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Beech seedlings (Fagus sylvatica L.) were grown in various combinations of three photosynthetic photon flux densities (PPFD, 0.7, 7.3 or 14.5 mol m(-2) day(-1)) for two years in a controlled environmental chamber. Dry mass of leaves, stem and roots, leaf area and number of leaves, and unit leaf rate were affected by both previous-year and current-year PPFD. Number of shoots and length of the main shoot were affected by previous-year PPFD but not by current-year PPFD. Number of leaves per shoot did not change with PPFD, whereas leaf dry mass/leaf area ratio was mainly affected by current-year PPFD. During the first 10 days that newly emerged seedlings were grown at a PPFD of 0.7 or 14.5 mol m(-2) day(-1), transpiration rate per unit leaf area declined. Thereafter, transpiration increased to a constant new rate. Transpiration rate per seedling was closely related to leaf area but the relationship changed with time. In two-year-old seedlings grown at various PPFD combinations of 0.7, 7.3 and 14.5 mol m(-2) day(-1) during Years 1 and 2, leaf area and transpiration rate per seedling were closely correlated at Weeks 7 and 11 after bud burst. Weak correlations were found between root dry mass and transpiration rate per seedling. During Year 2, transpiration rate per leaf area was higher at a particular PPFD in seedlings grown at a previous-year PPFD of 0.7 mol m(-2) day(-1) than in seedlings grown at a previous-year PPFD of 14.5 mol m(-2) day(-1). After transfer of two-year-old seedlings at the end of the experiment to a new PPFD (7.3 or 14.5 mol m(-2) day(-1)) for one day, transpiration rates per leaf area, measured at the new PPFD, were correlated with leaf area and root dry mass, irrespective of former PPFD treatment.  相似文献   

The suitability of a color acetate film for estimating photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) in a forest understory was examined. The fading ratio of the film (F), the total PPFD (PPFDtotal) to which the film was exposed, and the average daily maximum temperature during exposure (T) were obtained from measurements at multiple sampling points throughout an entire year within a natural secondary forest (n = 42). The ranges of the recorded values were as follows: F 35%–99%, PPFDtotal 1.4–28.3molm–2, and T 6°–32°C. PPFDtotal was regressed by F and T with a high r 2 (=0.94; P < 0.0001): PPFDtotal = (100 – F)/(1.085 + 0.051T). The absolute error (|estimated PPFDtotal – measured PPFDtotal|) averaged 1.3molm–2 with a maximum of 5.7molm–2, indicating a good fit. These results indicated broad applicability of the film, both spatially and temporally, for estimating forest understory PPFD.  相似文献   

A novel method, Random Amplified Microsatellites (RAMS, due to the nature of amplified markers as two randomly amplified microsatellites with the intervening sequence), was applied to generate DNA markers in a variety of fungi (Armillaria cepistipes, Gremmeniella abietina, Heterobasidion annosum, Pbytophthora cactorum, Phlebiopsis gigantea, and Stereum sanguinolentum). It is based on the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and uses primers containing microsatellite sequences and degenerate anchors at the 5' end. The method is highly reproducible, applicable to all tested fungal species including members of the Phycomycetes, Ascomycetes and Basidiomycetes, and allows detection of interspecific and intraspecific DNA-polymorphisms.  相似文献   

In order to describe and compare intuitively the impact of different kinds of ground cover on temporal and spatial variation of soil moisture, an experiment was carried out by continuous observations to obtain soil potential data of different treatments. Based on the data, isogram maps were drawn by a regression isogram method. The results indicate that the isogram of treatment A (Paspalum notatum Flugge-covered) is the most complicated among the three treatments with its significant transverse levels, while the isograms of treatment B (mulching of P. notatum Flugge) and C (bare slope) are relatively simple but have clear vertical levels. The variation of soil moisture 30 cm deep in the A treatment is the largest, while that at 60 cm is the second largest and that of 90 cm is the smallest. The variation of soil moisture at all levels of B is fairly small, while that at 30 and 60 cm of C is greater than that 90 cm deep.  相似文献   

