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了解上海市活禽市场针对活禽的管理措施实施情况,为防控人感染H7 N9禽流感提供决策依据。2018年1月15—23日,在上海市随机选取活禽市场共36家(包括活禽批发市场1家和35家定点活禽交易农贸市场),通过问卷调查和现场观察法,调查市场摊档功能区域设置、活禽交易品种、休市制度、清洗消毒等情况。结果:活禽批发市场未设屠宰区,交易区内售卖区与存栏区无分离,顾客能直接接触到活禽。20%的城区农贸市场设立统一的屠宰区,其余由商户提供屠宰但并未与活禽区售卖区和存栏区隔离。86.7%的郊区农贸市场未设立统一的屠宰区,由商户提供屠宰但未与活禽区隔离。60%的城区农贸市场中存在鸭、鹅等其他活禽品种交易。63.3%的郊区农贸市场中有鸭、鹅等其他活禽品种交易。活禽批发市场和所有定点农贸市场均能按照上海市商务主管部门和市农业行政主管部门要求实行季节性休市,暂停活禽交易。除此之外,30%的郊区农贸市场实行"一周一休市",每周休市半天,6.7%的郊区农贸市场实行"半月一休市",其余活禽市场实行不定时休市或者不休市。所有市场内活禽摊位由商户自己负责摊位的清洗消毒。94.4%(34/36)的活禽市场实行每天清洗。75%(27/36)的活禽市场实现每天消毒。上海活禽市场存在不利于禽流感疫情防控的环节,建议市场严格执行《上海市活禽交易管理办法》,相关部门细化各项防控措施,实现常态管理。  相似文献   

[目的]监测活禽零售市场休市前后家禽和环境中禽流感病毒的分布和波动状况,评估定期休市干预效果。[方法]在2015年9月28日至11月11日的3轮休市期间,从云南省选取4个有代表性的活禽零售市场,于休市的前1天、休市当日及休市后1天(复市当日)、3天、5天、10天,采集家禽喉气管、咽喉/泄殖腔棉拭子和环境样品,连续进行3轮采样,采用甲型流感病毒通用型RT-PCR方法,检测样品中的病毒核酸,开展禽流感病毒分布动态监测和休市干预效果评估。[结果]不同市场、不同休市轮次的休市干预效果参差不齐;禽流感病毒在鸡鸭混杂销售的市场中呈现持续分布,而在仅有鸡销售的市场中呈间断或零星分布;鸭群样品阳性率高于环境样品和鸡群样品阳性率。[结论]研究结果提示:鸭群对活禽零售市场的禽流感病毒传入、扩散和持续分布发挥着极其重要的作用;活禽零售市场的休市干预效果受多种因素影响,只有科学规范实施休市制度和严格执行监管措施,才能获得良好的休市干预效果。  相似文献   

第一条 为了加强活禽经营市场管理,规范活禽经营行为,预防和控制高致病性禽流感等重大动物疫病,保护人体健康和公共卫生安全,根据《国务院办公厅关于整顿和规范活禽经营市场秩序加强高致病性禽流感防控工作的意见》[国办发[2006]89号],制定本办法.  相似文献   

龙燕 《兽医导刊》2009,(5):12-12
活禽经营市场是禽流感病毒重要的集散地,也是人感染高致病性禽流感的高风险环节之一.为切实做好禽流感防控工作,加强活禽经营市场监管,阻断疫病传播,保护养殖业健康发展和公共卫生安全,湖南省按照全国统一部署,多管齐下,着重抓好各项措施的落实,取得了较好的效果.  相似文献   

龙燕 《动物保健》2009,(5):12-12
活禽经营市场是禽流感病毒重要的集散地,也是人感染高致病性禽流感的高风险环节之一。为切实做好禽流感防控工作,加强活禽经营市场监管,阻断疫病传播,保护养殖业健康发展和公共卫生安全,湖南省按照全国统一部署,多管齐下,着重抓好各项措施的落实,取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   

为了解湖南省永州市活禽市场禽流感病毒污染状况,2017年4—12月,永州市动物疫病预防控制中心在冷水滩区采集571份家禽和环境样品,进行了H5、H7亚型禽流感病毒核酸实时荧光定量RT-PCR 检测。结果显示:571份样品中,检出H5亚型禽流感病毒核酸阳性样品44份,阳性检出率为7.7%,未检出H7亚型禽流感病毒阳性样品;除5月份外,每月都能监测到阳性样品,且冬季阳性检出率明显偏高;活禽在摊位中停留时间越长,禽流感病毒阳性率越高;鸭源样品和污水样品中的禽流感病毒检出率最高,城乡农贸市场的病毒阳性检出率高于城区活禽交易市场。调查结果表明,活禽市场中的H5亚型禽流感病毒污染率较高,尤其是水禽和污水以及卫生条件较差的市场。因此,要严把市场休市清洗消毒关,提升市场环境卫生水平,严格活禽调运检疫和监管,禁止陆禽和水禽混合销售。  相似文献   

