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Taking advantage of the introduction of the black-tailed deer to the Queen Charlotte Islands (British Columbia, Canada), we used dendrochronological analyses to understand the consequences of deer browsing on Sitka spruce growth. We compared shape, radial growth, height growth and age of young spruce in three sites. We identified two types of trees growing side by side: (1) stunted and heavily browsed spruce, smaller than the browsing limit and (2) escaped spruce that were taller than the browsing limit but still browsed in their lower part. The compact and heavily ramified shape in stunted spruce was the result of repeated and intense browsing. In escaped spruce this was also the case below the browsing limit (1.16 m±0.07 m), in sharp contrast with the normal shape that escaped spruce resumed above the browsing limit. We show that the release of browsing pressure, once the tree reaches the browsing limit, is characterised by an abrupt increase in radial growth. Before release, trees show a growth stagnation characterized by narrow rings (0.5 mm per year) and small annual height increments (<5 cm per year). After release, trees show a growth stabilisation characterised by wider rings (3 mm per year) and larger annual height increments (20 cm per year). We use this pattern to estimate frequency and age at release and their possible variation over time. Age differences between stunted and escaped spruce are highly significant and indicate that, despite of browsing, most if not all trees will ultimately reach the browsing limit and escape. Heavy deer pressure (30 deer per km2) delays spruce sapling recruitment by about 8 years. This delay varies in relation to site quality and seems to have increased over time, suggesting an increase in browsing pressure.  相似文献   

We determined patterns of microsite suppression in dwarf bamboo Sasa nipponica when grazing deer were absent. This bamboo species is able to outcompete Hondo spruce (Picea jezoensis var. hondoensis) saplings under many environmental circumstances. We set up two 10 × 100 m plots inside a deer-proof fence within a subalpine forest on Mt. Ohdaigahara, central Japan, and two similarly sized plots outside the fence. Within the plots, we surveyed microsites where spruce saplings grew. We measured height and shoot elongation of all spruce saplings, and culm height and cover ratios of dwarf bamboo growing around each spruce sapling. Spruce sapling density and average height were higher inside the deer-proof fence than outside, as were bamboo height and cover. Thus, there was a negative effect of deer browsing on vegetation parameters outside the fence and a suppression of the negative effect of bamboo on spruce sapling growth inside the fence. Spruce sapling height was higher in tree-fall pits than in other microsites inside the fence, whereas both dwarf bamboo height and cover were lower in pits and rocky sites than elsewhere. In soil and collar microsites, spruce sapling shoot growth was lower and bamboo height and cover were higher than in pits and rocky sites. Inside the fence, dwarf bamboo cover was high, but pits and rocks suppressed its growth, allowing spruce saplings to flourish. To restore heavily damaged spruce forests with advanced saplings, it will be necessary to construct deer-proof fences and create and maintain microsites with pits and rocks.  相似文献   

Diversionary winter feeding of browsing ungulates is an increasingly common management practice although evidence for its efficacy to reduce excessive browsing remains ambiguous. Moreover, comparative estimates on changes in browsing pressure (proportion of available shoots browsed) following long-term winter feeding are currently lacking. We quantified spatiotemporal changes in browsing pressure of moose (Alces alces L.) on commercial and non-commercial tree species around 30 feeding stations after 15–20 years of winter feeding. The results were compared with browsing pressure indices recorded at the same feeding stations 10 years previously. We expected leader stem and lateral twig browsing to have increased over time at a fine spatial scale (≤200 m from feeding station) and to have increased in spatial extent away from feeding stations. Furthermore, we tested whether moose browsing patterns conformed to central-place foraging theory. Despite 2–3-fold higher faecal pellet group numbers in the vicinity of feeding stations, leader stem browsing increased only on the commercially valuable Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst), a species normally avoided by moose. Lateral twig browsing largely decreased within 200 m of feeding stations while at a broader scale (≤1 km from feeding stations), leader stem browsing was high on most tree species (ca. 60% of available stems browsed) as expected, Peak browsing on lateral twigs of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) occurred further from feeding stations after 15–20 years of winter feeding than 10 years earlier. Browsing pressure on active feeding stations (n = 18) was comparable to that on inactive feeding stations (n = 12), suggesting the occurrence of rebrowsing. The ability of central-place foraging theory to explain fine-scale browsing patterns around feeding stations decreased as diversionary feeding continued over time. Long-term diversionary winter feeding of moose in unproductive boreal forests has serious implications for the intensity of fine-scale browsing pressure, which may lead to resource depletion close to feeding stations followed by high browsing pressure at distances further away from feeding stations. Our study emphasizes the importance of considering the longevity of a winter feeding programme at its inception.  相似文献   

