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Susceptibility of trees to herbivorous insects is often associated with the tree growth and phenology, both of which are sensitive to a warming climate. Therefore, changes in these traits may affect the intensity of herbivory on trees in the future. We grew silver birch (Betula pendula) populations differing in their growth and phenology in a common garden experiment, and studied the effect of these plant traits on the leaf herbivory, insect herbivore density and community composition of herbivores in two consecutive years, 2011 and 2012. Differences in size and the timing of growth cessation among the birch genotypes were related to differences in herbivore community compositions and herbivory. In 2011, the most intensive herbivore damage was observed on birch genotypes of small size, late bud burst and early growth cessation, and these genotypes originated from high-latitude populations. The differences among birch genotypes in their susceptibility to herbivore damage may lead to differences in their competitive abilities. While climate warming will affect phenology and growth of plants, our study shows, that it may indirectly affect herbivory and herbivore communities as well.  相似文献   

1IntroductionTheUnitedStates(US)isthethirdlargestcountryintheworldinsize.Thenationalterritoryis9629091km2andconsistsofthreeseparateterritories:the48continentalstates,AlaskaandHawaii.InJuly2002,theestimatedtotalpopulationintheUSwas280562489(theWorldFactbook2002).Withinthe48continentalstates,thetotalareais8080704km2,andthenationaltreecoveris32.8%(Dwyeretal.2000).Urbanandcommunityforestsarecomprisedofstreettrees,openspace,patchesofforestedareas,treesininstitutionalproperties,municipalparks,…  相似文献   


One key issue in wood construction is durability. Constant wetting and suitable temperatures for fungal growth promote the risk of decay and thus a decrease in structural stability and performance. Hence, performance-based prediction models seem to be reasonable to predict the in-service performance of wooden structures in different outdoor exposure situations. Within this study continuous wood moisture content (MC) and temperature measurements were conducted on five different test objects. Four test set-ups were installed at a test site in Hannover, Germany. A fifth set-up was exposed in Ås, Norway. Data-sets were applied to a dose–response performance model considering wood MC and temperature as key factors for fungal decay. The expected service life (SL) was calculated for different materials and constructions. In addition, the depth and distribution of decay was assessed using a pick test and compared with the calculated SL. Differences regarding the risk of fungal decay for various construction details, exposures and materials were quantified. A wide range of SL estimates was estimated and significant differences were found between the various components, design details and wood species. Furthermore, results from the decay assessments were used to verify the performance model. Recommendations for improvements were provided.  相似文献   

In a global warming scenario, drought and heat waves like the one that occurred in 2003 in Europe are expected to become more intense and frequent. This extreme climate event strongly affected the hydraulic balance in many forest tree species including Douglas-fir, with symptoms ranging from partial crown necrosis to death. We studied a French Douglas-fir provenance trial, strongly affected by the 2003 drought and heat wave. Using wood X-ray microdensity profiles as a record of cambium response to environmental variations, we compared mean stem density and growth between dead and alive neighbouring trees and several microdensity characters measured over 17 growth rings previous to 2003. Special attention has been given to the sampling layout in order to minimize the micro-environmental effects. At tree level, surviving trees have a significantly higher mean stem density. At tree ring level, they have a significantly higher mean ring density, maximum ring density, latewood density and, to a lesser extent, latewood proportion. No significant difference was found for diameter growth. These results could have direct implications in the way to study and predict possible acclimation and adaptation of forest trees to climate change process. Wood could be used for the selection of genotypes with a desirable plasticity and resistance to drought induced-cavitation.  相似文献   

The Brinell hardness and equilibrium moisture content (EMC) were measured from thinning-aged silver birch wood. Wood material both from the trees harvested in the first commercial thinning and from trees remaining on site after the thinning was included. The average Brinell hardness was 19.40 MPa. It correlated significantly with the basic density of wood. With respect to the distance from the pith, the Brinell hardness of air-dried wood was higher than that of artificially dried wood. The average EMC of the conditioned (20°C, 65% relative humidity) wood was 12.0%. The EMC of the wood also varied, with the EMC being higher for air-dried wood than for kiln-dried wood. EMC was the highest at a distance of 30–40 mm from the pith, decreasing towards both pith and log surface. Seasonal variation in both the Brinell hardness and the EMC of the wood was found. It was presumed to be a consequence of season-dependent physiological changes in trees.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung:   Die Nachhaltigkeit richtete sich in der Gründerzeit der planmäßigen Forstwirtschaft auf die Holzproduktion (v. Carlowitz 1713, Cotta 1828, Hartig 1804, Hundeshagen 1826). In der Folgezeit wurde ein zunehmend breiteres Spektrum von Leistungen des Waldes in die Planung mit einbezogen (v. Hagen, 1867; Dieterich, 1957). Das heutige Verständnis von multifunktionaler Forstwirtschaft spiegelt sich in den sechs gesamteuropäischen Kriterien und Indikatoren für nachhaltige Forstwirtschaft wider (McPfe, 2000). Vorliegender Aufsatz umreißt, wie diese gesamteuropäischen Kriterien und Indikatoren für den Nachweis und die strategische Planung von Nachhaltigkeit auf Forstbetriebsebene eingesetzt werden können und was die Waldwachstumsforschung dazu beitragen kann. An einer Reihe von Beispielen wird ausgeführt, dass die Forstwirtschaft über eine solide Datenbasis für die Ableitung von Nachhaltigkeitskriterien und Indikatoren verfügt. Diese kann für das Monitoring der Waldentwicklung genutzt werden. Gestalterische Kraft entwickeln die Kriterien und Indikatoren aber erst, wenn sie auch in die strategische Planung einfließen. Für die strategische Planung stehen der Forstwirtschaft Wuchsmodelle, Betriebssimulatoren und Entscheidungsstützungssysteme zur Verfügung. Sofern diese die genannten Kriterien und Indikatoren berücksichtigen, ermöglichen sie Szenariorechungen auf Betriebsebene und eine umfassende Bewertung von Handlungsalternativen. Konzepte und Werkzeuge für den Übergang zu einer multifunktionalen strategischen Nachhaltsplanung sind weit entwickelt (v. Gadow 2003, Hanewinkel 2001, Pretzsch et al. 1998, Spellmann et al. 2001); ihre Einführung in die Forstplanung könnte einen beträchtlichen Innovationsstau beseitigen.  相似文献   

New Forests - The original version of this article was inadvertently published without the acknowledgements section.  相似文献   

Small-scale Forestry - Homestead forests in the Teknaf Peninsula ecologically critical area of Cox’s Bazar in Bangladesh have not been widely studied. This paper explores floristic diversity...  相似文献   

Telomeres are the structures that locate at the terminals of linear eukaryotic chromosomes. They can play essential roles in many cellular processes. The terminal location of Arabidopsis-type TTTAGGG tandem repeats were thought to be highly conserved. The terminal location of Ginkgo biloba L. consisting of TTTAGGG tandem repeats, were confirmed by Bal31 exonuclease degradation and Southern blotting. By comparing telomeric restriction fragment (TRF) lengths at different developmental stages from embryos to seedlings, a fluctuant tendency towards variation was found in these samples. The TRF length of embryos was also compared with that of embryonal calli and an upward trend was discovered in callus culture. The results suggest that there should be a telomerase mechanism or/and ALT mechanism for the maintenance of telomere length.  相似文献   

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