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The present study which includes two feeding experiments was performed to investigate a possible performance enhancing effect of rare earth elements (REF) in piglets. This performance enhancing effect has been described in the Chinese literature for a long time, however, it was never tested under "western conditions". In the first feeding experiment 72 piglets at a mean BW of 7.3 kg were allotted to a control and to 4 REE groups at different levels of lanthanum chloride or an REE mixture containing mainly chlorides of lanthanum, cerium and praseodymium. The experimental period lasted 5 weeks. Positive effects of REE were found on body weight gain as well as on feed conversion ratio of the piglets. Compared to the control group, the daily weight gain was improved by 2 to 5% and feed conversion was better by up to 7%. These effects were, however, not significant. In the second feeding experiment, piglets (mean BW 17.3 kg) were fed for 8 weeks with a similar REE mixture. Significant positive effects of REE were found on both body weight gain and on feed conversion ratio by 19% and 10%, respectively. This is the first time that a performance enhancing effect of REE in pigs under western feeding conditions has been shown. Since the use of antibiotics as growth promoters in animal feed has been restricted in the European Union recently, rare earth elements might be of interest as new, safe and inexpensive alternative performance enhancers.  相似文献   

The conformation of medieval swine is less well documented by written reports or osteological states. This paper evaluates the conformation of medieval pigs from about 140 pictures of various sources (books of hours, misericords, illustration of bibles text or proverbs, sculptures etc.). The pictures demonstrate that medieval pigs mainly were long legged, slender, razor backed, bristly with long snouts and prick ears (Tab. 1) well adapted for herding in forests and waste land. In mediterranean countries in early and high Middle Ages as well as in some regions of France and England in the late Middle Ages compact animals with shorts snouts and lopears were depicted. Probably these typs resulted from other housing and feeding conditions (stall feeding with wastes from fields, gardens, kitchen etc.). Medieval pigs were one-coloured white, grey, black and sometimes red, pictures from saddle-back animals came from Italy or south Germany.  相似文献   

1. A field study was conducted to investigate the deterioration of eggshell quality at the end of lay and examine the potential to extend the production cycle. A total of 1200 eggs were assessed originating from commercial farms in Belgium: eggs were random sampled at the collection belt at 57–65 weeks of age and at the end of the production cycle (74–92 weeks).

2. Based on a linear mixed model, egg quality was estimated for an average flock at 60 weeks of age and changes in quality traits were predicted until the end of the laying cycle.

3. Egg weight increased by 0.07 g every week from 60 weeks of age onwards and shape index decreased by 0.04 unit weekly (P < 0.001). Haugh unit values decreased weekly by 0.38 units whereas relative yolk weight was unaffected after 60 weeks of age. Relative albumen weight showed a weekly increase of 0.02% and relative shell decreased by 0.02% weekly until the end of lay.

4. Shell quality traits were also influenced by age: shell index decreased by 0.013 g weekly, shell thickness was calculated to be 0.23 µm thinner every week, deformation increased by 0.06 µm weekly from 60 weeks to the end of the laying cycle. Variability of the deformation of eggs indicated more heterogeneous shell quality at the end of the production cycle. Dynamic stiffness increased from 60 weeks of age on.

5. Laying hens were depopulated on average at 80 weeks of age (varying from 74–92 weeks). Although ageing had a significant effect on most of the egg quality traits, egg quality was still acceptable at the end of lay, indicating the potential to extend the laying cycle.  相似文献   

