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AIM: To evaluate the macromineral status of field cases of dairy cows surgically treated for left abomasal displacement (LDA), with concurrent fatty liver of different severity, and compare this for animals that died or recovered.

METHODS: Sixty-eight Holstein dairy cows with LDA and 110 control cows, from 28 farms, were used in the study. Blood samples and liver biopsies were obtained during standing surgery for correction of LDA, and from control cows. The concentration of macrominerals in serum, and of total lipids (tLPD) and triglycerides (TG) in liver were determined. Liver was examined histologically, and classified for its severity of fatty liver. Cows with LDA were grouped according to severity of fatty liver. Cows in Groups 1 to 3 recovered, whereas those in Group 4 died within 4 weeks of surgery. Group 1=mild (n=4) or moderate (n=6 cows, n=4 heifers) fatty liver, Group 2 = moderate to severe fatty liver (n=13), Group 3=severe fatty liver (n=15 cows, n=5 heifers), Group 4 = severe fatty liver (n=17 cows, n=4 heifers).

RESULTS: The concentration of macrominerals in serum was affected by the concurrence of fatty liver and LDA; Ca, K and Mg were significantly (p<0.05) lower in animals that died than those that survived. For cows with severe fatty liver, concentrations of tLD and TG were higher in the animals that died compared with those that recovered (p<0.01). Cows with LDA and severe fatty liver that died were earlier in lactation (median days in milk (DIM) 13 days) compared with the other cows with LDA (median DIM 21–26 days) (p<0.05); they were also significantly older (median 6 years old) than cows in the other groups (median 4 or 5 years old) (p–0.05).

CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Concentrations of macrominerals in serum were influenced by the concurrence of LDA and fatty liver. Animals with low concentrations of Ca, K and Mg had a guarded prognosis. The concentration of K should always be evaluated in cows with LDA and concurrent fatty liver when providing a prognosis. Most cows with severe fatty liver were detected in the first 4 weeks of lactation, but older animals and those that had more recently calved had a worse prognosis.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare results obtained by use of laparoscopyassisted abomasopexy versus omentopexy via right flank laparotomy for the treatment of dairy cows with left displaced abomasum (LDA). ANIMALS: 120 dairy cows with an LDA. PROCEDURE: In a prospective clinical trial, cows were randomly allocated to the abomasopexy group (laparoscopy-assisted abomasopexy) or to the control group (omentopexy via right flank). Data were obtained during the first 5 days after surgery and 6 weeks and 6 months after surgery. RESULTS: 59 of 60 cows in the abomasopexy group and all 60 cows in the control group were treated successfully. Median duration was shorter for the laparoscopic procedure (27.5 minutes), compared with that for the control group (38 minutes). Five cows in the abomasopexy group had wound complications and 2 had LDA relapses, compared with 2 wound complications and no relapses in the control group. During the 5 days after surgery, the abomasopexy group had a significantly higher increase in rate of energy intake and milk yield and a more rapid return to reference range for serum glutamic dehydrogenase activity and total bilirubin concentration, compared with results for the control group. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Success rates were almost equal for both methods. Advantages of the laparoscopic abomasopexy procedure include practicality, low risk of complications, and rapid postoperative recovery. Contraindications are cardiopulmonary diseases. Other disadvantages include the cost of the instruments and inability to perform the procedure in cows with abomasal adhesions.  相似文献   

AIMS: To determine some of the risk factors for cows not observed in oestrus within 35–42 days of an unsuccessful artificial insemination (AI; phantom cows), and the reproductive outcomes and effect of treatment of phantom cows.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Over 2 years, in dairy herds from the Waikato (n=10) and Canterbury (n=4) regions of New Zealand, pregnancy diagnosis was carried out 35–42 days after AI on cows that had been inseminated in the first 3 weeks after the start of mating (PSM) but had not been seen returning to oestrus. Risk factors for phantom cows were analysed using a generalised linear mixed effect model.