Browsing of overabundant free-living herbivores often limits the natural as well as artificial regeneration of forest in Central-European Mountains. The aim of the study was to assess the efficiency of the extensive reductions of herbivore populations for protection of forest regeneration in preferred areas. We analysed the relationship between the intensity of shoot browsing and relative density of herbivores in viewpoint of natural regeneration of secondary mountain spruce stands with low proportion of broadleaved trees in Králicky Sněžník Reserve (Czech Republic). The distribution of seasonally migrating herbivores was established by counting faecal pellet groups (standing crop method) in growing season. The intensity of browsing of spruce, beech and rowan was assessed using the proportion of browsed shoots on individual tree sapling. Density of red deer was re-counted from the number of pellet groups and it was 15–56 individual/km2. The intensity of spruce browsing was low in the whole area in all seasons. In general, the intensity of rowan and beech shoot browsing was high in the whole area. There were no correlations between deer density and browsing intensity of rowan (browsing was severe in all plots). We conclude that the natural regeneration of attractive trees and shrubs is nearly impossible in habitats where proportion of these food items is too small, even when the density of herbivores is low. Reduction of herbivores density is useful for protecting spruce and other tree species with low preference by herbivores. Forest managers should take into account the high palatability of deciduous tree species and distribution of herbivores on localities. Preference of localities is often based on grasses in the food supply. Regeneration of highly palatable tree species requires both low density of herbivores and sufficient protection of saplings.  相似文献   

White spruce (Picea glauca (Moench) Voss) is a dominant species in late-successional ecosystems along the Tanana River, interior Alaska, and the most important commercial timber species in these boreal floodplain forests. Whereas white spruce commonly seed in on young terraces in early primary succession, the species does not become a conspicuous component of the vegetation until after 60–80 years. To address what abiotic and/or biotic factors may explain the paucity of spruce in earlier stages of succession, we examined germination and growth of planted white spruce seedlings across an environmental gradient that included variation in soil physico-chemical properties in the presence and absence of mammal browsing. The effect of browsing pressure over the first four years after planting was most noticeable on the older terraces. Likewise, direct effects of hare browsing on spruce seedling mortality were only manifested at the oldest sites. Spruce germination and survival was inversely proportional to soil cation concentrations, which was largely controlled by temperature-driven evapotranspiration. High light intensities and high air temperatures significantly reduced seedling growth, whereas variation in soil moisture only explained a significant amount of variation in seedling survival. Temperatures within the needle clusters on terminal shoots reached values that adversely affect photosynthesis (>32 °C) on multiple occasions over the growing season. We conclude that the direct (temperature) and indirect (soil chemistry) effects of high insolation are major factors constraining spruce performance on early successional terraces, and that these effects can be significantly exacerbated by mammal browsing on associated deciduous vegetation.  相似文献   

We evaluated differences between the forest floors and the establishment and growth of coniferous seedlings in fenced (13 years) and unfenced plots on Mt Ohdaigahara where the sika deer (Cervus nippon) population density is high. Large coniferous seedlings (height > 0.05 m) were less abundant in the unfenced plot, as a result of deer browsing. Small coniferous seedlings (height < 0.05 m), however, were more abundant in the unfenced plot, where most seedlings of Abies homolepis were found on bare ground and those of Picea jezoensis var. hondoensis were found on buttresses and fallen logs. The large area of bare ground in the unfenced plot was caused by deer browsing. Deer therefore have an indirect effect on the emergence and growth of small coniferous seedlings by modifying the forest floor.  相似文献   

Silvicultural treatments creating large canopy openings failed to restore regeneration of balsam fir (Abies balsamea (L.) Mill.) due to browsing pressure from white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus Zimmermann). Consequently, we tested two alternative silvicultural treatments aimed at improving balsam fir establishment on Anticosti Island (Québec, Canada). In 1998 and 1999, we set up shelterwood seed cutting using three harvest intensities (0, 25 and 40% of basal area) and strip clearcutting with scarification using three different strip widths (15, 30 and 45 m), both with fenced and unfenced regeneration plots, in balsam fir stands. After 8 years, shelterwood seed cutting did not allow the establishment of new balsam fir seedlings, nor the development of unbrowsed balsam fir seedlings. In the strip clearcutting, deer browsing suppressed growth of palatable species in all strip widths. This favoured the development of unpalatable species, especially white spruce (Picea glauca (Moench) Voss). Our study demonstrates that the use of silvicultural treatments alone is unlikely to restore balsam fir regeneration on Anticosti Island, as long as the deer population remains higher than 20 deer/km2.  相似文献   

