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大青叶蝉生活习性及危害水平观察研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大青叶蝉(Tettigohiella Ririais(L))是巴彦淖尔市新造幼林、苹果梨和苗圃地的主要害虫之一,每年发生面积约50万亩,在全市七个旗县(区)均有发生。为了有效控制大青叶蝉的发生,减少林业生产损失,提供可靠准确的防治依据,我们重点从观察大青叶蝉的生活史和生活习性入手,详细观察其卵痕数对树木抽梢的影响,经过一年的观察研究,初步掌握了大青叶蝉的发生危害过程。  相似文献   

大青叶蝉化学防治试验报告王桂荣李先叶任莲霞郑平(内蒙古巴盟乌拉特中旗森防站)(内蒙古巴盟森防站1试验目的近年来河套灌区利用红泥涂干防治大青叶蝉对农田防护林、速生丰产林1~2年生幼树危害效果较好。我们发现近年来大青叶蝉对育苗地危害也较为严重,尤其是果树...  相似文献   

大青叶蝉部分测报因子的研究王桂荣任莲霞李先叶贺永光(内蒙古巴盟乌拉特前旗森防站大青叶蝉各代各虫态的发生期,发生量的预报是我们进行防治的前提。为了准确掌握大青叶蝉各代、各虫态的发生期发生量与防治适期,我们于1986~1991年系统调查了大青叶蝉各代、各...  相似文献   

大青叶蝉的生活习性观察及防治对策   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
大青叶蝉是民和县常见的主要林业有害生物,2004--2006年在民和县川口、中川两地区对大青叶蝉的生活习性进行了观察,基本查清了该虫的生活习性,总结出监测预报方法和防治办法。  相似文献   

新疆阿月浑子资源情况   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:5  
新疆阿月浑子资源情况王树清,尚新业,石玉琴(新疆林业科学研究院,乌鲁木齐,830000)何健,吐拉克孜,谷为民,帕提古丽(新疆喀什林业科学研究所)(新疆疏附县林业局)阿月浑子(PistaciaveraL.商品名称“开心果”)系漆树科黄连木属,原产中亚...  相似文献   

大青叶蝉生物学特性及防治方法的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大青叶蝉Cicadelaviridis(L)属同翅目、叶蝉科。主要以第二代成虫产卵于幼树或苗条上造成幼树、苗条抽干或遭冻害。近年来灌区的农田防护林、速生丰产林受害严重。为了掌握大青叶蝉发生为害规律,正确指导防治工作,从1988年开始我们在海流图苗圃进行定点观察,并在临河地区进行了为害情况调查。  相似文献   

7月2日下午,新疆维吾尔自治区副主席、武警新疆森林总队第一政委钱智在看望武警阿克苏森林大队官兵时强调,驻疆森林部队要着眼新疆林业发展要求,增强职能意识、忧患意识,忠实履行保护森林资源的神圣使命,不断提高现代条件下防火执勤和灭火作战能力,确保新疆生态安全。  相似文献   

大青叶蝉对宁夏灌区农田林网新植树木具有很大的危害性,化学防治和物理防治对大青叶蝉都具有良好的防治效果,能够显著降低树木抽干,提高树木保存率。从防治效果和防治效益综合来看,建议采用物理防治。  相似文献   

为了应对新疆干旱、少雨气候对林业有害生物防控工作带来的不利影响,保护造林绿化成果和林业生态安全,及时有效遏制林业有害生物扩散蔓延,最大限度地降低灾害损失,确保今年新疆林业有害生物防治目标管理指标的顺利实现,新疆各级林业部门积极采取措施,加强林业有害生物防控工作。  相似文献   

生物技术又名生物工程,是本世纪70年代发展起来的一个新型研究领域,目前生物技术的应用已在农业、医药、食品、能源等许多领域蓬勃地活跃起来,预计生物技术将成为21世纪技术革命的重要支柱。80年代以来,新疆在林业方面也广泛开展了生物技术研究,并且已由实验阶段步向了产业化,为新疆的林木有种、病虫害防治、育苗造林作出了重大贡献。一、植物组织培养的应用1988年,新疆林科院李康等课题组成员承接了自治区科委下达的“新疆经济树木组织培养及工厂化育苗技术研究”项目。经过8年的不懈努力,与阿克苏林科所通力合作,获得了具有快速…  相似文献   

