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OBJECTIVE: To quantify glutamine use by viscera drained by the portal vein in neonatal calves and to determine whether uptake could be stimulated by long-term IV infusion or long-term use of oral supplements. ANIMALS: 4 healthy neonatal calves. PROCEDURE: A femoral artery, jugular vein, and the portal vein were surgically cannulated in each calf. Blood flow in the portal vein was measured, using an ultrasonic transit-time flow probe. Calves were given an IV infusion of glutamine on days 6, 8, and 10 after surgery. Before the first infusion, calves were fed a diet of milk only. The diet was supplemented with glutamine for the second and third infusions. Glutamine was administered via the jugular vein during a 5-hour period. Venous and arterial blood samples were collected every hour for 5 hours. RESULTS: During glutamine infusion, uptake of glutamine by viscera drained by the portal vein increased in association with increased production of ammonia. Glutamine supplementation of the diet did not alter glutamine uptake. Glutamine infusion did not increase viscera uptake of indispensable amino acids. Long-term use of glutamine supplements or infusion of glutamine for periods of more than 1 hour increased glutamine uptake by viscera. Arterial leucine concentration and uptake of leucine by the viscera decreased during glutamine infusion, indicating that leucine became the limiting factor. CONCLUSION: Glutamine administration (supplements or infusions) to calves may require that a mixture of amino acids be provided to improve effectiveness. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Glutamine may be beneficial in treatments designed to promote intestinal healing in diarrheic calves.  相似文献   

Intrajugular injection of a purified E. coli lipopolysaccharide induced a biphasic fever in sheep after a latent period of 12 to 20 min. The changes in the blood flow from the liver and from the viscera drained by the portal vein were: (a) in the latent period, decreases in total hepatic blood flow (THF) due to decreased portal venous blood flow (PVF); (b) during the first febrile phase, increases in THF due to increased hepatic arterial blood flow and, (c) in the second febrile phase, increases in THF due to decreased PVF. Although there were large variations in the oxygen supply to the viscera drained by the portal vein and to the liver, there were relatively small or no changes in their oxygen consumption.  相似文献   

现代肉鸡饲养管理方法,使鸡种表现出增重迅速、出栏日龄逐年缩短,但是在这一过程中,易造成肉鸡脂肪过度沉积。过多的脂肪沉积降低胴体品质、降低饲料转化率,提高了养殖成本;肉鸡分割和深加工过程中没有商业价值的脂肪组织被剔除,降低了屠体产量;此外,肝脏脂肪过度沉积会引发脂肪肝等代谢疾病,增加肉鸡死淘率;同时,消费者也不愿购买脂肪含量过高的肉制品,这些都给肉鸡养殖业造成了巨大的经济损失。发酵棉粕营养价值高,其发酵微生物、发酵产物等可直接降低肉鸡脂肪沉积,也可通过影响肉鸡脂肪代谢相关基因来调控脂肪沉积,除此之外,改变肠道微生物菌落结构也是发酵棉粕调控脂肪代谢的一个可能原因。此外,植物提取物、益生菌等均能显著影响肉鸡脂肪代谢。文章简述了肉鸡脂肪代谢,并总结了发酵饲料尤其是发酵棉粕对肉鸡脂肪代谢的调控作用,以期为肉鸡健康养殖和饼粕资源的开发利用提供理论基础。  相似文献   

The pharmacokinetics of ciprofloxacin, a quinoline derivative with marked bactericidal activity against gram-negative bacteria, was studied in calves and pigs following intravenous and oral administration. Ciprofloxacin was rapidly and well distributed in the body, exhibited a short elimination half-life of 2.5 h in both species, and was rapidly absorbed after oral administration (Tmax:2 to 3 h). The oral bioavailability in calves was 53 +/- 14% and for 1 pig 37.3%. The renal clearance of the unbound ciprofloxacin for both species was of the same order, indicated a predominantly tubular secretion pattern, and accounted for about 46% of the total drug elimination. No complete drug mass balance could be demonstrated. Small amounts of two metabolites were detected in the urine of calves, but not in pig urine.  相似文献   


The pharmacokinetics of ciprofloxacin, a quinoline derivative with marked bactericidal activity against gram‐negative bacteria, was studied in calves and pigs following intravenous and oral administration.

