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Two F1, two F2 and two backcross (BC) full‐sib families of Salix sachalinensis × S. viminalis were tested for resistance to two pathotypes of Melampsora larici‐epitea in leaf‐disc inoculation experiments. Two single‐pustule isolates, VM and ST, belonging to pathotypes LET1 and LET5, respectively, were used in the tests. Disease was scored based on the number of uredinia, uredinial diameter and inoculum densities. Both F1 families were completely resistant to both VM and ST. Resistance to VM segregated at a 9:6:1 ratio in the F2 families and at a 1:2:1 ratio in the BC families, suggesting that two independently segregating genes controlled rust resistance, with resistance dominant over susceptibility. This also indicates incomplete dominance of the resistance alleles over the susceptibility to VM. For ST, the equivalent ratios were 3:1 and 1:1, showing that a single dominant gene was responsible for rust resistance. The broad sense heritabilities were >0·91 for uredinial diameter and 0·1–0·33 for the number of uredinia. There were significant overall correlations between data from inoculations with VM and those from inoculations with ST in the number of uredinia, uredinial diameter and disease scores (Spearman’s rank correlation coefficients = 0·31–0·75).  相似文献   

Pure species and F1 hybrid families ofSalix viminalis andS. dasyclados were tested for resistance to four single uredinium isolates ofMelampsora rust in laboratory experiments using excised leaves. Rust isolates were derived from:S. viminalis, S. dasyclados, aS. viminalis x triandra hybrid, andS. daphnoides. Incidence of infection, number of uredinia per leaf, and numbers of spores per uredinium were measured. As expected, the isolate fromS. daphnoides did not infect any of the willow species or hybrids tested. For the other three rust isolates that were tested, the parent from which the isolate was derived was susceptible, the other parent was resistant, and hybrids were intermediate in resistance for incidence and uredinia per leaf. These patterns indicate additive inheritance of these resistance traits in hybrids. Numbers of spores per uredinium were similar on the hybrids and the susceptible parent for one rust isolate, suggesting dominant inheritance of this trait in the hybrids.  相似文献   

Species/variety mixtures of Salix are used as a disease control strategy for rust (Melampsora epitea Thum. var. epitea) in short rotation coppice (SRC). Six LET (larici-epitea typica) pathotypes and two LR (larici-retusae) pathotypes of M. epitea var. epitea and also M. caprearum were detected in Northern Ireland plantations in 1994 and 1995. Three of these, LET7, LET8 and NI5 were detected in plantations for the first time. The predominant pathotype on most varieties was LET1. Logistic analysis showed that this pathotype was less prevalent on Salix X dasyclados Wimm. and more prevalent on S. viminalis L. 'Bowles Hybrid' than on S. viminalis '683'. The Shannon-Weaver Index of diversity indicated that there was greater pathotype diversity in mixtures than on the constituent varieties in monoculture. There was also a general trend of increasing diversity as the season progressed. The lowest pathotype diversity was recorded on S. viminalis 'Bowles Hybrid'. Pathotype predominance and diversity have an impact on the sustainability of the crop.  相似文献   

The legume species Medicago truncatula is gaining interests as a plant for structural and functional genomics that can be used to identify agronomically important genes in crop legumes. Resistance to the alfalfa rust (Uromyces striatus) was studied in a germplasm collection of M. truncatula. Accessions varied in resistance, as expressed by disease severity, but none showed macroscopically visible necrosis. Histological investigations, in selected lines covering the whole range of resistance reactions, revealed little difference in spore germination and none in orientation of germtubes on the leaf surface. However, appressorium formation on the stoma was significantly reduced in some accessions. Differences in resistance among accessions were more evident once the stoma were penetrated by the infection structures. Resistance was mainly due to a restriction of haustorium formation with varying levels of early abortion of the colonies, a reduction in the number of haustoria per colony, and hampered colony growth. In addition, necrosis of the host cells associated with infection hyphae was detectable in some accessions from the beginning of colony development. This information will be useful for eventual mapping and cloning analyses of resistance genes in M. truncatula that will in turn be useful for understanding other legume/rust interactions.  相似文献   

