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蒯元璋 《蚕业科学》2012,(5):898-913
前文报道了原核生物界薄壁菌门中引发桑疫病、桑青枯病、桑枝软腐病、桑枯萎病、桑叶斑病的病原细菌及其病害的研究进展。本文介绍原核生物界软壁菌门中引发桑萎缩病、桑皱褶花叶病和疵壁菌门中引发桑叶日灼病等的病原菌分类演变及其侵染循环,桑树发病规律与病害防治方面的主要研究进展,其中对桑萎缩病进行了重点介绍,内容涵盖国内外学者近一个世纪的研究成果。  相似文献   

桑树病原原核生物及其病害的研究进展(Ⅰ)   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
蒯元璋 《蚕业科学》2012,38(1):152-164
侵染桑树的病原原核生物有细菌、菌原体、螺原体、立克次体等,其中由病原细菌引发的桑树细菌病害对蚕桑生产的危害极大。主要介绍原核生物界薄壁菌门的病原细菌侵染桑树导致的桑疫病、桑青枯病、桑枝软腐病、桑枯萎病和桑叶斑病等重要桑树细菌病害,从病原及其侵染循环,桑树发病规律、发病症状,病害防治方法几个方面概述其研究进展。  相似文献   

草坪草叶枯病病原鉴定   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
从典型叶枯病病斑中分离出 3种病原菌 ,经对其病原菌形态、培养性状和致病性等方面的测定表明 ,兰州市草坪草叶枯病主要致病菌为禾草离蠕孢 (Bipolarissarokiniaha) ,其次为狗牙根离蠕孢 (B .cynodontis)。禾草离蠕孢菌在不同品种草坪草中的潜育期不同 ,在感病品种ReblⅡ中的潜育期为 36h ,在抗病品种Raymond中的潜育期为 72h。  相似文献   

<正>桑树病虫因各地气候、土壤、桑园管理措施等的不同而各有不同。就病害而言,属全株性病害的有桑萎缩病,枝干病害的有桑芽枯病、桑膏药病等,根部病害的有桑紫纹羽病、桑根结线虫病等,叶部病害的有桑疫病、桑褐斑病等,桑椹病害的有桑肥大性菌核病等。虫害有桑螟、野蚕(咀食叶片)等,桑毛虫、桑尺蠖(兼食芽叶)等,桑天牛、桑蛀虫(蛀食枝干)等,以及地下害虫如蝼蛄等,这些病虫对蚕桑生产及蚕茧产质量的影响极大。笔者集多年生产实践,根  相似文献   

桑树上新发生的细菌性枝枯病病原的研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
据病害症状、病原菌分离、纯化及致病性、生理生化特性、冰核活性(INA),血清学的试验结果,证明桑树枝枯病的病原细菌是一种丁香假单胞菌(Pseudomonassyringae),具有冰核活性。它与桑细菌性疫病的病原细菌具有部分同源的血清学关系,但在发病症状及侵染部位,侵染时期等方面明显不同,所以认为桑细菌性枝枯病病原细菌可能是丁香假单胞菌组群中一个新的致病变种(Pathovar)。  相似文献   

用室内试管苗人工接种方法对苜蓿根和根颈腐烂病的 3个致病镰刀菌的致病性及 2 0个苜蓿品种的抗病性进行了测定。结果表明 ,尖孢镰刀菌的 7个分离物、锐顶镰刀菌的 4个分离物和半裸镰刀菌的 5个分离物都对苜蓿具有致病性 ,但致病性有差异 ;2 0个苜蓿品种幼苗测定 ,各品种对根和根颈腐烂病的抗性间存在差异 ,其中抗性较强的有维拉 (Verla)、德福 (Derful)、巨人 2 0 1(Ameristand 2 0 1)、草原 2号 (Caoyuan 2 )、塞特 (Sitel)、阿尔冈金 (Algongum)、图牧 2号 (Tumu 2 )、甘农 2号 (Gannong 2 )。  相似文献   

蜜蜂白垩病病原分离及防治药物选择初报   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我们从四川彭县某蜂场大量死亡的蜜蜂幼虫中,分离到蜜蜂球囊菌,经过抑菌试验,初步筛选出了几种防治蜜蜂白垩病有效的药物,其中防霉剂Ⅰ号、Ⅱ号抑菌效果较好,可望成为理想的防治药物。  相似文献   

连续3次使用2%春蕾霉素500倍液、桑病清(Ⅰ型)3000倍与桑病清(Ⅱ型)5000倍混合液、脂肪酸消毒液500倍液对桑疫病的防治效果分别为43.3%、24.41%、14.96%。这三种药物对抑制和延缓桑疫病的发生有一定的效果,其中以2%春蕾霉素500倍液防效相对较好。  相似文献   