In Year 1, all phantom cows were left untreated. In Year 2, phantom cows were categorised as having a corpus luteum (CL) (CL+ n=120), or having ovarian follicles ≥10 (n=101) or <10 (n=40)?mm in diameter. Cows with a CL were treated with cloprostenol or untreated and placed with bulls. Cows with no CL received intravaginal progesterone (P4) for 7 days, with injection of gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) on Days 0 and 9, and cloprostenol on Day 7 followed by AI. Pregnancy diagnosis of all cows took place 100–120 days after PSM and interval to conception and final pregnancy rate determined.

RESULTS: Overall, of cows inseminated in the first 3 weeks after PSM that did not return to oestrus, 610/6,734 (9.1%) were phantom cows. From the final multivariable analysis, treatment for anoestrus, BCS ≤4.0 at mating, being 2 or >6 years of age, and pure-bred, and decreasing interval between calving and mating, until 98 days post calving, were associated with increased odds of being a phantom cow. Compared to all other groups of cows, phantom cows had a longer interval to conception (p<0.001) and a lower final pregnancy rate (p<0.001).

Treatment of CL+ cows or cows with follicles ≥10?mm did not affect reproductive outcomes (p>0.3). For cows with follicles <10?mm treatment decreased the final percentage not pregnant (3/27; 11%; p=0.01) and interval to conception (21 days; p=0.02) compared with controls (7/13; 54% and 37 days, respectively).

CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Risk factors for phantom cows were identified that could be manipulated to reduce the number of phantom cows in a herd, in particular increasing BCS. Treatment of the majority of phantom cows did not improve reproductive performance.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effect of length and cover of track ways between barn and pasture on lameness in Danish dairy cows. We hypothesised that short track distances would be associated with a lower lameness probability of dairy cows compared to longer distances and that track ways with prepared cover (asphalt, gravel, slag, concrete, rubber) compared to no prepared cover (sand, soil and/or grass) would be associated with a lower lameness probability of dairy cows in grazing herds.  相似文献   

The aims of the study were to determine the prevalence of cecal dilatation/dislocation (CDD) and abomasal displacement (DA) in Switzerland, to identify risk factors for both diseases, and to compare directly their epidemiologic situation. The epidemiologic study included 158 cases of CDD and 149 cases of DA from the cases referred to both University Clinics of Berne and Zurich. The results showed that DA was associated with nutrition-related risk factors: use of minerals and sodium chloride, inadequate concentrate feeding and beginning of the feeding. Furthermore, breed was significantly associated with DA, but not with CDD. Finally, milk yield and pasture were also significantly included in the models. For CDD, nutrition-related risk factors were also found: pasture in summer, use of corn pellets and corn silage in winter. In the final model, protein concentrate was also included. Although both diseases were found at comparable frequencies, the results of this study indicate marked differences between the epidemiology of occurrence of CDD and DA. Therefore, the hypothesis of a common etiopathogenesis appears unlikely.  相似文献   

奶牛皱胃变位是指皱胃的正常解剖位置发生改变,导致消化机能障碍的内科疾病。此病多发于高产奶牛,造成了巨大的经济损失。论文通过对遗传、品种、胎次及生产水平、发病时期、营养和新陈代谢及环境等来综述奶牛皱胃变位的病因,从皱胃弛缓学说和机械因素学说两方面综述其发病机制研究进展,为该病的有效预防和控制提供理论基础。  相似文献   

Right paramedian abomasopexy and right paralumbar fossa omentopexy appear to be the most widely used means of correcting left displacement of the abomasum in dairy cattle. We compared these two procedures in a prospective study of 101 cows with uncomplicated left displaced abomasum. The surgical treatment (right paramedian abomasopexy, n = 48; or right paralumbar fossa omentopexy, n = 53) was assigned randomly. Follow-up information was obtained, at regular intervals, from one week through six months following discharge from the hospital. Milk production, reproductive performance, surgical complications, and length of time retained in the herd after surgery were obtained for each animal. There was a trend in favor of the abomasopexy group in the one-month milk yield. There were no differences between procedures either in incisional complications, other problems noted at follow-up, or in the proportion dead/culled. Based on the milk yield at one month after surgery, we concluded that there may be a slight advantage to right paramedian abomasopexy in cows with uncomplicated left displaced abomasum.  相似文献   

