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为了明确地枫皮的结构特征及其在石灰岩山顶和山腰疏林间两种环境下生长的叶片解剖结构的差异,本研究采用石蜡切片和半薄切片对地枫皮营养器官进行解剖观察并评价了叶片结构对不同生态环境的响应.结果表明:地枫皮根中次生维管组织发达,木射线和韧皮射线明显.老茎的次生构造中,皮层贮藏物质丰富,内有大的石细胞群,韧皮射线和木射线明显;而髓细胞内含有大量晶簇和少量单晶.在叶片横切面观上,叶为异面叶,表皮细胞一层,上表皮无气孔分布,主脉中薄壁细胞中分散有石细胞.叶片解剖结构显示,随海拔高度上升,地枫皮趋向于旱生植物的特点,其主要表现在叶片表皮细胞外壁角质层加厚,栅海比增加、海绵组织排列由紧密变疏松.另外,根皮、茎皮和叶肉中都分布有大量油细胞.  相似文献   

研究了石山棕营养器官的解剖结构,结果表明,石山棕营养器官具有发达的保护组织、输导组织、光合组织和机械组织。主要表现为:叶表皮角质膜发达,复表皮富含丹宁,栅栏组织发达(2.5层);根原生木质部束数多(31原),导管和筛管多,大量的薄壁细胞的细胞壁在根成熟后转化为机械组织;茎、叶柄和叶脉的木质部、韧皮部发达,维管束鞘细胞层次多并高度次生木化加厚,茎、叶柄具较多纤维;根、茎的栓化层发达。石山棕的营养器官具有良好的适应干旱、高温、瘦瘠的岩溶石山环境的生态结构,  相似文献   

牧草的解剖生态适应性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李立 《水土保持研究》1998,5(1):32-35,96
研究了19种优良牧草的叶片结构特征可以区分为旱生结构明显,比较明显和一般的3种类型。  相似文献   

低温对单、双瓣茉莉叶片细胞膜透性的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
试验研究低温对单、双瓣茉莉叶片细胞膜相对透性和K 、Ca2 、Mg2 、可溶性糖外渗量的影响结果表明,单、双瓣茉莉品种叶片细胞膜相对透性和K 、Mg2 、Ca2 、可溶性糖外渗量均随处理温度的下降而增加,同一处理温度下随低温处理时间的延长,单、双瓣茉莉品种细胞膜相对透性逐渐增大。认为单瓣茉莉属不耐寒植物,而双瓣茉莉属低度耐寒植物。  相似文献   

以福州茉莉花农作为问卷调查的受访对象,运用条件价值法(CVM)和统计学的Multinomial Logistic模型,计量2013年福州茉莉花农平均生态补偿意愿值及其主要影响因素.结果表明:2013年福州茉莉花农平均生态补偿意愿值的下限值和上限值分别为23 868.84与30 723.60元/(hm2·a),平均生态补偿意愿值为27 296.22元/(hm2·a).茉莉花农有无非农收入对茉莉花种植生态补偿意愿值的影响最为显著,花农年龄、受教育程度和茉莉花农认为种植有机茉莉将造成的减产程度均对其存在显著影响,而其他变量影响不显著.为维护茉莉花种植的生态环境、保障农产品质量安全和提高农产品国际竞争力,建议以政府为主导,加大福州茉莉花生态补偿力度并建立生态补偿的长效机制,进一步完善关于福州茉莉花农业文化遗产保护的生态经济补偿机制.  相似文献   

在分析椪柑生产生态气候适应性的基础上,用统计学方法定量计算气候因子对椪柑产量的影响,确定椪柑生态气候主导指标,依此对黔东南山区椪柑果树种植进行气候区划,提出较好利用当地气候资源的有效途径。  相似文献   

为了阐明种植年限对茉莉花园土壤碳(C)、氮(N)、磷(P)及其生态化学计量特征的影响,以福州市种植年限约为3(J-3),10(J-10),15(J-15),30(J-30),>40(J-40)年的茉莉花园为研究对象,对土壤C、N、P与生态化学计量比及其影响因子进行了测定与分析.结果 表明:(1)与J-3相比,随着种植年...  相似文献   