不同处理方式对新疆杨硬枝扦插效果的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以新疆杨1年生枝条为扦插材料,通过使用50、100、200mg L~(-1)等3种浓度的ABT1号生根粉浸泡24h后进行露地和覆盖地膜扦插试验,研究不同处理及扦插方式对新疆杨硬枝扦插效果的影响,结果表明:在不同浓度ABT1号生根粉药剂处理和不同扦插环境条件下,新疆杨的苗高、地径、成活率以及根系生长发育不同,ABT1号生根粉处理的扦插效果优于清水浸泡后的扦插苗,且随着ABT1号浓度的增加,扦插效果越好;覆膜效果好于露地扦插。以覆盖地膜、200mg L~(-1) ABT1号处理的组合扦插效果最佳。  相似文献   

We investigated changes in sapling growth and morphology of Thujopsis dolabrata var. hondai (hiba) for 7 years after release from suppressed lighting by selection cutting. We examined changes in aboveground biomass, elongation of stems and lateral branches, and annual diameter increment at the stem base. Vertical distributions of leaves per branch and per individual were also measured for morphological analysis. Under the suppressed condition before cutting, the crown consisted of orthotropic lateral branches, elongating up to the top of the stem or farther, and no branch was aborted. This crown type with large crown depth and concavity of the upper part had a bowl-like appearance. After the selection cutting, relative light intensity on the saplings increased from 4% to 26%. The increment enhanced aboveground biomass and stem elongation 7 years after the cutting. Diameter growth at the stem base was particularly accelerated 2 years after the cutting. While crown shape transformation of the saplings was not conspicuous at 7 years after the cutting, some released saplings showed a superior stem elongation ratio to that of the lateral branches. Thus, the upper part of the crown of these saplings changed from a bowl-like shape to a convex shape like that of a dome. Our study suggested that suppressed hiba saplings with the unique bowl-shaped crown enhanced their growth rates rapidly in response to improved light conditions, but required much more than 7 years for the full process of crown transformation for us to identify future trees in this stand. An erratum to this article is available at.  相似文献   

对村宅旁大叶榉中幼龄散生木采取立竿绑缚、合理留养树冠、树干皮层纵割促粗生长、加强病虫害防治等抚育措施,促使树木复壮,结果表明:采用立竿绑缚,可以增强榉树幼树主干直性,培养通直高大圆满的主干;枝下高1/3的单株高、粗生长均优于枝下高2/3、1/2时的高、粗生长,年均树高生长量达到53 cm、年均胸径生长量达到1.3 cm;经树干皮层纵割后,年均胸径生长量可达到0.93 cm,比对照年均胸径生长量增加0.3 cm。  相似文献   

松墨天牛刻痕在思茅松上的分布及影响因素   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过野外观察思茅松树的松墨天牛产卵刻痕数并对其进行影响因素偏相关分析,揭示了影响产卵刻痕在思茅松上分布的主要因素.寄主生长势是产卵刻痕数量的决定因素,衰弱寄主能够引诱成虫产卵;木段直径是产卵刻痕分布的重要影响因素,直径小于16 cm的木段上,刻痕随直径的增大而增加,且具有显著相关性;树皮厚度是产卵刻痕数量的制约因素,直径大于16 cm的木段上,刻痕随树皮厚度的增厚而减少,但相关性不显著.  相似文献   

The shea tree, Vitellaria paradoxa, is a socio-economically important tree for the rural population in parts of West Africa. Our study assessed the current status of this native tree species with regard to increasing human pressure in northern Benin. We compared distribution of adult shea trees, seedlings and saplings in farmed lands with protected areas in the Biosphere Reserve of Pendjari (BRP). At our study site near BRP, agricultural activities foster recruitment of shea trees by regularly cropping of vegetation cover. Furthermore, traditional farming practices preserve adult individuals thus permitting regular fruit harvests. Consequently, most of the tallest and largest individuals of shea trees are found in framed lands. In contrast, the highest density of juvenile trees including seedlings (dbh <5 cm) and saplings (dbh 5–10 cm) occurred within BRP. Saplings were negatively affected by farming activities. Furthermore, spatial point pattern analysis revealed differences in the spatial structure of juveniles. Juveniles showed significant aggregations at small scale (<20 m) in BRP as well as significant and positive small-scale associations with adult trees. This contrasts with farmed lands where we did not find such spatial patterns at similar small scale but only a weak aggregation between juveniles and absence of association (attraction) of adults to juveniles. Although our analyses indicate that shea trees are rather well preserved, we conclude that the observed severe reduction of saplings in farmed lands is likely to negatively impact the long-term viability of the tree population. Therefore agroforestry practices must consider the preservation of sapling populations in farming areas for long-term conservation.  相似文献   

