive pressure (FAPP) house during the first two months of life and thereafter transferred to a conventional environment. The control method is based on three elements:
• —from an infected flock, hens are selected in whose eggs no avian lymphoid leukosis viruses can be detected by examination of pooled extracts of groups of embryos;
• —only eggs from hens that are shown not to shed congenitally virus in their eggs are used for the production of progeny. The offspring are reared in isolation until two months of age at which time the age-related resistance against tumour formation appears to be sufficiently developed;
• —the chickens are subsequently intramuscularly inoculated with lymphoid leukosis viruses of subgroups A and B and transferred to a conventional chicken house. The inoculated birds become persistently viremic and resist horizontal virus exposure and intramuscular challenge infections.
Horizontal virus transmission was observed to take place when virus-free non-vaccinated chickens were reared in isolation for two months and then exposed under field conditions.Efficiency of virus recovery was considerably improved when washed buffy coat cells were cocultivated with chick embryo fibroblasts or explant cultures were prepared from various tissues before testing with the NP activation test.  相似文献   

Serum IgG, IgM and IgA antibody response in 20 cattle naturally infected with Mycobacterium paratuberculosis and in 15 non-infected cattle were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. A strong IgG response was detected in 16 (80%) of the infected animals. Diagnostic levels of IgM were detectable in all of the infected animals as well as in 8 (53%) of the non-infected animals. Animals with paratuberculosis had a very weak specific serum IgA response and this appears to be of little value in detection of infection in these animals.  相似文献   

Synthetic N-acetyl muramyl-l-alanyl-d-isoglutamine, syn. muramyl-dipeptide (MDP) was found to be immunostimulatory in several experimental animal species. In order to determine the influence of MDP on the chicken immune response, different doses (0.05–0.2 mg) of this compound were administered to 6-week old chickens, and cellular as well as humoral immune functions were tested. Neither the immune response against sheep red blood cells or Newcastle disease virus (strain Hitchner B 1), nor the ability to reject skin grafts, or to react in the delayed hypersensitivity (tuberculin) test, were affected significantly under the experimental conditions employed. This study reveals little evidence for parallels between the ability of the chicken immune system and the immune system of other animal species examined so far, to develop enhanced immune reactions under the influence of MDP.  相似文献   

Resistance of mice to Listeria monocytogenes was shown to be enhanced by pretreatment with either intact or delipidated whole cells of a new species of aerobic corynebacteria, designated as Corynebacterium catarrhalis, as well as with fractions isolated therefrom. Both whole cells and a particulate fraction (CBAp40) proved to be effective when given intravenously, whereas a water-soluble fraction (CBA-LS) was not. In contrast, CBA-LS, as well as CBAp40 and whole cells were found to be effective when given subcutaneously as far as they had previously been adsorbed onto a gel of either calcium phosphate or aluminum hydroxide. Furthermore, pretreatment of mice with either of the mineral gels in the absence of the products failed to confer protection on them to the challenge with L. monocytogenes. It is suggested that C. catarrhalis or products derived therefrom could be used as agents for enhancing resistance to infections of immuno-compromised individuals.  相似文献   

A live vaccine containing attenuated calici- and herpesviruses was tested in field studies in the Netherlands.This vaccine is administered intranasally. Cats may show local transient reactions in the week following vaccination. The experiments were conducted in three types of infected premises: boarding catteries, homes for stray cats and breeding colonies. In the boarding catteries the vaccine was instilled intranasally at least one week before admission. If this was impossible—like it is in homes for stray cats—the animals were vaccinated at the day of admission and then quarantined for at least 24 hr.In the four boarding catteries 290 cats were vaccinated. Local reations were observed in 25 animals (less than 9%). Five cats (less than 2%) showed clinical symptoms of the disease in spite of vaccination. However these cases were all in the same cattery which also housed stray cats.In three homes for stray cats 257 animals were vaccinated. The percentage of local reactions was much higher (49%) due to suppressed infections and secondary bacterial invaders. Clinical disease was seen in 13 cats (5%). However eight of these cats were in one cattery where some of the requirements of the experiment—c.q. quarantine—could not be met.Prevention of the disease in infected breeding colonies was difficult to achieve because infected parent animals are known to shed virulent virus during rehousing and parturition.The following vaccination program was very successful: parent animals are vaccinated intranasally prior to mating and the pregnant queens again on the day of parturition. The kittens are then vaccinated intranasally at an age of 8–10 days old. With this program the percentage of healthy kittens that could be sold was as high as 98%. This compares to 66% in a previous vaccination program where the queens were given an intramuscular vaccine and the kittens received either several intramuscular vaccinations or one intranasal vaccination on the age of six days.The CH vaccine is available on the Dutch market for one year. The results obtained by veterinary practitioners confirm the good results obtained in the field studies.  相似文献   