Three different parasites of the phylum Parabasala (Tritrichomonas foetus, Trichomitus rotunda and Tetratrichomonas buttreyi) have been described in pigs. In a previous study (Mostegl et al., 2011) approximately 47% of 91 paraffin wax-embedded intestinal samples of pigs which were Trichomonas-positive by in situ hybridization using a probe with a broad reactivity spectrum contained other species than T. foetus. Out of these, intestinal trichomonads from three pigs (pigs 1-3) were further analyzed by gene sequencing of a part of the 18S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene using primer walking. Subsequently, the partial sequences achieved by the different primer pairs were combined to a sequence of about 1000 bp for each trichomonad. In all three pigs unique sequences were acquired which showed only moderate similarities to sequences available in the GenBank. Alignments and the BLAST analysis showed a high degree of homology between sequences of trichomonads from pig 1 and pig 3 with only 1% difference. These sequences were found to be 92% similar to Hypotrichomonas acosta, a trichomonad isolated from squamate reptiles. The trichomonad sequence detected in the intestine of pig 2 showed about 10% nucleotide differences compared to pigs 1 and 3. This sequence was 97% similar to two Trichomitus batrachorum (a frog symbiont) sequences. A phylogenetic analysis using the neighbor-joining and maximum likelihood methods supported the data of the BLAST analysis. These results suggest the presence of at least two as yet undescribed trichomonad species in the intestinal contents of pigs.  相似文献   

The aim of the present paper was to determine an influence of the presence and a level of intestine parasites infection on the quality of pork carcass expressed by the content of meat in carcass (meatiness) in pigs. The experimental part of the study was conducted on pigs farm produced in a closed cycle. The population in the study included 120 fattening pigs maintained in two keeping systems: group I--60 individuals kept on slatted floor, and group II--60 individuals kept on deep litter. All the experimental animals were treated in the same manner. The analysed fatteners were slaughtered in Meat Processing Plant when their body mass reached 110 kg, and the post-slaughter assessment was conducted according to the EUROP classification of pigs carcass using the Ultra-Fom 300 device. The study concerning the internal parasites were conducted basing on coproscopic quantitative McMaster method. As a results, the eggs of three nematode taxa were isolated and identified: Oesophagostomum spp., Ascaris suum and Strongyloides ransomi. Overall prevalence of infection of fatteners kept on litter was lower (25%±11.2) as compared to those kept on slatted floor (38.3%±12.6), however the differences were not statistically significant (χ(2)=2.465; df=1; P=0.116). The mean value of meatiness for pigs free from parasites was 53.68, while in the case of infected pigs the meatiness was statistically lower and was 52.12 (t=2.35; P=0.02). The analysed pigs were classified into three categories and conducted analysis of an influence of parasites on meatiness demonstrate the relationship that is statistically significant. The analysis of correlation between meatiness and an average number of helminth eggs also demonstrated the negative, statistically significant, relationship (F=5.52; P=0.020), i.e. in fatteners with higher EPG value the meatiness was lower.  相似文献   

Canine brain tumours are becoming established as naturally occurring models of disease to advance diagnostic and therapeutic understanding successfully. The size and structure of the dog's brain, histopathology and molecular characteristics of canine brain tumours, as well as the presence of an intact immune system, all support the potential success of this model. The limited success of current therapeutic regimens such as surgery and radiation for dogs with intracranial tumours means that there can be tremendous mutual benefit from collaboration with our human counterparts resulting in the development of new treatments. The similarities and differences between the canine and human diseases are described in this article, emphasizing both the importance and limitations of canines in brain tumour research. Recent clinical veterinary therapeutic trials are also described to demonstrate the areas of research in which canines have already been utilized and to highlight the important potential benefits of translational research to companion dogs.  相似文献   

Purulent vaginal discharge in a bitch in which ovariohysterectomy has been performed is often caused by inflammation of the uterine stump. The inflammation is due to either cystic endometrial hyperplasia (CEH) induced primarily by progesterone from remnant ovarian tissue or exogenous progestagens, or it is due to the presence of unabsorbed suture material. This report describes a 9-year-old Irish setter with hemopurulent vaginal discharge and non-pruritic symmetrical alopecia, which had undergone ovariohysterectomy 3.5 years ago and which had been treated with estriolum daily for the past 2.5 years because of urinary incontinence. Vaginoscopy revealed hemopurulent discharge throughout the vagina and vestibule. Cytological examination of ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration biopsies of a large mass in the hypogastricum, which appeared to be the uterine cervical stump, revealed septic purulent inflammation. The concentration of plasma progesterone was low and the concentration of plasma 17-ß oestradiol did not increase after gonadotrophin-releasing hormone administration. No remnant ovarian tissue was found by abdominal ultrasonography, laparotomy, or histological examination of mesovarian pedicles. Laparotomy revealed uterine stump empyema. Histological examination of the surgically removed mass excluded both CEH and unabsorbed suture material as the cause of the stump empyema. Instead, it is hypothesized that the long-term treatment with estriolum was a causative factor. This suggests that bitches treated with estriolum should be examined regularly.  相似文献   