Five pathotypes belonging to formae speciales larici-epitea typica (LET), larici-retusae (LR) and larici-daphnoides (LD) of Melampsora larici-epitea were examined using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP). Of 213 AFLP markers scored, several were found to be exclusive to different formae speciales. The dendrogram placed the five pathotypes into distinct groups. Within pathotypes, average Nei & Li's similarity coefficients were calculated as 0.71–0.85. The similarities were 0.66–0.72 among the three pathotypes within LET and 0.34–0.44 between pathotypes belonging to different formae speciales. When assessed using the Shannon index, the diversity within locations was estimated as 0.55–0.59, greater than that found within pathotypes (0.24–0.42). The average per-locus diversity was 0.37 among the pathotypes and 0.11 among the locations. When the data from both LET and LR isolates were examined using AMOVA, the majority of the variation (70.85%) was attributed to among pathotypes within location. When only LET types were included, approximately half of the variation was partitioned to among pathotypes within location and the other half to among the isolates within collection. It appears that the degree of differentiation of LET4 on S. × mollissima between Loughgall and Long Ashton sites has decreased markedly since 1992, when it was first detected.  相似文献   

43个中国小麦品种(系)抗叶锈性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
 选用12个墨西哥叶锈菌生理小种对43个中国小麦品种(系)所携带的抗叶锈病基因进行了推导,在25个品种(系)中推导出6个抗叶锈基因Lr1,Lr10,Lr13,Lr14a,Lr16Lr26,9个品种(系)对本试验所使有的12个叶锈菌生理小种都表现感病反应,另有9个品种(系)携带未知的抗叶锈基因。在墨西哥2个地点进行的田间成株期抗叶锈性试验表明,12个品种(系)表现慢叶锈性,在将来的抗病育种中有一定的应用价值。  相似文献   

1991~1995年共对4010份谷子品种进行抗粟锈病鉴定,筛选出59份抗和中抗粟锈病的品种,占鉴定,总数的1.47%。在59份中抗以上的谷子品种中,兼抗粟瘟病,粟白发病两种病害的有1份,兼抗粟瘟病的有10份,兼抗白发病的有4份,兼抗粟黑穗病的有1份,研究表明来自我国长江以南一些省和国外引入的品种中抗类型以上的品种较多,分别占各自鉴定数的20%和5.9%。  相似文献   

Genetic diversity of Melampsora larici-epitea leaf rust from three cultivated stands of the willow Salix viminalis was studied using AFLP polymorphisms at 60 loci. One population was located in Northern Ireland and two in Sweden. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) showed that most of the genetic variation was distributed on a fine scale within the field in all populations. Both Swedish populations displayed a very high genotypic diversity (normalized Shannon's indices of 0.95 and 1.00) and random association among loci. These results suggested that sexual reproduction had an important influence on the Swedish populations. The occurence of the alternate host (larch) adjacent to one of the Swedish rust populations did not affect the genetic diversity. However, severe rust attacks started earlier in the season in this population. The M. larici-epitea population in Northern Ireland was characterized by a low genotypic diversity (normalized Shannon's index = 0.54) and non-random association among loci was indicated by test of multilocus association and by pairwise tests among loci. These results suggested that asexual reproduction had a major effect on the genetic structure of this population, probably because of the overwintering of asexual spores and/or a population bottleneck associated with the annual sexual phase.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to screen wild and domesticated tomatoes for resistance to Tomato yellow leaf curl virus, Israel (TYLCV-Is) and Tomato leaf curl virus from Bangalore isolate 4, India (ToLCV-[Ban4]) to find sources of resistance to both viruses. A total of 34 tomato genotypes resistant/tolerant to TYLCV-Is were screened for resistance to ToLCV-[Ban4] under glasshouse and field conditions at the University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore, India. Resistance was assessed by criteria like disease incidence, symptom severity and squash-blot hybridization. All the tomato genotypes inoculated with ToLCV-[Ban4] by the whitefly vector Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) produced disease symptoms. In some plants of the lines 902 and 910, however, the virus was not detected by hybridization. The tomato genotypes susceptible to ToLCV-[Ban4] by whitefly-mediated inoculation were also found susceptible to the virus under field conditions. However, there were substantial differences between genotypes in disease incidence, spread, symptom severity and crop yield. Despite early disease incidence, many genotypes produced substantially higher yields than the local hybrid, Avinash-2. Sixteen tomato genotypes from India resistant/tolerant to ToLCV-[Ban4] were also tested for TYLCV-Is resistance at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Rehovot, Israel. Accessions of wild species, Lycopersicon hirsutum LA 1777 and PI 390659 were the best sources of resistance to both viruses. Lines 902 and 910, which were, resistant to TYLCV-Is were only tolerant to ToLCV-[Ban4] and accession Lycopersicon peruvianum CMV Sel. INRA, resistant to ToLCV-[Ban4], was only tolerant to TYLCV-Is. Implications of using the resistant lines in breeding programme is discussed.  相似文献   

