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近日,广州高架桥和人行天桥上的空中花廊刷爆了朋友圈.这里面有大批园林工作者的辛勤付出,人行天桥、立交桥绿化不占用土地,增加城市绿化量,有助于滞尘、减噪、降温、去除有害气体和减少热岛效应,改善城区生态环境.立交桥绿化现已覆盖330多座桥梁,绿化长度达300多公里,冰冷的钢筋水泥桥俨然已成为广州市民眼中名副其实的空中花廊.  相似文献   

山地城市交通受地形起伏变化限制,形成了道路护坡、隧道口堡坎护坡和立交桥附属空间等大量具有立体属性的附属绿地。这些附属绿地多以立体绿化形式呈现,它们是改善城市景观、彰显城市特色和提高人居环境质量的重要内容。本研究正视国内山地城市立体绿化经验相对不足的现状,以重庆市主城区典型交通附属绿地立体绿化为研究对象,基于实地调查,归纳总结出其植物配置欠佳、景观功能单一、养护管理缺失等问题,并从提升生态效益、丰富景观功能、增强景观品质等方面提出了具体改进建议,以期促进山地城市交通附属绿地立体绿化的可持续发展。  相似文献   

为评价立交桥桥下附属绿地环境绿化情况和建设生态文明城市,采用实地调查法对河南省洛阳市定鼎路立交桥桥下植物进行调查统计分析。结果表明:洛阳市定鼎路立交桥下植物共30种,隶属17科,20属。其中常绿乔木4科5属5种,落叶乔木1科2属2种,常绿灌木7科8属8种,落叶灌木2科2属2种,草本植物2科2属2种,藤本植物1科1属1种。整体上植物种类较丰富,但绿化结构简单,可适当加强垂直绿化,建议按桥荫光照分布选取不同耐阴程度的植物丰富景观层次,合理配置植物,突出区域特色。  相似文献   

新优地被植物在杭州园林绿地中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍观叶、观花类地被植物的种类;结合杭州地区园林绿化实践,总结地被植物的主要应用形式,包括路旁花带、花境、道路绿化分车带、公园绿地内林缘及林下花带、城市广场绿化、立交桥桥荫绿化及树池、花钵内绿化的应用形式;对新优地被植物的应用前景进行分析。  相似文献   

采用实地调查与资料收集相结合的方法,对西安市29座立交桥的绿化进行了调查,并对其植被特征及应用形式进行了分析,结果表明:西安市立交桥绿化植物种类共计115种,分属48科82属;立交桥绿化普遍存在利用率不高;绿化形式单调;缺乏立体绿化与地域特色;养护管理不到位等问题。  相似文献   

郭沛楷  余铭杰  陆毅妍 《花卉》2016,(18):18-19
城市规模的快速扩张引发人口剧增,导致车辆暴增,为了缓解交通压力,各大城市纷纷上马立交桥工程。人们解决了温饱问题后开始对生态环境也日益关注,这些立交桥就成为城市扩大重直绿化空间的重要载体。立交桥的绿化景观既能吸收车辆排放的尾气,改善生态环境,增加城市碳汇,还能给人们带来无限美好的视角享受。然而,立交桥的绿化工程面临着给排水方面的诸多困扰,严重影响了绿化效果,增加了绿化养护的成本。本文重点分析了城市立交桥绿化的给排水难题,对研发的两项专利技术在桥梁绿化给排水工程中的应用进行了论述,希望能为城市化进程中立交桥绿化设计提供参考。  相似文献   

立交桥的立体绿化建设是湖南立体绿化建设中重要的组成部分。本文基于国家园林城市建设的要求下从立交桥立体绿化的营建原则、应用方式、未来立体绿化建设建议等几个方面对湖南里立交桥立体绿化的进行了探讨。  相似文献   

选取哈尔滨市五座具有代表性的高架桥,对桥体绿化的植物种类、种植形势、观赏特性等因子进行调查,运用植物配置理论对动力区广场高架桥、文昌桥、二环桥香坊段高架桥、安发桥、霁虹桥的绿化质量进行分析,其中动力区广场高架桥、二环桥香坊段高架桥的绿化效果最好,安发桥的绿化效果最差.  相似文献   

城市立体绿化的应用与植物选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对目前应用的构架绿化、墙体绿化、阳台露台绿化、屋顶绿化和立交桥高架桥绿化等几种主要城市立体绿化形式进行了介绍;并根据不同应用形式的特点,提出了每种应用形式的植物选择及应用原则。  相似文献   

以重庆市为例,针对边坡绿化、屋顶绿化、轨道交通桥墩绿化、平台绿化和桥体绿化这五种立体绿化类型,对其基础处理、植物配置、栽植方式、辅助材料等建设方式进行分析,为城市立体绿化提供参考。  相似文献   

从垂直绿化的意义、所用的植物材料及其养护管理、垂直绿化的类型及设计、当前垂直绿化存在的问题等方面对垂直绿化这一植物应用形式进行系统的阐述,目的在于展示垂直绿化的优点,指出存在的不足以及应用中的误区,希望推动垂直绿化在我国快速、健康的发展。  相似文献   

有关竹子栽培技术研究报道多见于林业上毛竹、雷竹、紫竹等少数经济价值高的种类,城市园林绿化观赏用竹高效丰产栽培技术研究报道不多。通过对泰州市城市绿地中散生竹生长情况进行分析,结合相关造林技术研究成果,提出城市绿化科学栽培散生竹的技术措施,使散生竹起到立竹见林和快速满园成林的绿化效果。  相似文献   

多元空间绿化是当今城市绿化建设的新形式,诸多方面都优于传统地面绿化。通过分析2010上海世博会中的屋顶绿化、垂直绿化、移动绿化、室内绿化等实例,总结多元空间绿化在节能低碳、生态环保、改善环境等方面的应用及发挥的功能,指出未来城市绿化发展的趋势,并提出发展多元空间绿化保健功能的建议,为今后城市园林绿化建设提供参考。  相似文献   