Changes in lipoprotein profiles occur in dairy cows during the periparturient period and in cows with transition cow disease. Here, the lipoprotein profiles of Holstein–Friesian dairy cows during the periparturient period were obtained by anion-exchange, high-performance liquid chromatography to evaluate the usefulness of lipoprotein profile evaluation during the periparturient period and in cows with fatty liver and milk fever. Lipoprotein levels (including total and high- (HDL-C) and low-density lipoprotein (LDL-C) cholesterol) in 10 healthy cows were low 4 weeks prepartum, with the lowest values at calving or within 1 week of calving; the values increased at 8 weeks postpartum. The lipoprotein levels were measured in 16 cows diagnosed with fatty liver (n=10) or milk fever (n=6) and compared to 10 healthy dairy cows. A significant difference was observed in HDL-C between healthy cows (at calving and 1 week postpartum), and the fatty liver and milk fever cows. Cows with fatty liver and milk fever had a lower mean HDL-C than the 10 healthy dairy cows at calving and 1 week postpartum. HDL-C might be a good indicator of energy balance for differentiating healthy cows from those with transition cow disease.  相似文献   

To improve the accuracy of ultrasonographic assessment of luteal function, we investigated the relationship between ovarian ultrasonographic findings on Day 7 (Day 1 = ovulation) and plasma progesterone (P4) concentration, nutritional metabolic factors, and pregnancy outcome. A total of 47 spontaneous estrus events were investigated in 38 lactating Holstein cows (artificial insemination, n = 31; embryo transfer, n = 16). Transrectal ultrasonography was performed on Days 0 and 7 to measure the pre-ovulatory follicle area on Day 0 and the luteal tissue area (LTA), luteal blood flow area (LBF), relative LBF (rLBF) (= LBF/LTA), and dominant follicle area (DFA) on Day 7. Blood samples were collected on Day 7 to measure plasma P4, insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), insulin, and metabolites. Plasma P4 concentration was positively correlated with LTA but was not associated with LBF or rLBF. Plasma P4 concentration was positively correlated with blood glucose and IGF-I and negatively correlated with blood urea nitrogen and free fatty acid, and no significant relationship was found between the ultrasonographic findings of the corpus luteum (CL) and these blood metabolites. Pregnant cows had smaller DFA than non-pregnant cows. In conclusion, LTA measurement can help predict plasma P4 concentration, but it was difficult to detect variations in plasma P4 concentration in relation to changes in energy status by evaluating the CL ultrasonographically. A combined assessment of CL and first-wave dominant follicle may be important in evaluating fertility.  相似文献   

Abomasal displacement has been associated with gastric hypomotility. The supply of prokinetic drugs available to address this problem is insufficient. The goal of the study was to investigate the effect of the muscarinic agonist bethanechol (BeCh) on contractility parameters of smooth muscle preparations from several regions of the bovine abomasum (fundus, corpus, and antrum). Cumulative concentration-response curves were constructed using BeCh in vitro with and without pre-incubation with antagonists targeted at M(2) and M(3) muscarinic acetylcholine receptor (mAChR) subtypes. In all preparations investigated, BeCh induced a significant and concentration-dependent increase in all contractility parameters investigated. The maximal attainable effect (V(max)) was more pronounced in circular specimens, and V(max) of antral specimens in circular orientation were significantly lower when compared to the other preparations. Both antagonists caused a rightward shift of the concentration-response curve, suggesting that the effect of BeCh is mediated at least partly by M(2) and M(3) AChRs.  相似文献   