A Paulownia-winter wheat intercropping experiment with the object of quantifying photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) and its effect on wheat yield was conducted 60 km south of Zhengzhou (35°N 113°E), Henan Province, PR China, from September 1991 to July 1992 using a tree and crop interface approach. The middle row of three 240 m long rows of 11-year-old trees was studied for its effects on the yield of irrigated and fertilized winter wheat. Photosynthetic photon flux density (Qp) was quantified using a split-plot design with four blocks. There were four distance (subplot) treatments (2.5 m, 5 m, 10 m and 20 m) and two direction (main plot) treatments laid out to the east and west of a north-south tree line. Results showed no difference in direction effects but Qp did affect total grain weight (P = 0.0047) between 2.5 m and 20 m. A regression equation was fit using the mean for each distance treatment: Y = 391.7 + 4.57X with r2 = 0.9310 indicating a yield increase of 4.57 g m−2 (45.7 kg ha−1) over a distance of 2.5 m to 20 m from the trees.  相似文献   

A new method for rapid measurement of vessel-free density distribution in hardwood samples cut from increment cores is proposed. The method represents a specialised form of computer tomography which combines the data of X-ray microdensitometry with the information obtained from optical images of the transverse surface of the sample. The tests of the method using a Eucalyptus nitens sample show significant improvement in the accuracy of density determination compared with conventional X-ray densitometry. Received 30 June 1997  相似文献   

White spruce (Picea glauca (Moench.) Voss) and lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta Dougl. var. latifolia Engelm.) seedlings previously held in dark, frozen storage (-2 degrees C) for 2.5 or 6 months, and nursery-grown white spruce seedlings lifted in summer were exposed to photon flux densities (PFDs) similar to those that might be encountered at planting. Photosynthetic gas exchange and chlorophyll a (chl a) fluorescence were examined in cold-stored and summer-lifted seedlings before and after a 9 h-exposure to artificial illumination of high PFD (2000 micro mol m(-2) s(-1)) or low PFD (ca. 500 micro mol m(-2) s(-1)), and during exposure to 400 micro mol m(-2) s(-1) for 4-9 days. In the 2.5-month-stored and summer-lifted seedlings, the high-PFD treatment caused a small decrease in carbon fixation and a large decrease in the ratio of variable to maximum fluorescence (F(v)/F(m)) relative to the effect of the low-PFD treatment. In contrast, in the 6-month-stored seedlings the high-PFD treatment caused a significant decrease in rate of light-saturated carbon fixation but little decrease in F(v)/F(m) relative to the effect of the low-PFD treatment, indicating that the mechanisms for maintaining integrity of the photochemical apparatus had changed during the storage interval.  相似文献   

利用乔木柳12年生无性系对比试验林的材料,研究了13个柳树无性系木材基本密度株内径向和纵向的变异模式,并对密度选择的时期和取样位置进行了探讨。结果表明:(1)在1.3m高度,乔木柳无性系各年轮组木材戏向变异多数为“M”型曲线,即从木芯向外第、至第3年轮组(1-6a)的木材密度逐渐增加,第4年轮组(7-8a)略有下降,第5年轮组(9-10a)又有明显增加,至最外侧年轮(11-12a)木材密度则显著下降,根据各无性系的变异特点,分成3种类型,其中无性系221的变异较为独特,为典型的“N”型;(2)乔木柳无性系生长期密度变化的规律为:1-2年生时木材基本密度相对较低,3-4a以后密度相对稳定并接近无性系加权平均密度,3-4年生时木材基本密度与5-12年生时的测定值相关系数为0.789-0.985,均达到极显著相关水平(α=0.01),5-12年生乔木柳无性系木材基本密度的变异为62.2%-97.0%与3-4年生时木材基本密度的值有关,3-4a作为5百木柳木材基本密度的选择年龄最为合适;(3)供试群体木材密度株内纵向变异模式大多也可用“M”型曲线加以描述,具典型的苴孔材绷向密度变异特征,根据各无性系的变异特点,分成4种变异类型;树干高1.3,3.6和7.2m处的木材基本密度与无性系平均密度的相关系数达到显著和极显著水平,可以在树干1.3m处取样以推测无性系平均值;(4)在供试群体中,有的无性系木材基本密度纵向和径向变异的幅度均很小,木材较为均一,如苏柳791,表明在乔木柳杂种后代中选择木材均一的柳树新品种是可能的。  相似文献   