A 3-year field experiment with paired exclosure (fenced areas, excluding deer) and control plots (unfenced areas, free access to deer), with two treatments with and without woody debris, was carried out at two sites in a temperate forest in eastern France. The aim of the experiment was to assess the effect of browsing by roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) and red deer (Cervus elaphus) on the diversity and richness of plant species and to test the effectiveness of using woody debris to protect seedlings and saplings from deer browsing. In presence of deer, both plant species richness and diversity were reduced the first year of the study, but this negative impact of deer then disappeared after 3 years. Deer browsing mostly affected species composition of plant communities. We observed a decrease in the abundance of preferred species such as Carpinus betulus, Rubus fructicosus, Rubus idaeus, Anemone nemorosa and Epilobium angustifolium, and palatable species such as Acer spp., Carex spp., Festuca spp. and Mycelis muralis, whereas unpalatable species such as Lamium spp., or species particularly resilient to browsing such as grasses (Brachypodium spp. and Luzula spp.) increased in abundance. The use of woody debris as protection against browsing by deer did not limit damage to seedlings and saplings of the main commercially valuable species, Abies alba and Quercus spp. Instead of limiting deer impact, use of woody debris seemed to increase the negative effect of deer browsing on regeneration in control plots relatively to those without protection.  相似文献   

White-tailed deer (Ododcoileus virginiana) can substantially affect the structure and species composition of a forest. The tolerance of a forest community to browsing may vary by type as a result of varying biotic and abiotic factors of the environment. To date, no studies have compared the effects of browsing among forest communities within a physiographic region. We investigated the effects of browsing on vegetation structure and woody seedling composition in three forest types (oak–hickory, Virginia pine–eastern red cedar, bottomland hardwood) in Manassas National Battlefield Park (MNBP), Virginia, USA. We compared forb cover, vertical plant cover (0–1.5 m tall), and survival of tagged seedlings in 10 exclosed (2 m × 6 m) and 10 unexclosed plots in each forest type during a 5-year period. No differential effects of browsing were found among forest types. In all forest types, deer (67 deer/km2) suppressed forb and vertical plant cover to levels less than would be expected in the absence of deer. Seedling survival rates of most species were significantly reduced by browsing. By the 4th year of the study, box elder (Acer negundo), hickory (Carya spp.), and red maple (Acer rubrum) had been eliminated from unexclosed plots, and red and white oaks (Quercus spp.) dramatically reduced. Ash (Fraxinus spp.), black cherry (Prunus serotina), and hackberry (Celtis occidentalis), although significantly impacted, remained the most abundant species throughout the study. These findings suggest that white-tailed deer may be modifying the structure of the forest interior to the extent that it adversely affects wildlife species dependent on a dense understory to thrive. We predict that the future composition of forests in MNBP will shift towards stands with fewer species and a greater dominance of ash, black cherry, and hackberry, particularly in the oak–hickory and bottomland hardwood forests, where the majority of current dominants are most affected.  相似文献   

We evaluated the potential of tree-ring techniques for the reconstruction of recent and past seasonal activity of introduced white-tailed deer in a boreal environment of eastern Canada. Hoof scrape scars on balsam fir stems and trampling scars on roots were used to reconstruct deer activity during the winter and snow-free seasons, respectively. Tree damage showed that there was continuous deer activity in the north-central part of Anticosti Island since the mid-1960s. High scrape scars along tree stems (3–3.5 m from the ground) indicate that 1975, 1976, 1981, 1983 and 1985 were years of intensive food search by deer on high balsam fir foliage. The annual number of hoof scrape scars was low between 1982 and 1985, when severe defoliation by the spruce budworm, combined with deer browsing, led to high fir sapling mortality, food depletion, degradation of the winter shelter forests and a decrease in deer activity. The lowest scrape scars 50 cm above ground correspond to the mean height of the residual snowpack in the shelter forest at springtime, when deer start searching for food in nearby open sites and use logging roads, where dead and bonsai-like fir predominate due to overbrowsing. The trampling scar age frequency distribution from two sites indicated that deer activity during the snow-free season started synchronously in the late 1960s. In response to degradation of winter shelter forests, deer may have moved from the southern part to the north-central part of the island and other sectors to survive. Deer-induced tree damage and tree-ring techniques can thus be used to reconstruct past seasonal activity of white-tailed deer.  相似文献   