A phenotypically interesting strain of cattle existed on the small island of Agersoe, on the west coast of Zealand, Denmark, in the beginning of the last decade. The cattle share a great resemblance to the extinct Danish breed, the Island cattle. The objective of this study was to genetically characterize the Agersoe cattle, using microsatellites, amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) and mtDNA markers, and analyse the genetic variability within the breed and the genetic relationship to 14 European breeds with focus on the Red Danish and Jutland breed. The results show diversity in nuclear markers comparable to that of modern breeds and that the Agersoe cattle are separable from the two native breeds. The absence of inbreeding and the degree of genetic diversity are taken as a sign of recent admixture. The Agersoe cattle did not exhibit a consistent association with any of the European breeds. Several arguments based on this survey have been put forward in favour of characterizing the Agersoe cattle as being the last remnants of the Danish Island Cattle.  相似文献   

As clinical toxoplasmosis is not considered a problem in pigs, the main reason to implement a control strategy against Toxoplasma gondii (T. gondii) in this species is to reduce the establishment of T. gondii tissue cysts in pork, consequently reducing the risk of the parasite entering the human food chain. Consumption of T. gondii tissue cysts from raw or undercooked meat is one of the main sources of human infection, with infected pork being considered a high risk. This study incorporates a mouse bioassay with molecular detection of T. gondii DNA to study the effectiveness of vaccination (incomplete S48 strain) in its ability to reduce tissue cyst burden in pigs, following oocyst (M4 strain) challenge. Results from the mouse bioassay show that 100% of mice which had received porcine tissues from vaccinated and challenged pigs survived compared with 51.1% of mice which received tissues from non-vaccinated and challenged pigs. The presence (or absence) of T. gondii DNA from individual mouse brains also confirmed these results. This indicates a reduction in viable T. gondii tissue cysts within tissues from pigs which have been previously vaccinated with the S48 strain. In addition, the study demonstrated that the main predilection sites for the parasite were found to be brain and highly vascular muscles (such as tongue, diaphragm, heart and masseter) of pigs, while meat cuts used as human food such as chop, loin, left tricep and left semitendinosus, had a lower burden of T. gondii tissue cysts. These promising results highlight the potential of S48 strain tachyzoites for reducing the number of T. gondii tissues cysts in pork and thus improving food safety.  相似文献   

Body condition has been shown to affect the pharmacokinetics of subcutaneously administered macrocyclic lactone anthelmintics but the underlying mechanism is unknown. This study examined the effect of different rates of fat deposition on the pharmacokinetics of moxidectin (MXD) and ivermectin (IVM). All animals initially received a diet with a high linoleic acid content for 7 weeks. One group of animals then received a normal grower diet while the other half received a maintenance ration. Within each diet group, animals were treated with either IVM (n = 4) or MXD (n = 4) or remained as untreated controls (n = 2). There was no difference in the proportion of linoleic acid between the drug treated groups and the untreated controls at any time throughout the study. At 4 and 9 weeks after treatment there was a significantly lower proportion of linoleic acid in the pigs fed the normal ration indicating a greater fat deposition in these animals compared with those that received the maintenance diet. There was an increased persistence of MXD in the plasma of pigs fed the normal ration compared with those fed the maintenance ration. No differences were seen in the kinetic disposition of IVM between pigs fed the maintenance or normal ration. Reducing the rate of fat deposition influenced the pharmacokinetic disposition of the highly lipophilic MXD but did not influence the pharmacokinetic disposition of the less lipophilic IVM.  相似文献   

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