Leaf properties vary significantly within plant canopies, due to the strong gradient in light availability through the canopy, and the need for plants to use resources efficiently. At high light, photosynthesis is maximized when leaves have a high nitrogen content and water supply, whereas at low light leaves have a lower requirement for both nitrogen and water. Studies of the distribution of leaf nitrogen (N) within canopies have shown that, if water supply is ignored, the optimal distribution is that where N is proportional to light, but that the gradient of N in real canopies is shallower than the optimal distribution. We extend this work by considering the optimal co-allocation of nitrogen and water supply within plant canopies. We developed a simple 'toy' two-leaf canopy model and optimized the distribution of N and hydraulic conductance (K) between the two leaves. We asked whether hydraulic constraints to water supply can explain shallow N gradients in canopies. We found that the optimal N distribution within plant canopies is proportional to the light distribution only if hydraulic conductance, K, is also optimally distributed. The optimal distribution of K is that where K and N are both proportional to incident light, such that optimal K is highest to the upper canopy. If the plant is constrained in its ability to construct higher K to sun-exposed leaves, the optimal N distribution does not follow the gradient in light within canopies, but instead follows a shallower gradient. We therefore hypothesize that measured deviations from the predicted optimal distribution of N could be explained by constraints on the distribution of K within canopies. Further empirical research is required on the extent to which plants can construct optimal K distributions, and whether shallow within-canopy N distributions can be explained by sub-optimal K distributions.  相似文献   

Seedlings of Larix leptolepis were grown in a growth chamber under short day conditions (8 h day) at 4 different photosynthetic photon flux densities (PPFD's). After a period of 8 weeks frost hardiness of the shoot tips and roots, dry matter content, dry weight (dw), content of glucose and starch were determined. The frost hardiness in the shoot tips increased from ‐15°C at a PPFD of 55μmol m‐2s‐1 to about ‐35°C at 440 μmol m‐2s‐1. No effect of PPFD was found on frost hardiness of the roots. A high PPFD results in a high dry matter content. The effect on dry matter content was most pronounced for the shoot tips and less pronounced for the roots. The total dry weight increased for both root and top with increasing PPFD. The height of the plants increased when the PPFD increased up to 220 μmol m‐2s‐1.  相似文献   

Forest process models predict ecosystem responses from climate variables and physiological parameters. The parameters describe key ecosystem attributes, often as lumped averages. However, the sources and magnitude of variation in these physiological parameters are unknown, which complicates sampling if models are to be parameterized with field measurements. We measured several key parameters, which had been identified by sensitivity analyses of three models, in Abies grandis (Dougl.) Lindl. and Pseudotsuga menziesii var. glauca (Beissn.) Franco trees throughout the growing season. Trees were sampled at eight sites across the interior northwest of the USA. At each site, fertilized and control plots were sampled. The design provided statistical replication for the analysis of variance within a site, allowing us to draw inferences about a regional population of stands. Specific leaf area (SLA) varied by canopy position and treatment (P = 0.0003), by date of sampling (P < 0.0001) and by species (P = 0.0188). Mass-based foliar nitrogen concentration (%N) increased during the summer in both species (P = 0.0019), but at a faster rate in P. menziesii var. glauca than in A. grandis. Sun foliage had a higher mean %N (1.00, SE = 0.02%) than shade foliage (0.92 +/- 0.01%). Apparent quantum yield (Phi) varied among treatments, between species and between canopy positions; each of these variables interacted with date of sampling (P = 0.0207, P < 0.0001 and P = 0.0344, respectively). In A. grandis, mean Phi values (+/- SE) were 0.048 +/- 0.006 mol CO2 (mol incident photon)-1 for sun foliage and 0.067 +/- 0.007 mol CO2 (mol incident photon)(-1) for shade foliage. In P. menziesii, the corresponding mean Phi values were 0.032 +/- 0.003 and 0.047 +/- 0.004 mol CO2 (mol incident photon)-1. Parameters SLA, %N and Phi were all influenced by date, fertilizer treatment, species and crown position. We discuss methods of inferring quantum yields from light response curves and their utility for parameterizing process models. Parameter mean values are presented for each site; these tables provide a documented data set for the parameterization of models describing the western interior forests of the USA.  相似文献   