The factors affecting the mortality of cows in Danish dairy herds were investigated by analysing data from 6839 herds. The mean risk of mortality during the first 100 days of lactation was 2.5 per cent. The risk of mortality increased with increasing herd size (odds ratio [OR] 1.05 for an increase in herd size of 50 cows), with the proportion of purchased cows (OR 1.05 for an increase in the proportion of purchased cows of 0.1), and with increases in the somatic cell count (OR 1.16 for an increase in average weighted mean somatic cell count of 100,000 cells/ml). The risk decreased with increasing average milk yield per cow (OR 0.93 for an increase in mean yield per cow-year of 1000 kg). The risk was lower in free-stall barns with deep litter (OR 0.79) than in barns with cubicles (OR 1) or tie-stalls (OR 1.04). Herds with Danish Holstein (OR 1) or Danish Jersey (OR 0.93) cows as the predominant breed had a higher risk of mortality than herds of the Danish red dairy breed (OR 0.67). The risk of mortality was lower in organic herds (OR 1) than in conventional herds (OR 1.17), and lower in herds that grazed pasture during the summer (OR 0.78).  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of feeding different levels of ruminally protected methionine and choline on the incidence of physiological and metabolic disorders, production, and some of the reproductive indices of Holstein dairy cows. Forty Holstein dairy cows in their first and second lactation were used from 4‐week pre‐partum through 20‐week post‐partum and randomly assigned to receive one of the following treatments: 18 g/day of rumen‐protected methionine (RPM), 60 g/day of rumen‐protected choline (RPC), 18 g/day of RPM + 60 g/day of RPC, and neither supplement (control). The treatments significantly affected services per conception and open days of lactating dairy cows (p < 0.05), but did not affect significantly on days to first oestrus and number of pregnant cows. RPM + RPC‐fed cows had the lowest open days, days to first oestrus and services per conception compared with other groups. The effect of treatments was significant on the incidence of metabolic and physiological problems except for foot/leg problems. Cows fed RPM+RPC had the lowest health problems compared with other groups (p < 0.05). Results indicate that the supplementation of RPM and RPC can improve reproductive performance and health status of dairy cows.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the safety of a standardized Macleaya cordata Extract Product (MCEP) containing the quaternary benzophenanthridine alkaloids, sanguinarine and chelerythrine, when fed to dairy cows. Thirty‐six dairy cows were randomized into three groups with twelve cows/treatment in two replica pens for each treatment group: control (C) without MCEP added to feed, treatment 1 (SANG‐1000) with MCEP added to feed at 1,000 mg/animal/day (1.5 mg/kg bw/day) and treatment 2 (SANG‐10000) with MCEP added to feed at 10,000 mg/animal/day (15.5 mg MCEP/kg bw/day). After two weeks of acclimation, animals were observed for an 84‐day experimental period, with body weight, feed intake and milk production measured daily. Milk composition was analysed every two weeks. Haematological analyses were performed on Day 0 and Day 84, and clinical chemistry analyses were performed on Day 84 of the study. There was no statistically significant difference (p > .10) among the three groups on body condition score, milk production or milk composition over the study period. There were no significant differences in body weight gain or feed consumption among the three groups. Animals in the SANG‐10000 group had significantly higher mean corpuscular volume (MCV) than the C group (p < .1) and lower mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration (MCHC) than the SANG‐1000 group (p < .1). Concentrations of sanguinarine and chelerythrine in milk samples collected on Day 84 were below the detection limit (LOD) as measured by high‐performance liquid chromatography‐mass spectrometry (HPLC‐MS/MS). In conclusion, this study presents compelling data supporting the hypothesis that the test product MCEP, when included in the TMR at up to 10,000 mg/animal/day (15.5 mg MCEP/kg bw/day), is well tolerated by dairy cows.  相似文献   

