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Species of Teratosphaeria include some of the most important fungal pathogens of plantation-grown eucalypt trees. During routine disease surveys, symptoms and signs of leaf spot and blight were observed on the foliage of one-year-old E. grandis × E. urophylla hybrids in the Zululand region of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. These were distinct from those caused by the well-known and leaf-infecting fungus Teratosphaeria suttonii, which is not considered an important pathogen in the country. Culture and morphological characteristics as well as DNA sequences for three gene regions were used to compare the fungus isolated from the newly emerging symptoms with those for known Teratosphaeria species. DNA sequences were the same as those for T. destructans and this was consistent with the distinctive morphology of the asexual spores and the symptoms on leaves. Teratosphaeria destructans is an aggressive pathogen and actions will be needed to ensure that it does not impart serious losses to the local forestry industry.  相似文献   

English walnut (Juglans regia) is an important nut crop worldwide and is currently considered emerging in Italy. Botryosphaeriaceae fungi cause symptoms including cankers, discoloration and dieback, and several species are reported across the world on walnut. In this study, symptomatic trees from an orchard in Southern Italy showing branch dieback, cankers, wood discoloration and gummosis were surveyed. Three different fungi from the Botryosphaeriaceae were consistently isolated from symptomatic tissues. Representative isolates were characterized using morphological and molecular approaches based on conidial morphology, optimum growth temperature and the comparison of DNA sequence data from the ITS, tef1‐α and tub2 loci. Three species were identified: Botryosphaeria dothidea, Neofusicoccum mediterraneum and Neofusicoccum parvum. Pathogenicity tests on detached fruits and potted plants showed that all three species were pathogenic. To our knowledge, this is the first report of these Botryosphaeriaceae species causing canker and dieback on English walnut in Italy.  相似文献   

《Southern Forests》2013,75(3):171-178
Plantations consisting of non-native tree species were established on the Copperbelt of Zambia to supplement timber supply from natural forests and to meet the increasing demand of round wood and fuel wood for the copper mines. In early 2004, a disease characterised by severe leaf defoliation and death of juvenile trees suddenly occurred in plantations of the Copperbelt Forestry Company. This study was undertaken to determine the nature of the disease and extent of damage caused with a view of providing a framework for sustainable management of the plantations. Disease incidence, severity and impact on plantations using the crown damage index were assessed for three consecutive years. Eucalyptus grandis was more affected than E. cloeziana and leaf spot incidence and severity were higher in Kalibu, Kitwe District, than in Kafubu, Kalulushi District. The incidence in Kalibu was 90.4%, causing tree crown damage of 18.6% at the end of the assessment in 2006 compared to 17.5% incidence and 1.02% crown damage recorded in Kafubu. Fungi collected from leaf tissues included species of Aulographina, Cryptosporiopsis, Cylindrocladium and fungi in the Teratosphaeriaceae. Stem pathogens were identified as fungi in the Botryosphaeriaceae and Kirramyces sp. Diseases induced by these pathogens are increasingly becoming major threats to young eucalypts, resulting in poor stem form. Factors favouring disease development are described and these need to be properly managed to minimise the impact of diseases in addition to the need to establish selection and breeding programmes to develop tolerant genotypes to ensure a sustainable future for the forestry industry in Zambia.  相似文献   

Species of Botryosphaeriaceae are associated with canker and dieback of Eucalyptus spp. worldwide, but little is known about their effect on the host physiology. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of Botryosphaeriaceae isolates from nine species in three genera (Botryosphaeria, Diplodia and Neofusicoccum), previously isolated from eucalypts, on three different Eucalyptus hosts (seedlings of E. nitens, cuttings of E. globulusand of E. globulus× E. cypellocarpa). An approach combining standard pathogenicity trials with evaluation of plant morpho‐physiological parameters was used. The size of the lesions produced revealed differences in fungal aggressiveness and host susceptibility. Isolates of Neofusicoccum kwambonambienseand Diplodia corticolawere the most aggressive, while Botryosphaeria dothidea and Diplodia seriataisolates were the least aggressive. In general, hybrid E. globulus× E. cypellocarpa plants developed smaller lesions, followed by E. nitens and E. globulus. Eucalyptus nitensplants showed minimal modifications on the morpho‐physiological profile when infected, although more severe symptoms and mortality were observed. This is probably due to a more variable genetic background of the plants. However, in general, no direct association between putative fungal aggressiveness and plant physiological disorders could be found. Results suggested that under optimal growth conditions plants manage to cope with pathogen attack and maintain their physiological performance.  相似文献   