Sap flow techniques are practical tools for estimating tree transpiration. Though many previous studies using sap flow techniques did not consider azimuthal variations of sap flux density (F d) on xylem trunk to estimate tree transpiration, a few studies reported that ignoring the azimuthal variations in F d could cause large errors in tree transpiration estimates for some tree species. Therefore, examining azimuthal variations in F d for major plantation tree species is critical for estimating tree transpiration. Using the thermal dissipation method, we examined azimuthal variations in F d in six trees of Japanese cypress Chamaecyparis obtusa (Sieb. et Zucc.) Endl., which is one of the most common plantation tree species in Japan. We recorded considerable variations among F d at four different azimuthal directions. The F d value for one aspect was more than 100% larger than those for the other aspects. We calculated differences between tree transpiration estimates based on F d for one to three azimuthal directions and those based on F d for four aspects. The differences relative to tree transpiration estimates based on F d for four aspects were typically 30, 20, and 10% in accordance with the F d for one, two, and three measurement aspects, respectively. This finding indicates that ignoring azimuthal variations could cause large errors in tree transpiration estimates for Japanese cypress.  相似文献   

When containerized black spruce seedlings (Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P.) are grown rapidly in greenhouse culture, they sometimes bend over, grow horizontally and become deformed. This phenomenon has been known to affect between 5% and 10% of a winter greenhouse crop. In this study, near-ultraviolet lamps were used to supplement the artificial light received from high-pressure sodium lamps and the effects on seedling morphology and lignin contents were examined. Neither height to diameter ratios nor lignin concentrations were significantly affected by UV radiation flux density. However, seedling biomass, height, root collar diameter, lignin content, and lignin to cellulose ratios of stems were significantly correlated with total photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) received during photoperiod extension. Height to diameter ratios were negatively correlated with PPFD during photoperiod enhancement because of a greater relative increase in diameter growth compared with height growth. Neither UV nor PAR flux density affected the percentage of black spruce seedlings having stem deformations greater than 30 ° from the vertical.
Résumé Lorsque des semis d'épinette noire (Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P.) en conteneur sont forcés d'avoir une croissance rapide en serre, leur tige est parfois courbée ou déformée. Ce phénomène peut affecter entre 5% et 10% d'une culture serricole hivernale. Dans la présente étude, un enrichissement du rayonnement près de l'ultraviolet a été appliqué sur des semis en complément à l'éclairage artificiel procuré par des lampes au sodium à haute pression. La morphologie et le contenu en lignine des semis ont alors été examinés. Le rapport entre la hauteur et le diamètre des semis, et la concentration en lignine n'ont pas été significativement affectés par la densité du flux photonique ultraviolet. Cependant, la biomasse, la hauteur, le diamètre au collet, le contenu en lignine et le ratio lignine: cellulose des tiges des semis ont été significativement corrélés à la densité du flux photonique photosynthétique (PPFD) reçue pendant l'extension de la photopriode. Le rapport entre la hauteur et le diamètre a été négativement corrélé à la PPFD pendant l'augmentation de la photopériode à cause de la plus grande croissance en diamètre des semis comparativement à leur croissance en hauteur. La densité du flux photonique au niveau de l'ultraviolet comme au niveau de la radiation photosynthétiquement active n'a pas affecté le pourcentage de semis d'épinette noire ayant des déformations de leur tige plus grande que 30 ° comparativement à la verticale.