北京地区引种国外紫花苜蓿品种生态适应性的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
连续 3年引种国外紫花苜蓿品种试验研究结果表明 ,适合华北平原北部地区种植的苜蓿品种为 2~ 5级秋眠级品种 ,但秋眠级FD5 (Key)品种需采取相应措施提高其越冬率 ,而FD6 (Lobo)和FD7(Durango)品种越冬率低下故不适合该区种植推广。“Haygarzer”(FD3)、“Vector”(FD4 )和“Key”(FD5 )品种产量高且 1年可收获 4~ 5茬 ,这些品种可在北京和气候类似北京的地区种植。紫花苜蓿可在北京地区安全越夏 ,但夏季要注意防治病虫害。紫花苜蓿播种当年的产量与积温呈线性关系 ,且在以后年份呈现对数关系  相似文献   

四川盆区金银花气候生态适应性及区划研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过调研和收集金银花生态方面的相关资料,以金银花道地产区之一的山东费县、平邑等地气候条件为参照,采用比较分析方法,详细地研究了金银花的气候生态规律和环境因子对金银花产量、品质形成的影响,归纳提炼出对金银花生长发育和产量、品质有重要影响的气候指标因子,建立气候指标因子的空间分析模型Y=f(、L、h),应用1∶250000地理信息资料和GIS分析技术将四川盆区金银花生产划分为四类区域,为四川金银花产业基地建设提供科学依据。结果表明,四川盆区东北部的南江、通江等地为最适宜区,而沐川绝大多数区域仅为次适宜区和不适宜区。  相似文献   

为探讨烤烟新品系HKDN-2在湖南省烤烟主产区的生态环境适应性,以当家烤烟品种K326和云烟87作对照,开展多指标模糊评价研究。结果表明,HKDN-2的植物学性状、长势长相及主要农艺性状指标均优于对照,大田生育期与对照一致;其中,上部橘黄2级(B2F)和中部橘黄3级(C3F)烟叶的外观质量评价权重总分分别较对照高1.5~1.8分,烟叶主要经济效果指数(ECI)显著高于对照,各处理间存在显著性差异,B2F和C3F烟叶的主要化学成分指标可用性指数(CCUI)分别较对照高2.7~3.1和2.9~3.1,对田间主要病害表现出较好的抗性;烟叶ECI、外观质量评价指标及CCUI的综合评价多指标模糊评价排名第一。综上,烤烟新品系HKDN-2在湘南烟区具有良好的生态环境适应性以及较好的推广应用价值。本研究结果为烤烟新品种(系) 的选育、示范及生产应用提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

小麦对大气C02浓度及温度升高的响应与适应研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
大气CO2 浓度及气温升高将影响小麦的生长发育、产量和质量甚至区域作物生产力。阐述了近年小麦对大气CO2 浓度和温度升高及其协同作用的响应与适应研究进展 ,并指出未来研究重点  相似文献   

营养生态条件对蜜蜂球囊菌生长及产孢的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
从碳源、氮源、维生素、矿质元素等方面研究了营养生态条件对蜜蜂球囊菌(Ascosphaera apis Olive & Spiltoir)生长及产孢的影响.结果表明,营养生态条件的变化对蜜蜂球囊菌的影响极大.A.apis菌丝体生长最好的碳源是果糖,产孢量最高的是葡萄糖,不利用山梨糖和甘露糖;该菌优先利用有机氮源 ,不利用无机氮源中NaNO2、H2NCSNH2;维生素对A.apis 产孢量有极为显著的影响,复合维生素比单一维生素能更好地促进菌丝体生长, 尤其对产孢更为有利;矿质元素中Mg2+、P5+、K+、Zn2+促进菌丝体生长和孢子的形成,Na+对菌丝体的生长有抑制作用.  相似文献   