孙杰 《江苏蚕业》1993,(1):52-52,34
<正> 为了提高桑园单产,探讨 TAKRE 光合蚕桑液在桑园的使用效果,我们于1992年春季在如皋市常青乡进行了 TAKRE 光合蚕桑液叶面喷施试验,该乡是典型的高沙土地区,土壤有机质含量仅为0.70—0.84。现将试验情况报告如下。一、材料和方法(一)供试材料:1.桑品种为湖桑32号,两年生桑,亩栽1500株,蚕品种为苏5×苏6。2.TAKRE 光合蚕桑液Ⅰ号、Ⅱ号、Ⅲ号,由江苏省激素研究所提供。(二)试验地点:李洋村5组7亩,3组7亩,使用蚕桑液Ⅰ号;叶庄村8组8亩,使用蚕桑液Ⅱ号、ⅢI号。  相似文献   

桑花叶病是广东桑园的重要病害之一,在田间常见的症状有环斑、花叶、网状叶和系状叶等多种。此病在一般的桑树品种中发病率达20%左右,杂交桑品种发病率高达90%以上,若连续用病桑叶喂蚕,蚕的体质变弱,簇中死亡率增高,所以桑花叶病无论是对桑的产量,质量还是对蚕的发育都有一定的影响。  相似文献   

张振粉  南志标 《草业学报》2014,23(4):330-342
综述了国内外在苜蓿细菌性病害方面的研究概况。全世界现已报道9种苜蓿细菌性病害,它们是由8种细菌病原引起的,这些细菌分属于6个属。其中由革兰氏阳性细菌引起的病害1种,即苜蓿细菌性萎蔫病(Clavibacter michiganensisi subsp. insidiosus);革兰氏阴性菌引起的病害有8种,即细菌性芽萎蔫病(Erwinia persicina),细菌性芽腐烂病(Erwinia chrysanthemi),根癌土壤杆菌(Agrobacterium tumefaciens),冠腐和根腐综合病(Pseudomonas viridiflava),细菌性叶斑病和细菌性猝倒病为同一病原(Xanthomonas campestris pv. alfalfae),细菌性茎疫病(Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae)和矮化病(Xylella fastidiosa)。我国已报道危害较轻的细菌性叶斑病(X. campestris pv. alfalfae)和细菌性茎疫病(P. syringae pv. syringae)以及2012年新报道的细菌性芽萎蔫病(E. persicina)。本文归纳了苜蓿细菌性病害的种类及其特征;列举了病害的分布及其寄主范围;详述了它们的症状识别与病原表型特征;介绍了当前常见的苜蓿细菌病原鉴定方法,即形态、生理和生化表型特征鉴定,系统发育如16S rRNA序列分析以及自动化数值分析如Biolog自动鉴定系统。  相似文献   

作者1995~1996年对征集到的20多种杀菌剂,对桑枝、芽枯萎细菌病病原细菌No:1、No:2号菌株,应用植物病原细菌室内药效测定常规方法——抑菌圈法进行筛选,最后得出硫酸链霉素、盐酸土霉素、代森铵、抗菌素402、新洁尔灭、波尔多液、甲醛共七种对供试菌株效力较强,其中硫酸链霉素、盐酸土霉素、代森铵、波尔多液、甲醛已在病区小区试验和大田防治效果良好.  相似文献   

桑漆斑病病原发生规律及防治研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
田立道  李雪明 《蚕业科学》1993,19(4):193-197
桑漆斑病是我国近年发现的桑树叶部病害,是由露湿漆斑菌(Myrothecium rorideum Tode ex Fr.)寄生引起的,病原在病叶、土壤与水中越冬,除寄生桑树外,还寄生豆科作物及禾本科杂草等。发病初期用优氯净溶液喷洒桑叶有明显防治效果。桑园中的禾本科杂草,用10%禾草克水溶液喷洒可以清除,以减少病原。杀草效果为100%,该药对桑、蚕均无影响。  相似文献   

罗非鱼出血病病原鉴定及疫苗   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从惠出血病罗非鱼血液、肝脏、脾脏中分离到一株细菌,经理化鉴定,该菌为嗜水气单胞菌,动物回归试验阳性,认为该罗非鱼出血病是嗜水气单胞菌引起。用该分离菌制成的饵料及附型疫苗田间免疫罗非鱼成活率达87.1%,未免疫组成活率仅59.9%。  相似文献   

山西省桑树病虫害名录   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
徐允信  屈珍莲 《蚕业科学》1990,16(3):165-172
据调查,山西省桑树病虫害种类较多,分布面广,在全省3个市5个地区均有不同程度发生为害.初步统计,桑病共有18种,桑虫共有38种.其中桑黄化型萎缩病,桑疫病,桑赤锈病,桑褐斑病,桑蟥,蠼螋,桑尺蠖,黑绒金龟子为害比较严重.  相似文献   