Ciprofloxacin was rapidly and well distributed in the body, exhibited a short elimination half‐life of 2.5 h in both species, and was rapidly absorbed after oral administration (Tmax:2 to 3 h). The oral bioavailability in calves to was 53 ± 14% and for 1 pig 37.3%.

The renal clearance of the unbound ciprofloxacin for both species was of the same order, indicated a predominantly tubular secretion pattern, and accounted for about 46% of the total drug elimination. No complete drug mass balance could be demonstrated. Small amounts of two metabolites were detected in the urine of calves, but not in pig urine.  相似文献   

Colostrum feeding and glucocorticoid administration affect glucose metabolism and insulin release in calves. We have tested the hypothesis that dexamethasone as well as colostrum feeding influence insulin-dependent glucose metabolism in neonatal calves using the euglycemic-hyperinsulinemic clamp technique. Newborn calves were fed either colostrum or a milk-based formula (n=14 per group) and in each feeding group, half of the calves were treated with dexamethasone (30 microg/[kg body weight per day]). Preprandial blood samples were taken on days 1, 2, and 4. On day 5, insulin was infused for 3h and plasma glucose concentrations were kept at 5 mmol/L+/-10%. Clamps were combined with [(13)C]-bicarbonate and [6,6-(2)H]-glucose infusions for 5.5h (i.e., from -150 to 180 min, relative to insulin infusion) to determine glucose turnover, glucose appearance rate (Ra), endogenous glucose production (eGP), and gluconeogenesis before and at the end of the clamp. After the clamp liver biopsies were taken to measure mRNA levels of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK) and pyruvate carboxylase (PC). Dexamethasone increased plasma glucose, insulin, and glucagon concentrations in the pre-clamp period thus necessitating a reduction in the rate of glucose infusion to maintain euglycemia during the clamp. Glucose turnover and Ra increased during the clamp and were lower at the end of the clamp in dexamethasone-treated calves. Dexamethasone treatment did not affect basal gluconeogenesis or eGP. At the end of the clamp, dexamethasone reduced eGP and PC mRNA levels, whereas mitochondrial PEPCK mRNA levels increased. In conclusion, insulin increased glucose turnover and dexamethasone impaired insulin-dependent glucose metabolism, and this was independent of different feeding.  相似文献   

Diacetoxyscirpenol (DAS) was given IV to pigs (0, 0.5, and 1.0 mg/kg of body weight), cattle (0 and 0.5 mg/kg), and dogs (0 and 0.5 mg/kg). Blood was collected and hemograms were done at 0.5-hour intervals for 8 hours. The animals were euthanatized at 8 hours after treatment, and bone marrow samples were taken and examined by light microscopy. Moderate to severe necrosis of bone marrow hematopoietic elements was found in animals given DAS. The sequential increase in the type and number of abnormal cells in the blood suggested a successive destruction of the hematopoietic elements. A marked left shift in the neutrophil population was found in animals given DAS. Metarubricytes and large platelets were found in the blood of animals given DAS. Lymphocytes were replaced with immature cells. Pathologic changes were most severe in the pigs given a dosage of 1.0 mg of DAS/kg. The order of species sensitivity to DAS was pigs greater than dogs much greater than cattle.  相似文献   

The hepatic portal veins of cockerels were catheterised to study the effects of 3-h infusions of nutrient solutions on voluntary food intake. An amino acid mixture, infused at rates up to 800 mg N/3 h, depressed intake of a standard diet in a significant linear manner (intakes with the highest dose and control: 1.6 g and 22.6 g/3 h respectively). Infusion of the highest dose into the jugular vein had a smaller and nonsignificant effect (17.2 and 25.3 g/3 h). The effects of combined infusion of amino acids and glucose into the portal vein on food intake were approximately additive.  相似文献   

为了研究营养物质在动物内脏组织的代谢规律,需要测定门静脉的血流速度和取得血液样品.对消化道器官(或称门静脉回流内脏,PDV)来说,主要生理功能是吸收营养,同时本身也要进行各种营养物质的代谢.因此测定门静脉血流速度非常重要.目前测定门静脉血流速度的方式有两种.其一是直接测定,比如安装流量计,另一种是通过示踪剂稀释法间接测定.  相似文献   

