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The demography of the annual dicotyledonous weed Papaver rhoeas and the efficacy of different management practices were studied during three consecutive years in winter cereals in the north‐east of Spain. These data were used to estimate the parameters of a weed life cycle model that was used to describe the population dynamics of this species and to predict the effect of various control strategies and integrated weed management (IWM) scenarios. Without control, the annual rate of increase was 40 (λt), and the minimum control level required to maintain the population stable was 99% of the emerged plants. The annual application of post‐emergence and/or pre‐emergence herbicides did not prevent the growth of the population. Using various cultural control tactics (delayed seeding, harrowing and fallow) resulted in different trends in the overall population depending on the techniques and combinations analysed. Simulations showed that delayed seeding, fallow and pre‐emergence herbicides are the best techniques to employ in IWM programmes, always using a combination of these and other more common practices (i.e. post‐emergence herbicides). Sensitivity analysis indicated interaction between the parameters and that the model was especially sensitive to seed losses and also to fecundity, seedling survivorship and emergence. The study shows that new strategies should be sought to control these parameters. To develop IWM programmes for P. rhoeas, the combination of two or more control strategies is required.  相似文献   

为探究安全、高效的胡萝卜田苗后杂草化学防除技术,采用盆钵法研究了13种苗后茎叶处理除草剂对胡萝卜的室内安全性,并对筛选得到的苗后除草剂进行了初步的田间药效及安全性试验。结果表明:供试13种除草剂中扑草净对胡萝卜的安全性较好,在225 g(a.i.)/hm2剂量下,胡萝卜苗的鲜重为53.61 g,与对照无显著差异,未出现药害反应;在450、750 g(a.i.)/hm2剂量下分别出现了1级和2级的低级别药害反应;而噁草酮、氰草津、嘧啶肟草醚、双草醚、辛酰溴苯腈、乙氧氟草醚、乙羧氟草醚、咪唑乙烟酸、灭草松、噻吩磺隆、双氟磺草胺和氯吡嘧磺隆在推荐剂量下,对胡萝卜鲜重抑制率为19.30%~100.00%,出现了3~5级的药害反应。扑草净对胡萝卜田杂草有较好的防效,在剂量为450~600 g(a.i.)/hm2时对胡萝卜田杂草总体的株防效和鲜重防效均达到80.56%以上,且对胡萝卜安全,无药害反应。胡萝卜田苗后杂草化学防除建议使用450~600 g(a.i.)/hm2扑草净进行茎叶喷雾处理,可达到对禾本科和阔叶杂草的有效防除,且对胡萝卜安全。  相似文献   

Planning effective weed control in cropping systems requires exact appraisal of the weed intensity and duration of their competition with the crops. This 2‐year study was carried out in order to determine the critical weed control period in sesame fields. Related and relative crop yields were monitored and analyzed using a four‐parametric log‐logistic model. We recorded data from weed‐free plots and compared these with data from different periods of weed interference. In both the study years, the longer period of weed interference decreased the relative yield of sesame, whereas the yield was increased with increasing duration of the weed‐free period. A 51–78.7% decline in sesame yield was noted if the weeds were allowed to compete with the crop from planting to harvest. In the first year, the duration of the critical period for weed control (CPWC) was 177–820 growing degree days (GDD), which corresponded to 14–64 days after crop emergence (DAE), and between 170 and 837 GDD (13–64 DAE) in the second year; this was based on a 5% acceptable yield loss. The results of this study clearly elaborated that maintaining weed‐free conditions is compulsory from as early as the second week after the emergence of sesame plants, and this should be maintained at least until the ninth week to avoid sesame yield losses by more than 5%. These findings show that growers can benefit from CPWC to improve weed control in sesame production, including the efficacy of a weed control program and its cost.  相似文献   

