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The 13 November 1985 eruption of Nevado del Ruiz volcano, in Colombia, released a small volume of pyroclastic material and a disproportionately large volume of volcanic gas. Before the eruption, summit fumarole gases became less water-rich, and the sulfur/chlorine ratio increased. Remote measurements of sulfur dioxide flux after the eruption indicated active degassing at levels associated with eruptive or inter-eruptive stages of other volcanoes. Thermal water analyses revealed increases in magnesium, calcium, and potassium and an increase in the magnesium/chlorine ratio, suggesting that these elements may have been leached from new magma. Ash leachate data showed sulfate and chloride concentrations and ratios that would be expected for the late stages ofa major Plinian eruption. Water from the lahar contained high concentrations of sulfate and had a sulfur/chlorine ratio of 4.67, suggesting that water ejected from the crater lake and turbulent mixing of pyroclasts and glacial ice triggered the lahar. Microprobe analyses of pumice from this eruption and the most recent previous event showed similar mixed andesites. The uniform composition of the pumices and the unusually high ratio of gas to magma suggest that, although a new batch of magma triggered this eruption, the pumice that erupted may actually be old. Large volumes of new magma and glacial ice make the volcano dangerous and should stimulate development of an integrated long-term monitoring program to include Tolima volcano, 25 kilometers to the south.  相似文献   

The Soufrière volcano in St. Vincent erupted from October 1971 to March 1972, as 80 x 10(6) m(3) of basaltic andesite lava was quietly extruded inside the mile-wide crater. The eruption was largely subaqueous, taking place in the 180-m-deep crater lake, and resulted in the emergence of a steep-sided island. The mild character of the eruption and the absence of seismic activity stand in direct contrast to the highly explosive character of the eruption of 1902 to 1903.  相似文献   

Hoffer JM  P FG  Muela P 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1982,218(4579):1307-1308
El Chichón volcano erupted at 2322 hours on 28 March 1982 after being dormant during historic times. Three major eruptions of tephra occurred between that date and 7 April, discharging approximately 0.3 cubic kilometer of andesitic pyroclastic material. The initial eruption produced crystal-rich tephra of higher silica and alkali content than the lithic pyroclastic materials of the second and third eruptions. The initial tephra consists of primarily juvenile materials, whereas the later eruptions produced both lithic and juvenile fractions.  相似文献   

Aftershocks of the 29 November 1978 Oaxaca, Mexico, earthquake (surface-wave magnitude Ms = 7.8) define a rupture area of about 6000 square kilometers along the boundary of the Cocos sea-plate subduction. This area had not ruptured in a large (Ms >/= 7), shallow earthquake since the years 1928 and 1931 and had been designated a seismic "gap." The region has also been seismically quiet for small to moderate (M >/= 4), shallow (depth 相似文献   

Brief excursions of magnetic field differences between a base station and two satellite station magnetometers show only slight correlation with ground tilt at Kilauea Volcano. This result suggests that only transient, localized stresses occur during prolonged periods of deformation and that the volcano can support no large-scale pattern of shear stresses.  相似文献   

Rapid response by earth, atmospheric, and space scientists made possible diverse observations during the explosive phase of the 1979 eruption of Soufriere Volcano. The 11 reports that follow indicate that, with the availability of appropriate personnel, equipment, and logistical support, a significant body of geophysical data can be gathered on short notice at erupting volcanoes in remote parts of the world.  相似文献   

Airborne measurements of the effluents from the St. Augustine volcano obtained during a 10-day period of activity showed that aerosol was ejected at the rate of about 10(5) kilograms per second during brief eruptions (3 to 8 minutes). Steadier emissions contained much more water vapor and gaseous sulfur but less aerosol mass. A nuée ardente (glowing avalanche) produced by one eruption reached a maximum average speed of about 50 meters per second.  相似文献   

A magnitude 7.2 earthquake in 1975 caused the south flank of Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii, to move seaward in response to slippage along a deep fault. Since then, a large part of the volcano's edifice has been adjusting to this perturbation. The summit of Kilauea extended at a rate of 0.26 meter per year until 1983, the south flank uplifted more than 0.5 meter, and the axes of both the volcano's rift zones extended and subsided; the summit continues to subside. These ground-surface motions have been remarkably steady and much more widespread than those caused by either recurrent inflation and deflation of the summit magma chamber or the episodic propagation of dikes into the rift zones. Kilauea's magmatic system is, therefore, probably deeper and more extensive than previously thought; the summit and both rift zones may be underlain by a thick, near vertical dike-like magma system at a depth of 3 to 9 kilometers.  相似文献   

