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我国人工林面积居世界之首,但人工林的质量并不高,且大多林分结构简单,生物多样性低,针叶化现象较严重,不利于地力维持和林分生产力提高.基于FSC森林认证体系及其认证模式,分析林改后FSC森林认证体系对人工林可持续经营的借鉴作用,包括人工林的经营应在法制的框架内实施,人工林的发展要考虑生物多样性和社区利益,实现“近自然化经营”,制定规范的人工林经营方案等我国人工林可持续经营对策.  相似文献   

This study explores for the first time the attitudes and motivation associated with forest certification among forest industry companies in northwestern Russia. Interviews were carried out in the form of a structured questionnaire including 35 forest industry companies operating in northwestern Russia. Although development of certification in individual companies was initiated by general market demand, representatives of certified companies also emphasized the importance of internal corporate policy. Certified and noncertified groups of respondents identified market demand as a main driving force influencing development of forest certification. Ensuring the legality of wood origin, company's image and competitiveness of wood products were recognized as the most important benefits associated with forest certification. Absence of mandatory requirements from authorities and customers appeared to be the largest obstacle among both groups of respondents. Representatives of noncertified companies pointed out economic inaccessibility and low level of preparedness of management as of high importance, which is mainly associated with absence of quality management system. The results of the study indicated a general positive attitude on forest certification; it was noticed that respondents have gaps in understanding the principles and limited awareness with regards to forest certification, especially among noncertified forest industry companies.  相似文献   

近年来森林认证在我国取得了较大进展,逐步成为我国森林资源管理制度的有益补充。森林认证的要求主要涉及环境、经济和社会等方面。现有的环境影响评估指南或操作规范主要针对建设项目,我国森林经营单位在开展森林认证的过程中,普遍面临着对环境影响评估的步骤、方法不了解和缺乏实践操作指南的问题。文中以国际、国内森林认证标准关于森林经营环境影响评估的具体要求为出发点,认为森林经营单位的日常环境影响评估包括总体评估和针对特定经营活动的评估,阐述了2类评估的具体内容及应评估的要素,指出在评估时应考虑的问题,在此基础上提出减缓负面环境影响的措施建议,以期为我国森林经营单位开展营林活动环境影响快速评估提供可操作的应用技术指南。  相似文献   

FSC与ISO森林认证体系比较及在我国适应性研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
本文针对当前世界上使用最为广泛的两种森林认证体系—ISO14 0 0 0和FSC进行了多方面比较分析 ,并对这两种认证体系在我国适应性进行了研究。结果表明 ,就目前我国森林经营实际而言 ,进行大面积基于业绩标准的FSC森林认证的条件尚未成熟 ,建议进行基于进程标准的ISO14 0 0 0森林认证 ,这样能够更好地提高我国森林经营水平 ,从而实现森林的可持续经营  相似文献   

文中基于管理学、经济学、社会学和企业社会责任视角对森林认证运行理论基础进行分析,指出全球化的林业产业供应链是森林认证产生的前提,供应链的可持续性是森林认证产生的内在要求,供应链的干预为森林认证的发展提供了可行性,消费者选择理论是森林认证运行背后的经济思考,制度信任是森林认证制度平稳运行的保证;总结归纳4个理论基础的关系,指出供应链理论是森林认证运行理论基础的核心;分析了森林认证的运行机理,指出森林认证是运用消费者选择、信任和企业社会责任等理论不断改进林业产业供应链的过程。  相似文献   

基于层次分析法构建中国竹林经营认证标准体系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
竹林作为一种特殊的林分,具有生长快、成材早、产量高、材质好、用途广等特点,这些特点决定了竹林经营认证不同于森林认证,建立专门针对竹林的认证标准对推动我国竹林的可持续经营有着深远的影响.该文利用层次分析法构建中国竹林经营认证标准,并对各个指标对总目标的影响进行了分析,对国家标准的正式出台具有积极的推动意义.  相似文献   

森林经营综合监测评价探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
阐述了可持续森林经营与综合监测评价的关系,总结分析了目前国际可持续森林经营认证FSC标准及对开展森林经营综合监测评价的要求,探讨了构建森林经营综合监测评价体系的理论与方法,以期为进一步开展森林经营综合监测评价体系研究提供参考。  相似文献   

森林认证对森林可持续经营的影响及其在中国的实践   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
开展森林认证是促进我国森林管理与国际接轨并实现森林可持续经营的有效途径。文中概述了森林认证的发展概况以及森林认证对森林可持续经营的影响,并以我国吉林省经过认证的森林经营企业为例,通过对森林认证前后的对比,以及与未经过认证的国有林业局对比,分析森林认证对经济、社会和环境等方面的具体影响。结果表明,森林认证的开展在经济上可行,使社会受益,对环境友好,能够促进森林可持续经营。文中还对我国开展森林认证工作提出了具体措施建议。  相似文献   