在吉林省白城市对向海1号、冀桑2号等7个桑树品种进行了物候期和抗旱能力的调查与分析,结果表明:向海1号桑抗旱能力最强,可在降雨量200 mm的年份正常生长而基本未出现旱象;冀桑2号、辽育8号、辽鲁11号次之,藤选1号、龙桑1号、桲椤桑的抗旱性相对较差,但均未出现干梢、枝条枯死现象。向海1号桑的物候期和物候相均早于其它品种,桲椤桑、龙桑1号、辽育8号、冀桑2号次之,对当地气候均有较强的适应能力。  相似文献   

We determined patterns of microsite suppression in dwarf bamboo Sasa nipponica when grazing deer were absent. This bamboo species is able to outcompete Hondo spruce (Picea jezoensis var. hondoensis) saplings under many environmental circumstances. We set up two 10 × 100 m plots inside a deer-proof fence within a subalpine forest on Mt. Ohdaigahara, central Japan, and two similarly sized plots outside the fence. Within the plots, we surveyed microsites where spruce saplings grew. We measured height and shoot elongation of all spruce saplings, and culm height and cover ratios of dwarf bamboo growing around each spruce sapling. Spruce sapling density and average height were higher inside the deer-proof fence than outside, as were bamboo height and cover. Thus, there was a negative effect of deer browsing on vegetation parameters outside the fence and a suppression of the negative effect of bamboo on spruce sapling growth inside the fence. Spruce sapling height was higher in tree-fall pits than in other microsites inside the fence, whereas both dwarf bamboo height and cover were lower in pits and rocky sites than elsewhere. In soil and collar microsites, spruce sapling shoot growth was lower and bamboo height and cover were higher than in pits and rocky sites. Inside the fence, dwarf bamboo cover was high, but pits and rocks suppressed its growth, allowing spruce saplings to flourish. To restore heavily damaged spruce forests with advanced saplings, it will be necessary to construct deer-proof fences and create and maintain microsites with pits and rocks.  相似文献   

The effects of removing aboveground vegetation on survival and growth of Hondo spruce (Picea jezoensis var. hondoensis) saplings were examined in a dense dwarf bamboo (Sasa nipponica) field inside a deer-proof fence built in a degraded sub-alpine forest on Mt Ohdaigahara, central Japan. All bamboo culms were removed within a radius of 1 m from each sapling in a plot of 0.6 ha (removal plot), whereas no culms were removed in two control plots of 0.1 ha. We measured the height, crown depth, and main shoot elongation over 1 year for all spruce saplings, culm height and cover ratios of dwarf bamboo growing around each spruce sapling, and the light levels above each sapling. Removal of dwarf bamboo regulated the culm height and bamboo coverage until the following summer such that light conditions improved. The mortality of saplings smaller than the average culm height was lower in the removal plot (0.89%) than in a control plot (5.9%). After bamboo removal, sapling height growth was reduced with increasing bamboo cover in the previous year. Complete removal of the aboveground portions of covering bamboo improved sapling survival while regulating elongation growth, possibly because of the sudden increase in light intensity. Thus, controlling the extent of dwarf bamboo removal might be necessary to facilitate the growth of spruce saplings to restore the forest.  相似文献   

Influence of water status of oak trees (Quercus rubra) on the development of Phytophthora cinnamomi lesions was studied. On agar media or excised inner bark, growth of P. cinnumomi was reduced by low water potentials. In contrast, on voung saplings or mature oak trees the development of P. cinnamomi lesions was not affected during a period of water stress. But after the end of the water stress treatment, susceptibility of the young saplings to P. cinnamoni increased.  相似文献   

Light-related plasticity in a variety of crown morphology and within-tree characteristics was examined in sun and shade saplings of Abies amabilis Dougl. ex J. Forbes growing in two late-successional forests with different snow regimes in the Cascade Mountains of Washington, USA. Compared with sun saplings, shade saplings typically had broad flat crowns as a result of acclimation at several scales (needle, shoot, branch, crown and whole sapling). Shoots of shade saplings had a smaller needle mass per unit of stem length than shoots of sun saplings, a feature that enhances light-interception efficiency by reducing among-needle shading. The low annual rate of needle production by shade saplings was associated with a longer needle lifespan and slower needle turnover. Reduced needle production within a shoot was reflected at the branch level, with lateral branches of shade saplings having a smaller needle mass than branches of the same length of sun saplings. Reduced allocation to needles permits greater investment in branches and stems, which is necessary to support the horizontally expanding branch system characteristic of shade saplings. Mean branch age of shade saplings was significantly higher than that of sun saplings. Shade saplings had lower needle mass per unit of trunk biomass or total biomass, reflecting greater investment in the trunk as a support organ. Increased investment in support organs in shade was more evident in the snowier habitat. The observed morphological acclimation makes A. amabilis highly shade and snow-tolerant and thus able to dominate in many late-successional forests in snowy coastal mountain regions.  相似文献   

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