第一条为了加强活禽经营市场管理,规范活禽经营行为,预防和控制高致病性禽流感等重大动物疫病,保护人体健康和公共卫生安全,根据《国务院办公厅关于整顿和规范活禽经营市场秩序加强高致病性禽流感防控工作的意见》[国办发[2006]89号],制定本办法。  相似文献   

第一条为了加强活禽经营市场管理,规范活禽经营行为,预防和控制高致病性禽流感等重大动物疫病,保护人体健康和公共卫生安全,根据《国务院办公厅关于整顿和规范活禽经营市场秩序加强高致病性禽流感防控工作的意见》[国办发[2006]89号],制定本办法。  相似文献   

为了解东部沿海某县活禽交易市场的禽流感感染状况,分析相关风险因素,从而采取合适的干预措施减低其流行率,进行了4次连续横断面研究。结果发现:该县活禽市场的H7亚型流感流行率较高,为16.667%~50.000%;H5亚型流感流行率为0~33.333%;H9亚型禽流感流行率为0~16.667%。不同市场、不同摊位数、不同类型样品间的病毒阳性率差异较大。对时间因素和不同类型病原进行分析,结果发现该县活禽市场各时间点的流行情况差异不显著。本次调查表明,该县活禽市场存在多种病原,提示应加强生物安全措施。  相似文献   

活禽市场在禽流感的发生和传播中发挥着病毒汇集、增殖、杂交、变异、储存和传播的作用,严重威胁着我国养禽业健康持续发展和公共卫生安全,与我国禽流感防控和养禽业转型升级方向相悖。随着冰鲜禽肉上市和日益普及的电子商务等业务的发展,在全国范围内,使其全面取代传统的活禽市场成为可能,并可以让民众通过更好的途径消费新鲜美味的禽肉。全面取代活禽市场,禽流感防控事半功倍。  相似文献   

Analysis of environmental samples obtained from the Live Poultry Markets (LPMs) of Dhaka City, Bangladesh, has revealed that the highest degree of prevalence of highly pathogenic avian influenza A (HPAI, H5N1), besides other subtypes of the LPAI virus, poses the plausible risk of transmission of these viruses between human and poultry species. The present study was conducted using the OIE risk analysis framework to assess the risk level of each pathway successively. The estimated risk parameters were integrated towards to obtain the overall risk level for each specific HPAI transmission pathway using the matrix adapted by Cristobel Zepeda accompanying other expert consultations. The relevant data obtained from published and unpublished sources, together with survey data of field observations, were used to formulate and confirm the risk pathways and their associated risks. The results revealed that the risk of the release of the HPAI virus was medium when exposure was high. Additionally, the consequence would be considered very high with a medium degree of uncertainty for all parameters. Ultimately, the overall risk for transmission was estimated as medium with a medium degree of uncertainty. The findings of this study reveal that there is a significant threat that HPAI virus transmission could occur among poultry and humans and effectively sustain within the environment of the LPMs. Our findings are primarily focused on public health considerations, the hygienic slaughter of poultry and the relevant cleaning and sanitation practices conducted in the LPMs to support evidence‐based decision‐making processes. The findings of the study have the potential to be used to formulate effective risk reduction measures and can be further adapted in low‐resource settings without major infrastructural changes required of the LPMs. All of which would reduce the risk of HPAI virus release and further lessen the degree of exposure and transmission in established LPMs.  相似文献   

H9N2亚型禽流感病毒(Avian influenza virus, AIV)通过为其他流感病毒提供内部基因或直接跨越种间屏障感染人,而活禽市场是H9N2亚型AIV传播的主要传播途径之一。为了解吉林省长春地区城乡活禽市场H9N2亚型AIV流行特点和趋势,对2021年9月至2023年4月在4个城乡活禽市场分离到3株代表性H9N2亚型AIV进行了分子遗传进化分析。结果显示3株毒株HA蛋白裂解位点均为PSKSSR↓GLF,其受体结合位点的第226位氨基酸由Q突变为L,可与α,2-6唾液酸受体结合,具有感染人的特性。分子遗传进化分析显示3株毒株的HA基因归属于BJ-94谱系中h9.4.2.5亚分支;NA基因归属Y280谱系;PB2、M基因均属于G1谱系;剩余内部基因均属于F-98谱系。研究结论丰富当前国内H9N2亚型AIV的流行病学研究,提示需加强病毒变异监控和新疫苗研发。  相似文献   

广东省人H7N9亚型禽流感的高危因素(接触活禽与活禽市场暴露)与活禽相关.为评价活禽交易限制、活禽调运限制与活禽H7N9免疫对人H7N9发病的影响,以接触活禽史病例数和活禽市场暴露史病例数的增减为研究视角,基于广东省2013-2018年H7N9亚型禽流感病例,采用Moran指数、K-means算法和Apriori算法等...  相似文献   