An in vitro detached leaf assay, involving the inoculation of detached leaves with Microdochium nivale, was further developed and used to compare with whole plant resistance ratings to Fusarium head blight (FHB) of 22 commercial cultivars and published information on 21 wheat genotypes, identified as potential sources for FHB resistance. An incubation temperature of 10 °C and isolates of M. nivale var. majus of intermediate pathogenicity were found to be the most suitable for the differential expression of several components of partial disease resistance (PDR), namely incubation period, latent period and lesion length, in wheat genotypes used in the detached leaf assay. There were highly significant differences (P < 0.001) for each component of PDR within commercial cultivars and CIMMYT genotypes. Positive correlations were found between incubation period and latent period (r = 0.606; P < 0.001 and r = 0.498; P < 0.001, respectively, for commercial cultivars and CIMMYT genotypes), inverse correlations between incubation period and lesion length (r = -0.466; P < 0.01 and r = –0.685; P < 0.001, respectively) and latent period and lesion length (r = –0.825; P < 0.001 and r = –0.848; P < 0.001, respectively). Spearman rank correlations between individual PDR components and UK 2003 recommended list ratings were significant for incubation period (rs = 0.53; P < 0.05) and latent period (rs = 0.70; P < 0.01) but not for lesion length (r s = –0.26). Commercial cultivars identified with high resistances across all three PDR components in the detached leaf assay also had high whole plant FHB resistance ratings, with the exception of cv. Tanker which is more susceptible than the results of the detached leaf assay suggested, indicating an additional susceptibility factor could be present. Agreement between resistances found in the detached leaf assay and resistance to FHB suggests resistances detected in detached leaves are under the same genetic control as much of the resistances expressed in the wheat head of the commercial cultivars evaluated. In contrast, high resistances in each of the PDR components were associated with higher susceptibility across 19 CIMMYT genotypes previously evaluated as potential breeding sources of FHB resistance (incubation period: r = 0.52; P < 0.01, latent period: r = 0.53; P < 0.01, lesion length: r = –0.49; P < 0.01). In particular, the CIMMYT genotypes E2 and E12 together with Summai #3, known to have high levels of whole plant FHB resistance, showed low levels of resistance in each PDR component in the detached leaf assay. Such whole plant resistances, which are highly effective and not detected by the detached leaf assay, do not appear to be present in Irish and UK commercial cultivars. The most resistant Irish and UK commercial cultivars were comparable to the genotype Frontana and the most resistant CIMMYT germplasm evaluated in the leaf assay.  相似文献   