If easily digestible saccharides are deficient in the feed ration of bulls with the live weight of 300 kg and at simultaneous single application of urea at a rate of 0.2 g per 1 kg live weight, zeolite (with 50.6% clinoptilolite content) administered at a rate of 2.5% per 1 kg dry matter influenced significantly (P less than 0.05) the ammonia concentration in rumen, v. portae and v. jugularis. The rumen contents and blood were sampled at the intervals of 0, 15, 30, 60, 90, 120, 180 and 360 minutes after feeding. Basal feed ration consisted of 1 kg feed mixture and 3 kg meadow hay. After urea administration, zeolite reduced the ammonia concentration in rumen by 20-40% in comparison with the control group and in v. portae by 60-70%. In v. jugularis in the 90th minute after feeding significant hyperammonemia was observed in bulls with no zeolite supplement. Zeolite administration did not influence urea concentration in plasma.  相似文献   

Catheterization of the portal vein using the Seldinger technique [Acta Radiol. (1958) 38, 368] was performed in 11 cows. Ultrasound-guided percutaneous portocentesis, using a 25-cm, 14-gauge steel cannula, was performed from the 10th, 11th or 12th intercostal space on the right side. A stylet was placed through the cannula, which was then removed, and a polyurethane balloon-tipped catheter was advanced over the stylet into the portal vein and sutured to the skin (Seldinger, 1952). Blood samples were collected from the catheter at least once daily. The catheter was removed 9-15 days later when blood could no longer be aspirated. The cows were then slaughtered and a post-mortem examination was performed. During the study, appetite remained normal in nine of 11 cows. In three cows, the general behaviour and demeanour were mildly, but transiently, abnormal. Four cows had leucopoenia. The most frequently encountered problem was occlusion of the catheter, which usually was resolved by flushing with heparinized saline. The most common post-mortem lesion observed was an increase in fibrous connective tissue at the site of cannulation. In nine of 11cows, there was a thrombus in the portal vein at the site of catheterization. Generally, the severity of the lesions was mild. The results of this study demonstrated that ultrasound-guided percutaneous catheterization of the portal vein, using the Seldinger technique, is possible in cows. The catheter may be left in place for collection of blood samples for up to 15 days.  相似文献   

Effects of increased ammonia and/or arginine absorption on net splanchnic (portal-drained viscera [PDV] plus liver) metabolism of nonnitrogenous nutrients and hormones in cattle were examined. Six Hereford x Angus steers (501 +/- 1 kg BW) prepared with vascular catheters for measurements of net flux across the splanchnic bed were fed a 75% alfalfa:25% (as-fed basis) corn and soybean meal diet (0.523 MJ of ME/[kg BW(0.75).d]) every 2 h without (27.0 g of N/kg of DM) and with 20 g of urea/kg of DM (35.7 g of N/kg of DM) in a split-plot design. Net flux measurements were made immediately before and after a 72-h mesenteric vein infusion of L-arginine (15 mmol/h). There were no treatment effects on PDV or hepatic O2 consumption. Dietary urea had no effect on splanchnic metabolism of glucose or L-lactate, but arginine infusion decreased net hepatic removal of L-lactate when urea was fed (P < 0.01). Net PDV appearance of n-butyrate was increased by arginine infusion (P < 0.07), and both dietary urea (P < 0.09) and arginine infusion (P < 0.05) increased net hepatic removal of n-butyrate. Dietary urea also increased total splanchnic acetate output (P < 0.06), tended to increase arterial glucagon concentration (P < 0.11), and decreased arterial ST concentration (P < 0.03). Arginine infusion increased arterial concentration (P < 0.07) and net PDV release (P < 0.10) and tended to increase hepatic removal (P < 0.11) of insulin, as well as arterial concentration (P < 0.01) and total splanchnic output (P < 0.01) of glucagon. Despite changes in splanchnic N metabolism, increased ammonia and arginine absorption had little measurable effect on splanchnic metabolism of glucose and other nonnitrogenous components of splanchnic energy metabolism.  相似文献   

研究液态饲料的饲喂量对犊牛生长发育、营养物质消化吸收的影响。选取16头犊牛,分为2个处理组,按照体重的9.5%和11.0%分别饲喂代乳粉乳液,试验全期为8周,测定犊牛的体重、测量体尺,进行消化代谢试验。两组犊牛在增重、体长指数、体躯指数上没有显著性差异(P0.05);在营养物质的消化代谢上,11.0%组在3~4周时干物质吸收量、粗蛋白吸收量及代谢能均优于9.5%组(P0.05),而在5~6周时无显著差异(P0.05)。在本试验中,液体饲料的饲喂量为犊牛体重11.0%时对犊牛的生长性能具有较好的促进作用,并且对犊牛消化吸收营养物质有积极的影响。  相似文献   