Thoracic and pelvic limbs from 15 euthanized free-ranging lions (Panthera leo), ranging in age from 16 to 144 months, underwent standard radiographic evaluation. All lions had tested positive for Mycobacterium bovis by means of a modified intradermal tuberculn test. The radiographs of six lions were normal and nine had incidental findings of which six had more than one lesion. Seven lions had lesions suspected to be associated with tuberculosis, which was confirmed in specific joints in two lions. Incidental pathology was classified as traumatic injuries and degenerative or trauma-associated joint disease. The traumatic lesions were fractures of which the most remarkable was a femur malunion. Four lions had fibula and another three lions had metacarpal/tarsal and phalangeal fractures. Joint lesions included glenoid, humeral head, and accessory carpal bone osteophytes. There was evidence of a cranial cruciate ligament rupture in an 8-year-old male. Trauma induced joint lesions were seen in four stifles (fragmented or displaced sesamoid bones, fragmented meniscal ossicle, or mineralized fragments). Radiological abnormalities believed to be caused by M. bovis were present in one stifle, one radiocarpal three tibiotarsal, and one tarsometatarsal joints. These had evidence of septic arthritis with extensive bone formation and capsular mineralization. In one 20-month-old lion, changes typical of a bone abscess were found in a proximal tibia. Radiologic evidence of elbow hygromas were seen in three elbows, all believed to be caused by M. bovis. Lions appeared to cope fairly well with a variety of traumatic injuries and were also susceptible to some of the aging/incidental radiologic findings seen in dogs and cats. The suspected M. bovis osseous lesions were more likely to involve the joints, particularly the tarsal joint and were mainly proliferative.  相似文献   

宁夏紫花苜蓿叶部病害调查和病原菌鉴定   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
商文静 《草业科学》1997,14(1):23-25
1992年至1995年,对宁夏人工栽培的紫花苜蓿叶病害种类,发生和分布情况进行了调查,结果表明,宁夏现发生花叶病,黑斑病,炭疽病,褐斑病,霜霉病,灰星病,斑枯病,轮纹病,轮斑病,霉斑病共11种叶病,其中霉斑病,炭疽病,灰星病和轮斑病为宁夏病害新记录,在各种病害中花叶病,霜霉病,炭疽病和斑枯病危害重,分布广,应进行防治,锈病和褐斑病流行潜在的危险大,应予以重视并采取预防措施。  相似文献   

Diseases of the abdomen of the cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) include those affecting the liver, spleen, and urinary tract. The most common diseases of captive-bred cheetah are gastritis, gastric ulceration, glomerulosclerosis, and hepatic veno-occlusive disease, and are the most frequent causes of mortality in these animals. The purpose of this study was to describe the ultrasonographic anatomy of the normal liver, spleen, kidney, and urinary bladder of the anesthetized captive-bred cheetah. Twenty-one cheetahs were examined. Eight of the 21 animals had subclinical evidence of either gastritis or chronic renal disease. The ultrasonographic appearances of the liver, gall bladder, common bile duct, and spleen were evaluated and various measurements made. Statistical analyses of the measurements were performed on all the healthy and subclinically ill animals taking sex, age, mass, and anesthetic protocol into account. There were no significant differences in any parameters between the healthy and subclinically ill animals (P > 0.25) and data were combined for statistical analyses. The mean mass was 41.1kg ( +/- 8.8) and the mean age was 5.0 years (+/- 2.2). The mean thickness of the liver medial to the gall bladder was 67.0 mm (+/- 14.8) and the liver was within the left costal arch in 75% of animals, extended caudal to the right costal arch in 50% of animals for an average of 30 mm, and extended caudal to the sternum in 63% of animals for an average of 32.5 mm. The maximum mean hepatic vein diameter at the entrance to the caudal vena cava was 8.6 +/- 2.8 mm; the mean diameters of the portal vein at the hilus and that of the caudal vena cava as it entered the liver were 7.5 +/- 1.6 and 9.9 +/- 4.1 mm, respectively. The mean diameter of the caudal vena cava was significantly affected by the type of anesthetic used (P < 0.10). The mass of the animals was significant in explaining the variance in maximum portal vein diameters (P < 0.10). The mean maximum velocity of the hepatic vein flow at the entrance to the caudal vena cava was 25.3 +/- 2.8 cm/s (n=4), the hilar portal vein was 11.7 +/- 3.3 cm/s (n=7), and the caudal vena cava was 33.8 +/- 19.8 cm/s (n=5). The mean maximum gall bladder length and width, and the mean common bile duct diameters were 44.6 mm (+/- 10.4), 23.3 mm (+/- 5.0), and 8.1 mm (+/- 2.4), respectively. Age was significant in explaining the variance in gall bladder lengths (P<0.10). Urinary tract ultrasonography was performed only in animals that had normal urea and creatinine levels (n=13). Renal cortico-medullary distinction was present in all kidneys and a cortico-medullary rim sign was seen in 21 of 26 kidneys. Mean kidney length, height, and width was 63.9 +/- 5.7, 38.1 +/- 5.2, and 42.1 +/- 5 mm, respectively. The average resistivity index was 0.58 (n=5). Mean urinary bladder length, height, and width were 57.0, 19.2, and 34.9 mm, respectively.  相似文献   

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