用弓形虫的重组蛋白GST-SAG1作为ELISA诊断抗原,进行了ELISA诊断方法的建立,并对青海省喜马拉雅旱獭进行了弓形虫病的血清学调查。经对所收集的68份喜马拉雅旱獭血清抗体进行检测,共检出阳性血清15份,阳性率约为22.06%,表明青海省喜马拉雅旱獭中存在弓形虫病的感染。  相似文献   

One hundred and twenty bacterial strains were tested for non-immune binding of radiolabelled bovine, ovine, caprine and equine immunoglobulins. Bacteria possessing previously defined IgG receptors interacted in a well defined manner with purified IgG subclass immunoglobulins. Human group C and G streptococci carrying IgG receptors type III were capable of binding all IgG subclasses in the four mammalian species studied. Protein A-containing staphylococci demonstrated a restricted specificity with binding of bovine IgG1, ovine IgG1, caprine IgG1 and IgG2 as well as equine IgG(ab). Group A streptococci which can bind human IgG did not show specific reactivity. A new type of binding unrelated to the regular Fc-mediated binding was observed with equine IgG(T).The differences in specificity for IgG subclasses suggest that structures with binding capacity to streptococcal type III Fc receptors are different from staphylococcal protein A reactive sites. Inhibition experiments performed with purified immunoglobulins showed that individual IgG subclasses differed greatly in their inhibiting capacity reflecting differences in avidity.The high avidity and the broad, unrestricted immunoglobulin G reactivity of streptococcal IgG receptor type III indicate that human group C and G streptococci may provide a valuable tool for solid phase absorption of immunoglobulins from several mammalian species.  相似文献   

The hemolysis by porcine sera of unsensitized erythrocytes (EU) from nine different species was investigated. Optimal lysis occurred when porcine sera were reacted with unsensitized guinea pig erythrocytes suspended in a pH 6.5, barbital-buffered saline solution, made 0.1% in gelatin, and containing 10 mm ethyleneglycol-bis (β-amino-ethyl ether) N, N1-tetraacetic acid and 4 mm MgCl2 (BSG-EGTA-Mg). Results of studies with several different treatments that inhibit complement (C) induced hemolysis indicated that the alternate C pathway was involved in the lysis of EU in the BSG-EGTA-Mg buffer. The extent of lysis was decreased when porcine sera were adsorbed with zymosan, mixed with 20 mm salicylaldoxime, or heated at 50%C. However, carrangeenan treatment caused only a slight decrease in the extent of hemolysis induced. Cobra venom factor activated the alternate C pathway in porcine sera. The pattern of C component utilization resulting from lysis of EU by porcine sera indicated activation of the alternate and not the classical C pathway. Extensive adsorption of porcine sera with packed guinea pig erthrocytes at 0°C only slightly reduced its capacity to lyse guinea pig erythrocytes. Collectively, these results provided evidence that the membrane of the guinea pig erythrocyte is able to active the alternate C pathway of porcine sera without the direct involvement of specific antibody.  相似文献   

Swine fever. Immunisation of piglets   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Vaccination against Swine Fever using the CL Chinese strain can be done in 7-day-old piglets if they are born of non-immune sows. The simultaneous weaning and vaccination emphasises the safety of this strain. The excellent immunity observed confirms the immunocompetence of 7-day-old piglets. In piglets born of immune sows and also weaned at 7 days, passive protection can extend beyond the age of 2 months if the sow is vaccinated several months prior to gestation. The immune level of the piglets would seem to depend on the interval between vaccination of the sow and farrowing and can be attributed to the quality of the antibodies transmitted by the colostrum. Piglets born of sows vaccinated 10 months prior to farrowing can be vaccinated as early as 5 weeks; the protection percentage observed at the age of about 6 months is over 80%. A booster injection at this age then confers immunity to future breeders throughout their economic life, i.e. 4 years in the reported experiment.  相似文献   