In 1997 and 1998, five field studies were conducted at four Portuguese wine‐growing regions in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the chemical control of vineyard weeds under Mediterranean conditions using either reduced doses of residual herbicides or only foliar herbicides. Amitrole (3440 g a.i. ha?1), amitrole + glyphosate mono‐ammonium salt (1720 + 900 g a.i. ha?1), amitrole (3400 g a.i. ha?1), amitrole + diuron (2580 + 1500 g a.i. ha?1), amitrole + simazine (2580 + 1500 g a.i. ha?1), amitrole + terbuthylazine (2580 + 1500 g a.i. ha?1) and amitrole + diuron + simazine (2580 + 1300 + 1400 g a.i. ha?1) were assayed and compared with the following reference herbicides: glyphosate isopropylamine salt (1800 g a.i. ha?1), amitrole + diuron (2520 + 1680 g a.i. ha?1), diuron + glyphosate + terbuthylazine (1275 + 900 + 1425 g a.i. ha?1), amitrole + simazine (1900 + 3900 g a.i. ha?1) and glyphosate + simazine (800 + 2200 g a.i. ha?1). The herbicides were applied during late winter. The results indicated that good control was achieved by the application of foliar herbicides alone or of reduced rates of a mixture of residual herbicides with foliar herbicides for at least 2 months. Three months after application, the efficacy of post‐emergence herbicides and lower rates of residual herbicides decreased significantly in clay soils and under heavy rainfall conditions. Convolvulus arvensis– a weed that is becoming increasingly significant in Portuguese vineyards – was poorly controlled, even when glyphosate was used. Despite this, it can be assumed that in those regions in which the trials were conducted, it is possible to employ weed control strategies that entail the elimination or a reduction in the rate of residual herbicides.  相似文献   

稻田除草剂大量及高频使用对农作物安全、土壤及水体环境构成了严重威胁,使得除草剂减量使用刻不容缓。水稻机插田药后长时间保水可显著抑制杂草,以此可减少除草剂用量,但长时间保水会导致水稻发育受限。盆栽试验表明,无论是否喷施除草剂30%苄嘧·丙草胺乳油,杂草发生随保水时长增加而减少,且喷施除草剂对杂草防除具显著效果。田间试验表明,稻田施用30%苄嘧·丙草胺乳油100 mL/667m~2后,药后保水7 d时的水稻分蘖及抑草的综合效应达到最佳。  相似文献   

红花苗后除草剂筛选及安全性评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究通过室内盆栽和田间试验相结合的方法筛选出对红花苗后安全且对阔叶杂草防效好的除草剂。室内盆栽试验从12种除草剂中初步筛选出30%草除灵SC、50 g/L双氟磺草胺SC、15%噻吩磺隆WP、12%砜嘧磺隆OD 4种对红花较为安全的除草剂。田间验证试验评估了它们对红花的安全性和除草效果,得出15%噻吩磺隆WP有效剂量36 g/hm~2对红花生长安全,且对红花田阔叶杂草防效最好。在田间验证试验的基础上,继续进行田间剂量优化试验确定合适的施用剂量范围,试验结果表明15%噻吩磺隆WP有效剂量27~36 g/hm~2对红花安全,株高抑制率小于15%,同时对田间阔叶杂草防效好。因此,红花田苗后除草可选用15%噻吩磺隆WP,推荐有效成分使用剂量27~36 g/hm~2;该药剂具有重要的应用前景。  相似文献   

More than 200 species of weeds are infesting main crop fields in China, among which approximately 30 species are major weeds causing great crop yield losses. About 35.8 million hectares of crop fields are heavily infested by weeds and the annual reduction of crop yields is 12.3–16.5% (weighted average). Along with rural economic development, approximately 50% of the main crop fields undergo herbicide application. Chemical weed control has changed cultural practices to save weeding labor in rice, wheat, maize, soybeans and cotton. At the same time, continuous use of the same herbicides has caused weed shift problems and weed resistance to herbicides. Consequently, integrated weed management in main crops is being developed.  相似文献   

An increasing water crisis, as well as the unavailability and high cost of labor, in Pakistan has forced rice‐growers to plant rice directly into the field. However, severe weed infestation causes disastrous effects on the productivity of this rice system. In this study, three herbicides (pendimethalin, penoxsulam and bispyribac‐sodium) were evaluated for weed control in direct‐planted rice on a sandy loam soil. Weedy check and weed‐free plots were established for comparison. Weed infestation decreased the rice yield by 75.2%. However, the application of herbicides suppressed the weed infestation, with a simultaneous increase in the rice yield. The postemergence application of bispyribac‐sodium was the most effective herbicide in reducing the total weed density and dry weight over the weedy check, followed by penoxsulam and pendimethalin, respectively. Bispyribac‐sodium increased the number of productive tillers, 1000‐grain weight, number of grains per panicle and grain yield over the control, as well as improved the water productivity and economic returns of direct‐planted rice. The weeds' proliferation increased the number of unproductive tillers and decreased the plant height. In conclusion, the postemergence application of bispyribac‐sodium can be used effectively to control weeds, increase water productivity and improve the economic returns and yield of direct‐planted rice on a sandy loam soil in Pakistan.  相似文献   

Industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) is grown in more than 30 countries for fibre, seed and flowers, and acreage of cultivation is increasing globally. Hemp has long been promoted as a crop that competes well with weeds and requires little intervention to prevent yield losses. We conducted a literature review and found little peer‐reviewed research to support this claim. We identified only three articles that specifically addressed weed management under field conditions and none provided information on hemp yield losses from weeds. These findings highlight a clear need for research‐based information on interactions between weeds and hemp to address potential yield losses under various production conditions and provide a research‐based framework for weed management in industrial hemp.  相似文献   

Α three‐year, non‐irrigated field study was conducted in 1998, 1999, and 2000 at the Southern Weed Science Research Unit farm, Stoneville, MS to study the effects of rye cover crop residue, soybean planting systems, and herbicide application programs on the control, density and biomass of several weed species and soybean yield. The soybean planting systems comprised 19 cm rows with high plant density, 57 cm rows with medium plant density, and 95 cm rows with low plant density. The herbicide programs evaluated were pre‐emergence, postemergence, pre‐emergence followed by postemergence, and no herbicide. Flumetsulam and metolachlor were applied pre‐emergence, and acifluorfen, bentazon, and clethodim were applied postemergence. The presence or absence of rye cover crop residue and a soybean planting system did not affect weed control of the species evaluated (browntop millet, barnyard grass, broadleaf signal grass, pitted morningglory, yellow nutsedge, Palmer amaranth and hyssop spurge), when herbicides were applied, regardless of the application program. In addition, rye cover crop residue was not an effective weed management tool when no herbicide was applied, because density and biomass of most weeds evaluated were higher than a no cover crop residue system. Among soybean planting systems, narrow with high plant density soybeans reduced density of grasses, broadleaf weeds and yellow nutsedge by 24–83% and total weed biomass by 38%, compared to wide with low plant density soybeans. Although weed pressure was reduced by narrow with high plant density soybeans, herbicide applications had the most impact on weed control, weed density and biomass. All herbicide programs controlled all weed species 81–100% at two weeks after postemergence herbicide applications, in comparison to no‐herbicide. Density of grasses and all broadleaf weeds as well as total weed biomass was lower with the pre‐emergence followed by postemergence program than these programs alone. Soybean yields were higher in the pre‐emergence followed by postemergence, and postemergence only programs than the pre‐emergence alone program. Planting crops in narrow rows is one cultural method of reducing weed pressure. However, even with the use of this cultural practice, prevalent weed pressure often requires management with herbicides.  相似文献   

Direct seeded red pepper is a cash crop in Kahramanmara? province of Turkey as well as some other nearby provinces. Weeds are a major constraint in red pepper production. Field studies were conducted to determine critical period for weed control (CPWC) in direct seeded spice pepper in Kahramanmara?, in 2008 and 2009. The CPWC in red pepper based on a 2.5%, 5% and 10% acceptable yield loss (AYL) was calculated by fitting logistic and Gompertz equations to relative yield data. The CPWC in red pepper was determined from 0 to 1087 growing degree days (GDD) in 2008 and from 109 to 796 GDD in 2009 for 10% AYL after crop emergence in red pepper. For 2.5–5% AYL, the CPWC starts with germination and lasts until harvest. Direct seeded red pepper is very vulnerable to weed competition and weed control programs for direct seeded spice pepper in Turkey should include pre‐emergence and residual herbicides.  相似文献   

牛筋草是全球危害最严重的5种杂草之一,为了筛选防除牛筋草的高效除草剂品种,采用温室盆栽法和田间小区试验测定了10种苗后除草剂对牛筋草的除草活性及防除效果。盆栽试验结果表明,30%苯唑草酮SC和40 g/L烟嘧磺隆OD对牛筋草防效优异,ED90分别为8.7 g/hm~2和19.4 g/hm~2(有效成分,下同),约为各自登记低剂量的1/3和1/2。100 g/L氰氟草酯EC、10%噁唑酰草胺EC、69 g/L精噁唑禾草灵EW、120 g/L烯草酮EC和10%精喹禾灵EC对牛筋草具有较好的防效,ED90分别为68.9、80.5、50.0、54.2 g/hm~2和48.6 g/hm~2,与各自的登记低剂量相当或略低。25%啶嘧磺隆WG和11%三氟啶磺隆OD对牛筋草的防效较差,ED90分别为115.0 g/hm~2和112.4 g/hm~2,约为各自登记高剂量的1.5倍和2.3倍。75%硝磺草酮WG对牛筋草的防效很差,ED90为742.6 g/hm~2,是其登记高剂量的3.3倍。田间试验结果表明,40 g/...  相似文献   