中国竹林可持续经营认证的必要性和可行性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过文献研究、野外调查和专家研讨和咨询等研究方法,从中国竹林经营现状和世界森林可持续经营认证(简称森林认证)发展趋势入手,对中国开展竹林可持续经营认证的必要性和可行性进行了研究。结果表明,竹林快速生长和更新特性使竹林具有一定的可持续经营性,同时,中国现有的竹林经营技术实践在一定程度上满足了可持续经营的要求。但是,中国有较大面积的人工经营天然次生竹林,长期高强度集约经营对整个竹林生态系统的复杂性和完整性也造成了很大影响,由此引发了很多集约经营的生产性竹林水土流失、地力下降、生物多样性丧失、严重病虫害频发等生态问题,威胁着竹林可持续经营。根据我们的研究,按照目前森林认证发展趋势,竹林可持续经营认证作为促进竹林可持续经营的市场激励手段之一,是值得研究和尝试的。在中国开展绩效性的竹林可持续经营认证,不但有利于中国竹产品在国际贸易中克服绿色贸易壁垒,保持竞争优势,也有利于引导和促进中国竹林的可持续经营实践。总体上竹林认证是必要的。但在可行性方面面临一些问题和挑战。鉴于竹林本身的生物学和生态学特性、竹林经营的技术特点、竹林产品为非木质林产品的特殊性以及我国较为普遍的分户经营特点,可开展小范围试点研究,解决如何开展中小农户的联合认证问题和认证成本过高的问题,同时确保中小农户的利益和竹产品的公平贸易,为进一步的推广行动提供技术支持。在研究和推进竹林可持续经营认证的过程中,要充分考虑与中国现有竹林经营的行业标准和经营实践相衔接和适应。除了要充分利用国内外现有森林认证的理论、技术和经验,还必须充分与竹产业的生产、教学和研究人员进行磋商,充分利用现有竹业经营和开发的经验和技术。以期通过可持续经营认证,保护中国竹产品的国际贸易竞争力,同时积极引导和促进中国竹林可持续经营实践的发展和行业标准的制定。  相似文献   

关于建立我国森林认证体系的思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
鉴于我国目前建立森林认证体系的必要性和紧迫性,提出在建立我国森林认证体系的过程中,必须吸收森林经营单位和非政府组织参加;我国森林认证体系应高标准,严要求,分步走;尽量做到与国外森林认证体系互认;对国外森林认证机构在我国开展森林认证在现阶段应采取扶持与鼓励政策;对我国出口木质林产品考虑改革现有出口退税政策的建议。  相似文献   

森林认证自提出以来便在全球获得了快速发展, 其中以森林管理委员会的FSC体系和森林认证认可计划(PEFC)影响最大。文中在分析主要森林认证体系的基础上, 通过研究FSC和PEFC的实施情况, 指出目前森林认证在全球范围内的发展趋势:森林认证的实施集中在发达国家, 之后在向发展中国家转移过程中出现了减缓甚至停滞的趋势。  相似文献   

作为提高森林经营管理水平、促进森林可持续经营的一种制度创新,森林认证对森林生态保护和建设以及世界林产品贸易均具有影响。森林管理委员会(Forest Stewardship Council,FSC)认证是目前全球最具影响力的森林认证体系,不符合项是针对FSC认证标准层面开具的企业在开展森林经营过程中违反认证标准所包含的原则总和,通过对不符合项进行分析,可以总结出我国已通过认证的森林经营企业经营状况与FSC标准的差距。文中从FSC网站收集中国开展FSC森林经营认证的80家企业的191份审核报告,对FSC认证的发展现状和认证机构开展审核时提出的不符合项进行分析。结果发现,企业在环境影响、森林监测、当地社区、劳动者权利、森林经营方案编制方面与FSC认证标准存在差距。应从加强企业森林认证动力、企业森林认证能力和技术建设以及国家政策支持等方面进一步提升,进而提高森林认证对我国森林经营管理的作用。  相似文献   

森林可持续经营标准和森林认证标准的比较分析*   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在介绍森林可持续经营标准和森林认证标准的概念和产生背景的基础上 ,从目的、内容、性质、倡导机构、尺度等方面对两者进行了比较分析 ,认为两者的目的都是为了实现森林可持续经营 ,但在内容、性质和倡导机构方面互为补充。许多国家已经制定了这两类标准并正在积极试验中 ,中国的这两类标准也已被报送到有关部门审批。随着全球经济一体化进程的加快 ,森林认证正在从欧美经济发达地区向亚非地区扩展。不同森林认证体系标准之间的互认是当前的热点 ,而增加森林经营单位水平可持续经营标准的可操作性非常关键。  相似文献   

The development of plantation plays a very important role in forestry industry development in China because of its unique advantages. However, the ecological and environmental issues urgently require sustainable plantation development. FSC certification for sustainable forest management balances the economic, environmental and social benefits and contributes to sustainable development of plantation. FSC certification for plantation is significantly important to China with the most plantation area in the wor...  相似文献   

