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J. Šebesta 《Euphytica》1979,28(3):807-809
Summary In oat cv. Delphin (Bonda x Carstens Vii) two complementary genes were found conferring resistance to sixteen cultures of ten crown rust (Puccinia coronata Cda. var. avenae Fraser ET Led.) races. The complementary genes showed full dominance to eight races and incomplete dominance to two races.  相似文献   

Differences were found in the expression of resistance of perennial ryegrass, Lolium perenne, cultivars to crown rust, Puccinia coronata Corda, when plants were incubated at either 10°C or 25°C. In an extreme example, all the genotypes of ‘Carrick’ were resistant at 10°C but susceptible at 25°C. The variation between cultivars was due both to a general increase in expression of susceptibility and the proportion of plants which became susceptible. A BC1 line containing a stay‐green gene derived from Festuca pratensis was insensitive to temperature, while a sister line was sensitive.  相似文献   

Summary Although wild oats (Avena fatua L.) have been considered a potential source of genes for cultivated oat (Avena sativa L.) improvement, most progenies of A. sativa/A. fatua crosses have weak straw and are very susceptible to crown rust (Puccinia coronata CDA. var. avenae Fraser and Led.). Backcrossing to A. sativa has been suggested as a method of improving progeny lines while introducing new genes from wild oats to cultivated oats. In this study, A. sativa/A. fatua F1 hybrids were backcrossed twice to A. sativa, and lines from three backcross populations were selected on the basis of agronomic performance in segregating generations. The A. sativa recurrent parents were Dal (tall and late) and Stout (short and early).Backcross lines and recurrent parents were evaluated in five performance trails from 1983 through 1985. There was significant variation among backcross lines for most traits, but most backcross lines did not produce higher grain and straw yields than their A. sativa parent. Several backcross lines were higher than their recurrent parent in test weight and groat percentage. A line derived from Stout, 175BC2-6, was considered the most promising backcross line in the study. This line produced more grain, had heavier kernels, and headed 3.3 days earlier than Stout. Although 175BC2-6 does not have sufficient straw strength and crown rust resistance to be released as a cultivar, it is considered to be a new source of high grain yield, high test weight and earliness for oat breeding.  相似文献   

Summary Molecular mapping is a promising strategy for studying and understanding traits with complex genetic control, such as partial resistance to oat crown rust. The objectives of this research were to develop molecular maps from the progenies of the cross UFRGS7 (susceptible) × UFRGS910906 (partially resistant) and to identify QTLs (quantitative trait loci) associated to partial resistance to oat crown rust in two generations of that population.DNA of 86 genotypes of the F2 and 90 genotypes of the F6 UFRGS7 × UFRGS910906 population were used to generate AFLP markers. Molecular maps were constructed using Mapmaker Exp. 3.0 and QTLs for partial resistance to oat crown rust were identified with Mapmaker/QTL software. Five hundred and fifty seven markers in the F2 and 243 markers in the F6 generations were identified. The F2 map integrated 250 markers in 37 linkage groups. The F6 map integrated 86 markers in 17 linkage groups.Five QTLs were identified for partial resistance to oat crown rust in the F2 generation and three QTLs in the F6. The QTL identified on F6 through the PaaaMctt340 AFLP marker showed consistency across two environments and two generations (F4 and F6), and appear to have potential for marker-assisted selection in oat.  相似文献   

Summary The oat line Pc54 was found to be resistant to powdery mildew under both field and glasshouse conditions. The ratio of resistant to susceptible F2 and F2 progeny of a cross between a selection from the Pc54 line (Cc7422) and a susceptible cultivar (Selma) showed that, in addition to carrying the crown rust resistance gene Pc54 and the pg15 gene for stem rust resistance, the mildew resistance of the Pc54 line was conditioned by a single incompletely dominant gene along with additional factors which modified the expression of resistance. Previous results, that there was no linkage between genes Pc54 and Pg15, were confirmed. In addition, there was no evidence of linkage between the mildew resistance gene and gene Pc54. Evaluation of selections from within the Pc54 line showed that the expression of both stem rust and mildew resistance was modified by, or linked to, plant height. The effectiveness of genes Pc54 and Pg15, as measured by virulence frequencies, in central and eastern Europe is described.  相似文献   

Summary A set of 21 monosomics of Novosadska Rana-1 was used to locate the rust resistance genes of Lüqiyu, a stripe rust resistant line developed by BAU and Yantar, a leaf rust resistant wheat introduced from Bulgaria. The resistance of the former to p. striiformis race C25 was conditioned by a dominant gene located on chromosome 2B, whereas that of the latter to P. recondita race CL3 was controlled by two complementary dominant genes located on chromosomes 5A and 1D, respectively. The relationship of the stripe rust resistance gene in Lüqiyu to Yr5, Yr7 or Yr Suwon' all located on chromosome 2B is unknown. The two complementary leaf rust resistance factors in Yantar appear to be new.  相似文献   