A comparison was made between the genes in 29 new selections of wild emmer wheat resistant to yellow rust over wide geographic areas and the previously extensively studied selectionTriticum dicoccoides G-25. In 23 selections the resistance may be conferred by 1 dominant gene; these include 11 selections in which the gene is different from the dominant gene in sel. G-25 and two others in which the genes were closely linked or allelic to the gene in G-25, differing from sel. G-25 by race-specificity. Two dominant genes different from the gene in sel. G-25, seem to be present in one selection. In five selections the resistance may be conferred by one or two recessive genes, including three instances in which the recessive gene was associated with a dominat gene. Our findings show that at least 19 out of the 29 selections studied possess genes which are different from the gene inT. dicoccoides sel. G-25.Samenvatting In dit onderzoek werden 29 nieuwe resistente wilde-emmer selecties (Triticum dicoccoides) gekruist met de reeds uitvoerig bestudeerde resistente selectie G-25, om na te gaan of de resistentie van de nieuwe selecties wordt veroorzaakt door genen op dezelfde locus als het dominante gen in sel. G-25 of dat er andere loci bij zijn betrokken. De ouders, de F1-en F2-populaties van een bepaalade selectie werden in het kiemplantstadium getoetst met één Israëlisch gele-roest isolaat van fysio 2E0 of van fysio 2E18. In de uitsplitsende F2-populaties werden de niet-sporulerende planten als resistent beschouwd en de sporulerende als vatbaar.In de F2-populaties van 12 herkomsten werden geen vatbare planten gevonden, hetgeen er op duidt dat de resistentie wordt veroorzaakt door een gen op dezelfde locus als het gen in G-25 of door een gen dat neuw gekoppeld is aan het gen in G-25. Voor twee van deze herkomsten kan op basis van een fysio-specifieke interactie worden vastgesteld dat de resistentie berust op allelen die verschillen van het allel in sel. G-25. In 11 herkomsten werd een uitsplitsing voor twee dominante gene gevonden (RS=151), waarbij het tweede dominante gen uit de getoetste nieuwe selectie afkomstig is. De aanwezigheid van twee dominante genen verschillend van het gen in sel. G-25 werd gevonden in één herkomst (631). In de overige vijf selecties bleek de resistentie te worden veroorzaakt door één of twee recessieve genen waarnaast in drie gevallen ook nog een dominant gen werd gevonden.De resultaten tonen aan dat tenminste 19 van de 29 bestudeerde selecties resistentiegenen bezitten die verschillen van het gen inT. dicoccoides sel. G-25. Slechts in twee van deze selecties kan het gen allel zijn met het gen in sel. G-25.  相似文献   

小麦新资源对条锈病白粉病的抗性鉴定   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
1991~1997年在甘谷田间对远缘小麦新资源进行抗条锈病、白粉病鉴定。结果表明,在供试160份材料中,对条锈病免疫或高抗、白粉病免疫的有25份,其抗性比较稳定,是良好的抗源材料,可供抗病育种利用。  相似文献   

Dowkiw A  Bastien C 《Phytopathology》2004,94(12):1358-1367
ABSTRACT Two genetic factors explain a significant proportion of the variability for quantitative resistance to Melampsora larici-populina leaf rust in a Populus deltoides x P. trichocarpa F(1) progeny. One is inherited from P. deltoides and is associated with a defeated qualitative resistance gene R(1), and the other, R(US), is inherited from P. trichocarpa. To assess the potential contribution of these two factors for durable resistance breeding, 284 genotypes from this F(1) progeny were studied in laboratory experiments with three M. larici-populina strains and in a field experiment under natural inoculum pressure. Results confirmed that both factors can have strong beneficial effects in the laboratory. These effects were strain specific, thus impairing their chances for durability. However, association of both factors led to synergistic effects in most situations. In accordance with good field-laboratory relationships, especially those involving uredinia-size laboratory measurements, field effects of both resistance factors were significant. R(US) led to a significant reduction of rust colonization on the most infected leaf in the field, and its effect was significant both in the presence and the absence of R(1). In contrast, the presence of R(1) was useful in the field only when R(US) was absent. The nature of the genetic relationship between both factors remains unknown, but benefits from their association should be quantified over a longer period to evaluate potential adaptation of the pathogen.  相似文献   

The gene CreAet for resistance to Heterodera avenae, transferred from Aegilops triuncialis to Triticum aestivum introgression line TR-353, was assessed for responses to Pratylenchus thornei under field conditions. After 2.5 months, P. thornei infestation on TR-353 was similar to those on its progenitors (T. aestivum H10-15, T. turgidum H1-1 and A. triuncialis A-1) and on the cultivar Capa. After 5 months, TR-353 hosted significantly more P. thornei per plant than A. triuncialis, T. aestivum H10-15 or cultivar Rinconada, being very close to the maximum value obtained from T. turgidum. The final infestation of line TR-353 by H. avenae was significantly lower than on the other plants, except for A. triuncialis. In addition, at 2.5 months, the abundance of P. thornei on TR-353 was intermediate between the introgression wheat line H93-8 (Cre2 gene) and the cultivar Loros (Cre1 gene), but the final number of P. thornei per plant on TR-353 was significantly greater than on Loros. Line TR-353 was not able to control P. thornei in the field, but it confirmed its resistance to H. avenae, which was significantly lower than those due to Cre1 and Cre2 genes. No competition was observed between P. thornei and H. avenae populations on line TR-353 or A. triuncialis.  相似文献   