During the past two decades, food safety issues in China not only posed serious threats to Chinese consumers but also damaged the image of Chinese products internationally. In China, food safety is not only about scientific discoveries, advanced laboratories, and sanitation equipment; it is more about the role of different players in the food supply chain. The poultry meat supply chain is instrumental in the spread of the avian influenza A virus (H7N9), raising questions about how policymakers respond to such threats and whether industries need to be restructured to manage and control this epidemic so that it does not recur. As a short-term measure, to prevent the spread of this disease, government authorities enforced the closure of live bird markets (LBM) in disease-affected areas of China. However, in the long term, the poultry meat supply chain needs to be restructured. The aim of the current study was to analyze distribution channels for chicken meat in China and then describe arrangements in poultry meat sectors that incorporate small- and medium-scale producers into the supply chain while responding to shifts in LBMs. We also assessed the role of LBMs in spreading H7N9 and how these interventions affect the poultry meat supply chain in the Chinese market.  相似文献   



Avian influenza is a severe threat both to humans and poultry, but so far, no systematic review on the identification and evaluation of the risk factors of avian influenza infection has been published. The objective of this meta-analysis is to provide evidence for decision-making and further research on AI prevention through identifying the risk factors associated with AI infection on poultry farms.


The results from 15 selected studies on risk factors for AI infections on poultry farms were analyzed quantitatively by meta-analysis.


Open water source (OR = 2.89), infections on nearby farms (OR = 4.54), other livestock (OR = 1.90) and disinfection of farm (OR = 0.54) have significant association with AI infection on poultry farms. The subgroup analysis results indicate that there exist different risk factors for AI infections in different types of farms.


The main risk factors for AI infection in poultry farms are environmental conditions (open water source, infections on nearby farms), keeping other livestock on the same farm and no disinfection of the farm.  相似文献   

Low‐pathogenicity avian influenza (LPAI) viruses have caused illness in poultry and humans with poultry contact. To determine whether there is evidence of exposure to avian influenza viruses (AIV) among backyard poultry in Minnesota and their human caretakers, 150 flocks of backyard birds were sampled for antibodies to AIV from August 2007 through December 2008. One hundred flocks were tested through routine slaughter surveillance by the Minnesota Board of Animal Health and an additional 50 flocks were contacted and sampled by study investigators. Blood was collected from 10 to 13 birds from each flock and a survey of biosecurity and management practices was administered to the flock owner. Blood samples were tested by agar gel immunodiffusion (AGID) for influenza A antibodies. Tested flocks had a median flock size of 100 birds (range: 12–800 birds), and were most commonly owned for meat for personal use (81% of respondents), fun or hobby (58%) and eggs for personal use (56%). Although 7% of flock owners reported that their birds had shown respiratory signs in the previous 3 months, only 1 of 150 flocks tested positive for influenza by AGID. Antibodies to LPAI H6N1 were detected in the positive flock. The owner of the positive flock did not have antibodies to H6 or other common AIV. Based on the findings of this study, the risk of transmission of LPAI viruses from backyard poultry to owners in Minnesota appears to be low under current conditions and management practices.  相似文献   

为了解华东地区家禽中低致病性禽流感病毒(low pathogenic avian influenza viruses,LPAIVs)的分布规律,从2009年10月到2010年9月在华东地区某活禽市场采集鸡、鸭、鹅等家禽的泄殖腔拭子共1 650份,经鸡胚接种和HA、HI试验鉴定,结果从58份样品中分离到了LPAIVs,总分离率为3.51%。所分离到的6种HA亚型及各HA亚型分离率从高到底依次为:H6、H3、H1、H4、H9、H11。从这些样品中鉴定出7种NA亚型,包括N1、N2、N3、N4、N5、N6、N8,二者之间有11种组合。家鸭样品中LPAIVs的分离率为7.28%,显著高于鸡源样品的分离率1.00%和鹅源样品的分离率1.02%。LPAIVs的季节性分布较为明显,3~6月份和10~12月份的分离率较高,而冬季最冷的1月份和夏季最热的7月份则没有分离到。2种或2种以上不同HA亚型混合感染的样品有6份,全部为水禽源样品,占总阳性样品数的10.34%。这些数据表明活禽市场可以作为AIV的一个重要储存库,而家养水禽可作为AIV的一个重要储存宿主,应该继续加强对活禽市场,尤其是家养水禽中AIV的监测。  相似文献   

There has been little surveillance of influenza A viruses (IAVs) circulating in swine at live animal markets, particularly in the United States. To address this gap, we conducted active surveillance of IAVs in pigs, the air, and the environment during a summer and winter season in a live animal market in St. Paul, Minnesota, that had been epidemiologically associated with swine‐origin influenza cases in humans previously. High rates of IAV were detected by PCR in swine lungs and oral fluids during both summer and winter seasons. Rates of IAV detection by PCR in the air were similar during summer and winter, although rates of successful virus isolation in the air were lower during summer than in winter (26% and 67%, respectively). H3N2 was the most prevalent subtype in both seasons, followed by H1N2. Genetically diverse viruses with multiple gene constellations were isolated from both winter and summer, with a total of 19 distinct genotypes identified. Comparative phylogenetic analysis of all eight segments of 40 virus isolates from summer and 122 isolates from winter revealed that the summer and winter isolates were genetically distinct, indicating IAVs are not maintained in the market, but rather are re‐introduced, likely from commercial swine. These findings highlight the extent of IAV genetic diversity circulating in swine in live animal markets, even during summer months, and the ongoing risk to humans.  相似文献   

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