Summary Gene action and heritability of groat protein percentage were determined in F1, F2, and F3 generations of nine crosses between three Avena sativa L. cultivars and three A. fatua L. selections. Relationships among groat protein percentage, grain yield, and 100-seed weight also were evaluated. The three A. sativa parents were Dal (high grain yield and intermediate groat protein percentage), Goodland (low grain yield and high groat protein percentage), and Stout (high grain yield and low groat protein percentage). The three A. fatua parents were chosen for the study on the basis of vigorous plant growth and high groat protein percentage. The study was conducted at Madison, Wisconsin in 1979 and 1980.There was partial dominance towards low groat protein percentage. Narrow sense heritability estimates for groat protein percentage were low in Dal and Goodland crosses and intermediate in Stout crosses. In the F2 generation, groat protein percentage was significantly higher in shattering than in nonshattering plants in 1979, but not in 1980. There were significant, positive correlations between groat protein percentage, 100-seed weight, and grain yield in F1 and F2 generations, but they were not large numerically. Relationships among these traits were either negative or nonsignificant in the F3 generation. Although our results indicated that selection for higher groat protein percentage is possible when a low protein A. sativa cultivar is used, most of our simple cross progenies from A. sativa x A. fatua crosses had weak straw and were susceptible to crown rust (Puccinia coronata Cda. var. avenae Fraser and Led.).  相似文献   

New sources of resistance to crown rust, Puccinia coronata f. sp. avenae (Eriks.), the major fungal disease of cultivated oat, Avena sativa L. (2n = 6x = 42), are constantly needed due to frequent, rapid shifts in the virulence pattern of the pathogen. Crown rust resistance identified in the diploid oat A. strigosa (Schreb.) (2n = 2x = 14) accession CI6954SP was transferred into cultivated oat using two methods: direct cross of the diploid to a hexaploid cultivar facilitated by embryo rescue, and initial cross of the diploid to a wild tetraploid oat to make a synthetic hexaploid for subsequent crossing to a hexaploid cultivar. Two tetraploids, a crown rust resistant A. murphyi (Ladiz.) accession P12 and a susceptible A. insularis (Ladiz.) accession INS-1, were used in the 2x·4x crosses. Resistant backcross-derived lines were recovered by both methods. Although the 2x·4x synthetic method did not require the laborious discovery and rescue of an infrequent initial hybrid embryo of the direct cross, the direct cross method provided more rapid backcross recovery of plants with high fertility, full transmission of resistance, and desired plant and seed phenotypes. A suppressor effect, present initially but segregating in backcrosses, appeared to come from the CI6954SP donor and is the same as, or analogous to, suppression by an oat line with the crown rust resistance gene Pc38. No resistance from A. murphyi P12 was detected in advanced generations when it was introduced either as a component of a synthetic hexaploid or in direct crosses to A. sativa, indicating suppression of its resistance in interploidy combinations. That the dominant resistance gene transferred from CI6954SP and a gene Pc94 introgressed earlier from a different A. strigosa accession may be the same or quite similar to one another is indicated by their in-common specificity to suppression of resistance expression, susceptibility to a newly recovered rust isolate, and close linkage to the molecular marker SCAR94-2. The introgressed resistance genes from the different sources, even if the same, may have different cultivar genomic introgression sites, which would allow tests of dosage effects on resistance expression.  相似文献   

Taing Aung  Hugh Thomas 《Euphytica》1978,27(3):731-739
Summary The gene for mildew resistance has been succesfully transferred into the cultivated oat from the wild oat species Avena barbata by means of an irradiation-induced translocation. The translocation has been shown to involve the long arm of chromosome ST21 of A. sativa, the short arm, the centromere and a segment of the long arm of the barbata chromosome.The transmission of the translocation is normal in the cultivar Manod in which it was originally isolated. When the translocation was transferred into other cultivars of oats, transmission through the male gametes was found to be impaired in some genotypic backgrounds. However, there was no evidence that the translocation had any deleterious effect on development and fertility in a range of cultivars.The translocation was shown to involve an exchange between nonhomoeologous chromosomes.The behaviour of the translocation in diverse genotypes indicated that the translocation was a new source of mildew resistance that could be easily used in a breeding programme.  相似文献   