牡丹的主要病害及其防治研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
红斑病、根腐病、根结线虫病是牡丹的主要病害,在山东菏泽牡丹栽培区普遍发生且危害严重,已影响到牡丹产业化的发展。在对牡丹的此3种主要病害进行深入系统研究的基础上,对所掌握的红斑病、根腐病、根结线虫病的病原物、发生发展规律及采取的防治措施进行了详细的报道。  相似文献   

《Southern Forests》2013,75(3-4):175-180
Ganoderma root rot is the most serious disease affecting commercially planted Acacia mangium in plantations in Indonesia. Numerous Ganoderma spp. have been recorded from diseased trees of this species and to a lesser extent Eucalyptus, causing confusion regarding the primary cause of the disease. In this study, a large collection of Ganoderma isolates were obtained from the roots of A. mangium showing early signs of root rot in disease centres in South Sumatra plantations. Isolates were also collected from Eucalyptus roots at Lake Toba in North Sumatra showing similar symptoms as well as from sporocarps connected to these samples. Phylogenetic analyses showed that a single Ganoderma sp., identified as G. philippii, is the major causal agent of Ganoderma root rot on A. mangium. Results from this study also showed that the isolates obtained for Eucalyptus trees in North Sumatra belong to G. philippii. Isolates from roots and connected fruiting bodies together with the morphology of the fruiting structures confirmed this identification. Symptoms associated with this pathogen are obvious and it should not be confused with other diseases. Other Ganoderma spp. found in disease centres are considered to be of minor importance and management strategies for root rot should be focused on G. philippii.  相似文献   

Young plants of 38 Eucalyptus seed sources were inoculated in the laboratory with conidia of Cylindrocladium scoparium and C. clavatum. Susceptibility was principally assessed in terms of the severity of leaf spotting.  相似文献   

An empirical model is presented to forecast the incidence of root rot at stand level. In addition, the impact of different thinning programmes on the incidence of root rot is evaluated. The model is based on data from 152 permanent forest research plots of pure Picea abies in southern Sweden, within which the incidence of root rot at stump height in thinned trees has been recorded after each thinning since 1950. In total, about 20 000 stumps have been studied. According to simulations with the model, areas previously used as fields or for grazing are particularly susceptible to root rot, while old hardwood sites are less susceptible. Furthermore, simulations with the model imply that the earlier, the harder or more often a stand is thinned, the faster will be the development of root rot.  相似文献   

Eucalyptus production mainly destined to cellulose pulp production has expanded strongly in the last 30 years in Uruguay. Eucalyptus smithii has recently emerged as a promising species for cellulose pulp production. However, an average of 40% of young trees die during the first and second summer of post-planting. In this study, 32 Phytophthora isolates were obtained from 132 E. smithii young trees with root and collar rot symptoms, confirming the association of Phytophthora to E. smithii decline. Based on phylogenetic analysis of ITS, TUB2, cox1 and HSP90 gene regions and phenotypical characteristics, two species belonging to the genera Phytophthora clade 4 were identified, P. alticola (96%) and P. boodjera (4%). Tested isolates of both species significantly reduced both shoot and root dry weights of inoculated E. smithii seedlings compared to control plants. To our best knowledge, this is the first time that P. alticola and P. boodjera are recovered from young symptomatic E. smithii trees in commercial plantations as well as the first time these species are found in the Americas.  相似文献   

An outbreak of a new and severe disease was observed in Eucalyptus plantations of Bahia state, Brazil. An Ascomycota fungus has been frequently associated with the main symptoms of the disease namely leaf spot, branch cankers, shoot blight, defoliation, and dieback. Based on morphological characteristics, phylogenetic analysis (ITS and TEF-1α genes), and pathogenicity test on Eucalyptus plants, Pseudoplagiostoma eucalypti was identified as the causal agent of the disease. Although P. eucalytpi has been known from in Brazil since 1998, this is the first report of it causing severe disease and die-back on Eucalyptus spp. and we also record new symptoms associated with the pathogen.  相似文献   