The fact that twice as many chondritic meteorites are observed falling in the afternoon as in the morning is not believed to be primarily of social origin, but to be a dynamic effect. Monte Carlo calculations show that the observed afternoon excess is not compatible with a lunar or Apollo asteroidal origin. Compatibility appears to require a source having an aphelion near Jupiter, such as could be provided conceivably by the Hilda or Trojan families of asteroids, or by short-period comets.  相似文献   

The preatmospheric mass of the Tagish Lake meteoroid was about 200,000 kilograms. Its calculated orbit indicates affinity to the Apollo asteroids with a semimajor axis in the middle of the asteroid belt, consistent with a linkage to low-albedo C, D, and P type asteroids. The mineralogy, oxygen isotope, and bulk chemical composition of recovered samples of the Tagish Lake meteorite are intermediate between CM and CI meteorites. These data suggest that the Tagish Lake meteorite may be one of the most primitive solar system materials yet studied.  相似文献   

The fall armyworm(FAW), Spodoptera frugiperda is one of the most damaging crop pests, and it has become major threat to the food security of many countries. In order to monitor possible invasion of this pest into China, a searchlight trap was established in March 2018 in western Yunnan Province, China, where it has served as the "first station" for many pests that have migrated from Myanmar to China. A number of suspected FAW moths were captured and identified by DNA sequencing. The results showed that the FAW moth was first captured on December 11 and formed its first immigration peak in mid-December 2018. DNA detection revealed that the early invading FAW population was the "corn-strain". The field survey indicated that the pest mainly colonized corn in Pu'er, Dehong and Baoshan areas. Migration trajectory simulation implied that the moths might have mainly come from the eastern area in the mid-latitude region of Myanmar(20–25°N, 94–100°E). This case study confirmed the first immigration of FAW into China, and will be helpful for guiding monitoring and management work to control this pest.  相似文献   

Sustainable agriculture has lately madesignificant inroads into US agricultural policydiscourse. An examination of the ``life cycle' of theFund for Rural America, a component of the 1996 farmbill, provides an example of the complex and contestedways in which the goals of sustainable agriculture areadvocated, negotiated, and implemented at the level ofnational policy, in the context of the evolvingpolitical and institutional arrangements of Americanagricultural policy. The Fund, with its relativelylarge endowment of $100 million annually, and itsexplicit emphasis on alternative agriculture research,is emblematic of both the growing politicaleffectiveness of the alternative agriculture movementand the increasing institutionalization of alternativeagriculture representatives in Federal agencies. Theuntimely demise of the Fund in the appropriationsprocess, however, illustrates the extent to whichcertain key spaces within the state remain outsidesustainable agriculture's broadening sphere ofinfluence. This suggests that while some aspects ofthe movement's organizing strategy are indeedeffective, some may need to be rethought in light ofthe experience with the FRA.  相似文献   

Fall armyworm(FAW), Spodoptera frugiperda(J.E. Smith), has become an important pest in Chinese agricultural systems since its invasion on 11 December 2018. After its establishment, FAW months in the year-round breeding region have become the main source population migrating to other areas in China. Field investigations were conducted in tropical and subtropical regions to improve understanding of its year-round breeding area in China. The results showed that FAW larval density was significantly correlated with the seasonal temperature of the location surveyed. The FAW larvae maintained a high density in the tropical area and were frequently found in sites of the south subtropical region, but were absent from the north subtropical region and the northern part of the central subtropical region. These results indicated that FAW can reproduce annually in the tropical and south subtropical regions of China, including Hainan, Taiwan and the southern area of Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, and Yunnan. Hence, great effort should be made to monitor and control FAW in the year-round breeding region to suppress the population density of this area and to reduce migration of moths into northern parts of China. This study clarifies the occurrence area of the pest in winter in China and provides much valuable information for its population forecasting and management.  相似文献   