The effect ofPyricularia oryzae, the causal organism of leaf blast in rice, on photosynthesis characteristics of rice leaves was measured in two greenhouse experiments. Leaf blast reduced photosynthesis not only through a reduction in green leaf area, but also through an effect on photosynthesis of green leaf tissue surrounding the lesions. The assimilation rate at light saturation (P max ) was more affected than the initial light use efficiency (). Dark respiration (R d ) increased as a result of infection. The experimental data were used to derive relations between leaf blast severity andP max , andR d .  相似文献   

为解析光肩星天牛Anoplophora glabripennis在宁夏回族自治区和浙江省对金丝垂柳Salixbabylonica×S.alba-vitellina和旱柳S.matsudana的为害差异,通过代谢组学分析2种柳树木质部次生代谢产物的差异,利用16S rDNA测序技术检测来自2个地区的光肩星天牛幼虫在取食原生地寄主后肠道细菌群落的组成,测定其肠道消化酶、解毒酶和保护酶的活性,并将2种柳树的次生代谢产物分别与光肩星天牛肠道细菌及肠道酶进行Spearman相关性分析。结果表明,在金丝垂柳和旱柳木质部中共筛选出26种抗虫性差异代谢产物,其中苯甲酸及其衍生物、肉桂醛、吲哚及其衍生物和有机氮化合物在旱柳样本中含量更高;而黄酮类化合物、芪类化合物、咪唑并嘧啶和二嗪则在金丝垂柳样本中含量更高。以旱柳为食的幼虫肠道优势菌属为肠球菌属Enterococcus、拉乌尔菌属Raoultella、肠杆菌科未确定属、假单胞菌属Pseudomonas、肠杆菌属Enterobacter和纤维单胞菌属Cellulomonas;以金丝垂柳为食的幼虫肠道优势菌属则为拉乌尔菌属和Gibbsiella。取食旱柳的幼虫肠道中外切β-1,4-葡聚糖酶、羧酸酯酶、谷胱甘肽S转移酶和细胞色素P450酶的活性均显著高于取食金丝垂柳幼虫。金丝垂柳中黄酮类化合物含量高且变量投影重要性分析值较大,推测能被肠道内优势菌属拉乌尔菌属和Gibbsiella有效代谢,因此解毒酶活性处于较低水平,且拉乌尔菌属和Gibbsiella大量增殖;在取食旱柳的幼虫肠道中没有能有效代谢苯甲酸及其衍生物和肉桂醛等化学物质的细菌群落存在,从而引起解毒酶活性显著提升以减少受到的毒害作用。表明在光肩星天牛适应寄主植物的过程中,其肠道细菌在对寄主次生代谢产物的代谢过程中发挥着重要作用。  相似文献   

Eight Dark-leaved willow (Salix myrsinifolia) clones and two naturally hybridised clones (S. myrsinifolia × S. phylicifolia), that are considered to be suitable for herbal production, were cultivated for 2 years in Luikonlahti and Punkaharju. Both experimental sites are located in eastern Finland and the distance between the sites is 140 km. Different cultivation methods were used, including combinations of soil tillage, plastic mulch and fertilisation, with the aim of comparing the growth and susceptibility of plants to pathogens and willow-eating herbivores amongst the clones cultivated by different methods. In both study years 2001 and 2002, Melampsora rust-infected willows occurred in Luikonlahti and in Punkaharju. The extent of rust severity varied greatly between the years and experimental areas and amongst the clones. In 2002, fertilisation increased rust severity in Luikonlahti, but the effect was the converse in Punkaharju. Mulch effect on rust severity was clone-dependent. Vole feeding was observed in 56% of the plants in Luikonlahti during the winter 2001–2002 and the frequency of damaged plants was nearly twice as much amongst the willows grown in unmulched soil as those with plastic mulch. Cultivation method had no effect on feeding by leaf beetles or the abundance of aphids. Of the cultivation methods tested here, plastic mulch seems to have the most important influence on willow cultivation, particularly by improving willow growth and also by decreasing winter-feeding by voles.  相似文献   