Density is a fundamental softwood quality trait. The aim of this paper is to identify a spatial model for wood density variation in spruce stems, with the main focus on basic density. Six thousand 20-mm-wide cubes systematically sampled from 85 trees in western Norway were analysed. The overall radial density pattern was the J shape with local maximum in the pith and increasing density outwards from a minimum at some distance from the pith. The minimum appeared closer to the pith further up in the tree. The stochastic nature of the six tree-wise parameters defining density gradients from pith to surface and from base to top was analysed and described. The results provide information needed to simulate density variation inside stems and between stems in a population. Considering the fundamental influence of density on a range of wood traits, such simulation should be of great significance for scientific and industrial analyses.  相似文献   

This study developed an integrated decision support system (DSS) to assist land managers in taking a long-term holistic approach to integrated land-use decisions. “MyLand” is a unique combination of existing methods and techniques: meta-modelling calibrated off-productivity surfaces for spatial application, a decision tree for selecting options, multiple land-use analysis, multiple outputs and a mapping interface deployed over the Web. The design provides visualisation of geospatial information and enables multiple stakeholders to contribute to a more collaborative land-use planning process. Techniques to solve forestry modelling challenges have been generalised and applied in modelling pastoral and forestry land-use types. Forestry yield modelling is accommodated by a two-stage approach of spatial modelling of a productivity index followed by meta-modelling output from forest stand growth models. Livestock farming is modelled using the property owner's estimates of livestock carrying capacity of land management units in a whole property stock reconciliation model. The environmental performance of the property is calculated from the land-use type and management regime. A case study is described to demonstrate the use of “MyLand” and results of user evaluation of the DSS are presented.  相似文献   

Seedlings of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.)) were grown at 335 and 1000 μl CO2 1?1 for 118 days in growth rooms at different irradiance levels. Photon flux density ranging from 8.6 to 34.6 mol m?2 day?t (PAR) was given either as constant light or as alternating levels in intervals of two or six hours. CO2 enrichment increased the plant dry weight from 36% to 105% by increasing photon flux density from 8.6 to 25.9 mol m?2 day?1. At constant light the dry weight apparently reached its maximum at a photon flux density of 25.9 mol m?2 day?t. At the lower radiation levels alternating in CO2 enriched air gave slightly higher dry weights compared to constant light levels. At the highest radiations the effect on dry weight was the opposite. High CO2 concentration and 300 μmol m?2 s?1 constant light (25.9 mol m?2 day?1) gave the best growth and quality of plants. Top, root, stem and foliage weight were proportionally affected. Shoot length was enhanced by CO2 enrichment. Shoot weight per cm was substantially increased both by CO2 enrichment and increasing photon flux density.  相似文献   



Modulus of elasticity (MOE) is an important mechanical property determining the end-use and value of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) lumber.


In this study, a model was developed to predict the within tree variation of MOE, from pith-to-bark and stump-to-tip, using data collected from a 21-year-old unthinned stand where trees were planted under seven initial stand density levels (746?C2,243 trees/hectare).


The study was laid out in a randomized complete block design, with seven levels of initial planting density, replicated three times. Seven trees were destructively sampled from each plot, and bolts were cut from each tree at heights of 2.4, 7.3, and 12.2?m. Static bending samples (of dimension 2.5?×?2.5?×?40.6?cm) representing pith-to-bark variation were cut from each bolt and MOE measured. A three-parameter logistic function was used to model the pith-to-bark variation in stiffness with distance from pith as an explanatory variable.


Based on the final fitted model, it was found that the asymptotic parameter (maximum outerwood MOE?=?13.48?GPa) was not influenced by sampling height, initial planting density, and stem slenderness. However, the inflection and scale parameters were significantly influenced by these variables.