In December 11, 2018, the fall armyworm(FAW), Spodoptera frugiperda invaded China and has since impacted local maize, sorghum and other crops. Here, we draw on laboratory experiments to show how different host crops(i.e., maize, sorghum, wheat and rice) and artificial diet affect larval growth and adult reproduction of one local FAW strain. Larval diet affected development duration, pupation rate, survival and emergence rate of pupae, and S. frugiperda adult fecundity. FAW attained the slowest larval development(19.4 days) on sorghum and the fastest(14.1 days) on artificial diet, with larvae attaining 99.6% survival on the latter food item. On rice, FAW larvae attained survival rate of 0.4% and were unable to pupate successfully. Pupation rate and pupal survival varied substantially between artificial diet and live plantlets at different phenological stages. Pupal weight was the highest(0.26 g) on artificial diet and the lowest(0.14 g) on sorghum, while FAW females reached the highest fecundity(699.7 eggs/female) on 2-leaf stage maize. Egg hatching rate equaled 93.6% on 4-or 5-leaf stage maize and 36.6% on artificial diet. FAW intrinsic rate of natural increase and the finite rate of increase varied between larval diets, reflecting how young maize leaves are the most suitable diet. Our findings can help to refine laboratory rearing protocols, devise population forecasting models or guide the deployment of ‘area-wide' integrated pest management(IPM) modules in FAW-invaded areas of China and other Asian countries.  相似文献   

The US food regime maintained some degree of stability in terms of prices and production levels for commodities in the world economy. This food regime, resting on supply management policy, began to falter in the early 1970s. In the late-1980s and 1990s, notable changes occurred in the world economy regarding agriculture as the food regime became more market-oriented. The end of the twentieth century saw the breakdown of many institutions, organizations, and international agreements that had tried to stabilize prices and production from 1945 to 1975. This paper examines this period of change (roughly 1960–2010) and explores the effects on five commodities: cocoa, coffee, corn, soybeans, and wheat. These commodities offer important points of comparison. First, while cocoa, coffee, and wheat were regulated by international organizations and agreements, corn and soybeans were not. Second, the US dominated the international corn and soybean markets, but the cocoa, coffee, and wheat markets were much more competitive. And third, corn, soybeans, and wheat were commodities largely produced in the core of the world economy, while cocoa and coffee were produced in the periphery. Thus, comparing the effect of the fall of the US food regime on these commodities reveals the importance of previous regulation, the level of market competition, and geographic origin in the world economy.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to evaluate whether supplementation with a probiotic could enhance digestion and reduce mortality in the volcano rabbit in captivity. Two enclosures at Chapultepec Zoo, Mexico(114 individuals) were used in a crossover design(two periods of 60 days) with the following treatments: control group and supplementation with Saccharomyces cerevisiae(2×108 CFU/exhibit/day). Supplementation with the probiotic negatively affected(P<0.01) the digestibility of dry matter, organic matter, neutral detergent fiber(NDF) and energy. Mortality increased(P<0.04) following supplementation with the probiotic(4.26% vs. 8.89%), primarily in the juvenile rabbits. The results indicate that yeast supplementation in the volcano rabbit negatively affects digestion and mortality in captivity.  相似文献   

Floral resources, such as carbohydrate-rich nectar or pollen, can bolster fitness and raise reproductive output of adult lepidopterans. Here, we used laboratory experiments to assess how those plant-derived foods impact adult fecundity, reproductive physiology and flight performance of an invasive strain of the fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda(FAW; Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in China. More specifically, supplementary feeding on bee pollen and honey enhanced FAW flight duration, testis size, ovarian development, longevity and adult fecundity. FAW adults attained the longest pre-oviposition(10.8 days) and oviposition period(6.8 days) and longevity(19.2 days) on 5% acacia honey. Upon access to 2.5% acacia honey and 2.5‰ pine pollen, S. frugiperda attained the highest mating rate(79.7%), fecundity(644.9 eggs/female) and egg hatching rate(82.3%). Feeding on honey further delayed decay of male testes, while ovarian development was enhanced when female moths were allowed access to 2.5% honey and 2.5‰ pine pollen. Upon feeding on 5% honey solution, S. frugiperda engaged in flight over the longest duration(9.5 h), distance(29.9 km) and speed(3.1 km h~(–1)). Honey had a comparatively greater effect on the above parameters than pollen. Our findings help decipher FAW invasion patterns and population dynamics, facilitate the development of nutritional attractants, and contribute to integrated pest management of this newly-invasive pest in eastern Asia.  相似文献   

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