西伯利亚白刺(Nitraria sibirica Pall.)生于盐渍化沙地,根系发达且易繁育,具有极强的耐盐碱性,是优良的防风固沙植物和盐碱地绿化造林植物。由于盐碱地面积的日益扩张和生态环境的破坏,该研究基于文献计量法,就近年来盐胁迫下白刺的生长发育、生理生化、物质代谢、抗逆信号转导途径及相关耐盐基因调控等多方面的研究进行综合评述,并探讨白刺的耐盐机理,旨在为国内白刺的引种栽培和耐盐抗性分子育种的选育提供参考,为国内盐碱地生态修复和绿化造林丰富理论研究。  相似文献   

通过对吕家村城乡一体化建设规划中景观环境规划的阐述,透析通过城乡一体化建设来加快村庄内造林绿化工作步伐,同时牢固树立"环境意识"和"资源意识",加大农村村庄环境建设,加大对村容村貌的整治,提高吕家村的绿化率,提升吕家村的村镇品味,改善农村生活环境,改善局部小气候,带动天水旅游产业的发展。  相似文献   

良好的绿化美化环境和赏心悦目的道路景观,是城市道路不可或缺的功能之一,道路绿化就是实现这一功能的主要手段。文章通过对周口大道"简洁、明快、大方"的绿化规划设计,以突出周口大道绿化景观强劲的时代感,反映周口城市建设取得的丰硕成果。  相似文献   

The information of urban tree species resources is of vital significance to the planning and design of urban green spaces. Tree organs, such as the bark are used as the primary features of identifying tree species. However, traditional tree identification methods need to consume a lot of manpower and time costs. In addition, the application of machine image recognition technology to tree species recognition still has problems such as heavy data preprocessing workload, small number of tree species images, uneven distribution of categories, and low recognition accuracy. In order to promote the intelligent management of urban forestry and solve the above problems, it is necessary to establish an automatic image recognition model for urban greening tree species. We captured bark images of 21 urban afforestation tree species in their natural environment and constructed a dataset that was divided into a train set, validation set, and test set in the ratio of 7:1:2. Combining Channel Attention Module (CAM) with algorithms such as Spatial Pyramid Pooling (SPP) and Mixed Depthwise Dilated Convolutional Kernels. The core algorithm is Mixed Convolution Kernel (MK), and a CAMP-MKNet Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) is constructed as a bark image classification model for urban greening tree species. The overall accuracy of the generic models ranged from 41.06% to 82.03%, whereas the overall accuracy of the experimental CAMP-MKNet model was 84.25%, with lower prediction cost. Our study shows that the CAMP-MKNet CNN model with better prediction performance and computational cost and can provide crucial insights and technical support for developing automated urban tree species image recognition systems.  相似文献   

立体绿化是丰富城市景观、改善城市环境的好方法.通过对周口市主要立体绿化形式的调查,发现墙体绿化和棚架廊柱绿化较为常见,而屋顶绿化和河道边坡绿化仍有很大发展空间.  相似文献   

The creation of green rooftops is an important method for mitigating heat build-up in urban rooftop environments because they lower the sensible heat flux over the rooftop and conductive heat flux into the building. We propose a model for assessing thermal mitigation effects through a hydroponic urban greening system based on heat balance. We conducted an experiment with two different rooftops at two study sites, which were monitored for two months in two different years. Each rooftop was divided into two areas: one bare, the other covered by the hydroponic urban greening system. Parameters measured in both areas were air temperature, surface temperature, and conductive heat flux. The data were analyzed using three thermal mitigation indices. However, it was difficult to show a uniform relationship between the latent heat flux and mitigation indices during the period of analysis. This suggests it would be necessary to include factors such as latent heat flux, conductive heat flux, and water heat storage flux to assess the thermal mitigation effect. Our research indicated that the composition of heat balance terms could estimate thermal mitigation effects in the green roof area independent of the year. The results suggest a principle for assessing the mitigation effects of urban greening on the thermal environment.  相似文献   

Globally, there is growing recognition of the potential of road verges to contribute to urban greening and ecosystem service provision, beyond their original functions of utility provision and public access. Numerous, diverse stakeholders are involved in their management, yet their shared and diverging perspectives on verge greening are poorly understood. This research examined the perspectives on road verge greening by 30 respondents from eight stakeholder groups from the Perth Metropolitan Area, Australia. Stakeholders spanned local and state governments, developers, peak bodies, utility providers, environmental consultants, verge treatment providers and urban greening advocates. Semi-directed interviews and Likert scales were used to assess respondents' perspectives and perceived importance of urban verge functions and ecosystem services, risks and challenges associated with verge greening, and preferred verge vegetation composition. The most important ecosystem services for all stakeholders were temperature regulation (through the provision of street trees), those associated with water management and aesthetically interesting streetscapes. Perceived challenges included limited knowledge for the management of native species verges and streetscapes, organisational costs for verge managers and utility providers, and the need to engage with multiple local government authorities with widely varying management and financial valuation of verge vegetation. Stakeholders’ preferred verge reflected diverse uses, local characteristics, and was climate and water resilient (particularly ‘waterwise’). A majority of stakeholder groups felt greater attention to the ‘understorey’ of the ‘urban forest’ was warranted. An emerging perspective across four stakeholder groups identified the potential for verges to grow a local ‘sense of place’, through plantings emphasising local native species and highlighting local Whadjuk Noongar seasons. These findings support policies and programmes associated with urban greening, and assist in navigating the contestation often associated with new or transformative uses of land at the public-private interface.  相似文献   

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