为研究奶牛亚临床酮病与乳房炎的关系以及血液中的酮体成分对奶牛抗氧化功能的影响,以156头健康荷斯坦奶牛为试验动物(SCC〈200000/mL),共筛选亚临床酮病奶牛69头(1.0mmol/L≤BHBA〈2.6mmol/L)作为试验组,根据年龄、胎次、产奶量、泌乳天数配对的69头奶牛作为时照组(血液BHBA〈1.0mmol/L),监测乳房炎发病情况并在各组中选取12头奶牛检测血液酮体水平和抗氧化指标。结果表明亚临床酮病奶牛试验期间乳房炎的发病率为43.48%,对照组试验期间乳房炎的发病率为31.88%,但差异不显著(P〉0.05);试验组奶牛乳房炎高发期为分娩后3~6周,对照组奶牛乳房炎发病时间为分娩后5~8周,亚临床酮病发病后1~3周内为乳房炎的高发期,占试验组奶牛乳房炎总发病比例的73.33%,试验组和对照组病原菌的组成无显著差异(P〉0.05);试验组奶牛血液中T—AOC显著低于对照组(P〈0.05),GSH—PX活力、MDA和N0显著高于对照组(P〈0.05),血液ACAC浓度与GSH—PX活力呈显著正相关(P〈0.05,r=0.595),ACAC浓度与NO呈显著正相关(P〈0.05,r=0.655),T—AOC与MDA呈显著负相关(P〈0.05,r=0.533)。结果表明奶牛亚临床酮病可以导致乳房炎的发病率升高,但不是主要影响因素,亚临床酮病对乳房炎病原体构成无影响;外周血酮体水平升高导致机体总抗氧化能力的降低并引起机体脂质过氧化反应;谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶在发挥抗氧化功能时具有一定的抵抗力和自我调节能力。  相似文献   

To reduce the potential drawbacks associated with laparotomy techniques for correction and fixation of left displaced abomasums (LDA), minimally invasive techniques have been developed. This chapter reviews the toggle pin suture (TPS) and the laparoscopic abomasopexy procedures used in the field for correction and fixation of the abomasum for correction of left-displacement of the abomasum in dairy cows. The importance of case selection cannot be overestimated. By combining laparoscopy with the principle of the TPS procedure, the lack of visual control associated with the TPS procedure is eliminated, while the advantage of the speed of completion and minimal invasiveness provided by both procedures are maintained. Successful LDA treatment includes not only early detection and treatment of the LDA, but also the prevention of secondary ketosis and aggressive treatment of concurrent disease.  相似文献   

We determined the abomasal emptying rates of Holstein-Friesian cows at different stages of lactation, with left displaced abomasum (LDA), or immediately after surgical correction of LDA or abomasal volvulus (AV). D-xylose (0.5 g/kg body weight [BW], 50% solution) was injected into the abomasum in healthy cows (group 1, 4-7 days in milk [DIM], n = 7; group 2, 90-120 DIM, n = 7; group 3, > 300 DIM, n = 7) and in cows with LDA (n = 10; group 4). D-xylose was injected into the abomasum during right flank laparotomy in cows with LDA (n = 22; group 5) and cows with AV (n = 15; group 6). The time to maximal serum D-xylose concentration was used as an index of emptying rate. The abomasal emptying rates for cows in groups 1, 2, and 3 were similar, whereas emptying was slower in cows with LDA and in cows after surgical correction of LDA or AV. The abomasal emptying rate of cows with LDA was slowed to a greater extent immediately after surgery, when compared to the rate obtained before surgery. There was no difference in abomasal emptying rate immediately after surgical correction between cows with LDA or AV. The results indicate that the increased incidence of LDA in the first month of lactation is not associated with an intrinsic decrease in abomasal emptying rate in healthy cows. Our findings also demonstrate that surgical correction further slows the emptying rate in cows with LDA.  相似文献   

In this pilot study, the effects of phosphorus (P) supply on inorganic phosphorus (Pi) net absorption in dairy cows were investigated. Three non‐lactating, non‐pregnant, rumen‐fistulated Swedish Red breed dairy cows were studied in a 3 × 3 Latin square design. Monosodium dihydrogen orthophosphate dihydrate (NaH2PO4*2H2O) was continuously infused into the abomasum for 4 days. The solutions provided 0, 14.4 or 28.8 g Pi/day. Rumen fluid volume and outflow rate were estimated at day four of each experimental period using cobalt‐lithium EDTA as an external marker. Acid insoluble ash in feeds and faecal samples was used to quantify P faecal excretion. Concentrations of Pi in collected samples of rumen fluid, blood, faeces and urine were determined. Pi flow into the small intestine increased (p < 0.05) with Pi infusion. Pi net absorption tended to increase (p = 0.08) but proportion of absorbed Pi tended to decrease (p = 0.08). Urinary Pi excretion was negligible and did not affect P homoeostasis (p = 0.50). There was no change in plasma Pi concentration (p = 0.45) in response to Pi infusion. The increase in total faecal P excretion (p < 0.05) with increasing level of infused Pi was solely because of increased soluble faecal Pi (p < 0.05). It is suggested that at P overfeeding, intestinal Pi net absorption is saturable in dairy cows.  相似文献   