A small plasmid of 2.5 kB mediating constitutive resistance to macrolide-lincosamide-(ML)antibiotics could be detected in a “canine” Staphylococcus epidermidis-culture. This plasmid, designated as pSES 1, was identified by interspecies protoplast transformation into Staphylococcus aureus RN 4220. A detailed restriction map of pSES 1 could be constructed using the restriction endonucleases Acc I, Bcl I, Cfo I, Cla I, Hind III, Hinf I, Mbo I, Sst I and Taq I. This map allowed structural comparisons of pSES 1 with plasmids from “human” Staphylococcus- and Bacillus-species, also mediating macrolide-lincosamide resistance (MLR). On the basis of its restriction map, pSES 1 proved to be similar to the plasmids pNE 131 from “human” S. epidermidis, pE 194 from “human” S. aureus and pIM 13 from B. subtilis.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to take stock of the knowledge gained over the last few years on Feline Infectious Peritonitis in a synthetic way.Apart from the bibliographical study regarding the works of numerous authors, we state our results concerning the study of the experimental reproduction of the disease.From all the cat infectious diseases, Feline Infectious Peritonitis is the clinical entity the most recently evidenced. In this paper we shall state the elements now clearly established on this disease but numerous points are still to be made clear. Contagious disease of viral origin, it affects domestic and wild Felidae. Clinically, in its most typical form, it is characterised by the progressive development of an exudative sero-fibrinous peritonitis and a febrile and gradual weakness of the general condition. It slowly and regularly develops into death.  相似文献   

Extensive kidney involvement is reported in golden hamsters infected with Leishmania donovani. The lesion is characterised grossly by pale and enlarged kidneys, and histologically by thickening of the basal lamina of the glomerulus, distended convuluted tubules containing protein casts, constricted glomerular capillaries and infiltration of the interstitial tissues with mononuclear cells. Quantitative measurement of the glomerular cells labelled in vivo with tritiated thymidine showed a striking increase in the glomerular cell proliferation as the infection progressed. Using direct immunofluorescent technique, granular deposits of IgG, complement C3 and fibrinogen were detected in the glomeruli of the infected animals. A positive protamine sulphate test, as well as histological evidence, showed that disseminated intravascular coagulation had occurred in the infection. Although the antigens have not been identified, antigen-antibody complexes are strongly implicated in the pathogenesis of the proliferative glomerulonephritis observed in this study.  相似文献   

The acute-phase protein (APP) response to an infection caused by Haemophilus parasuis, the etiological agent of Glässer's disease in pigs, was characterized measuring serum concentrations of pig major acute-phase protein (pig MAP), haptoglobin (HPT), C-reactive protein (CRP) and apolipoprotein A-I (ApoA-I) in colostrum-deprived pigs. They were divided into six experimental groups: non-immunized control group (I); immunized with a non-commercial bacterin (II); with an OMP-vaccine (III); with a sublethal dose (IV); and with two commercial bacterins (V and VI). All groups were challenged intratracheally with 5 × 109 CFU of H. parasuis 37 days after immunisation. The highest levels of the positive APPs (pig MAP, HPT and CRP) and the lowest levels of the negative APPs (ApoA-I) were observed in the animals that died as a consequence of the infection, both those in the non-inmunized and in the immunized groups. However, the surviving animals (all of them in groups II, V and VI, two pigs in group III, and three in group IV) showed a minor variation in APP response, mainly on day 1 post-challenge (p.c.), and then tended to recover the initial values. APP response was still less pronounced in the groups of pigs previously immunized with bacterins. In conclusion, APP response can reflect Glässer-disease ongoing, showing a correlation between the severity and duration of the clinical signs and lesions and the magnitude of changes in the APP levels.  相似文献   

With purified LT toxin and IgA, specific anti-LT enterotoxin activity was demonstrated in small intestinal contents of 27 pigs. After 60 days of age, rise in intestinal LT antitoxin titer was observed. Feeding LT containing E. coli antigen increased LT antibody levels in the intestinal secretions, but decreased antibody titers in sera. In post-weaning E. coli diarrhea LT antibody levels in intestinal secretions and sera decreased significantly. This phenomenon can be related to the occurrence of the frequently observed post-weaning E. coli diarrhea.  相似文献   