Sallow (Salix caprea L.) and rowan (Sorbus aucuparia L.) constitute small proportions of the deciduous tree volume in Scandinavia, but are highly preferred winter forage for moose and red deer, which occur at historically high densities. Thus, a possible decline of these tree species has been indicated. Against this background, we have reviewed the life histories of relevance for browsing, as well as the basic biology and genetics of sallow and rowan. The species show similarities with respect to short lifespan, small size and sympodial growth pattern, which are risk factors in a browsing context. They also have high juvenile growth rate, important for growing quickly out of reach of browsers. Sallow depends strongly on disturbance for establishment and is more demanding with respect to soil and light conditions than rowan, possibly important for the substantially lower abundance of sallow on the Norwegian Forest Inventory plots. Similarly, the relative recruitment of small size classes of sallow is less than for rowan. Although recruitment is reported to be hampered in wintering areas with high moose or red deer densities, the inventory data, however, dating only back to 1994, do not suggest a general decrease in any of the species. Sallow and rowan saplings show low mortality in moose and deer dominated areas and the species can be characterised as rather resilient to browsing. Of more concern is that browsing can constrain the development of mature rowan and sallow trees locally, with possible consequences for associated epiphytic biodiversity.  相似文献   

Bergquist  Jonas  Örlander  Göran  Nilsson  Urban 《New Forests》2003,25(1):25-40
In a large field experiment we studied the influence of regenerationmethods on the extent to which roe deer (Capreoluscapreolus L.) browse on spruce (Picea abies L.Karst) seedlings. Our objective was to evaluate if treatments that are good atstimulating regeneration may increase browsing damage by deer. Data werecollected between 1993 and 1995, and in the winters of 1993–94 and1994–95 the frequency of browsed seedlings was 13.2% and 13.4%,respectively. The frequency of browsing damage varied considerably betweensitesand clearcuts. Browsing damage was more frequent when the regeneration methodsincluded insecticide treatments. Among insecticide-free treatments, browsingwasheavier on scarified plots than on herbicide-treated or control plots (in whichseedlings were planted on untreated ground and given no post-plantingtreatment). Containerised seedlings were browsed more than bare-rooted ones.Neither the age of clearcut when planting, nor removal of slash, had any effecton browsing. It was demonstrated that regeneration methods that increased plantvigour (as assessed by leader growth and needle colour index) led to morebrowsing damage. Thus, our results support the plant vigour hypothesis, whichstates that many herbivores prefer to feed on vigorous plants because they aremore nutritious. However, the difference in browsing damage betweencontainerised and bare-rooted seedlings could not be explained solely by theplant vigour hypothesis.  相似文献   


The effects of fencing and site preparation on performance of birch (Betula pendula Roth), oak (Quercus robur L.), pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and spruce [Picea abies (L.) Karst.] seedlings were studied over four growing seasons in southern Sweden. The experiment was composed of four browsing treatments, from which roe deer (Capreolus capreolus L.) were excluded for 0, 12, 24 or 42 months, and four soil treatments. Natural browsing was combined with artificial browsing (clipping). It was demonstrated that browsing by roe deer could be isolated from browsing by moose (Alces alces L.) by selective fencing. Except for birch, browsing had little effect on seedling survival. Browsing reduced height growth by more than 100% for oak and pine, and more than 60% of pine seedling developed multiple stems. Except for oak, site preparation increased seedling survival. Inverting site preparation, in combination with or without fertilization, produced positive growth responses in seedlings, whereas patch scarification did not. There was no interaction between browsing and soil treatments on seedling performance. It was concluded that long-term protection against browsing by roe deer is needed for oak and pine, whereas short-term fences might be used for birch, and that spruce is relatively unaffected by browsing.  相似文献   

Use of herbicides in forestry to direct successional trajectories has raised concerns over possible direct or indirect effects on non-target organisms. We studied the response of forest birds to an operational application of glyphosate and sulfometuron methyl herbicides, using a randomized block design in which half of each 8 ha block received herbicide and the other acted as a control, on shelterwood seed-cut Allegheny hardwood stands in northwestern Pennsylvania. We monitored birds using 50 m radius point counts in two pretreatment years and for 10 years post-treatment (1992-2004). Fences were erected six years after herbicide treatment in response to increased deer browsing at a subset of sites. Avian responses to herbicide treatment varied by nesting guild: we detected no response by cavity-nesters, but documented declines in the shrub-, ground- and canopy-nesting guilds. Responses were short-lived (2-4 years post-treatment), but shrub-nesters did not recover until fencing provided regenerating vegetation respite from browsing. Thus, apparent responses of birds to herbicide were confounded with deer browsing in this study. High species turnover, even within control plots, suggests that avian communities may be assessed more appropriately assessed at larger spatial scales than those used in this study (6.5-8 ha).  相似文献   