Approaches to the biological control of weeds in arable crops and integration of biological weed control with other methods of weed management are broadly discussed. Various types of integrative approaches to biological control of weeds in crops have been studied within the framework of a concerted European Research Programme (COST‐816). During the period 1994–99, some 25 institutions from 16 countries have concentrated on five target weed complexes. Some major scientific achievements of COST‐816 are: (i) combination of the pathogen Ascochyta caulina with an isolated phytotoxin produced by this fungus to control Chenopodium album in maize and sugar beet; (ii) the elaboration and preliminary field application of a system management approach using the weed:pathogen system Senecio vulgaris:Puccinia lagenophorae to reduce the competitiveness of the weed by inducing and stimulating a disease epidemic; (iii) combination of underseeded green cover with the application of spores of Stagonospora convolvuli to control Convolvulus species in maize; (iv) assessment of the response of different provenances of Amaranthus spp. to infection by Alternaria alternata and Trematophoma lignicola, the development of formulation and delivery techniques and a field survey of native insect species to control Amaranthus spp. in sugar beet and maize; (v) isolation of strains of different Fusarium spp. that infect all the economically important Orobanche spp. and development of novel, storable formulations using mycelia from liquid culture. Although no practical control has yet been reached for any of the five target weeds, potential solutions have been clearly identified. Two major routes may be followed in future work. The first is a technological approach focusing on a single, highly destructive disease cycle of the control agent and optimizing the efficacy and specificity of the agent. The second is an ecological approach based on a better understanding of the interactions among the crop, the weed, the natural antagonist and the environment, which must be managed in order to maximize the spread and impact of an indigenous antagonist on the weed.  相似文献   

为明确小麦田不同杂草群落及防除时间对小麦产量的影响,于2013—2015连续两年在山东省聊城市高唐县小麦田中设无草对照区、禾本科杂草区、阔叶杂草区以及混合杂草自然发生区4种不同杂草群落以及不同的杂草防除时间,测定在不同条件下小麦产量及各项产量构成指标的情况。结果表明,阔叶杂草对小麦产量的影响大于禾本科杂草,冬小麦田杂草的最佳防除时间为4月1日之前,在此期间除草对小麦产量影响均不大,但之后防除或不除草会造成小麦严重减产甚至绝产,2014年4月15日除草可造成在阔叶杂草区和杂草混合生长区的小麦减产30.5%和32.6%,不除草可造成在禾本科杂草区、阔叶杂草区和杂草混生区的小麦减产8.6%、91.4%和94.3%,2015年趋势和2014年一致。从构成小麦产量的3个指标来看,杂草危害主要影响小麦的总穗数,其次为穗粒数,对千粒重影响最小。  相似文献   

通过田间小区试验评价了前期筛选的几种适用“播喷同步”的封闭除草剂对水稻的安全性及对直播田杂草的防效, 明确了“播喷同步”技术与常规播后4 d封闭的差异, 以及施药时期×除草剂种类交互作用及对控草效果的影响, 优化水稻直播田杂草防控策略?试验结果表明, 播种当天(播喷同步)或播种后4 d(常规方法)喷施120 g/L噁草酮EC 360 g/hm2+10%苄嘧磺隆WP 30 g/hm2(有效剂量, 下同)?33%嗪吡嘧磺隆WG 74.25 g/hm2+300 g/L丙草胺EC 450 g/hm2?60%丁草胺EC 1 350 g/hm2+10%吡嘧磺隆WP 30 g/hm2?35%吡嘧·嘧草·丙OD 525 g/hm2?300 g/L丙草胺EC 450 g/hm2+10%苄嘧磺隆WP 30 g/hm2, 5组除草剂处理对直播稻均无可见药害, 各“播喷同步”处理的杂草防除效果不低于常规播后4 d用药; 同步喷施33%嗪吡嘧磺隆WG+300 g/L丙草胺EC防效最高, 药后35 d对禾本科?莎草科?阔叶草防效达到98.3%及以上; 水稻直播4 d后喷药, 水稻成苗率提高但 35 d 的禾本科杂草防效低, 33%嗪吡嘧磺隆WG+300 g/L丙草胺EC处理受喷药时间影响小; 复合双因子方差分析表明, 单一因子会对水稻安全性?杂草防效产生显著影响, 用药时期×除草剂种类交互对水稻安全性无显著影响, 对控草效果影响显著?因此, 直播田封闭除草剂宜尽早施药提高防治效果, 同时应选用安全高效的除草剂, 33%嗪吡嘧磺隆WG+300 g/L丙草胺EC处理, 可于播种当天到播种后4 d内用药, 保障直播田杂草防治效果的同时兼顾水稻安全?  相似文献   