Transferrin partial complementary DNAs were cloned from the livers of five species in four genera of Indian carps (Indian major carp species: Labeo rohita, Catla catla and Cirrhinus mrigala; medium carp: Puntius sarana; minor carp: Labeo bata) subsequent to polymerase chain reaction amplification with published heterologous primers or self-designed primers derived from conserved regions of transferrin cDNA sequences. The partial transferrin cDNAs of the five species of carps had sizes from 624 to 633 bp (487 bp for L. rohita) and encoded an open reading frame consisting of 206–211 (162 for L. rohita) amino acids. The alignments of carp cDNA sequences showed 85–97% homology and 71–93% homology in deduced amino acid sequences. A phylogenetic tree of amino acid sequences of transferrin cDNAs from carps showed that the relationship among the four genera of Indian carps is well correlated with that derived from classic morphologic analyses. The hypothesized cleavage site and interdomain bridge of transferrin molecule were predicted for the above carp species and interestingly the cleavage site amino acid sequence was found to be conserved among all the carps. To study the tissue-specific expression of the transferrin gene, various tissues (liver, kidney, spleen, brain, muscle, testis, heart, intestine, gill and fin) from apparently healthy (control), moribund and survived C. mrigala experimentally infected with Aeromonas hydrophila infection were analyzed. Transferrin mRNA was detected only in liver RNA and to lesser extent in brain tissue out of the 10 tissues analyzed irrespective of bacterial infection.  相似文献   

Toxoplasmosis in pregnant women can lead to congenital disease with severe neurological and ocular complications in the foetus. In 2006, we surveyed US obstetrician–gynaecologists to determine their knowledge and practices about toxoplasmosis prevention and testing. Questionnaires were mailed (four mailings) to a random sample of 1200 of the 33 354 members of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG). Of the 1200 surveyed, 502 (42%) responded. The respondents were similar to all ACOG members by gender, region of the country and practice type (P > 0.5), and age (respondents were slightly younger, mean 46 years versus 47 years). To prevent toxoplasmosis, most respondents indicated that they counsel pregnant women about cat litter (99.6%), but fewer counselled about eating undercooked meat (77.6%), handling raw meat (67.4%), gardening (65.4%) or washing fruits and vegetables (34.2%). Many (73.2%) respondents were not aware that some Toxoplasma IgM tests have had a high false positive rate, and most (91.2%) had not heard of the avidity test, which can help determine the timing of Toxoplasma gondii infection in relation to pregnancy. There is a need for more education about T. gondii serological testing, particularly the Toxoplasma avidity test. US obstetrician–gynaecologists are providing beneficial counselling to their patients, but could provide more information about undercooked meat and soil risks.  相似文献   

Une étude est mise en place dans un groupe de 16 élevages intensifs venant de connaitre une attaque grippale et pratiquant à la fois le naissage et l'engraissement dans la région de Bretagne (France). L'objet de cette étude est de mettre en évidence une activité du virus grippal au sein des élevages en dehors des vagues épidémiques. Dans chaque élevage, 2 lots de porcelets sont individuellement suivis depuis la phase d'allaitement jusqu'à l'abattage. Des contrôles sérologiques mensuels sont pratiqués en vue de suivre l'évolution des anticorps grippaux ainsi que ceux de la maladie d'Aujeszky. En outre des écouvillonnages nasaux et des prélèvements de poumons sont réalisés en vue de recherches virales. Ces travaux sont accompagnés par la collecte de renseignements épidémiologiques dans chacun des élevages. Les anticorps grippaux d'origine colostrale inhibant l'hémagglutination décroissent assez rapidement chez le porcelet. Par la suite une conversion sérologique est observée sur près de 10% des animaux suivis. Les animaux concernés appartiennent à 4 des 16 élevages. La séroconversion intervient généralement après 3 mois d'âge. Aucun isolement viral n'a pu être réalisé. Certaines conditions semblent associées à la persistance d'une activité virale comme la démographie déséquilibrée du troupeau de truies, la conduite en continu de la porcherie d'engraissement, la préexistence d'une pathologie respiratoire sévère. Une séroconversion Aujeszky est également observée dans 3 des 4 élevages concernés par l'activité du virus grippal.  相似文献   

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