In summary, we found that initial planting density had a significant influence on the amount of corewood produced with higher initial planting densities producing a lower proportion of corewood as indicated by a linear decrease in inflection point with an increase in planting density.  相似文献   

We monitored sap flux density (v) diurnally in nine mature southeastern pine (Pinus spp.) trees with a thermal dissipation probe that spanned the sapwood radius. We found the expected pattern of high v near the cambium and decreasing v with depth toward the center of the tree; however, the pattern was not constant within a day or between trees. Radial profiles of trees were steeper earlier in the day and became less steep later in the day. As a result, time-dependent changes in the shape of the radial profile of v were sometimes correlated with daily changes in evaporative demand. As the radial profile became less steep, the inner xylem contributed relatively more to total tree sap flow than it did earlier in the day. We present a 3-parameter Gaussian function that can be used to describe the radial distribution of v in trees. Parameters in the function represent depth in the xylem from the cambium, maximum v, depth in the xylem where maximum v occurs, and the rate of radial change in v with radial depth (beta). Values of beta varied significantly between trees and with time, and were sometimes correlated with air vapor pressure deficit (D). We hypothesize that this occurred during periods of high transpiration when the water potential gradient became great enough to move water in the inner sapwood despite its probable high hydraulic resistance. We examined discrepancies among estimates of daily water use based on single-point, two-point and multi-point (i.e., every 20 mm in the sapwood) measurements. When radial distribution of v was not considered, a single-point measurement resulted in errors as large as 154% in the estimate of daily water use relative to the estimate obtained from a multi-point measurement. Measuring v at two close sample points (10 and 30 mm) did not improve the estimate; however, estimates derived from v measured at two distant sample points (10 and 70 mm) significantly improved the estimate of daily water use, although errors were as great as 32% in individual trees. The variability in v with depth in the xylem, over time, and between trees indicates that measurements of the radial distribution of v are necessary to accurately estimate water flow in trees with large sapwood areas.  相似文献   

The variation in the basic‐density level of 45 stems of Sitka spruce from two Danish sites has been examined. It is shown that the basic‐density level, i.e. the basic density as a function of ring width, within the juvenile wood decreases with (1) increasing distance from the pith and (2) increasing height in the stem (same ring number from pith provided). Furthermore, the basic‐density level seems to decrease with increasing stand quality, which may affect the pattern of variation in basic‐density level if the stand quality class varies with age. The basic density of the juvenile wood is markedly higher in Sitka spruce than in Norway spruce, whereby the risk of stem cracks probably is reduced.  相似文献   

A variety of thermal approaches are used to estimate sap flux density in stems of woody plants. Models have proved valuable tools for interpreting the behavior of heat pulse, heat balance and heat field deformation techniques, but have seldom been used to describe heat transfer dynamics for the heat dissipation method. Therefore, to better understand the behavior of heat dissipation probes, a model was developed that takes into account the thermal properties of wood, the physical dimensions and thermal characteristics of the probes, and the conductive and convective heat transfer that occurs due to water flow in the sapwood. Probes were simulated as aluminum tubes 20 mm in length and 2 mm in diameter, whereas sapwood, heartwood and bark each had a density and water fraction that determined their thermal properties. Base simulations assumed a constant sap flux density with sapwood depth and no wounding or physical disruption of xylem beyond the 2 mm diameter hole drilled for probe installation. Simulations across a range of sap flux densities showed that the dimensionless quantity k [defined as (ΔT(m) -ΔT)/ΔT, where ΔT(m) is the temperature differential (ΔT) between the heated and unheated probe under zero-flow conditions] was dependent on the thermal conductivity of the sapwood. The relationship between sap flux density and k was also sensitive to radial gradients in sap flux density and to xylem disruption near the probe. Monte Carlo analysis in which 1000 simulations were conducted while simultaneously varying thermal conductivity and wound diameter revealed that sap flux density and k showed considerable departure from the original calibration equation used with this technique. The departure was greatest for variation in sap flux density typical of ring-porous species. Depending on the specific combination of thermal conductivity and wound diameter, use of the original calibration equation resulted in an 81% under- to 48% overestimation of sap flux density at modest flux rates. Future studies should verify these simulations and assess their utility in estimating sap flux density for this widely used technique.  相似文献   

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