Surgical procedures are described for chronic cannulation of portal vein, ileal vein, abdominal aorta, and carotid artery in pigs. Silastic or Micro-Renathane tubing was used for cannulating portal vein and ileal vein, while carotid artery was cannulated with Micro-Renathane tubing. The lumen of Micro-Renathane tubing was coated with tri-dodecylmethyl ammonium chloride (TDMAC)-heparin complex. The abdominal aorta was cannulated via saphenous artery with vinyl tubing. This allows simultaneous collection of blood samples from hepatic portal vein and systemic artery (carotid or abdominal aorta) and continuous infusion of p-aminohippuric acid (PAH) into ileal vein. The constant PAH infusion provided an indicator-dilution method for estimating the blood flow rate in portal vein. In 13 pigs weighing 54 +/- 2.8 kg, the mean portal vein blood flow rate during the 8-h postprandial period was estimated to be 1,979 ml X min-1 X pig-1 or 37.8 ml X min-1 X kg-1 body weight. By simultaneously measuring the concentration of nutrients and metabolites in the portal and systemic arterial blood and multiplying porto-arterial differences by the estimated portal vein blood flow rate, the net absorption of nutrients (except long-chain fatty acids) and metabolites into hepatic portal system in conscious swine can be quantified.  相似文献   

The carcasses of 370 very young slaughter calves condemned for various diseases and defects at routine post-mortem meat inspection were subjected to further and more detailed macroscopic examination as well as histopathological examination of some tissues. Of the carcasses examined, 138 were condemned for navel ill, and in the majority of these cases the lesions extended beyond the umbilicus, particularly involving the umbilical vein and the urachus. Enzootic pneumonia was the most common cause of pleuritic lesions in the carcass, and 75 carcasses were condemned for this lesion. Arthritis, whether localised or involving a number of joints, was the primary lesion in 32 carcasses. Focal interstitial nephritis was observed in the kidneys of 36 carcasses, while 23 carcasses were condemned for wounds and bruising. A number of other miscellaneous diseases and defects, including generalised peritonitis, jaundice, hepatic abscesses and fever, were observed at low rates in condemned carcasses. Resolution or localisation of lesions had occurred at the time of slaughter on average in 35% of the condemned carcasses and the judgment of total condemnation was difficult to justify on a scientific basis and would not have been applied to other classes of slaughtered livestock. In the case of wounds and bruising, 95.6% of the carcasses could have been trimmed. There was also considerable variation in the likely pathogenesis and systemic effects of the diseases and defects observed. A need for clear and specific judgment criteria to be applied to the carcasses of very young slaughter calves at post-mortem meat inspection was identified.  相似文献   

The pharmacokinetics of flumequine was studied in 1-, 5- and 18-week-old veal calves. A two-compartment model was used to fit the plasma concentration-time curve of flumequine after the intravenous injection of 10 mg/kg of a 10% solution. The elimination half-life (t1/2 beta) of the drug ranged from 6 to 7 h. The Vd beta and ClB of 1-week-old calves (1.07 l/kg, 1.78 ml/min/kg) were significantly lower than those of 5-week-old (1.89 l/kg, 3.23 ml/min/kg) and 18-week-old calves (1.57 l/kg, 3.10 ml/min/kg). After the oral administration of 10 mg/kg of a 2% flumequine formulation mixed with milk replacer, the Cmax was highest in 1-week-old (9.27 micrograms/ml) and lowest in 18-week-old calves (4.47 micrograms/ml). The absorption was rapid (Tmax of approximately 3 h) and complete. When flumequine itself and a formulation containing 2% flumequine and 20 X 10(6) iu of colistin sulphate were mixed with milk replacer and administered at the same dose rate, absorption was incomplete and Cmax was lower. The main urinary metabolite of flumequine was the glucuronide conjugate (approximately 40% recovery within 48 h of intravenous injection) and the second most important metabolite was 7-hydroxy-flumequine (approximately 3% recovery within 12 h of intravenous injection). Only 3.2-6.5% was excreted in the urine unchanged. After oral administration a 'first-pass' effect was observed, with a significant increase in the excretion of conjugated drug. For 1-week-old calves it is recommended that the 2% formulation should be administered at a dose rate of 8 mg/kg every 24 h or 4 mg/kg every 12 h; for calves over 6 weeks old, the dose should be increased to 15 mg/kg every 24 h or 7.5 mg/kg every 12 h. The formulation containing colistin sulphate should be administered to 1-week-old calves at a flumequine dose of 12 mg/kg every 24 h or 6 mg/kg every 12 h.  相似文献   