The present study aimed to determine the effects of differing nutrient levels during the far‐off period on postpartum metabolism and milk production in lactating cows. Twenty‐six multiparous cows were assigned to three dietary treatments in the far‐off period: a low‐energy diet (L, n = 9, 80% intake of the total digestible nutrients requirement), a moderate‐energy diet (M, n = 8, 105%) and a high‐energy diet (H, n = 9, 130%). During the close‐up period, all cows were provided with 105% intake. After parturition, all cows were fed a lactation diet. The BCS recovery was slow, and low milk yield was found in the H group. In the L group, BCS recovery was favorable after parturition, and lactation persistence was increased. The L group had low rumen endotoxin activity and a high initial ovulation rate after parturition. These findings indicate that a high‐energy diet during the far‐off period has a deleterious effect on milk production. In contrast, the restricted diet in the far‐off period increased adaptability with respect to peri‐parturition metabolic changes, improved the post‐parturition nutritional state, and increased milk production. Furthermore, it suggests that the nutrient levels in the far‐off period affect rumen endotoxin activity and reproductive function after parturition.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare characteristics and results of 2-step laparoscopy-guided abomasopexy versus omentopexy via laparotomy in the right paralumbar fossa for the treatment of dairy cows with a left displaced abomasum (LDA). DESIGN: Prospective clinical trial. 253 dairy cows with an LDA. PROCEDURES: All cows that were treated with omentopexy (n = 101) or 2-step laparoscopy-guided abomasopexy (152) from July 2005 through December 2006 were included. Presurgical, perisurgical, and postsurgical information was recorded by attending veterinarians. Producers were interviewed by telephone 7 and 60 days after surgery regarding the response of cows to surgery. Characteristics of and responses to the 2 surgical techniques were compared. RESULTS: At 7 days after surgery, the 2 groups of cows were not significantly different with respect to appetite, comfort, and milk yield; at 60 days after surgery, groups were similar with respect to milk yield, cull rates, and risk of relapse of LDA. Antimicrobial treatment in response to postsurgical pyrexia was necessary in only 20.4% (31/152) of cows that were treated with 2-step laparoscopy-guided abomasopexy. Mean duration (preparation and surgery) of 2-step laparoscopy-guided abomasopexy was significantly less than that of omentopexy (36 vs 74 minutes, respectively). CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results of 2-step laparoscopy-guided abomasopexy and omentopexy via laparotomy in the right paralumbar fossa were not significantly different. Compared with omentopexy, laparoscopy-guided abomasopexy was performed more quickly and required postsurgical administration of antimicrobials less frequently. Although these factors may be of economic consequence to veterinarians and producers, other aspects must also be considered when choosing between techniques.  相似文献   

To determine the effects of puerperal metritis on the immune response, changes in the differential peripheral blood leukocyte counts were analyzed during the peripartum period in cows with or without metritis. Multiparous Holstein cows were examined for uterine health disorders and classified into two groups: healthy (n = 11) or metritis (n = 5) cows. The lymphocyte and monocyte counts and the proportion of CD8+ lymphocytes were higher in cows with metritis compared to healthy cows. Moreover, the effects of puerperal metritis on the lymphocyte counts and CD4+/CD8+ ratio persisted weeks after the uterine inflammation had self‐resolved. Taken together, the findings of the present study indicate the possible long‐term alterations of systemic immune responses in cows with puerperal uterine inflammation. © 2015 Japanese Society of Animal Science  相似文献   

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