In Fennoscandia, young stands of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) are intensively used by moose (Alces alces L.) during winter. We studied whether forage amounts on high-cut pines in high-stump commercial thinning influenced browsing intensity and damage incidence on retained (i.e. uncut) pine stems. High-cut pines were browsed, but to a lesser extent than retained pines. At a scale corresponding to individual feeding sites (≈40 m2), browsing intensity on retained pines was not influenced by the amount of forage on high-cut pines but was positively related to moose pellet group counts. The incidence of lower-height damage (stem breakage and bark stripping) was positively related to the amount of forage on high-cut pines, whereas higher damage (leader shoot browsing) was not. Overall browsing damage incidence on retained pines was positively related to the density of deciduous trees and negatively related to the amount of forage on retained pines. Our results suggest that although high-stump thinning supplies additional food resources for moose, larger amounts of forage on high-cut pines may increase the risk for bark stripping and stem breakage on retained trees. Further research is needed at larger spatial scales to assess the feasibility of high-stump thinning as a damage mitigation measure.  相似文献   

High densities of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in the U.S.A. and Canada are reducing or preventing forest regeneration, and as a result, deer function as a keystone species in some sites. Management decisions about deer require reliable population density data, which are challenging to obtain at both regional and local scales. We tested the broad-scale applicability of the indicator species approach in which forage plant height was used to estimate deer density. The maximum heights of marked and unmarked plants of the widely distributed, spring-flowering polycarpic herb, white trillium (Trillium grandiflorum) were measured across southern Ontario, Canada, over a 15-year period. A significant negative relationship was found at 10 sites between maximum plant height and estimates of deer population densities, which were derived from counts of live or culled animals and varied from 7 to 40 deers km−2. Maximum plant height could be reliably measured within a 4-week period. The underlying mechanism driving the negative relationship between plant height and deer density was attributed to deer preferentially selecting taller plants that grew less than ungrazed plants in the subsequent year. In 16 additional sites with locally high deer populations, the mean maximum height of T. grandiflorum appeared to be a more reliable indicator of deer density than estimates based on hunter returns across the broader regional scale of the Wildlife Management Unit. The ability to assess local scale white-tailed deer densities based on measuring heights of an easily identifiable, widespread plant, provides local residents and landowners with a tool for estimating the potential impacts of deer browsing and grazing in local woodlots and forests, improving local knowledge about herbivory pressure.  相似文献   

There is little knowledge how ungulate pressure on forest regeneration may be mitigated by silvicultural methods. The knowledge is especially needed for artificially regenerated, deciduous tree species. We studied factors affecting browsing incidence by deer in the Pisz Forest District in Poland, an area where 10,000 ha of forest was damaged by a 2002 hurricane. In 2006, we established three experimental plots (in total, 22.6 ha), in which the main species was Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) admixed with pedunculate oak (Quercus robur). The data on browsing were collected in 2008–2015. In general, oak browsing incidence was unrelated to oak planting density. On a plantation scale, it was significantly affected by the pine age. Although in each variant all the oaks were browsed for four consecutive years (2009–2012), in 2013 browsing incidence began to decrease. When the pines grew higher and formed a physical barrier, it was harder for deer—roe deer (Capreolus capreolus), red deer (Cervus elaphus) and moose (Alces alces)—to move through and locate the oaks. Moreover, within plantations, oak browsing incidence was higher in the patches with shorter pines. Browsing of individual saplings or small groups of saplings was also negatively affected by the height of neighbouring pine saplings. Oak density influenced deer selectivity depending on the tree height. In a low oak tree density, browsing incidence was unrelated to oak height, while in higher tree density, deer selected oaks of the height between 40 and 100 cm. We postulate that deciduous admixture in a coniferous (unattractive) stand can be planted with a few year delay. Older coniferous trees should impede locating of attractive tree species by deer and the browsing incidence.  相似文献   