The past decade has seen a global surge in forest management certification, with over 200 million hectares of the world's forest now certified as sustainably harvested. Because forests are some of the most species-rich environments on earth and more than 90% of the world's forests occur outside formal protected area systems, forest management certification will be one of the pervasive influences on global biodiversity for the foreseeable future. We find that current forest certification schemes are largely deficient because they fail to demand: (i) measurable management objectives for biodiversity, (ii) formal risk assessment of competing management options that integrate impacts on biodiversity, (iii) monitoring that directly addresses management performance requirements and a clear plan for how monitoring information will be used to make better management decisions, and (iv) ongoing research targeted toward practices that enhance biodiversity in managed landscapes. We argue that the credibility of certification schemes hinges on their ability to dictate scientifically defensible management systems for biodiversity conservation. We present a framework for adaptive risk management (ARM) of biodiversity that is both responsibly proactive and diligently reactive and recommend its incorporation in all certification schemes. We highlight the need for substantial government and agency investment in fostering ARM.  相似文献   

The paper examines the two forest certification schemes in Brazil, the Brazilian Program of Forest Certification (Cerflor) and the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), from the private sector perspective. The main focus is to test the relevance of three mechanisms—market, learning, and signaling—suggested by Overdevest and Rickenbach (2006), to explain forest certification adoption by Brazilian companies. Furthermore, companies' familiarity with certification systems, external influences on pursuing forest certification, and companies' intention to recertify their forests are investigated. An exploratory factor analysis (EFA) suggests that signaling and learning mechanisms lead to better and more transparent forest management, explaining the movement towards certification, but market incentives do not play an important role in the adoption of forest certification. An importance and performance analysis (IPA) demonstrates that companies do not see any return in terms of a better price for certified products; however, certificate holders indicated overall high satisfaction with market access. Interestingly, a high performance was found for non-economic benefits such as public confidence, improvement of forest management and practices, improvement of management systems and performance, self-discovery of non-conformance, and better public, landowner, and supplier communication. International consumers and shareholders were considered the most important groups influencing companies to seek certification and FSC was reported to be the most familiar scheme. Generally, companies were pleased with certification and indicated their intention to recertify.  相似文献   

Since early 1990 ties, Swedish forest land is increasingly becoming certified. Today all major forest owners have joined the Swedish FSC-standard (Forest Stewardship Council), while small-scale forest owners preferably are joining the PEFC scheme (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification). With the overall aim of gaining a better insight into which small-scale forest owners that have decided to take up on forest certification, and how their forest management practices have been affected by this choice, two set of data has been analyzed; one consisting Data Base of Forest Owner Analysis (DBFOA) data relating to approximately 14,000 properties whereof 1955 were found to be certified, and the other one including data from a follow up questionnaire sent out only to owners with certified forest properties. Results show that certified and non-certified forest properties are managed differently and in particular that harvesting on certified properties has increased. Differences in management seem to be connected principally to the fact that forest owners from generally more active sub-groups embrace forest certification requirements. Moreover, our results shows that economic motives for joining a certification scheme are just as prevalent as environmental motives and a majority of forest owners regard certification as something that favors profitability rather than consider it to restrict economic yield.  相似文献   

文章通过借鉴国内外森林经营认证已有的研究成果,归纳总结了影响森林经营认证的主要因素,并在此基础上建立了国有林场森林经营认证评价指标体系,提出了森林经营认证综合指数的新概念。  相似文献   

The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) forest management certification standards have been promoted to contribute to community livelihood conditions. However, little has been done to evaluate it quantitatively. Employing theory of change, this study assesses and compares empirical evidence of the influence of the FSC forest management certification approach to enhance livelihood conditions in Kilwa, Tanzania, by using economic valuation methods and governance indicators. This is achieved through a comparative study of villages with certified community forests (FSC) under community based forest management and those without (non-FSC). Results show that annual average household forest income from FSC-certified forests is significantly higher than that of households in non-FSC-certified forests. With reference to rule compliance as an indicator of good governance, implementation of forest bylaws in villages managing FSC-certified forests is significantly more effective than villages in non-FSC-certified forests. These findings provide an insight into the influence of forest certification in enhancing livelihood conditions and that the incorporation of FSC standards into forest policies may lead to more enhancement of livelihood conditions. These findings serve as a baseline for further research on the effects of forest certification at both spatial and temporal scales.  相似文献   

中国开展人工林FSC认证面临的潜在障碍   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
人工林在中国林业发展中占据了重要地位, 但由于其带来的各种问题迫切要求实现可持续经营。FSC森林可持续经营认证充分考虑了经济效益、生态效益和社会效益的协调, 有助于人工林经营向着可持续的方向发展, 对于解决人工林经营中存在的问题有积极意义。但中国的人工林经营在遵守FSC认证的要求时可能存在一些障碍。针对FSC森林经营认证的具体标准或指标, 列出了中国人工林经营存在的一些潜在的不符合项, 并提出了建议。  相似文献   

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