新西兰辐射松根朽病与温度、湿度关系的数量模型*   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
新西兰辐射松根朽病与温度、湿度关系的数量模型束庆龙,宋淑梅,赵卫中,N.M.Self关键词辐射松根朽病,温度,降雨量,土壤湿度,数量模型早在1930年,新西兰就有关于4年生辐射松PinusradiataD.Don幼树受根朽病危害致死的报道[1]。60...  相似文献   

The likelihood of detecting decay present in Norway spruce trees when taking bore core samples at breast height or at stump height was analyzed in two stands. The actual numbers of decayed trees were obtained after the trees were felled. More than 80% of the decay extending to breast height level was detected by taking core samples at that level. However, these core samples revealed only 40–70% of the actual amount of decay present at stump height. At stump height a higher portion of the total amount of decay present was revealed. Heterobasidion annosum was detected in 69 and 77% of the decayed trees in the two stands.

Misjudgements occurred mainly where either (i) decay was present at stump height but not at breast height or (ii) when the decay column had a lateral position. At breast height the probability of finding lateral rot columns was higher than at stump height.  相似文献   

本文对2006-2013年期间我国感病桉树或桉树木片上发现的21个真菌物种的分类地位、形态特征、菌落特点、寄主范围、分布地域和危害特点等进行了概述。介绍的对象包括桉树枝干斑点溃疡病原 Teratosphaeria zuluensis(祖鲁畸腔菌);桉树叶部斑点溃疡病原Teratosphaeria destructans(破畸腔菌),Mycosphaerella marksii(马克氏球腔菌),M. crystallina(水晶球腔菌),M. yunnanensis(云南球腔菌);桉树顶梢及叶白枯萎病原 Quambalaria pitereka(彼特氏桉座孢);桉树苗茎腐病原 Calonectria cerciana(桉树丽赤壳),C. pauciramosa(常丽赤壳),C. pseudoreteaudii(瑞丽赤壳);桉树叶焦枯病原 C. crousiana(克儒斯氏丽赤壳),C. fujianensis(福建丽赤壳),C. pauciramosa(常丽赤壳), C. pseudocolhounii(类柯氏丽赤壳),C. pseudoreteaudii(瑞丽赤壳);桉树木片腐烂病原Ophiostoma tsotsi(类栎长喙壳菌);桉树枝干溃疡病原Chrysoporthe deuterocubensis(类古巴黄隐丛赤壳),Fusicoccum fabicercianum(法比桉树壳梭孢),Lasiodiplodia theobromae(柯柯豆毛色二孢),L. pseudotheobromae(类柯柯豆毛色二孢),Celoporthe guangdongensis(广东暗隐丛赤壳),C. eucalypti(桉树暗隐丛赤壳);桉树枝干枯萎病原Ceratocystis acaciivora(相思长喙壳),C. chinaeucensis(中国桉树长喙壳)。  相似文献   

The rapid increase in rubber monoculture in Xishuangbanna has resulted in extensive damage to its local ecosystem. To decrease the negative effects, the concept of the ecological-economic rubber plantation (EERP) system was proposed. The EERP entails intercropping rubber plants with other economically significant plants, which would not only decrease the ecological impact of the rubber plantation, but also maintain and potentially increase its profitability compared with rubber monocultures. In order to select the appropriate species and intercropping pattern in the EERP system, we compared the photosynthetic parameters of five economically important trees (Swietenia mahagoni, Coffea arabica, Mesua ferrea, Myristica yunnanensis and Paramichelia baillonii) under four irradiance levels. The optimal irradiance intensity of C. arabica and M. yunnanensis was approximately 40%, and these species can be planted in the understory of an 8- to 15-year-old rubber forest. Adult S. mahagoni, M. ferrea and P. baillonii grow taller than the rubber trees, and their seedlings also show superior performance in 100% irradiance than in other irradiances. Thus, in an EERP, these valuable trees could be planted adjacent to rubber plantations but on sites that are economically and environmentally marginal for rubber production.  相似文献   