芽前除草剂和地膜对杂草防除和牛至生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
牛至Orianum vulgare是唇形科多年生草本植物,牛至精油具有抗菌消炎功效,是重要的中兽药和饲料添加剂.牛至在苗期生长缓慢,杂草防除是牛至田建植的基础.本研究分析了芽前除草剂和地膜对牛至田杂草防控和牛至生长的影响.结果 表明,除草剂和地膜覆盖对杂草防除和牛至生长的交互效应显著.其中,覆盖黑色地膜并喷施960 g...  相似文献   

Weeds are the main problem with turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) cultivation where herbicides are not allowed. This is because herbicides cause water contamination, air pollution, soil microorganism hazards, health hazards, and food risks. Considering turmeric's medicinal value and the environmental problems caused by herbicides, various agronomic practises have been evaluated for non‐chemical weed control in turmeric. One additional weeding is required before turmeric emergence and weed infestation is much higher when turmeric is planted in February and March, as compared to April, May or June planting. A similarly higher yield of turmeric is achieved when it is planted in February, March, and April, compared to late plantings. Weed emergence and interference are not affected by planting depth, seed size, planting pattern, planting space, ridge spacing, and the row number of turmeric until 60 days after planting. This is because turmeric cannot develop a canopy structure until then. Thereafter, weed infestation reduces similarly and significantly when turmeric is planted at depths of 8, 12, and 16 cm, compared to shallower depths. The yield of turmeric at these depths is statistically the same, but the yield for the 16 cm depth is difficult to harvest and it tends to decrease. Turmeric grown from seed rhizomes (daughter rhizomes) weighing 30–40 g reduces weed infestation significantly and obtains a significantly higher yield compared to smaller seeds. The mother rhizome also can suppress weed infestation and increase the yield markedly. Around 9% weed control and 11% higher yield are achieved by planting turmeric in a triangular pattern compared to a quadrate pattern. The lowest weed infestation is found in turmeric grown in a 20 or 30 cm triangular pattern and the highest yield is obtained with the 30 cm triangular pattern. Turmeric gown on two‐row ridges spaced 75 cm apart shows excellent weed control efficiency and obtains the highest yield. This review concludes that turmeric seed rhizomes of 30–40 g and/or the mother rhizome could be planted in a 30 cm triangular pattern at the depth of 8–12 cm on two‐row ridges spaced 75–100 cm apart during March to April in order to reduce weed interference and obtain a higher yield. Mulching also suppresses weed growth and improves the yield. The above agronomic practises could not control weeds completely; biological weed management practises could be integrated in turmeric fields using rabbits, goats, sheep, ducks, cover crops or intercrops.  相似文献   

There is a general perception among Cambodian rice (Oryza sativa) farmers that, after harvesting, rice crop residues that are incorporated into the field benefit the growth of the subsequent rice crop. However, the effect of this action upon weed establishment and growth has not yet been considered. A series of pot and field trials were conducted to determine whether such action could inhibit weed establishment and/or growth. The pot studies first evaluated the response of the test plant (rice line ST‐3) and three weed species, barnyardgrass (Echinochloa crus‐galli), small umbrella sedge (Cyperus difformis), and water primrose (Ludwigia octovalves), to the residue of 16 rice lines and the field trials were later conducted to evaluate the response of the same test plants to the residue of seven putatively allelopathic rice lines and one non‐allelopathic rice line. The residue of all the studied rice lines, depending on how long they had been incorporated into the soil, reduced the establishment and growth of all three weed species, as well as the rice crop. However, if the residue's incorporation was delayed by 2 weeks or only a proportion of the residue was incorporated, the rice crop could withstand the growth‐inhibiting effect, while the inhibition of the establishment and growth of the three weed species was retained. These responses of rice and the weeds to rice crop residues might provide a basis for a weed management strategy, particularly in the resource‐poor rice‐production systems of Cambodia.  相似文献   

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