Understanding how species-specific disturbances affect the dynamics of mixed forests is becoming increasingly important due to rapidly changing disturbance regimes. This study estimated the effect of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) mortality on the disturbance processes in two mixed beech stands of the Western Carpathians that were affected by a bark beetle outbreak. We evaluated the size distribution, fraction of canopy and expanded gaps, the characteristics of gapmakers and the contribution of different species to gap size. The measured canopy gap fraction was <5%, and most canopy gaps were small (<100 m2). Spruce was the most abundant gapmaker, and its share among gapmakers was 3–6 times higher than its share in the canopy. We found that the increase in spruce mortality due to the outbreak resulted in a fine-scale mortality pattern. However, spruce gapmakers did not contribute much to gap area size, as shown by a weak correlation between the number of spruce gapmakers and the area of expanded gaps. Diameter distribution of living versus recently dead trees showed that beech mortality occurred disproportionately in large size classes. However, dead spruce trees were equally frequent in all diameter classes, which means beetles did not exclusively attack larger trees in these stands during the outbreak. We conclude that spruce mortality may have influenced successional processes by giving a competitive advantage to two other species that were not affected by the outbreak, provided that a high deer browsing intensity does not hinder the regeneration of new seedlings.


We examined the response of understory plants in mature maple-dominated forests of southern Québec, Canada, following about 30 years of high deer densities, using a deer exclosure experiment. An exclosure and a paired control of 625 m2 each were established on six sites in 1998. An exclosure and a paired control of 16 m2 were added at each of the same sites in 2003 but under a recent canopy gap to determine if light could enhance plant responses. We measured plant richness and abundance, and aboveground biomass of different plant groups for 8 years in the understory plots and for 3 years in the canopy gaps. Four herbaceous species were also monitored individually in the same plots. No significant differences between treatments were found in plots under forest cover, except for lateral obstruction at 0–50 cm height which was higher in the exclosures. Under canopy gaps, however, tree seedling and total plant abundance were higher in deer exclosures than in control plots. Trillium erectum recovered partially as individuals were taller, had larger leaves and more frequently produced a flower or a fruit in the absence of deer browsing under forest cover. To a lesser extent, Erythronium americanum and Maianthemum canadense also exhibited signs of recovery but were still at the single-leaf stage after 8 years of recovery. In general, the different plant groups exhibited little recovery following deer exclusion, possibly because of the low light levels that prevailed in the understory of undisturbed maple-dominated forests. The higher latitude of the present study could also contribute to the slow recovery rates of the different groups of plants compared to studies conducted in northeastern USA. Variability among sites and years had an effect on detection of statistically significant differences. Trends are however appearing over time, suggesting that many understory plants are recovering very slowly following deer exclusion. Our results emphasize the importance of studying large herbivore–forest interactions on different groups of plants, but also on specific species, and under different latitudes to be fully understood.  相似文献   

As a result of diverse management policies, densities of red and roe deer have varied considerably for the last few decades in Europe. Their selective browsing on woody species can modify the interactions between competing species and thus change overall patterns of plant diversity in forests. However, no classification of woody species according to browsing by deer yet exists in Europe. The selectivity index, which measures the balance between availability and consumption of plant species by herbivores, could be used for such a classification. The aim of this study was, first, to rank woody species according to this selectivity index, then to test whether their rank changed when browsing pressure varied in space or time. We also explored morphological and ecological life traits (Ellenberg indicator values) that might explain differences in selectivity.In 2006, we re-sampled a network of 217 coupled floristic and browsing survey plots, which had been previously described twice (1976, 1981). The plots were located in the forest of Arc-en-Barrois (France), a large woodland area divided into a North and a South Forest which have had different histories of browsing pressure.For the three samples and the two forests, we calculated a selectivity index for 19 woody species. Dogwood (Cornus sp.) and field rose (Rosa arvensis) appeared to be the most selected species whereas beech (Fagus sylvatica), common mezereon (Daphne mezereum) and wild-service tree (Sorbus torminalis) were always avoided. The rank order of species according to their selectivity index remained stable over the three sample years and between the two forests (Spearman's rank correlations: ρ ≈ 0.8 spatially, and range from 0.3 to 0.8 temporally). This indicates that variations in browsing pressure did not strongly modify deer selectivity patterns. Selectivity was positively correlated with wood density and negatively correlated with maximum height of the species, but unrelated to other plant traits. Finally, selectivity can be seen as an intrinsic characteristic of those woody species, and could be used as an additional life trait when analyzing vegetation communities.  相似文献   

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