C、N、P元素的养分循环过程是影响森林生态系统结构与功能的关键因素。以广西不同林龄桉树人工林为研究对象,分析桉树幼龄林(1a)、中龄林(2a)、近熟林(3a)、成熟林(5a)、过熟林(8a)叶—凋落物—土壤的C、N、P化学计量特征及其内在联系,探讨林龄对桉树人工林生态化学计量的影响,为桉树人工林可持续经营提供参考。结果表明:1)桉树人工林叶、土壤呈现高C低N、P的元素格局,凋落物呈现高C、P低N的元素格局;叶的C、N、P含量从幼龄林到近熟林呈先增后减趋势,反映桉树人工林早期对养分需求旺盛,随年龄增大需求减小。2)不同林龄叶C、N、P差异显著(P<0.05),凋落物与土壤的N、P、C∶N、C∶P、N∶P均差异显著(P<0.05),凋落物C∶P与叶N∶P、C∶P显著正相关(P<0.05),凋落物N∶P与叶的C∶P、N∶P之间呈极显著正相关(P<0.01),说明凋落物养分源自叶,土壤与叶的C、N、P均不相关。3)与叶相比,凋落物中N、P含量偏低,C∶N、C∶P偏高;土壤C∶P、N∶P偏低,说明土壤P素分解较快,可适时施以磷肥来弥补土壤速效磷的不足;土壤C∶N偏高表明土壤有机质具有较慢的矿化作用。中龄林、近熟林和成熟林叶N∶P<14,生长过程受N限制;中龄林、近熟林和成熟林凋落物分解的主要限制性元素是N,而幼龄林凋落物分解的主要限制性元素是P。  相似文献   

Eucalyptus grandis and its hybrids, as well as Acacia mearnsii, are important non‐native trees commonly propagated for forestry purposes in South Africa. In this study, we conducted pathogenicity trials to assess the relative importance of five commonly isolated Phytophthora spp. (Phytophthora alticola, P. cinnamomi, P. frigida, P. multivora and P. nicotianae) from the plantation environment on E. grandis and A. mearnsii seedlings. Overall E. grandis was more susceptible to the tested Phytophthora spp. than A. mearnsii. Phytophthora cinnamomi was the only pathogen that had a significant negative effect on both the host tree species, leading to a reduction in root and shoot weight as well as to death in the case of E. grandis. Phytophthora alticola and P. nicotianae exclusively affected E. grandis and A. mearnsii, respectively. This study updated the current knowledge on the pathogenicity of Phytophthora spp. on two important non‐native commercially propagated tree species from South Africa.  相似文献   

采用标准地法,对广西南宁市南部丘陵地2.25~2.67年生的桉树无性系人工林进行了调查研究。结果表明:林木平均保存率为89.3%,平均年蓄积生长量达30.0 m3/(hm2.a),林木径阶以10 cm居多,其次是12 cm径阶,二者合计占80%。林分生长量与无性系种类、林地坡位有一定关系,无性系的生长排序为DH33-29>DH33-26>DH33-28,坡位排序为下坡位>中坡位>上坡位,但差异均较小。林地土壤有效N含量对桉树生长影响显著,含量少的林地桉树生长量显著低于含量多的林地。林地土壤有效N、P、K含量普遍不足,林地施肥应充分考虑N、P、K养分,以满足桉树生长对各种元素养分的需要。  相似文献   

2003年至2004年对湛江桉树病虫害进行调查,发现桉树病害有9种,虫害有5种,大多数是危害叶片,根据病虫发生规律,提出防治措施。  相似文献   

黑龙江省牡丹江林区蜜环菌的调查与鉴定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在黑龙江省牡丹江地区10个林业局内进行了蜜环茵生物种的调查和标本采集,共采集分离出41个菌株,用东北5个蜜环茵生物种与之交配测定的结果表明这些菌株大部分为高卢蜜环菌,少数为CBS F。  相似文献   

In view of the recurrent drought and human population pressures which have drastically reduced the density of pasture species within the Nigerian savannas, the nomadic herdsmen rely mostly on silvipastoralism, grazing their herds in Eucalyptus plantations. In this study, the population of understorey forage and non-forage speicies and the relative light intensities on the forest floors of two Eucalyptus species, viz: E. citridodora, and E. camaldlensis were compared with those of open savanna lands at Kabama, Samaru and Guga, all within the Northern Guinea savanna zone.At normal 3 m by 3 m spacing between trees, the herbages were fewer in the plantations and the E. citridora plantation had only about half the number of species observed under E. camaldlensis in the same and other sites despite similarities in light intensity levels in all the plantations. This information forms a guideline in using eucalyptus silvo-pastoral farms.  相似文献   

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