Two immunoassays using an anti-bovine haptoglobin monoclonal antibody, Hap 1, were used to measure serum haptoglobin levels in neonatal farm-raised and bob veal calves. Bob veal calves were grouped into condemned, normal, and icteric groups based on the appearance of the carcass and viscera at postmortem examination. The competitive inhibition assay was more sensitive than the direct hemoglobin binding assay in detecting low levels of haptoglobin in all groups of calves. A significant number of bob veal calves with gross postmortem lesions other than icterus had detectable haptoglobin levels. The low levels of haptoglobin that were detected were not useful in distinguishing the relative severity of the inflammatory or degenerative process; however, the predictive values of a positive and negative test suggest haptoglobin measurement may be useful as a supplemental tool in evaluating the health status of the neonatal calf.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The clinical efficacy of IV administered hypertonic saline solution and hypertonic bicarbonate solution (HBS) in the treatment of inappetent diarrheic calves has not been compared yet. HYPOTHESIS: HBS is more advantageous than hypertonic saline in the treatment of calves with severe metabolic acidosis. ANIMALS: Twenty-eight dehydrated, inappetent calves with neonatal diarrhea. METHODS: In 2 consecutive clinical studies, calves were initially treated with saline (5.85%; 5 mL/kg body weight [BW] over 4 minutes; study I: N = 16) or bicarbonate solution (8.4%; 10 mL/kg BW over 8 minutes; study II: N = 12), respectively, followed by oral administration of 3 L isotonic electrolyte solution 5 minutes after injection. Clinical and laboratory variables were monitored for 72 hours. RESULTS: Treatment failed in 6 calves of study I and in 1 calf of study II as indicated by a deterioration of the general condition. All treatment failures had more severe metabolic acidosis compared with successfully treated calves before treatment. In the latter, rehydration was completed within 18 hours after injection; metabolic acidosis was corrected within 24 hours (study I) and 6 hours (study II) after injection. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL IMPORTANCE: Diarrheic calves with slight metabolic acidosis (base excess [BE] >-10 mM) can be treated successfully with hypertonic saline. HBS is appropriate in calves without respiratory problems with more severe metabolic acidosis (BE up to -20 mM). Intensive care of the calves is required to ensure a sufficient oral fluid intake after the initial IV treatment.  相似文献   

The cardiopulmonary, anesthetic, and postanesthetic effects of an IV infusion of the hypnotic agent propofol were assessed in 6 Greyhounds and 7 non-Greyhounds. After IM injection of acetylpromazine and atropine, a bolus injection of propofol sufficient to allow endotracheal intubation (mean +/- SEM = 4.0 +/- 0.3 mg/kg of body weight in Greyhounds; 3.2 +/- 0.1 mg/kg in non-Greyhounds) was administered, followed by continuous infusion at a rate of 0.4 mg/kg/min for 60 minutes, during which time dogs breathed 100% oxygen. In 23% of all dogs (3 of 13), apnea developed after initial bolus administration of propofol. Arterial blood pressure was well maintained in all dogs, but heart and respiratory rates were decreased significantly (P less than 0.05) during the infusion in Greyhounds. In Greyhounds, mild respiratory acidosis developed after 45 minutes, whereas arterial carbon dioxide tension was increased at all times after propofol administration in non-Greyhounds. In all dogs, PCV and total plasma proteins were unaffected by propofol. Rectal temperature decreased during treatment. Muscle tremors were observed in approximately 50% of dogs (in 3 of 6 Greyhounds and 3 of 7 non-Greyhounds) during and after infusion of propofol. Non-Greyhounds lifted their heads, assumed sternal recumbency, and stood 10 +/- 1, 15 +/- 3, and 28 +/- 5 minutes, respectively, after the end of the infusion; in Greyhounds, the corresponding times were 36 +/- 4, 43 +/- 6, and 63 +/- 7 minutes.  相似文献   

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