Components of resistance to powdery mildew (latent period, pustule density and conidium production) were analysed on glasshouse-grown artificially inoculated plants of wheat mutants (n = 11) derived from either induced mutagenesis or adventitious regeneration of cv. Guardian. These mutants had previously been shown to be partially resistant to the disease in the field over a two-year period. Analyses were carried out at three stages of development: seedling, tillering and heading. None of the mutants exhibited a latent period significantly different from that of the susceptible parent Guardian at any stage of development tested. With respect to pustule density, one mutant (M61) was significantly more resistant than Guardian at all stages of development, two mutants (M19 and SC100) were more resistant at tillering and heading, and two (M156 and SC267) were more resistant only at heading. Significantly reduced conidium production per pustule (as a measure of pustule size) over a 24h period was observed on three mutants (M61, SC100 and SC231) at tillering and heading, while mutant SC68 exhibited this trait at heading only. On the basis of resistance components and relative grain yield in the presence of mildew, the eleven mutants were categorised into five categories. Tests for associations between field resistance score and components of resistance measured in the glasshouse, both measured at heading, revealed a significant positive correlation only between pustule density and field score. To assess the effects of combining different components (i.e. pyramiding different partial resistance genes), mutants were crossed. Transgressive segregation for at least one component was observed in the F2 generation in crosses between mutants with complementary modes of action (i.e. involving different components of partial resistance), but not in cases where the parents exhibited the same component of resistance.  相似文献   

Yellow or tan spot (caused by Pyrenophora tritici-repentis) and septoria nodorum blotch (caused by Phaeosphaeria nodorum) occur together and are a constraint to wheat yields in Australia. Recently, higher crop yields and lower fungicide costs have made fungicides an attractive management tool against these diseases. Yield-loss under different rates of progress of yellow spot and septoria nodorum blotch was examined in four experiments over three years to define the relationship between disease severity and yield. In these experiments, differences in disease were first promoted by inoculations either with P. tritici-repentis-infected stubble or aqueous spore suspensions of P. nodorum. Disease progress was further manipulated with foliar application of fungicide. The pattern of disease development varied in each year under the influence of different rainfall patterns. The inoculation and fungicide treatments produced differences in disease levels after flag leaf emergence. The infection of yellow spot or septoria nodorum blotch caused similar losses in grain yield, ranging from 18% to 31%. The infection by either disease on the flag or penultimate leaf provided a good indication of yield-loss. Disease severity on flag leaves during the milk stage of the crop or an integration of disease as area under the disease progress curve on the flag leaves based on thermal time explained more than 80% variance in yield in a simple regression model. The data provided information towards the development of disease management strategies for the control of septoria nodorum blotch and yellow spot.  相似文献   

We have examined the effect of Pen, an aqueous extract of the dry mycelium of Penicillium chrysogenum, on plant–pathogen interactions. Pen controlled a broad range of pathogens on several crop plants under greenhouse and field conditions. Pen protected grapevine from downy and powdery mildew (caused by Plasmopara viticola and Uncinula necator), tomato from early blight (caused by Phytophthora infestans), onion from downy mildew (Peronospora destructor) and apple trees from apple scab (caused by Venturia inaequalis) to a similar extent as fungicides such as copper and sulphur or well-known inducers such as benzothiadiazole or β-aminobutyric acid. Pen had no major direct fungicidal effect and is thus supposed to protect plants by activating their defense mechanisms. The raw material for extraction of Pen was available in constant quality, a prerequisite for commercial application. Under certain conditions, Pen caused phytotoxic side effects. The symptoms mostly consisted of small necrotic spots or, more rarely, of larger necrotic areas. The development of the symptoms was dependent on several parameters, including concentration of Pen, the number of applications, the persistence on the plant tissue, the plant species and variety and environmental conditions. In grapevine, a partially purified fraction of Pen was much less toxic than the crude Pen extract, but protected the plants to a similar extent against P. viticola. Our data show that Pen has interesting and unique properties as a plant protection agent, but more research is needed to further reduce its phytotoxic side effects.  相似文献   

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