Intra-species variation in response to defoliation and soil amendment has been largely neglected in terms of the soil microbial community (SMC). The influence of defoliation and soil fertiliser amendment on the structure of the SMC was assessed with two Lolium perenne cultivars contrasting in ability to accumulate storage reserves. Plant response to defoliation was cultivar specific and depended on the nutrient amendment of the soil. Results suggested a greater ability to alter plant biomass allocation in the low carbohydrate accumulating cultivar (S23) compared to the high carbohydrate cultivar (AberDove) when grown in improved (IMP), but not in unimproved (UNI), soil. Although differences in plant growth parameters were evident, no treatment effects were detected in the size of the active microbial biomass (total phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) 313.8 nmol g−1 soil±33.9) or proportions of PLFA signature groups. A lower average well colour development (AWCD) of Biolog sole carbon source utilisation profiles (SCSUPs) in defoliated (D) compared to non-defoliated (ND) treatments may be indicative of lower root exudation 1 week following defoliation, as a consequence of lower root non-structural carbohydrate (NSC) concentrations. Within the bacterial community the lower cyclopropyl-to-precursor ratio of PLFAs, and the trans/cis ratio of 16:1w7, in UNI relative to IMP soil treatments indicates lower physiological stress in UNI soils regardless of L. perenne cultivar. Discrimination of broad scale SMC structure, measured by PLFA analysis, revealed that soil treatment interacted strongly with cultivar and defoliation. In IMP soils the SMCs discriminated between cultivars while defoliation had little effect. Conversely, in UNI soils defoliation caused a common shift in the SMC associated with both cultivars, causing convergence of overall community structure. Separation of SMC structure along the primary canonical axis correlated most strongly (P<0.001) with root:shoot ratio (47.6%), confirming that differences in cultivar C-partitioning between treatments were influential in defining the rhizosphere microbial community.  相似文献   

The ecological dose (ED50) of Cd on alkaline and acid phosphatase activity and the ATP content of three contrasting forest soils was measured with or without Cu and Zn to assess the additive toxic effects of these two metals. Soils polluted with Cu and/or Zn were treated with increasing Cd concentrations to give the following metal combinations: Cd, Cd+Cu, Cd+Zn and Cd+Cu+Zn. Alkaline and acid phosphatase activities and ATP content of the three soils were analysed 4 h, 7 and 28 days after the metal additions. The ED50 values were obtained by interpolating the enzyme activities or ATP data with a kinetic model and the goodness of fit was satisfactory.Generally, the ED50 values of both acid and alkaline phosphatase activities for Cd were lower (higher toxicity) with than without Cu and Zn and the effect of Cu and Zn was particularly adverse when these two metals were both added to soils. The alkaline phosphatase was more sensitive in the acid and neutral soil whereas the acid phosphatase was more sensitive in the alkaline soil. Both phosphatase activities and the ATP content were more sensitive in the sandy than in the finer textured soils. The ATP content was less sensitive to the additive effects. Increasing toxicity was observed during the incubation.Analysis of 1 M NH4NO3-extractable Cd, Cu and Zn revealed that Cd competed with Zn for the adsorption sites but not with Cu. However, the lower ED50 values for Cd of the two phosphatase activities and of the ATP content in the presence of heavy metal combinations could be not explained by the heavy metal solubility data. It is concluded that the ED50 may be a sensitive tool for assessing additve toxic effects to soil biochemical parameters.  相似文献   

Non-timber forest products (NTFPs) represent important resources for millions of communities worldwide. Concerns over NTFP overexploitation has led to a growing number of studies on the ecological impacts of harvest. Few studies however, have addressed species harvested for multiple parts or investigated how spatial variation affects harvest patterns and their impacts. We documented rates and patterns of pruning and debarking and their impacts on density and population structure, for 12 populations of the multiuse tree, Khaya senegalensis (Meliaceae) in two ecological regions (Sudano-Guinean versus Sudanian) of Benin, West Africa. Half of the populations had low or no harvest and half were highly harvested. Patterns of pruning and debarking were size-specific, with harvesters tending to prefer larger trees. Foliage harvest pressures were very high across both regions, with >70% of trees harvested for 100% of their crowns. A significantly greater proportion of trees were harvested for foliage in the wetter Sudano-Guinean region than in Sudanian region. The reverse was true for the proportion of foliage and bark-harvested per tree. In the Sudano-Guinean region, high harvest populations had significantly lower densities of seedlings and saplings than low harvest populations. The size-class distribution coefficient of skewness was significantly correlated with rainfall, habitat, and soil type. Variation in harvesting patterns and their ecological impacts can be explained in large part by differences in water availability between the two regions. Effective conservation plans for K. senegalensis require close consideration of the environmental and land-use context in which populations occur.  相似文献   

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