N. M. Cowen  K. J. Frey 《Euphytica》1987,36(2):413-424
Summary Eight oat cultivars and experimental lines from four germplasm sources were crossed in a diallel mating design without reciprocals. F1 heterosis for grain yield was evaluated in two experiments, and 48 F2-derived lines from each of the 28 matings were evaluated for bundle weight, grain yield, straw yield, harvest index, height, and heading date in two experiments. Number of transgressive segregates per trait and generalized genetic variance were calculated for each mating. Genealogical distance for each mating was obtained by using coefficient of kinship based on the pedigree of the parents. The relationship between genealogical distance and the three types of breeding behaviour was examined via correlation and regression. Significant correlations occurred only for genealogical distance with numbers of transgressive segregates for height and with generalized genetic variances. Both were positive. Significant heterosis was observed for matings of more distantly related parents. Regressions on genealogical distance, when significant, were linear. Genealogical distance between parents was positive associated with diversity on the basis of breeding behavior.Journal Paper No. J-11874 of the Iowa Agriculture and Home Economics Station, Iowa State Univ., Ames, IA 50011. Project 2447.  相似文献   

Summary The expression of rust resistances conferred by closely linked genes derived from VPM1 varied with environmental conditions and with genetic backgrounds. Under low light and low temperature conditions seedlings carrying Yr17 showed susceptible responses. Stem rust and leaf rust resistance genes Sr38 and Lr37 tended to confer more resistance at 17±2° C than at normal temperatures above > 20° C. These studies supported the hypothesis that Yr17, Lr37 and Sr38 were derived from Aegilops ventricosa, whereas Pm4b was probably derived from T. persicum. Studies on certain addition lines and parental stocks indicated that wheat cytoplasm may enhance the expression of Sr38.  相似文献   

Summary Two lines of descent were established from an F3 bulk lot of oats (Avena sativa L.) initiated by mixing seeds from approximately 250 crosses. For one line of descent, seeds were radiated with thermal neutrons or X-rays from F3 through F6, followed by five generations of bulk propagation. The second was propagated for 10 generations. No artificial selection was practiced in either line of descent. Grain yield data from 20 random strains from each of four generations from the radiated (F7, F8, F9, and F11) and five from the nonradiated (F3, F6, F7, F8, and F12) line of descent and 20 check cultivars tested in 14 environments were used for estimating regression stability indexes of oat strains.The 14 environments were assigned randomly to two sets of seven, and regression stability indexes were computed for the 180 experimental oat strains for both sets. Intrageneration correlations between regression stability indexes from the two sets of environments ranged from –0.35 to 0.64 (18 d.f.), and only one of nine was significant, indicating poor repeatability for estimates of this statistic computed from different sets of environments.Correlations between regression stability indexes from two sets of environments, one in which the environments varied by soil nitrogen levels and a second in which they varied by soil phosphorus levels, ranged from –0.01 to 0.28, none of which was significant.The relative magnitudes and ranking of the regression stability index values for the oat genotypes were nearly identical when environmental productivity indexes were assessed with any number of check cultivars from 2 to 20.Journal paper No. J-8080 of the Iowa Agriculture and Home Economics Experiment Station. Ames. Iowa. USA 50010. Project 1752.  相似文献   

D. C. Sharma 《Euphytica》1978,27(2):581-586
Summary True-breeding, leaf rust (Puccinia coronata Cda. f. sp. avenae Fraser and Led.) resistant oat lines with somatic chromosome numbers of 42 and 44, were recovered in the advanced generations of a pentaploid hybrid from the cross between C.I. 7232, a leaf rust resistant and dark lemma colored derived tetraploid and Clarion, a susceptible hexaploid oat. Microsporocyte observations and breeding behaviour of these lines and their F1 hybrids with susceptible hexaploid oat cultivars indicated that the 42- and 44-chromosome lines are disomic substitutions (20+1A) and disomic additions (21+1A), respectively, of the same alien chromosome which carries genes for dark colored lemma and leaf rust resistance. The substitution and addition lines possess good field resistance to leaf rust. Plants of substitution lines were less vigorous, shorter, with poor straw and reduced fertility. Addition lines had reduced tillering ability, plant vigour, culm thickness, leaf width and fertility and were late maturing. Progeny tests for resistance indicated that substitution lines are more stable than addition lines. It is suggested that these lines may be of value in a program of radiation-induced gene transfer.  相似文献   

P. L. Dyck  E. E. Sykes 《Euphytica》1995,81(3):291-297
Summary Common and durum wheat populations obtained from Sweden and originally collected in Ethiopia were screened for resistance to steum rust and leaf rust. Resistant selections of common wheat were crossed and backcrossed with either stem rust susceptible RL6071, or leaf rust susceptible Thatcher. Genetic studies, based largely on tests of backcross F2 families, showed that four of the selections had in common a recessive gene SrA. Plants with this gene were resistant (1+ infection type) to all stem rust races tested. This gene was neither Sr26 nor Sr29. The resistance of other selections, based on tests with an array of rust isolates, was due to various combinations of Sr6, 8a, 9a, 9d, 9c, 11, 13, 30, and 36. One of the selections had linked genes, Lr19/Sr25. Another selection had a dominant gene for resistance (;1 infection type) to all the races of leaf rust. With the possible exception of this gene for leaf rust resistance and SrA, no obviously new resistance was found.  相似文献   

Monogenic lines resistant to leaf rust of spring and winter wheats were grown in the world wheat-producing areas from 1970 through 1975. Lines containing the alleles Lr9 (Wi), Lr9 (Tc), and Lr19 (Tc) were more resistant to the leaf rust pathogen than those containing Lr1 (Tc), –1 (Wi), –1,3 (Wi), –2A (Tc), –2A (Wi), –2D (Tc), –3 (Tc), –3 (Wi), –10 (Tc), –16 (Tc), –17 (Tc), –18 (Tc), or –2D (Pld). Monogenic line Lr1 (Wi) possibly has more than one gene for resistance and resistance properties similar to cultivars with field resistance. A computer data base was created to produce the information used in this paper.Formerly Research Agronomist, Field Crops Laboratory, now Supervisoty Computer Specialist, DSAD; and Research Plant Pathologist, Germplasm Resources Laboratory, ARS, BARC-West, Beltsville, Maryland 20705.  相似文献   

Allelism of two genes for stem rust resistance in triticale   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Inheritance studies involving Coorong and Satu triticales showed that each possessed a single dominant gene for resistance. The genes were allelic or closely linked. The relative frequencies of Sr27 (Coorong gene) and Sr Satuin a sequence of International Triticale Screening Nurseries were similar. However, a significant increase in the frequency of entries with SrSatu occurred in the 17 International Triticale Screening Nursery (ITSN).  相似文献   

Summary Using the cultivar Arina as the recurrent parent, six backcrosses were made with two donor lines carrying the leaf rust resistance genes Lr1 and Lr9, respectively. Selection for leaf rust resistance occurred at the seedling stage in the greenhouse; the first plants transferred to the field were BC6F4s. Frequency distribution of the 332 Lr1/7 × Arina and the 335 Lr9/7 × Arina lines showed continuous variation for yellow rust resistance and heading date in these leaf rust near-isogenic lines (NILs). Similar results were also obtained for plant height, for resistance to powdery mildew and glume blotch, as well as for baking quality characters in another set of more advanced NILs. The available information on the behaviour of one of the parents of cultivar Arina led to the conclusion that the expressed yellow rust resistance is quantitative and might possibly be durable.  相似文献   

B. H. Chew  R. Cook  H. Thomas 《Euphytica》1981,30(3):669-673
Summary By using 15 available mono/nullisomic lines of Sun II back ground, the Heterodera avenae resistance gene in Nelson (from Avena sativa CI 3444) and Panema (from A. sterilis I. 376) were located on monosome XV. Genes with smaller effects were located on monosomes VIII and X. The absence of these genes derived from Sun II would increase cyst production on plants lacking major resistance genes.  相似文献   

B. H. Tan 《Euphytica》1978,27(1):317-323
Summary The genetic relationships between three known genes for resistance to Puccinia hordei in barley, Pa 3, Pa5 and Pa 7, were re-examined because of conflicting reports in the literature. PA 3 was found to be independent of Pa 5 and Pa 7, but the latter two are linked with an estimated recombination value of 7.6±1.4%. Trisomic analysis confirmed Pa 7 to be on chromosome 3, but Pa 3 could not be associated with chromosomes 3 to 7 and, therefore, is inferred to be either on chromosome 1 or 2  相似文献   

G. Jenkins  P. R. Hanson 《Euphytica》1976,25(1):167-174
Summary The inheritance of the character complex of naked grain and multiflorous spikelets was studied in a diallel set of crosses comprising five varieties of naked oats (Avena nuda)-As 78, Manu, Caesar, Nuprime and AJ86/2/1-and one variety of husked oats (A. sativa), Maris Oberon. In the F1 generation the distribution of multiflorous spikelets was in all cases similar to that of the mid-parent. Crosses between the varieties of A. nuda produced only naked grain on plants in the F1 and F2 generations, indicating that nakedness in the varieties studied was determined by the same loci.The three-gene model proposed by Moule (1972) for the determination of A. nuda characters was inadequate to account for the observed F2 segregation in naked x husked crosses. An extension of this model is proposed to include a third modifying gene, N3, which in the homozygous dominant condition produces the husked phenotype when the principal gene, N, is heterozygous. The model assumes complex epistatic relationships between the three modifying genes N1, N2 and N3. Published information and further experimental data suggest that the genotype NN--N3N3 is uncommon. The expression of the genes determining nakedness was greatly influenced by the environment.  相似文献   

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